View Full Version : Budget TNs … IN DISGUISE!!!
22-06-2005, 01:16 AM
Nowadays it’s very common to see huge signboards advertising TNs for btn $25-28/hr. It sounds like a good deal, considering mkt rate is btn $30-40/hr. Afterall, every $ saved will help accumulate for a bro’s next trips. But look carefully … how many of these so called budget TNs are really value for $$$? I’m not saying that all of these are con shops; we have heard fr bros in anthr budget TN thread there r still ethical shops ard.
I hope to start this thread so dat bros could share their bad experiences, take note of d ‘black shops’, n try at their own risks. (You have been warned!) Of cos I hope bros here post responsibly – we do not want to see bros belonging to rival shops spreading untruths abt certain shops n tarnish their reputation, like what we see in tis forum at times.
I’ll start off this thread with a bad TN experience I had recently at HARMONY at JSP L3 (near escalator). If u do not know where I’m talking abt, may I suggest u do a reSEARCH. : )
Was at JSP last wk. As usual, recceed d whole bldg b4 making final decision. In d end decided on d SYT on Harmony at l3. Furthermore d $25/hr looked like a good steal. N how wrong I was!!!
Once d gal Qin Qin came into d room 1st thg that turned me off, she asked for d hourly fee. I asked her ‘u dun trust me izit?’ .. she said it’s d boss’ instructions. (later then I knw y) Ok fine .. handed her $26. I kinda suspected my $1 wouldn’t come bk (which I dun bother la). Which is exactly how d script went when she came bk … “sorry, dun haf any change.” I was thkg ‘wah kow! 3 gals in d shop, not even 1 haf a $ … wat if I give her $30 or $50 … Im quite sure she will tell me no change, n will ask to give her as tips. K .. suan le ba .. onli a $.
D massage began with some light ‘hammering’ of my hands n legs, n occasional ticking of d balls. After JUST 10 MINUTES of ant bite rubba here rubba there, she asked me ‘wat else I wanted’. I told her I came here onli 4 massage (pretend la) … told her my neck very tired n continue wif massage. She abit buay song, continued for anthr 5 mins n popped d qn again. I sensed dat she had lost patience, so negotiated $30 for a HJ which was finished within a forgettable 10 mins. Well, after dressing up there was still a good ½ hr left. I gave her d $30, n knn she still had d cheek to ask for $40. I told her straight her session onli lasted ½ hr n she still wanna ask for more! Anthr (-) pt abt tis shop is it's room is dam cramped n there were no shower facilities. (only a basin in rm)
Y didn’t I kick a big fuss at her? I guess it wouldn’t help much. Will an additional 5 or 10 minutes of unwilling massage help much to my aching body? Complaining to d boss will onli see anthr black face, n do u thk he will refund d remainder? Furthermore Im quite a frequent recce-er of JSP, hence hi chance may still bump into d gals.
For myself, i dun expect a TN gal to provide d full 1 hr svc (incl specials). Normally 3/4 of d hr is still acceptable. well, anythg less than that i will likely boycott as d shop has lost its credibility.
Too bad we do not have a watchdog like CASE to rate n blacklist these shops. We chiongsters r our very own watchdogs, n it's thru forums like SB that we can share such info n let bros take note.
Thank you for reading ... n pl feel free to contribute. Cheers!
22-06-2005, 09:39 AM
bro Owen, some times these girls show their Buay song face ,must be fierce to them. When they gets too much, tell them whether thay want to land up in the Singapore River !!!! ker ker ker...
22-06-2005, 10:08 AM
bro Owen, some times these girls show their Buay song face ,must be fierce to them. When they gets too much, tell them whether thay want to land up in the Singapore River !!!! ker ker ker...
don't lah , this type concerning bodily harm is considered threatening . best is to say straight , you won't patronise this place again :)
22-06-2005, 10:13 AM
Bro Owen10,
I've given up hope on JSP shops except the one or two gals whom I've tried before and trusted. Remember I reported on bad experience in the JSP thread? These PRC gals think $$$ grow out of the wall (ATM) and chop us like carrot. Having said that, there are still better ones around. Nowadays, I go HC more than TN, don't want so much frustrations.
Wish you have a better bonk the next time.
22-06-2005, 10:24 AM
Yes bro i put two hands n legs totally agreed with u, and maybe u shld put the title as TN shop to BOYCOTT, esp those in Changjiang n People's park centre, Teach them a lesson let them know Singaporean r not stupid fool, follow the rule to play the game.
22-06-2005, 11:08 AM
I've personally had similar bad experience in one of the TNs at JSP. It was the 5th floor i think, first one u see when u get out of the lift. Many not to bad looking chicks, so me and my friend went for it.
1 hr for i think 25 too... But same thing... I think 15 minutes then ask want any special. I asked how much, standard 50/80/100. I told her ex for HJ as many places quoted 30 only.. she say no choice... so i ask her service good, she said guaranteed good.. So i syupidly went for FJ. Was attracted by her boobs lah...
SOP, took off clothes, ask her abt BJ, she say its 120! I was totally disappointed. Banged her hard, finish up and left, feeling damn cheated...
In my opinion, if its 1 hr TN, then give us a decent 30-45 minutes massage! right? Have decided not to go JSP anymore.. heh
22-06-2005, 11:32 AM
I’m not saying that all of these are con shops; we have heard fr bros in anthr budget TN thread there r still ethical shops ard.
Sadly not much leow.... Std had drop a fair bit compared to 5 yrs back... PRC in TNS nowadays oni interested 2 cum here n sux as much blood as possible in the shortest time...Me nowadays rarely go TNS 4 special... 1 a gd rub, go strictly 2 clean joint... 1 2 bonk go HC or legal Hse in GL/KS. :D
22-06-2005, 11:40 AM
Sadly not much leow.... Std had drop a fair bit compared to 5 yrs back... PRC in TNS nowadays oni interested 2 cum here n sux as much blood as possible in the shortest time...Me nowadays rarely go TNS 4 special... 1 a gd rub, go strictly 2 clean joint... 1 2 bonk go HC or legal Hse in GL/KS. :D
C meh....than yesterday we went to that joint not TN lah....:D
22-06-2005, 11:45 AM
C meh....than yesterday we went to that joint not TN lah....
Hey looking at ur rupt... U no longer the champ leow.... Haiz.... :D
Dun lidat leh! U so bad aw tempting me to tcss 1... :p
22-06-2005, 11:50 AM
Hey looking at ur rupt... U no longer the champ leow.... Haiz....
Dun lidat leh! U so bad aw tempting me to tcss 1... :p
Ya no more CHAM liao...haizz....consipracy theroy arh!!!!
TCSS is your fav what...i am only directing you nia..:D
22-06-2005, 11:56 AM
Was at JSP 4th level yesterday drinking at the drink kiosk beside JM HDS. Thought of going for a cheap thrill at $20 per hour, but the CMI girl stationed at the door made me change my mind, hence I walked reversed way to the toilet side to take a look at Kai Sing. Again, a plump aunties and another CMI aunties outside. No choice, gave up trying at this level. At 2nd or 3rd level by the name of "Happy ***"" there is a figure sign "$26" on the glass panel, just wondering this $26 dollars is for 30 mins or 60 mins. Have a good tour at JSP including Harmony - saw few PRC gals there scantily dressed. Finally decided to go back to my "bird nest" at MY for cheap thrill then.
22-06-2005, 12:30 PM
well say, well say. :)
22-06-2005, 02:58 PM
my frens who go JSP dun waste time for the TN. usually just ask how much for BJ/FJ and go straight to it. they learn frm experience liao, whatever the massage price always con one, nvr complete the rub and earn extra for opening their legs.
22-06-2005, 05:28 PM
Bro maybe u can start a list to bar those TN shop like those in changjiang n people's park centre.
22-06-2005, 08:46 PM
Just to add on to Owen10, there are 2 joints at Aliwal next to each other that needs to go up to the 2nd flr
The right hand shop starts ticking from the minute you pay the 30bucks and if you decide to take a shower, your shower time eats into your massage timing. Its also payment in adv then u go for the rub
triple h
23-06-2005, 12:14 AM
it's a true darn fact that TN's are blooming in every nook n corner. I believe there are definately more TN's who may be employing these tatics to entice customers, who when eventually fall for the trap feel disgusted and cheated.
Apparently, it always falls on the person who's the main deciding factor. ( read : a pretty face doesn't necessarily equate to good service ) Sad to say though, the PRC's are money minded as i believe most bros will agree with me.
Consequently, i much prefer HC than TN. Like one bro mentioned that if you want a good rubdown, go to a decent joint ( i knoe i have and i felt so revitalised after that rubdown ).
Just my views to owen10's thread..... :D
triple h
23-06-2005, 12:23 AM
May i just add on one more thing.
Ultimately, a lot of TN's would be agressively pushing for these budget prices. It's just whether we are enticed by it or not.
24-06-2005, 12:17 AM
bro Owen, some times these girls show their Buay song face ,must be fierce to them. When they gets too much, tell them whether thay want to land up in the Singapore River !!!! ker ker ker...
Bro we dunnit to resort to such violence lah. There r many ways to skin a cat. This one, best leave it to bros to skin it together by avoiding d joint. It’s not goin to be easy cos u dun expect every bro who patronize JSP n that shop in particular to read this post. But try to keep d posts coming in to keep tis thread alive lah.
Bro Owen10,
I've given up hope on JSP shops except the one or two gals whom I've tried before and trusted. Remember I reported on bad experience in the JSP thread? These PRC gals think $$$ grow out of the wall (ATM) and chop us like carrot. Having said that, there are still better ones around. Nowadays, I go HC more than TN, don't want so much frustrations.
I have not visited many HCs in d past but is seriously considering it as future chionging alternative if d TN scene gets worse. What I like abt TN shops is d wide choice of gals to pick from viewing outside d shop. Goin to a HC is more like lucky draw unless u know which gals to pick thru recommendations lor.
I've personally had similar bad experience in one of the TNs at JSP. It was the 5th floor i think, first one u see when u get out of the lift. Many not to bad looking chicks, so me and my friend went for it.
1 hr for i think 25 too... But same thing... I think 15 minutes then ask want any special. I asked how much, standard 50/80/100. I told her ex for HJ as many places quoted 30 only.. she say no choice... so i ask her service good, she said guaranteed good.. So i syupidly went for FJ… In my opinion, if its 1 hr TN, then give us a decent 30-45 minutes massage! right? Have decided not to go JSP anymore.. heh
bro d shop u patronized is famous for its bad service. If u had followed d JSP thread long enuff I had mentioned it at least twice lor. Gd lah at least bros reading yr post may avoid d shop!
24-06-2005, 12:49 AM
Sadly not much leow.... Std had drop a fair bit compared to 5 yrs back... PRC in TNS nowadays oni interested 2 cum here n sux as much blood as possible in the shortest time...Me nowadays rarely go TNS 4 special... 1 a gd rub, go strictly 2 clean joint... 1 2 bonk go HC or legal Hse in GL/KS. :D
well said bro. Fr my experience over d past few yrs I feel it’s hard to complement a pretty face with gd massage n svc. Normally if d gal is young n pretty, likely she’s here on short social visit pass with little/no TN skills. Her primary aim is to make as much $ as possible during her short stay here, hence providing a gd svc n pleasing d customer is not important. On d other hand I find d PDMMs more customer oriented, providing a more dedicated n committed svc. They put in more effort to massage u, n there were a few occasions which I had surpassed d time but they did not even complain! Of cos saying that, it may vary fr bro to bro’s different experiences … im speaking fr my personal observation in general.
At 2nd or 3rd level by the name of "Happy ***"" there is a figure sign "$26" on the glass panel, just wondering this $26 dollars is for 30 mins or 60 mins. Have a good tour at JSP including Harmony - saw few PRC gals there scantily dressed. Finally decided to go back to my "bird nest" at MY for cheap thrill then.
have tried Happy many mths bk when it 1st started in L5 b4 they shifted to L3. surprisingly d massage by d SYT was ok. At least she was ethical enough to provide a half hr massage. As for now .. Im not sure how is Happy’s standard as have not patronized for a long time.
Just to add on to Owen10, there are 2 joints at Aliwal next to each other that needs to go up to the 2nd flr
The right hand shop starts ticking from the minute you pay the 30bucks and if you decide to take a shower, your shower time eats into your massage timing. Its also payment in adv then u go for the rub
Errrr .. bro do u haf d name or add of d shop?
Is it Mermaid or d one beside it? I thk I have read abt it b4 …
it's a true darn fact that TN's are blooming in every nook n corner. I believe there are definately more TN's who may be employing these tatics to entice customers, who when eventually fall for the trap feel disgusted and cheated.
Apparently, it always falls on the person who's the main deciding factor. ( read : a pretty face doesn't necessarily equate to good service ) Sad to say though, the PRC's are money minded as i believe most bros will agree with me.
Consequently, i much prefer HC than TN. Like one bro mentioned that if you want a good rubdown, go to a decent joint ( i knoe i have and i felt so revitalised after that rubdown ).
I thk it 1st started fr d shops in JC? Then slowly d shops in JSP influenced 1 anthr to start d trend. Im sure PC n PPC, if they have not oredi started (me not been there for wks) may start doin soon.
In d end its up to ourselves to do d calculations so dat we wont fall prey to such tactics. well, if d gal is too pretty to resist u may want to ask for d half hr rate, at least yr losses are minimized. BUT come to thk of it, she may reduce her massage fr 10 mins to 5! :mad:
24-06-2005, 12:04 PM
[QUOTE=owen10]Nowadays it’s very common to see huge signboards advertising TNs for btn $25-28/hr. It sounds like a good deal, considering mkt rate is btn $30-40/hr.
Let's put it this way, ladies working in TN shops charging 25-28 per hour (eg those in JOO CHIAT), usually don't get anything or very little commission. No customer = no money. Which leaves them with making money from?
And if these ladies do not get or get very little comm, would they be bothered or motivated to work or massage their customers? Which also means they hardly get any training or even know how to?
Get what I'm trying to say?
25-06-2005, 01:34 PM
[QUOTE=owen10]Nowadays it’s very common to see huge signboards advertising TNs for btn $25-28/hr. It sounds like a good deal, considering mkt rate is btn $30-40/hr.
Let's put it this way, ladies working in TN shops charging 25-28 per hour (eg those in JOO CHIAT), usually don't get anything or very little commission. No customer = no money. Which leaves them with making money from?
And if these ladies do not get or get very little comm, would they be bothered or motivated to work or massage their customers? Which also means they hardly get any training or even know how to?
Get what I'm trying to say?
yesh i knw where u r gettin at. as myslf n some bros had mentioned there r still quality gals n TNs ard at prices btn 25-28/hr. BUT its rare tis days.
purpose of tis forum is for bros to share n report such bad TN shops; it's then up to bros to avoid d gal or d shop altogether.
i do feel SOMETIMES d boss or runner of d shop may have a part to play in d gals' attitude, services n pricing for specials. many of tis gals juz arrived in sg n fresh to d trade, hence may b unsure of d mkt rate. (interestingly, found out fr a HK colleague that $30 for HJ is a reasonable price to pay in sg. In HK it's btn HKD120-200) d boss/runner may haf set a benchmark px for d gals to follow. of cos d gals who come to sg r usually smart too; they usually find out d 'mkt rate' fr their counterparts in tis trade.
for instance i haf visited a shop in JSP (that was abt a yr bk lah, now chgd mgt) which d gals (have tried 4)have gd attitude n provide gd TN; n their HJ? onli 30 n i dun even haf to bargain.
a bad eg of anthr shop, also in JSP (few mths bk, also chgd mgt now) - i onli go for d 1/2 hr TN cos of their pretty SYT but massage was lousy, n they charge $40 for HJ (all 3 gals i tried open price $50 n unwillingly reduce to 40 after much neg). d shop had oredi chgd mgt so no use for me to name it in tis thread.
25-06-2005, 02:30 PM
Any bros been to Golden Phoenix before at joo chiat? Girls there very attitude to rush and there prices all sky high 1...first time i go there i promise nv to go back le...especially when i found my favourite hang-out le...hEhE...
25-06-2005, 02:46 PM
Errrr .. bro do u haf d name or add of d shop?
Is it Mermaid or d one beside it? I thk I have read abt it b4 …
I am not too sure the name but I think its the other, not mermaid. Too near office, zap I go in and zip I go out
I thk it 1st started fr d shops in JC? Then slowly d shops in JSP influenced 1 anthr to start d trend. Im sure PC n PPC, if they have not oredi started (me not been there for wks) may start doin soon.
In d end its up to ourselves to do d calculations so dat we wont fall prey to such tactics. well, if d gal is too pretty to resist u may want to ask for d half hr rate, at least yr losses are minimized. BUT come to thk of it, she may reduce her massage fr 10 mins to 5! :mad:
Not all at JSP are crummy, my fav joint in JSP is still Rain.
Its up to your own nego, they open lioness mouth asking 50, 100, 150. But ended up with 30 n 80 for the full workz is possible
25-06-2005, 02:47 PM
Any bros been to Golden Phoenix before at joo chiat? Girls there very attitude to rush and there prices all sky high 1...first time i go there i promise nv to go back le...especially when i found my favourite hang-out le...hEhE...
Tat joint attracted alot of attention, in fact I believe it was visited by our smurfs. Yeah, you are righto about the rush rush attitude there
25-06-2005, 03:05 PM
Not all at JSP are crummy, my fav joint in JSP is still Rain. Its up to your own nego, they open lioness mouth asking 50, 100, 150. But ended up with 30 n 80 for the full workz is possible
sometimes it depends on yr rapport wif d gals, how u sweet talk them n how much they like u. i guess if they dun like yr face (like me? :D ) they will want to finish d job in d fastest time.
if u r a regular i guess it helps to get a better price n svc on yr next visit too. but im not goin to try my luck @ d same joint again. there r so many fishes in tis ocean, so y bother hor?
27-06-2005, 02:21 AM
sometimes it depends on yr rapport wif d gals, how u sweet talk them n how much they like u. i guess if they dun like yr face (like me? :D ) they will want to finish d job in d fastest time.
if u r a regular i guess it helps to get a better price n svc on yr next visit too. but im not goin to try my luck @ d same joint again. there r so many fishes in tis ocean, so y bother hor?
Me not bothered about it, I got the 80 for the full workz :D ........
27-06-2005, 03:09 PM
At this rate they go,more singaporean will go to Malaysia then here....
Malaysia is much more cheap than here....
28-06-2005, 11:26 PM
At this rate they go,more singaporean will go to Malaysia then here....
Malaysia is much more cheap than here....
if (some) TN shops continue to adopt such bad svc n attitude, in no time they will join d fate of d many TNs which had closed down. afterall, its like a dog fight dog industry ... in no time d stronger dogs will edge d weaker ones out.
u r rite bro, i knw of many bros who go JB for a massage since its so convenient to drive in or even take a bus tis days. more econ, n qty of gals comparable if not better. i have yet to venture into JB for TN/HC but wouldnt mind tryin if can jio a few bros there. :)
triple h
29-06-2005, 12:22 AM
if (some) TN shops continue to adopt such bad svc n attitude, in no time they will join d fate of d many TNs which had closed down. afterall, its like a dog fight dog industry ... in no time d stronger dogs will edge d weaker ones out.
u r rite bro, i knw of many bros who go JB for a massage since its so convenient to drive in or even take a bus tis days. more econ, n qty of gals comparable if not better. i have yet to venture into JB for TN/HC but wouldnt mind tryin if can jio a few bros there. :)
fully agree with what you jus mentioned. It's a dog-eat-dog business out there. If the TN joints cun do something to entice more customers and yet at the same time maintaining "good service", we'll c more TN joints with new management.
Bro, If u wan a gd rubdown n fj, I recommend eden or bluewave in JB. Been there a few times and was not disappointed. It's jus that with all the hype happening in JB that i'd rather stay put here to "hunt for my prey".
29-06-2005, 03:34 AM
Heard from chinese gal from China saying that Singaporean men are very naive.... very easy to con.
So to the bros here.... remember this... "Words are cheap!!"... as for me.. I would still go for Cat40 anytime....
29-06-2005, 07:51 AM
fully agree with bro Owen. In fact I heard about those stories so I reluctant to go there because always the massages are forgettable or even none. As such, I would like to try some decent one b'cos want some massage followed by something if needed. However, nowadays all the tricks, especially those below $30.
I went to one at Smith street, 3rd floor (2nd floor has another joint). $40 for 90min incl mosha/ear candle. Those two free things are ok, however real suck massage. The girl came here for 3 days and ... so no good treatment. Normally those hokkien gals could not do massage well.
Simply want to have a realtively good massage, but it's difficult to find. PC still has a lot of seductive gals with big boobs, with non-existence massage. for quick release, those young gals should be acceptable. sometimes just feel FL should be another choice, cheap and full course
29-06-2005, 03:42 PM
encounter my worse massage ever at one of the TN in Hougang...But i suppose i'm quite lucky... at least this gal told me she jus learnt massage and is not very good at it... and its true.. her massage really sux big time.. anyhow, i continue with her service to see if she can provide something better later... hehehe... (she's young wif good figure ;) ) phew... she really makes my money worth.... no regret... :)
29-06-2005, 09:21 PM
Guy : "You have not eaten? Can you use more strength?"
Zabor : "I have already used even my strength for drinking milk! You really think I can massage?"
How many times have you guys encountered?
30-06-2005, 12:39 AM
Heard from chinese gal from China saying that Singaporean men are very naive.... very easy to con.
not all d time true . i feel s'pore men r generally generous, n kinda
chin chai with their $$$ when it comes to chionging. many may feel that when they come out n play they dun wanna bother too much wif that extra few pcs of $10 notes hence they dun bother to complain to d gals. if svc is bad then juz avoid goin d next round. hope tis PRC gals do not take us for granted n treat us like roberts.
encounter my worse massage ever at one of the TN in Hougang...But i suppose i'm quite lucky... at least this gal told me she jus learnt massage and is not very good at it... and its true.. her massage really sux big time.. anyhow, i continue with her service to see if she can provide something better later... hehehe... (she's young wif good figure ;) ) phew... she really makes my money worth.... no regret... :)
if d gal says she's new to d job n not gd at massage BUT she makes an effort to try u will still feel pleased with her attitude. n even if her session ends fast but she sits down juz to talk cock n flirt wif u for a while at least u feel gd she's not 1 of those who quickly want u to finish d job n F off. sometimes such 'soft skills' could b cultivated over time as d gals knw d behaviour of sg guys better n hopefully improve. alas, these SYTs r normally here for a short period, like few wks or mths so by d time they wanna 'repent' it may b too late liao ... til their next visit here like dunno when bah.
26-01-2006, 02:10 PM
Too all Bros out there, tried looking for a thread that compiles all the blacklisted HC/TN but could't find one as close as this. So I'm posting my bad encounter with a TN and hope all bros will avoid this joint.
TN located along Tg Pagar, 78A with no sign board. Just cardboard plastered on wall "MASSAGE". Wanted to pop by 30A but came accross this place so decided to recce. There were 2 girls in late 20s watching TV. Asked for price and told that 1/2 hour $20. So try lor. Big Mistake!!! Led to a room, stripped and she proceeded to "massage". Walau.....clench her fist and start pounding on my body. After 5 mins, asked to flip over, and asked if I wanted FJ. Quoted $100 on top of the massage. I said not interested and her face black2. She just sat beside me and persuaded me to take the FJ. I sianz liao, luckily big head controlling small head. Paid her $20 and left after 20 mins or so.
Warning to all bros, please avoid this place. It's more of an expensive f%$k shop than a TN.
26-01-2006, 03:30 PM
Like what I have post in another thread...
I TOTALLY agree with all the brothers and especially bro Owen...
Now this is my account:
The scene of crime: TN @ GLH
The girls are all SYT... alright... but my two visits with them can only conclude one thing.... They are simply thristy for our Vit M! Well... who ain't right? But they are doing it too OBVIOUS...
1) Asked for entrance fee first... never mind...
2) Attack my little bro straight and asked the golden question... "wau, stand up liao how?" never mind...
3) Quote $50 for HJ..... wau... golden hand ar... $100 for BJ... WAU LAN!! I say where got so expensive.... Face changed immediately! Then say whatever you have just give lor... Total + entrance = $60... Then I ask her... Can touch touch or not... Guess what... shake her head and give me one kind of face.... then later take money already.... still diao me.... WAU KAO!! I tell myself.... I AM NOT COMING BACK ANYMORE for sure.............. That's it... I am not Robert Tao....
The first time I went there... the girl can still dig my wallet.... for more tips...
My only advice if bui tahan want to go.... PLEASE don't bring too much cash with you.... less than $100... unless you are darm filthy rich! If you are... blancha the rest of the brothers lah.... :D
26-01-2006, 09:54 PM
tot of going to JSP to have my action next time but after seeing this thread i tink i can give it a miss already. thanks to mr Owen10 for the info. sometimes i think we must let those ladies know that we are not roberts or else we got gold hill also can chopped off by them... :p
26-01-2006, 11:17 PM
tku for reviving my thread. half a year nobody read oredi. :D
tis days i guess few bros would bother to chk out d threads for such con shops which short change cos there r juz too many of them around.
for me, my impression stuck now is that whenever u see a shop with a SYT who dresses seductively
- 90% chance d gal doesnt knw how to massage;
- 90% chance d gal would finish d session much earlier than d agreed time.
- 90% chance she'll quote u $50 for HJ. But most of d time it's bargainable.
i wont say it's a 100% hopeless situation here so i still gave a generous 10%
if she does otherwise. above based on my personal experience, may not represent those of other bros.
27-01-2006, 01:05 AM
tot of going to JSP to have my action next time but after seeing this thread i tink i can give it a miss already. thanks to mr Owen10 for the info. sometimes i think we must let those ladies know that we are not roberts or else we got gold hill also can chopped off by them... :p
Hi Bro
I ve had my fair share of bad experiences too but if u go to the "massage shops@Sultan Plaza" thread, you'll see i had 2 great experiences recently. especially the latest one. So please dun give up! Paradise is out there to be discovered!
As far as good massage is concerned, in the past, blue rose at HG St 21 had gals who were genuinely quite good at massaging but after dome raids, the gals changed. i went back 2 weeks ago and found that the std of massage is still not too bad (though not as good as wendy from last time).
Good luck!!
p.s. what is meat for some is posion for others.....
27-01-2006, 02:29 AM
yah...i fully agreed with "A man mean might be another man poison" theory... maybe i will consider going there for action if i do have spare vit M, but i will keep a look out on what gem do they have in the detail thread posted... :D
28-01-2006, 12:17 AM
I like to share my experience of today from geylang TN with fellow bros.
While walking around I was attracted by a PRC lady with a pair of hugh melon, and a hugh sign of $28, she was pulling at my sleeve so I asked how much, she said $28, then I asked for how long, she said 45 mins. Since $28 is not much so I followed her upstairs.
Once upstairs she asked for $28 then said special will be $100. As she was wearing those low cut dress with her melons in full protruding fashion, and she promised will be very good service.
Since it is $28 I didnt expect much of massage. I showered then she massaged the back with knock here and there motion and 5 mins finished.
As I turned over, she had already prepared hot and cold water for special. I was watching the clock right in front to see how long it would be. Starting with catbath, then stroking, then capping with her mouth to start the hot and cold water bj, her suction was quite good and it was quite enjoyable, later changed position to standing, then changed again to kneeling.
After at least 15 mins of bj then started the main course, I was like doing partial push up suspended in the air and let her did all the movement underneath only if she was tired then i started moving. In the end she said cum twice, altogether about 35 mins.
Still have some time left so we lying on bed TCSS like gf, playing with her nipples until 45 mins up, paid her and left.
Name: Zhou Li (I think)
Age: abt 30
Body: abt 155 and 50kg
Boobs: at least 34C looks much better with her clothes on, slight brown nipples
Figure: slim (except... stretch marks)
bj: quite long and good, quite enjoyable
Fj: horny, and hardworking.
Time allowed: really has 45min.
RTF: may be
Damage: $28 + $100
BTW I did have quite a lots of bad experiences in other TNs, when everything is rushed to finish and the lady will more or less chase you out afterwwards. One thing I noticed in this TN was guy dont go for massage. I was the only customer walked in that time with all cubicles empty, then later another guy walked in and could hear the massage knocking sound then soon I heard a lady moaning from another cubicle. When i got dressed and walked out they had finished their business and all the cubicles are empty. The other point is the place does not have many lady so when they with customer they will lock the front door, so its much safer...:cool:. As I left I have to unlock the main door to get out.
Lastly, I didnt ask for her hp or took a pic for her becos she said she will be away next week, and she doesnt do outcall, i only know the location. My aim of this posting is to show gem in budget TNs, I think there are others rare gems in TNs that other experienced bros may have encountered, may be they like to share here:) .
28-01-2006, 02:29 PM
Sometime it is cheap but they will somehow make you ok with all the extras (not special) ........
2 years ago i was at this joint in the north of singapore. It states $20 for 30 mins. So ok lar reasonable. So when up to the joint and was greeted by the lady boss. Wah she is one hot lady. Wearing a one piece black dress with a V neck exposing her tits.
Told her i want 30 mins massage she led me into the room. Inside she told me that if i opted for 1.5 hr ($50) i would get a free mosha. I was adamant not to try the 1.5 hr cos i was there for the special but she did something which made me opt for it. She was very close to me. She like sway and bend down her body and adjust her cleavage so seductively and her body was brushing against mine. Wah cock teaser sia. I hmmmmm for awhile then she told me to undress and decide after i undress. SO ok i undress infront of her. Leaving only my briefs. Then she help me out of my briefs and my bro popped out. She give my bro a flick with her finger and then asked me again. Now my bro was rubbing against her thigh. I asked if she was doing massage she say she not doing massage but she will choose a good girl for me. I cup her tits and say ok. Then she left. The sesion i dont really remember but the foreplay with the boss was unbelievable. OK lah eventhough i kena pay for longer time got chance to feel her up. My friends also kena the same thing as me.
29-01-2006, 06:18 PM
if (some) TN shops continue to adopt such bad svc n attitude, in no time they will join d fate of d many TNs which had closed down. afterall, its like a dog fight dog industry ... in no time d stronger dogs will edge d weaker ones out.
u r rite bro, i knw of many bros who go JB for a massage since its so convenient to drive in or even take a bus tis days. more econ, n qty of gals comparable if not better. i have yet to venture into JB for TN/HC but wouldnt mind tryin if can jio a few bros there. :)
I was one of those TN victim who always kanna shotchanged by these gals at PC & PPC (my regular base 3 years ago). Many times ended up paying without getting a release. Now had shifted my base to the north - JB. For $90.00, got food, facilties and good FJ with nice young gal liao.........hehehe.
29-01-2006, 10:38 PM
Ultimately, a lot of TN's would be agressively pushing for these budget prices. It's just whether we are enticed by it or not.
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Bros, actually all this cheap dirty trick is not conned so much by the prc BUT BY OUR VERY OWN MADE-IN-SILLYPORE TN MANAGER/MAFU/PIMP/OKT!
Just like the pros @Geylang L6 L6 Hotel & Darlene Hotel, they are taught by the Made-In-Sillypore mafu to con fellow Sillyporeans by (1) enticing with budget fucks (2) enticing with empty promise of good svc (30 exposing their 1/2 balls & then (4) demand $$$ upfront & (5) ask for special svc payment & then (6) show you their black chow cb face if u decline
On this matter AVOID THE TN SHOPS AT PEOPLE'S PARK 1ST FLOOR (the one with all the travel agenices at its basement).
These 3 TN shops on the 1st floor r run by ex-mafu from L12 .
This mafu used to be a real asshole back in gl as he played cheongsters out by telling the chicks to restrict time at 20 mins
Now he used the above dirty tricks at his TN shop!
Happen to bum inti him at his shop last week & upon seeing his lang cheow face, i walked out.
30-01-2006, 02:26 AM
Ultimately, a lot of TN's would be agressively pushing for these budget prices. It's just whether we are enticed by it or not.
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Bros, actually all this cheap dirty trick is not conned so much by the prc BUT BY OUR VERY OWN MADE-IN-SILLYPORE TN MANAGER/MAFU/PIMP/OKT!
These 3 TN shops on the 1st floor r run by ex-mafu from L12 .
This mafu used to be a real asshole back in gl as he played cheongsters out by telling the chicks to restrict time at 20 mins
Now he used the above dirty tricks at his TN shop!
Happen to bum inti him at his shop last week & upon seeing his lang cheow face, i walked out.
thks for d warning bro. i have had contrasting experiences of shops which operate under d same owners.
like what u mentioned i have tried those very bad attitude $$$ faced TN gals who are out to chop u into pieces.
but i oso had my fair share of those shops which are operated under good bosses who muz have done their mktg research. gals are able to maintain a certain gd std which tis days r hard to come by. eg 1) their gals will quote onli $30 for HJ (dun even need negotiate!) 2) all gals have acceptable TN skills (may not be excellent but at least effort shown) 3) gals do not charge more even if u had overshot d timing 4) gals bother to clean u up after specials.
30-01-2006, 10:06 AM
[QUOTE=owen10]thks for d warning bro. i have had contrasting experiences of shops which operate under d same owners.
but i oso had my fair share of those shops which are operated under good bosses who muz have done their mktg research.
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Bro, agree wif u that not all TN chicks r bad. wat i wanted to share wif bros here is wwarn them to avoid the PPC 1st TN cheat shops!
anyway, my GOOD experience with TN shops.
- Joo Chiat stretch, Tg. Pagar Complex(HDB) 2nd floor, & Fortune Centre.
bad experience-PPC (all), JS & along GL L16, 13 & 15
30-01-2006, 11:30 AM
I have been to JSP TNs with all the hype which was nothing to shout about.
Upper Serangoon area has good one but mostly depends on the PRC.
My view is some of these TNs is like killing the goose for the golden eggs, which makes bros to go and spend their $$$ wisely in somewhere else.
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