View Full Version : Clubbing Fun-

13-08-2013, 04:01 PM
Heya bros;

Decided to write all my clubbing experiences, it will be short story after short story, so bear with me. :D

Jun 2011 - ZZZ (Popular club in SGP)

"Fuck, the queue is DAMN long. I told you we should've came earlier!"

My wingman (B) and I reached club ZZZ only to find the queue was insanely long. I was afraid that we wouldn't be able to get in due to overcrowding, and if that were the case, I would've been really pissed.


B was my good friend, bro-code to the very end. We were a natural tag-team, both of us were above average in looks, and we had a natural talent in warming up to complete strangers. Even better still; our tastes in girls varied quite differently, meaning conflicts were minimalized.

Why go to a club with only a single wingman? That's all you need really; the idea is this; if a girl wanted to go to a club to hook up, she wouldn't go in a BIG group. At most, with another 2 girls, and usually, these girls would be found in pairs, dancing with each other whilst awaiting someone to approach them. Statistically, if we were going to find 2 suitable chicks, it would be most probable that we would find them in a pair. Bringing a 3rd wingman would only result in disappointment for one pilot.


14-08-2013, 11:09 AM

We took a smoke, trying to eye the crowd to find familiar faces to get ourselves ahead of the queue.

Lo and behold; a familiar face (C) walking out of the club -

"Yo bro!"

C turned around and saw me, "What's up bro! Haven't seen you in the LONGEST time!"

After abit of catching up, C asked if B and I had our chops. Explaining our predicament, C grinned and told us he knew the bouncers who could let us in for free.

A quick chop and scan of IC later, we were in the club, scanning the scene with our eyes finely tuned to target cute chicks in pair. Alas, this was not to be, as the crowd was still warming up, and there weren't alot of people on the dance floor.

B poked me, "Bro, ciggie break outside, lets check the crowd queueing instead - better lighting too."

So we did. As we were enroute to the exit, I laid my eyes on this gorgeous lady with a group of her friends. She was sophisticated and classy looking, sporting a black and white long sleeved blouse with a neckline that was just above what would be considered plunging. She matched that with a tight grey pencil skirt, and a pair of black heels that accentuated her slender, sexy legs. Her perfectly curled hair, slightly brownish (I couldn't really tell at that point of time) flowed around her shoulders, ending around her shoulder blades.

14-08-2013, 07:21 PM
first to camp! waiting for more! :D

14-08-2013, 07:42 PM
camping xD.. support abit..

15-08-2013, 09:11 PM
Hi bros! Thanks for the support - first time posting in this forum. :D Under moderation still so take a while to get my posts verified by mods.

I made it a point to pass her closely, first to observe her in close proximity, and second to catch a whiff of whatever scent she uses.

I was not disappointed; her eyes were large, her eye liner perfectly drawn. Her complexion was pretty flawless, and her lipstick was a shade of nude pink. I silently took a deep breath as I close the distance; heavenly. This was unmistakeably from Victoria Secret's; but for the life of me, I couldn't remember the name of the line. not that it matter though, I was intoxicated. I caught her eye, and held my gaze as I walked past. (Note, don't EVER lose your gaze if you are interested in a girl, it's okay to stare! Start practicing.)

As we walked down the club; B turned to me and said; "Shit did you see that?"

I immediately nodded, "No shit sherlock, that was an A+ right there..."

"Yeah man, fuck, I love girls in anything that resembles a cheongsum! Fucking tight and shows their bodies off perfectly!"

"Eh? Cheongsum? White/black blouse and pencil skirt la."

"No bro, the one in the cheongsum-like dress, fucking cute!"

We looked at each other, grinning. Jackpot it seems, we both found a target in the same group. A good start!
