View Full Version : MRT Encounter
24-06-2005, 08:43 PM
wah after so many years of taking the mrt, i finally have a memorable and pleasant encounter. :)
After a long and tiring day at work, i was looking forward to a gd massage and release at my regular place (bobian, just broke up with my gf, so no more free shag). As i boarded the train, i quickly took my place at the door on the left side, facing the front of the train. This is sort of my fav position as the door doesnt open except at braddell.
As the train stopped at braddell, the door opened and in came a very sweet girl. She was fair and her hair stylewas very nice. Her fringe was eyebrow level and straight and with 2 fringes coming down the temples. Behind, she tied her shoulder length hair into a pony tail. act i think her hairstyle looks like the taiwanese actress from the swimming serials. Anw, she smiled at mi as she entered the train and stood at the door, in front of mi. She was dressed in a white halter neck dress. It was damn sexy but i dunno how to describe the dress.i juz try my best to describe lah. its like the dress is tight at the waist area and below is a short skirt with a lot of folds. the top part is like a piece of cloth which drapes over the neck and covers the boobs separately so its a very low cut dress which is bare back too. As i observed her from head to toe, i realised she isnt wearing any bra as i can make out her nipples thru the fabric of the dress. WAH..she;s like an angel from heaven.
She was busy smsing on her 7260 as i continued to target her boobs, hoping to catch a glimpse of her nipple juz in case she zao geng. HEHE. anw, all of a sudden, she turned her head and looked at mi! I tot 'siao liao! kenna caught liao!', but she juz smiled and continued wif her smsing. i decided not to peep anymore juz in case she catch mi again and shout molest. So i continued wif my thoughts on regular or new joint.
As the train came to a stop at yishun, dunno why it jerked and started to move a little. The girl was caught surprised and lost her balance. she fell on mi and it caught mi by surprise too! As my right hand was carrying my briefcase, i used my left hand to try to hold her, but i failed to do so and i touched her waist instead! wah, it felt soooo soft and smooth. Anw tt wasnt the important thing. As she's leaning on mi nw, while she tried to stand straight, she used her right hand and pressed on my crotch for support. WAH! i think my didi jumped up at that instance! Anw, she said in a cheeky tone," Opps, so sorry." and melted mi wif her sweet i replied her "it's ok" and gave her my best smile.
Wah, my heart and didi were throbbing from tt experience but she looked so nonchalant and continued smsing. Suddenly, she turned her head around and asked me something.
"Hi, sorry to disturb u, but do you know how to get to this place?" She showed me her hp as she asked mi this qn in perfect english. the message was from her friend Angela and there was an address.
"Oh, ok. you juz take this bus XXX from woodlands interchange and u should be able to see the condo." I happened to noe the place as i lived near the area. hehe.
"Ok, thanks a million!" and she flashed her sweet smile again and continued wif her smsing.
As the train was leaving admiralty, she suddenly turned and asked another qn.
"Hi, sorry to disturb u again but my battery is flat. Can i borrow yours?"
"Oh sure." and i fished out my hp from my pocket and gave it to her. She started to press the buttons again. As the train was coming to a stop at woodlands, she returned my hp with a smile and said byebye. Before i could stop her and asked for her number, she was oredi out of the train. So sad. I should have asked her for her number.
Feeling sad and tired once again, i alighted at the next station and decided to go to my regular joint, juz in case i meet with another setback at the new joint. :(
But nonetheless, it was an overall gd experience!
24-06-2005, 08:55 PM
well at least u have angele number... called and ask her abt her friend lor..
24-06-2005, 08:59 PM
As she's leaning on mi nw, while she tried to stand straight, she used her right hand and pressed on my crotch for support. WAH! i think my didi jumped up at that instance! Anw, she said in a cheeky tone," Opps, so sorry." and melted mi wif her sweet i replied her "it's ok" and gave her my best smile.
if it had been the other way round, u would have been writing this from prison :eek: :D
24-06-2005, 08:59 PM
:) i happen before, shiok! :o
24-06-2005, 09:05 PM
i dun have angela's num leh... my hp dun save sent messages... :(
24-06-2005, 09:50 PM
i dun have angela's num leh... my hp dun save sent messages... :(If you can remember the address, there might still be a chance. :cool:
24-06-2005, 10:09 PM
haha guess wat? i juz received an sms from jolene. and the funny thing is i dun have any hp num with the name jolene. so when i opened the sms, it read:
"Hi, im the gal who borrowed ur hp on the mrt juz nw. im sorry to haf saved my num in ur hp w/o ur knowledge. hope u'll forgive mi. :)"
haha!so now i noe her name and her hp num! :D
24-06-2005, 10:17 PM
if it had been the other way round, u would have been writing this from prison :eek: :D
24-06-2005, 10:17 PM
wah. looks like you read too much Enid Byton's stories when you're young.
24-06-2005, 10:24 PM
wah. looks like you read too much Enid Byton's stories when you're young.
no leh, i dun read enid blyton. haha
anw, after a few smses, she asked mi to meet her at the condo to pick her up and send her hm. haha! looks like the day hasn't end for mi!
will update on any happenings if there is!
a little background on her:
name: jolene
age: 17
occupation: studying at a jc famous for the wrong things!
status: unattached
24-06-2005, 10:34 PM
no leh, i dun read enid blyton. haha
anw, after a few smses, she asked mi to meet her at the condo to pick her up and send her hm. haha! looks like the day hasn't end for mi!
will update on any happenings if there is!
quick continue ur story :rolleyes:
24-06-2005, 10:46 PM
no leh, i dun read enid blyton. haha
anw, after a few smses, she asked mi to meet her at the condo to pick her up and send her hm. haha! looks like the day hasn't end for mi!
will update on any happenings if there is!
a little background on her:
name: jolene
age: 17
occupation: studying at a jc famous for the wrong things!
status: unattached
The JC in question wouldn't be CJC would it?? Mmmmm, still remember all the good times with the gals in their hostels.... yummy, i miss SG... Hang on, WTF am I saying? :D
24-06-2005, 11:18 PM
anw, after a few smses, she asked mi to meet her at the condo to pick her up and send her hm. haha! looks like the day hasn't end for mi!
dont forget to bring camera... :D
24-06-2005, 11:31 PM
no leh, i dun read enid blyton. haha
anw, after a few smses, she asked mi to meet her at the condo to pick her up and send her hm. haha! looks like the day hasn't end for mi!
will update on any happenings if there is!
a little background on her:
name: jolene
age: 17
occupation: studying at a jc famous for the wrong things!
status: unattached
Bro... Mai Tu Liow Ah... Haha... Post FR ya...? :D
24-06-2005, 11:55 PM
sounds quite incredible to me.. :rolleyes:
25-06-2005, 12:01 AM
Seems like another school holiday thread again.... Hmm, let me guess, the story will continue where he send this "jolene" home, them starts to arouse him, then things starts to buey tahan...then a steamy FJ.... Tio bo? All lau jiao samsters ? :rolleyes:
25-06-2005, 12:05 AM
NPNT then.. see how lor.. :)
25-06-2005, 12:12 AM
NPNT then.. see how lor.. :)
everything u want pics as prove har....very hard to make u happy leh... :p
25-06-2005, 12:38 AM
hehe.. just want some pix to pcc with ma.. :p
25-06-2005, 01:28 AM
will update on any happenings if there is!
all the best and hope to see more progress ;)
25-06-2005, 01:50 AM
Seems like another school holiday thread again.... Hmm, let me guess, the story will continue where he send this "jolene" home, them starts to arouse him, then things starts to buey tahan...then a steamy FJ.... Tio bo? All lau jiao samsters ? :rolleyes:
threadstarter point gathering kang tao pua leow :p
25-06-2005, 01:59 AM
i dun have angela's num leh... my hp dun save sent messages... :(
Hp dun save sent messages meh....wat brands n i will siam.... :confused:
25-06-2005, 03:11 AM
U r rite leh, now is school holiday and this thread is created in the school holidays, so shld be school holiday thread lor :rolleyes:
FYI, i grad quite long liao, about 3 yrs back? ord-ed even longer, about 7 yrs back?
yes, my hp got options to dun save sent messages one.. nokia model
oh no, someone got the JC rite!!!
btw, mine is not story, it is an encounter.
Juz got back home, sorry lah, no fr or anything. Not even french leh but she gave mi a peck on the cheek when we parted outside her door.
Anyway, after i picked her up/met her, we took the train to Braddell and strolled to a nearby park and sat there and chit chat. I'll leave out all the details lah since it's not goin to be interesting. My closest encounter wif her is when she sat and leaned on my side. (i could smell her hair, got BBQ smell...hah). After tt we strooled back to her place and i sent her up den she gave mi a peck on the cheek and tt's all. Quite disappointed but wat to do ?she;s onli 17 yrs old..
oh, i forgot to add. i asked her if she purposely use her hand and press on my didi for support and she replied 'No...' wif a cheeky smile... so wat does tt mean? Personally i think can be accident, can be purposely and the way she ans is confusing. :confused:
25-06-2005, 03:21 AM
sounds good to me.. :rolleyes:
25-06-2005, 03:25 AM
sounds good to me.. :rolleyes:
i certainly hope so, cos as far as i noe, during my time, tt jc is HOT! :D
Bros ard my age shld noe lah. hehehehe
25-06-2005, 03:33 AM
cj?? think 77 years back not so happening as now right.. :rolleyes:
25-06-2005, 04:13 AM
cj?? think 77 years back not so happening as now right.. :rolleyes:
77 years back got cj meh?
tis ger act act onli lah.... soon she'll reveal her true image liao lah... dun worry!
25-06-2005, 01:16 PM
sounds quite incredible to me
I wonder how many of us really have this type of encounters. :rolleyes:
Nowadays young girls so daring meh? Hardly know the guy but still can call him to pick her up meh?
Maybe the ThreadStarter looks like Andy Lau or Tony Leung or must be damn handsome. :D
25-06-2005, 01:22 PM
I wonder how many of us really have this type of encounters. :rolleyes:
Nowadays young girls so daring meh? Hardly know the guy but still can call him to pick her up meh?
Maybe the ThreadStarter looks like Andy Lau or Tony Leung or must be damn handsome. :D
i also never encounter such chance.... maybe next time must switch position to standing at door liao.
25-06-2005, 01:26 PM
i decided not to peep anymore juz in case she catch mi again and shout molest.
In order for a case of molest to be proven. There must be physical contact between the Victim and the Accused.
Assault or use of criminal force to a person with intent to outrage modesty. Sec 354 Cap 224 Penal Code
Whoever assaults or uses criminal force to any person, intending to outrage or knowing it to be likely that he will thereby outrage the modesty of that person, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 2 years, or with fine, or with caning, or with any two of such punishments.
Outraging modesty in certain circumstances. Sec 354A Cap 224 Penal Code
(1) Whoever, in order to commit or to facilitate the commission of an offence against any person under section 354, voluntarily causes or attempts to cause to that person death, or hurt, or wrongful restraint, or fear of instant death, instant hurt or instant wrongful restraint, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term of not less than 2 years and not more than 10 years and with caning.
(2) Whoever commits an offence under subsection (1) —
(a) in a lift in any building; or
(b) against any person under 14 years of age,
shall be punished with imprisonment for a term of not less than 3 years and not more than 10 years and with caning.
25-06-2005, 01:28 PM
next time must switch position to standing at door liao.
I think so too! Next time when taking MRT even when there are sits availible, must die die also stand at the door waiting for such a miracle to occurred! :D
25-06-2005, 01:36 PM
too bad i always have to get out at braddell cuz i stay there...hope to bump into that chick man... :) :rolleyes:
25-06-2005, 02:10 PM
I think so too! Next time when taking MRT even when there are sits availible, must die die also stand at the door waiting for such a miracle to occurred! :D
ya ya! Then try to squirt some oil on the floor in front of u. So if the train jerks, whoever is standing there will trip and fall.
But of course..........., whoever is standing there at that point of time - bunglis, chio bus, 90yr old ah pek... as well as... which direction they will fall... is beyong my control lah. :D
25-06-2005, 04:05 PM
Seems like another school holiday thread again.... Hmm, let me guess, the story will continue where he send this "jolene" home, them starts to arouse him, then things starts to buey tahan...then a steamy FJ.... Tio bo? All lau jiao samsters ? :rolleyes:
wonder is it because of what u said, the ending seems to differ :rolleyes:
25-06-2005, 08:10 PM
Pretty girl enters MRT
Pretty girl sees guy and smiles at him
Guy got mesmerised and stares at her
Pretty girl SMS her friend to tell her about the guy and they discuss cheekily
Pretty girl falls down accidentally on the guy
Guy skips heartbeat
Pretty girl tells friend over SMS
Friend tells Pretty girl to 'eat' the guy
Pretty girl borrows guy's phone and continues SMS
Guy happy like fuck and post in SB forum
26-06-2005, 04:07 AM
sore grapes?
i have decided not to share my encounter anymore since so many of you are so narrow minded.
Whatever things you claimed to be true will always be true while whatever things other people claim will be a make-up story.
i can tell you i don;t give a damn about the rep points as i am still able to surf forum not matter what. To those who are so obsessed with the points, all i can say is, go get a life.
I shall declare from now onwards, there will no longer be any post from me.
26-06-2005, 04:10 AM
mark.. maybe u can attach some pix of her? that will certainly increases your point.. :rolleyes:
26-06-2005, 04:42 AM
i can tell you i don;t give a damn about the rep points as i am still able to surf forum not matter what. To those who are so obsessed with the points, all i can say is, go get a life.
I shall declare from now onwards, there will no longer be any post from me.
u think we bother about u to post or not?
most of us here also dont give a damn to your posting. we just read and get on with life.
since u bother to post like that (childish post), then we give u a chance to prove that u r not a school boy. come to our upcoming tcss lor 10 gathering to clarify ur matter. i believe after telling us in person, we can verify ur account and up u back in no time.
or u can choose to wank behind your computer and fantaize ur MRT story. or may be i can help u to complete and submit to national story telling competition organise by our NLB.
26-06-2005, 07:53 AM
Why you people care so much whether it's real or fake ?
If you enjoy the post, read it. If you don't, just ignore this thread.
Not as if he's giving a fake FR and ask you to patronised the shop or watever.
Every encounter also ask people to prove it. Never see those that keep asking people to prove write their own stuff, no matter real or fake.
26-06-2005, 08:54 AM
Pretty girl enters MRT
Pretty girl sees guy and smiles at him
Guy got mesmerised and stares at her
Pretty girl SMS her friend to tell her about the guy and they discuss cheekily
Pretty girl falls down accidentally on the guy
Guy skips heartbeat
Pretty girl tells friend over SMS
Friend tells Pretty girl to 'eat' the guy
Pretty girl borrows guy's phone and continues SMS
Guy happy like fuck and post in SB forum
now boy angry
say don't care about rappy
maybe he's guilty
thats why act so childish
up coming gathering
get him come for kopi
then get all the mighty
to show him wats reality
btw i m just joking
and thats the ending :D
26-06-2005, 09:26 AM
now boy angry
say don't care about rappy
maybe he's guilty
thats why act so childish
up coming gathering
get him come for kopi
ha ha ha!
this thread is getting more and more interesting. can write a script liao and ask go for the present ArtCentral film-making competition.
so anybody wanna continue the story. how about let the girl turn up to be a lustful female ghost that die few yrs ago at the mrt station. (along the chinese ghost story storyline)
26-06-2005, 09:48 AM
What damn points are for, I dont care, what the fishes are all the points about, I dont know,what rep powers are for, I also dont know, sour grapes, I do know.
26-06-2005, 10:17 AM
let's continue with our MRT encounter. this is not a sour grape stall.
let me continue.
when i was 17, i took a train home, veri tired after badminton training and fell asleep in the train. snoring loud in the train and i feel my face very itchy. too tired to rub, i dont bother. open up my eyes and realise everybody is looking at me. i dont bother and continue to zzz. the itchyness came back and this time, i clean my face with my hands and something went to the ground. very sleepy i open my eyes, it was a big fat cockroach on the floor.
wah lau eh, no wonder just now everybody looking at me. gross sia!
26-06-2005, 10:23 AM
.........something went to the ground. very sleepy i open my eyes, it was a big fat cockroach on the floor.
wah lau eh, no wonder just now everybody looking at me. gross sia!
Lucky u didn't open your mouth as u snoring.....but I heard cockroach are very good for health ? :o
26-06-2005, 10:26 AM
Lucky u didn't open your mouth as u snoring.....but I heard cockroach are very good for health ? :o
forget to say the cockroach did pass over my mouth. good thing didnt go in! :eek:
26-06-2005, 10:36 AM
forget to say the cockroach did pass over my mouth. good thing didnt go in! :eek:
that is very gross.....phui phui....
26-06-2005, 10:55 AM
Looks like u guys spoil the fun again! :mad:
No more posting from that school holiday "thread poster" liao! :D thank god!
26-06-2005, 11:00 AM
you say she use yr HP check yr HP the no she dial or her no. quick check b4 deleted
26-06-2005, 11:51 AM
Share abit of my MRT encounter. On my way back home after work, I happened to sit beside one aunt. Average looking but very fair. Her ka cherng quite big so kind of touching mine when we sit next to each other. She was reading a chinese story book. Out of curiosity, I take a glance and oh yaaaa she is reading a sex book. Yes, it is those u can buy at any mama store, inside all abt sex one... I read until dont read during my school day. So i just pretend and try to glance more and she is so engrossed reading and she nv notice it. The next thing she is grinding her ass against mine. I got a hard on man!!! I guess she also steam liao after reading the book.
Even her hand was against my hand although not really rubbing against mine. I feel like rubbing back but the train was damn crowded and there is one ah pek standing right in front of us and I think he sense something. The woman alighted at tampines and b4 she walked out she turned and take a glance at me. I nearly want to follow her out but was in a hurry to go fetch my daughter, so hold the gun. Subsequently, I like to glance at those lady that read books on the train if they sit beside me. Some are reading angmo novel but got steamy scene one. Maybe can get some free rub rub but so far the aunt is the most "hiong" one I encountered.
Amx 10
26-06-2005, 12:03 PM
I did notice many ladies reading books inside MRT while on their way to work but I dun pay attention to what they are reading.
So far nothing much happen to me inside MRT except for once I was smelling the nice fragrance of this lady long hair when the train was quite packed. :)
26-06-2005, 01:33 PM
Quite funny I thot. Think read somewhere that it has something to do with trains that can get people excited: the motion, sounds, smells, bumping into people. Once you get off the train, different story. So guys dont mistake it for a come on signal, some gals like being subject of attention and fantasy only, not to be the object. Maybe there should be a sextion of the train for flirting.
26-06-2005, 01:34 PM
Quite funny I thot. Think read somewhere that it has something to do with trains that can get people excited: the motion, sounds, smells, bumping into people. Once you get off the train, different story. So guys dont mistake it for a come on signal, some gals like being subject of attention and fantasy only, not to be the object. Maybe there should be a sextion of the train for flirting.
In Japan, there is a special section of the train are for female only................. :p
Amx 10
26-06-2005, 01:58 PM
In Japan, there is a special section of the train are for female only.................
Think no chance to see dat becos no chance to go japan lor... :(
See many clips where the guys will rabba rabba the gers. not sure is it true a not. :confused:
26-06-2005, 02:05 PM
See many clips where the guys will rabba rabba the gers. not sure is it true a not. :confused:
this only appears in AV only.....dun even try to do that.... :p
26-06-2005, 04:38 PM
sore grapes?
i have decided not to share my encounter anymore since so many of you are so narrow minded.
Whatever things you claimed to be true will always be true while whatever things other people claim will be a make-up story.
i can tell you i don;t give a damn about the rep points as i am still able to surf forum not matter what. To those who are so obsessed with the points, all i can say is, go get a life.
I shall declare from now onwards, there will no longer be any post from me.
Ur story just sounds like a rip-off from everyman's wet dream fantasy
1) I seriously dun think any JC gals in her right mind will wear a white halter neck w/o bra in public (Even GL 150 i chatted with day says she nv goes out without a bra)
2) The entire train no poles or support?? She that goodu to grab ur "pole"??
3) Why wld she ask u so many qns, show u her handphone, borrow ur HP & then sms u at nite etc etc etc... she must be really DESPERATE to know u
4) If she is really as chio as u described, there wld be probably more guys in her life than she can handle. She need not resort to such tactics... not even if u look like Brad Pitt or Andy Lau i think
5) You prob looks like Wong Jing
26-06-2005, 07:13 PM
Looks like u guys spoil the fun again! :mad:
No more posting from that school holiday "thread poster" liao! :D thank god!
then i will continue the story loh. let me think.
26-06-2005, 07:16 PM
Share abit of my MRT encounter. On my way back home after work, I happened to sit beside one aunt. Average looking but very fair. Her ka cherng quite big so kind of touching mine when we sit next to each other. She was reading a chinese story book. Out of curiosity, I take a glance and oh yaaaa she is reading a sex book.
good good. keep it up!
any more mrt stories, real or bluff never mind as long as can make our banana stand.
26-06-2005, 07:35 PM
banana prick.. lol :D
26-06-2005, 09:29 PM
5) You prob looks like Wong Jing
bro, cannot say he look like wong jing.. cos later e girl will look like Zhu Ying.. :D
27-06-2005, 09:31 PM
good good. keep it up!
any more mrt stories, real or bluff never mind as long as can make our banana stand.
My one real encounter leh, not story. Too bad the aunt cant make it type. So dont bother to sian her.
28-06-2005, 10:12 AM
Too bad the aunt cant make it type. So dont bother to sian her.
dat time when u r gng to kranji? :confused:
28-06-2005, 11:52 AM
no wonder so many people now likes to stand by e door...
but i prefer to sit near e door.. can c nice bums stickin to e glass.. :D
too bad, no balls to touch..
28-06-2005, 12:41 PM
no wonder so many people now likes to stand by e door...
but i prefer to sit near e door.. can c nice bums stickin to e glass.. :D
too bad, no balls to touch..
haha maybe u can try to be content by the fact that you're just 15mm away from a sexy butt lor...haha
u hope the glass breaks and she falls onto your lap right? :D
28-06-2005, 12:46 PM
haha maybe u can try to be content by the fact that you're just 15mm away from a sexy butt lor...haha
u hope the glass breaks and she falls onto your lap right? :D
cannot bro.. if glass breaks. e butt will land on my face first..
cannot imagine how dirty it is after 1 whole day of sittin everywhere.. :eek:
better b chio bu oso.. oso will get nightmare of gui ya shen (ghost on top)..
28-06-2005, 12:51 PM
cannot bro.. if glass breaks. e butt will land on my face first..
cannot imagine how dirty it is after 1 whole day of sittin everywhere.. :eek:
better b chio bu oso.. oso will get nightmare of gui ya shen (ghost on top)..
haha bro u obsessed with cleaniness ah? Don't think you'll go wash your hands as soon as u grab a chick's ass right? haha jkjk
hope is not a fat aunty break the glass and land on your face with all the glass fragments stuck to her ass lor...haha or else u will see mirror monster everyday :D
28-06-2005, 02:03 PM
cannot bro.. if glass breaks. e butt will land on my face first..
cannot imagine how dirty it is after 1 whole day of sittin everywhere.. :eek:
better b chio bu oso.. oso will get nightmare of gui ya shen (ghost on top)..
If the glass can breaks, it means that the gal is fucking heavy and fat. If like that, where got chio? Unless u have seen a 100kg chio bu before. Then do tell me, i dun mind trying her out! ^_^
28-06-2005, 03:03 PM
haha bro u obsessed with cleaniness ah? Don't think you'll go wash your hands as soon as u grab a chick's ass right? haha jkjk
still prefers a freshly scrubbed ase anytime.. haha...
grabbin is ok.. but landin on my face after 1 whole day of "sitting everywhere"??
no thanks bro naka, my face already damn jialat liao.. dun wanna aggravate e situation.. :D
28-06-2005, 04:30 PM
still prefers a freshly scrubbed ase anytime.. haha...
grabbin is ok.. but landin on my face after 1 whole day of "sitting everywhere"??
no thanks bro naka, my face already damn jialat liao.. dun wanna aggravate e situation.. :D
haha so hiao ah? Don't worry la there's always BioSkin :)
28-06-2005, 04:32 PM
haha so hiao ah? Don't worry la there's always BioSkin :)
not hiao lah.. personal groomin.. :D
Bioskin out of budget.. unless reali like Zurassic Park then LL reali hav to go..
28-06-2005, 04:44 PM
not hiao lah.. personal groomin..
Bioskin out of budget.. unless reali like Zurassic Park then LL reali hav to go..
sounds like singexpat bro might be a pretty good looking chap eh? :)
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