View Full Version : General Question

22-08-2013, 10:57 AM
Good morning bros,

This post has 2 functions, one is to promote my tumblr blog (which i am sure some of you already know of), http://sgcutegirls.tumblr.com/

The other is to ask a simple question:

In the Massage directory section, most of the girls there indicate that must sms in chinese. Unfortunately for me, i can't type/write for nuts, and my speaking is like.. conversational at best. What should i do? I'm looking for my virgin experience (of paying for it i mean). Hoping to get a chinese (local looking, although local is best) massage with a little extras. Any advise?

22-08-2013, 11:55 AM
If you can't type, try calling. If you can't speak as well, then there is a chance the massage ladies don't want your business as well. PRC are worried about people who cannot communicate with them as their English language ability is almost non-existent. They also seem to think that speak/type Chinese is safe while don't speak/type Chinese is policeman. Weird I know.

Alternatively, don't go for ladies with rooms. You can try practicing your Chinese at massage shops. Almost no risk of being rejected. You can walk in and then find your way around Chinese terms on what you want. Beat Air Plane, You Mei You, Mor Po Po.