View Full Version : michelle from merlin

30-06-2005, 12:49 AM
anyone know where is michelle from merlin hc is now? i heard that she left merlin hc

01-07-2005, 09:09 AM
anyone know where is michelle from merlin hc is now? i heard that she left merlin hc

She has retired. Forget about her.

Samsung Cheong
01-07-2005, 03:22 PM
Hi brother,

Lance is right.
You have missed the boat.
She had already retired long time ago.
I'm a fan of hers and cannot reach her on her mobile phone.
The last time I had the session with her, she told me her mom's boobs are even bigger than hers. Like mother like daughter.

anyone know where is michelle from merlin hc is now? i heard that she left merlin hc

04-07-2005, 01:36 PM
Everytime I come across a post that says big-boobed Michelle at XX HC, I get a twinge of hope on my shaft.

Alas, I know I am always hoping in vain. Sigh... :(

Zack Tan
04-07-2005, 02:33 PM
Everytime I come across a post that says big-boobed Michelle at XX HC, I get a twinge of hope on my shaft.

Alas, I know I am always hoping in vain. Sigh... :(
Hi, So many fans of Michelle...hm. She has "keep the mountain" already. But don't give up hope yet! This old man here will try to do all her fans a favour and 'persuade" her to return one more time for old time sake. No promises but will try. If I score, I'll let you guys know. Keep your fingers crossed ok.
I think Bro. Gedangsa will be the 1st to kiss my ass if I succed...ke,ke.

04-07-2005, 03:11 PM
Bro Zack

You mean you are still in contact with her? Wah, we are not worthy... we are not worthy (falling on my knees and bowing in deep respect) :p

04-07-2005, 04:57 PM
Brudder ZT,

Please help us...Thanks a million...


04-07-2005, 05:06 PM
A zillion thanks in adv!! Good Luck!!! Keep us inform of the outcome!!!

Zack Tan
04-07-2005, 08:23 PM
Bro Zack

You mean you are still in contact with her? Wah, we are not worthy... we are not worthy (falling on my knees and bowing in deep respect) :p
Bro. swiftsuzuki, Yeh lor, no worry. Me her long time patron..1st saw her at the now defunct Spring hc in Boulevard hotel then follow her to Imperial..then to Legend...then to Merlin..in between she MIA. Will call her at a appropriate time as now she is full time tai-tai. See whether I can work some magic. As I say, no promises but will try. She may "screw" me for enticing her.

04-07-2005, 09:49 PM
i am willing to pay lots of cash for michelle

04-07-2005, 10:10 PM
When you say "screw", do you mean "scold" or....? :D

If she is a full-time tai tai, then liao lah, sure got not return. Sigh... (dick drops its erection....)

Zack Tan
04-07-2005, 10:43 PM
When you say "screw", do you mean "scold" or....? :D

If she is a full-time tai tai, then liao lah, sure got not return. Sigh... (dick drops its erection....)
Bro., ke,ke,ke...yeh she will "scold" me. Don't give up hope yet..still got chance. Will let you guys know ok but need to keep this low profile for obvious reason.

04-07-2005, 11:18 PM
I think Bro. Gedangsa will be the 1st to kiss my ass if I succed...ke,ke. Yes, yes, I will also lick your ass. Kekeke

I wish you all the luck & may the force be with you !!

Now you make my didi marikita liao !!


04-07-2005, 11:44 PM
WAH PIANG EH!!! I think I am going blind - the mental image of gedangsa licking zack's ass is a bit too graphic to handle (eee-yurh!!!)

But here's wishing bro zack all the best -- please return with good news!!!

05-07-2005, 06:03 PM
Bro., ke,ke,ke...yeh she will "scold" me. Don't give up hope yet..still got chance. Will let you guys know ok but need to keep this low profile for obvious reason.

Bro Zack,

Many thanks for that man! Even if she not coming back, will still thank u for trying to ask for us, bro! :) No doubt really hope to c this legendary big boobs....once well like by many bros..... :p

07-07-2005, 06:08 PM
Bro Zack,

Many thanks for that man! Even if she not coming back, will still thank u for trying to ask for us, bro! :) No doubt really hope to c this legendary big boobs....once well like by many bros..... :p

Bros, Is Michelle really that good ?
So far in Merlin i have tried Linda and Connie, Linda slightly better in term of service but Connie's massage also very good.
Linda look prettier than Connie, at least to me.

Zack Tan
07-07-2005, 09:28 PM
Bros, Is Michelle really that good ?
So far in Merlin i have tried Linda and Connie, Linda slightly better in term of service but Connie's massage also very good.
Linda look prettier than Connie, at least to me.
Bro. you may have miss the boat. She is legendary esp. in her early days. What do you as expect when you see a young sexy CFM looking gal with a pair of real 36D knockers! Somemore can speak english well...hm. I remember those days you need to book well in advance if you want to sample her knockers. Sadly she has aged a bit and those knockers are saggy now. You can't fight gravity right. I'm a little busy now but my idea is to try to arrange a "private" session with her and if on, I'll check if she will do the same for other fans of hers.

10-07-2005, 08:46 PM
Bro. you may have miss the boat. She is legendary esp. in her early days. What do you as expect when you see a young sexy CFM looking gal with a pair of real 36D knockers! Somemore can speak english well...hm. I remember those days you need to book well in advance if you want to sample her knockers. Sadly she has aged a bit and those knockers are saggy now. You can't fight gravity right. I'm a little busy now but my idea is to try to arrange a "private" session with her and if on, I'll check if she will do the same for other fans of hers.

Bro, I did visit Merlin in the early 80's . Still remember those days they got the gal to bath for you in the room, were you already patronising Merlin that time ?
So, who will you recommend from Merlin, sort if similar standard?

10-07-2005, 09:10 PM
for those who tried michelle in merlin hc b4, did she bath u guys in the nude b4 starting her massage?

10-07-2005, 09:11 PM
does merlin hc still practises bathing b4 massage now in 2005? the gal bathes u in the nude b4 massage?

Zack Tan
10-07-2005, 10:23 PM
Bro, I did visit Merlin in the early 80's . Still remember those days they got the gal to bath for you in the room, were you already patronising Merlin that time ?
So, who will you recommend from Merlin, sort if similar standard?
Bro., I started only in early 90's, so don't know of gals bathing for you in the room? Must be siok! Michelle was still in Imperial/Legend before moving to Merlin in early'01. Jane (ex-boss of Merlin and now boss of Sanctuary) mentioned to me that Magarret was of similar standard but I've not try her before, so cannot verify. I believed this Magarret is still with Sanctuary in FE plaza. There may be some frs. on her in the old Merlin thread.

10-07-2005, 11:11 PM
I think comparing Michelle and Margaret's standards is like comparing chalk and cheese -- chalk being Margaret's standard.

Zack Tan
11-07-2005, 12:13 AM
I think comparing Michelle and Margaret's standards is like comparing chalk and cheese -- chalk being Margaret's standard.
So I see . Thank you bro. swiftsusuki. This bloody Jane has been enticing me to try this Margaret for some time telling me how good and popular she is and in the same mould as the legendary Michelle. Tried to suckle me again!
BTW I managed to contact Michelle but no good news. She is not returning to the scene as her BF found out about her "activities" the last time around and he made her promised not to return...sigh. Sorry guys but we need to respect her decision and I wished her all the best.

11-07-2005, 08:42 AM
for those who tried michelle in merlin hc b4, did she bath u guys in the nude b4 starting her massage?

Correction.....the gal only stand at the side to do the bathing and the bath is after the massage.........NO nude bath with customer !

11-07-2005, 03:40 PM
So I see . Thank you bro. swiftsusuki. This bloody Jane has been enticing me to try this Margaret for some time telling me how good and popular she is and in the same mould as the legendary Michelle. Tried to suckle me again!


Hi Bro ZT,
Okay, let me clarify -- I wasn't impressed with Margaret and didn't think she was worth the money spent. So I felt Jane's statement about her similarity with Michelle was quite incredible.

Still, one man's meat is another man's poison.

11-07-2005, 08:59 PM
Bro., I started only in early 90's, so don't know of gals bathing for you in the room? Must be siok! Michelle was still in Imperial/Legend before moving to Merlin in early'01. Jane (ex-boss of Merlin and now boss of Sanctuary) mentioned to me that Magarret was of similar standard but I've not try her before, so cannot verify. I believed this Magarret is still with Sanctuary in FE plaza. There may be some frs. on her in the old Merlin thread.

I first met her at Imperial when she was the youngest there!!!!! Real nice. I followed her all the way till Merlin. I guess she has now a kid and bust up with her husband etc etc. But good memories............

Zack Tan
11-07-2005, 09:05 PM
Hi Bro ZT,
Okay, let me clarify -- I wasn't impressed with Margaret and didn't think she was worth the money spent. So I felt Jane's statement about her similarity with Michelle was quite incredible.

Still, one man's meat is another man's poison.
Bro. Swiftsuzuki, No worry. I understand. I know Jane for a long time and am only kidding around. But I would not want to be suckle by her ...ke,ke.
Anyway, Michelle has "retired' and we should close the chapter and move on.

11-07-2005, 11:40 PM
Bro ZTan,

Thanks for calling Michelle.

For your info, I have tried this Magaret when she was in Merlin. All I can say is that Magaret is not in Michelle's league lah !!


12-07-2005, 12:35 AM
wat abt jane? does she have big boobs and body like michelle? anyone got forum abt jane?

Zack Tan
12-07-2005, 12:04 PM
Bro ZTan,

Thanks for calling Michelle.

For your info, I have tried this Magaret when she was in Merlin. All I can say is that Magaret is not in Michelle's league lah !!

Yeh, it's a pity as she realised she has a lot of "fans". For those who have the pleasure of trying her, we should thank her for the "mammaries"...ke,ke. We will all miss her!
Thanks for your take on Margaret. Will give her a miss.
But wait Bro. Gedangsa, got a "Dolly Parton" news for you. When I was in Premier HC, the recept mentioned a big boobies gal there with same name. Can't verify if it's true. You game to try?

12-07-2005, 12:17 PM
in premier hc got dolly parton????wats her name?which hc? is she a chinese?
the entrance fee how much?

rocket cheongst
15-07-2005, 01:04 PM
Bro ZTan,

Thanks for calling Michelle.

For your info, I have tried this Magaret when she was in Merlin. All I can say is that Magaret is not in Michelle's league lah !!


hi huge, rocket here,

i think this one dun pass ur QC huh...?? he he he :p :p