View Full Version : All girls love Power Tan

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04-09-2013, 08:58 PM
The purpose of this thread is to provide fellow female forummers the opportunity to confess their love and admiration for Power Tan, the man with 'seh'.

Any female member here wanna start the ball rolling? :cool:

Ah Wee

05-09-2013, 11:07 AM
Some of us guys love you too, Power Tan. You ooze machismo from every pore on your body and your magnetism just makes me hard all the time I see a thread from you. Let's make sweet love, darling. PM me ok? Don't be shy, I know you love cocks too. ;)

05-09-2013, 01:36 PM
Some of us guys love you too, Power Tan. You ooze machismo from every pore on your body and your magnetism just makes me hard all the time I see a thread from you. Let's make sweet love, darling. PM me ok? Don't be shy, I know you love cocks too. ;)Upz you for that, bro.

05-09-2013, 03:35 PM
start the ball rolling? females no balls leh. oh i get it! u wanted guys? check for typo before u post la. Power G@y tan

05-09-2013, 09:00 PM
The purpose of this thread is to provide fellow female forummers the opportunity to confess their love and admiration for Power Tan, the man with 'seh'.

Any female member here wanna start the ball rolling? :cool:

Ah Wee

seh? ho lan seh.....

06-09-2013, 12:59 AM
Some of us guys love you too, Power Tan. You ooze machismo from every pore on your body and your magnetism just makes me hard all the time I see a thread from you. Let's make sweet love, darling. PM me ok? Don't be shy, I know you love cocks too. ;)

Power Tan isn't shy to admit that i love ladyboys as much as girls, maybe even more. So if there are any ladyboy members here wanna confess your love to me you are free to do so in this thread. :cool:

Ah Wee

06-09-2013, 01:01 AM
Hahaha 'seh'?? Ur name must be power Tan Pee Wee...must be a direct reference to ur balls the size of peanuts :p So next time we call u little pee wee ok

06-09-2013, 01:04 AM
why not show us your "seh" photo of yourself.

06-09-2013, 01:16 AM
why not show us your "seh" photo of yourself.

done that no reply.. btw its seem that ladyboy like his seh n long cock alltho
as he mentioned he looks short, plump chubby specky and also lastly dont understand why girls staring at him all de time.. puiiiiiii.... ka ki kong ka ki song....

06-09-2013, 03:18 AM
123 321
Power Tan
Number 1! :D

06-09-2013, 09:12 AM
Is there something "wrong" with this person? He's been on this forum since 2009 and posted over 800 times with what appears to be a highly negative repute.

06-09-2013, 11:11 AM
Is there something "wrong" with this person? He's been on this forum since 2009 and posted over 800 times with what appears to be a highly negative repute.

Our society today doesn't promote social interaction. Kids are told to venerate nothing but books, adults are told to do the same with money or religion. To have someone what we perceive as not of the norm, is it truly surprising?.

Since Pee Wee Tan will keep talking about his seh and will not be going away anytime soon, I was thinking of something more constructive. Based on my earlier statement regarding adults turning to religion, I noticed more such institutions coming up and I wonder is it because of unrealized dreams not fulfilled and the immense stresses of our society that is unbearable that people start turning to religion?

06-09-2013, 12:41 PM
Bro his name already sounds so POWERFUL:o If that's his real name, I really don't know what to say..:o

People who know me personally call me Power Tan. It will not be difficult to recognise me as despite being short, chubby and wear specs i always walk head high with an air of confidence wherever i go. Such is the overwhelming superiority of my 'seh' which girls simply cannot resist. ;)

Ah Wee

06-09-2013, 01:09 PM
someone please complain to MOH that IMH staff not doing their jobs. patient got free access to internet for a few years liao.

seriously what's the point of zapping him haha. can zap to a certain point and ban him? if not, then obviously he is busking with the attention.

boycott his thread and he will go mad

07-09-2013, 01:18 AM
People who know me personally call me Power Tan. It will not be difficult to recognise me as despite being short, chubby and wear specs i always walk head high with an air of confidence wherever i go. Such is the overwhelming superiority of my 'seh' which girls simply cannot resist. ;)

Ah Wee

Wa knn you are making me puke man! Humpty dumpty just go sit on your wall lah come here disturb for what? Of course you are easily recognised lah so freaking short.I guess your dick is as short as a tooth pick even erected. What air you got? For god sake don't walk and fart lah knn so smelly no wonder girls will give you weird looks lah. No wonder people call you Power lah powerfully smelly!

07-09-2013, 08:20 AM
ah wee, any good pinay pub in east coast can recomend? buy u a drink n teach me how to SeH pinay.

07-09-2013, 08:34 AM
People who know me personally call me Power Tan. It will not be difficult to recognise me as despite being short, chubby and wear specs i always walk head high with an air of confidence wherever i go. Such is the overwhelming superiority of my 'seh' which girls simply cannot resist. ;)

Ah Wee

Post your photo here so that we can get to know you. :D

09-09-2013, 12:05 PM
Bros & Sis

You gotta give it to him. Don't bash him pls! Who can admit he got the seh like PW Tan does?

Power Tan, you are making a straight wuss hard just from imagining about you as I read your thread.

I tried Cialis, Viagra indian Oil, Leech oil and even tried all of them together at once, still cannot manage a hard on.

Now my hard on went on for over 1 minute! You are the man, Power Tan, you got the seh and it's impossible to emulate it, but your seh is so infectious, it's making all beings respond to you sexually, even in cyberspace.

Can I have a pic of you so I can put in my wallet? I need it to get my fix and cum without touching my dick.


09-09-2013, 01:22 PM
Bros & Sis

You gotta give it to him. Don't bash him pls! Who can admit he got the seh like PW Tan does?

Power Tan, you are making a straight wuss hard just from imagining about you as I read your thread.

I tried Cialis, Viagra indian Oil, Leech oil and even tried all of them together at once, still cannot manage a hard on.

Now my hard on went on for over 1 minute! You are the man, Power Tan, you got the seh and it's impossible to emulate it, but your seh is so infectious, it's making all beings respond to you sexually, even in cyberspace.

Can I have a pic of you so I can put in my wallet? I need it to get my fix and cum without touching my dick.


it's a good thing that you acknowledge Power Tan's supremacy in this forum. Please read up 'Attention all ladies, i am 34 this year and horny'. Power Tan's 'seh' are fully illustrated in the above 5 star thread. It is a must read for anyone hoping to win girls affection or to find a FB. :cool:

Ah Wee

09-09-2013, 04:32 PM
oh fuck, i came

*trembles uncontrollably*

11-09-2013, 01:09 AM
Totally admire this guy for the thickness of his skins and the the ability of self delusive.

Looking forward to more of power tan posts.

11-09-2013, 01:19 AM
People who know me personally call me Power Tan. It will not be difficult to recognise me as despite being short, chubby and wear specs i always walk head high with an air of confidence wherever i go. Such is the overwhelming superiority of my 'seh' which girls simply cannot resist. ;)

Ah Wee

Hearsay walk like that will get whack big time.

14-09-2013, 11:19 PM
Hearsay walk like that will get whack big time.

if it happens that you walk like that on the street and a group of gangsters confront you just ask them if they know who is Power Tan and you will be fine. :cool:

Ah Wee

15-09-2013, 04:12 PM
if it happens that you walk like that on the street and a group of gangsters confront you just ask them if they know who is Power Tan and you will be fine. :cool:

Ah Wee

ah wee u sabo king, i tell then i know power havent finish saying Tan than Kena more jialat from them....haha...lolxxxx....

15-09-2013, 04:15 PM
mr ah wee, u no longer Power tan already haha

cos there is 1 super duper idiot taken over yr place in this forum which is Mrstyle dunno what f king hahahah

he is now the no 1 fxxker in SBF.

16-09-2013, 12:33 AM
mr ah wee, u no longer Power tan already haha

cos there is 1 super duper idiot taken over yr place in this forum which is Mrstyle dunno what f king hahahah

he is now the no 1 fxxker in SBF.

u mean Mr spam king? that one is like a bot keep spamming his advert different seh from ah wee. wahaha.

16-09-2013, 07:07 AM
u mean Mr spam king? that one is like a bot keep spamming his advert different seh from ah wee. wahaha.

yup u r right,

the Son of the gUn Spam King :)

kurosaki ichigo
16-09-2013, 07:38 AM
it's a good thing that you acknowledge Power Tan's supremacy in this forum. Please read up 'Attention all ladies, i am 34 this year and horny'. Power Tan's 'seh' are fully illustrated in the above 5 star thread. It is a must read for anyone hoping to win girls affection or to find a FB. :cool:

Ah Wee

You were very irritating initially but thanks for making me laugh now! LOL

Keep it up. I will consider upping your rep :D

16-09-2013, 08:22 AM
Aiyoh... your seh is nothing lah.
See how people put up their hands and
acknowledge Lionel Richie who has so much Seh.

He is however, very humble and wish everybody
to have seh.

"Seh you, seh me" by Lionel Richie

and all SBF bros together now,
for the Chorus... may the seh be with you, always.

Seh you, seh me; seh it for always
That's the way it should be
Seh you, seh me; seh it together

ps can someone upz my seh ;):D

16-09-2013, 12:47 PM
ah wee u sabo king, i tell then i know power havent finish saying Tan than Kena more jialat from them....haha...lolxxxx....

for your info people who know me personally call me Power Tan. there's an unspoken rule among all gangsters that if they ever come across a short, chubby guy with specs walking with an air of confidence unseen before they should give way to him and never ever cross his path or risk heavy consequences.

Read up 'Attention all ladies, i am 34 this year and horny', read from page 1 till the end and you will understand it's importance in FB hunting and why it is one of the hottest threads in the orgy section. My 'seh' tells it all.

Ah Wee

16-09-2013, 02:21 PM
for your info people who know me personally call me Power Tan. there's an unspoken rule among all gangsters that if they ever come across a short, chubby guy with specs walking with an air of confidence unseen before they should give way to him and never ever cross his path or risk heavy consequences.

Read up 'Attention all ladies, i am 34 this year and horny', read from page 1 till the end and you will understand it's importance in FB hunting and why it is one of the hottest threads in the orgy section. My 'seh' tells it all.

Ah Wee

Bottom-line AH wee...if your using proofs outside yourself for confidence, your losing the seh factor. You don't need any confirmation of outside acceptance, you don't care anyway.

Your spirit isn't thrown out of balance over FBs, ladies or your 'seh'. You have a lot going for yourself, but you never tell people what it is. That's a sense of mystery without needing to prove it.

Confidence is good but you need charisma is defined as "The power to attract and influence people," which most successful politicians or executives have. ;)

16-09-2013, 03:02 PM
The purpose of this thread is to provide fellow female forummers the opportunity to confess their love and admiration for Power Tan, the man with 'seh'.

Any female member here wanna start the ball rolling? :cool:

Ah Wee
I want to slap your face with my cock till u're unconscious, then cum on your face then shit and pee in your mouth then smear my dirty asshole all over your face. I know u love it B)

16-09-2013, 03:25 PM
Aiyoh... your seh is nothing lah.
See how people put up their hands and
acknowledge Lionel Richie who has so much Seh.

He is however, very humble and wish everybody
to have seh.

"Seh you, seh me" by Lionel Richie

and all SBF bros together now,
for the Chorus... may the seh be with you, always.

Seh you, seh me; seh it for always
That's the way it should be
Seh you, seh me; seh it together

ps can someone upz my seh ;):D

Lol nice song bro. :D

maybe in reality ah wee is really short n chubby n wear specs cannot find gf so he gone bonkers can only come here to brag abt his imaginery seh. :p

16-09-2013, 08:14 PM
Lol nice song bro. :D

maybe in reality ah wee is really short n chubby n wear specs cannot find gf so he gone bonkers can only come here to brag abt his imaginery seh. :p

if you have the 'seh' to recognise me in reality you will be equally amazed by the awesomeness of Power Tan's 'seh'. ;)

Ah Wee

17-09-2013, 07:29 PM
if you have the 'seh' to recognise me in reality you will be equally amazed by the awesomeness of Power Tan's 'seh'. ;)

Ah Wee

yah lar yah lar jin wu seh lar. enough support?:D

17-09-2013, 10:09 PM
We should all Seh your Tao since you have so much seh

17-09-2013, 10:28 PM
if you have the 'seh' to recognise me in reality you will be equally amazed by the awesomeness of Power Tan's 'seh'. ;)

Ah Wee

Wee ah wee.. if you listening to other's is key IMO, really listen. Speak when you have something to contribute, not becos you are a needy loser out for attention, people will 'wonder' of you.

Just as my Taoist Jedi-level wisdom is abt about the reed in the wind. -->> Always balance your firmness with a measure of emotional humility. :D

17-09-2013, 10:32 PM
Ah wee...oh ah wee, I like u more than that NoStyleKing, though the only SEH i come to realise after going thru all ur posts in so many threads is that, your TAO NAO BO HO SEH :D But I still like u better la ;)

18-09-2013, 03:07 AM
Ah wee...oh ah wee, I like u more than that NoStyleKing, though the only SEH i come to realise after going thru all ur posts in so many threads is that, your TAO NAO BO HO SEH :D But I still like u better la ;)

MrStyleKing is destined to fail. As what Power Tan has commented before, trying to sell a food blog in a sex forum is no different from trying to sell bra to man and condom to woman. No doubt i am able to understand his intention to lure unsuspecting forummers to his blog, his approach has been truly disappointing. If you were to compare his threads and my 5 star threads you would realise the dominance in Power Tan's deliveries which inevitably attract viewers like bees to hives. And what does MrStyleKing has to offer beside providing a link to his blog? Absolutely nothing. Furthermore, a man with 'shannon' as his name and a sulky face which exhibits no form of masculinity certainly stands no chance against Power Tan's almighty 'seh'. It is wise of him to leave the forum now to avoid the utter humiliation he is definitely going to face when all of his threads sunk rock bottom while my 5 star threads continue to top the billboard. ;)

Ah Wee

18-09-2013, 03:31 AM
Ah Wee, i tink tis ur longest post leh.....somemore to me wor........gum dong sia.....POWER.....WEE WOO WEET :D :D :D I take back the TAO NAO BO HO SEH......cfm stamp chop...your TAO NAO HO SEH HO SEH ;)

19-09-2013, 02:11 PM
Girls and ladyboys here who have been secretly carrying a torch for Power Tan are free to confess your love and admiration for me in this thread. :cool:

Ah Wee

21-09-2013, 04:17 PM
up thread for awareness ;)

Ah Wee

22-09-2013, 03:11 AM
for your info people who know me personally call me Power Tan. there's an unspoken rule among all gangsters that if they ever come across a short, chubby guy with specs walking with an air of confidence unseen before they should give way to him and never ever cross his path or risk heavy consequences.

Read up 'Attention all ladies, i am 34 this year and horny', read from page 1 till the end and you will understand it's importance in FB hunting and why it is one of the hottest threads in the orgy section. My 'seh' tells it all.

Ah Wee

mad funny. i had a good time laughing powertan. thanks for your superior joker 'seh' . please keep us all entertained more. lonely nights like such fly by so fast.

kurosaki ichigo
22-09-2013, 02:05 PM
MrStyleKing is destined to fail. As what Power Tan has commented before, trying to sell a food blog in a sex forum is no different from trying to sell bra to man and condom to woman. No doubt i am able to understand his intention to lure unsuspecting forummers to his blog, his approach has been truly disappointing. If you were to compare his threads and my 5 star threads you would realise the dominance in Power Tan's deliveries which inevitably attract viewers like bees to hives. And what does MrStyleKing has to offer beside providing a link to his blog? Absolutely nothing. Furthermore, a man with 'shannon' as his name and a sulky face which exhibits no form of masculinity certainly stands no chance against Power Tan's almighty 'seh'. It is wise of him to leave the forum now to avoid the utter humiliation he is definitely going to face when all of his threads sunk rock bottom while my 5 star threads continue to top the billboard. ;)

Ah Wee

Cannot stop laughing :D:D:D

24-09-2013, 12:01 AM
MrStyleKing and hokkienguy cohabits under one roof. One morning hokkienguy enters the bathroom naked and accidentally drops his soap again. While bending down to pick it up he instantly feels a sharp pain in his ass and groans: 'what is it this time StyleKing?'

Came a reply from behind. 'can't you make a guess?'

hokkienguy: 'toothbrush?'

Reply: 'No'

hokkienguy: 'dildo?'

Reply: 'No'

hokkienguy: 'your dick?'

Reply: 'Obviously not'

Frustrated with his failure to guess it right hokkienguy turns around and sees a gigantic broom stick in his ass. hokkienguy smiles delightedly at MrStyleKing and says: 'Finally you got it right StyleKing, no wonder i feel the size fit so perfectly this time' :cool:

Ah Wee

24-09-2013, 01:13 PM
It's a hot, sunny morning. MrStyleKing is out prowling at one of his sponsor's food stall trying to find out the public response to his famous food blog.

The food stall is surprising quiet even at lunch time. After waiting for some time MrStyleKing finally sees a well-dressed old man ordering his food. He wasted no time to approach the old man and asks 'Excuse me, are you here because you have read my most famous food blog?'

The old man gives a blank look at him and ignores.

MrStyleKing asks again 'Excuse me, i am sure you have heard of me, MrStyleKing, the number one food blogger right?'

The old man continues to eat his food without giving an answer.

MrStyleKing asks again 'Sorry but if you have not visited my food blog please start reading it now to know more fantastic food lobangs'

The old man stops eating suddenly and replies 'Cut it out faggot, for fuck i wanna visit your food blog when i know you even got your ass fucked in a sex forum? ;)

Ah Wee

26-09-2013, 03:16 PM
Power Tan, forever number one. :cool:

Ah Wee

26-09-2013, 05:34 PM
Power Tan, forever number one. :cool:

Ah Wee

Power Tan, 4D no Bo?
If kana, u confirm no 1 lol ... :D:D
R u from the 梁家班?:confused:

26-09-2013, 10:50 PM
Power Tan, 4D no Bo?
If kana, u confirm no 1 lol ... :D:D
R u from the 梁家班?:confused:

Power Tan is a man of my own, standing on my own feet, master of my soul. That's the price of being the number one. ;)

Ah Wee

28-09-2013, 10:03 AM
up thread for awareness

Ah Wee

29-09-2013, 05:35 PM
People who come, within months, one by one, shall know why Power Tan is number one. :cool:

Ah Wee

29-09-2013, 09:49 PM
People who come, within months, one by one, shall know why Power Tan is number one. :cool:

Ah Wee



01-10-2013, 01:12 AM
girls just can't get enough of Power Tan

Ah Wee

01-10-2013, 07:46 PM
I am admit you are not as bad as that cb kia. :D

02-10-2013, 09:02 PM
I am admit you are not as bad as that cb kia. :D

one for all, all for one.

Power Tan, number one.

Ah Wee

04-10-2013, 05:54 PM
Girls are always looking for the one. Needless to say his name is Power Tan.

Ah Wee

07-10-2013, 11:06 PM
If a girl turns down your request to have fun, you know that's because you are not Power Tan. ;)

Ah Wee

09-10-2013, 11:59 AM
one for all, all for one.

Power Tan, number one.

Ah Wee

Paying my tribute to Power Tan. Wonder how long it will take to reach your points level??? only keep getting zapped by pathetic 2-3 pointer chickenshits. :D:D:D

13-10-2013, 12:11 AM
Paying my tribute to Power Tan. Wonder how long it will take to reach your points level??? only keep getting zapped by pathetic 2-3 pointer chickenshits. :D:D:D

In order to be the number one, you need to start making 5 star threads. But before you do so, please read up 'Attention all ladies, i am 34 this year and horny' to understand the supremacy of Power Tan's 'seh'.

Ah Wee

16-10-2013, 02:29 AM
whenever you see a girl looking affectionately at someone, you know it's none other than Power Tan.

Ah Wee

17-10-2013, 10:28 PM
up thread for awareness

Ah Wee

19-10-2013, 02:52 PM
Power Tan, forever number one.

Ah Wee

22-10-2013, 01:44 PM
It's a hot, sunny morning. MrStyleKing is out prowling at one of his sponsor's food stall trying to find out the public response to his famous food blog.

The food stall is surprising quiet even at lunch time. After waiting for some time MrStyleKing finally sees a well-dressed old man ordering his food. He wasted no time to approach the old man and asks 'Excuse me, are you here because you have read my most famous food blog?'

The old man gives a blank look at him and ignores.

MrStyleKing asks again 'Excuse me, i am sure you have heard of me, MrStyleKing, the number one food blogger right?'

The old man continues to eat his food without giving an answer.

MrStyleKing asks again 'Sorry but if you have not visited my food blog please start reading it now to know more fantastic food lobangs'

The old man stops eating suddenly and replies 'Cut it out faggot, for fuck i wanna visit your food blog when i know you even got your ass fucked in a sex forum? ;)

Ah Wee

up thread for awareness

Ah Wee

22-10-2013, 05:11 PM
It's a hot, sunny morning. MrStyleKing is out prowling at one of his sponsor's food stall trying to find out the public response to his famous food blog.

The food stall is surprising quiet even at lunch time. After waiting for some time MrStyleKing finally sees a well-dressed old man ordering his food. He wasted no time to approach the old man and asks 'Excuse me, are you here because you have read my most famous food blog?'

The old man gives a blank look at him and ignores.

MrStyleKing asks again 'Excuse me, i am sure you have heard of me, MrStyleKing, the number one food blogger right?'

The old man continues to eat his food without giving an answer.

MrStyleKing asks again 'Sorry but if you have not visited my food blog please start reading it now to know more fantastic food lobangs'

The old man stops eating suddenly and replies 'Cut it out faggot, for fuck i wanna visit your food blog when i know you even got your ass fucked in a sex forum? ;)

Ah Wee

In order to be the number one, you need to start making 5 star threads. But before you do so, please read up 'Attention all ladies, i am 34 this year and horny' to understand the supremacy of Power Tan's 'seh'.

Ah Wee

hahaha, ah wee u really sibei good :D

25-10-2013, 12:48 AM
Boyboy1313 went into a sex shop to buy some customized condoms and a sales girl approached him.
Sales girl: "Can I help you, Sir?"
Boyboy1313: "Yes, I want to buy some customized condoms."
Sales girl: "What size do you need, Sir?"
Boyboy1313: "I don't know what size I would need."
Sales girl: "May I hold your penis to tell what size you would need?"

As she was holding the penis, she called for assistance:

"Give me a SMALL one..."
"Wait! Make it MEDIUM..."
"Wait! Make it LARGE..."
"Shit! Give me a TISSUE !!!"

Ah Wee

28-10-2013, 12:34 PM
MrStyleKing believes by putting his pic in his food blog can help to increase viewer's appetite for his recommended food. He wasted no time in uploading his most handsome and dashing photo on his blog.

His idea seems to work wonder as almost immediately he receives a thank-you email. Feeling so pleased and proud of himself and his good looks MrStyleKing opens the mail and read it aloud:

'Thank you so much for the pic. I can now finally shit after all these years of constipation by looking at that faggot's photo in your blog.' ;)

Ah Wee

01-11-2013, 04:08 PM
up thread for awareness

Ah Wee

ah rat
01-11-2013, 04:30 PM
TS,get ready yr karchng.I use broom stick to poke yr karchng :D

04-11-2013, 12:22 PM
TS,get ready yr karchng.I use broom stick to poke yr karchng :D

there is only one number one and his name is Power Tan. ;)

Ah Wee

06-11-2013, 11:54 PM
Girls can say no to Alvin Tan

Girls can say no to Aaron Tan

Girls can also say no to anyone

except the one by the name of Power Tan

Ah Wee

10-11-2013, 11:37 PM
Power Tan, forever number one

Ah Wee

13-11-2013, 09:14 AM
girls will never stop looking at you on the street if you have the 'seh' of Power Tan ;)

Ah Wee

13-11-2013, 05:49 PM
People who know me personally call me Power Tan. It will not be difficult to recognise me as despite being short, chubby and wear specs i always walk head high with an air of confidence wherever i go. Such is the overwhelming superiority of my 'seh' which girls simply cannot resist. ;)

Ah Wee

hahahahaha!!!!!! Hilarious!!!! hahhahahaahaha!!! i'm laughing till stomach cramp. hahahaha! Eh..wake up la. 'seh'? hahaha! i think wat they cannot resist is the urge to run. lolz!!!! I think u need to work on ur humble pie, before u start talking abt 'seh'. childish boy...how old are u? gosh.....

13-11-2013, 06:07 PM
Girls can say no to Alvin Tan

Girls can say no to Aaron Tan

Girls can also say no to anyone

except the one by the name of Power Tan

Ah Wee

Wang Ba Tan ah u!

14-11-2013, 12:24 AM
Wang Ba Tan ah u!

one fine day hokkienguy was having his shower in his home bathroom when he accidentally dropped his soap. thinking of bending down and pick it up hokkienguy realised he was unable to do so as memories of past painful experience which happened to him in a swimming pool bathroom flashed across his mind. 'i must overcome this psychological barrier and pick up the soap' hokkienguy told himself. he started walking around his house naked looking anxiously for possible strangers hiding in any part of his house. he has checked his storeroom, kitchen, common and master rooms together with the balcony thoroughly and found no one.

Panting a sigh of relief, hokkienguy was overjoyed to know that it's finally safe for him to bend down and pick up the soap when suddenly he heard a knock on his door. The psychological tension that was building up within himself finally snapped and made him lost control of himself. He stormed the door open and shouted 'KAN NI NA BU CHI BAI! can't you knock after i have picked up my soap????'

a TV crew was spotted standing outside his door, performing live filming of home residents for one of their variety shows...........

At the same moment, miles away from hokkienguy's home, Power Tan was watching hokkienguy's 1.5 inch dick live telecast on national TV, while my ladyboy FB was lying by my side looking at me with full admiration towards a rare man with 'seh' that can easily melt all girls hearts. ;)

Ah Wee

14-11-2013, 04:01 AM
same old thing again.. u have nothing else to write? :rolleyes:

14-11-2013, 09:17 AM
it's a great day for hokkienguy as he has been shortlisted for an air-steward interview. dressed in his best clothes and in his best groomed outlook hokkienguy is very confident of taking the prize job. as he starts bragging about his credentials with the interviewer, he never fails to emphasize his professionalism and experience as a popular ex-male escort in order to impress.

as the interviewer is pretty much impressed and convinced by hokkienguy's interview performance, out of a sudden hokkienguy let out a very loud fart, which is followed by a series of equally loud farts. couldn't believe what he has seen, the interviewer's smiling face immediately turns black and asks: 'what's the matter with u? can't you even control your own fart?'

hokkienguy wasted no time to explain:'pardon me but this is expected to happen if you are required to service 5 male clients a day, everyday. i am certain it will not affect my performance as an air-steward. when can i expect a call from you?'

the interviewer looks at him blankly and replies: 'Oh sure, we will definitely call you in the events we need someone to change the restroom's handwash to soaps.' ;)

Ah Wee

14-11-2013, 05:44 PM
u still wang ba tan leh

14-11-2013, 07:36 PM

Drop your Power Tan and start adopting
Wang Ba Tan as the latter name had more seh.
Let me explain.

1. Wang is 王
As u know, woman always love a 王 (king).

2. Ba is 爸

Therefore Wang Ba have more seh than Power and attracts more women.

Thanks to hokkienguy who coin this magnificient name :)

15-11-2013, 01:58 AM

Drop your Power Tan and start adopting
Wang Ba Tan as the latter name had more seh.
Let me explain.

1. Wang is 王
As u know, woman always love a 王 (king).

2. Ba is 爸

Therefore Wang Ba have more seh than Power and attracts more women.

Thanks to hokkienguy who coin this magnificient name :)

People who know me personally call me Power Tan. My name itself already carries the dominating 'seh' which is unmatched by any self proclaimed kings virtually or in reality.

And regardless of Power or Wang, no words can fully describe the supremacy of Power Tan's 'seh' whenever i walk with an air of confidence on the street. ;)

Ah Wee

15-11-2013, 04:17 AM
Great to see a troll trolling itself.

15-11-2013, 05:57 AM
People who know me personally call me Power Tan. My name itself already carries the dominating 'seh' which is unmatched by any self proclaimed kings virtually or in reality.

And regardless of Power or Wang, no words can fully describe the supremacy of Power Tan's 'seh' whenever i walk with an air of confidence on the street. ;)

Ah Wee

knn u always fart while u walking just say la.. walk with air.

15-11-2013, 08:03 AM
Dear Power Tan,

I think I know what you are trying to do here. You are trying to talk nonsense and irritate people because you felt so oppressed, ordinary and unimpressive in your real life. You have no outlet in your life, and you resort to doing it with a fake online persona. That is actually very fine for me because you created a lot of entertainment for many of us, which was why we surfed Internet in the first place.

Most Bros here longed to get their points upped, but you being you, you want just want to be different so that you can make a statement here. I supposed you want to set record and see how negative your points can get. For this, I have decided to UP you 10 precious points for the entertainment you created! Keep up the good work! Don't bother to return my favor because you have no POWER to do so.

15-11-2013, 09:27 AM
Hello everybody! Thank you!

15-11-2013, 12:46 PM
Dear Power Tan,

I think I know what you are trying to do here. You are trying to talk nonsense and irritate people because you felt so oppressed, ordinary and unimpressive in your real life. You have no outlet in your life, and you resort to doing it with a fake online persona. That is actually very fine for me because you created a lot of entertainment for many of us, which was why we surfed Internet in the first place.

Most Bros here longed to get their points upped, but you being you, you want just want to be different so that you can make a statement here. I supposed you want to set record and see how negative your points can get. For this, I have decided to UP you 10 precious points for the entertainment you created! Keep up the good work! Don't bother to return my favor because you have no POWER to do so.

Well said bro. Normally people in real life that has no confidence, or moral, will come to cyber to transform into what they wish they were. This guy just showed us what it means by cyber psychotic.
Power tan... i'm glad that u can become what u wish for over here. Tho many guys here dun really wanna become like u. hahaha!!!
Oh ya, i'm sure u heard of..."EMPTY VESSELS MAKE THE MOST NOISE"?
Kinda fits u.

15-11-2013, 01:14 PM
Dear Power Tan,

I think I know what you are trying to do here. You are trying to talk nonsense and irritate people because you felt so oppressed, ordinary and unimpressive in your real life. You have no outlet in your life, and you resort to doing it with a fake online persona. That is actually very fine for me because you created a lot of entertainment for many of us, which was why we surfed Internet in the first place.

Most Bros here longed to get their points upped, but you being you, you want just want to be different so that you can make a statement here. I supposed you want to set record and see how negative your points can get. For this, I have decided to UP you 10 precious points for the entertainment you created! Keep up the good work! Don't bother to return my favor because you have no POWER to do so.

As i mentioned earlier people who know me personally call me Power Tan and people who have associated with me regardless of male or female are all overwhelmed by the sheer unique and awesomeness of my 'seh', despite me being short, chubby and wear specs.

However, virtual reality is another form of reality which Power Tan prides to share my distinguished 'seh' with other online forummers so they could also upgrade their 'seh' to the level of mine and enjoy the respect and admiration online. This selfless act of virtue alone already deserves to be highly complimented. ;)

Ah Wee

15-11-2013, 01:19 PM
knn u always fart while u walking just say la.. walk with air.

swimmers in a public pool shower room are amazed when they saw hokkienguy walking in for a shower.

swimmer: hokkienguy i thought u vowed never to step in here again after that tragic incident which happened to you when you dropped a soap last month?

hokkienguy smiles and said: no worries bro, can't you see i already have a butt plug in my ass?

Ah Wee

15-11-2013, 11:07 PM
i dun care abt points.. deduct will not make any difference.

15-11-2013, 11:54 PM
i dun care abt points.. deduct will not make any difference.

Nice one and i like ur avartar too! Sometimes having something on is more kinky than having nothing on ;)

kurosaki ichigo
16-11-2013, 12:08 AM
it's a great day for hokkienguy as he has been shortlisted for an air-steward interview. dressed in his best clothes and in his best groomed outlook hokkienguy is very confident of taking the prize job. as he starts bragging about his credentials with the interviewer, he never fails to emphasize his professionalism and experience as a popular ex-male escort in order to impress.

as the interviewer is pretty much impressed and convinced by hokkienguy's interview performance, out of a sudden hokkienguy let out a very loud fart, which is followed by a series of equally loud farts. couldn't believe what he has seen, the interviewer's smiling face immediately turns black and asks: 'what's the matter with u? can't you even control your own fart?'

hokkienguy wasted no time to explain:'pardon me but this is expected to happen if you are required to service 5 male clients a day, everyday. i am certain it will not affect my performance as an air-steward. when can i expect a call from you?'

the interviewer looks at him blankly and replies: 'Oh sure, we will definitely call you in the events we need someone to change the restroom's handwash to soaps.' ;)

Ah Wee

:D :D :D

Fantastic story teller. I used to dislike you but I find you very funny now

16-11-2013, 10:38 AM
:D :D :D

Fantastic story teller. I used to dislike you but I find you very funny now

hokkienguy approached MrStyleKing to put up a picture of him eating onto his famous food blog.

hokkienguy: i can be your food blog model for free. it will help to improve your blog's hit rate.

days after hokkienguy started to notice people keep looking at him on the street. feeling pleased with himself that he has established a presence with the public so easily hokkienguy quickly checked out MrStyleKing's blog and saw the following description below his picture:

Good food advice: Never eat and fart at the same time, it will KILL THE OTHER'S APPETITE.

Ah Wee

17-11-2013, 02:58 PM
Witness the precious moments of Power Tan's 'seh' in action, fully documented in this forum. You certainly need such a 'seh' in order to be the number one. :cool:




18-11-2013, 02:33 AM
Bapak finally understand why the girls are all looking at PowerTan he has
mistaken the LADYBOYS for Women.

This means that women are not looking at Ah wee but only ladyboys and
pondans are looking at him :eek:

18-11-2013, 03:44 AM
Here is a story about PowerTan (Ah Wee).

Ah Wee: I want to bonk a lady but i only have S$35, how what can i do?
Ladyboy: I can let you anal me for $35 if you want
Ah Wee: Cannot, i prefer to be analed instead.

They both went up to the hotel and as AhWee removed his clothes the
ladyboy laughed

Ah Wee: Why you laugh?
Ladyboy: Because your penis is small like a peanut

Too be continued :D

This is the picture of the ladyboy


19-11-2013, 12:54 AM
Bapak finally understand why the girls are all looking at PowerTan he has
mistaken the LADYBOYS for Women.

This means that women are not looking at Ah wee but only ladyboys and
pondans are looking at him :eek:

whenever you see a woman keep looking at someone, you know it's none other than Power Tan. ;)

Ah Wee

19-11-2013, 10:34 PM
girls and ladyboys who wish to confess your love and admiration for Power Tan are free to do so in this 5 star thread. :cool:

Ah Wee

19-11-2013, 11:02 PM
whenever you see a girl looking affectionately at someone, you know it's none other than Power Tan.

Ah Wee

Haa I guess the girls are not looking at Pee wee affectionaly. ..... They are just wondering why there's someone whose head look like a dick walking around in public....

20-11-2013, 09:02 PM
whenever you see a woman keep looking at someone, you know it's none other than Power Tan. ;)

Ah Wee

Ah Wee arh Ah Wee,

All your previous posts extolling or rather
bragging your "seh" all go to waste liao. :p

Your post that I quoted above, when read carefully,
means that you admit that you are a woman named
Power Tan. :D:D

20-11-2013, 10:08 PM
:D :D :D

Fantastic story teller. I used to dislike you but I find you very funny now

I have always found him hilarious.

20-11-2013, 10:33 PM
ah wee, u register your nick in an attempt to get the most negative lowest score in this forum?

too bad I have seen someone with -999 points... looks like u need to try even harder...:eek:

20-11-2013, 11:32 PM
ah wee seriously with your lanjiao seh u cfm can make it big as a salesman instead of gong jiao wei here everyday. reasons?

1. u gt the steven lim thick skin and never say die attitude. sales line need bullet proof skin ppl like u.

2. u say u gt girls keep looking at u on the street. imagine every girl in sg buy 1 product from u yr company can get listed the next day liao.

3. u r a indeed a talented joker which can talk cock easily with customers. in fact i think u can talk cock non stop all the way frm pasir ris to jurong. number 1 sales man cfm plus chop.

4. yr self confidence really sibeh gao lat. tio zapped until -244 still can power tan is number one i think if u do sales no number of rejections can stop u.

mai tu liao faster go find a sales job lah. :D:p

21-11-2013, 12:00 AM
i should learn from him of his "seh"

so all gals can buy 1 of my vacuum cleaner lol

21-11-2013, 07:48 AM
i should learn from him of his "seh"

so all gals can buy 1 of my vacuum cleaner lol

On the highest power on your vacuum and suck the $$$ in , huat ah... :D

21-11-2013, 07:50 AM
At least Ah Wee keep to himself and don't go around poking his nose into other's business and go around looking for troubles with people in the forum, stand firmly on his grounds since day 1 :p:D

Type in good English that really makes sense and don't go off shooting his mouth saying things that people wont understand.

For this, i truly respect him for what he is. Salute!

21-11-2013, 12:47 PM
At least Ah Wee keep to himself and don't go around poking his nose into other's business and go around looking for troubles with people in the forum, stand firmly on his grounds since day 1 :p:D

Type in good English that really makes sense and don't go off shooting his mouth saying things that people wont understand.

For this, i truly respect him for what he is. Salute!

In reality there are many silent readers who are fully convinced with Power Tan's 'seh' and have been paying tribute to me ever since i started my 5 star threads in this forum.

To people who know me personally none are surprised when they know Power Tan's popularity online as not only they know i am the number one but also i am the ONLY ONE. :cool:

Ah Wee

21-11-2013, 12:51 PM
Power Tan...been in this forum for a freaking long time.
Your the first "seh" user here. . you meant "seh" as in seh suay, correct?

21-11-2013, 01:10 PM
Power Tan...been in this forum for a freaking long time.
Your the first "seh" user here. . you meant "seh" as in seh suay, correct?

the young and innocent MrStyleKing wanders alone around the geylang lorongs in the middle of the night. he came across a pretty and sexy PRC Freelancer who approached him and asked in a really sweet voice 'would you like a blowjob, handsome? $20 only'. MrStyleKing ignored her and continued walking.

Next he saw an unbelievably hot and stunning ladyboy FL in lorong 16 who also approached him and asked 'Want a blowjob honey? $20'. MrStyleKing continued walking.

While on the way home he met hokkienguy. MrStyleKing asked hokkienguy casually 'Hey bro, what's a blowjob anyway?'

hokkienguy stared at him with eyes and mouth wide open and replied: '$20!'

Ah Wee

21-11-2013, 01:59 PM
Power Tan...been in this forum for a freaking long time.
Your the first "seh" user here. . you meant "seh" as in seh suay, correct?

Ermmm, may i noe what is seh suay :confused::D

21-11-2013, 09:46 PM
Ermmm, may i noe what is seh suay :confused::D

xia suay i know :D

21-11-2013, 11:34 PM
1 2 3
3 2 1

PT PT number 1

22-11-2013, 01:08 AM
xia suay i know :D

on a sunny day hokkienguy was at home watching the TV news while playing with his own dick.

TV host: latest new, 2 passengers were caught scolding vulgarities at one another over the MRT reserved seat.

hokkienguy: Nabeh Cheebye do this kind of thing. really xia suay s'poreans

TV host: recent surveys have shown an increasingly worrying sign of female students going online to search for sugardaddies.

hokkienguy: Nabeh Cheebye do this kind of thing. really xia suay s'poreans

TV host: next on the news 4 men by the name of hokkienguy, MrStyleKing, boyboy1313 and subidowa were caught on video having a mass orgy at a high class health club.

hokkienguy: Nabeh Cheebye do this kind of thing. really xia suay s'poreans. Oh wait.......Hokkienguy????!!!!

Ah Wee

23-11-2013, 12:20 AM
1 2 3
3 2 1

PT PT number 1

Power Tan


Ah Wee

23-11-2013, 12:22 AM
MrStyleKing, Boyboy1313 and hokkienguy are all working as male escorts for the same agency. One day their manager calls them in to inform them of their latest assignment - a 98kg fat, ugly and old lady boss of a big company. The manager asks: 'which one of you guys would like to take her on?'

Boyboy1313: sorry boss i just sprained my dick last night so i am out of action

hokkienguy: i would love to take her on but too bad i injured my tongue so i will not be able to pleasure her tonight.

MrStyleKing: i just realised.....i am actually a faggot.

Manager: That's no excuse MrStyleKing as we all know you are one since you love getting your ass fucked in sammyboyforum all the time.

Ah Wee

24-11-2013, 12:06 AM
up thread for awareness

Ah Wee

24-11-2013, 02:59 AM
up thread for awareness

Ah Wee

If u want awareness, go Changi Village and bend down. That's much more awareness for u. ;)

24-11-2013, 10:37 PM
one will not have the confidence to say he is number one unless his name is Power Tan. :cool:

Ah Wee

26-11-2013, 08:57 AM
when a girl feels like having fun, she will only contact a guy by the name of Power Tan. ;)

Ah Wee

26-11-2013, 04:28 PM
Wah lan, you are still jacking off to your own photo... :rolleyes:

26-11-2013, 07:41 PM
Wah lan, you are still jacking off to your own photo... :rolleyes:

Wah lau... I like this. Good one!

27-11-2013, 05:45 AM

if he fucking got the seh... he need to post this meh..:D

27-11-2013, 11:31 AM

if he fucking got the seh... he need to post this meh..:D

This epic 5 star thread is an important milestone in sammyboyforum as it demonstrates the importance of upgrading one's 'seh' to the level of Power Tan in order to find the desired FB of his choice. It is a must read for all FB seekers.

Ah Wee

27-11-2013, 04:24 PM

if he fucking got the seh... he need to post this meh..:D

hokkienguy boarded the fully packed MRT train during peaked hour and stood next to a reserved seat. Within moments the young man sitting on the reserved seat gave up his seat.

feeling annoyed hokkienguy yelled: Nabeh Cheebye i am not a senior citizen ok! for what you gave up the seat?

young man: what else can you expect me to do since your whole body smells like a post-cummed dick?

Ah Wee

27-11-2013, 08:22 PM
This epic 5 star thread is an important milestone in sammyboyforum as it demonstrates the importance of upgrading one's 'seh' to the level of Power Tan in order to find the desired FB of his choice. It is a must read for all FB seekers.

Ah Wee

u and all ur tales only. if u got seh. u dun even have to come here to promoting it.. dun lie.. wake up and face the fact la.

29-11-2013, 11:44 AM
u and all ur tales only. if u got seh. u dun even have to come here to promoting it.. dun lie.. wake up and face the fact la.

1 2 3

3 2 1

Power Tan

Number One

Ah Wee

29-11-2013, 11:49 AM
fans and admirers of Power Tan can catch more of my distinguished 'seh' on my facebook.


whoever wish to start a facebook fanclub for me are also free to do so.

Power Tan, Forever Number One!

Ah Wee

29-11-2013, 06:58 PM
kar kee gong kar kee song

29-11-2013, 07:01 PM
kar kee gong kar kee song

Bo Bian , ti gong tia gong lang

29-11-2013, 08:06 PM
Bo Bian , ti gong tia gong lang

yee si siao..not gong

30-11-2013, 12:34 AM
You are a disgrace to the surname Tan family. Can you don't use the Tan surname? You fucker!!!

30-11-2013, 12:53 AM
kar kee gong kar kee song

one day hokkienguy went to an adult toy shop to buy a dildo for himself. the dildos in the shop came in different sizes so in order to buy the right size hokkienguy immediately took off his pants and insert the size S dildo up his ass and shouted 'Jin Jia Song!'

next he shaft the size M dildo up his ass and shouted 'Si Beh Song!'. feeling that size M is still not big enough he tried the size L dildo and shouted 'Kan Pua Song!'

the shop keeper approached him and said: 'I don't care how Song you are but please fuck off from my shop as my customers have all ran away and i am now SIBEH BUAY SONG!!!'

Ah Wee

01-12-2013, 03:37 PM
fans and admirers of Power Tan can catch more of my distinguished 'seh' on my facebook.


whoever wish to start a facebook fanclub for me are also free to do so.

Power Tan, Forever Number One!

Ah Wee

02-12-2013, 12:12 PM
girls always do not know what they want, until the day they know Power Tan. ;)

Ah Wee

02-12-2013, 11:41 PM
MrStyleKing enters a popular adult shop in town.

MrStyleKing: excuse me, i would like to buy this set of bra and g-string

Salesgirl: for your wife?

MrStyleKing (smiles cheekily): yes

MrStyleKing: sorry miss, i would also like to purchase this sexy pair of black stockings

Salesgirl: for your wife too?

MrStyleKing: of cos

MrStyleKing: one last thing miss, can you get me that set of gigantic size dildo with free buttplug?

Salesgirl (eyes wide opened): for your wife too?

MrStyleKing (smiles): for both me and my wife. In case you are wondering, my wife's name is HOKKIENGUY.

Ah Wee

03-12-2013, 04:30 PM
Pao Tan, correct your spelling Leh
You meant SIAO and not seh
Very powerful SIAO for a SIAO LANG like you.:eek:

03-12-2013, 09:38 PM
Pao Tan, correct your spelling Leh
You meant SIAO and not seh
Very powerful SIAO for a SIAO LANG like you.:eek:

people who know me personally call me Power Tan. everyone who know me in reality have always shown me great respect for my funny and humorous display and the overpowering presence of my 'seh'. gangsters never fail to give way to me whenever i walk with an air of confidence on the street. you can catch more of my 'seh' in action on Power Tan's facebook


you will never know what is meant to be number one until you understand the 'seh' of Power Tan. May the 'seh' be with you. :cool:

Ah Wee

04-12-2013, 10:05 PM
people who know me personally call me Power Tan. everyone who know me in reality have always shown me great respect for my funny and humorous display and the overpowering presence of my 'seh'. gangsters never fail to give way to me whenever i walk with an air of confidence on the street. you can catch more of my 'seh' in action on Power Tan's facebook


you will never know what is meant to be number one until you understand the 'seh' of Power Tan. May the 'seh' be with you. :cool:

Ah Wee

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH..Thank you ..u make me laugh

05-12-2013, 09:22 PM
MrStyleKing is flying from Singapore to China. During the meal service, he accidentally knocked the spoon off the table with his elbow. The flight attendant by the name of hokkienguy immediately took a spoon from his pocket and placed it on his tray. MrStyleKing was very impressed by the promptness of the service and asked, 'Do all flight attendants carry a spoon in their pockets?'

hokkienguy answered: 'yes sir. it is to increase our productivity in serving our customers'

Moment later, as hokkienguy is picking his dirty tray up, MrStyleKing asked, 'Excuse me for asking but why do you have a string hanging from your fly?'

hokkienguy replied: 'Well, i tied the string to my dick so when i go to the washroom i just use the string. Since i never touched myself i don't need to wash my hands.'

MrStyleKing nodded and asked, 'But how do you get it back into your pants?'

hokkienguy smiled and said: 'I don't know about the other guys, but I use the spoon.'

Ah Wee

06-12-2013, 11:21 AM
'I don't know about the other guys, but I use the spoon.'

Ah Wee

Ah Wee arh Ah Wee,
So much seh meh ? yet your joke not original lah, this waiter joke at least 10 years old liao.

So u must had been spoon-fed with the creative juice or rather lanjiao juice of the original joke writer ;-)

06-12-2013, 03:04 PM
Ah Wee arh Ah Wee,
So much seh meh ? yet your joke not original lah, this waiter joke at least 10 years old liao.

So u must had been spoon-fed with the creative juice or rather lanjiao juice of the original joke writer ;-)

you can only know what is meant to be number one until you witness the 'seh' of Power Tan. ;)

Ah Wee

06-12-2013, 08:03 PM
you can only know what is meant to be number one until you witness the 'seh' of Power Tan. ;)

Ah Wee

dog fuck u la...

07-12-2013, 11:47 PM
dog fuck u la...

if you ever hope to understand what girls want, make sure you read the threads by Power Tan. :cool:

Ah Wee

08-12-2013, 02:55 AM
if you ever hope to understand what girls want, make sure you read the threads by Power Tan. :cool:

Ah Wee

Your mom is a whore.

08-12-2013, 12:43 PM
fans and admirers of Power Tan can catch more of my distinguished 'seh' on my facebook.


whoever wish to start a facebook fanclub for me are also free to do so.

Power Tan, Forever Number One!

Ah Wee

08-12-2013, 04:55 PM
UP thread for POWER TAN

08-12-2013, 05:43 PM
I kinda like this Power Tan. Everytime I read his posting, I know he is a desperate useless bum with no hope of getting women. That is why he has so much time to post here.

I am so happy that there is a real loser in this world.

Kudos to Power Tan!

17-12-2013, 11:37 PM
form is temporary. 'seh' is permanent. but only the 'seh' of Power Tan is eternal.

Ah Wee

07-02-2014, 02:56 AM
one can never declare he has the 'seh' unless his name is Power Tan.

Ah Wee

07-02-2014, 01:46 PM
The return of the prodigal child...the sai....I meant seh..Ah Pow Eh Tan

08-02-2014, 01:28 AM
The return of the prodigal child...the sai....I meant seh..Ah Pow Eh Tan

This guy seriously needs his meds :D

08-02-2014, 01:44 PM
This guy seriously needs his meds :D

Now u know who's the tok cok king here...
We 2 stand one corner.

10-02-2014, 05:10 PM
This guy seriously needs his meds :D

you will understand what i meant by the 'seh' if ever you have the chance in your life to look at the mirror and witness the face of the number one.

Ah Wee

10-02-2014, 09:17 PM
you will understand what i meant by the 'seh' if ever you have the chance in your life to look at the mirror and witness the face of the number one.

Ah Wee

You meant Number One Sai.. Gao Sai, Gu Sai, Kway Sai, Simi Sai...the best Sai is the one you kena poked all the time, Sai Kang.

10-02-2014, 09:35 PM
so sad we have our very own "Most Interesting Man In The World" and he got neg rep


10-02-2014, 10:09 PM
Just lost at the casino, but when I read this thread, it is much better than any jokes in the world.....
Power Tan must really be short, chubby and bespectacled.....the way he taunts other bros just make me VERY sure that he indeed has a pee wee 1.5 inch dick, and an anal that drips SAI like a running tap after being raped plenty of times....
probably got huge balls though....泡鹅蛋!

10-02-2014, 10:12 PM
Really make my day......

11-02-2014, 09:22 AM
You meant Number One Sai.. Gao Sai, Gu Sai, Kway Sai, Simi Sai...the best Sai is the one you kena poked all the time, Sai Kang.

edvil had a nightmare where he dreamt that his ass was fucked by a ladyboy. obviously feeling paranoid he started looking nervously for the presence of an old and fat ladyboy while wandering off the street.

out of a sudden, a ladyboy came up to him and asked in a sexy male voice 'excuse me, may i know the direction to.....' edvil immediately let out a cry and dashed to the nearest household, knocking the door hard and furious until an old and fat man let him in.

trying hard to catch his breath, edvil thanked him and exclaimed 'thanks goodness that was close! what could be worse than getting your ass fucked by a ladyboy?'

the man looked at him with a cheeky smile on his face and said 'well there is, like getting your ass fucked by an old and fat guy.' ;)

Ah Wee

12-02-2014, 01:24 PM
up thread for awareness ;)

Ah Wee

13-02-2014, 10:30 AM
a female forummer has sent me a pm requesting Power Tan to be her FB. Out of curiosity i sent her a reply to understand why is she interested in me alone. She said all men are the same but to find a man with 'seh' is a most unusual and rare occurrence which calls for celebrations.

I am touched by her honesty and wisdom and am now considering her to be my FB. however, before i make her my official FB i would have to dump my long term ladyboy FB which is a painful decision to make as my ladyboy FB has been most submissive and she can't sleep without having my dick in her mouth. This is, indeed a difficult challenge in the new year for Power Tan, the man with the 'seh'.

Ah Wee

13-02-2014, 09:51 PM
Such creative Sai...I meant seh
Ah wee ah wee...female FB... You meant the incredible Sherine?
If you dunno who 'she' is....go do some research.
Your ladyboy FB....you meant the Ah Neh cleaner at your block?
Your pee wee in 'her' mouth......you sure you have the right tool?
Goodness better keep you Sai...I meant seh where it should be, in your Kar Chng Kang.

14-02-2014, 02:25 AM
Such creative Sai...I meant seh
Ah wee ah wee...female FB... You meant the incredible Sherine?
If you dunno who 'she' is....go do some research.
Your ladyboy FB....you meant the Ah Neh cleaner at your block?
Your pee wee in 'her' mouth......you sure you have the right tool?
Goodness better keep you Sai...I meant seh where it should be, in your Kar Chng Kang.

one day edvil thought of starting his own thread after getting inspired by Power Tan's legendary 'Attention all ladies, i am 34 this year and horny' thread. in order to make a name of himself in the forum he decided to use a bombastic title for his thread -'edvil the luckiest guy on earth - 5 fucks in a day!!!'

edvil began to illustrate his sexual escapade....

'i woke up early in the morning, feeling horny, i fucked myself with the strawberry pie. first fuck of the day!'

'feeling so good after my morning sex, i walked out of my house but immediately slipped myself and fell flat on the ground. WHAT THE FUCK?'

'on the way to work i messaged my ladyboy lover to meet me for lunch at our love nest and she said yes. i was feeling so excited that i couldn't control my urge to be fucked by ladyboy cock that i immediately rushed to the nearby toilet and finger fucked my asshole. gosh it's still so tight, i hope my ladyboy lover likes it.'

'finally i reached my office, my lady boss was so angry with me for losing another deal that she literally fucked me upside down. what a way to start my work.'

'after a long and agonizing wait it's finally lunch time and i wasted no time to meet my ladyboy lover at our love nest and we fucked like no tomorrow. balls banging at its best!!!'

The End.

feeling so proud of his creativity, edvil was grinning at his accomplishment until he received numerous zaps with the same comments - 'lousy story, go FUCK yourself lah!'

Ah Wee

14-02-2014, 06:43 PM
Goodness, getting anal by ah Neh and bangala must be paying you well.
No need to wake up early like us office people, just lie there in bed, spread your legs, arched your back and stick your ass up... Get pounded and collect your money.
No wonder you have so much time and so much creative sai, I meant seh flowing out from you.
Me, have to stand inside mrt to write this reply in 5 minutes before the Ah Neh smell becomes too unbearable.

15-02-2014, 02:58 PM
All girls and ladyboys who have been secretly admiring Power Tan in this forum feel free to confess your love for me in this thread now. One by one, behold the 'seh' of Power Tan.

Ah Wee

19-02-2014, 10:04 AM
up thread for the number one. ;)

Ah Wee

20-02-2014, 03:27 PM
No matter old or young, one by one, all girls will succumb to the 'seh' of Power Tan

Ah Wee

20-02-2014, 10:57 PM
powertan, mai u come jb find me then i roll with u. haha :D

25-02-2014, 12:58 AM
powertan, mai u come jb find me then i roll with u. haha :D

Power Tan


Ah Wee

03-03-2014, 06:30 PM
when a girl had known Power Tan, she will not be bothered to know anyone.

Ah Wee

17-06-2014, 02:54 PM
you will never understand what it means to be the number one unless you have witnessed the 'seh' of Power Tan.

Ah Wee

17-06-2014, 06:35 PM
The seh of been no. 1 in pts to be deducted huh... haha.
or pts not impt for many red cards holders l.

17-06-2014, 06:47 PM
After long break, No 1 siao kia is back.

17-06-2014, 06:49 PM
Welcome the seh back!:D

24-06-2014, 03:56 PM
you will never understand what it means to be the number one unless you have witnessed the 'seh' of Power Tan.

Ah Wee

Lan Sai Seh izzit:D

24-06-2014, 06:06 PM
I thought Power Tan's seh became jin pai seh, so go hiding long long...

Now cum out again, Power Tan is really buay pai seh. :p

24-06-2014, 11:13 PM
Bro saas, just return favour and up your points.

I thought Power Tan's seh became jin pai seh, so go hiding long long...

Now cum out again, Power Tan is really buay pai seh. :p

26-06-2014, 12:38 AM
I thought Power Tan's seh became jin pai seh, so go hiding long long...

Now cum out again, Power Tan is really buay pai seh. :p

form is temporary, class is permanent. but only Power Tan's 'seh' is eternal.

Let the truth be known to all.

Ah Wee

28-06-2014, 09:34 PM
one by one, all girls will fall in love with Power Tan.

Ah Wee

02-07-2014, 01:25 AM
once a girl has seen Power Tan, she will have no eyes for anyone.

Ah Wee

04-07-2014, 01:17 PM
up thread for awareness

Ah Wee

05-07-2014, 06:06 AM
Power Tan no 1.Power Tan tok kong ah.

If i am a gal, i will cut off power tan dick and put it in a bottle and admire for hours daily. In fact i think can sell for 100 million. All gals will bid for it.

Which led me wonder if power tan dick is already in a bottle? i think international auction house will beg to auction it.

08-07-2014, 09:08 PM
Power Tan no 1.Power Tan tok kong ah.

If i am a gal, i will cut off power tan dick and put it in a bottle and admire for hours daily. In fact i think can sell for 100 million. All gals will bid for it.

Which led me wonder if power tan dick is already in a bottle? i think international auction house will beg to auction it.

It is lonely at the top. So said Power Tan.

Ah Wee

09-07-2014, 06:48 AM
You meant at the bottom of a bottomless pit?:rolleyes:

11-07-2014, 12:19 PM
On a sunny afternoon, MrStyleKing was having coffee at his regular cafe when he spotted Gambol sitting alone at the opposite table.

MrStyleKing: Hi bro, how have you been doing lately? Any luck with girls in sammyboy forum?

Gambol: Well of course. I am now a popular FB guru in the forum busy sharing my techniques of having free sex with 100+ girls to those losers, including an idiot with a failed attempt to sell his pathetic food blog.

MrStyleKing (Laugh): That's the greatest joke i have heard this year. As a reward you are allowed to give me a blowjob for free.

Gambol: What the fuck??? Just who do you think i am, a FAGGOT???

MrStyleKing (Sneer): And who do you think you are? POWER TAN???

Ah Wee

13-07-2014, 03:07 AM
On a hot sunny afternoon act smart dumbass totally and maid hunting despo ningcaichen are both shopping in a sex toy shop when a robber came in suddenly and commanded the shopkeeper and every single customers to handover their money.

act smart dumbass totally gave a smirk and said: it's so smart of me never to bring any cash but credit cards whenever i do my shopping. haha.

maid hunting despo ningcaichen immediately stuff a $100 notes into totally's pocket and said: keep it bro, this is the $100 i borrowed from you last week.

Ah Wee

15-07-2014, 01:50 PM
up my 5 star thread for awareness

Ah Wee

19-07-2014, 01:21 PM
you won't understand what it means to be the Number One unless you have witnessed the 'seh' of Power Tan.

Ah Wee

19-07-2014, 02:18 PM
Mr Tan, I am sick and tired to see your post. Make me feel like peeing on your head and make you wake up your idea. In there, we are talking about sex and not here to showoff how good you are. If you want, maybe some showoff forums will let you do it.


19-07-2014, 02:29 PM
you won't understand what it means to be the Number One unless you have witnessed the 'seh' of Power Tan.

Ah Wee

hooray for shifu Power Tan! hooray for the number one!!

hip hip hooray!!! :D:D:D

19-07-2014, 05:33 PM
hooray for shifu Power Tan! hooray for the number one!!

hip hip hooray!!! :D:D:D

shixiong we should bump up shifu's threads daily so more samsters can benefit from his teachings and all can become the man with seh. :D

20-07-2014, 07:01 PM
PowerTan, ManwithSeh and ManwithSeh2, I guess is the same person. So immature.


21-07-2014, 01:42 AM
PowerTan, ManwithSeh and ManwithSeh2, I guess is the same person. So immature.

http://postimg.org/image/6kk9avtu1/full/The solution is zapping all of them.

21-07-2014, 01:51 AM
divadeeper, no use lah. The thick skinned -301 and still bullsh*tting.

21-07-2014, 03:50 AM
divadeeper, no use lah. The thick skinned -301 and still bullsh*tting.

one day PowerGuySG went to the neighbourhood market to buy his groceries.

PowerGuySG: good morning auntie, i would like to buy one of your XL sized cucumber.

Market auntie (astonished): what the fuck is a XL sized cucumber?

PowerGuySG: you know lah auntie, it's recession now and i am out of job thus i have no money to buy the XL sized dildo which i desperately needed to stop the shit from coming out of my worn-out ass. So please auntie give me the cucumber now before you see shit in your store.

Ah Wee

21-07-2014, 08:38 AM
one day PowerGuySG went to the neighbourhood market to buy his groceries.

PowerGuySG: good morning auntie, i would like to buy one of your XL sized cucumber.

Market auntie (astonished): what the fuck is a XL sized cucumber?

PowerGuySG: you know lah auntie, it's recession now and i am out of job thus i have no money to buy the XL sized dildo which i desperately needed to stop the shit from coming out of my worn-out ass. So please auntie give me the cucumber now before you see shit in your store.

Ah Wee

Ooi...writing primary school essay huh?
Your grammar is really shitty, like you leh.

21-07-2014, 05:26 PM
LOL. Maybe he is related to Ris Low who need to go for English lessons.
Sorry, I take back. I feel Ris Low is better than him. LOL

22-07-2014, 01:12 AM
Ooi...writing primary school essay huh?
Your grammar is really shitty, like you leh.

To a man with 'seh' like Power Tan it's always lonely at the top. And lesser man without 'seh' such as edvil shall always play the role of the jealous counterpart.

This is the price to pay for being the Number One.

Ah Wee

22-07-2014, 12:06 PM
To a man with 'seh' like Power Tan it's always lonely at the top. And lesser man without 'seh' such as edvil shall always play the role of the jealous counterpart.

This is the price to pay for being the Number One.

Ah Wee

Unfortunately the circus left you here Power tan.
No wonder you are lonely.
Get a bitch, sorry I meant dog., it will serve you well...
I really don't deny you are the Number One ass hole bangala will fucked!
Keep it up!

22-07-2014, 12:41 PM

24-07-2014, 02:35 AM

you may take away my points, you may take away my glory, you may take away my status, but you can never take away the 'seh' of Power Tan

Ah Wee

26-07-2014, 10:52 PM
Three guys are arrested in an adult book store and appear before the judge.

The judge asks the first guy to stand: "What is your name?" he asked.

"MrStyleKing" the guy answered. "And why were you arrested?" the judge asked.

"I was at the magazine rack holding a big fat cigar and blowing smoke." he answered.

The judge didn't see anything wrong with that, so he dismissed the guy and called up the next one. "What's your name?" he asked.

"Act smart dumbass totally" the guy answered. "Why were you arrested?" the Judge asked.

"I was at the bookshelf holding a big fat cigar and blowing smoke." he answered.

Again, the judge saw nothing offensive. 'This so called adult store is beginning to sound more like a smoking club!' he thought.

So he dismissed the charge and called up the next guy. "What's your name?? Are you also blowing smoke in the store??" he said.

"No," answered the guy, "My name is Smoke."

Ah Wee

28-07-2014, 01:24 AM
up thread for awareness

egmar mah
28-07-2014, 11:22 AM
Power tan? Who the fuck hell he is? Knn!

29-07-2014, 11:31 AM
Power tan? Who the fuck hell he is? Knn!

one will never understand what it means to be the Number One unless he has witnessed the 'seh' of Power Tan.

Ah Wee

29-07-2014, 12:43 PM
one will never understand what it means to be the Number One unless he has witnessed the 'seh' of Power Tan.

Ah Wee

How can one understand a person who is a Permanent Resident in IMH?
powertan, your "seh" helps you to be selected by garment as the privileged few PR to reside in the all expenses paid IMH.
We seriously are not that level to compete with your PR status in IMH.

29-07-2014, 12:49 PM
How can one understand a person who is a Permanent Resident in IMH?
powertan, your "seh" helps you to be selected by garment as the privileged few PR to reside in the all expenses paid IMH.
We seriously are not that level to compete with your PR status in IMH.

As what Power Tan has mentioned all along, it's every man's dream to be the Number One. Form is temporary, class is permanent, only the 'seh' is eternal, lesser men without 'seh' such as hokkienguy, edvil, act smart dumbass totally and maid hunting despo ningcaichen have all unwittingly committed the greatest karma by putting down the man with 'seh', which happens to be their exact polar opposite in terms of masculinity and charismatic presence. Their only redemption is to upgrade their 'seh' by reading up 'All girls love Power Tan' from page 1 to the end. May the 'seh' be with them.

Ah Wee

29-07-2014, 03:06 PM
Bro ,

Image of yourself in your Mind - The Almighty SEH man.

Image of you in all other bro mind -

http://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=AwrBTzaZR9dT5nYAoONXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTBtdXBkbHJ yBHNlYwNmcC1hdHRyaWIEc2xrA3J1cmw-/RV=2/RE=1406646298/RO=10/RU=http%3a%2f%2fen.wikipedia.org%2fwiki%2fFile%3aC olorful_Clown_3.jpg/RK=0/RS=PV6Q7Y.zLkcZrlm2gbEuNw3Fy14-


29-07-2014, 09:49 PM
Bro ,

Image of yourself in your Mind - The Almighty SEH man.

Image of you in all other bro mind -

http://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=AwrBTzaZR9dT5nYAoONXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTBtdXBkbHJ yBHNlYwNmcC1hdHRyaWIEc2xrA3J1cmw-/RV=2/RE=1406646298/RO=10/RU=http%3a%2f%2fen.wikipedia.org%2fwiki%2fFile%3aC olorful_Clown_3.jpg/RK=0/RS=PV6Q7Y.zLkcZrlm2gbEuNw3Fy14-


haha u made my day bro. :D

31-07-2014, 12:28 AM
demonhunter is lying in bed with his wife when he turns to her, grabs her tits and says 'Honey if you could get milk out of these we could sell the cow'. Then he grabs her pussy and says 'Honey if you could get eggs out of here we could sell the chickens'. She turns to demonhunter with a smile, grabs his dick and says 'Honey if you could get this up I could get rid of your brother'.

Ah Wee

egmar mah
31-07-2014, 09:00 AM
one will never understand what it means to be the Number One unless he has witnessed the 'seh' of Power Tan.

Ah Wee

Wat Lanjiao seh does power tan has? Wtf , if really got seh go hook on my favourite fantasize sex partner fm, think u will never succeed.

04-08-2014, 08:58 PM
Wat Lanjiao seh does power tan has? Wtf , if really got seh go hook on my favourite fantasize sex partner fm, think u will never succeed.

1 2 3

3 2 1

Power Tan

Number One

Ah Wee

06-08-2014, 11:40 PM
up thread for awareness

Ah Wee

08-08-2014, 09:10 PM
Two guys are in a locker room when one guy notices the Power Tan has a cork in his ass. He says, "How'd you get a cork in your ass? " Power Tan says, "I was walking along the beach and I tripped over a lamp. There was a puff of smoke, and then a red man in a turban came oozing out. He said, "I am Tonto, Indian Genie. I can grant-um you one wish. " And Power Tan said, "No shit. "

egmar mah
08-08-2014, 11:23 PM
Power tan power tan 123 321 power tan power tan Ccb !动力陈 动力陈 干你那杯操鸡白。up my points up my points , who agree up my points hooray!

09-08-2014, 11:09 AM

Power Tan Ah Wee was happily riding his RXK motorbike ( Lau K ) with JunWuSeh as pillion .

JunWuSeh was holding 2 bags of Liu Lian when their motorbike ran over a hump.

The rider , Ah Wee heard a bang ....

He asked JunWuSeh , Liu Lian woo kalau boh ?

JunWuSeh shouted , boh kalau !! boh kalau !!

So Ah Wee did not bother and continued the journey .

When they reached their destination , Ah Wee got down from his bike and was shocked to see JunWuSeh without helmet .

He asked JunWuSeh : where is your helmet ???

JunWuSeh got really angry and replied : I shouted to you earlier , boh kalau !! boh kalau !! but you kept on going instead of stopping the bike !!!

10-08-2014, 09:53 PM
up thread for awareness

Ah Wee

23-09-2014, 03:22 AM
up thread for awareness

Ah Wee

02-10-2014, 10:50 PM
The one and only man in this forum which all girls and ladyboys adore:


Ah Wee

04-10-2014, 12:07 PM
Three sammyboy forum members are discussing about who they think is the most idiotic member in the forum.

Member A: It must be MrStyleKing, the pathetic fatso who tries to promote his food blog in a place where the members are only hungry for sex.

Member B: Needless to say it has to be subidowa. Till now he is still trying his best to open a Maserati car door with a Honda's key.

Member C: The greatest idiot can only be demonhunter. Afterall who else would be dumb enough to lose his way in a supermarket and starved himself to death?

Ah Wee

08-10-2014, 01:58 PM
Our world needs Power Tan

Ah Wee

egmar mah
08-10-2014, 09:01 PM
Power I will engage some bangla fr construction site to ram ur asshole. Ass jam by many black dicks

12-10-2014, 03:01 AM
you can't find a better man than Power Tan

Ah Wee

16-10-2014, 01:07 PM
when a girl has tasted the dick of Power Tan, you know her smile would be brighter than the sun.

Ah Wee

17-10-2014, 12:35 AM
demonhunter was lying on the bed with his 60 years old sugarmum after a 'hot and vigorous' sex session.

60 years old sugarmum: darling you really have long and beautiful fingers.

demonhunter gives a wicked smile and says: yes mum. i am truly proud of my fingers. you see, i use my index finger to dig my nose, middle finger to say fuck you, ring finger to dig your young and heavenly pussy and lastly my precious little finger to dig my horny asshole every single night.

Ah Wee

17-10-2014, 01:37 AM
when a girl has tasted the dick of Power Tan, you know her smile would be brighter than the sun.

Ah Wee

when a girl has tasted the dick of Power Tan,Her pussy would be feeling nothing more than a toothpick cleaning her gums..:p:p

17-10-2014, 02:53 PM
when a girl has tasted the dick of Power Tan,Her pussy would be feeling nothing more than a toothpick cleaning her gums..:p:p

while demonhunter was having his shower, he saw fat boy boyboy1313 in the swimming pool shower room. in his usual cocky and arrogant self, demonhunter wasted no time to humiliate boyboy1313.

demonhunter: your body is so small, it's shadow is enough to fill your whole bedroom.

boyboy1313 took a peek at demonhunter's limped dick and replied: your dick is so big, my perfect eyesight can only sees tooth pick.

Ah Wee

19-10-2014, 02:14 PM
a man without 'seh' like demonhunter is a total junk while a man with 'seh' will always triumph like Power Tan.

Ah Wee

20-10-2014, 12:52 PM
while demonhunter was having his shower, he saw fat boy boyboy1313 in the swimming pool shower room. in his usual cocky and arrogant self, demonhunter wasted no time to humiliate boyboy1313.

demonhunter: your body is so small, it's shadow is enough to fill your whole bedroom.

boyboy1313 took a peek at demonhunter's limped dick and replied: your dick is so big, my perfect eyesight can only sees tooth pick.

Ah Wee

up thread for awareness

Ah Wee

20-10-2014, 05:09 PM
when a girl has tasted the dick of Power Tan, you know her smile would be brighter than the sun.

Ah Wee

Hello Ah Wee...whenever I get bore while digging my nose hor or nothing else to do...I will log on to view your thread...your thread hor...never fail to make my day lei...

21-10-2014, 02:27 AM
Hello Ah Wee...whenever I get bore while digging my nose hor or nothing else to do...I will log on to view your thread...your thread hor...never fail to make my day lei...

these are some of the reasons why demonhunter is a born loser who couldn't find a girlfriend or wife in his entire life.

1) his dog rather go play with the cats than to play with him

2) the only phone calls he would receive are telemarketer calls

3) common female's comment on his looks: i have come across decomposed bodies who are less offensive than your looks

4) common male's comment on his looks: can i borrow your face for a few days while my ass is on vacation?

5) you will find the name 'nobody' instead of 'demonhunter' on his friends phone book

Ah Wee

egmar mah
21-10-2014, 04:51 PM
Power tan Cheeby seh

24-10-2014, 01:02 AM
Three sammyboy forum members are discussing about who they think is the most idiotic member in the forum.

Member A: It must be MrStyleKing, the pathetic fatso who tries to promote his food blog in a place where the members are only hungry for sex.

Member B: Needless to say it has to be subidowa. Till now he is still trying his best to open a Maserati car door with a Honda's key.

Member C: The greatest idiot can only be demonhunter. Afterall who else would be dumb enough to lose his way in a supermarket and starved himself to death?

Ah Wee

up thread for awareness

Ah Wee

egmar mah
24-10-2014, 03:38 PM
Power tan Nabeh cheeby

26-10-2014, 07:04 PM
Power tan Nabeh cheeby

up thread for awareness

Ah Wee

29-10-2014, 01:37 PM
the meaning of life is to become the number one like Power Tan.

Ah Wee

egmar mah
29-10-2014, 08:48 PM
up thread for awareness

Ah Wee

Aware ur Cheeby

30-10-2014, 07:55 AM
The purpose of this thread is to provide fellow female forummers the opportunity to confess their love and admiration for Power Tan, the man with 'seh'.

Any female member here wanna start the ball rolling? :cool:

Ah Wee

Before we can say how Powerful, macho & seh about him, please
post your photo, naked also can and possible we and the women
especially would like to see how big your little brother is.

egmar mah
30-10-2014, 05:47 PM
Zap my points is nothing, I am most happy means u take notice of me. Gong tau done on the one who zapped, tonite u shall vomit worms. Die to the horrible death may u

01-11-2014, 11:32 PM
Before we can say how Powerful, macho & seh about him, please
post your photo, naked also can and possible we and the women
especially would like to see how big your little brother is.

whenever you see a woman keep looking at someone, you know he is none other than Power Tan.

Ah Wee

06-11-2014, 11:24 PM
up thread for awareness

Ah Wee

07-11-2014, 06:36 PM
Now got one guy' SEH' level is higher than you his name is Joven Chew you hve no match with him liao....:p

08-11-2014, 12:51 AM
Now got one guy' SEH' level is higher than you his name is Joven Chew you hve no match with him liao....:p

to be honest both of us have similar height and body size. the difference is that Power Tan will always be remembered as a short and chubby guy with specs walking with an almighty 'seh' attracting all girls and ladyboys attention on the street while Jover Chew will always be remembered as a disgraced scammer who is only capable of making male tourists cry.

Power Tan


Ah Wee

08-11-2014, 05:30 AM
to be honest both of us have similar height and body size. the difference is that Power Tan will always be remembered as a short and chubby guy with specs walking with an almighty 'seh' attracting all girls and ladyboys attention on the street while Jover Chew will always be remembered as a disgraced scammer who is only capable of making male tourists cry.

Power Tan


Ah Wee

I saw someone look like jover selling backside. That must be you???

10-11-2014, 02:06 PM
up thread for awareness

Ah Wee

12-11-2014, 02:25 PM
all girls only love Power Tan, all the other guys don't stand a chance.

Ah Wee

12-11-2014, 07:00 PM
Lol. Let me help u.

Up thread for awareness. Tio bo? Haaa

15-11-2014, 01:12 AM
Lol. Let me help u.

Up thread for awareness. Tio bo? Haaa

our world needs Power Tan

Ah Wee

16-11-2014, 02:22 PM
these are some of the reasons why demonhunter is a born loser who couldn't find a girlfriend or wife in his entire life.

1) his dog rather go play with the cats than to play with him

2) the only phone calls he would receive are telemarketer calls

3) common female's comment on his looks: i have come across decomposed bodies who are less offensive than your looks

4) common male's comment on his looks: can i borrow your face for a few days while my ass is on vacation?

5) you will find the name 'nobody' instead of 'demonhunter' on his friends phone book

Ah Wee

up thread for awareness

Ah Wee

18-11-2014, 11:49 PM
Three guys are arrested in an adult book store and appear before the judge.

The judge asks the first guy to stand: "What is your name?" he asked.

"MrStyleKing" the guy answered. "And why were you arrested?" the judge asked.

"I was at the magazine rack holding a big fat cigar and blowing smoke." he answered.

The judge didn't see anything wrong with that, so he dismissed the guy and called up the next one. "What's your name?" he asked.

"Act smart dumbass totally" the guy answered. "Why were you arrested?" the Judge asked.

"I was at the bookshelf holding a big fat cigar and blowing smoke." he answered.

Again, the judge saw nothing offensive. 'This so called adult store is beginning to sound more like a smoking club!' he thought.

So he dismissed the charge and called up the next guy. "What's your name?? Are you also blowing smoke in the store??" he said.

"No," answered the guy, "My name is Smoke."

Ah Wee

up thread for awareness

Ah Wee

23-11-2014, 11:09 PM
up thread for the number one

Ah Wee

25-11-2014, 12:41 PM
all girls only love Power Tan, all the other guys don't stand a chance.

Ah Wee

up thread for awareness

Ah Wee

28-11-2014, 12:01 PM
up thread for awareness

Ah Wee