View Full Version : Story: Yin and Yang

10-09-2013, 10:04 PM
I kind of wrote myself into a wall with my other ongoing story. I'm starting this one to have something fresh to work on whenever I'm getting stuck with the other. I might not be updating this one as regularly though.

Disclaimer: As always, my stories are fictional. All names used are pulled off the top of my head. Any similarities to real life events or persons are completely coincidental. The sexual escapades described here are similarly born out of fantasy. I take no responsibility if a reader decides that girls in the real world succumbs as easily to sex as in this story.

10-09-2013, 10:06 PM
The street was rife with students spilling out of the school gate, buzzing with feverish excitement about the mid-year holidays which had finally begun the moment the last bell rung 10 minutes ago. There was no way Mdm. Wee LiYing, beloved class teacher of 4C could spot Noel Chang among the throng of ecstatic teenagers all garbed in similar uniforms. But Noel could easily see her, his eyes trailing her frocked figure, watching her take one careful step after another, in consideration of her swelling belly which was heavy with child. His child.

Mdm. Wee walked gracefully among a group of Noel’s classmates, last minute well-wishers and long-time secret admirers, towards a black Toyota Corolla parked before the gate. The driver’s door popped open, and a man stepped out to meet her. His face was a visage of pride and adoration for his pregnant wife whose hand he gently took and guided towards the opposite front seat. Noel studied the man who would be raising his first child. He looked dependable, adequately capable. He felt a sting in his chest cavity when the man kissed her lovingly on the forehead. This was the best way, for the baby, for her, and for Noel. She had told him as much.

It wasn’t fair. This thought kept surfacing in Noel’s emotionally charged brain. Why wouldn’t she run away with him? They could move upstate, to Ipoh, or even better, to Penang, where the food is cheap yet mostly scrumptious. She could continue to teach and he could pretend to be her nephew, or her step-son. They could live together, lie together in each other’s arms every night, cuddle on the couch before the TV every evening, take long showers together in the afternoon, and wake up to each other’s warmth every morning.

No, she said. You have your whole future ahead of you, she said. You need to study, go to university, learn and grow, change the world. Why can’t she understand that there is no world worth fighting for if she wasn’t in it? But she was adamant. Just like that, their passionate love for each other which burned as brightly as it was moltenly hot for almost an entire year, snuffed out with one resignation letter. Why is it so easy for her to walk away?

LiYing paused a moment before the car entrance. She turned slightly to face the party of fans who had come to send her off, many of them weeping now. Her gaze however roamed searchingly past them, seemingly scanning the bustling crowd of students in the background for something. For someone. Noel stiffened. He traced the fine features of her face longingly in that final glimpse of her before she settled into the car. He didn’t watch them drive away. He was glaring furiously into the ground, fighting back the tears. Noel would very well be the only person out of hundreds of his peers who was dreading this coming holiday.

10-09-2013, 10:57 PM
Wah bro new story ah.first to support u lah.