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03-04-2003, 08:55 AM
greetings. thought i might as well post here to do some 'recruitment' for my trip to Balibago. Not to worry, bro Phenom, details and FR will go into the rightful Balibago thread.

Finally my Balibago trip can be materialzed!

16May to 19May. Anyone keen to join me? I haven't been there before, but the information contributed by the faithful brothers here helped a great deal. THANKS!

05-04-2003, 01:56 AM
Originally posted by phenom
My dear Smiler, our memories will always stay fresh for the truly great bonks..........and the terrible ones as well. :D

Yupz..........truely agree on this point......no matter how long, still like only happen yesterday like that............:o

08-04-2003, 03:41 PM
Hello All Brothers who cheong Philippines

Please do not be con to pay 3000-4000peso/gal/night.
The rate should be around 1200-1500peso/gal/night.

Maybe tip 200 peso ok.

That work out to about S$50.

Cheap hor can F so many times.

Please remember

20-04-2003, 12:37 AM
Thks bro for the info............:D

17-05-2003, 01:08 PM

Anyone out there know where is this Bellevue Hotel located? I will be manila and my agent has booked for me a room at the abovementioned hotel. Any happening places around this hotel, pls advice. Thanks

04-06-2003, 12:08 PM
Finally, I can go to Manila liao.....Hust wanna check who will be there on 15/6 to 19/6.

I will be on business trip and if anyone going that time, PM me and we can meet up to go cheong together.........kekekeke

04-06-2003, 12:10 PM
Originally posted by square
greetings. thought i might as well post here to do some 'recruitment' for my trip to Balibago. Not to worry, bro Phenom, details and FR will go into the rightful Balibago thread.

Finally my Balibago trip can be materialzed!

16May to 19May. Anyone keen to join me? I haven't been there before, but the information contributed by the faithful brothers here helped a great deal. THANKS!

Bro Square, we can meet up liao.....so PM me your contact can?

04-06-2003, 04:52 PM
bro Smiler, so sorry, guess u missed my earlier posting. My biz trip postponed till dunno when, stupid SARS thing loh. really very sorry.

Please giv eus updates of Balibago yeah? And most importantly, enjoy urself, hope u have a good time!

04-06-2003, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by square
bro Smiler, so sorry, guess u missed my earlier posting. My biz trip postponed till dunno when, stupid SARS thing loh. really very sorry.

Please giv eus updates of Balibago yeah? And most importantly, enjoy urself, hope u have a good time!

Wat a waste!!!!!!!

Well........no choice, think I have to cheong alone and paint balibago RED liao............hahahahahaha

Saddam Hussein
04-06-2003, 07:17 PM
Will be in Manila June 9 to June 14, anyone going there and interested cheonging 2gether.

04-06-2003, 09:47 PM
wow so envy u guy gg manila
dun MISS and foret to check out COTTON CLUB at international buiding, opposite Heritage hotel
best hostess available

05-06-2003, 02:31 AM
if your looking for girls in the philippines i will give you they're contact numbers if you want email me thru marksoahotmail.com

05-06-2003, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by markso
if your looking for girls in the philippines i will give you they're contact numbers if you want email me thru marksoahotmail.com
Hi bro markso:
I've got your reply thru email .... thx ... only thing is:
You forgot to furnish the phone number :(
Appreciate if you could provide this pertinent info.


07-06-2003, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by Saddam Hussein
Will be in Manila June 9 to June 14, anyone going there and interested cheonging 2gether.

Too bad..........your timing and mine dun match........so can't cheong together liao..........maybe next time.

07-06-2003, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by vaxvms
wow so envy u guy gg manila
dun MISS and foret to check out COTTON CLUB at international buiding, opposite Heritage hotel
best hostess available

I will........and will give FR if there's any action. Anyway, me will be staying near heritage.................:p

07-06-2003, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by markso
if your looking for girls in the philippines i will give you they're contact numbers if you want email me thru marksoahotmail.com

Thanks..............I got it.

So you going to Manila???

07-06-2003, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by smiler
Finally, I can go to Manila liao.....Hust wanna check who will be there on 15/6 to 19/6.

I will be on business trip and if anyone going that time, PM me and we can meet up to go cheong together.........kekekeke

Hi Smiler. Maybe, just maybe, I might be able to make it to Manila and Balibago at about the same time as you after all.
If I can just get my preparations for next month's Jkt exhibition ready in the next few days, I will be able to tear myself away the following week.
If all goes well, I'll book my ticket next Thursday for Sat 14/6 to Sun 22/6. As usual the Mon to Fri is for business in Manila and the weekends before and after are strictly boozing and bonking time in Balibago.
Why don't you leave a day earlier on Sat instead of your scheduled Sun? You can then spend a night in Balibago and be in Manila on Sun or like me, booze till 5am in the wee hours of Mon morning and be in Manila at daybreak.
As I said, I'm still trying, and its a 50/50 chance but if it materialise, then we can at long last envelope the sextown in a crimson tide. :D

07-06-2003, 11:01 PM
This is a piece of good news to me..........my long awaited for does pay off...........at least I still have 50/50 waiting for you to finalise...........anyway, I do hope the other 50% can come true...........Oh yes! Balibago.............here we cums...........OOppsss.....I mean come...........kkekekekekeke

08-06-2003, 01:02 AM
Yes, I'm trying hard to make it this window period as my next could be end July/August and that,s too long.
My usual is the Sat morning flt, arriving in Manila early afternoon. I'll then go on to Balibago, reaching there just as the Sun starts to go down and the lights go up.
Paradise, here we cum...and I mean CUM, not come.:D

08-06-2003, 02:07 AM
Originally posted by smiler
I will........and will give FR if there's any action. Anyway, me will be staying near heritage.................:p

if u hand itchy can go heritage casino see can win some $$$ for free bonk
dun forget it check out makati area
HRC can go sian some high society lady for one nite stand :)

08-06-2003, 05:19 PM
Originally posted by phenom
Yes, I'm trying hard to make it this window period as my next could be end July/August and that,s too long.
My usual is the Sat morning flt, arriving in Manila early afternoon. I'll then go on to Balibago, reaching there just as the Sun starts to go down and the lights go up.
Paradise, here we cum...and I mean CUM, not come.:D

Bro, I have already FIX on 15/6 flight. I dun think I can change to 14/6............maybe we can meet there if you are really there at that time...........ok?

09-06-2003, 12:50 PM
DUDES!!!! sorry to say this, but aside from the brow ho posted earlier about his 'experience' in the place called genie ktv, you got your places ALL wrong!!!! metro manila is a hotbed of entertainment, from the cheapos to the high class... but ifyou come all the way to manila, why settle for cheapos!!!

here are some tips:

-almost all hotels turn a blind eye on 'girls', so ask around. bellboys and concierges are good sources of information.

-clubs in makati SUCK! they are for the caucasian markets, and the girls here are expensive and most of the time unattractive.

-the best places to go for ktv-style clubs are genie, legende, pegasus, heartbeat and classmate. except for genie, the others are in quezon city (still in metro manila) and taxis here knows these places. expect a bigger damage but the girls are far better looking.

-these mentioned places also have massage parlors. no thai-style massages here, but performances are good.

i have brought around some foreign ffriends in these places (no, i am not into escorting, so don't pm me) and some foreign acquaintances of mine are also familiar with these places and are very much satisfied.

any more questions with philippine-style entertainment, i'll glad to help. and the only thing i need is info on singapore, since i am a frequent traveller to sing and would want to 'expand my horizons'. peace!

10-06-2003, 12:37 AM
hi my bro's i have many female contacts in manila so if you're looking for girls just email me and i'll email you the numbers all pretty girls here's my email [email protected]

10-06-2003, 11:08 PM
Markso is a scam who also has a thread he is into amatuers and willing to introduce.

Be real, there is no such free lunch!!

Brothers, beware of such idiots.

11-06-2003, 02:20 AM
i'm for real and i'm not scam ok bro i want to share my contacts to you what do you mean?

11-06-2003, 02:23 AM
i'm for real my contacts are all amateur not from the ktv they all speaks english well have you tried one of my contacts what are you talking about and i'm very willing to introduced all my contacts to you...

27-06-2003, 01:17 PM
Am Just back from Manila. Do not know if other brother try Mark So Kang tow for me try calling the number provide but is unable to get thru. For me is in Manila from 18 till 25 total 7 nights.

This is my report for the first two night wasted as am trying to get Mark so KT but nothings turn up I guess need to try my luck. Yes have read a web page that brother Hussien posted that is a very good information provided how to make your money streach.
When to one club in Makati area which is name Mascara. Yes some brother say is correct this area is all Ah Mo visiting. Once in the club many many girls approach me and off course the manager would come. Once seated told her that am here to watch the dancing and enjoy the music only girls and the mana help me to tell all the girls to go away. When left alone have more chance to look for my potential where there is about 50 girls to choose from so I took my time to see. When I spot on one ask her to have a chat where I found out she is with some sort of promotion group and is working part time while waiting to go Japan. She looked rather shy and you could see the difference than the others. I asked her if she like me to barfine she say no at first but later agree she ask me not to bar fine and save my money just pay the drinks and go to my hotel and wait she would come after work at about 2 am. I pay the bill which is girls drink 300 peso mine is 150 total is 250 peso.

About 2.15 am the hotel guard calll and she is in my door step. Ask her how much to pay she told me my choice but what i know if i barfine her is 3000. So i decided to give 3500. 500 as tip. When she strip and her body is very smooth and could see her expression was rather shy she might fake it I know but do not think so. After taking for a while have my first shot and with condom of course. Boy she is tight and for the first time feels the pussy grip. When doing some kissing the water flow like a tap.

The next morning ask for some things difference for a BJ she needs me to teach her. she left about 8.00 am as i need to work.

Have date her she came in the evening about 730 have dinner in Hard rock cafe andshe spend the night with me. Did not pay anythings.

In total after the first night she spend everynight with me. When i left feel a little bit guilty so have decided to give her all my balance peso amounting to about 15K wrap it and just left inside her pocket she even did not see the amout.

O.K. this is what have exprence hope other brother do not scold me of spoil the market as this is only my first time so for give me.

That's alll

28-06-2003, 01:40 AM
i dont know what your saying i'm for real but you i ask the number i gave nobody calls her you just want to play here in forum i dont want to waste my time with people like you

29-06-2003, 09:57 AM
Hey, you! Mark So !!!!!

Don't try to act smart here. Everybody knows your contact is useless and it seems that you are trying very hard to promote. Are you a pimp??????/:mad: :mad:

29-06-2003, 07:37 PM
Like I've been saying all along,


To all brothers, let's think for a bit, who will introduce phone numbers saying they are the best girls unless you're a pimp or something??

:mad: :mad:

30-06-2003, 07:25 AM
I know what I did in Manila do not want to bring this to a long drawn case. Just Drop it. Mark so u might be correct so pls drop it.

To all brothers if U have try Mrak so Kang Tow would like to know pls post your FR thanks

01-07-2003, 03:43 PM
It has been quite sometime since my last post. I just got back from manila this week. was there for 10days. Used to stayed at Malate but change to makati area. My last few visit was residing at New World Renissance which is a good place sinc it is directly opposite Greenbelt, a up market mall with many pubs and resturants.
I do not frequent the nite spots so much nowsaday as I have hook up a girlfirend there. I knew her from a ktv joint and it already a year since i know her.
For those cheongsters, Greenbelt has a joint called Havana which is very active in the night , esp, friday & saturday. They are many FL there but do be careful as they have "ah gua" too. You can stay around the water features area as the place is fully packed during the night. You may find some really pretty sexy girls but it all up to your "attitude" to get a free "bonk" with those office girls. Pinay can go with you if they really like you, one night stand is not a fuss in the philippines.
Good luck guys!

01-07-2003, 07:53 PM
Hello Brother Willian

Is good to have grilfirends is more safe I know. BUT>>>>>>

Just be careful is better to pay and just forget it.

If Boyfriends and Girlfriends sort of things just do not try it mybe you are playing with FIRE. Take care brother

01-07-2003, 11:17 PM
Originally posted by Love888
Hello Brother Willian

Is good to have grilfirends is more safe I know. BUT>>>>>>

Just be careful is better to pay and just forget it.

If Boyfriends and Girlfriends sort of things just do not try it mybe you are playing with FIRE. Take care brother

Playing with FIRE!
Might end up getting a "filipino haircut".:(

02-07-2003, 03:42 PM
Bro Love888 & Phenom,

Thanks for your concern. Yup I know that with GF, it might have problem in future.
But I had spelt it clear to her that we will not become a couple...married...children..etc.
It is more of having fun together without string attached but she is always available for me when I am in Manila. It is more a physical attraction of both of us. My last trip, , she spent with me throughout the 10 days. We did what bf/gf do, eating, drinking, dancing.etc....of 'cos love making in the night......it was heaven....Pinay is very good in bed.....especially if they like you.
Maybe I am lucky.....enjoy while both of us is attracted to each other.

02-07-2003, 06:57 PM
Hello : Brother Willian.

Lucky I wish you all the best. Maybe you are more experence than me. In the past am in the same situation as you belived me. Have gone thru that make it clear happy go lucky.

But my freinds a piece of advise. Do this gilrs know are you married ?. Does she knows your Singapore Contact?. When you made love in the past used Comdon right. After awhile would tell you not too to have a better feel. If you say O.K. then problems. Even you used the condom be sure you put them on yourself not her as she might put pin hole on it then when she has baby then
Problems?. You do not want your Singapore Family knows. If she treaten you and tells you she is having YOUR BABY then my brother long story.She would tells you that is save without condom as she only have sex with you ? Even sometime you gave her money she would say NO need not she has some money from your last trip and do not treat as a CHICK right this makes you feels both ways right. Love is in the air HA HA.

Have gone thru this for me not only have to change my JOB and need to spend a large sum of money to slove the problems.

Am not saying all are like that BUT sometimes even at this stage she might not think about it but later when she became more wise then she might plot for the long haul. Remember she got nothings to losse. But for you you have everythings on STAKE. these people knows our weak points.

After this expreence for me is PAY and FORGET about IT.

Just like to say again don't play with FIRE. you might end up like me TAKE CARE BROTHER. TAKE CARE.

04-07-2003, 11:40 AM
Hi Bro Love888,

Yup, u are right! I usually play it safe no matter what it take.
In fact, she knew I have a GF in Thailand too.
No condom, no sex! that my called. In fact, i purchased the condom myself.
It is unbelieveable, to think I have such a deal......in fact during my last trip....i told her why she is willing to accompany me....her answer is "physical attraction" that all. I told her also that she can leave me if she find a BF, and she say of course.
I make sure it is spelt out clear so that is no misunderstanding.
Maybe it is my luck....but always remember to do bring it back to my family....
How about you bro? you often visit Manila?
I will be in Bkk for 10 days from 21 Jul.
Thank for all the concern...it really help....to ensure I am not playing with fire...or even starting one......
Take care!

04-07-2003, 01:58 PM
Hello Brother Willian

WOW one country one GF. This is heaven but there again take care not to get your Singapore Family involve. Must sure you are careful with the things you pack in the bag and also when return all clothes to be wash and not to take anything’s back that can show any tell tale sign. One last thing makes sure your wife is in Singapore wherever you are OUT to Bonk. Then again be careful your wife might used a P.I. on you when she suspect something’s fishy. The bottom Line is heaven to travel work in difference country and the best incentive is you taste all sort of girl’s pussy.

In the past my JOB allows me to travel the region and 50% of my time is on the road where have the chance to work and enjoy. After some problems with my Manila GF have left my last job in 2001 Oct am now doing some sales commission things, which does not have the chance to travel like in the past. Anyway am HAPPY reading other brothers enjoying their bonking and experiences. For me just need to live with wonderful memories ………………

If I were you to have GF is good but for me like to taste differences pussy each trip. Am not saying by going to the Bonk shop to get. But as you have spend some time in each country am sure you have some Kang Tow to get some girls working part time or whatever you know what I mean. So be selective and Bonk difference pussy is best in my opinion.

Take care, and wish you good luck in BKK. Happy bonking……………….

Saddam Hussein
26-07-2003, 02:27 PM
Once again, will be in Manila on August 25 to 30.

Anyone kaki going there around that time ? Can chiong toghether.

26-07-2003, 05:31 PM
Hello : Saddam

Happy bonking and good luck

All the best of luck and hope you get some good stuff.

Now is too early to tell if am going would PM .

Regards Love

Saddam Hussein
28-07-2003, 08:47 PM
Hi Love888,

Let me know if you can make it this trip. I already have 1 kaki joining me.

I travel to Manila 1 week out of every 2 months for the past 6 years so even if you cannot make it this trip, there is still October and December. Cheers.

29-07-2003, 10:38 PM
Hello : Mr Hussein.

Wow wish like U.

For me in my last Job travels to Manila every other month each time would spend 10 days.
Now no more lah I have to live with my memories. Please enjoy while you can
Would PM you if am going Manila.
Be Happy always

01-08-2003, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by Saddam Hussein
Once again, will be in Manila on August 25 to 30.

Anyone kaki going there around that time ? Can chiong toghether.

I should be there too on that time...........so can meet up? I will be staying at makati area...........:cool:

Saddam Hussein
02-08-2003, 03:36 PM
Mr. Smiler,

You finally come out of remission in this thread.

We can certainly meet up and have some fun chionging 2gether, I will be staying in Pasay.

03-08-2003, 12:44 PM
Well, had been busy with work and not much time to wander about in tis forum.............anyway, glad that we can be able to meet up with me..............

Saddam Hussein
05-08-2003, 11:56 AM
Smiler, will PM you my contact and hotel info when I have finalized my travel plan.

06-08-2003, 12:31 AM
Bro Saddam Hussein,

No problem on that and I will be waiting.............;)

Saddam Hussein
13-08-2003, 04:54 PM
Bro Smiler,

Already PM'ed my HP contact # to you, we will communicate via SMS come August 25 when we are there.

14-08-2003, 10:57 AM
I spend half of each month in Makati. Never stop partying to 6am daily. Wonder we can arrane to meet?

14-08-2003, 10:57 AM
I spend half of each month in Makati. Never stop partying to 6am daily. Wonder we can arrane to meet?

Saddam Hussein
14-08-2003, 01:59 PM

PM your HP # and will be in touch via SMS while there

20-08-2003, 03:11 AM
makitiboy now in philippine already, will be back this weekend.

19-09-2003, 02:57 AM
Hi Smiler! I am going to manila soon so can i check with you where should i go for a FJ? Is there any place like our GL? I read quite a bit of posting here. I read something like have to go to a pub and pick up the gals is it? Can you tell me how it works buddy? If I can't bring the gal back to my hotel room how? I might be sharing room with a friend. Pls advice asap! THanks

19-09-2003, 03:28 PM
Hello : Goldvelvet

Would try to answer you the best knowledge I can. I know there is more brothers here more experience than me here.

Your question.
where should I go for a FJ?
There are so many place depending on what you prefer.

Is there any place like our GL?
Not I know of but there is lots of Chicken house most of the Taxi driver knows where. If you would like to go with them than be prepared and be careful.

I read quite a bit of posting here. I read something like have to go to a pub and pick up the gals is it?
Yes there is lots of pub in Makati is simply the name of the downtown business district and a good location. P. Burgos St. is the 2 block long nightclub strip.
There are so many clubs all these are so call go go clubs where you see girls dancing.
Just to name some.
Mogambo Nightwatch Hollywood Grand Prix Dimples – Bottoms Tickles Ivory – Rascals High Heels Club.
Another location is Edsa Entertainment center. This is an old warehouse have at least 4 clubs inside one place.

Can you tell me how it works buddy?
There is no hard and fast rule to this point. It all depends on where to do you get the girls from and also very important ask the floor manager about what the barfine you pay for what it covers. For example if you get a girls from some bold show club say ATHENA. Then it would be about peso 5,500 for the whole night till the morning. If is from some go go bars then it would be about 1,500 to 2,000 till morning. If she serve you well then tip her with your heart. If you go in to a Go Go club say Ivory there is lots of girls dancing on the floor get a seat and the mummy would talk and lots of girls would ask for drinks SAY NO and tells the mummy that you need time to check and see the girls once you sported one and you must buy her a drink which then talk to her ask. If you want to bring her out ask how much is the barfine. Most of these girls would finish their work at about 3 am if you want these girls would go to your hotel and you pay her in private negotiations. Now market rate is about 1.5 K peso again depends on the quality.

If I can't bring the gal back to my hotel room how?
It depends on the hotel you stay most of the hotel would charge for an extra person fee so you must be on the look out.

I might be sharing room with a friend.
Please do not share room as most of these girls likes to stay over night and you got lots of time bonking.

This is my 2 cents worth of rubbish hopes this helps.

Happy bonking love 888 Manila here I come.

20-09-2003, 05:46 PM
Have been going to Manila for quite often. If you want cheaper entertainment, Makati ave have quite a few ahgogo bar that you can try, example bottom, cuddle motana, ivory, hollywood etc. the standard of Gals in these bars are not consistent some are quite good and some quite bad. There are a few bars that is own by the same owner the gals are generally better, think it tickle ( sort of just below Makati palace hotel), Grand Prix Falmingo etc.

Bar fine for Makati ave is about 1900 to 2000 peso. Most are willing to stay overnight if you stay in a decent enough place ( or not too far away) or if they like your company. You just need to pay another 1000 to 2000 after that to the gal.

The bonus you will get the gals know you well enough (usually after two or three visit to the bar) is that you may not need to pay the bar fine and the gal may come to your room after work( after 4 am) so it may be good to stay near makati avenue. They may also bring their friend along to serve you. Since both want to make money and have some fun. For a twosome shorttime, I usually pay about S$100 ( 3000 peso) dollar for about 2 hours. If they stay over night (when they finish work) I will pay them between 5000 to 8000 peso, however sometime it depends. If I can get away with it, I will try to pay less. I have a few twosome from Makati ave already.

If you want better gals but more expensive, higher class place, go to Roxas Blvd, the better club are East Asia, republika, looker, and Ms Universal in Pasay have alot of gals and also alot of customers.

The price range for gals in Roxas normally 6000 to 8000. Usually the pimps will say overnight but rarely the gals will stay, unless you get to know them very well ( again after a few visits) and for gals here a good hotel definitely help. They generally feel that they are the higher class gals.

Bro Love888 have not been to Edsa Entertainment center, mind telling me where is it ? is it near makati ?

Need some info from websters here, the cheapest ticket I can find to Manila is S$475 ( airport tax and service charge, PAL) anyone have a better deal from other tour agencies ?

22-09-2003, 10:57 AM
Edsa Entertainment center.

Hello: Brother

I might be wrong the place mentioned is near heritage hotel where is a old warehouse and turn this place into many go go bars places like Cotton I think

Sorry if am wrong but am sure this joint is still around even my last visit is a year ago.

Happy bonking Love 888

24-09-2003, 08:34 AM
Hoping to be in Manila in the next 2 to 3 months. Trying to arrange some business there. I've got a couple of happening friends there who promise to bring me to the best action in Manila. I hope to FR the action when I get the chance.

They were here last month and I brought them to Tommy's place. One of them described the service here as "CHAMPIONnn..SHIP". According to him, that's how some of his mates express greatness. Hmmm.. interesting. He said that the action he knows of in Manila is even better(CHAMPIONSHIP..NESS) than the action in GL. I will find out and report when I get there.

Cheers to all our "CHAMPIONnn..SHIPs":D

11-10-2003, 11:18 PM
Will be in Manila again on thw 27th to 31st oct.

12-10-2003, 11:23 PM
You be alone there? I'll be there too? where do you go frequently there?

Originally posted by smiler
Will be in Manila again on thw 27th to 31st oct.

15-10-2003, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by smiler
Will be in Manila again on thw 27th to 31st oct.

Man, i'm still trying to secure some lobangs to get some deals there...
hopefully i can be there by late nov and early dec ...

smiler dude, you be there?

17-10-2003, 09:58 AM
Originally posted by sbn2863
You be alone there? I'll be there too? where do you go frequently there?

Yes.........will be there alone for business trip.

No fix place on where I will go.......depends on mood on that nite...............;)

17-10-2003, 10:00 AM
Originally posted by alright
Man, i'm still trying to secure some lobangs to get some deals there...
hopefully i can be there by late nov and early dec ...

smiler dude, you be there?

Late Nov should be no problem but applied on the last wk of Nov hor............Dec most likely will not be there............so after that, will be back to Manila again after Chinese New Year liao........

18-10-2003, 12:27 AM
Smiler, I'll most likely return to Balibago right after our gathering.
And you?

20-10-2003, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by smiler
Late Nov should be no problem but applied on the last wk of Nov hor............Dec most likely will not be there............so after that, will be back to Manila again after Chinese New Year liao........

might be there in Dec.
Haha, too bad for me...
some other time then!! :)

23-10-2003, 05:30 PM
Originally posted by phenom
Smiler, I'll most likely return to Balibago right after our gathering.
And you?

Well, my trip as above............late Nov.

24-10-2003, 11:41 PM
i will share my experience in manila to you my bro's i met this girl in manila in peninsula she's a student in one of the best university in manila she's pretty and intelligent she's nice and she's good in bed if you want to get her number pleas email me thru [email protected] she have friends also i met her beautiful friends also i'll gave they're number to you...

25-10-2003, 01:07 AM
Bro jaysy, can PM their contact to me? Will be going with few brothers on 15th Nov. Please also advice is there a specific damage and any agent involve? Thanks

Originally posted by jaysy
i will share my experience in manila to you my bro's i met this girl in manila in peninsula she's a student in one of the best university in manila she's pretty and intelligent she's nice and she's good in bed if you want to get her number pleas email me thru [email protected] she have friends also i met her beautiful friends also i'll gave they're number to you...

27-10-2003, 03:53 AM
try it just pm me and i'll share the number of rina

27-10-2003, 12:35 PM
This guy or maybe is a lady, is selling too hard!!!

Originally posted by jaysy
try it just pm me and i'll share the number of rina

27-10-2003, 12:46 PM
Friend, can give more details? Are they FL? How about the charges?

Originally posted by jaysy
try it just pm me and i'll share the number of rina

27-10-2003, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by 9-11
This guy or maybe is a lady, is selling too hard!!!

He is just trying to share his contact with other bros not selling like you said. :)

27-10-2003, 09:49 PM
Originally posted by jaysy
i will share my experience in manila to you my bro's i met this girl in manila in peninsula she's a student in one of the best university in manila she's pretty and intelligent she's nice and she's good in bed if you want to get her number pleas email me thru [email protected] she have friends also i met her beautiful friends also i'll gave they're number to you...

Hello : Brother

Have Just P.M please pass me the contact Thanks a lot

Love 888

27-10-2003, 10:09 PM
the dogs are barking again. this is a human's thread, wrong forum for you, pet....

Originally posted by 2stupidDogs
He is just trying to share his contact with other bros not selling like you said. :)

31-10-2003, 06:00 PM
Hi bro Jaysy, can PM me the contact? i already in Manila now and looking for lobang leh. million thanks.

Originally posted by jaysy
i will share my experience in manila to you my bro's i met this girl in manila in peninsula she's a student in one of the best university in manila she's pretty and intelligent she's nice and she's good in bed if you want to get her number pleas email me thru [email protected] she have friends also i met her beautiful friends also i'll gave they're number to you...

31-10-2003, 06:26 PM
Originally posted by Love888
Hello : Brother

Have Just P.M please pass me the contact Thanks a lot

Love 888

31-10-2003, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by Love888
Hello : Brother

Have Just P.M please pass me the contact Thanks a lot

Love 888

Bro Love 888, Have you got the contact from bro jaysy? Got 2 numbers from him, but is not like what he said leh. Can confirm on this?

31-10-2003, 06:42 PM
Bro sbn2863, bro jaysy has not give me the contact yet. can you pass me the contact now. I am in manila now looking to try try the Rina. thank you.

31-10-2003, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by Mmmm
Bro sbn2863, bro jaysy has not give me the contact yet. can you pass me the contact now. I am in manila now looking to try try the Rina. thank you.

PM him many times to ask for advice on the procedure to go about. Just only reply with number. I was blasted agressively for asking for Student FL. Which part of Manila you are now? How long you will be staying there?

01-11-2003, 03:15 PM
Hi Bro 9-11, I will be back 5 Nov. another 3 days to go! u in Manial as well? If you are, PM me your contact and I can call you.

Originally posted by 9-11
PM him many times to ask for advice on the procedure to go about. Just only reply with number. I was blasted agressively for asking for Student FL. Which part of Manila you are now? How long you will be staying there?

01-11-2003, 05:31 PM
Hello Brother sbn2863 no bro jaysy did not pass me any contact still waiting

To all brothers out there If you have any Kang Tow on FL student please pass PM me the contact very much appreciated might going to Manila on Nov 17 onwards.

Any brothers there at that time please PM .

Manila Here I come to have a bonking good time.

Reagrds Love 888 BONK

01-11-2003, 09:42 PM
Originally posted by Love888
Hello Brother sbn2863 no bro jaysy did not pass me any contact still waiting

To all brothers out there If you have any Kang Tow on FL student please pass PM me the contact very much appreciated might going to Manila on Nov 17 onwards.

Any brothers there at that time please PM .

Manila Here I come to have a bonking good time.

Reagrds Love 888 BONK

Bro, me and my friends are going to Makati on 14th for 5 days, then to Angeles City another 5 days. Please PM me your contact there. As I go almost 2 times a month, I have a permanent line with Globe Philippine. So excited to hear someone else will be there too.

03-11-2003, 12:56 AM
thanks bro jaysy!!
i already called and tried the number you gave me she's really a student and very nice and pretty..
i like sheila i want to try her again i will try rissa tomorrow...

05-11-2003, 12:26 AM
Hi Bro Jaysy

Dunno why the OKT you recommended one play me out. Agreed on $$ and time and place but no gal turn up at the agreed time and me call and text her oso no reply. Really high and dry. So other brother, be careful lor.


05-11-2003, 03:50 PM
Hello : Brother M

Thanks must be careful I also have Brother Jaysy Kang Tow

Very must Appreciated your comments.

Am going on Nov 17 owards

Hope to have a great time when back would post a FR.

Regards LOVE 888 bonking always...........

06-11-2003, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by ceoguy
thanks bro jaysy!!
i already called and tried the number you gave me she's really a student and very nice and pretty..
i like sheila i want to try her again i will try rissa tomorrow...

hi there,

I'm gg up to Manila soon.
was wondering how much u paid for these girls?


07-11-2003, 02:07 AM
Originally posted by Mmmm
Hi Bro Jaysy

Dunno why the OKT you recommended one play me out. Agreed on $$ and time and place but no gal turn up at the agreed time and me call and text her oso no reply. Really high and dry. So other brother, be careful lor.

Mmmm \

Bro how was May's girl Ace you tried in Manila? No report meh?

07-11-2003, 02:09 AM
Originally posted by sbn2863

Bro how was May's girl Ace you tried in Manila? No report meh?

Bro, please PM May's contact to me. Will be going there next month.

11-11-2003, 05:15 PM
how about alabang area, any idea..

13-11-2003, 01:22 AM
so any place to chiong as i be going there JAN for 6 days bussniess trip.

01-12-2003, 04:48 PM
I'm now in pinoy...........I need someone to bring me ard..........HELPPPPP!!!!!!!!!


01-12-2003, 09:34 PM
Hello friend

Not sure which part os Pinoy u in now, can only provide Makati

If you need cheaper place and raba raba go to makati ave, the taxi driver will know or just tell them burgos. If you want more expensive place you can go to Roxas Boulevard. Roxas got gals dancing. If you want to go Roxas, there are quite alot of clubs there, like East Asia, Ms Universal, Lookers Ms Brunett.

Universal the biggest there, East Asia gals quite nice, Brunett the smallest and oldest. You can usually bring the gals out but quite ex, about 5500 to 8000 peso. gals drink about 650p/hour

Makati ave bar fine about 2000peso and usuallly can overnite. Gals drinks happy hour about 150p non happy hour 300p

hope this help.

12-12-2003, 09:53 AM
Now that I am posting my FR in my thread, its my turn to nag you at your home ground.:D


13-12-2003, 06:10 PM
Mother and daughter team bonking.

Do you ever try bonking mother and daughter bonking team?

Just returned from Manila after a very tired 10 days and is all worth it. When with friends to a place calls Antipolo, which is, about three hours drive from Manila. After finished my work with a local friends he brings me to a boarding house the place is not so nice but still manageable. My friends are a local Filipino with dark skin and me Chinese and to the local people they view me in a very funny way, as the local Chinese would not stay in this sort of place. As for me is rather late and to drive back to Manila for us it takes another 3 hours. So decide to stay out.

Outside the boarding house is a Karaoke bar, which is nothing, fancy I think some of us our home systems would be better than theirs. After our dinner we are approach by some O.K.T. asking if we are interest to view some stocks at a place just walking distance away. When there are many many to chose and is not too expensive where for over night would pay about Sing dollars 100 Peso 3000. These girls at one looked seems young and not so much experience what I like more of service than the looks and young pussy. Told the O.K.T. that and after a while of waiting O.K.T manage to call a lady where I see about 30 plus quite fat and O.K.T. told me would not regret it. Talk to her call Jess told me is 35 years old and very experience in sex and anything’s goes. So that makes me feels like horny already. We pay up and when to the rooms.

When reaching the rooms Jess told me that she needs to bring along the daughter where I see in the showroom also to stay with us. For me is O.K. jess told me would give me a double for the price of one as I chosen her and after all the place is going to closed for the night.

Reach the rooms both of them undress me and with my hands try to undress jess and Chris. For jess her body was quite fat and the breast is quite sagging for the daughter has very smooth body with nice legs and while fingering the pussy is quite tight and wet.

Jess ask me to lay down and she position down and gives me a BBBJ where is nice long deep stroke, with correct pressure of suction using the tongue to lap my shaft the balls sucking is rather goods where Jess say she is touching other parts of my body and this makes me feels very high. While my hands are playing Chris pussy she is kissing me and also suck my nipples gives you a complete overall body feelings never before. This lasted about 10 minutes and a change in positions when the cap is on Chris ride on me wow the feels goods and she has the skill of using the pussy sucks and grip the little brother. On the top have Jess sucking me all round and round makes one complete relax and rather high. Jess told me when I feel like cuming let her know. After a while of riding really cannot hold told them would come jess quickly remove the cap and asked to Bonk the mouth she suck all the sperms shooting inside her mouth and she keeps on sucking and stroking the shaft till it set down. Don’t need to use tissue paper as her mouth suck up everything and clean the whole area. While at the top kissing Chris and the hands digging both pussy.

After this round lie on the bed and talk a little bit where Chris say she would like to leave and Jess the mother agrees to let her to disco gave Chris some tips and she is off. Meanwhile Jess ask me to take a bath she has a very good hands wash my whole body and gave me a nice body scrip from head till toes and at time suck my dick and test if am ready for round two. We dry up takes some drinks on the bed and she starts to touch my body again and ask me to relax while she tongue from my head to toes and sucks the toes too when turn back she suck and lick my ass the feeling is never felt before. After this sessions my little brother wakes up again. Jess sucks it till it really ready to work. She ask me to put in at the ass position at doggy style at the first shot unable to get it as Jess told me the pussy is too big and like me to try again on the ass hole try again this time manage to get in the back door could say is a difference feeling manage to hold a while and start to stroke where is nice and able to get in deep all the way Jess moan quite softly and asking for more more when I start to go faster she loves it so much about five minutes later wants to cume she quickly remove the cap and again sucks all the cumes.

This is my first time experience of Bonking a so call mother and daughter tag team. Just like to share if other brothers got some stories to share. Do post please. Total damage for O.K.T is peso 3,000 tips for Chris 1,500 for Jess 2,000, some brothers here might say I have spoil the market by giving too much for me as I feels is the Christmas seasons and they really made me feels sooooooo good then pay a little more O.K. Man.

Happy bonking Love 888.

02-01-2004, 01:49 PM
Nice FR love 888.................:D

Well phenom, you want FR, you shall get it. But give me a few days to get everything into text.............hehehehehe

02-01-2004, 01:49 PM
Nice FR love 888.................:D

Well phenom, you want FR, you shall get it. But give me a few days to get everything into text.............hehehehehe

03-01-2004, 03:36 AM
Originally posted by smiler
Nice FR love 888.................

Well phenom, you want FR, you shall get it. But give me a few days to get everything into text.............hehehehehe

I'll be posting my chapter 5 (final?) by the beginning of next week. Let's see if you can beat that dateline. :D

03-01-2004, 09:09 PM
wow....your FR damn long..no time to read....Got summary????
anything dun noe will ask..dun worry....:D

04-01-2004, 02:08 AM
Ok, here's the supershort version:
Saw nice curvy dancer in bar, took her back to hotel and make love twice.
Next nite one more time, then goodbye.

If no steam, then print out the full original and peruse it at own own sweet time. :D

04-01-2004, 09:13 PM
haha..thanks for your summary....:D

04-01-2004, 10:31 PM
Originally posted by ceoguy
thanks bro jaysy!!
i already called and tried the number you gave me she's really a student and very nice and pretty..
i like sheila i want to try her again i will try rissa tomorrow...

Bro Ceo,

Just PMed you for the contacts. would be going to Manila in Feb. Hope you could help a newbie here!



28-01-2004, 03:22 AM
try honey i will share her number to you guys she's my new contact here in manila pm me.

31-01-2004, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by smiler

Well phenom, you want FR, you shall get it. But give me a few days to get everything into text.............hehehehehe
SMILER: where's your FR???
A few days?...it's almost a month liao you know!

And when's your next trip?
For me it will be either from 14/2 to 22/2 or 13/3 to 21/3. As usual it will be Mon to FRi in Manila for business and the weekends before & after in Balibago for booze and boobs.:D

03-02-2004, 03:24 AM
try krissy new girl in manila 21 years old pretty and sexy email me directly and i'll share here number [email protected]

24-02-2004, 12:36 PM
Hello Bros!
Have been MIA for quite sometime since my last post due to work commitment in Thailand.
How is the scene in Manila now?
Do not plan to call up my regular girl in Manila during this trip so like to hear about new stuffs in Manila.
Anyway, anyone here have some pointer for cheonging in Surabaya? Will be there this month too!
Happy Cheonging!

24-02-2004, 01:16 PM
hi my bro's pass the number number of the new contacts i'll pass what i have pm me.

27-02-2004, 02:01 AM
my bro's have you got the new numbers and new contacts in manila? email me so i can share it to you the numbers here's my email [email protected].....

Gerald Tan
28-02-2004, 11:41 PM
Hello guys,
This is the most recent FR to share. Early Feb'04, made a trip to Manila, and visited 2 places for gals. The best one is from Edsa Entertainmnet Complex...its worth your money. With $1 equals 33pesos, u can get her out at 3000pesos of the night.
The gals are so good, beautiful one, and they are friendly, not money sucker type..gir friend type. Pls treat them well brothers for those who go there. Thanks

09-03-2004, 01:10 PM
my bro's i just want to pass some numbers to you guys about gals here in manila email me thru [email protected]

10-03-2004, 02:47 PM
Hi bros!

Any of you will be in Manila in March?

Planning a trip there.

By the way, is the contact from Jayso good?

I once read a FR on the Massage center that come with economy, business and first class cat, what is the name and where it is located? Like to try during this trip.

10-03-2004, 06:56 PM
Hello : Brother William

Sorry lah just back from Manila might be visiting again on the last week of April.

The place I think you are talking about is Air Force One is near the airport. Depending on where you stay this place is quite far if you are going from Makati area.

Ah Yes brother during this period is the election time. So if you are roaming the nightlife alone would suggest be more vigilance all the time. Other than happy bonking and have a nice time for me I would say Manila is Heaven in terms of pussy hunting.

Good luck Love 8888

12-03-2004, 08:03 PM
I also curious where is this Air Force One place located. I also remember that it was mentioned that it is near the airport but not sure if it meant the Manila international airport.

If it is near the Manila international airport, it should be around Pasay area which is also pretty near to Mataki.

Anyone know the actual address and location ?

12-03-2004, 09:18 PM
Hello : Brother

Hopes this information helps.

air force 1 is along ninoy aquino ave in paranaque
just use the usual route going to NAIA Terminal 1..... go straight on the main avenue, past casino filipino, duty free, puregold and just go straight on till you see a mcdonalds to your right.
AF1 is right before mcdo
after mcdo, skytrek.
Depending on the time you go it could be very heavy traffic at times
Good Luck and happy Bonking Regards love888

21-03-2004, 12:33 AM
Originally posted by phenom
I'll be posting my chapter 5 (final?) by the beginning of next week. Let's see if you can beat that dateline. :D

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..................I forgot my FR here. :eek:

How? How?................Well, coming soon..........hehehehe

21-03-2004, 12:34 AM
Originally posted by ceoguy
try honey i will share her number to you guys she's my new contact here in manila pm me.

Yo ceoguy, able to PM me with the contact? Appreciate it and will definitely come back with a detail FR if there's any............hehehehee

21-03-2004, 12:36 AM
Originally posted by williamangkh
Hi bros!

Any of you will be in Manila in March?

Planning a trip there.

By the way, is the contact from Jayso good?

I once read a FR on the Massage center that come with economy, business and first class cat, what is the name and where it is located? Like to try during this trip.

Ah!!!!!!!!!........saw ur post too late. Sorry to reply now and for ur info, I will be back to pinoy for more businesses from April onwards.........so you guys can expect more juicy FR from me.........hehehehe

21-03-2004, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by smiler
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..................I forgot my FR here. :eek:

How? How?................Well, coming soon..........hehehehe

Aiyoh, now then say cummming.
The "war" is long over lah.
My almost ten thousand word FR on my first episode with Starr completed centureies ago and have started the FR on "Return to Starr". :D

04-04-2004, 09:18 PM
OIC..............but then me have no time to complete my FR.

How ar?

04-04-2004, 11:16 PM
OIC..............but then me have no time to complete my FR.

How ar?

How can you complete your FR when you have not even started?
My 7000 word sequel had been posted....yours already chow sng even before it can see the light of day. :-)

So how?
My suggestion: just write a one-liner lor. kekeke.

14-04-2004, 09:52 PM
my bro's i just want to pass some numbers to you guys about gals here in manila email me thru [email protected]

Hey bro,

Just emailed you for the contacts.

In Manila now and dying for some good and pretty gals to bonk.

Looking to your reply!

Aces9999 :D

27-04-2004, 04:37 PM
Hahahaha........I'm back for more action.

28-04-2004, 12:49 AM
Hello : Brother William

Sorry lah just back from Manila might be visiting again on the last week of April.

The place I think you are talking about is Air Force One is near the airport. Depending on where you stay this place is quite far if you are going from Makati area.

Ah Yes brother during this period is the election time. So if you are roaming the nightlife alone would suggest be more vigilance all the time. Other than happy bonking and have a nice time for me I would say Manila is Heaven in terms of pussy hunting.

Good luck Love 8888

Was in Manlia 2 weeks ago for business trip. My country manager, brought me n 2 colleagues to Skyline ..... took a lift. While we exit the staff told us the KTV room under reno, but the massage rooms are available.

We left the place cos 2 of my col dun want massage n we walked to Air force one. Left my 2 col in main hall watching the chio chio models on the stage.
I was brought to another hall n wow there was a big room with abt 50 gers inside.... I made my choice but my country manager suggested to go downstair cos there is another room of gers. So we went down, same, room full of gers. My ger name Mona number I think 26. Small frame, big tits, cup c.
Went to a room, shower, then follow by massage, she popped the question, agreed on the price. SOP lick, blow, f *ck nothing to shout abt, finished n shower. Her attitude quite ok but skill not that good. Got her mobile number, she willing to come to my hotel if I want the next day. Got to know 1 of the model n she gave me her mobile. Will call her during my next visit.

Air Force One is like a normal KTV + HC. Total damage 1700 for room + 1000 for ger.

10-05-2004, 10:48 PM
My suggestion: just write a one-liner lor. kekeke.

Well...........simple.............SHIOK AND MORE SHIOK. :D

12-05-2004, 04:23 PM

During last trip to the phils, i went down to AF1 KTV to socialise with the locals if you know what i mean :p

Anyway, i got the number of the my girl and asked her out the next day for dinner and after dinner fun. She's taking a nursing degree at the local university and only part-times at the KTV. I told her that was only interested in getting a BJ, no sex. She said between 2000-3000 - up to me to decide exactly how much. To cut a long storey short, it was a fun nite, went for dinner, then for some drinks and then back to my room.

I dimmed the lights, turned up the music then we started making out. We were both getting hot and heavy. I think really managed to turn her on, coz she gave the "you're-in-trouble-now" look then started unbuttoning my jeans to give me a BBBJ. Man it was a big turn on coz, i was sitting on the couch and she was on her knees blowing me 6 ways to Sunday. Dejavu, have seen this in a movie somewhere??? :)

Suffice to say that she blows good. BTW, i forgot to mention, shes about 5 feet, with about B cuppers. Coz, i take a damn long time to cum by bj, she was licking and sucking for at least half an hour b4 i came into her mouth.

Anyway i paid her 2500 for evening (excluding the dinner and drinks). Overall, i wouldn't it was cheap, but she did service me well, and i liked the gf experience.

Back to my question, what do you guys pay FLs? Was what paid too high? DOn't think it was too low though.

12-05-2004, 11:12 PM
Yo bro, 2500 for a BBBJ is much much too expensive leh. Dun you noe that by having 1000-1500, you can get a ST bonk and if you are good, can even get the same gal to bonk at ur room every nite.......................FOC. :D

13-05-2004, 10:33 PM
Any bros out there have any good contact for pretty gal to come to my hotel room. I am in Alabang The Bellevue Manila. Willing to spend 2000 ~ 2500 peso for an exoctic night. Wait for u guys reply.

14-05-2004, 10:20 PM
Maybe can ask bro Phenom for help...........hehehehe :D

15-05-2004, 01:03 PM
Except for the EIEC at Pasay City, I'm not much into the Manila cheong scene.

I'm the "Duke of Balibago", remember? :D

15-05-2004, 10:34 PM
Heard that your old friend, Specs Xxg kicked the buckle in Thailand a couple of years ago. Died from some form of sex related disease. He was there to set up Tattoo business, I heard.

15-05-2004, 10:53 PM
Except for the EIEC at Pasay City, I'm not much into the Manila cheong scene.

I'm the "Duke of Balibago", remember? :D

But then me only "Marquis of Manila" leh..............hehehehe

16-05-2004, 06:03 PM
Heard that your old friend, Specs Xxg kicked the buckle in Thailand a couple of years ago. Died from some form of sex related disease. He was there to set up Tattoo business, I heard.

Oh?? That's sad. I had no news of him for ages. No contacts with him since he came back from the P.I. and set up tattoo shop with friend in Far East Plaza.

So how's the Buaya? Still swallowing up the LBFMs?

16-05-2004, 06:06 PM
But then me only "Marquis of Manila" leh..............hehehehe

So, then you will have to answer all the Manila-related questions.

17-05-2004, 12:37 AM
Buaya's still the same. He believes that wrapping his manhood witha silk cloth when he goes to sleep, keeps it cool and enhances its performance. He goes to China often to taste the nubile ku niangs there. He should be RODing sometime end of this year. 30 years in the airforce is a long time.

17-05-2004, 10:17 AM
Yo bro, 2500 for a BBBJ is much much too expensive leh. Dun you noe that by having 1000-1500, you can get a ST bonk and if you are good, can even get the same gal to bonk at ur room every nite.......................FOC. :D

yeah i know it's kinda expensive, but she was with me from 7 to 12. And there was a lot of feeling in it. ST is just a job.

anyways thnx for the feedback. how much for freelance pickups and where?

18-05-2004, 09:12 PM
yeah i know it's kinda expensive, but she was with me from 7 to 12. And there was a lot of feeling in it. ST is just a job.

anyways thnx for the feedback. how much for freelance pickups and where?

Bro bigschmuck,

When you going to pinoy again? Let's meet there and perhaps can chiong together......... :D

cant get enough
26-05-2004, 12:59 PM
Hi Bros,

Really appreciate all the information after reading this thread,
especially to Bro Smiler and Bro phenom.....

I will be launching my attack on Manila city on the 31st May (Monday) and plan to finish the raid on the 3rd June (Thursday). I will be staying at the Hotel InterContinental which I hope is a good choice after getting information on thie thread.

Any Bro will be around there at the same period of time so as to meet up and
fire together??

Cheers and Thanks again to all brothers who contributed....I will do my part when I complete my mission.....

05-06-2004, 12:16 PM
Was in Manila two weeks ago. Was feeling a bit sore after a game of golf in the evening. With a recommendation by a bro here, went to this HC by the name of Skyline in Hotel Boulevard by Manila Bay.

Went up the lift to the 8th flr and once got off the lift, was greeted by the receptionist of the HC. This HC basically had occupied the whole 8th flr of the hotel.

To cut the story short, was shown to the fish tank and picked a girl by the name of April. Proceeded to the room and a moment later, the girl came in.

Did a pretty decent massage in her undies on my back and front. After that, she went to take a quick shower and came back to the bed. Ask me if I wanted special service. Of course lah !!! Then, she proceed to cap me with her mouth and finished her off in doggie style.

Overall, a pretty good experience and FJ. Paid her and proceed to the casino on the 2nd floor (yes, this hotel has a casino) and lost about 2000 peso : (

Damage - 1200 peso for the massage and 1500 for the special.

A bit expensive but for bro who wanted both massage and FJ, this is a pretty good joint to go. Quality of the girls are good as well, range from 5-9.

06-06-2004, 09:49 PM
I will be back to pinoy from 21st June to 25th June..........long time no cheong liao...........this time must make a shiok shiok come back...........hehehehee

06-06-2004, 10:17 PM
Just to share my fun in Makati as well. Normally I don't go to the HC as I find it better and cheaper to call the girl to the hotel. Check the Philippines Star newspaper to get "outcall massage". They may ask for 3500 but U can just tell them U paid 2500P last time and they are usually ok. During my last trip, I called my usual number and did the usual bargain on price. Asked for a young, fair skin and pretty girl (what's new?) In less than 30 min, the girl came and indeed, the specs fit what I wanted. Good thing about young girls is that they are usually shy, which is what I like. Spent some time chatting and before long, was ripping her clothes off. Wanted to do it right away but she wanted to bathe. OK, she bath and came back in a towel - sexy! Slowly had some foreplay and licked her hard. Asked for BJ but she not into it - shit. Never mind, after that, inserted and came pretty fast. Tight pussy! She's only 19 and so, still very raw. Rating 7.5/10!

08-06-2004, 02:56 PM
I will be back to pinoy from 21st June to 25th June..........long time no cheong liao...........this time must make a shiok shiok come back...........hehehehee

Have fun....and I don't expect any FR from you!!!

10-06-2004, 12:59 PM
Hi experienced brudders in Manila,

I will be coming to Manila next week, after many years of absence. Any good place to recommend to pick up FLs overnight ? How about HardRock Markati or those pubs in Edsa Entertainment Centre ?

Also, any good advise and contact number I can call ?

Thanks for your advise.

11-06-2004, 12:11 AM
Hi Brother Blursam

If you have been Manila before so is not so difficult as the night life does
not change much there. The two places mention are still around and if you are at Makati there is the Burgos street where you could find all the clubs.

Just be street smart and you would enjoy. Good luck and happy bonking regards

11-06-2004, 03:00 PM
its been a long time since i've been to sammy ;p

will be going to manila next week and staying @ edsa shangri la. any brudders there during that period?

11-06-2004, 03:26 PM
eekss.. going for a short biz trip 16th to 18th. any brothers going... wanan hook up?

23-06-2004, 09:02 PM
leaving spore on 6 aug for manila
leaving in afternoon of 8 aug any bro there wana hook up??

26-06-2004, 07:17 PM
Help!!! I am staying in Shangri La EDSA and cannot find any action.

I am looking for Massage with those fish tank kind. Any suggestions?

27-06-2004, 09:51 AM
Hello : Brother Wondy

Your area do not have much action.

Can Get a Taxi to Makati there is the Burgos street where you could find all the clubs.

If you like MP go to Skyline or Air force one near the air port.

If you are unable to leave the hotel worst to worst try the newspaper under Massage section look for teen massage and try talking to them pls be careful when using these contact. Happy bonking and pls FR upon return

Good Luck

13-07-2004, 12:10 AM

Saddam Hussein
21-07-2004, 07:19 PM
Will be in Manila from Aug 2 to 6

Anyone there during that time frame and like to meet up please post.

28-07-2004, 11:26 PM
Will be in Manila from Aug 2 to 6

Anyone there during that time frame and like to meet up please post.
I think bro phenom will be there. Maybe you try checking with him.............me now no more chance to step into the land of pinoy.........haizzzzzz

Saddam Hussein
29-07-2004, 06:02 PM
thanks for your info.

already in touch with bros Phenom, will touch base on next Monday and decide what to do from there.

29-07-2004, 08:04 PM
I think bro phenom will be there. Maybe you try checking with him.............me now no more chance to step into the land of pinoy.........haizzzzzz

Chance is what you make of. Lead it, not let it lead you.
Like me, you can always conjure up a business trip; but a caveat though.....have to work damn hard to get results.

Alternatively, if die die must go, Royal Brunei flies there for only $314/- and you are allowed to stopover for free in BSB on the return journey (hehe...I'll definately take up this option if it's a private trip). Very much cheaper than the $450/- of Philippines Airlines and $418/- of SIA (but with min. of 4 pax).

18-08-2004, 02:29 PM
Now then I see your posting here.

Hehehehe.................well, perhasp you are right, I have been fighting hard these few weeks to get muself fly over to pinoy and my dreams may come true.

Perhaps in the month of sept, I might fly over. 1st stop to bataan, then back to makati, then to laguna, after that to BALIBAGO.............. :D

18-08-2004, 04:20 PM
Yalor, Balibago...you die die must go.
As for me I go until die die. ;) :D

19-08-2004, 01:45 PM
I know.....you die die also must go.

Tat's why you are "DEAD" there...........hehehehe :D

11-09-2004, 05:14 PM
Hi I will be going to Manila next week for a 2 days meeting. Can any borther out there recommend any HC near the Inetr-Con hotel?

15-09-2004, 07:27 AM
went to Genie KTV kekekeke.. shiok ahhhhhhh... cheap like siao...... FR coming soon.

going there again today 15th - 17th sept. if any brudder wanna hook up send a pm lah.


18-09-2004, 06:26 PM
FR k 2nd time for me to Genie KTV. so i share some info for the brudders. 1st time i was there the bill was small and cheap. but this time its off the ROOF.

1. Had a great dinner @ Megamall and the gang decided to go to Genie KTV. its around 1hr drive.

reach Genie KTV at 10pm. got checked and clear and proceed to 4th floor for some action.

go pick up girls from a fish tank. The girls are varied from 7-9. good sweet looking pinoy chicks. got recomended by a friend to get apple. so i get her, me not so fussy. apple is a dancer/model and damn she is HOT.

apple looks like a girl next door. speak decent english and she love hip hop!
so proceed to the room and the party is already started to sing song ;p. Apparently we book 1 big room and 2 small room :) the small room is for eerr.. bonking session ;p

anyway sing song drink drink dance dance.... than decided to go for a bonk, negotiated 1500 peso to bonk but i want to take her back, talk to mummy and mummy wants 7500 peso!!! so decided to negotiate with the girl end up paying 4000 peso she comes over at 6am-7am coz her mom picking her up @ 4am, so she cannot siam and can come over only @ 7am. k fair.

so i requested some hip hop music and we dance..she is damn good dancer!!! kekke and started to strip each other... OMG! she is a D cup size tits!!! with a nice nipple!

service: 7/10
age: 20
tits : 34D or 36D, nice and firm and she pass the pen test. put the pen under her tits if the pen falls she past if the pen doesn't, she fail.
GF treatment: NO! can't french her!!! bleah
Ass: JLO Ass for sure.
BJ: 5/10. BJ with cap. no feel but i can see she is trying.

k back to FR, strip and strip and she has a hot body and smooooth skin. lick all over her body and started to lick her pussy. she moan and moan and moan bleah... her pussy is nicely trim with 1 nice line of pubic har and damn it she smell nice,

she got on top of me, and start to pump me vigorously. i was a bit high from the chivas so hahahahaah she is sure working hard. see the tits bouncing up and down, shiok man.

after that she tired and lay down so missionary, for a few.. damn hard to do missionary in a ktv sofa thingy. so ask her to stand up and do doggy, my god she got a nicest fattest ass!! ram her silly after awhile grab her arms and push it back, jap style, and was pulling her arms and fuck her vigorously... wah damn shag.....after i let go her arm she plop on the couch.

ask her to spread her legs and lay down on the floor, so i get my fat ass on her and slid it in and started in really slow and gentle.... wah than i can see she slowly turn on again after the vigorous dogsyle jap style......and than i get faster a bit...... and faster more....she moan a bit more lah.. but i can read woman.. like a book....i think she is getting a bit sore... being a bit sensitive... i drag her legs on put in on my shoulder and fuck her deeeeeeeeep..... and started banging like a fucking jackhammer and now she moaning like beyonce .... i a shut her off by pulling her head to suck on my tits.....wah... after than cannot tahan about to shoot some load.. so i push her legs a bit more towards her and push my weight on it... and use my tiny toes to support my body while i bang her with all my might *grinz* and i cum loads.............................

after that she clean me up, wet towerl, etc... and she said she is tired. than we start talking, etc......... she told me she will come over to my place if i pay her 2000 peso 1st. so i did. so exchange phone numbers, etc... but CCB she never turn up!!!!! even gvie her my room keys so that she can go up the elevator security card key thingy. tried calling her, off her phone!!!!

was damn pisss. i tot she can be my contact for good FL. but ccb i got ripped off.

anyway. the damage from the KTV was excessive. it is 30,000+ peso for 5 guys + some other ppl that was there earlier for beer and others,

give u some example of the breakdown.

1. room rental is cheap is around 1000 peso for the big one and 500 peso for the small one ( u need the small one to bonk)

2. chivas and whisky is 2000 peso. mixes are seperate, they charge by cans lah. reasonable

3.girls are 1000 peso per hour. they dun have butterfly system lah. they stay with u, follow u to toilet, clean u up, u can finger her, fondle her, fuck her, lick her, stick your foot up her ass, etc...watever u want.

4. locals advice to just tip 500peso but our group are a bit generous ;p

5.the one that drive the bill to inane level.
a. the girls drink, those fuckers are 700 peso a pop. so when u have 5 girls downing a few of those every hour, the price goes up faster. even tho we got bottles of bottles of whisky chivas, black lable, damn girls still drink those tequila mixes for like 700 peso!
b. FOOD. generally food is philippine is cheap. but not in KTV. avoid them like a plaque.

i got a sales manager in the ph office that do this regularly, he even got a discount card 10%. and he manage to get us another 10%. but the bill is still exessive. but compare the standard of girls to the sg ktv that u pay per hourly rate. its DAMN CHEAP ;p

i will be in PH next week 22nd - 24th. if u guys wanna do a raiding horde of horny singaporeans, let me know. i can get the company car + chaffeur + the sales manager guy that can show all of us a good time.

21-09-2004, 12:39 AM
Went to Skyline MP 2 weeks ago. The Hotel is situated near the bay.

Basically they hotel looks like going to collaspe. When I was in the lobby, I seriously thought it was evacuate because it was so worn down.

Anyway went to 8th floor, the price increase to 1400php. The recep lady press a button and the curtain on the window from wall to wallopen.

Some of the ladies are really very pretty. All wearing the mini robe kind of uniform and push up bras, so you can see all half ball.

Anyway chose one who is not bad looking, great body, nice boobs. After paid the 1400php was brought to a room. Basically they cover all the rooms on 8th floor into massage room. It is basially a hotel room with king bed and tv but all the room doors were open.

Went in and waited a while and Ann came in. 1.6m, 7/10 look but very sexy body. 34b 25 34 type. Because of the skin color feels like doing a malay.

Massage nothing to shout about. No teasing nothing. Then came the golden question. I was too horny, tried to bargin but end up paying 2000php.

Anyway, nothing to shout about. Have to say a bit disappointed. Very mechanical and even though she try to give GF feeling, can feel its a bit acting.No bathing, catbath a while only.. overall, ok only.

Seriously, I prefer Thai and malaysia chinese.. service are better. Will go to HC in KL anytime, SG HC even.

Anyway theres a casino like some of the bros mention in the thread. I thought of playing some blackjacks but seeing some local guys betting in 100K of php at one go, I back off.

total damage 3400PHP - about $120.

21-09-2004, 08:08 AM
Been to Skyline before and I do recommend it if bros want a short and refreshing FJ. Standard of girls are generally not bad.

Market price is around P1500 for the extra service.

bro can refer to this website for more happening in Manila


Hopefully next time in Manila can hook up with bro like fatasrider for some KTV action...til then.

21-09-2004, 05:03 PM
Any Bros in Cebu this week? will be there from 22 Sept till 24 Sept.

21-09-2004, 05:11 PM
Well, was in Manila recently, am a newbie to there but still good enough to have some fun.

I stayed in the Makati Area and took a taxi to EDSA complex which was not too far away by taxi. There are a few bars there, just like the gogo bars in Thailand.

The girls will accompany you for drinks and if you want to take them out, you have to barfine them. About 1000Pesos for the bar fine. The long time or short time is dependent on your bargaining power. Think it ranges from Pesos 1500 to 3000 plus.

If you are travelling alone, you might like to take the hotel taxi and ask for the driver to wait for you.

CEBU, took a chance and allowed the taxi driver to bring us to a "CASA". A CASA is a private house with lotsa of woman like in a fish tank. You will not be able to spot one from the outside.

Paid about Pesos 2500 for the whole night, took one back, we did not have the chemistry so send her back and asked for replacement.

Whatever you do...be safe. Think the hotel drivers also know some of these spots...and always do not take the first recommendation that they give. Make them bring you to the third and forth....as the first would not be the best as they usually have commission.

Happy bonking.

21-09-2004, 07:36 PM
casa! wow interesting... dunno if it safe to go.. coz i heard can be quite dangerous if u dunno the way around of have a local to hang out with u.

27-09-2004, 05:19 PM
come back to genie... apparently if u go there with locals damn cheap.

i get 2 girls while my ph colleague get 1 each. did a 3some. book them for 2hrs+ as its already soo late close ot 1am and i got a early morning meeting tomorrow.

order a couple of beers and do 3some. nothing special. tip the girls 500 peso each.

when the bill comes i settle the best. total damage = $200 :P thats include 2 rooms. 1 for sing song and 1 for action. and 4 girls for 2 hrs.

1 girl = 1 hr = 1000peso btw.
beer = SGD$1 each bottle :P

fun fun fun.

05-10-2004, 02:48 PM
come back to genie... apparently if u go there with locals damn cheap.

i get 2 girls while my ph colleague get 1 each. did a 3some. book them for 2hrs+ as its already soo late close ot 1am and i got a early morning meeting tomorrow.

order a couple of beers and do 3some. nothing special. tip the girls 500 peso each.

when the bill comes i settle the best. total damage = $200 :P thats include 2 rooms. 1 for sing song and 1 for action. and 4 girls for 2 hrs.

1 girl = 1 hr = 1000peso btw.
beer = SGD$1 each bottle :P

fun fun fun.

Any brudders in Manila this week? I'm there from tonight till friday night - looking for kakis to cheong together. Best night for me is Wed night. PM me your contact if you're interested. i'll be staying in the greenbelt area near Peninsula Hotel. Cheers

Saddam Hussein
11-10-2004, 07:53 PM
Again going to Manila from Oct 18 to Oct 22.

Any bros like to meet up and explore toghether please post.

11-10-2004, 09:35 PM
Again going to Manila from Oct 18 to Oct 22.

Any bros like to meet up and explore toghether please post.

so richie go hunting again!!!! :D

Saddam Hussein
12-10-2004, 11:38 AM
More like the hunted in MU, time to fill up gunny sack, sigh.......

13-10-2004, 12:23 AM
Again going to Manila from Oct 18 to Oct 22.

Any bros like to meet up and explore toghether please post.

Aiyo brudder.............me will be there from 26th Oct to 29th Oct and just confirmed today nia...........think we still cannot have the chance to meet up and cheong together.

Saddam Hussein
13-10-2004, 04:43 PM
Dont worry brudder, next time still got chance.

Planning for next trip to be in mid-December.

16-10-2004, 10:22 AM
fyi, on the ground floor of Genie is a massage place called Good Life. Same owner. No more paying for drinks etc just go straight to private room with shower etc

There's also a motel/massage place a bit off Burgos called Palacio de Don Pedro again same owners...they have these places flung all over Manila

21-10-2004, 05:17 PM
Again going to Manila from Oct 18 to Oct 22.

Any bros like to meet up and explore toghether please post.

I'm actually at Manila. But fully booked liao there.
Now I do like monthly trips to Manila and I have a counterpart here bringing me around, so quite easy to find cheong places. So far, I've been to Club One, Pharaoh and Starfleet. All quite expensive, but anyway, so far I'm not paying for the drinks (just the damage from bonging the gals).

Club One has very nice girls, average age 20 only :D . B dunno why the place a bit dead the last time I went, maybe because it's week day night?

25-10-2004, 12:24 AM
Anyone knows what the damage for Palacio Don Pedro like?

I'm head to manila next week. tks

26-10-2004, 11:50 PM
FR from Manila

I was staying near Glorietta and after shopping at Landmark, I was walking back to the hotel when a man approach me and ask if I wanted company. I initially refused but he followed. He don't look like a fierce person or a murderer, and I was curious so I asked.

Overnight - 3500php
short time - 2500php (3 hours) - but according the girls they'll leave after the 1 shot.
choice of students or models
OKT name - Tony

he will bring 2 girls to my room and let me choose. Anyway I was curious more than horny and just wanted to try one for the record. So I asked him to bring students to let me choose.

Anyway he brought the girls to my room later than he promise. he knocked the door and then the 2 girls come in the room with him. One was tall and another short. Both girl looks young.

Audrey, look like 16-18 although she claim to be 18.
Michelle is 20 (which look her age).
Both looks are, imho, 5/10 or 6/10.
Both are A cups and typical teenage body.
Michelle says she new and Tony asked Audrey whats her name in tagalog while I was not looking.

I choose Michelle, the "older" one because I wasn't sure about the younger one which I suspect is like 16. I told Tony and then he told the girls in tagalog that I have chosen her but they went into some long discussion and then Tony told me this is the first time they doing this and they request to be together.

Wah, I thot ho say liao 3some and I agree. In the end I pay Tony 3000php because he requested for taxi fare on top of the agreed 2500 and I run out of smaller notes (mental note to keep small changes next time).

Anyway off the OKT go and there was a long awkard silence because the 2 girls are too shy or too inexperience. Anyway, I offered to buy them food to break the ice. They were very shy at first but I was insistence and ordered some food. Anyway the younger one look more experience and ask me which girl I choose. I took the hint as no 3 some liao :(.

Anyway, I thot not too bad, can do and her friend watch, should be fun, ya? Well, when about to start, the one I chose ask her friend to go to the toilet and wait. :(

Anyway, call it shy or call it dead fish.. after bath and wrap in towel she sneak into the blanket. She was shy to cover herself even I try to pull out the blanket, only after some persistence than she show me her body and then still use hand to cover. I did a lot of lick and caressing then finally she open up a bit and let me lick her nipple until she moan. next, I lick her tummy until she shiver. I try to pry her legs but she keep it damn shut. I have to whisper "its ok, its ok" and slowly lick her ear lube and she was beoming more horny and you can see that helpless look in her eyes.

After somemore persistence administration, she finally open up her legs and I find her pussy lips but she immediatly shut tight again, not allowing me to go in. I did a lot of "persuading" and finally her leg muscles lossen and relax and allow my finger to enter her womanhood.

Behold, she was wet! At first I wasn't sure if she was wet or KY'ed, but as I double attack her nipple and pussy, she started to breath hard, and her pussy was getting more wet!

I grabbed her hand and put it on my cock. When she touched, she suddenly had like an electric shock and let out an audible squeal and her pussy started to fuck back at my finger and started to stroke my cock immediately. First time I see a girl get so excited about a cock!

I just piston my finger faster and was rewarded with more juice and then she started to meow out squeaks of moans with her face muscles tense like cabage. Of course I didn't give up and continue to piston her pussy until she squeal for at least 3 to 4 minutes. She was expereience this non stop cuming.

After that I want to fuck liao, wake her up from her "dream state" and she frantically look for condom. I insisted on using my own and she was inexperience enough not to know she was suppose to wear for me, so I wear the coat myself, being extra careful not to mix with the wet finger.

When I try to enter her, she try to cover her pussy again and try to shut it tight. I had to coax her and lick her nipple again. as I try to enter again she was like so shy to let me see her pussy. In the end after more facial licking and frenching, she lamented and open her legs, and i enter her tight wet pussy with her legs pushed up. She was moaning as I ram her pussy. After that I change to side way and she almost protest and try to cover her pussy while I continue to ram her (too shy to show me? Already kanna fuck still so shy). After that I change back to Lao Han push cart position and continue my ramping. She was getting very horny and was actually starting to fuck back.

After a while I wasn't getting much service so I lie down and get her to lick my nipple while she play my cock. after a while my cock was rock hard again and she just mounted the cock and rock like seow. She was so shy she bury her face away in her hair. Anyway, as I said before I wasn't in a horny mood so couldn't come, in the end I get her to mast me until I come.

After that she got her friend out and we bathe and not long later we ate after the food arrive.

Found out that out of the 2500 php, the girls only keep 1000php.
Ask her to give me her phone so next time I pay her 2500 she said ok and give me her HP.
I went to Skyline before and I paid 1200 entry and pay the girl 2000php, so 2500 is ok lah (S$80)

Anyway, personally I prefer to be serviced kind. Not the try to break virgin person. So although this is kinda fresh for me, I prefer to go back to the slutty-cfm-I'm make you feel good-services than the break the virgin routine.

Anyway, personal advise is to lock all your money/valuable into the safe. Keep all your thing away.

BTW, if you want to change PHP, better rate is at Glorietta, 33.1php against 30.5php in sg.

Hope this helps! Those who need the OKT number can PM me.

04-11-2004, 02:09 PM
I'm just came back from manila and now busy from my work......will write a FR on my escapade this time as I owe Bro Phenom a big big one......hahahahha

Stay tune folks........ :D

06-11-2004, 11:24 AM
I'm just came back from manila and now busy from my work......will write a FR on my escapade this time as I owe Bro Phenom a big big one......hahahahha

Stay tune folks........ :D

No need lah.
I gave up on any expectancy of FRs from you long ago liao. :p

16-11-2004, 02:09 AM
Have been on and off in Philippines for about 1 year.......

Should any brother wish to stay at cheap and nice hotel, please try this hotel:

Pearl Garden Hotel
Location : Malate (diagonally Opp. Pan Pacific Hotel)
Cheapest Room : Php 1300 (only four rooms available, so need to call earlier to book), followed by Php 1900, 2100 and up.
Tel: +63-2-525-1000

But should you choose to stay there, beware, Malate street is famous for "Ah Gua", you'll see a lot of them walking around after 10pm every night, especially on Fri & Sat night....

I like this hotel because it is newly renovated and the furnishing is very new! Value for $$.

As for cheonging, there are quite a number of pubs to meet gals along Malate Street, but never tried there.
But did tried a place called "Yu-Mei" (also along Malate). Feeling was very much different from other normal KTV that I had visited.

The KTV is very much like Japanese Styled, Open-Concept (Just main Hall Only)
Once entered, you will be greeted by at least 20-30 gals, very well dress.....
Then you'll be leaded by one of the mummies to your table.
At the table, the mummy will asked one or two girls (depend on you) to come and sit with you AND change the girls for every 15 mins until you have decided which gal you liked. (No charge)
After you have decided which gal you prefer, then they'll charge you for Php 250 for every two hours.

The gals there are usually have a contract with the KTV for training them there before sending them to Japan. So it is not possible to take their gals out, if you are thinking of getting one of the gals out to your hotel.
Gals there are quite young, between 18 - 21.

The charges there is Php 850 per head for two hours, unlimited supply of drinks (including Beer, juices and even Sake) then another 500 for every hour there after.
As for me and my friend, usually we spend about Php 4000 for 2 - 3 hours including tips. (If you are very friendly with the mummy there, usually they'll give you another 10% discount)

I usually tip the gal Php 500.00 at the end of my session.

Although there is no action there, I still recommend to all brother here to try it, the feeling is very different from normal KTV places.

02-12-2004, 11:50 PM
all bros here,

Just wanna share with you some of my experience in manila recently.

I was there for a business trip for a few days. After settle all the business meeting, my colleugues over there invited me to cheong with them.

What else ? Of course say yes lor.

We went to Skyline MP. Just like some brothers mention here, we went up to the 8th floor. Then, there is this aquarium Saw a few girls sitting there. Around 10 of them. Not many to me . So, without wasting much time, we order ourselves.

I took the no 90. She has this sexy mole on the left upper mouth. Hmm.... this remind me of our famous Diana Ser. Must get her tonite !!!

In the room, she ask me to bath myself. After bathing, the massage session start. She didnt really put effort to massage. Some kinda of waiting for time to pass. Then i start action, touch here and there. She push my hand away . KNN!!! Then, suddenly she ask me if i am regular. I said "yes".

She doesnot believe leh. Then, she ask if i want special service. I say ok. Then she said i gotta pay 2000 peso. I say no.... i know the standard price.
So, keep on bargain with her. In the end, get 1500 peso.

My rating:
Name : mawee ( something like tat)
Face : 7 (heavy make up, i prefer those like the girl next door )
Body : 5 ( quite short, a bit fat below abdomen. She told me she has a kid. Sian!!!!)
Boobs : 4 (saggy , not for my taste. Misjudge by the push up bra )
BBBJ : 5 (with cap. Sucking power weak)
FJ : 4 (no chemisty)
Damage : 1420 (room) + 1500 (special service)

I think i can get better quality with 3000 peso.

===============END OF PART 1 ===========================

After coming out from the room, i went to the lounge. A small place, my colleugue already waiting me there. Hmm..... they are damn fast

Next, we all wanna have some drinks. So, we went to a place called Miss Universal in Pasay. From outside, it looks like some kinda bar. Security was tight. The door guard search our body before we go in.

Once in there, we saw 2 big aquariums on the left. Lots of mermaid compare to Skyline. Much more pretty. I think to myself, I should have come here first.

Nvm, then we look for a nice place to sit. We found a table near the stage.
There is this hugh stage with some models parade and showing their assets.
They really parade like the Miss Universe contestants They wear evening gown, then bikini, then lingerie..... in the end ..... just left the triangle clothe .... haha,..... a fun place to wash eyes.

And the MC introduce them one by one. And with the background music, u feel the mood.

My colleugues told me tat the "take away" of the models would cost u US$200!!
Hmm..... dont mind if can happy happy with models whole nite....hehehe....

Anyway, all of us r tired. We just sit and drink beer and watch the nice show.
Then, we just leave and went back to hotel

Gotta safe more vitamin M and wait for my next business trip. Would wanna try the models

05-12-2004, 05:27 PM
hello kkspore,

Just want to let you know, Ms universal gals bar fine is about 5000 to 6000 peso only(about S$200 or US$121), definitely not US$200. You need to act like a regular in these place, just said any gals name you know can already, like Luv, ArCee, Hazel ( actual gals working there) etc, and always complain the charge is too high & ask for discount. Please don't pay too much.

06-12-2004, 09:02 PM
Hi Bro,
Newbie here. Arrived in Makati 2 days ago and was about to settle down and wanted to begin recce after reading so many FR on this place tonite.
Before I could go out tonite, Change of plan, was told by agent friend to re-locate to Alabang instead as it's nearer to customer place.
Never been here nor read about this place before in SB.
Need bros recommendation for me to cheong here as I have also to do change of plan. FR will be SOP after success penetration upon recommendation.

07-12-2004, 08:19 AM
hello kkspore,

Just want to let you know, Ms universal gals bar fine is about 5000 to 6000 peso only(about S$200 or US$121), definitely not US$200. You need to act like a regular in these place, just said any gals name you know can already, like Luv, ArCee, Hazel ( actual gals working there) etc, and always complain the charge is too high & ask for discount. Please don't pay too much.

bro nsnb,

thanks for the info. happy cheonging

03-01-2005, 12:22 PM
As promised Bro Phenom, now I have a little time, I will provide FR on my last trip to pinoy.

As on schedule, arrive to Manila Int'l Airport with my college on early afternoon abt 12:30pm. First stop to visit customer and planning the programme on the night on where to go.

After all the appointment finished on that day, went to check in Hotel first but was stuck in traffic jam.........NBzzzzzz.......how come the traffic no improved during after working hours................haizzzzz.......finally arrive to Hotel at 7pm, check in and take a quick shower, met my college then proceed to dinner.

As we having dinner, still have not finalise where to go and almost quiet late liao when we finished our dinner at abt 10pm.(Hotel to where we had dinner, journey took 1hr) As we do not wanna waste time, remember my last trip here there was a pub called Las Vegas..........so decided we went to see if any good catch.........

As per normal, not much people during that night(Tuesday), quickly, we noticed an area which we can really take a closer look to those gals........so we sat down, oredr some drinks and hehehehhee...............take our tie to choose choose..........

Not long, mama san came over and asked if we want gals. We just shook our head as we just want to made our own catch..........look abit TL but who cares........hehehehe

Finally, saw a gal which I describe not very tall, slim, boob mah abt 34B but fair which I like most........her skin texture was smooth...........after some sianing and persuading............she finally agree to go back with me to my Hotel.(Reason as the pub is damn far away from my Hotel.....so if for them to go home from my Hotel...........KNNzzzzzzzz can't imagine how long gonna take if by public transport..........)

Once back in the room, we hug and kiss each othe like a BG relationship.........in no time, we already in our birthday suit............and the water also had already fill up the bath tub........and I remember the great time I had with xxxxx recommendation for bath tub treatment..........shiok and I want it again, so just "instruct" my gal gal to give me the "treatment".........woo lala............ :D

I can say her BBBJ still have more room for improvement as the suction is still not that powerful...........my hands was everywhere around her..........twisting her nipples.........carressng her cunt.........fingering her plus the one that I want it long long long ago...........that is having sex in the bath tub...........and my dreams came true............

As the bath tub was not big enough for missionary, so we end up goggie all the way and plus a doggie in front of the mirror.........look ing at the way how the enter her and how I mae love with her..........wah..........can't control liao and finally exploded all my ammo inside her..................SONG!!!!!!!!!

After all this action we had in the bathroom, we are abit exhausted and quickly wash ourselves up and prepare for another round on the bed...........hehehehe.

P/S:- Please pardon me for the FR as I had not written for a very very very long time liao.........as the promise to bro Phemon is always being delay, I feel now I should gave him a proper FR.


03-01-2005, 12:27 PM

Happy New Year to you ya! :)

03-01-2005, 09:37 PM
P/S:- Please pardon me for the FR as I had not written for a very very very long time liao.........as the promise to bro Phemon is always being delay, I feel now I should gave him a proper FR.

You call this a PROPER FR? :rolleyes:
Very very very long time never write is no excuse.
If you have it, you have it.
If you can, you can. :D

07-01-2005, 10:24 PM
Will be in Makati Manila next week for a few days.

Any bro want to link for some action together ?

15-01-2005, 06:26 PM
Air Force One, Flight 168:
a. Take a Basic cab from alabang to AF1, php350/-
The cab wait for me and send me back, another php350/-
b. Arrive there about 2pm (happy hour)
c. Opt for 1st class -> 2hrs, Php$2600/-
d. According to the girl, happy hour is up to 8pm.
1st class after happy hour is php3000/-.
business class is 1.5 hrs (forget to ask the rate)?

Hi all phils cheongster,
Is this the right rate i am paying for? Is there an increase in the price?
Please enlighten.


15-01-2005, 07:10 PM
Sorry, 1st time, need some advice from cheongsters.

Just back from Flight 168 spa, Airforce one:
a. Take a Basic cab from alabang to AF1 -> p350/-
Driver offer to wait, so another p350/- return journey
b. Arrive 2pm, happy hour.
c. Pick the girls at the 1st room immediately after the front desk.
Curtains open, about ~25 girls to select.
d. Opt for 1st class, and pay at the front desk p2600/- (happy hour rate)
e. Very big room with jacuzzi, bath room, TV, big bed, fruits, etcs
f. Extra service ->p2600/- (actually pay her p2700).

Need some advice from those who have been to Flight 168.
a. According to the girl, economy class is upstair ?
I did not see any spa upstair ? In fact, i come down from escalator
(ie. "upstair" if according to the girl, maybe miscommunication).
As it is my first time, i want to know, the 1st room to pick the girls
are they really business/1st class girls??
b. I see some past posting, the rate (happy hour) is p2300/-.
after happy hour is p2800/-
Now happy hour is p2600/- and after is p3000/- according to the girl
Is there an increase ?
c. I also see one posting on Starfleet.
The price is p2000 for VIP.
Is there a happy hour rate and after happy hour rate for Starfleet?

please enlighten.

thanks you X3.


16-01-2005, 05:26 PM
Go to Flight 168 again.
Try both economy (miss it yesterday) and business.

Class, Rates and hrs:
a. 1st Class - 2hrs
Happy hours = p2600
After = p3300
b. Business - 1.5 hrs
happy hours = p2000
After = p3000 ? check with counter but forget the exact?? sorry
c. Economy - 1.5 hrs
Happy hours = p1200
After = p???? check with counter too but forget too ? sorry x 2

Total AF1 damage : 1200x2+100 tips + 2000x2+100 tips
= p6600/-
transport = p350 x 2 (to and fro)

Initially plan to go starfleet, cab pass by it, seem a bit rundown, so
tell driver to go to AF1.

Any cheongster can advise class/current rate/hours for Starfleet ?
Who's know, :cool: I may try in the coming days ?


16-01-2005, 05:31 PM
As promised Bro Phenom, now I have a little time, I will provide FR on my last trip to pinoy.

As on schedule, arrive to Manila Int'l Airport with my college on early afternoon abt 12:30pm. First stop to visit customer and planning the programme on the night on where to go.

After all the appointment finished on that day, went to check in Hotel first but was stuck in traffic jam.........NBzzzzzz.......how come the traffic no improved during after working hours................haizzzzz.......finally arrive to Hotel at 7pm, check in and take a quick shower, met my college then proceed to dinner.

As we having dinner, still have not finalise where to go and almost quiet late liao when we finished our dinner at abt 10pm.(Hotel to where we had dinner, journey took 1hr) As we do not wanna waste time, remember my last trip here there was a pub called Las Vegas..........so decided we went to see if any good catch.........

As per normal, not much people during that night(Tuesday), quickly, we noticed an area which we can really take a closer look to those gals........so we sat down, oredr some drinks and hehehehhee...............take our tie to choose choose..........

Not long, mama san came over and asked if we want gals. We just shook our head as we just want to made our own catch..........look abit TL but who cares........hehehehe

Finally, saw a gal which I describe not very tall, slim, boob mah abt 34B but fair which I like most........her skin texture was smooth...........after some sianing and persuading............she finally agree to go back with me to my Hotel.(Reason as the pub is damn far away from my Hotel.....so if for them to go home from my Hotel...........KNNzzzzzzzz can't imagine how long gonna take if by public transport..........)

Once back in the room, we hug and kiss each othe like a BG relationship.........in no time, we already in our birthday suit............and the water also had already fill up the bath tub........and I remember the great time I had with xxxxx recommendation for bath tub treatment..........shiok and I want it again, so just "instruct" my gal gal to give me the "treatment".........woo lala............ :D

I can say her BBBJ still have more room for improvement as the suction is still not that powerful...........my hands was everywhere around her..........twisting her nipples.........carressng her cunt.........fingering her plus the one that I want it long long long ago...........that is having sex in the bath tub...........and my dreams came true............

As the bath tub was not big enough for missionary, so we end up goggie all the way and plus a doggie in front of the mirror.........look ing at the way how the enter her and how I mae love with her..........wah..........can't control liao and finally exploded all my ammo inside her..................SONG!!!!!!!!!

After all this action we had in the bathroom, we are abit exhausted and quickly wash ourselves up and prepare for another round on the bed...........hehehehe.

P/S:- Please pardon me for the FR as I had not written for a very very very long time liao.........as the promise to bro Phemon is always being delay, I feel now I should gave him a proper FR.


bro... long time no talk to you liap hor.. seems you find philippines loads of fun... i know i did.. starfleet... best.. gals there can tabao one if you can sweet talk them....

17-01-2005, 08:02 PM
bro... long time no talk to you liap hor.. seems you find philippines loads of fun... i know i did.. starfleet... best.. gals there can tabao one if you can sweet talk them....

LiNpEh Friend,

Possible to update on the latest rate ?
You mentioned starfleet ..Best.. gals, make me "gian" and horny, brother stands liao..

Please advise. thank you u.


18-01-2005, 07:49 PM
LiNpEh Friend,

Possible to update on the latest rate ?
You mentioned starfleet ..Best.. gals, make me "gian" and horny, brother stands liao..

Please advise. thank you u.


Mr LiNpEh,

I will be going back next week, so may think of going to starfleet to release my pressure in this coming weekend.



26-01-2005, 09:27 AM
Sorry, 1st time, need some advice from cheongsters.

Need some advice from those who have been to Flight 168.
a. According to the girl, economy class is upstair ?
I did not see any spa upstair ? In fact, i come down from escalator
(ie. "upstair" if according to the girl, maybe miscommunication).
As it is my first time, i want to know, the 1st room to pick the girls
are they really business/1st class girls??
b. I see some past posting, the rate (happy hour) is p2300/-.
after happy hour is p2800/-
Now happy hour is p2600/- and after is p3000/- according to the girl
Is there an increase ?

please enlighten.

thanks you X3.


Ya bro, economy is where you were, ie. same level as the reception counter (same level as the KTV). Think those girls are mostly new and within 1 month.

Business case and First class, you have to go down the escalator. You will see a drinks area to your right. Those new ones who are better gets transferred to the below level and have a alphabet to their bagde. Advise you choose those without alphabet, but then again, you may find a gem among them.

Jacuzzi only in First class.

05-02-2005, 11:31 PM
Ya bro, economy is where you were, ie. same level as the reception counter (same level as the KTV). Think those girls are mostly new and within 1 month.

Business case and First class, you have to go down the escalator. You will see a drinks area to your right. Those new ones who are better gets transferred to the below level and have a alphabet to their bagde. Advise you choose those without alphabet, but then again, you may find a gem among them.

Jacuzzi only in First class.

ya bro,
thanks for your reply.


Spanish Fly
06-02-2005, 01:57 AM
I was in Cebu island for a wk for regional meeting. Plenty of Gl to choose from.
Take a cab,and the cabbie will recommend good stuff. Lots of college girls working FL. Me paid US70 for 2 hrs. :D

11-02-2005, 11:39 PM
I was in Cebu island for a wk for regional meeting. Plenty of Gl to choose from.
Take a cab,and the cabbie will recommend good stuff. Lots of college girls working FL. Me paid US70 for 2 hrs. :D

Yo Bro, in fact you can get USD100 for college girls for overnight...........unlimited shots hor.............. :D

13-02-2005, 05:27 PM
Hi bros,

New to the ph scene. Was there last month ... manage to get my hands dirty in places like genie, miss universal, flight168 ... thanks to the recomendation of bros here. Will be heading there for a long haul in April. Anymore good recomendations ..... ? BTW .... is it me or are thai chicks 'warmer' than ph ones? :confused: No doubt ph chicks looks hot.

17-02-2005, 09:34 PM
Hey all Ph cheongster here,

I am in manila now staying in atrium hotel.
Use to visit manila once a week evry month from 1997 to 2002 before cutting back to only 3 times a year the last 2 years. Now I am back to this lovely country again. Usually alone, so a bit more difficult to cheong ktv. Hence usually sticking to Malate or P burgos or Edsa entertainment complex.

Would be interesting if in future some of us can arrange our trip together and meet up to cheong the local places from boarding house to bars to ktv.

anyone interested?

P.S: I am not new, use to be at the sammy Delphi forum and did not really register for a nick in this one till recently.

18-02-2005, 09:49 AM
anyone interested?

P.S: I am not new, use to be at the sammy Delphi forum and did not really register for a nick in this one till recently.

I should be in Makati area next week. We can go classmates together. :D

18-02-2005, 11:11 AM
I should be in Makati area next week. We can go classmates together. :D
If your aim is to drink and have fun for the night, or entertaining clients, AF1 and classmates and those establisments along Qzon ave would be good for those who cant ta pao food home. The girls in KTV generally has better hard ware(look) and more presentable. If they offer quickie in the adjacent VIP room(peso1900 for room charge and 2000 for the quickie, as in classmates and AF1), then they would clock up very high millage within months of working, comparable to the fishes in the fish tank in BKK. Girls in KTV are well paid but they are not free lancer, they cant afford to absent from work and company you like GF unless they pay penalty to the club(2000 per day on week day, absent on week end is totally unacceptable).
If you have time and wish to have a GF like to company you for a few days, suggest you go to explore at EDSA entertaining complex. From my experience, myfaire, fire house and cotton club have more girls but the girls are more commercialised. Unless you are young and they like you, they would not stay with you for the whole night giving standard reasons like parent waiting etc. The other clubs like casina, pitstop and Samba has less girls but most of them would stay OVN with you once promised.
Standard charges at EDSA:
Man drink- Peso 80 to 120
Ladies drink- Peso 190 and 295
Bar fine to take the girl out- One lady drink + Peso1000
ST-2000 to 2500
OVN-2500 to 3500
You may also explore KTV in Malate and Binondo areas, half the price compare to AF1.
Hope my information is useful to bros planning to paint Manila red.

20-02-2005, 06:07 AM
I should be in Makati area next week. We can go classmates together. :D

Hey naemlo, to bad then. I just got back on saturday.
Usually there on sunday and spend the whole week there.
I will probably only goes back just before holy week again in March.

Anyway did not see much action this week. When to my usual hangout place in P Burgos (Dimples and Hollywood) and have a few drinks and catch up with some of teh waitress and manager that I have known since donkey years ago. Buisness in Burgos apparanetly is no longer as good as in the past now. Probably because of competition and the high prices they are charging there.

ALo gone to Rendevous in Malate, another of my old hangout place. They have done some renovation and has a new band which is pretty good. UNfortunately most of the gers there I saw are mainly the old faces. WHile some may still be attractive most are not my types.

20-02-2005, 01:32 PM
Hey....I'm a newbie. Thanks for the info on manila. I will be there for business for 1 week so all this info is very helpful. Any more info will be much appreciated.

Can anyone also recommend which is the better place to stay? Mandrain Oriental or New World Renaissance in makati...the closer to the girls the better. Do these hotels also offer 'services'? How about taxis..are they safe? How much is the normal taxi man's charge to find a girl from the domintory? Which is better...to go to the domintory or to the clubs?

Could I get the number of the FL from Hardone80? Thanks.

Happy New Year and thanks in advance.

20-02-2005, 02:06 PM
Will be in Makati Manila next week for a few days.

Any bro want to link for some action together ?

Hi, I'm a newbie. Would love to join but will be going to manila next month. Any chance of anybody going there again in march?

Also would like to find out which is the better hotel...Mandrian Oriental or New World Renaissance in Makati....do these allow me to bring in grils? Where are the places to pick up near these hotels? I'm quite interested to find out more about the domintory thing you mentioned earlier. How do I find it?

Thanks and Happy New Year.

21-02-2005, 01:36 AM
generally, almost all hotels allow u to bring girls in. I stayed in Pan Pacific (5 stars) and it's alright.. and they threw in an extra service for you.. the hotel reception actually called u and ask if you allow the girl to leave the hotel.. (in case they zuli your stuff..or u faint while doing something to her.. :P )

but all in all, my only advice is "be clear abt the prices 1st.. " there are a few types of girls.. and some has pimp prices/bar fines attached, I'm sure somebody would hv provided these info earlier in this thread. if not, pm or ask and I'll try and help.. been there a couple of times and with locals to help, the picture was clearer and safer..

21-02-2005, 10:20 AM
I think all hotel allow you to bring girl in provided you bring the girl in with you. Remember to call the hotel reception to let the girl out if you do not intend to send her down to the lobby.
Try not to get girls from the pimps(hotel taxi drivers included) unless you know them well. They will promise you anything from the sky and at the end of the day, get a few girls from the squarters, or whorehouses near to Makati for you.
Bars along Burgos St has lost its glories, not worth visiting now a days.
Try go to EDSA International Entertainment Complex to try your luck. All girls are ready for your picking and what I mean luck is-You get one that really treat you well.
In Manila, please pretend that you are a regular visitor even though it is your 1st time! If you are not sure of the price, just pretend that your last visit was 5 years ago and ask for any price revision! Pretend to be an old bird can save you alot of $$$ and higher chance of getting a better deal.
PM me if you need further detail. I miss Manila...my brown sugar.

21-02-2005, 10:26 AM
Forgot One important reminder to would be cheongster to Manila..Please avoid visiting Manila from 22nd to 30th Marh 05. All the girls will return to their provinces to celebrate Good Friday..you turn vegetarian....

22-02-2005, 06:31 PM
hi bro,

how far (by cab) is edsa entertainment centre from edsa shangri-la ?

23-02-2005, 10:51 AM
hi bro,

how far (by cab) is edsa entertainment centre from edsa shangri-la ?

EDSA shangri-la is in Octigas and EDSA entertainment complex is near Roxas Boulevard which is about 15 KM away. It may take you 45 minutes during the rush hour and only 15 minutes at night.

Have a nie time there.

23-02-2005, 03:55 PM
thanks for the info

24-02-2005, 03:01 PM
Can anyone also recommend which is the better place to stay? Mandrain Oriental or New World Renaissance in makati...the closer to the girls the better. Do these hotels also offer 'services'? How about taxis..are they safe? How much is the normal taxi man's charge to find a girl from the domintory? Which is better...to go to the domintory or to the clubs?


Mandarin is nearer to P. Burgos... but then there not much action and also expensive if u wanna drink and pay bar fine.

New World is nearer to those KTV in Pasay.. so may be better there.

Both hotel not bad and are near to some domintory.

I never stay in New World b4, bit for mandarin, the layout makes it very difficult to bring the ger up to your room without being notice.

24-02-2005, 07:25 PM
CNNCmg, thanks for the very useful info. I will probably try new world then. Are both hotels within walking distance? Do you know how far is Pasay from New world? Would really appreciate any other info....what are the names of places to go to...KTV, domintory etc? any FL's there that you know off? what dangers to look out for? what are the usual rates?

Many thanks for your help. If you want, will update you on a FR.

Mandarin is nearer to P. Burgos... but then there not much action and also expensive if u wanna drink and pay bar fine.

New World is nearer to those KTV in Pasay.. so may be better there.

Both hotel not bad and are near to some domintory.

I never stay in New World b4, bit for mandarin, the layout makes it very difficult to bring the ger up to your room without being notice.

25-02-2005, 10:24 AM
Hi, I'm a newbie. Would love to join but will be going to manila next month. Any chance of anybody going there again in march?

Also would like to find out which is the better hotel...Mandrian Oriental or New World Renaissance in Makati....do these allow me to bring in grils? Where are the places to pick up near these hotels? I'm quite interested to find out more about the domintory thing you mentioned earlier. How do I find it?

Thanks and Happy New Year.

hi bro,

u may want to consider choosing your hotel via http://www.asiatravel.com which provides decent rates.

26-02-2005, 05:09 PM
Thanks Night-Eye. I can only use Mandrain Oritental or New World as these are the only two approved by my company. Can you advice which is the better hotel, new world or mandrain? By the way, do you advice to check out the scene in burgos or heads straight to esda? I suppose both hotels are quite far from esda so doesnt matter where i stay. thanks for your help

hi bro,

u may want to consider choosing your hotel via http://www.asiatravel.com which provides decent rates.

26-02-2005, 05:24 PM
Smiler, good to hear of your trip to PI. Will you be in manila in mid-Mar? Would be good to meet up if you are there.

Guys, I'm now at Philipiness and really need all the help I can find to help me. As I'm not familiar with the place there so anyones can please update me any information you have to me regarding Manila and Cebu island????? Where can go cheong there? Wat is the rate of the gals? Any local FL there? So many question and yet so little answer for myself.......Once again, really appreciated alot of help from you bros............Thanks you in advance.

26-02-2005, 07:44 PM
I find New World Hotel ok leh. Lobby through small but usually many people and you can clearly see gals being brought inot teh hotel/ Not much hassle.

Also, just cross the road and GreenBelt shopping mall has many good food if you decide to go for a meal with the gal before back to hotel.

If you can Peninsula Hotel is also good. Around same area as New World and every one who brough gals back do it openly :) .

26-02-2005, 10:08 PM
Thanks Night-Eye. I can only use Mandrain Oritental or New World as these are the only two approved by my company. Can you advice which is the better hotel, new world or mandrain? By the way, do you advice to check out the scene in burgos or heads straight to esda? I suppose both hotels are quite far from esda so doesnt matter where i stay. thanks for your help

sorry bro, never try those 2hotels before. so far only makati shangri-la and discovery suites. tried burgos and the local described it as "ang mo" hang-out. i have yet to try edsa and it will definitely be my target for my next week trip there ;)

28-02-2005, 02:16 PM
Thanks Night-Eye. I can only use Mandrain Oritental or New World as these are the only two approved by my company. Can you advice which is the better hotel, new world or mandrain? By the way, do you advice to check out the scene in burgos or heads straight to esda? I suppose both hotels are quite far from esda so doesnt matter where i stay. thanks for your help

Both hotel are within walking distance. In fact all the five big hotels are within 1km radius.
Yes, EDSA is in Pasay city and is about 4 or 5 km from the hotels. You cant walk there.
For newbie to Manila, suggest you go to both places just for fun. You will have less problem in EDSA, they dont force you to buy ladies drink, or at most one drink for the night.
Burgos is not the same, if you are not thick skin, they will keep pestering you to buy ladies drink, and before you know, you have chock up 3K! Please say no politely unless you find a girl you like, and limit to 3 drinks max. Dont spoil hang Cheng ha!

01-03-2005, 04:51 PM
I will be making a trip to this wonderful place by mid march. Anyone will be there to meet up? :D

02-03-2005, 07:13 PM
I will be making a trip to this wonderful place by mid march. Anyone will be there to meet up? :D

I will be in manila from 14-18 Mar....yourself?

02-03-2005, 11:37 PM
Hey all Ph cheongster here,

I am in manila now staying in atrium hotel.
Use to visit manila once a week evry month from 1997 to 2002 before cutting back to only 3 times a year the last 2 years. Now I am back to this lovely country again. Usually alone, so a bit more difficult to cheong ktv. Hence usually sticking to Malate or P burgos or Edsa entertainment complex.

Would be interesting if in future some of us can arrange our trip together and meet up to cheong the local places from boarding house to bars to ktv.

anyone interested?

P.S: I am not new, use to be at the sammy Delphi forum and did not really register for a nick in this one till recently.

Hi bro, where do you usually cheong at Malate? As for me, my favourite is the LA BAR Pub................and Edsa.....is a NO NO NO to me.........damn EX. As for P burgos, not been there before...........BTW I also just went to Makati.........quite a handful of Pub there also.

02-03-2005, 11:44 PM
Smiler, good to hear of your trip to PI. Will you be in manila in mid-Mar? Would be good to meet up if you are there.
Hi bro.............me now planning for a trip this month to PI but not sure of the date yet.

Dun mind PM me ur contact so that we can contact each other if I will be in Manila by mid MArch. :D

02-03-2005, 11:45 PM
I will be making a trip to this wonderful place by mid march. Anyone will be there to meet up? :D
Hi Destroyer, dun mind PM me ur contact so that we can meet up if I can make it by mid March.

03-03-2005, 12:08 AM
Hi bro, where do you usually cheong at Malate? As for me, my favourite is the LA BAR Pub................and Edsa.....is a NO NO NO to me.........damn EX. As for P burgos, not been there before...........BTW I also just went to Makati.........quite a handful of Pub there also.

Hey Smiler.. I usually go to Rendevous which is like 5 mins walk from LA pub. Kind of too many Ang Moh in LA Bar, so only been there once last year.

Burgos also seldom go now, just once a a while to catch up with some of the waitress or manager in Dimples and Hollywood whom I know since 1998.

Seldom cheong now.. since the bunch of Honkonger that I know are no longer around.

03-03-2005, 12:11 AM
I will be making a trip to this wonderful place by mid march. Anyone will be there to meet up? :D

I may pop in in mid march before the holy week as well...
Will let you know

03-03-2005, 06:33 PM
I may pop in in mid march before the holy week as well...
Will let you know

Great...looks like that there will be a few of us in manila at the same time. I will be there 14-18 Mar. Staying at New World Renaissance.

05-03-2005, 09:11 AM
Hi All,
I've been following this thread for about a week since I will be in Manila at the end of the month from 27th March to 2nd April. Hopefully by then Metro Manila will not be a ghost town because of the good friday week. Like one of the Bro here, I have little choice of hotels (Mandarin Oriental and New Rena..).
Thanks to some bros here who have given some good info. Most likely will head north or cheong around EDSA. Any other info will be helpful .

Thanks again. :rolleyes:

07-03-2005, 12:37 PM
Great...looks like that there will be a few of us in manila at the same time. I will be there 14-18 Mar. Staying at New World Renaissance.

just in time. count me in. i'll be there too. not new in cheonging, but new to manila and need to tag along. will be there 14-17 mar and stay shargri.

10-03-2005, 11:15 PM
Hi bro, where do you usually cheong at Malate? As for me, my favourite is the LA BAR Pub................and Edsa.....is a NO NO NO to me.........damn EX. As for P burgos, not been there before...........BTW I also just went to Makati.........quite a handful of Pub there also.

Hi , i will be there next week ... where is LA BAR pub ?? wanna try this place .
Pls advise . thanks !

11-03-2005, 07:48 PM
Hi , i will be there next week ... where is LA BAR pub ?? wanna try this place .
Pls advise . thanks !

Ok I will be staying at new world renaissance at makati. just PM me your contact.

12-03-2005, 03:57 PM
Ok I will be staying at new world renaissance at makati. just PM me your contact.

Sorry Guys... I have to move my trip to early April as I need to make a short trip down to K.L next week. Anyone there in first week April left me know then.


12-03-2005, 05:09 PM
Also would like to find out which is the better hotel....

I usually stay at the Peninsula. Nice classy hotel, and they know me by name, since I stay there at least 3-4 times a year, and also because I tip well.

The staff know well enough to turn a blind eye when you bring a girl in. In my early days I used to even bring back two chicks arm in arm, and no one batted an eyelid. Nowadays, I have a permanent GF in Phils (not a WL, a secretary working in our Makati office). So whenever I am there, she comes in with her bag and stays with me for as long as I am there. No one has questioned anything, and the doorman even helps her bring her bag up. Havent had any hassles with anyone stopping her, or asking me to pay for a second guest etc. Now that's what I call service.

12-03-2005, 11:35 PM
just in time. count me in. i'll be there too. not new in cheonging, but new to manila and need to tag along. will be there 14-17 mar and stay shargri.

I'll be there, from the 14th to 17th. Manila. Maybe we can meet up? :)

13-03-2005, 01:50 AM
I'll be there, from the 14th to 17th. Manila. Maybe we can meet up? :)
Hi I'll be there from 13 - 16 Mar. Staying at Somerset Millenium Makati . Where will u be staying? maybe we can meet up at nite ...

13-03-2005, 10:17 AM
Hi I'll be there from 13 - 16 Mar. Staying at Somerset Millenium Makati . Where will u be staying? maybe we can meet up at nite ...

Check your PM. :)

16-03-2005, 12:02 AM
Any bro has tried the Edsa ShangriLa hotel's massage service?
Any special service experience? Will be there on Mar 21.

16-03-2005, 07:24 PM
It look like this thread is getting popular recently.....it is Philippines economy getting more robust now?

Would some bros care to explain the sudden interest?


17-03-2005, 11:45 PM
Any bro has tried the Edsa ShangriLa hotel's massage service?
Any special service experience? Will be there on Mar 21.

tried 2nites ago, the gals cmi. the place looks very decent for a high class hotel....i was taken back when the "auntie" pop the golden question and was touching my parts thru out the massage. the massage is 1.2kP for 1hr and she ask for the same price for HJ !!!

bro, dun waste your time....

18-03-2005, 02:49 PM
Usually hotel massage is a waste of money in the Philippines, as the lady is usually old hag.

My fav joint is still those ktv or Edsa Ave joints.

Planning a trip up again in june 05.

Anyone will be there?


18-03-2005, 09:20 PM
Hi bro.............me now planning for a trip this month to PI but not sure of the date yet.

Dun mind PM me ur contact so that we can contact each other if I will be in Manila by mid MArch. :D


I am on my way to Balibago tomorrow. Will be in Manila from 21/3 to 24/3 and thereafter will spend the long weekend in sextown again.
You are long overdue there. :mad:

19-03-2005, 05:59 PM
I will be in Manila from I think 11th April to 16th April.
But will need to go to Iligan for 2 days...
Anyone there at that time... ?

Will be statying in Mandarin oriental or in Pasay

21-03-2005, 12:55 PM
Hehe, I found on Air Asia's website, that they are going to fly directly into Clark.
From KLIA......

Will be there soon!


22-03-2005, 01:45 AM
As promised to bro Achiever, I am putting my FR.

Thanks bro Achiever but I did not call the 2 numbers you gave me. I did get a copy of the classified ads from Philip Star with plenty of numbers. So anyone who wants the list can let me know.

Checked into EDSA Shang at about 2pm. Immediately logged in to check for
any updates. 330pm business appointment was postpone so decided to stay
in hotel and try room massage. Called and asked for "young and slim" lady.
Came "old and fat" aunty. Hai........Actually not so old at 31 but face look like 45....Anyway massage price gone up to 1500peso. About usual SOP, asked if wanted HJ and was quoted 2000peso. Ask her to go fly kite....She face black and try to touch my bro to convince me but i cover with towel and ask her to massage elsewhere. Completed and she FO.

Went for business meeting and dinner. My business associate say if come to manila dont go night life then better dont come....So I say you Boss loh, bring me around lah....

He drove to somewhere called "Mystique" which I am not sure where it is. Some bros here may know. It is a disco threater and KTV. Go in straight away go to side room to choose girl thru fishtank. Not bad, about 50+ girls. generally between 6-7 quality. Choice one small petite girl called Glacy, about 18 yo and went to sit in open area where there are girls dancing and modelling around for people to choose. Sometimes the girls will strip totally naked and dance on the stage, if you like her, just call the mami n give number. Anyway, cut story short, we also got a small room where you can do "business" there. I sat for about an hour then pull my girl in for a FJ. She was very shy and turn the light down until very dim. Being petitle, her breast quite small but she is light so can lift her up to do many pattern. She not very experience and need some guidence here and there. After about 15mins of bonking and teasing, finally shot and she disappeared to wash up. Later she came back and we sat in the open area to watch the show again and she kept laying all over me. Anyway left at about 12mn after my associate finished his 30min shot.

Overall a nice first experience.

Damage: BJ-1500peso (did not try)
RTF: Maybe, look for other girls.

Anyway leaving tomorrow and next week will be in Hanoi staying in Fortuna. :)

23-03-2005, 10:46 AM
Well written FR................ :D

24-03-2005, 05:38 PM
Well written FR................ :D

Chairman, why only you ONE person say the FR is goot? :confused:

24-03-2005, 08:05 PM
Came back from manila last week but have been busy with work so didn't have time to post FR. This is my first time posting FR, so bear with me:

Arrived Manila on saturday in the evening. Got to the hotel, rested and decided to check out the scene at 6-ish. My first trip to manila so everything is new to me. My friends told me about LA Cafe in Ermita so decided to try it. This is were some FLs hang out. Took a taxi there. Apperently LA Cafe is very popular and all the taxi drivers know it....and when I arrived the taxi driver even winked at me!! Taxi fare about 90peso from makati. Make sure the taxi use the meter.

Arrived at LA Cafe. It looks like a run down Hard Rock Cafe from the outside. But once inside , its like heaven. Full of girls!! I sat down on a corner table. Ordered a drink and some food. To my horror, immediately a fat girl came over for a chat. But its ok. I told her I was looking for another girl and she started to recommend some of her friends, pointing out to a few around the bar. But all not my taste, so I just continued to chat with her. Fat girl then left for the toilet and then came another girl, even fatter!! She's one of the mami's working there. So she started to bring over a few girls but again all not my taste. By the time it was 7 something, and the place was packed!! Cant even walk to the toilet. Mostly ang mor guys. Wasn't to my liking so I eventually decided to leave and try another place. But before I could leave, fat mani brought another girl over. Her name was Rose and was 23. Could see obviously that she didn't like being there and was uncomfortable with her work. Since she was different from the others I asked her if she wanted to go somewhere else. She nodded and we left. Took a taxi back to the hotel. Went straight to my room and began to chat for awhile. She was tall (5'6") and slim. Very sweet eyes and lips what look like they were meant for BJ. Found out that she only did FL on a partime basis to get extra money for her baby!! Wow, she must be the most stunning mother I have ever met.

Anyway, we began with french kissing and then she said she wanted to take a shower. So we both went into the shower together. The naughty devil decided to soap me and almost made me cum. Continued on the bed with her on top riding me. Her riding was not so good but was my favourite position as I could see her really fit body while riding me. Changed position and suddenly she become a different person. Before this she was calm and cool. But when changed position to doggy she started screaming away. She was so loud I was afraid the next room would complain. After a few minutes I had to stop as I was starting to feel pai seh with her loud screaming. So changed position again with me on top. She continued to moan but at least it was at a more managable level. All the noise really made me excited so unfortunatly I came.

Next morning got up at about 9am and wanted to go down for breakfast. Asked her to join me but she said she had to go back to her daughter. I said ok and paid her 3500 pesos. But before she went we decided to go for one last round as I told her I may not see her again. Rose started with a really great BJ and then asked me to enter her. I asked for a condom but she said she doesnt have anymore. Then she asked me if I had any and I said no. At that time I was on top and almost about to enter. She said nevermind and using her leg push me forward into her. Wow, I never entered without a condom before!! Was so smooth. In the heat of if I lost control and continued to do her. As usual she started screaming again. The screaming brought me to my senses and I quickly withdrew and told her I didnt want to continue with out a condom. So then she said we wanted to watch me masterbate. Such a strange request but I agreed. She sat on me so that I look at her fit body while I masterbated. Came again in front of her. Cleaned up, exchanged phone numbers and kissed good bye.

Only one cheonging experience as the rest of the days I was busy with work.
Hoping to go back to manila in june again and to meet up with Rose again.

25-03-2005, 07:48 AM
Nice FR Bro,
Like they say, never leave home without it. So it's SOP for me to pack a pack of threes when I'm outstationed.
I remembered one time while shagging, the condom tear and both myself and the girl were too cautious. End up she did a hj on me till i came on her smiling face ant boobs.
I will be in Manila next week. Will try to post FR of any hapenins there.

Nabewan :rolleyes:

25-03-2005, 02:46 PM
Overall a nice first experience.

Damage: BJ-1500peso (did not try)
RTF: Maybe, look for other girls.

Anyway leaving tomorrow and next week will be in Hanoi staying in Fortuna. :)

Nice FR.. I been to Manila so long.. and yet still have not tried some of these places... How come by business associate dun bring me to such palces one leh??? sighzz

25-03-2005, 02:48 PM
It look like this thread is getting popular recently.....it is Philippines economy getting more robust now?

Would some bros care to explain the sudden interest?


I think and hope too that the economy is picking up.. been like shit for years...

Maybe the openning of the mining industry will be one areas.. plus also the increase in the number of calls center locatde in philippines...

25-03-2005, 02:54 PM
[QUOTE=redsmurf]Next morning got up at about 9am and wanted to go down for breakfast. Asked her to join me but she said she had to go back to her daughter. I said ok and paid her 3500 pesos. But before she went we decided to go for one last round as I told her I may not see her again. Rose started with a really great BJ and then asked me to enter her. I asked for a condom but she said she doesnt have anymore. Then she asked me if I had any and I said no. At that time I was on top and almost about to enter. She said nevermind and using her leg push me forward into her. Wow, I never entered without a condom before!! Was so smooth. In the heat of if I lost control and continued to do her. As usual she started screaming again. The screaming brought me to my senses and I quickly withdrew and told her I didnt want to continue with out a condom. .

Alamak... I think old timer to manila forgot to mention...

Usually most of he ger dun carry the Cap around... Its important you keep some in your bag... (remmeber to dispose of them on your trip home.. just my experience.. hehehehe)

Anyway.. is 3500 peso what she asked for? Kind of high for gers in Mabini area...

25-03-2005, 04:36 PM
Nice FR.. I been to Manila so long.. and yet still have not tried some of these places... How come by business associate dun bring me to such palces one leh??? sighzz

Maybe you did not drop enough hint..... :)
Next time make some casual remarks about how is the nightlife here, or say at night very boring nothing to do....you know.... ;)

27-03-2005, 12:18 AM
My friends told me about LA Cafe in Ermita so decided to try it. This is were some FLs hang out. Took a taxi there. Apperently LA Cafe is very popular and all the taxi drivers know it....and when I arrived the taxi driver even winked at me!! Taxi fare about 90peso from makati. Make sure the taxi use the meter.

That's the place.......my favourite hangout if me in Manila but sometimes also change place as went too often until most gals also noe me........sometimes I like new stuff.............hehehee

Arrived at LA Cafe. It looks like a run down Hard Rock Cafe from the outside. But once inside , its like heaven. Full of girls!! I sat down on a corner table. Ordered a drink and some food. To my horror, immediately a fat girl came over for a chat. But its ok. I told her I was looking for another girl and she started to recommend some of her friends, pointing out to a few around the bar. But all not my taste, so I just continued to chat with her. Fat girl then left for the toilet and then came another girl, even fatter!! She's one of the mami's working there. So she started to bring over a few girls but again all not my taste. By the time it was 7 something, and the place was packed!! Cant even walk to the toilet. Mostly ang mor guys. Wasn't to my liking so I eventually decided to leave and try another place.

Well, this is how LA works, with mami ard or you can choose urself without mani recommendation..........usaully I will look out for myself...............mani recommendation all so so nia........but own catch sometimes can get good quality gals........

I said ok and paid her 3500 pesos.

Bro......bro..........you overpaid liao........hehehehe

But before I could leave, fat mani brought another girl over. Her name was Rose and was 23. Could see obviously that she didn't like being there and was uncomfortable with her work.

Bro, she speak JAP? Cos if she understand and noe JAP, then I noe which one you referring to...........:)

27-03-2005, 12:20 AM
Usually most of he ger dun carry the Cap around... Its important you keep some in your bag... (remmeber to dispose of them on your trip home.. just my experience.. hehehehe)

Anyway.. is 3500 peso what she asked for? Kind of high for gers in Mabini area...

You rite bro......always stock up all the necessarities when in war ground.............heheee

As the 3500peso, you also think high hor........but I believe maybe bro redsmurf gave her this amt loh...........if she ask hor, I will tell her where got so much.......give the market rate and asked her leave liao.............hehehe