View Full Version : Tn in Tampines st 81

20-07-2005, 11:32 AM
Hi to all.Have anyone tried the tn at blk821 at tamp st 81? its shared with a mly barber shop..Any special? i called..$22 for 3omin massage..China ger picked up..can hear frm e ascent..
thank all!

09-08-2005, 06:36 PM
wat the number huh?

i stay there only leh :p

25-08-2005, 11:55 AM
there are a total of three tn in tamp st 81 area. one is the one mentione above but the lady are all old and not chio at all. they only provide clean massage only no special. the others are at the market area with the multi storey carparks. it near there just go to the smaller carpark and go up from the back door of the shophouse there is a sign outside so sld be quite easy to find. then other one is still under renovation.

25-08-2005, 03:21 PM
No Frs on the other 2 tui nas?any one tried?

25-08-2005, 03:39 PM
wanted to go have a look last week during lunch but the door is locked. can see its located in a house of those shophouses located on the second floor. maybe going to have a try soon. the one under renovation lady boss look v hot to me. she told me opening in mid september so going to try both soon

25-08-2005, 04:41 PM
Went to recce the place and saw a few tui nah shops, 1 is beside the barber, another is just directly across the road of the 1st one, 2 are on the 2nd floor of the place but 1 was still not open and the other like close down already so decided to go to the 1 beside the barber. Went in and notice not really all lao chio, got a few quit pretty but sad to say there is no special. Heard from the gals there talking that all the tui nah shop in that area are joint, if which side need man power they will go there. Oh yeah just for info, before i go to the tui nah shop, i went recce the whole area and saw that the gals in the hair dressing salons are alot more prettier than the tui nah but too bad that one confirm no special one. Haha.