View Full Version : Avoid Blue Rose at all costs!!!

20-07-2005, 05:23 PM
Just came back from Blue Rose and it is definitely the worse experience I ever had in TN.
Called them before I went up to confirm the cost and they told me that they are charging $30 for 1 hour. So I thought to myself, $30 for 1 hour would approximately means around 40-45 minutes of massaging time so I went up.
4 ladies were sitting in the main lobby playing cards and upon my arrival, 1 of them led me into a room. After massaging for ONLY 20 minutes, she started to ask me for special service. WTF, 20 minutes of massaging then ask me special service. I asked her why the massage is so short and she replied that it's the same everywhere. WTF is she trying to do? Nevermind, then I asked her how much she charged for her special. She quoted $50 for handjob, $100 for blowjob and $90 for fuckjob. I asked her why her blowjob is more expensive than fuckjob and she told me that it is more tiring to blow and she had to endure the taste of the rubber. In the end, I settled for the handjob and she asked for $40. Fair enough, I gave her the money after everything.
I may be a SOB but I only gave her $60 altogther. She asked me why only $60 and I told her for handjob, it's $30 and IT'S THE SAME EVERYWHERE. Moreoever, she expected me to pay $30 for a massage that lasted less than 30 minutes, my FOOT!!!

Name: Never ask
Looks: 5/10
Massage: 3/10 (Those cat40 Thai can do better than her)
HJ: 4/10 (I regretted trying her special, think I PCC is much more comfortable!)
BJ: Never try
FJ: Never try

P/S: I know there are so brothers who are supporters of BR and upon reading this post, there is a possibility that I will be zapped. However I just want to emphasize on the fact that in this forum, it is for everybody to voice out their opinions and experiences, be it negative or positive. We paid to have fun and to a certain extent, there should be at least a minimum standard. Otherwise, no point having this forum for all to share their view point.

21-07-2005, 10:08 AM
Just came back from Blue Rose and it is definitely the worse experience I ever had in TN.

Hey bro,

U should read the other threads. Then u will not go le. I agree with what u say. It is true to speak yr own mind. So that other bros can be warned about this lousy TN.

21-07-2005, 11:52 AM
as you bros yourself have said it...too much is also bad...kekekekeke

over doing it and bros will also started to questions...mostly posted by bros who have just joined and never get the gals names etc....playing cards somemore...huh....ask the bros who have went before....

I will said it again. You are not hurting me at all, I don't have a interested in it. What you are doing is hurting the gals which I know is your target.
Just because the gal rejected you, there is no need to go all out to destroy her. Be a man...move on. There are others gal around. Let the poor gals do their business and earn money as this is what they want. You want to flame me, deduct my points go ahead. Just leave the poor gals alone. They didn't do anything to you, why the need to go all the way to destroy them? Said or posted what you want about me...no problem, indirectly I have help them by posting my FRs and if you find it offensive then I cannot help it. But if you are doing it to destroy the gal who have rejected you then you are no better than a dog or pig. Their primary interest is to earn money and go back home..they only came for one month and may not be here again...why hold it against them? If I am the one you are targeting why target BR instead?
Read through all the flaming post....tell me...is it really about me or are you targeting BR? If you are seriously out to destroy me, how to? I can always just sign on another nick and carry on as before....will you know? No right?
Now if I will to post another FR on another gal in another TN are you going to flame me as before? Just because I am using the Nick=galsharing? Are you going to say I have an commercial interest in that TN also? What about the time when I posted FR on BO's gal or Janny's gals? Are you going to say I am the boss of them too? If that is your logic, then the whole fourm is pointless don't you think so?

Bros out there, you think for yourself. I am tired of it all now...

21-07-2005, 01:43 PM
They didn't do anything to you, why the need to go all the way to destroy them? Said or posted what you want about me...no problem, indirectly I have help them by posting my FRs and if you find it offensive then I cannot help it.
Read through all the flaming post....tell me...is it really about me or are you targeting BR? If you are seriously out to destroy me, how to?

First of all, I am not out to destroy anybody. If you find their service is good, then that's your point of view. For me, I am just pouring out what I felt after going that, is there anything wrong with that? Come on, they quoted $30 for 1 hour and in the end, this is the fucked up service that I have gotten from them. I do not see any justification at all. I been to other TN like Kang Li and Xin Yu. Yes, the girls over there wanted to earn extra money too, but at least, they still carry out the basic massage for a reasonable time-frame. It is just a pity that the whole of Teck Chye Terrace is being raided and that is the reason why I give the benefit of doubt to some of the comments posted here with regards to BR. Otherwise with so many bad comments on BR, why should I still waste my money? But too bad, their services had proven to be mediocre.
If by posting my personal view is being seen as a personal attack to anybody, then I should suggest that we should not have any more forum. A forum is meant for everybody to share his experience. As this phrase goes 'One man's meat is another man's poison', so why should you be so bothered by my negative post on BR? We are here to exchange experiences, not to start all these ridiculous and unneccesary flaming. As someone with a higher rep, you should understand all these by now.

21-07-2005, 01:54 PM
As I've said it before, this place really SUCKS big time. I just don't know why galsharing is defending it despite no reference to him. He wrote me a threatening letter when I criticise BR and I paste it for all to see in the other thread on BR. It does proved he has a commercial interest in BR. Let's all boycott Blue Rose!!!!

21-07-2005, 03:40 PM
In the end, I settled for the handjob and she asked for $40. Fair enough, I gave her the money after everything.
I may be a SOB but I only gave her $60 altogther. She asked me why only $60 and I told her for handjob, it's $30 and IT'S THE SAME EVERYWHERE. Moreoever, she expected me to pay $30 for a massage that lasted less than 30 minutes, my FOOT!!!

Come on man, you damn sia suay man. Face it boy, you ordererd for a chicken rice, may it be good or shit. You've eaten it, you pay for it. Your act of deceiving is a great damn disgrace.

Please do not repeat your despectable act.

21-07-2005, 04:43 PM
I went recently. Same. only massage for 20 mins. Post the golden question. Ended with HJ $50 that last for 10 mins. Whole session only 30mins.

Tell myself not to go anymore. :mad:

21-07-2005, 06:42 PM
Tsk tsk tsk.. Your story stinks
Just came back from Blue Rose and it is definitely the worse experience I ever had in TN.
Ok really bad experience. But why avoid BR at all costs? the next ger might be really good!

Called them before I went up to confirm
So how did you find out about this place? Through SBF? If so.. how come
Name: Never ask
Occasionally I dun know the name of a ger who I meet, but If I ever research through SBF I always TRY to find out the name of the ger servicing me. And if u did NOT find out through SBF.. did you really
Just came back from Blue Rose and post immediately. Why din u research here first.. I always research here before going anywhere. Even if no info at least I looked.

the cost and they told me that they are charging $30 for 1 hour. So I thought to myself, $30 for 1 hour would approximately means around 40-45 minutes of massaging time so I went up.
Ummm this is ur worst experience in TN.. so u been a few times to other TN joints. Why do you have to think about the price breakdown / time of massage - onli newbies think abt this issue. And they should onli think about this issue b4 they make a call. when u make a call... u already noe abt this issue.

In the end, I settled for the handjob and she asked for $40. Fair enough, I gave her the money after everything.
I may be a SOB but I only gave her $60 altogther. She asked me why only $60 and I told her for handjob, it's $30 and IT'S THE SAME EVERYWHERE. Moreoever, she expected me to pay $30 for a massage that lasted less than 30 minutes, my FOOT!!!

Assuming this story is real - you cheated her . And I suggest u dun call urself a SOB. Bad enuff for ur mother to have a cheating/lying son.. and then to be a called a Bitch as well.. I feel sorri for ur mother.

U agreed to pay $40 for HJ.. u should rejected the offer if u nvr plan to pay $40. Love_CIM is a conster. Proven fact from his own posting. unless you make engrish error. So what is the real story?


P/S: I know there are so brothers who are supporters of BR and upon reading this post, there is a possibility that I will be zapped. However I just want to emphasize on the fact that in this forum, it is for everybody to voice out their opinions and experiences, be it negative or positive. We paid to have fun and to a certain extent, there should be at least a minimum standard. Otherwise, no point having this forum for all to share their view point.

I read this bit then I know u have a vendetta against BR.
1. OVER YOUR DEAD BODY. So when u get a bad deal over bvuying a car - losing hundreds of dollars.. how do you react? BLOW UP THE PLANET?
2. u already knew abt the other posts because there are supporters.. so why u start this thread.. u should be posting in the other existing threads. Even when I got a really bad TN massage in the past I onli post in the existing thread
3. u justify ur negative review as expressing ur opinion. This section is too long for an honest reviewer.

Bro galsharing maybe too strong at promoting BR but at least he onli uses one nick and encourages us to make our own judgement. We are free to ignore him completely and look at other reviews to see whether we want to go or not. The main complaint is too many threads.. I think this is wrong and have advised him to change his posting patterns, and he agreed to do this - if he keeps on posting in future. He has also placed significant effort in running a yahoo group that provides information service to some SBF members.

The person who uses multiple nicks to drag a place down is despicable, since it makes it harder for SBF to form an accurate opinion. And a person who does this to spite the gals working there is a truly evil asshole..If u ever have a business.. see how u feel if people try to sabo ur business.. Asshole.

Conster Love_CIM - once ur description is found out (How many cheaters requesting for HJ on July 20 2005?) They will be posted to every TN joint in Singapore as a warning not to service u since you cheat gers. Yesterday u went - yesterday is 20th July. I ask Bro galsharing to get ur description.

Unless of course u return to BR and pay the $10 u owe them. What do u wan to do? Or is ur story just Bullshit? So whats the real story?

21-07-2005, 06:56 PM
brudder Love_CIM, i not sure yr intention..but if this is the truth..just info us will do..no need to srt8 away tell brudders to AVOID this place..
it's a very strong word word to use here...
move on brudder...

22-07-2005, 12:51 AM
Brudder LOVE_CIM

1. You reject wat you dun want and after picking a girl, dun complain.

2. You agree on massage and HJ price. Be a man and pay when a deal is
strike, you damn sia suey man.....

3. Every one of these ladies are here for a cause, $$$. please respect that.

4. If u cannot afford, dun go.

5. If you want 'guarantee' read more la.....

7. IF $70 dollar is larger than a Gu Cia Lun, stick the $70 on the wall and
HJ yourself, after which you can still tale back your money.

8. Shut the fuck up and just give your frank opinion and not bad mouth.

Sad to have people like you around.

22-07-2005, 03:00 AM
They are selling a service to you.
If you disagreed on the price and product.
Then just go away.
But once you agreed and taken the service
You shortpay them.
It is not correct.

Just came back from Blue Rose and it is definitely the worse experience I ever had in TN.

P/S: I know there are so brothers who are supporters of BR and upon reading this post, there is a possibility that I will be zapped. However I just want to emphasize on the fact that in this forum, it is for everybody to voice out their opinions and experiences, be it negative or positive. We paid to have fun and to a certain extent, there should be at least a minimum standard. Otherwise, no point having this forum for all to share their view point.

22-07-2005, 03:20 AM
Bro Love_CIM, when you go to work late or leave work earlier or go for longer lunch break, etc, your boss got deduct your salary or not ah :confused:

Please respond hor, that's the purpose of having a forum, to share our view point, steady?

22-07-2005, 03:42 AM
Consters Love-CIM....i think you are damn sia suey!!! and you still have the cheek to tell your story here!!! since price agreed already then pay the agreed amount, why short pay people!! you dont fit to be in this forum sharing!! if talking about boycotting i think we should boycot your futuure postings!!!!! sucker!!! if no $$$ then stay at home PCC....sia suey all the brothers in here! still got cheek to tell the world to boycot the joint! if we boycot the joint it's becos of YOU!!! sicko!!!!

Bro galshring...i really appreciate your posting in here! it gives us more info about BR. thanks a lot!

Bro huckerberry....shut your F**k up! why you bother about bro galsharing's posting! if you had a bad experience at BR then post it so brothers here will know. it's a added info!!! that's the objective of this forum, isn't it!? use your dick brain and think about it!! or your brain too small....sad thing!

be cool....

22-07-2005, 08:41 AM
Thanks bros...now he have changed his nick again..xiaopangpang..just joined in Jul, post 1 and it is here.


Will check with BR boss tonite about the details.
If I may add....these nicks maybe the same person.

hackerberry = rockhard = LOVE CIM = coolmansg801 = xiaopangpang = skylex
there is a pattern to their posting.

22-07-2005, 09:08 AM
Hummm...I have went through all the posting and there do seem to be something fishy....

Why did bro hardy only pick certain part of the posting and posted it?
What about others parts of it?

Why it seems the same few bros always posted one after the others? example..coolmansg801, hackerberry, hardy, skylex etc

Now this is what get me confused...the bro who started the thread slaming bro galsharing for being the boss etc but then at the end, it look like you are after BR rather than bro galsharing...do you have a deeper reasons? or what have been posted about you is true?

Let me just make a guess here (this is my personal opinion)...you get dump by this gal in BR, you then slam bro galsharing for being the boss and other joined it (maybe you have many different nicks???) then it led to ...asking bros here not to go to BR? Hummm....at this point, I think you made a great mistake. If only you have let it be, the public opinion will have kill bro galsharing...no doubt about it...but what I guess is, you need to "push the knife" in yourself and you started another thread about you going to BR and getting lousy service and paying only $30 instead of $40...that is where you go wrong...watch too much TV or movies I bet...now everyone is looking closely already...what nexts from you?

I maybe wrong...but then, it do look like this is what happened.

22-07-2005, 09:17 AM
hackerberry = rockhard = LOVE CIM = coolmansg801 = xiaopangpang = skylex

Big joke of the day!!! Some people think he is very smart. Ai yo. Really loss for words. But i must salute you for yr time and great imagination. *laughing*

22-07-2005, 09:49 AM
My personal opinion of most HC.
Payment for"massage" for a specific time is agreeded upon at the payment counter.
As the massuer has only that much time in the room, she will normally cut down the massage time to go for specials, as this is where the money is. Please bear in mind that only a small cut from the massage fees goes to her pocket. She needs some time to perform the 'special'. Any HC does that does not give specials will not make it.
If she spends the full period with you massaging, then you will have to pay for 2nd session or extra time to do the extras.From my experience if you reject specials, she will continue massaging till time is up, albeit reluctenly.

If you find that particular girl not up your standard just post the facts and not run down the establishment, unless poor service is metted out by the operator.
Whether to patronise or not is up to the reader.

22-07-2005, 10:28 AM
Thanks bros...now he have changed his nick

hackerberry = rockhard = LOVE CIM = coolmansg801 = xiaopangpang = skylex
there is a pattern to their posting.
Wait wait bro, just happen to view this thread cos it raise to the top, out of curiousity why my name here bro???!!!!! :confused: Ci bei wan ong leh, wu yuan wu chou and what you can prove. It seem that there is a conflict you 2 but nevertheless no point "shang ji wu ku". Just to point out here not trying to create a fuss over this small issue cos I think there is a misunderstanding here. Just to clarify here. (Ans sexgod bro post:) > I think a lot of people know about JSP and I dun think just only one guy or a "few" guys that galsharing bro have mention owned it and they can go the through the whole building and choose as they like, not to forget there are other brother here wanted to go there and enjoy. Please don't tell me the whole thread only have these few nicks. Galsharing Bro, think about it, unless this few month we have a misunderstanding in this forum while you using other nick. Since it been so long, and now it LOVE CIM and you have the misunderstanding here why "flame" the others, I agreed with you guy's point that LOVE CIM have fault here as since agreed with price no point short pay people cos ci bei malu and really no point.

22-07-2005, 11:03 AM
BTW cannot really avoid any TN at all cos it depends how we look at it, my view is you never know unless you personally at it. Just to said that LOVE CIM if you want to write your FR no one can stop you for writing but let other samster check it out 1st cos we don't to lose a precious gem just by your personal FR, unlike Bugis thread which have a good personal view on it.

22-07-2005, 12:21 PM
If you find that particular girl not up your standard just post the facts and not run down the establishment, unless poor service is metted out by the operator.
Whether to patronise or not is up to the reader.
Well said bro, you sang my ssentiments. :)

22-07-2005, 04:46 PM
AIYO !!! This thread getting damn confusing man !! :confused:

Like a damn SPY novel...

got hidden agenda (bro trying to close down BR??)

got dual identities (mulitple nicks of bros here)

got international espionge (JSP TN dragged into this as well)

Well to make it simple for bros here...

U like to go Blue Rose.. go...

U dun like Blue Rose... dun go....

simple like that okie.... no need so many politics !!

22-07-2005, 05:14 PM
Come on man, you damn sia suay man. Face it boy, you ordererd for a chicken rice, may it be good or shit. You've eaten it, you pay for it. Your act of deceiving is a great damn disgrace.

Please do not repeat your despectable act.

You are using a very wRong comparism....of course for a plate of chicken rice, you have to pay whether you eat or not, BUT not when they gave U chicken rice with all chicken skin and bones, Right! Do you still pay for the plate of chicken rice ? If yes then something must be very wrong with you !

Just like when the Massage is not up to the standard, we have all the right to complain and even refuse to pay!!!

22-07-2005, 08:07 PM
[QUOTE=Optimus_Prime]AIYO !!! This thread getting damn confusing man !! :confused:

Well said!!!! Ups you la!! :D

22-07-2005, 08:36 PM
Dont want to get involved in all the arrows flying around,
but thought I let you guys know something I heard.

I know one of the girls that used to work in BR. She is working
somewhere else now. She told me that the BR boss is like running a
room rental business and charges the girls on per block timing (probably
an hour block). So it is up to the girls to do whatever they can to
get the max. amt of money in the shortest time. Also most of the
recent girls are on visitor pass, so they want to max. their earnings
during their short stay.

Just some info..

23-07-2005, 01:12 AM
Most of these negative posting comes from brothers newly registered into the forum. Very questionable field report.

23-07-2005, 03:39 AM
She told me that the BR boss is like running a
room rental business and charges the girls on per block timing (probably
an hour block). So it is up to the girls to do whatever they can to
get the max. amt of money in the shortest time. Also most of the
recent girls are on visitor pass, so they want to max. their earnings
during their short stay.

well this is nothin new to d industry liao. tis days, many TNs r run like mini hotels whereby d bosses r onli interested to rent out d rooms or rather, CUBICLES to d gals which they can make a rather lucrative sum everyday. Compared to 1 doin decent massage which probly will pocket much less.

Juz imagine - shop advertises $25/hr, boss takes a $20 cut - gals get $5 n whatever she earns fr specials is hers. Based on an avg of 5 custmrs/day for eg, Boss pockets $100/gal. Multiply by 4 gal, tis wd earn him a tidy sum of $400/day (or more) w/o doin anyth.

haf u noticed some gals asking u to pay d hourly fee upfront 'cos 'lao ban say one'? tis GAN bosses dam smart - wanna secure their hourly fee 1st, knowing some customers may not want to pay (or in full) if d gal shortchange them.

24-07-2005, 01:54 AM
Thanks bros...now he have changed his nick again..xiaopangpang..just joined in Jul, post 1 and it is here.


Will check with BR boss tonite about the details.
If I may add....these nicks maybe the same person.

hackerberry = rockhard = LOVE CIM = coolmansg801 = xiaopangpang = skylex
there is a pattern to their posting.

I went with xiaopangpang that day bcoz he wanted to explore because of your posting. I did warn him about the service there.

U may add
hackerberry = rockhard = LOVE CIM = coolmansg801 = xiaopangpang = skylex = littleworm

anyway ... I met Nirvana once ... u can ask him whether we are the same person :D

I went to BR few times ... ard 5 times ... not many ... cant recall everything ... but most of the time ... the session not full 1 hr.

Maybe u can bring us there and we may get a better service. :D

BTW, I don't who is LOVE CIM. But I do like CIM ... kekeke