View Full Version : tuina

24-07-2005, 12:25 AM
anyone knows the names of the tuina where the gals do massage or make love in the nude? provide their names as well.wats the damage? prefer lau chio with massive boobs.

usually my friend says that gals in tuina dun becum in the nude or give hj in the nude or provide bj and fj. is it true?

i want to know some tuinas which dared to do things

24-07-2005, 09:27 AM
anyone knows the names of the tuina where the gals do massage or make love in the nude? provide their names as well.wats the damage? prefer lau chio with massive boobs.

usually my friend says that gals in tuina dun becum in the nude or give hj in the nude or provide bj and fj. is it true?

i want to know some tuinas which dared to do things

Hello bro, I am very sure you can get the answer from the many postings brs have posted here. You have been asking questions but no quality FRs yet. I suggest you go and test water and not only you know more, you can also share your FRs with us here, and maybe your points will go up.

From what I can see, you have -40 pts now and it is time you should start posting constructively. Good luck!

24-07-2005, 09:42 AM
Hello bro, I am very sure you can get the answer from the many postings brs have posted here. You have been asking questions but no quality FRs yet. I suggest you go and test water and not only you know more, you can also share your FRs with us here, and maybe your points will go up.

From what I can see, you have -40 pts now and it is time you should start posting constructively. Good luck!


Errr.... Did you steal his 40 reputation points? Kekerker.... :D (you have +40 and he had -40) What a match!!! :D

24-07-2005, 11:18 AM
Hello bro, I am very sure you can get the answer from the many postings brs have posted here. You have been asking questions but no quality FRs yet. I suggest you go and test water and not only you know more, you can also share your FRs with us here, and maybe your points will go up.

From what I can see, you have -40 pts now and it is time you should start posting constructively. Good luck!
Yap ...indeed this guy is a nuisance.

24-07-2005, 03:35 PM
Few days ago i saw his points is -33. Now can shoot to -41. really fast man..... :p


24-07-2005, 10:39 PM
i tink we shld evry1 shld deduct frm bro mclaren...2 assist in his objective...2 get as many negatives as possible....so wat bout it bros... :D

24-07-2005, 11:52 PM
walau dun hai d gals leh. TN shops reported wif specials oredi bad enuff. Now if we start reporting shops with masseusse in d nude it will only invite d TNP idiots to come out with more juicy news! :mad:

25-07-2005, 10:08 AM
Bro Owen, just look at his points will do dun need to go further. :mad:

26-07-2005, 12:07 AM
Found bro McClaren kept starting new threads to ask for big boobs lau swee chio bu??? Then this thread lagi daring, asked for TN gers who can do FJ naked, BUT, still BUT, prefer lau chio with BIG BOOBs again??? Are you lack of motherly love? Also, no bros will feed you with such info on Naked TN gers, trying to attract the AVs!? :mad:

26-07-2005, 01:26 PM
this appear to be from sources related to TNP or AV trying to research info, be wary?

Harry Curry
27-07-2005, 03:33 PM
Dear Brudders

Seems to me this whanker is wasting all the bros time here.keeps asking a lot of nonsense where got this where got that,Big Body lah,naked lah!
The best treatment is to ignore his threads.If he can be Zapped off completely you rid this forum of a nuisance.
I think he wanks and fantasises after every questions.
Facking screws loose.Seow Ah!!!