View Full Version : Searching Whereabouts ex Kelly H7R4L2 1999~2004

24-11-2013, 03:52 PM
Any Flanders Square veteran knows the present whereabouts of ex Kelly H7R4 L21999~2004 who left somewhere after SAR period?

I have ask the caretaker of H26 (exH7) regarding ex Kelly’s whereabouts. She can’t remember a decade ago things.

Kelly’s neighbors ex Jac H7R2L2 and ex Kathy (Yvonne) H7R6L2 are gone. Since like the leads are dead.

I can only wait till the next hungry ghost festival. That is the only time when some of the ex girls will come back for the Kim Jio Kah Zhong Yuan Hui.

Brief background of Kelly:
1) 168cm 55kg 34B 24 34 shoe size 7 fair slender built
2) GRO in ex Dulex Niteclub in JB during mid-90s
3) Kelly Chan replica (can say the best looking girl on that time)
4) In golden hair looks like Ah Lian and in black hair looks like a OL, girl next door or Plain Jane
5) During BJ will use silky long hair to ticker stomach
6) Has a mole on her left back
7) Usually wear blue bear black grown with front zip and white colour G-sting undies.
8) Smoke Salem
9) Fold origami with bet slip when waiting for customer.
10) Has a 14’ Sony CRT TV tunned to TCS 8
11) Have dinner with Kathy at 5pm on table at H7L2 next to caretaker counter

Girls after Kelly in H7R4L2 are:
1) Ling Ling 2005 3 months
2) Chan Chan ex H7R3L1 2008~2009
3) Miki 2010 now H26R4 (she change the room number from H7R4L2 to H7R28L2)

02-12-2013, 02:56 PM
Any Flanders Square veteran knows the present whereabouts of ex Kelly H7R4 L21999~2004 who left somewhere after SAR period?

I have ask the caretaker of H26 (exH7) regarding ex Kelly’s whereabouts. She can’t remember a decade ago things.

The last time I saw is when I broke my toe in 04. She tells to take care. I was down due walking difficult. Thereafter, I left this Kim Jio Kah scene until now to pursue personal endeavor.

Kelly’s neighbors ex Jac H7R2L2 and ex Kathy (Yvonne) H7R6L2 are gone. Since like the leads are dead.

I can only wait till the next hungry ghost festival. That is the only time when some of the ex-girls will come back for the Kim Jio Kah Zhong Yuan Hui.

Brief background of Kelly:
1) 168cm 55kg 34B 24 34 shoe size 7 fair slender built
2) GRO in ex Dulex Niteclub in JB during mid-90s
3) Kelly Chan replica (can say the best looking girl on that time)
4) In golden hair looks like Ah Lian and in black hair looks like a OL, girl next door or Plain Jane. Maybe bests in specs
5) During BJ will use silky long hair to ticker stomach
6) Has a mole on her left back, another on left top lips slightly off center
7) Usually wear blue bear black grown with front zip and white colour G-sting undies.
8) Smoke Salem
9) Fold origami with bet slip when waiting for customer.
10) Has a 14’ Sony CRT TV tunned to TCS 8
11) Have dinner with Kathy at 5pm on table at H7L2 next to caretaker counter

Girls after Kelly in H7R4L2 are:
1) Ling Ling 2005 3 months (Has flower pattern tattoo about butt)
2) Chan Chan ex H7R3L1 2008~2009 (Margret Lee May Ling replica with chain around wrist)
3) Miki 2010 now H26R4 (she change the room number from H7R4L2 to H7R28L2)

02-12-2013, 09:44 PM
Finally, the ultimate Q of all. What make a good call girl? Like this Kelly who I have no clue who and, how she look like. Serious I too could vision an ex call girl, she we had wrote about.

Somewhere, before 2010 maybe in H11 or H28 I cannot recall. She used to sit on staircases facing her room. I think is ex H11 b4 the ex GL girls came in business. She is in white bath robe. Now I pretty much think many seniors could remember such a girl.

The answer to a good call girl, mine feelings there is only one. She must be FT because after everything. She may have made enough or other reasons, she return home and break many customers hearts. Because a local girl could not hid for long, she will be pointed out one day.

For me there is only one Kelly, she is at H12 and I had not RTF her for more then 6 years. Happy hunting every body.

03-12-2013, 12:38 AM
A successful WL eg. Niteclub Hostess is one who is able to make his customers coming back repeatedly.

Keeping a short term mistress was common and proud. These are tricks taught by niteclub mamasan to niteclub hostess before the 90s:

1) All men are like kids. They need mother, toys (hobby items) & victory. All men like girls to give them a motherly feeling. When men are 21-23, they find prostitute around 35-50 for such feeling. Man likes to keep flowerpot that gives them the motherly feeling at home. Man takes sluts as sexpot for toying.

2) Men only need girls when they are happy or sad. Only victory will make their mood swing. When man is happy, they want mother to dominate, nag and punish them. This is the time to ask things from man. Keep an eyelevel higher than his. When man is sad, they want mother to take care the small boy. During sadness, don’t disturb the man when he is using his mind to think. After thinking, he’ll feel tired. Give him his favorite drink, food or cigarette. During sadness they want to dominate girls. Keep an eyelevel lower than his. When they are neither happy nor sad, make them sad.

3) Man will become speechless to reveal their mother or the true girl he loves. Try to gather sad incident of his mother or true girl tactically without letting him notice. Make him feel sad by telling him such incidents and he’ll start thinking. When he’s tired use back the sad trick and he’ll be yours.

4) Hostile men are sediment man. He loves chocolates. Stuff his wallet with rubbish. They are normally bosses or gang leaders. Mother or true girl can make him cry or speechless. Never catch the heart of such man unless you want to be his flowerpot at home. If his heart is catch by you, he’ll kidnap or rape if you don’t submit to him.

5) If all the above don’t work, this means this man is a jerk. Don’t waste time because girl will never squeeze anything out from a jerk.

6) Men hate girls to cry or to talk about his affair with sexpot because mother always teach a boy not to bully girl.

The above only applies to veteran customers. A bit uncle.

H26 & H28 was in action only in the 80s. H30 ended 03. H26 come into action again recently.

The H11 Kelly in white bath rode is one of popular Cat30 of the 80s 90s. The Q for her never ends. Kind like ex-Jac. Not easy to catch her door open. She’s beautiful. For regulars whom she can get along, she can tell/ teach them how or where to stimulate and what a girl really wants from sex. Some more ask the customer what they need. This’s kind of like having a gf or wife service. She has many fans. One of mine biz associate visits her almost every day till she retires. Her H11 room was later taken by present JJ H26R2.

The H12 Kelly who is still in service, has also lots of old time die-hard fans. Quite similar to the H11 Kelly. Very GFE or wife feeling. Can discuss kangfu. Not easy to catch her door open. Most of her customers are her old timers in H5 days. As for the new customer, she’s kind of like can’t be bother. Anyway, H5 was the only hse with enclosed attached shower. Those days, the girl from H5 aren’t afraid of getting dirty. In H5 on the right L1 near the stair got a ang pai who make latern while waiting for customers. She calls 60.

03-12-2013, 11:25 AM
ZhangGuangDa (played by Terence Cao) used all women as his sex toy because he is filthy rich. Now we have the Women's Charter to protect our women. Wilful indulgence. Watch & enjoy the superior MCP feeling. Then return to the real world. Watch our step. There is a small group of male senior citizens looking for such FTs on the pretext of looking after them till RIP. Start with pushing them on wheelchair to the market/hawker centres.

Oh I remember Karaoke came to sillypore in 1988. That LD costs $300 a piece then. Over the ten years, LD has given way to smaller VCD (1990s), then DVD (1999) & now Blu-Ray disc. Cheers.

04-12-2013, 08:19 PM
Good studies of men feelings, still I pretty much think is textbook. So the WL in bath robe is Kelly? I have no clues. Share with everybody this, year ago I was passing by a house.

Can't not recall which house, I think was ex H7 and 3 girls were charting on customers issues in Canto. One said her Thai customer had damage his prick, not sure how to service him. Another mention during slow moving times, is easy catching blanglahs.

04-12-2013, 08:25 PM
Now I remembered ex H5 was the one with showers. H1 too because I had Kelly only one session back into 2008. Yes! I remember a above 40s WL who made lanterns or something like this.

Other then H1 Kelly, I had another shower session with a girl I think should be H5. She charged $40 and, rushing service all I could recall I was the last customer around 830 pm. She told me even if I extent she would want to return home. And, the uncle keeper open the back door for me, the front entry was locked.

05-12-2013, 12:04 AM
After AV change to SC (Specialize Crime Division), rumor that the new breed of officers are equip with IT forensic knowledge. That’s why the undercovers or informers have significantly reduced making rounds.

Tools use by SC are similar to the ones use by ICA in the years ago CH5 serial Point Of Entry.

Regarding IT issue, a Yellow-Card holder WL may get her for Yellow-Card revoke if:
1) She in person or impersonating or making use of another person to apply new wave of internet IT media such as social networking site, blog, webpage, article, forum, video etc. as marketing tools to direct or in-directly creating competitions.

Any personnel being paid or voluntary been involved in such marketing activate will be change under the penal code for living on immoral earnings or creating opportunity for vice activities.

If WL is to have her Yellow-Card been revoke, her identity will be pass to ICA in discreet. Once this happens, she’s not able to re-enter or marry a local.

Anyway there’s a way to prevent been trace by the authority. This’s to use deepweb platform. But unfortunately, the present 2G SBF is not on this platform. Perhaps till the launch of the new 3G SBF platform. For more details on deepweb, please read last issue of Fortune magazine.

An eg. of WL using IT marketing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bpdGa5ssks

This’s the full movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8R2MSTgCuRI

14-12-2013, 01:43 AM
A mamasan school of thoughts on with short dick. The G-spot is somewhere above the urine hole. Let the short dick head fuck that spot just like petting. When about to explode, elevate the buttocks a bit and the penis will slip into the virgina.

For ED customer, use a cock ring. Then vacuum pump assist. The ring is to prevent blood from flowing back in order to maintain erection.

The uncle who used to sell cock ring, pump, genital piercing accessories and medicine still hangs around Kim Jio Kah.

Odd no. hse past. H13 crease operation in the 80s after the owner past away. Next was H15 in 2001. Only one slight meaty Cat30 WL went on and continues at Kico H10R12 present room till 05.

Other than H7 & 17, all close around 8pm. H1 close at 5~6pm for lunch break.

The very last WLs from H1 are Mun Mun H10R1, Eileen H10R3 & Anna H10R13. One of them is mistaken as nickname Kelly. Not the Hindu goddess Kali. She is lucky star. Anyway customer who has intercourse with her will be blessed with good luck and fortune. Therefore, there are regular who do block booking almost every-day with her so that they’ll be blessed with career and business success. She used to have a mole on left back. Female with left or right back mole means she is destine to work in vice trade from the fortune telling point of view.

The very last WLs from H5 are H12R3, 4, 5 & 7. A pair of twin sister retires after H5 come to an end.

This is where NTS worker frequent: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvLccl49fQg

This is an alternate sexual act the Gen Y & Z youngsters want from swing parties: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=373730

14-12-2013, 01:43 AM
Any Flanders Square veteran knows the present whereabouts of ex Kelly H7R4 L21999~2004 who left somewhere after SAR period?

I have ask the caretaker of H26 (exH7) regarding ex Kelly’s whereabouts. She can’t remember a decade ago things.

The last time I saw is when I broke my toe in 04. She tells to take care. I was down due walking difficult. Thereafter, I left this Kim Jio Kah scene until now to pursue personal endeavor.

Kelly’s neighbors ex Jac H7R2L2 and ex Kathy (Yvonne) H7R6L2 are gone. Since like the leads are dead.

I can only wait till the next hungry ghost festival. That is the only time when some of the ex-girls will come back for the Kim Jio Kah Zhong Yuan Hui.

Brief background of Kelly:
1) 168cm 55kg 34B 24 34 shoe size 7 fair slender built
2) GRO in ex Dulex Niteclub in JB during mid-90s
3) Kelly Chan replica (can say the best looking girl on that time)
4) In golden hair looks like Ah Lian and in black hair looks like a OL, girl next door or Plain Jane. Maybe bests in specs
5) During BJ will use silky long hair to ticker stomach
6) Has a mole on her left back, another on left top lips slightly off center
7) Usually wear blue bear black grown with front zip and white colour G-sting undies.
8) Smoke Salem
9) Fold origami with bet slip when waiting for customer.
10) Has a 14’ Sony CRT TV tunned to TCS 8
11) Have dinner with Kathy at 5pm on table at H7L2 next to caretaker counter

Girls after Kelly in H7R4L2 are:
1) Ling Ling 2005 3 months (Has flower pattern tattoo about butt)
2) Chan Chan ex H7R3L1 2008~2009 (Margret Lee May Ling replica with chain around wrist)
3) Miki 2010 now H26R4 (she change the room number from H7R4L2 to H7R28L2)

14-12-2013, 10:56 AM
I remembered this brothel at GL, year ago not often mine you, there were Indian FLs standing outside and behind some alley ways. Normally, the customers were Indian seldom I come across others.

We have to note this 10 years PRC hookers are in control, no matter sometime there were Thai and Indonesia FLs too.

FYI, PT is never well know for liquors, ban or no it don't matter. Still, I don't feel this is turning away passing by. Maybe regulars I mean locals who are a bit of frighten.

Me? I will not pre alerts where and who, stay tune mine friends.

14-12-2013, 03:19 PM
Take note of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internal_Security_Act_(Singapore). Another possible emerging market: https://www.facebook.com/PBmgl?ref=profile . This is a condom use by ex-Kathy H7R4L2 on certain customers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUMlxRJ5Q-k

18-12-2013, 11:24 PM
ZhangGuangDa (played by Terence Cao) used all women as his sex toy because he is filthy rich. Now we have the Women's Charter to protect our women. Wilful indulgence. Watch & enjoy the superior MCP feeling. Then return to the real world. Watch our step. There is a small group of male senior citizens looking for such FTs on the pretext of looking after them till RIP. Start with pushing them on wheelchair to the market/hawker centres.

Oh I remember Karaoke came to sillypore in 1988. That LD costs $300 a piece then. Over the ten years, LD has given way to smaller VCD (1990s), then DVD (1999) & now Blu-Ray disc. Cheers.
This's a history to share with everyone on the Karaoke machine http://www.bmb.com/business.html. BMB is still around.

19-12-2013, 12:14 AM
The H11 Kelly in white bath rode is one of popular Cat30 of the 80s 90s. The Q for her never ends. Kind like ex-Jac. Not easy to catch her door open. She’s beautiful. For regulars whom she can get along, she can tell/ teach them how or where to stimulate and what a girl really wants from sex. Some more ask the customer what they need. This’s kind of like having a gf or wife service. She has many fans. One of mine biz associate visits her almost every day till she retires.

Somewhere, before 2010 maybe in H11 or H28 I cannot recall. She used to sit on staircases facing her room. I think is ex H11 b4 the ex GL girls came in business. She is in white bath robe. Now I pretty much think many seniors could remember such a girl..

The WL always in white bathrobe is from H11 R3..... her name is Michelle and not Kelly. One of the most popular WLs in PT when she initially came on board as it was a novelty to be dressed in a bathrobe only and totally naked underneath. Sometimes she would zaogeng on purpose and expose her pussy while sitting on the stairs facing her room..... and she is Cat40 while the rest were Cat30 :D

Although not particularly pretty with pockmark face, dark skinned and sagging big buttocks ..... she has that sultry sexy look and superb service. I would say 90% of her customers are regular RTFs coming back for her service rather than looks..... and a secret not many knew. She does AJ for an extra $10 :p

I must have RTFed her more than 100 times during her stint in PT.

20-12-2013, 07:23 AM
Bro jacky mentioned one wl in bathrobe. Saw H24R14 Cloud in such attire at 1630hrs when she came to collect her meal. One uncle was waiting for her. He said willing to wait. I got no time so went to Fong Yee (H12R6).

21-12-2013, 03:30 AM
Bro jacky mentioned one wl in bathrobe. Saw H24R14 Cloud in such attire at 1630hrs when she came to collect her meal. One uncle was waiting for her. He said willing to wait. I got no time so went to Fong Yee (H12R6).

H24 R14 Cloud and ex-H11 R3 Michelle are 2 different WLs. :p

08-03-2015, 05:41 PM
Any Flanders Square veteran knows the present whereabouts of ex Kelly H7R4 L21999~2004 who left somewhere after SAR period?

I have ask the caretaker of H26 (exH7) regarding ex Kelly’s whereabouts. She can’t remember a decade ago things.

Kelly’s neighbors ex Jac H7R2L2 and ex Kathy (Yvonne) H7R6L2 are gone. Since like the leads are dead.

I can only wait till the next hungry ghost festival. That is the only time when some of the ex girls will come back for the Kim Jio Kah Zhong Yuan Hui.

Brief background of Kelly:
1) 168cm 55kg 34B 24 34 shoe size 7 fair slender built
2) GRO in ex Dulex Niteclub in JB during mid-90s
3) Kelly Chan replica (can say the best looking girl on that time)
4) In golden hair looks like Ah Lian and in black hair looks like a OL, girl next door or Plain Jane
5) During BJ will use silky long hair to ticker stomach
6) Has a mole on her left back
7) Usually wear blue bear black grown with front zip and white colour G-sting undies.
8) Smoke Salem
9) Fold origami with bet slip when waiting for customer.
10) Has a 14’ Sony CRT TV tunned to TCS 8
11) Have dinner with Kathy at 5pm on table at H7L2 next to caretaker counter

Girls after Kelly in H7R4L2 are:
1) Ling Ling 2005 3 months
2) Chan Chan ex H7R3L1 2008~2009
3) Miki 2010 now H26R4 (she change the room number from H7R4L2 to H7R28L2)

Hey spoonge, in what way does she catches your heart or how will a WL catches your heart since she’s a person of the past?

What makes you been so persistent to look for her? She own you anything or are you in debt to her?

Hope you don’t mind to share. Thanks!

Overcoming Traumatic Sex & Enjoying: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthr...9#post12672529

18-12-2019, 10:41 PM
You can always refine your search by adding the correct zip code to your request. The names of the girls, the description of their appearance are not accurate parameters when you are looking for someone particular. And correct postal address can help a lot. Especially with a proper zip code. You may check the Los Angeles zip code (https://worldpostalcode.com/united-states/california/los-angeles) here. Believe me, your search will be much more efficient with this information. Try it and share your experience.

15-01-2020, 08:53 PM
MP (http://mp-escort.com/) is providing the best service

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