View Full Version : Three S league players involved foursome!!!

01-08-2005, 09:05 PM
Was driving home along CTE,heard a very stunning new from class 95,3 players from S league teams are charged for having sex with an underage ger....These 3 guys who involved are all under 21 and they had sex with same ger....They are suspensed from playing until verdict is out from court.WOW these players damn solid.....so young already doing wat EPL players are doing.....Got great futures...... :D

Big Sexy
01-08-2005, 09:13 PM
underage gal? haha... good luck to them.... they are going need it alot of it :)

charged for having sex with an underage ger....These 3 guys who involved are all under 21 and they had sex with same ger....

01-08-2005, 09:33 PM
haha, good say good say. to each have their own pleasure. this time i'm sure they are going to be more famous than before.
good luck :p

01-08-2005, 09:49 PM
underage gal? haha... good luck to them.... they are going need it alot of it :)

Yah... man, this is not their own home country, this is sillypore.

This offense if proven guilty and convicted should carry a jail sentence and some rotan strokes.

Would be a long time after that to see them playing soccer again.

01-08-2005, 10:17 PM
3 horny S-League players forgot to check a girl's IC;
all three too eager perhaps to get into her panty;
even if they are lucky and the judge believes their story;
there is no doubt their careers will now be history;

KuKu Bird
01-08-2005, 10:51 PM
no wonder our s lick game like watching vcr in slow motion one, all soft leg one :D

01-08-2005, 10:55 PM
Young boys cant control their small heads n in for a big big time loh

Big Sexy
01-08-2005, 11:01 PM
nbz..mr kuku.. everytime i see your avatar and your nick.. i want to laugh.:D

no wonder our s lick game like watching vcr in slow motion one, all soft leg one :D

Ah Lam
01-08-2005, 11:15 PM
Would be a long time after that to see them playing soccer again.

Can still play for SG Prision Team mah. Inter prision championship cup. Maybe if they are good enuff, changi prision will transfer them to remand prision for a fees... :D

01-08-2005, 11:52 PM
havent heard d news yet but wat these Sleague players thk they r!!! EPL players wannabes??? dream on!!! i wonder if d gal is local? if underage tis players may kana rottan!!! :mad:

01-08-2005, 11:58 PM
That's why S-league sucks. They haven't master the skills of handling the ball with their feet but they are good at hands with the "balls". Underage 21 somemore, guess they think they can go for underage gals too, huh?

02-08-2005, 12:03 AM
havent heard d news yet but wat these Sleague players thk they r!!! EPL players wannabes??? dream on!!! i wonder if d gal is local? if underage tis players may kana rottan!!!

COC no.7. Do anything u 1 but dont get caught. Yinglish preimer side oso got lots of wild sex party going on mah. Nbzz in field out field oso play together. :D

02-08-2005, 12:19 AM
havent heard d news yet but wat these Sleague players thk they r!!! EPL players wannabes??? dream on!!! i wonder if d gal is local? if underage tis players may kana rottan!!! :mad:

well, here's the story on CNA......

Time is GMT + 8 hours
Posted: 01 August 2005 1923 hrs

3 teenage footballers charged with having sex with underaged girl
By Patwant Singh, Channel NewsAsia

SINGAPORE : Three footballers have been charged with having sex with an underaged girl in September 2004.

All three are teenagers and have been temporarily suspended from their clubs with immediate effect.

They are 17-year-old Syed Shafreen Syed Karim, a member of FAS's National Football Academy's Under-18 team, 18-year-old Muhammad Taufiq Mansor who plays for Geylang United's Under-18 Team, and 19-year old Syed Hashreen Syed Karim from Paya Lebar Punggol's Prime League Team.

All three were charged on July 25 and have been released on bail.

Taufiq's case will be heard again on August 2 while the others will appear in court on September 19.

Although suspended from tournaments and matches, the boys can still train with their clubs.

Further action will be considered by the Football Association of Singapore after their cases have been heard in court.

02-08-2005, 01:55 AM
well, here's the story on CNA......

Although suspended from tournaments and matches, the boys can still train with their clubs.

Further action will be considered by the Football Association of Singapore after their cases have been heard in court.

Gosh....u really s lick fans :eek:
neber like to watch s lick....i tink they r really terrible.........
it would b such tragic if t FAS continue to allow them to train n pay their salaries........ :(

02-08-2005, 02:46 AM
nbz..mr kuku.. everytime i see your avatar and your nick.. i want to laugh.

bro Big Sexy, hahaha :D ...can't take it also...I have been laughing non-stop for 5mins because of your comment to mr kuku..indeed is hilarious!!!! :eek:

02-08-2005, 10:05 AM
Wayne Rooney is leading by good example, he goes for MILF... :D

02-08-2005, 10:42 AM
. Nbzz in field out field oso play together. :D

This is what they call play as a team :D

02-08-2005, 02:21 PM
This is what they call play as a team

Psst... dunno izit part of their team building training schedule onot... :D

02-08-2005, 02:28 PM
Psst... dunno izit part of their team building training schedule onot... :D

maybe the 3 guys played in a triangular attacking formation..tat's y they attack the same gal at one go.. :p

02-08-2005, 03:59 PM
The best part is that they did the act at Bedok Town Park sometime around 8pm. The park's layout must be quite tactical.
Two of the guys are brother or cousins.

02-08-2005, 04:04 PM
maybe the 3 guys played in a triangular attacking formation..tat's y they attack the same gal at one go..

How u noe.... :confused: U oso pro footballer?? :p

02-08-2005, 04:50 PM
How u noe.... :confused: U oso pro footballer?? :p

never heard of the famous brazilian 3 R attack in worldcup 2002 meh??

02-08-2005, 05:07 PM
really dun understand all these brainless nuts!!! only uses small head to think when comes to 'urge'. Serves them right! Will look forward to hear from the judges... haiz... sad...

02-08-2005, 05:10 PM
nbz..mr kuku.. everytime i see your avatar and your nick.. i want to laugh.:D

Hahaha ,... me too .. cant stop laughing

02-08-2005, 05:10 PM
Ms .. u believe i can make my avatar move and kick football?? :D

Psst... dunno izit part of their team building training schedule onot...

02-08-2005, 10:55 PM
They are 17-year-old Syed Shafreen Syed Karim, a member of FAS's National Football Academy's Under-18 team, 18-year-old Muhammad Taufiq Mansor who plays for Geylang United's Under-18 Team, and 19-year old Syed Hashreen Syed Karim from Paya Lebar Punggol's Prime League Team.

thks for d info bro.

wow! names published somemore .. really sia suay man!!! these players thk they r like EPL players izzit ... kana arrested for crimes, some of them could be let off with juz doin community svc. even if those EPL players were thrown into jail, after a while all is forgotten n these players become cult heroes again. well, in S'pore ... i guess u will b condemned for gd!!! bye bye to our national heroes .. err .. i mean ZEROES!!! :D

02-08-2005, 11:01 PM
Wow that is a very big news man...................
this sillypore soccer player think they r as big as EPL player man................ 3some w a gal somemore underage........

think they will have to spend a long time in jail n enjoy the rotan.........
end of career as footballer..........
Sillypore football..........hahahaha whata joke man.

02-08-2005, 11:25 PM
Ms .. u believe i can make my avatar move and kick football??

I will certainly be impress if you can make my avatar move and kick football. :D

The Kop
03-08-2005, 12:06 AM
Instead of scoring on the field, they are scoring on the 'bed'...