View Full Version : sex dengan wwanita melayu shah alam
03-08-2005, 12:11 PM
Perempuan melayu umur 24 tahun rela make sex with all guys.
bayaran 200+++. She work goverment want make money .
03-08-2005, 03:45 PM
Sure or not....can PM the contact?
03-08-2005, 04:08 PM
PM me the contact, can? wanna support the goverment servants...
03-08-2005, 05:24 PM
can u pm me the contact to me BRO
THX in advance :)
03-08-2005, 08:25 PM
Perempuan melayu umur 24 tahun rela make sex with all guys.
bayaran 200+++. She work goverment want make money .
ello 200+++. means what? RM 200,000???? or RM200+ Rm50 for HJ + Rm50 for BBBJ + Rm50 for AJ??????
03-08-2005, 08:33 PM
ello 200+++. means what? RM 200,000???? or RM200+ Rm50 for HJ + Rm50 for BBBJ + Rm50 for AJ??????
if like that, then the RM200 is registration fee for getting number to Q-up to bonk? hahhaaa...
03-08-2005, 11:38 PM
Where's the location?
04-08-2005, 08:03 AM
So far..No further news from thread starter..? :cool:
04-08-2005, 08:16 AM
kalo "rela" tu means awek tu sudi...jadi, apasal nak RM200 +++ lagi??? Bukankah dia rela, i rela, semua pun jadi ke! hahaha....
macamana pun, boleh tak bagi tau i awek tu punya contact?!
Terima kasih!
Perempuan melayu umur 24 tahun rela make sex with all guys.
bayaran 200+++. She work goverment want make money .
04-08-2005, 11:35 PM
Looks to me like posting of a prankster.
05-08-2005, 09:42 AM
Yaloh , I ting he was the prankters anyway
and maybe try to cheap some points from bro , He He He !
05-08-2005, 11:49 AM
PM him many time still no respond! anyone willing to share if u have?!
06-08-2005, 07:05 AM
PM him many time still no respond! anyone willing to share if u have?!
Time to give up on him and his so called offer Bro. Powerguy. From the very beginning I got the feeling he is trying to be funny here.
18-08-2005, 02:50 PM
to BRO
Sorry la lambat reply la..... jangan marah..
ok i terang detail ya....
Nama dia ayu
umur 21 tahun
keje : bangunan SUK Shah Alam
Umah : KLang
Waktu boleh main dengan dia : 12tgh hingga 3.00 petang hanya Mon - Friday
Projek: Mana mana Hotel yang line clear
harga 250 kebawah... tapi jangan tunjukk macam u banyak duit. nnati charge lebih.
Contact No: kita tukar awek la..... u kasi i Number... i kasi No awek nie...
18-08-2005, 03:35 PM
kalo "rela" tu means awek tu sudi...jadi, apasal nak RM200 +++ lagi??? Bukankah dia rela, i rela, semua pun jadi ke! hahaha....
macamana pun, boleh tak bagi tau i awek tu punya contact?!
Terima kasih!
geng mana ada benda free maa
18-08-2005, 11:12 PM
Hey...if you wanna share this contact just pass it to the brothers here. If not then you can keep and sendiri pakai sudah lah.
Exchange with you pun cannot be sure if your contact is real or not so why waste time.
20-08-2005, 10:23 AM
Anyone has FR?
20-08-2005, 05:00 PM
Don't think there will ever be one.
30-08-2005, 02:10 PM
hi BRo
siapa dah cuba awek shah alam nie...
Wat is ur rating on her??? Good?
30-08-2005, 03:12 PM
hello bro....
can u pm me that contact no...
i want to try that girl, so hope u can pm me a.s.a.p
02-09-2005, 03:20 PM
thanks to bro sebijitelur..sapa-sapa yang belum try better get no from him la..come on la any service ada fees apa..kecuali welfare service..
that girl really good you can manuver what ever you want..she in progress collecting money for wedding la.
02-09-2005, 09:26 PM
she in progress collecting money for wedding la.
True? :eek:
03-09-2005, 10:00 AM
to BRO
Sorry la lambat reply la..... jangan marah..
ok i terang detail ya....
Nama dia ayu
umur 21 tahun
keje : bangunan SUK Shah Alam
Umah : KLang
Waktu boleh main dengan dia : 12tgh hingga 3.00 petang hanya Mon - Friday
Projek: Mana mana Hotel yang line clear
harga 250 kebawah... tapi jangan tunjukk macam u banyak duit. nnati charge lebih.
Contact No: kita tukar awek la..... u kasi i Number... i kasi No awek nie...
hi bro,
kalau aku rela, give saya the number.
05-09-2005, 12:16 PM
any bro can share her FR. pls . thanks
05-09-2005, 01:47 PM
elo Bro
sape nak No awek tu tanya la kat steam67... tak larat aku nak type jer ahahhahah
06-09-2005, 11:44 PM
Aku selalu jumpa dia setiap jumaat..tapi aku rasa dia dah kena penyakit ler...dalam 3 minggu lepas aku main dengan dia , aku dah tumbuh biji merah kat batang aku..aku risau gak...dia cite dia dah penah main dekat 10 orang...masa aku jumpa dia ..aku tak bawa kondom so aku belasah je lepas tu baru dia cite dia penah main dengan banyak orang...
muka dia ada jerawat..pakai tudung ..kurus ..tinggi gak..aku pun selalu jemput dia dekat suk..depan hp dia...016-6729.......kalau ko kenal dia tentu ko tahu no hp dia yang penuh masa ko main dengan dia ko pakai kondom ke
elo Bro
sape nak No awek tu tanya la kat steam67... tak larat aku nak type jer ahahhahah
12-09-2005, 06:57 PM
Aku selalu jumpa dia setiap jumaat..tapi aku rasa dia dah kena penyakit ler...dalam 3 minggu lepas aku main dengan dia , aku dah tumbuh biji merah kat batang aku..aku risau gak...dia cite dia dah penah main dekat 10 orang...masa aku jumpa dia ..aku tak bawa kondom so aku belasah je lepas tu baru dia cite dia penah main dengan banyak orang...
muka dia ada jerawat..pakai tudung ..kurus ..tinggi gak..aku pun selalu jemput dia dekat suk..depan hp dia...016-6729.......kalau ko kenal dia tentu ko tahu no hp dia yang penuh masa ko main dengan dia ko pakai kondom ke
Hi Bro,
I nak try dia. Telah call dia. Sebelum try dia aku nak tau mana ada hotel/ motel disekeliling Shah Alam(not Concordelah)? Boleh recommend? By the way, apa macam muka dia? cantik tak, body shape? Rambut style? Performance? Tolong beri lebih infolah! Terima kasih banyak.
13-09-2005, 09:10 AM
Hi Bro,
I nak try dia. Telah call dia. Sebelum try dia aku nak tau mana ada hotel/ motel disekeliling Shah Alam(not Concordelah)? Boleh recommend? By the way, apa macam muka dia? cantik tak, body shape? Rambut style? Performance? Tolong beri lebih infolah! Terima kasih banyak.
dah ramai bro kat sini bonk dia..for sure no need cover muka dia time nak bonk..she sexy girl la..kalau dia pakai bro & panty merah lagi sexy..hotel murah pila kat klang goldcourse, histana etc
13-09-2005, 08:56 PM
Clean girl? What's the damage? I heard around RM200.
17-01-2012, 04:43 PM
bro,boleh bg no ayu ni kat aq x??tq
18-01-2012, 07:36 AM
bro,boleh bg no ayu ni kat aq x??tq
wah lau. Thread 7year ago still move out ask for contact? Maybe ayu married already. :D
18-01-2012, 08:25 AM
or died coz of AIDs hehe
18-01-2012, 07:45 PM
"Nombor yang anda dail tiada dalam perkhidmatan.":D
18-01-2012, 07:49 PM
"Nombor yang anda dail tiada dalam perkhidmatan.":D
Haha.. Nice comment:D
18-01-2012, 11:39 PM
Haha.. Nice comment:D
stop for story ayu sexy :D:D:D
25-01-2012, 11:27 PM
stop for story ayu sexy :D:D:D
dengggg...didnt notice the thread is from 7 years ago....until bro Kingstone put it up... what a joke u guys...
17-02-2012, 06:26 PM
to BRO
Sorry la lambat reply la..... jangan marah..
ok i terang detail ya....
Nama dia ayu
umur 21 tahun
keje : bangunan SUK Shah Alam
Umah : KLang
Waktu boleh main dengan dia : 12tgh hingga 3.00 petang hanya Mon - Friday
Projek: Mana mana Hotel yang line clear
harga 250 kebawah... tapi jangan tunjukk macam u banyak duit. nnati charge lebih.
Contact No: kita tukar awek la..... u kasi i Number... i kasi No awek nie...
pm me bro.....
22-02-2012, 10:23 AM
haha,there is some bro here still hoping that ayu still ayu(beutiful)
27-02-2012, 03:43 PM
to BRO
Sorry la lambat reply la..... jangan marah..
ok i terang detail ya....
Nama dia ayu
umur 21 tahun
keje : bangunan SUK Shah Alam
Umah : KLang
Waktu boleh main dengan dia : 12tgh hingga 3.00 petang hanya Mon - Friday
Projek: Mana mana Hotel yang line clear
harga 250 kebawah... tapi jangan tunjukk macam u banyak duit. nnati charge lebih.
Contact No: kita tukar awek la..... u kasi i Number... i kasi No awek nie...
bro, can pm me pls. thanks
27-02-2012, 07:14 PM
macam haram lah korang ni.. bace le bebenang dahulu
27-02-2012, 07:58 PM
ayu doesn't exist anymore...pity to all of u guys coz still asked about Ayu since the last 6 years ago
the god
27-02-2012, 08:52 PM
Girl nice or not? Don't give a lembu lo...
17-04-2012, 01:13 AM
malacca have or not malay contact????
23-04-2012, 03:57 PM
Study in one of local College, KL. Hope to earn some quick money, just do for 4 days, overnight... anyone interested, kindly SMS 013-6234744
I just help her to do the arrangement.
below are the details :
Time and date :
28/4/2012 (7pm until 10am)
29/4/2012 (7pm until 10am)
30/4/2012 (7pm until 10am)
1/5/2012 (7pm until 10am)
Location : Hotel (3/4/5 star hotel, KL area, hotel name and room number will be provided on the actual day)
charges : RM1000 include hotel room. RM500 pre pay upon booking confirmation (for room booking, transportation and avoid FFK), remaining pay when arrival in the hotel room
Below are the girls details
Name: Sharon
Age: 21
Origin: Malaysian Chinese
Face: 9/10.
height: 168cm
weight 50KG
Body: slim.
Skin: smooth.
Boobs: b cup.
GFE: 9/10.
4 nights avaialble only, please make you booking fast!
Contact : 013-6234744 (SMS)
23-05-2012, 01:54 AM
Study in one of local College, KL. Hope to earn some quick money, just do for 4 days, overnight... anyone interested, kindly SMS 013-6234744
I just help her to do the arrangement.
below are the details :
Time and date :
28/4/2012 (7pm until 10am)
29/4/2012 (7pm until 10am)
30/4/2012 (7pm until 10am)
1/5/2012 (7pm until 10am)
Location : Hotel (3/4/5 star hotel, KL area, hotel name and room number will be provided on the actual day)
charges : RM1000 include hotel room. RM500 pre pay upon booking confirmation (for room booking, transportation and avoid FFK), remaining pay when arrival in the hotel room
Below are the girls details
Name: Sharon
Age: 21
Origin: Malaysian Chinese
Face: 9/10.
height: 168cm
weight 50KG
Body: slim.
Skin: smooth.
Boobs: b cup.
GFE: 9/10.
4 nights avaialble only, please make you booking fast!
Contact : 013-6234744 (SMS)
Need to follow her timetable, huhuhuhu
23-05-2012, 10:59 AM
Study in one of local College, KL. Hope to earn some quick money, just do for 4 days, overnight... anyone interested, kindly SMS 013-6234744
I just help her to do the arrangement.
below are the details :
Time and date :
28/4/2012 (7pm until 10am)
29/4/2012 (7pm until 10am)
30/4/2012 (7pm until 10am)
1/5/2012 (7pm until 10am)
Location : Hotel (3/4/5 star hotel, KL area, hotel name and room number will be provided on the actual day)
charges : RM1000 include hotel room. RM500 pre pay upon booking confirmation (for room booking, transportation and avoid FFK), remaining pay when arrival in the hotel room
Below are the girls details
Name: Sharon
Age: 21
Origin: Malaysian Chinese
Face: 9/10.
height: 168cm
weight 50KG
Body: slim.
Skin: smooth.
Boobs: b cup.
GFE: 9/10.
4 nights avaialble only, please make you booking fast!
Contact : 013-6234744 (SMS)
Got photo ?
02-10-2013, 01:57 PM
pm me please..
02-10-2013, 01:59 PM
pm saya thanks
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