View Full Version : Beware of these Facebook accounts

13-12-2013, 03:31 AM
hope to share this info with brothers in SBF. pls do not get cheated by their sweet talk and throw ur money down the drain. (sometimes the smaller head tends to rule the bigger head)

encountered 2 social escorts. 1st one is definitely a cheat. 2nd one's tactics is almost similar. Not confirmed she's a cheat but 99% is. judging from their modus operandi.


want to share the convo I had with them. but dunno how to link pics here :/

18-12-2013, 07:32 PM
Nice share.All bros beware.

19-12-2013, 12:11 AM
Yeah.. will upload screenshots on e convo I had with them soon. So bros can spot their evilness. :mad:

19-12-2013, 01:23 AM
:confused: what have they done?

19-12-2013, 02:46 PM
bro hardpoke.. think they are trying to scam innocent bros. so i'm just hoping to deter them away from our bros.

i believe once bros transfer to them. their hard earned money will be gone for good.

i rather bros transfer to me since e money will disappear into thin air. i will save the money up for them and then organise a ktv outing with it. hahaha kidding!

anyway look at their modus operandi in e following posts

19-12-2013, 02:48 PM
this is from hanna choi.

http://s25.postimg.org/e46w5p2l7/image.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/e46w5p2l7/)

http://s25.postimg.org/5eeeilahn/image.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/5eeeilahn/)

http://s25.postimg.org/n0ho9mt7f/image.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/n0ho9mt7f/)

19-12-2013, 02:49 PM
this is from carla park

http://s25.postimg.org/eap6mj13v/image.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/eap6mj13v/)

http://s25.postimg.org/7t6a30qqj/image.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/7t6a30qqj/)

http://s25.postimg.org/6fen7prh7/image.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/6fen7prh7/)

19-12-2013, 02:52 PM
oops.. the pics too small :/

hope this link is better.


19-12-2013, 03:31 PM
Huh , TS thanks for the info Bro. Sure to CSI.

19-12-2013, 05:54 PM
pls dont fall for all these knid of western union cheats. All these beautiful girls are all from philippines. and the real person behind the CHEAT accounts could be a guy or girl but defintely not the chiobu.

once u make the western union transfer, they will delete their facebook/ or watever account they used to talk to u. then they will proceed open another account.

ALWAYS cash on delivery. and if something is too good to be true, somethings' wrong and stay away frm it. use UR big head to think rather than those between ur legs. lol. :o

19-12-2013, 07:38 PM
bro hardpoke.. think they are trying to scam innocent bros. so i'm just hoping to deter them away from our bros.

i believe once bros transfer to them. their hard earned money will be gone for good.

i rather bros transfer to me since e money will disappear into thin air. i will save the money up for them and then organise a ktv outing with it. hahaha kidding!

anyway look at their modus operandi in e following posts
oh.. i went thru some of their friends' pages, apparently they are like a syndicate.. saw a couple of them asking people who they have added to transfer them 200 bucks for urgent use.. and some idiots simply ask when they need it.. heroes wannabe.. :rolleyes:

19-12-2013, 10:12 PM
pls dont fall for all these knid of western union cheats. All these beautiful girls are all from philippines. and the real person behind the CHEAT accounts could be a guy or girl but defintely not the chiobu.

agree bro, just make sure pay on goods delivery :D

20-12-2013, 12:34 AM
i got a similar offer in Tagged too. The opening para is exactly the same! and ya the transfer money via westernunion shit.. didnt follow up with the girl that much though coz not interested. And she is like offering $250 for 6 hrs inc room.. i was thinking where got pussy so cheap..