View Full Version : Some Tricky Situations You've Been Through...........

10-08-2005, 02:52 PM
Come and share some of your tricky situations which almost kanna caught by your CO/OC/gf and how you bluff you way through. I hope by doing this some bros may benefit from reading our experiences. As usual, threadstarter kick off first. :D

Last year, I hooked up with a insurance advisor (later, I got to bonk her :D ) and she was doing some hard sellings. As the end of the year approached, she was kinda desperate to meet her sales quota. She was very persistent in selling her insurance and I was in kinda "go through motion" attitude everytime she's tried to promote her plans.

My tricky situation originated when she was giving me a treat in Chinese restaurant at Causeway Point. She was trying to tempt me with free meals, kekeke.........fat hope because I knew that's more to come. In the midst of dining and promoting her plans, I had a urgent nature call and went to the toilet outside the restaurant. I left my handphone on the table. When I came back, she told me my phone rang and she answered on my behalf. She told me it was a lady. I thought it was one of my customers who was pressing me for some industrial parts (I'm also into purchasing for my customers). So, I did not bother to call back or check the caller.

Little that I know, that lady was my CO! I realised that when I reached home that night. I could sensed something is wrong because the whole house atmosphere was different. My wife confronted me on the spot. KNS, it was like a "pop quiz" situation. I had a difficult time keeping my cool and tried to cook up some Ali Baba stories to pacify her. I told her I was out with one of my customers and he brought along his female colleague. It took me a couple of hours to explain and she finally believed my cook up stories half heartedly. But, she did not pursue the incident after that.

From the day onwards, I've learnt another lesson. NEVER LET ANOTHER WOMAN ANSWER YOUR HANDPHONE FOR YOU. Another lesson learned from one of my friends, NEVER LEAVE ANY PAPER TRAILS WHEN CHEONGING. All payments must be settled by cash. No credit cards or cheques. Throw all receipts away, don't keep it.

10-08-2005, 03:01 PM
Come and share some of your tricky situations which almost kanna caught by your CO/OC/gf and how you bluff you way through. I hope by doing this some bros may benefit from reading our experiences. As usual, threadstarter kick off first. :D

Last year, I hooked up with a insurance advisor (later, I got to bonk her :D ) and she was doing some hard sellings. As the end of the year approached, she was kinda desperate to meet her sales quota. She was very persistent in selling her insurance and I was in kinda "go through motion" attitude everytime she's tried to promote her plans.

My tricky situation originated when she was giving me a treat in Chinese restaurant at Causeway Point. She was trying to tempt me with free meals, kekeke.........fat hope because I knew that's more to come. In the midst of dining and promoting her plans, I had a urgent nature call and went to the toilet outside the restaurant. I left my handphone on the table. When I came back, she told me my phone rang and she answered on my behalf. She told me it was a lady. I thought it was one of my customers who was pressing me for some industrial parts (I'm also into purchasing for my customers). So, I did not bother to call back or check the caller.

Little that I know, that lady was my CO! I realised that when I reached home that night. I could sensed something is wrong because the whole house atmosphere was different. My wife confronted me on the spot. KNS, it was like a "pop quiz" situation. I had a difficult time keeping my cool and tried to cook up some Ali Baba stories to pacify her. I told her I was out with one of my customers and he brought along his female colleague. It took me a couple of hours to explain and she finally believed my cook up stories half heartedly. But, she did not pursue the incident after that.

From the day onwards, I've learnt another lesson. NEVER LET ANOTHER WOMAN ANSWER YOUR HANDPHONE FOR YOU. Another lesson learned from one of my friends, NEVER LEAVE ANY PAPER TRAILS WHEN CHEONGING. All payments must be settled by cash. No credit cards or cheques. Throw all receipts away, don't keep it.

Well done.Note taken.


10-08-2005, 03:14 PM
i thing i learn of is die die nev admit. make your stand... :p

10-08-2005, 03:23 PM
Ermmm........dear bro stonecold, pls don't quote the whole post unless your feel that you have too many rep pts and want to it give away. Pls edit your post ASAP.

Btw, thanks for the encouragement. :)

10-08-2005, 03:47 PM
One of my buddy kanna something rather rare..

He went for a FL session, n wash his dick with those hotel soap (cheapo type) n tot no evidence liao..

Then his CO ask him to undress himself n smell his dick when he's home..
needless to say, he was KIA.. :D

10-08-2005, 03:55 PM
Woaaahh KIA b'cos of nice soap smell... that has been my biggest fear ever when i go to hc....

Initially i have a standby cloth just damp and i wipe myself when i return to the car. I also smoke heavyly in the car without the windows down for a while and let the smoke seep into the cloths as well as wipe myself again before i drive home. Always drive home with the windows down enjpy the fresh air. Get home that time have to be careful cannot be too quick to strip and take bath sure die.

Now a day different game. i tell my GF that i m too stress so go to spa.(for facilities) she is aware of the girl and services but kept telling her not interested so make sure you pay for spa facilites and keep the bill then conviniently show it around to show that i just ate and relaxed nothing else. now she is so use to it that if i disappear for spa and do what ever i want come back smelling nice i tell her im more relax.

10-08-2005, 04:00 PM
One of my buddy kanna something rather rare..

He went for a FL session, n wash his dick with those hotel soap (cheapo type) n tot no evidence liao..

Then his CO ask him to undress himself n smell his dick when he's home..
needless to say, he was KIA.. :D

That is why...I never use their soap to bath during all these session...

If die die bo pian...just jog ard first and perspire like a dog...reach home...kpkb to ur wife abt the weather and rush to the toilet asap...

Anyway...i almost kana caught b4...i bonk this suzhou gal (i hv a special liking of suzhou gal as I am working over here mah) from MG KTV when i was back in singapore...then this stupid gal kept calling me on my china phone especially during 8plus at night....

OC damn angry man... i told her it is a ktv gal whom gotten my hp no when i was entertaining my client....I smoke her upside down for a very long time...
luckily she buys my story....heng heng

10-08-2005, 04:40 PM
OC damn angry man... i told her it is a ktv gal whom gotten my hp no when i was entertaining my client....I smoke her upside down for a very long time...
luckily she buys my story....heng heng

haha.. pray u heng heng always ah.. :D

I was damn shocked when he told me this... but later laugh till tears come out.. :D

10-08-2005, 04:43 PM
sorry for a slight divertion of the topic. mine is more like "Tricky situation that i kena caught"

A few years ago I got into shit because of small lovebite on my neck, I tried to divert her attention saying that it was a bruise. Some more for that lovebite, it was given by a girl in a disco, but I really did not do anything with her at all, not even kiss! Freaking chick was a friends friend, and she got drunk and ask me to help her stand, next thing i know she is mawing on my neck, and i pushed her off, only to find that its too late. kena marked on the neck. I thought siao liao, really innocent this time, but shit is gonna hit the fan

When I met OC i told her the stupidest lie in my life. I told her I was riding motorbike back home and a stone got kicked up by the truck in front of me and hit my neck and thus caused a bruise. (I am a lousy liar I know). Obviously my OC being 1) not blind 2) quite worldy, could see the difference between a bruise and a lovebite.

Because I insisted on keeping to my tune that it was a piece of stone that caused the mark on the neck, this incident caused a rift in our 6 year relationship that lasted almost half a year. Finally after one of our fights (we seldom fought prior to this incident) I told her the truth about the girl in the disco. And my OC just went "that's all I wanted from you, the truth, I don't want you to act like I am some idiot". Funny thing is I totally realise that now. I should not have lied, and should have been more forthright with her. We almost never fight nowadays.

But a word of caution, not all OC's are like that, mine is quitely worldly, and allows me to go to KTV's and even just recently forced me to hold a hardcore KTV session with a few of my mates for my b'day. She understands a man is a man, but as long as I know where is home, and give her the attention, love and care that she duly deserves, I have carte blache.

Of course, I am very discreet and am careful with my actions, and coming home smelling of another woman or of fresh soap is something I never do.

To make sure I cover up any suspicious odours/smells, I do something quite silly, I go to 7-eleven near my house, buy a can of beer and use it like eau de toilette. No joke. I pour it on my hands, splash some on the neck, face and hair rub it on my t-shirt, under the t-shirt, on the jeans and (don't laugh) in the crotch area.

Don't fu&k with a woman's sense of smell, they are very sensitive to anything out of the norm.

10-08-2005, 04:49 PM
To make sure I cover up any suspicious odours/smells, I do something quite silly, I go to 7-eleven near my house, buy a can of beer and use it like eau de toilette. No joke. I pour it on my hands, splash some on the neck, face and hair rub it on my t-shirt, under the t-shirt, on the jeans and (don't laugh) in the crotch area. Don't fu&k with a woman's sense of smell, they are very sensitive to anything out of the norm.

Bro, u hiong ah.. put beer on crotch..

Tink some super-drama women will tink e girl BBBJ u with beer.. :D

10-08-2005, 04:53 PM
ha ha ;-)

in my mind, better beer than soap, or worse OC detect another woman's CB smell. :eek:

That one really gone case liao

10-08-2005, 05:01 PM
[QUOTE=biker_man]sorry for a slight divertion of the topic. mine is more like "Tricky situation that i kena caught"
To make sure I cover up any suspicious odours/smells, I do something quite silly, I go to 7-eleven near my house, buy a can of beer and use it like eau de toilette. No joke. I pour it on my hands, splash some on the neck, face and hair rub it on my t-shirt, under the t-shirt, on the jeans and (don't laugh) in the crotch area.

I've been out-stationed and been a while i post. Finally I found this topic which got my itchy fingers going again.

Bro b_m.. U R NoT ALONE. hahaha.. I do that as well!! 1 time told my OC go 4 guys nite drinking (which was true, but left early for a rendevour wif my fling). After sending fling hm, went to 7-11 nearby and gulp down 2 cans of beer in a whif, balance splash like cologne. Cos earlier alcohol already evaporated frm my system after the streneous shag + smell too fresh wif the in-between-shag-showers-cum-shag... Asked cabby to drop me off some distance b4 my place so can work-up the alcohol wif some brisk walk.. dan climb stairs up to my unit.. Hell that was a true work out cos I stayed > 10 floors up... :(

Cheers.. I'm glad to be back...

10-08-2005, 05:06 PM
pardon my ignore....a gal can really smell out another gal presence one meh??..so sensitive one ah?...

btw, if only a lovebite n no bonking the gal, best is come clean when found out, cos if din do anything, u would be very firm..n since gal is sensitive, they can sense it u lying or not..

as for those soap smell...best is sign up some gym package..den say u go gym workout, bath liao got smell mah..haha

10-08-2005, 05:10 PM
Another recent encounter was my overseas gf giving me luv bites during our pre-departure passionate romp.. turned out I have 2 find excuses and delay for 3 days b4 i returned hm..

On my hm coming welcome shag with OC, alas! the bites on body still can b seen vaguely (colour faded, like blue-black).. BUT LUCKY though, gf bite though hard not so skillful, one big lump.. Told OC I clumpsy got the bruises during my trip (luggage knocks la..etc..) N she bought the story only cos she knows I'm always clumpsy n careless always get or-qi... heee :D

10-08-2005, 05:10 PM
in my mind, better beer than soap, or worse OC detect another woman's CB smell.

That one really gone case liao

haha.. good suggestion..

any more tips for new birds like me?? :D

10-08-2005, 05:12 PM
I got many tricky occassions. But the most recent one is when I was reading newspaper on the bed at 11pm, my OC suddenly pull my boxers down and smell my didi. I couldn't stop her in time. She asked me how come my didi still got soap smell after a long working day, and I haven't bathe after reach home.

What happened was earlier I went to my gf home have dinner, bathe, bonk, wash up, then send her to work. Luckily, the soap there the same as the one I use at home. :D

So my excuse was I drink very little water tha day, so seldom go toilet, so the lan cheow very clean still smell fresh lor.

Also, try not to eat too much before reach home. I also kana queried why I go home no appetite for dinner, izzit eat at mistress house ? :p o imagine how much weight I put on .......

10-08-2005, 05:17 PM
i was drinking and celebrating one christmas or new year day in a pub. got a bit lucky with a plump and big boobed girl, exchanged contact (later on she even called my hp when we were in the pub that same nite, it was a sure-fuck thing).

thanks to those drinking games, got very high and went home. i didnt realise she sms'd me and asked why i left without telling her, whether i ok or not, whats my age... etc etc...

next morning, hum kar chan! my wife said she read the sms from my hp "by accident" while she was helping me to bed when i got home. the inevitable came - "so... whos this girl who is so concerned for you...?"

somebody up there sent me a line. i told her, "my friend's hp was dead so he used my hp to sian cha bor. look, if i were to sian cha bor, will i come home drunk like this...?" :D

10-08-2005, 05:17 PM
pardon my ignore....a gal can really smell out another gal presence one meh??..so sensitive one ah?...

btw, if only a lovebite n no bonking the gal, best is come clean when found out, cos if din do anything, u would be very firm..n since gal is sensitive, they can sense it u lying or not..

as for those soap smell...best is sign up some gym package..den say u go gym workout, bath liao got smell mah..haha

Ok the rest of the sista here may kill me for helping out the opp sex but hey one big happy family right?

Have you guy ever tried what I term as "smack your hand to cure the headache?"

ie come clean ... tell your wife/girlfriend the truth about where you went and how wild it was until it reaches the highlight. Meaning you go:

"Me and the boys had a great night at the disco and this drunk girl came up and gave me a love bite"

What actually happen
You had a lovebite from a girl and took her to hotel81 and bonked your brains out before going home.

Firstly you didnt lie and if she had friend that saw u in the disco etc you are safe

10-08-2005, 05:17 PM
Sometimes after using a condom, no matter how many times you wash up with soap, there will still be a rubber smell/condom smell.

So i don't let my gf bbbj me immediately after a tryst. Would go directly for fj :)

10-08-2005, 05:20 PM
Sometimes after using a condom, no matter how many times you wash up, there will still be a rubber smell/condom smell.
Use more soap. Better have soap smell than the rubber smell.

10-08-2005, 05:29 PM
somebody up there sent me a line. i told her, "my friend's hp was dead so he used my hp to sian cha bor. look, if i were to sian cha bor, will i come home drunk like this...?" :D

damn.. this is NEW!!

thanks for e lesson bro Castrol!! :D

10-08-2005, 05:42 PM
haha.. good suggestion..

any more tips for new birds like me?? :D

No tips, lah bro. All of cheongers have to be careful, there are no exclusions, and the penalty for being caught is the written in the dreaded and draconian Women's Charter

10-08-2005, 05:51 PM
Like many bros, me also almost kena caught because of 'soapy smell' after coming home from bonking......I juz told her weather very warm so sweat a lot, when I pee...the smell from my dicky stinks from the sweating, can even smells it when I am standing so I juz use the small soap provided in the toilet to wash.

She buys the story(after 1 hr of none stop questioning), even suggested me to use baby-wipes instead, cos the soap is used by many ppl before..not so hygienic. :D

To all the bro wif "soapy smell" problem......solution is "baby-wipes" and pls make sure u buy those that has fragrance, use it(esp after using soap from other placses!!) & MOST important is...let her know that u uses it(buy it when she is around will work too)!!

She ask why u uses it? I m sure u know how to answer, rite?


10-08-2005, 05:59 PM
Thanks to all the bros' and sis' contributions. Based on my experiences, I know women have a very keen sense. They are able to pick out all those inconspicuous signals which enable them to conclude that you are telling lies. One way out is to tell the truth but sometimes it's a bitter pill to swallow. :(

10-08-2005, 06:01 PM
Like many bros, me also almost kena caught because of 'soapy smell' after coming home from bonking......I juz told her weather very warm so sweat a lot, when I pee...the smell from my dicky stinks from the sweating, can even smells it when I am standing so I juz use the small soap provided in the toilet to wash.

She buys the story(after 1 hr of none stop questioning), even suggested me to use baby-wipes instead, cos the soap is used by many ppl before..not so hygienic. :D

To all the bro wif "soapy smell" problem......solution is "baby-wipes" and pls make sure u buy those that has fragrance, use it(esp after using soap from other placses!!) & MOST important is...let her know that u uses it(buy it when she is around will work too)!!

She ask why u uses it? I m sure u know how to answer, rite?


bro...this solution si bei good la...

10-08-2005, 06:05 PM
bro...this solution si bei good la...
bro...u also sibei good leh.....quote the whole post, better edit before sam zap u hor.


10-08-2005, 07:57 PM
pardon my ignore....a gal can really smell out another gal presence one meh??..so sensitive one ah?...

as for those soap smell...best is sign up some gym package..den say u go gym workout, bath liao got smell mah..haha

Wow....come to think of it...I got this friend...lagi power....He just gave a ride for his female colleague on his car...his OC also know...by smelling the seat belt....No now true anot....

skali...OC also go to the same gym...then she will remember the smell also... anyway...it is something we can try also...hehe

10-08-2005, 08:52 PM
Not gonna share my experience...but juz give some advice on the art of lying.

1)Look her in the eyes when u lie.

2)Don't stammer. Don't talk too fast. Also don't answer her questions correctly at 1st. (this means you know what she is talking about or u have been practising wat to answer).

Must act a little blur. example ...she ask, "Why u off your phone ?" ...then answer like this "wat phone ?.......(after some time)..you mean my handphone...(you take out your hp) oh shit, how come it off itself. Ai yah, this stupid phone is not working well after i drop it"...

like this lah. give some kind of blur answer. she will most likely think you are too "FOREST GUMP" to have an affair if u continue to do this :D

3)Believe the lie u are saying. If u believe it, its not a lie anymore.

4)Make sure u have back-up plan ....ie...mine is having me buddy to support me. When GF/wife asks u why u never return call or why got gal ans phone, just ask her to call your best friend (of course you must make a pact with him before-hand and let him know of any senario u will be caught in.) So he can help u out. But for this to work, your gf/wife has to know your friend well enuff.

a)She ask why never answer phone, say u were with friend eating.
b)She asks why gal answer phone, say she is your frens colleague and was playing a prank or something.

Above is what i have learnt (on my own). Hope this helps you. In summary, plan for every senario and have answers for them. And answer like blur blur..... should be sufficient.

10-08-2005, 08:54 PM
Wow....come to think of it...I got this friend...lagi power....He just gave a ride for his female colleague on his car...his OC also know...by smelling the seat belt....No now true anot....

This is definitely true.... when my bro uses the car with his gal. I can smell the perfume smell on the seat belt (area in contact with the chest)

10-08-2005, 09:38 PM
Rules of Engagement with OC

The Bonk fund

For those companies who pay bonuses in cash instead of transferring to account this is the best solution. For privacy purposes, no one will give you your bonus in black and white. Take cheque, open new account and under-declare bonus to OC.

I give her full access to my accounts. Except the bonk fund. No letters, no phone calls, no internet, just one simple ATM card I keep in the office. OC hold purse strings, nothing can be said. Paycheck into OCs account. Others, gambling, toto, 4D, 2 months bonus into other account.

No credit cards, no phone numbers no paper trail. Overseas trip, buy top up card, shove 100 bucks in and free global roaming. Come back discard regardless of value.

When confronted, "where got money is reply". Why never pick up call? Silent mode. Why got soap smell?

Simple. From day one I've told OC that my job requires entertaining. Spa, KTV, brothel etc. Company policy: want to fuck ownself come out money.

So, no money, no fuck, no valid accusation.

Full proof

10-08-2005, 09:45 PM
Wow....come to think of it...I got this friend...lagi power....He just gave a ride for his female colleague on his car...his OC also know...by smelling the seat belt....No now true anot....

Its true.... after dropping my wife's friend (she knows i'm with her)then went to pick her up, she immediately told me about her friends perfume being on the seat belt when she put it on! She can recognised her perfume!

10-08-2005, 10:02 PM
damn.. this is NEW!!

thanks for e lesson bro Castrol!!

haha...i used this 3yr+ ago on my 2 year ex leh...she didn't really believe and threatened to call the number on the spot. My 2nd boat msged all the 'dear, i love u, i miss u' those stuffs somemore...lucky stopped her in time and scold her better not pichar my friend's kangtao :D

10-08-2005, 10:23 PM
one thing I learn too, delete all your cookies and history files of your IE in your PC. You never know if someone is opening up your IE when you go to the toilet and the next thing is they find out that you surf this site and you have this nick and you wrote down this things.

10-08-2005, 11:06 PM
Ok the rest of the sista here may kill me for helping out the opp sex Ehhh, I can't kill you before you write that FR or the bros here will kill *me* :p

10-08-2005, 11:28 PM
Its true.... after dropping my wife's friend (she knows i'm with her)then went to pick her up, she immediately told me about her friends perfume being on the seat belt when she put it on! She can recognised her perfume!
The perfume on the seatbelt, and the hair that your fling or WL drop in the car can give the game away ...... :eek:

10-08-2005, 11:40 PM
After fucking, i forgot to throw away the covers for condom, left them in the car, fucked twice, so 2 covers. Didnt realise tat until gf picked it up from the car and threw them right in my face. :p

Fuck it, Tian ya Her Chu Wu Pussy

Broke up since then, but i sibei bbway lun she threw stuff at my face.knn

10-08-2005, 11:55 PM
After fucking, i forgot to throw away the covers for condom, left them in the car, fucked twice, so 2 covers. Didnt realise tat until gf picked it up from the car and threw them right in my face. :p

Fuck it, Tian ya Her Chu Wu Pussy

Broke up since then, but i sibei bbway lun she threw stuff at my face.knn
My OC spot check my car and found an unused condom. I just say my friend's wife pregnant so he gave me the condom. Until today it's still a topic of domestic discussion ..... :(

11-08-2005, 01:05 AM
aiyah unused condom mahz... juz drive her to a secluded spot tt nite and use it on her... den after bonk tell her a cock n bull story, abt how she spoilt the surprise u were planning for her. :D

11-08-2005, 01:37 AM
My OC spot check my car and found an unused condom. I just say my friend's wife pregnant so he gave me the condom. Until today it's still a topic of domestic discussion ..... :(
hmm...just say ur fren dropped when you drove him home after drinks..tat happened to mi too..lucky i have this fren who always carries around condoms in his wallet and my gf also know..
as for the soapy smell, i always keep a small pack of baby wipes in the car..in case need to clean anything..from seat,dashboard to CB and my dick :cool: but bad thing is it dries up v easily..damn the hot weather here
but the seatbelt thing i really no cure for it..kenna once before..bluff her say is fren's gf perfume say i ferry her over from the pub over to my fren car..think back oso abit hard to believe la but heng heng i siam..no more next time man

Gerald Tan
11-08-2005, 01:44 AM
My share of story,
Caught one time with condom in my storage board, took me 1 week to convince her that it was meant for her.. to bonk her to avoid pregnant
Caught one time due to Yahoo Messenger got gals message. Kena 1 month lashing by her...
Now, me getting smarter. So not kena caught...hehe

11-08-2005, 01:52 AM
for me cigarette smell is the best camouflage, thats why i always use cigarette smoke as smoke bomb on my body :eek: :D

11-08-2005, 02:19 AM
I was having a round of drinks with my mates at a pub when I was introduced to some girls the lads knew around and who were keen to join in. One thing led to another, the whole lot of us ended up in hotel rooms. By the time I went home, the gal was still SMS-ing me to meet up for another session. Was quite tired and me brain was still not functioning properly and accidently SMS "Ya ... tonight is just incredible. Looking forward to next sex session and more cums. When are you free to meet up?" to my then GF hp number instead of the gal.

Almost immediately my GF SMS back, "What do you mean?" and went through a grilling session. Luckily managed to lied my way through after a bit by saying that I was feeling horny after the drinking session and was wondering if she could come out to meet up with me at a hotel or something tonight. She seemed skeptical but agreed to meet up with me nontheless. He he he ... got laid two more times that night but was damn shagged that night.

11-08-2005, 06:50 AM
"Ya ... tonight is just incredible. Looking forward to next sex session and more cums. When are you free to meet up?" to my then GF hp number instead of the gal.

wow, tats a tough one to get through. You the man dude, i salute u!!

11-08-2005, 09:11 AM
Simple. From day one I've told OC that my job requires entertaining. Spa, KTV, brothel etc. Company policy: want to fuck ownself come out money.

So, no money, no fuck, no valid accusation.

Full proof

i think nothing is fullproof...but this is a good cover story... :D

there are always exceptions like "ur boss/client treat u bonk...???"

11-08-2005, 10:28 AM
one thing I learn too, delete all your cookies and history files of your IE in your PC. You never know if someone is opening up your IE when you go to the toilet and the next thing is they find out that you surf this site and you have this nick and you wrote down this things.

bro, wat i do to access here is as follows:

1) go yahoo n search for "forum sammyboy"

2) yahoo will display looking for "forum sammyboy singapore"

3) click that n follow on e links n viola!!

4) No history available cos consider as under search engine..

dun know foolproof or not but been safe for e past few months liao.. :D

11-08-2005, 10:34 AM
bro, wat i do to access here is as follows:

1) go yahoo n search for "forum sammyboy"

2) yahoo will display looking for "forum sammyboy singapore"

3) click that n follow on e links n viola!!

4) No history available cos consider as under search engine..

dun know foolproof or not but been safe for e past few months liao.. :D

Well, ur method is not exactly foolproof. Yahoo or other search engine will list out the sites you searched for. For eg. when u key in the alphabet "s", there will be options available for you to choose back the categories u searched for previously. If someone is suspicious and check thru all your previous searches, they will find out, though it will take time.
Always best to clear cookies & histories, and if poddible, set PC on password when it goes into standby or screensaver mode.

11-08-2005, 11:04 AM
damn.. this is NEW!!

thanks for e lesson bro Castrol!! :D

oh paisay paisay bro... thanks for the support.
actually, when explaining things (when bullshitting) your gf or wife, always must look more fierce and frustrated than her, thats the key. :D

11-08-2005, 11:42 AM
oh paisay paisay bro... thanks for the support.
actually, when explaining things (when bullshitting) your gf or wife, always must look more fierce and frustrated than her, thats the key.

good good.. got more "bullets" liao.. haha... :D

11-08-2005, 11:51 AM
good good.. got more "bullets" liao.. haha..

this is call 'advancement-in-technology' la bro...weapon ungraded :D

i'm a patient man...i explain things clamly once...if don't believe? i walk away lor...but cursing on the way...haha

11-08-2005, 11:55 AM
i'm a patient man...i explain things clamly once...if don't believe? i walk away lor...but cursing on the way...haha

true.. sometimes i tell e semi truth oso..

Me: i going out with customer (but he's my drinkin buddy too)
Her: go where?
Me: go nightclub
Her: dun touch girls ah..
Me: ok. no prob..

In truth..
go nightclub, girls strip, n they touch me... but i didn't touch them.. :D

11-08-2005, 12:02 PM
true.. sometimes i tell e semi truth oso..

Me: i going out with customer (but he's my drinkin buddy too)
Her: go where?
Me: go nightclub
Her: dun touch girls ah..
Me: ok. no prob..

In truth..
go nightclub, girls strip, n they touch me... but i didn't touch them..

haha! quite honest eh? I sometimes tell the truth too

Last time got once went clubbing with my friends at chinablack...was raba-ing girls on the dancefloor and they grind me back...1 of my my gf's friend happened to be there too at the bar counter i didn't see him. He told my gf i was dirty-dancing the whole nite away with another chic the next day. She confronted me and since i know that the pao toh kia was trying to xian my gf, i told her that ya i did dance that night and the girl tried to grind me but i tried to keep my distance thru out and continued dancing. :D And i added that maybe he's lying to u to make u break up with me so he can stead with u? She found that reason quite valid and no further questions...heng ah :)

11-08-2005, 12:03 PM
true.. sometimes i tell e semi truth oso..

In truth..
go nightclub, girls strip, n they touch me... but i didn't touch them.. :D

Hahahaha, that way, even if she were to put you through the lie detector, you will pass....

BTW, I see that your points has outperformed the STI Index already leh....congrats.

11-08-2005, 12:28 PM
true.. In truth..
go nightclub, girls strip, n they touch me... but i didn't touch them.. :D

haha and when u end up having sex. u said. the ger pussy cover your lan jiao herself. u didnt wan to F her in the first place. somemore make you leg bo lad. :D

11-08-2005, 12:58 PM
As for me... I'll just "lock" my PC when stepped away from it....

11-08-2005, 01:06 PM
I got love bite by gf whn co coming hme from oversea in two days. Out of desperation, I used needle to scratch lines on the love bites and apply foot powder on it. The next day, it looked like scratch marks left by a box while doing delivery. Heng ar.PASSED!
The worst was the time whn a used condom pack discovered in the car. Will get back to this incident, CO is back!

11-08-2005, 01:22 PM
After fucking, i forgot to throw away the covers for condom, left them in the car, fucked twice, so 2 covers. Didnt realise tat until gf picked it up from the car and threw them right in my face. :p

wa... bro spermmann, lidat hor, even michael jackson's lawyers cant help you... :D

11-08-2005, 01:37 PM
Hahahaha, that way, even if she were to put you through the lie detector, you will pass....

BTW, I see that your points has outperformed the STI Index already leh....congrats.

haha.. thanks bro!! u helped too!! :D

haha and when u end up having sex. u said. the ger pussy cover your lan jiao herself. u didnt wan to F her in the first place. somemore make you leg bo lad..

haha.. Bro, tht one i haven kanna yet..
But if e gal BBBJ in the KTV, i will say tht i cannot push her away cos i promised not to touch her... :D

11-08-2005, 03:09 PM
Cheers.. I'm glad to be back...
Bro glad that u r back....
wat happen to u... MIA for a while... :)

11-08-2005, 05:14 PM
Bro glad that u r back....
wat happen to u... MIA for a while...

Yes bro.. been out-stationed...

during tis time.. Got myself a super dripping wet gf (actually, she's a squirter) .. damned! I missed her..

Dunno how gonna confess to OC... :(

oso a few KIV 1s which I'm trying to find time to court..

been a fruitful trip... :D


11-08-2005, 05:39 PM
been a fruitful trip... :D


sorry to ask but any FRs or not ah Bro?? :D

11-08-2005, 05:45 PM
sorry to ask but any FRs or not ah Bro?? :D

no promises but will try la.. gf dun think so la.. u know cos got feel 1.. not very ethical..

but others non-emotional attachment or those already over liao 1s.. must find the correct mood then can write..

apologise for the incomplete FRs that I've previously written..


11-08-2005, 05:51 PM
no promises but will try la.. gf dun think so la.. u know cos got feel 1.. not very ethical..

my sincere apologies for e inconsideration... :o

tink i'm too strong sucker for FRs and stories.

N no prob with e FRs Bro,


11-08-2005, 06:38 PM
wa... bro spermmann, lidat hor, even michael jackson's lawyers cant help you... :D

hhaa, ya la, until now i still dunno how to counter this situation. I wonder if she didnt throw the used packs at me and instead ask me to explain, what would i say... Most prob i will just admit, no way to escape. too fucking obvious liao. LL :D

11-08-2005, 06:45 PM
its been fun reading this thread. Now i know where to come and look for advise liao if i ever get caught. hehe

12-08-2005, 09:17 AM
its been fun reading this thread. Now i know where to come and look for advise liao if i ever get caught. hehe

bro its best to learn how to avoid getting caught rather then learn what to do when u are caught :D

12-08-2005, 09:52 AM
bro its best to learn how to avoid getting caught rather then learn what to do when u are caught :D

haha... golden advice!! :D

12-08-2005, 10:05 AM
there was once, me n a few mates decided to take half day off to jb for some actions... so a few days prior to the actual day, this is what i've planned:
1) switch off hp when OC is expected to call... call her back n she asked "how come ur hp not on?"... I replied:"bloody phone, u not the 1st one who told me this. must change phone liao." anyway, my phone is due to trade in liao...
2) nite before action, go out for drinks wif frens...
3) phone is on when we at JB, bros will know the difference in ringtone, so if phone ring, will get my fren to pick up n answer the phone, OC asked:" How come u answer my hubby's phone? Where is he?" My fren will say:" Dunno leh, he not wif me, I in JB. Orrr, I know liao, last nite his hp no batt, so diverted to mine."
4) After customs, when sg signal is back, called my OC n asked if she had called me cos the damn phone is switched off again. She go on about me frens picking up the phone blah blah blah... n we will go:"ya hor, must change the divert. Sick of this phone man, bringing the HP to service liao."

This trick can be applied to the local contexts, just use your own imagination, I'm sure u bros can think of something better. And also, thanking all the bros with your contributions to allow pple like me to have a more fullfilling life wif myself n my OC!!! :)

12-08-2005, 10:15 AM
This trick can be applied to the local contexts, just use your own imagination, I'm sure u bros can think of something better. And also, thanking all the bros with your contributions to allow pple like me to have a more fullfilling life wif myself n my OC!!! :)

good idea bro but i dun tink can use many times...
i mean how often can u keep chaning ur hp ah?? :rolleyes:

12-08-2005, 10:44 AM
during tis time.. Got myself a super dripping wet gf (actually, she's a squirter) .. damned! I missed her..
Dunno how gonna confess to OC... :(
oso a few KIV 1s which I'm trying to find time to court..

sounds interesting bro...
but y confess to OC?? :confused:

12-08-2005, 10:46 AM
hhaa, ya la, until now i still dunno how to counter this situation. I wonder if she didnt throw the used packs at me and instead ask me to explain, what would i say... Most prob i will just admit, no way to escape. too fucking obvious liao. LL :D
y not start wif "Fark that Ben... want to borrow my car for dunno wat super urgent matters.... then now i suffer.... Fark man....!!" :D

12-08-2005, 10:53 AM
sounds interesting bro...
but y confess to OC?? :confused:

i'm an honest man ma...

cos told my new gf i got some1 back hm liao..

so mus be fair la...

12-08-2005, 11:04 AM
i'm an honest man ma...

cos told my new gf i got some1 back hm liao..

so mus be fair la...
telling gf is ok....
but tell OC.....??
bro hav u done this before?
or u pullin this the first time? :eek:

12-08-2005, 11:32 AM
3) phone is on when we at JB, bros will know the difference in ringtone, so if phone ring, will get my fren to pick up n answer the phone, OC asked:" How come u answer my hubby's phone? Where is he?" My fren will say:" Dunno leh, he not wif me, I in JB. Orrr, I know liao, last nite his hp no batt, so diverted to mine."........
No need so troublesome lah. :rolleyes:

If you Singtel mobile subscriber, apply the color-me-tones at $4.00+ per month. It greets the caller with a song you select instead of the usual ringtone. Even when you are overseas, eg M'sia or Batam, the caller can't tell whether you are in Sg or not. M1 and Starhub go similar service too.

12-08-2005, 11:46 AM
telling gf is ok....
but tell OC.....??
bro hav u done this before?
or u pullin this the first time? :eek:

i second bro Nismo.. sounds rather dangerous... :eek:

12-08-2005, 02:07 PM
sounds interesting bro...
but y confess to OC?? :confused:

Agree with Bro Nismo, why confess?

Bro Kinjio, my advice is don't do that.

Have GF know about OC is one thing, cos at most u lose the GF

but OC know about GF and if it does not go down well, you are at risk of not only losing your OC, but half of all your current and future worldy possessions.

Can your wallet take that kind of hit?

12-08-2005, 04:10 PM
Hi Bros,I m back. Sorry for the delay.
Whn my CO found the used pack in my car, I were totally lost, LIAO !Were given chance to explain thou. I think and think, day and night and while bonking GL gal still thinking and finally...Call up my bro who go pub with myself and CO numbers of time. Pa gat with him to bull to my CO that he took the car out while we will drinking during one of the night without my CO and he did it in the car with his gal. Woa,.. dont know thank which god and I were granted a reborn! But for sure this lift line can only use once in life time.
The moral of story is to intro your CO to drink at pubs with bros and do info her if you going without her at times.Place your path for emergency ma.
Refer to soaps used in hotel, easy to solve, always bring lotion in car and apply infront of CO frequently, so during the time when you used hotel soap, apply the lotion to cover the soap smell without suspicion aroused, trust me it always work!
Dear bros, if you find my methods workable, UP MY POINTS LEH! ;)

12-08-2005, 04:20 PM
No need so troublesome lah. :rolleyes:
If you Singtel mobile subscriber, apply the color-me-tones at $4.00+ per month. It greets the caller with a song you select instead of the usual ringtone.

bro HP, u r absolutely spot on, but as all the bros would know, gers r very sensitive... suddendly out of the blue go n apply for this will also ganna question... but then think it's a good long term solution n worth investing the $4...

bro singexpat, think I'll go ahead with the plan recommended by bro HP... cannot always change mobile...

thanx bros!!!

12-08-2005, 06:19 PM
bro singexpat, think I'll go ahead with the plan recommended by bro HP... cannot always change mobile...

thanx bros!!!

well.. its ur choice bro..

but i'll choose $4 over hundreds of dollars anytime.. :D

13-08-2005, 07:56 AM
bro HP, u r absolutely spot on, but as all the bros would know, gers r very sensitive... suddendly out of the blue go n apply for this will also ganna question... but then think it's a good long term solution n worth investing the $4...

bro singexpat, think I'll go ahead with the plan recommended by bro HP... cannot always change mobile...

Personally I not yet activate this service, becos seldom cheong M'sia, Batam and overseas.... I found this out when I call my friend who was cheonging in JB. But it sure beat having to cum out some many stunts to solve the ringing tone problem.

13-08-2005, 08:01 AM
Personally I not yet activate this service, becos seldom cheong M'sia, Batam and overseas.... I found this out when I call my friend who was cheonging in JB. But it sure beat having to cum out some many stunts to solve the ringing tone problem.

I've checked with M1 before leh... they told me that even if u activate this service, its applicable only in Singapore. When roaming, no such service.... the caller hears the normal roaming ring ring instead...

Was your friend in JB on the SG network signal?

13-08-2005, 08:11 AM
I've checked with M1 before leh... they told me that even if u activate this service, its applicable only in Singapore. When roaming, no such service.... the caller hears the normal roaming ring ring instead...

Was your friend in JB on the SG network signal?
Confirm. He was in JB. Maybe you can verify with M1 again.