View Full Version : Footjob help

30-12-2013, 04:43 PM
Dear bro and sis,

Searching high and low for footjob in both SG and MY (Johore area) but don't seems to be avail, any kind soul can help?

Of cos I am not looking for free footjob, I am here asking for assistance should any of you come to know if any of the MP or tuina shop where the ladies offer such job.

Thanks in advance.:D

30-12-2013, 05:51 PM
万阳脚底按膜 but maybe not the kind you looking for. :p

31-12-2013, 02:26 AM
Can try posting in the health center section, they might have some ;)

26-03-2014, 05:34 PM

you just have to open your mouth and ask the masseuse if she is willing to give a footjob. Many of them have tried it before, and those who haven't, you just have to show them how to do it. Don't worry about being embarassed... worst thing that can happen is they laugh and say they don't know how to do it.

I've asked many times before but it's been a long time since I visited a MP.

Good luck! :D