View Full Version : When can u cum raw into your girlfriends without getting her pregnant
09-01-2014, 02:31 PM
I need advice:
When can u cum in your girlfriend without getting her pregnant?
1) During Menses?
2) After menses? (how many days)
How to use morning and after pills?
Issit once before sex and 1 more time after sex
09-01-2014, 02:43 PM
1. You can cum in her when she is pregnant.
2. 3 times a day after food.
09-01-2014, 02:48 PM
There is sometime called the liquid condom. By using that, it is quite safe that u cum inside without worry of being pregnant.
09-01-2014, 02:54 PM
1. You can cum in her when she is pregnant.
2. 3 times a day after food.
Hahahahaha!! I love this..
09-01-2014, 02:57 PM
How about after you are sterilised?
09-01-2014, 03:47 PM
A picture tells you a thousand words.
In layman words, example.
Today girl have period ( called DAY 1)
a) Day 1 to Day 7 (safe period, can have sex or maybe shoot inside, of cos do note she is 'bleeding' now, up to you to play or not)
b) Day 8 to day 19 ( Fertile period, means unsafe period. Want to play please wear condom,, dont even do the withdrawal method as there are tons of sperm on our PRE-Cum if you do not know)
c) Day 19 to Day 26 / 32 ( safe period from Day 19 to next period + 7days)
click the website above to see the pic of the calender chart.
09-01-2014, 04:44 PM
A picture tells you a thousand words.
In layman words, example.
Today girl have period ( called DAY 1)
a) Day 1 to Day 7 (safe period, can have sex or maybe shoot inside, of cos do note she is 'bleeding' now, up to you to play or not)
b) Day 8 to day 19 ( Fertile period, means unsafe period. Want to play please wear condom,, dont even do the withdrawal method as there are tons of sperm on our PRE-Cum if you do not know)
c) Day 19 to Day 26 / 32 ( safe period from Day 19 to next period + 7days)
click the website above to see the pic of the calender chart.
thanks, basically red code is safe. other then that isnt.
09-01-2014, 05:04 PM
just use evra patch. only 35 bucks a mth. u can cum in her everyday. code red or not
09-01-2014, 05:58 PM
When you are ready to get married and be a father.
09-01-2014, 08:15 PM
I need advice:
When can u cum in your girlfriend without getting her pregnant?
1) During Menses?
2) After menses? (how many days)
How to use morning and after pills?
Issit once before sex and 1 more time after sex
"Supposed" 3 days before and 3 days after....
If you like cumming inside her or she likes the feeling (like my gf), than ask her take birth control pill lor.... but abit ex and quite troublesome cause she needs to eat a tablet everyday at a precise time.
I wont recommend the morning after pill cause it gives the girl shitty bad effects like headaches, nausea and all for up to 3 days...
09-01-2014, 09:20 PM
When you have anal sex.
Bro, try to avoid having sex during menses, unless it is nearing the end. Otherwise it can be pretty disastrous.
You can safely cum inside her right after her period ends. First 7 days after her period ends should be safe, but well shit happens. I creamed my ex gf all the time when we had sex right after her period and she loves it haha. Most important thing is your gf must be comfortable with it. Respect her.
09-01-2014, 10:54 PM
what you are reading on the internet is general knowledge.
Dont try if you are not sure, or not ready to be a father.
Here is a tip, most, not all woman ovulate only once in their period, after 24 hours, the egg dies, and you can shoot all you want. there is a small population of woman who ovulate twice a month. In the market, there is something call the ovulation test kit, which is 99% accurate. Your sperm can survive up to 5 days inside her, so do your maths.
The problem is to determine when your wife / gf is going to ovulate, thats the blackout window. Ovulation can start as early as day 6 and as late as day 27, if you are talking about a regular 28 day period. so in actual fact, there is no real safe window, till you know if your gf/wife have ovulated a not.
Just my 2 cents.
09-01-2014, 11:14 PM
Bro, there is no safe period.
even during those supposedly "safe period", can get pregnant too.
I'm not sure whether birth control pills or morning after pills will have side effects that can affect pregnancy later. I know some people who took birth control pills and stopped but suffer miscarriage for no good reason,
10-01-2014, 12:48 AM
You can cum in her when you want to be a father :)
If dont want then dont cum in her, cum on her
10-01-2014, 01:01 AM
bro, i got my baby first day after period. so no safe period. only safe time is
i she is pregnant
ii after her menopause.
iii and anal.....but make sure u know which hole u are poking
10-01-2014, 08:21 AM
The rhythm method is a crapshoot considering sperm can survive in the vagina for days. Not advisable to calculate ovulation periods and take them too seriously.
10-01-2014, 10:49 AM
Marry her and you can shoot in everyday! !
10-01-2014, 10:50 AM
what you are reading on the internet is general knowledge.
Dont try if you are not sure, or not ready to be a father.
Here is a tip, most, not all woman ovulate only once in their period, after 24 hours, the egg dies, and you can shoot all you want. there is a small population of woman who ovulate twice a month. In the market, there is something call the ovulation test kit, which is 99% accurate. Your sperm can survive up to 5 days inside her, so do your maths.
The problem is to determine when your wife / gf is going to ovulate, thats the blackout window. Ovulation can start as early as day 6 and as late as day 27, if you are talking about a regular 28 day period. so in actual fact, there is no real safe window, till you know if your gf/wife have ovulated a not.
Just my 2 cents.
This is a better and clearer explanation!
10-01-2014, 11:26 AM
actually, cum in mouth confirm safe, no need pills or count the days .. :p
10-01-2014, 03:09 PM
Bro, try to avoid having sex during menses, unless it is nearing the end. Otherwise it can be pretty disastrous.
You can safely cum inside her right after her period ends. First 7 days after her period ends should be safe, but well shit happens. I creamed my ex gf all the time when we had sex right after her period and she loves it haha. Most important thing is your gf must be comfortable with it. Respect her.
Nice piece of information.
10-01-2014, 07:38 PM
Safe period Is 3 days before n after her period.
Semen can survive in the female body for up to 72 hours.
3 days before is because the uterus lining is starting to break down and 3 days after is before her uterus lining forms properly for an egg to be present and ready for fertilization.
But her period must be very regular for this method to work.
10-01-2014, 08:43 PM
use spermicide lor, won't affect her hormones
No safe period -period-. Every gal is different. If you're heeding the 'safe days' advices, just be prepared for fatherhood. Just invest a bit in morning after pill, spermicide or wear a condom or better yet, get a Vasectomy
10-01-2014, 11:33 PM
sperms can stay in the womb up to five days
10-01-2014, 11:52 PM
i always fuck my girls raw (quick withdrawal and cob/cof), no hits so far... am i infertile?! :eek:
11-01-2014, 02:36 PM
Its all about timing bro. You can use mobile apps (pink pad) to help you time her cycle effectively. All you need is the actual day of her first and last day of period. Then to be really accurate, 3 months of period records.
Please factor in that the woman's egg has 24 hour survival time and man's sperm can survive up to 72hours given the right conditions.
I've been doing this for the past 2 years and touch wood so far so good.
11-01-2014, 05:04 PM
Fuck a married milf before raw,no need to worry....just shoot inside her.
11-01-2014, 09:05 PM
The problem is sometimes nvr cum also cip also kana baby. Tats what happen to me...
11-01-2014, 09:15 PM
Women are most horniest during the most dangerous period, ovulation...they can get quite crazy during that period. Might even encourage you to shoot inside and say she will never regret.
That period is like when men sniff glue and think they can fly like a bird. If you can find ways to pleasure her to orgasm(s) during that period, the rest of the days she'll give you wadaever u can imagine.
11-01-2014, 10:35 PM
Remain Calm before u think of cumming RAW...
RAW is WAR...
if both of u Are not Ready...
The aftermath is disasterous.....
12-01-2014, 02:16 AM
I need advice:
When can u cum in your girlfriend without getting her pregnant?
1) During Menses?
2) After menses? (how many days)
How to use morning and after pills?
Issit once before sex and 1 more time after sex
bro. 3 days before menses and 3 days after is usually safe. I let my bf cum in me and this has been going on for a year. (;
12-01-2014, 07:46 AM
bro. 3 days before menses and 3 days after is usually safe. I let my bf cum in me and this has been going on for a year. (;
maybe u infertile ?
12-01-2014, 01:51 PM
Just need me to standby next to her, when u cum, let me suck the cum out from the cunt, she will safe
12-01-2014, 10:33 PM
You can cum raw into your girlfriend's asshole many many times, as often as you like, without fear of ever getting her pregnant.... :D
12-01-2014, 11:53 PM
here you go.
assumption: the lady have a 28 day menstrual cycle
13-01-2014, 12:29 AM
Bro, this is not just theory but from my own experience....
"Unsafe" part is +/- 4 days from Ovulation...
Let me put it simply this way. This will only work if your partner is healthy and having regular periods (every 28-30 days).
I assume your partner has healthy cycles. So will assume it is 28-30 is one cycle.
Start of period is D1.
Ovulation happens at the centre point. That is 14th or 15th.
Women are more sexually aggressive at this period, its a natural process.
Sperms can survive in women for 3 days.
Once egg is released, its 'best fertile' duration is around 6 hrs and after 12 hrs it will be coming out if not conceived. Usually at the center of cycle, women get this brownish/whitish discharge is this un conceived egg.
So if we take 4 days +/-, you get from 10th day to 18th day.
If you don't want to get her pregnant, avoid from 10th to 18th days.
If you are planning a baby, best is 12 - 16th.
Always add an extra day for safe side as the cycle could drift a little depending on some current conditions.
I am not just saying this from theory. I studied to be a doc but ended up being in IT. But I used this theory from pre marriage untill we really planned a baby.
Almost 12 years of safe sex without any condoms. Only used condoms when she has higher urgencies, specially around ovulation.
Never ever try or think pulling before shoot is safe.
Avoid those days I mentioned. Also don't have sex during periods because its not pleasant for both.
Have an enjoyable sex life...
No offence for any other bro's ideas. I just shared my own experienced natural contraceptive being used for almost 12 years now.
13-01-2014, 01:33 AM
13-01-2014, 07:57 AM
The chart is good but is not foolproof. I have ever came across mothers that got pregnant during their supposedly safe period. The way to go is for her to go on pills or IUD implant. Play safe so that you dun have to deal with the consequences. :)
15-01-2014, 11:15 AM
RAW is war, i think is not easy.
17-01-2014, 06:02 PM
cum in mouth is the best
18-01-2014, 01:26 AM
My ex had regular mensus, so we always plan our sex 3 days b4, n 3 days after, always raw n CIP:D for 2yrs plus. I miss her sex only...
19-01-2014, 01:51 AM
Can learn somethings from thi treat. Thx to all bro.
You can cum raw into your girlfriend's asshole many many times, as often as you like, without fear of ever getting her pregnant.... :D
Heaven Sensation For Your Penis and Stress. Take Action Now!
19-01-2014, 11:30 AM
shit happens. are u willing to catch the shit when it happens?
or are u ready to ask her to go for abortion?
20-01-2014, 10:57 AM
I don't like condoms so I count the calendar days as well...
Just need to know 3 things
1. Sperm can stay in the vagina for up to 5 days
2. Egg survives up to 48 hours after release
3. Ovulation happens exactly 14 days before period
Not everyone gets a 28 day period. Mine is about 30 days. So I ovulate on day 16. I pretty much block out the period starting from 7 days before day 16 till 4 days after day 16. No raw sex during that time.
Of course, you never know these things. What if ovulation comes early/late?
But another way I monitor is also by consistency of my vaginal secretion.
When it is clear, slippery and stringy, I know I'm ovulating and I can't do anything. Which sucks because it is very lubricating and it feels damn good. I guess that's how nature planned it!
However, these methods aren't foolproof. My advice is don't shoot raw if both of you aren't prepared to be parents. Don't be an asshole. An abortion is very traumatising for the female. If no abortion, will you stay with her and raise the baby or will you zao as fast as you can? Either way, not fun for both parties.
If you feel that you can handle it should the worst happen, then go ahead. Not saying you can't take a risk; you most certainly can. But just be prepared for the worst.
Good luck!
Edit: In the event you are doing this for novelty/once in awhile sake, I'd say your best bet would be right before first day of period. Based on a 28 day cycle, I'd say day 26/27. Even right after period ends, assuming on day 6, I feel it's a little close to day 14. What if ovulation comes early? Plus, I find observing vaginal secretion to be more accurate than just pure calendar counting. If everything goes smoothly and day 14 she gets a clear stretchy vaginal discharge, then you know by day 26 the egg should more or less be dead. But I am not promising anything because whether it's 50% or 0.00001%, it's still a chance. Difference is big chance or small chance only. Do this at your own risk.
21-01-2014, 01:02 AM
20 days after ur gf period
21-01-2014, 10:25 AM
It's never worth a risk, once you shoot raw and you will worry for the rest of the month till her next menses come - and if it doesn't you will be worried sick. Never take risk, use condom.
24-01-2014, 06:15 AM
I have a frenz who try this, he pcc twice before raw sex with his gf. His reasoning is sperm count will be extreme low when u cum the 3rd time, in fact u may be shooting blank. So far it works for him though i think not really a safe way to prevent pregnancy.
24-01-2014, 11:14 AM
I have a frenz who try this, he pcc twice before raw sex with his gf. His reasoning is sperm count will be extreme low when u cum the 3rd time, in fact u may be shooting blank. So far it works for him though i think not really a safe way to prevent pregnancy.
good idea can try...
24-01-2014, 11:26 AM
Think the only real safe period is during menses. If the sight of menstrual blood turns u off, then do it when its starting to clear up. Other than that, everything is a risk. Be safe, shit happens more times than u can count.
24-01-2014, 07:32 PM
I been reading around im not sure, but some ppl say even though menses come the girl might still be pregnant? Not talking about spotting but heavy flow menses
26-01-2014, 10:50 AM
I been reading around im not sure, but some ppl say even though menses come the girl might still be pregnant? Not talking about spotting but heavy flow menses
I think after all it also depends on the girl's cycle - some have very short cycle, so that's why you may get pregnant despite having sex during menses as some girls may ovulate as soon as they end menses etc (Due to the short cycles like 20 days etc).
If you are on average 28-30, typically you ovulate on Day 14. So generally Day 1 - 7 is safe, but shit happens so just use condoms. It's very worrying, been there. All it takes is just egg fertilised
28-01-2014, 07:14 PM
I think after all it also depends on the girl's cycle - some have very short cycle, so that's why you may get pregnant despite having sex during menses as some girls may ovulate as soon as they end menses etc (Due to the short cycles like 20 days etc).
If you are on average 28-30, typically you ovulate on Day 14. So generally Day 1 - 7 is safe, but shit happens so just use condoms. It's very worrying, been there. All it takes is just egg fertilised
Er no nah.. what i wanted to ask is that whether if the girl have period, is it a clear cut sign that shes isnt pregnant. Because I was reading, some ppl posted that throughout their pregnancy they still have regular periods. so yea..
28-01-2014, 08:39 PM
Marry her and you can shoot in everyday! !
That's still not an option bro, i'm married and i still cannot shoot in everyday.... Wahahaha....
28-01-2014, 08:41 PM
i always fuck my girls raw (quick withdrawal and cob/cof), no hits so far... am i infertile?! :eek:
Bro, dun be so quick to think of urself as infertile. Perhaps just abit low on "ammo"? Got liquid dun necessarily mean got high sperm counts. hehehe... :p
28-01-2014, 08:47 PM
It's never worth a risk, once you shoot raw and you will worry for the rest of the month till her next menses come - and if it doesn't you will be worried sick. Never take risk, use condom.
Ya, i totally agree with bro bonboong88 there. Happened to me once with me and my wife. We got so engrossed and i only recalled i didn't had rubber on until the last minute. My wife was equally "high" at that point of time and told me to just let it go. We weren't ready to have kids yet, so when it was time for her period to come and it didn't. I was so worried, ends up it was due to late period... So best dun take chances TS, go in with ur helmet on. Best bet is that...
28-01-2014, 08:49 PM
I have a frenz who try this, he pcc twice before raw sex with his gf. His reasoning is sperm count will be extreme low when u cum the 3rd time, in fact u may be shooting blank. So far it works for him though i think not really a safe way to prevent pregnancy.
Bro jryjem, maybe ur friend got 3rd reason he never tell u. 3rd time can also last longer although if the sex is boring, also deflates super fast. :P Not saying bad things about ur friend, just sharing. But personally i dun like that method cos when 3rd round is "live firing", can be abit sian cos no more feel down there liao....
28-01-2014, 10:08 PM
No problem bro, i agree that is why i never do more than 2 time, in fact i dont enjoy the 2nd round too. It last longer but not sensitive, not shiok.:D
I prefer quality shot than quantity but since this method work for my frenz, it may be an option to explore for bros who are desperate to do raw with gf
Not saying bad things about ur friend, just sharing. But personally i dun like that method cos when 3rd round is "live firing", can be abit sian cos no more feel down there liao....
29-01-2014, 01:19 AM
I always fuck raw too . Also I enjoy cumming inside . It depends on who the girl is . When you kiss a girl and touch her , you can tell how green she is . If she's experienced , I would definitely use a condom . Glide your hands and fingers lightly across her skin, back, waist, and neck to see how sensitive she is to tell how green she is . When I cum inside , I will either go to see a doc with them the next day or let her tell me it's ok . I know a lot of people are scared of pregnancy , but if you wanna play this game, you gotta be prepared . Some girls I pick up know what i am, and they are still ok with that in going raw . Well , the Pill helps a lot
Just cum this is the way to success.
29-01-2014, 02:37 PM
Just cum this is the way to success.
Sounds legit. Did accidentally cum inside half way. Wonder Wonder if anything will happen.
30-01-2014, 06:21 AM
Anyone gf took plan B to prevent pregnancy after cum raw inside? i heard there are some side effect for taking the drug.
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