View Full Version : New Samster In here

22-08-2005, 11:41 AM
I noticed a trend of new samsters (Rep 10 Rep power : 0) posting FR in various HC joints saying how fantastic the WLs were. It led me to wonder are the FR genuine or not. Or are they being posted by stakeholder on the particular joint or whatever?

I am not against any new samster, but these FRs posted really dun contribute much to the info for reference resource, or perhap you are still new. Maybe can look back at the previous FR that are info rich...

Senior samster pls help to lookout for suspicious figures lurking around. Same like look out for suspicious baggage at the MRT station...kekeke

22-08-2005, 01:33 PM
i notice your rep points/power so what!!!??? i think you are discouraging your fellow junior samster from posting their experience. i not against you either. just thought that it's unfair to put such remarks on us. there are senior samster who has problems with their creditbility as well and so does that means that all senior samster FR can not be trusted as well??? i think chances of those with higher rep points/power could be a shareholder of certain TN promoting their services are higher chance than those junior samster but so what, so long as more information is share and bros here who believes and thus venture enjoy their time! i think thats VERY important!

i am sure you were once a samster with 10 rep points / 0 power when you first joined. so you should know better than all the junior ones what's the objective of this forum? you should know also that it's neither easy nor hard to gain points, you walk the walk before so why destroy and casts doubts on the road thats leads you to your rep/power points now??? so much for being a SENIOR!!???

have a nice day

be cool :cool:

22-08-2005, 01:49 PM
i think we all know if a FR is 2 good to be true.
thats where the Middle points bros go recce and then
affirm the report or debunk the reports.

but then sometimes also have to be carefull when posting.
because some of this 10Pts 0Power bros have War chest
backing. post something that might step on their tail
and they will zap you repeatedly.

what we can do is wait for bros to try and then FR.
but then there is also a trend now to only FR on a place
once bros are bored of it.. reason being.. dont want to
spoil your own playground.

just take everything with pinch of salt lor.
this is cyberspace. cant control everything.

22-08-2005, 02:04 PM
hehe, my posting ok or not?


22-08-2005, 02:22 PM
i am sure you were once a samster with 10 rep points / 0 power when you first joined. so you should know better than all the junior ones what's the objective of this forum? you should know also that it's neither easy nor hard to gain points, you walk the walk before so why destroy and casts doubts on the road thats leads you to your rep/power points now???

Ok just to clarify things a little.... previously there were no such things as Rep Points and Rep Power in this forum When it was implemented, most of the bros here got their rep points in accordance to the date they joined SBF. Rep power was introduced a bit later if I remembered correctly.

It was only recently that Rep points began to put relevance into this so-called senority of the samsters. There are a lot of samsters with low points and a lot with high pts. It really does not matter about the points but what they post.

In this issue, I agree with bro bowlingking - It's the content of their posts that matters and should not discourage new samsters from contributing. Everyone was a newbie once.

I believe bro vectra meant was some post submitted by new samsters that do the following:

1. Exaggerate the service or looks of the gals of a certain joint. XXX is 9/10 in looks and BJ is 9/10 too !! But when go there... see a 30s Ah Soh with rush-rush attitude !!

2. New Samsters who only seem to patronise one joint only and every post is about how good the joint is. A certain nic of a FAMOUS BIG APE comes to mind who was overly promoting one of the HCs when the stable of gals most likely Aunties & Lao Gohs but claim not SYTs !!

3. New Samsters who post such stupid Q like "what is HJ or BBBJ ?" or "can tell me which HC gal can do BBBJ or anal?" These new samsters are just too stupid or lazy to do some reading b4 posting. Still excusable once... but if they keep on repeating mistakes... then they becum a nuisance.

I dun think bro vectra is discouraging newbies from posting just saying look-out for people who might not be a true samster at heart who post with some ulterior motive. Hope that clears things up.

EPL-Mad Member of The League of Extra Horny Gentlemen

22-08-2005, 02:28 PM
well said chief optimus prime....a simple advice brudders which i picked up writing FRs and reading.... Bumblebee says good and informational FRs= Descriptive FR. So no only the FR is a good information resource and as well as erotic story for brudders to pcc... 5 cents worth

22-08-2005, 02:29 PM
To All New Bros,

Read the various stickies in each thread (FL, Health Centre KTV, Geylang etc) It helps to give you a foothold and guidance on some of the dos and duns of Sammyboy.

I know most are desperate to post their first reply or thread but it helps to just read up a bit. Especially all the stickies in the newbies section... I've seen thru most and it really reflects on lots of the common mistakes that newbies make in SBF.

So all new bros... pls read up the stickies !! And then come in and DAZZLE us with your Field Report (FR) on the pussy *meow* you've conquered !! heheh... :D

EPL-Mad Member of The League of Extra Horny Gentlemen

22-08-2005, 02:34 PM
Ok just to clarify things a little.... previously there were no such things as Rep Points and Rep Power in this forum When it was implemented, most of the bros here got their rep points in accordance to the date they joined SBF. Rep power was introduced a bit later if I remembered correctly.

Errr... When it was implemented, everyone started off with 10 points but the reputation power differ. The rep power was based on date joined, number of posts etc.

22-08-2005, 02:38 PM
Errr... When it was implemented, everyone started off with 10 points but the reputation power differ. The rep power was based on date joined, number of posts etc.
Not fair leh, my rep pt always kanna zap cos i TCSS :D

22-08-2005, 02:44 PM
Not fair leh, my rep pt always kanna zap cos i TCSS

Wa lau, u are so bothered with points meh? :rolleyes:

Then u go and ask DNAT how he got such high points. Heard that he BBBJ-ed Sam. :D

22-08-2005, 02:46 PM
Wa lau, u are so bothered with points meh?
Then u go and ask DNAT how he got such high points. Heard that he BBBJ-ed Sam.
Read my signature.

On DNAT, didn't know he so "up" level eh :D

22-08-2005, 02:48 PM
Then u go and ask DNAT how he got such high points. Heard that he BBBJ-ed Sam. :D
bro wpp, you gonna get zapped mighty big time from him for that :eek:

22-08-2005, 02:50 PM
Errr... When it was implemented, everyone started off with 10 points but the reputation power differ. The rep power was based on date joined, number of posts etc.
The bold item ... no more liao ...
if not, lim peh sure got rep power of 50 liao loh - look at my number of postings ... :D

22-08-2005, 02:52 PM
The bold item ... no more liao ...
if not, lim peh sure got rep power of 50 liao loh - look at my number of postings ... :D
ya bolzzz...
dun play play hor..... :D

22-08-2005, 02:53 PM
The bold item ... no more liao ...
if not, lim peh sure got rep power of 50 liao loh - look at my number of postings ...
Rep point got free gift har? If not where got impt! :rolleyes:

22-08-2005, 03:03 PM
Rep point got free gift har? If not where got impt! :rolleyes:

Its not important ... its for FUN :)

22-08-2005, 03:05 PM
Its not important ... its for FUN :)
Ya hor ... Your good friend always say: "Talk = Free one" ... :rolleyes:

22-08-2005, 03:08 PM
Then u go and ask DNAT how he got such high points. Heard that he BBBJ-ed Sam

I ask SAM the other day abt this and he smile.

If you 2 really got lam par, go start a new thread and ask SAM to post his FR lah ... :D

22-08-2005, 03:10 PM
If you 2 really got lam par, go start a new thread and ask SAM to post his FR lah ...
Actually we're waiting for your FR. 13K+ posts and 0 FR. Quite eh sai leh. :rolleyes:

22-08-2005, 03:19 PM
Actually we're waiting for your FR. 13K+ posts and 0 FR. Quite eh sai leh. :rolleyes:
wat FR you want ... 两 朵 玫 瑰 花 刺 青 在 胸 脯 's FR ... ai mai? :D

22-08-2005, 03:20 PM
The bold item ... no more liao ...
if not, lim peh sure got rep power of 50 liao loh - look at my number of postings ... :D

Do you know what does it mean by 'was'? :rolleyes:

22-08-2005, 03:23 PM
wat FR you want ... 两 朵 玫 瑰 花 刺 青 在 胸 脯 's FR ... ai mai?
两 朵 玫 瑰 花 hilang chapter bisa tak? :D
atau gua apa salah chapter pun bisa.

22-08-2005, 03:24 PM
Do you know what does it mean by 'was'?
WAS, WPP ---> you 2 related? :D

22-08-2005, 03:28 PM
WAS, WPP ---> you 2 related? :D

I never get associated with someone who BBBJ just because of points. :p

22-08-2005, 03:32 PM
I never get associated with someone who BBBJ just because of points.
Maybe with the points can go GL exchange for free bonks, like those loyalty reward programmes :D

22-08-2005, 03:41 PM
Sigh, another discussion about rep points and its relevance to whether a samster can be trusted...

I miss the old days where we could make a decision as to the relevance of an FR by either first reading it thoroughly and then go recce or attack the objective.

Nowadays it seems a samster with no rep points and power is not to be believed because he has not done enough work or put in enough effort posting of photos, made lots of friends via TCSS (subtle), cut and paste stories from other websites, etc.

I kinda like to see new FRs by new samsters as they provide new perspectives to what I sometimes feel jaded and some samsters even couldn't be bothered keying in the stats, instead they take the stats and cut and paste from other's posts (purely my observation). Of course some are sheer bullshit (then again I've seen bullshit FRs from more experienced and senior samsters), but hey that's what makes this forum fun, to be able to escape minutes or hours at ends to look at the world (of sex) around us and forget the mortgage, car loans, credit card debts for those periods.

To all old and new samsters out there, please be truthful about FRs, cos a lot of samsters here not like some who are very rich, you overkill an FR and make people waste their hard earned cash.

But most importantly, we have two eyes (many singaporeans got 4), but add them together, the mass is much less than that of the brain. Meaning, read everything here and if you want to use the FRs to make informed decisions, then don't just rely on what you see, cos FRs are not WYSIWYG, but rather need the tissues in your brain to analyse before making that decision to part with your hard earned money.

The only thing I seem thankful about my rep power (forget the points, can't be bothered with it as it bears no relevance) because it seems 7 points will give me lots of contacts for FLs, WL gems, etc. These 7 points I give in return for 8 digits (phone number) of pleasure.


Just my 2 satang's worth...

22-08-2005, 03:47 PM
I believe bro vectra meant was some post submitted by new samsters that do the following:

1. Exaggerate the service or looks of the gals of a certain joint. XXX is 9/10 in looks and BJ is 9/10 too !! But when go there... see a 30s Ah Soh with rush-rush attitude !!

2. New Samsters who only seem to patronise one joint only and every post is about how good the joint is. A certain nic of a FAMOUS BIG APE comes to mind who was overly promoting one of the HCs when the stable of gals most likely Aunties & Lao Gohs but claim not SYTs !!

I dun think bro vectra is discouraging newbies from posting just saying look-out for people who might not be a true samster at heart who post with some ulterior motive. Hope that clears things up.

Hi all Samsters,
Accept my apology if this post offended you. As I stated in my initial post, there are instance I saw in some thread about WLs or joints coming up and it’s good. But it turn out otherwise.

I still like this forum years back where FR are more truthful. I was shown to many wonderful places by helpful bro here. These days it’s flooded with inaccurate info and my guess was there stakeholder of joints/WLs promoting here. On and off new samsters with M (moderated) kept posting at a particular WLs or joints.

I do not have any means to belittle any bro with 0 rep whatever. Afterall the bigger the group, the merrier the joints to explore. But new names keep pushing the less popular to the top really shows something fishy. Don’t you think so? At least for so old samster, you can click on is nick and “show all post” that he posted. New samster practically cannot…

A few good example is TN joint where some say HJ free, then turn out –neg. You will know what I mean if you just look at the current 1st page. Anyway I rest my case. ;)

22-08-2005, 03:55 PM
I miss the old days where we could make a decision as to the relevance of an FR by either first reading it thoroughly and then go recce or attack the objective.

Nowadays it seems a samster with no rep points and power is not to be believed because he has not done enough work or put in enough effort posting of photos, made lots of friends via TCSS (subtle), cut and paste stories from other websites, etc.

Bro farark, you noticed the diff too rite :) Old days FRs were so "choon" (accurate). Target locate instantly and went out to attack...kekeke

Now there lot's of promotion and TCSS. I even have to read many TCSS to find real info... ;)

22-08-2005, 04:12 PM
Bro farark, you noticed the diff too rite :) Old days FRs were so "choon" (accurate). Target locate instantly and went out to attack...kekeke

Now there lot's of promotion and TCSS. I even have to read many TCSS to find real info...

Having a better understanding of what you meant earlier now.

I still don't know about how choon FRs were then as opposed to now. Probably now the hit rate lower cos too many people in the forum with differing views and likes/dislikes.

Only good thing is nowadays, I seem to have found common ground with many bros into MILF, something sadly lacking in the old days.

Just my 2 satang's worth... :D

22-08-2005, 04:28 PM
I noticed a trend of new samsters (Rep 10 Rep power : 0) posting FR in various HC joints saying how fantastic the WLs were. It led me to wonder are the FR genuine or not. Or are they being posted by stakeholder on the particular joint or whatever?

Of course some are sheer bullshit (then again I've seen bullshit FRs from more experienced and senior samsters)

Old days FRs were so "choon" (accurate). Target locate instantly and went out to attack...kekeke

Now there lot's of promotion and TCSS. I even have to read many TCSS to find real info...

Yes, I agree to all the above. However, there is also a tendency that once a zhoon FR is written, the followings are observed:

1. target subject (the char bor) sure form a long quene and her free slots become lesser.
2. her perfromance level deteoriates cos either got more customers on her side or she found a customer better than you or me in all terms.
3. some de-seow-seow cheongsters either criticise/find faults on her, run her tips, give her unwarranted troubles instead of focusing on the sex deal.
4. some samsters even go to the extend of using your good intentions FR to launch a 'must give her good image so step on you' attack.

The above 4 examples illustrate my reason for not giving any FRs :rolleyes:

22-08-2005, 04:30 PM
The above 4 examples illustrate my reason for not giving any FRs
Your reason not valid, cos no one know where and how to find your target. :rolleyes:

22-08-2005, 04:31 PM
I used to spend valuable time reading up FR after FR. Now is TCSS, TCSS….. then FR. A bit waste of time reading thru it. Hard to grab info Just in time of need too.

Many ppl or not, common ground or not, I believe if they understood what is focal point (which is accurate FR) is then it can be turn better. It’s quality and not quantity that counts.

22-08-2005, 04:38 PM
Your reason not valid, cos no one know where and how to find your target.
Where else? look at my location column ... you dun tell me you duno where is Planet or Pacifc hor ... hiak 3 ;)

22-08-2005, 04:49 PM
If I do remember correctly, the previous forum (Delphi forum) was setup to provide FR(Field Report) on the good service provided by WLs. This is to save every bros’ $ammo wasted on lousy WLs. Then the forum moved to here.

Seem like it become a promotional ground for individuals, for joints, WLs in TN, cyber-OKT or whatever. Yes, it hit the critical mass of ready customers here easily. And I dun mind seeing it here, but by changing new nick to keep the joints up the top of page make it a nuisance.

I rather have accurate FR than nonsense promoting… Sorry if I +++ too much :rolleyes:

22-08-2005, 04:51 PM
Take the Koo-Kee yong tau foo for example .. 5-6 years ago, they only operate a stall at people's park food centre. The food items were hand-made and they serve right up to your table.

After several food critic / gourmet experts gave them 5 stars on their stall, the owner began to franchise may branches, have a centralised factory where machines were installed to prepare/process their food items.

Now you go and taste their yong tau foo and see ... :D
It sucks .. compared to 5-6 years ago

My point is - once its publicised and more ppl knows about it (in this case, its SB forum itself), you will never get the same good old taste.

22-08-2005, 04:58 PM
Seem like it become a promotional ground for individuals, for joints, WLs in TN, cyber-OKT or whatever. Yes, it hit the critical mass of ready customers here easily. And I dun mind seeing it here, but by changing new nick to keep the joints up the top of page make it a nuisance.

Orh ... you mean the samster who might be the owner or have stake in the biz try to promote their joint by creating inaccurate FRs in SB?

Bro, nothing much we can do :(

22-08-2005, 05:12 PM
Orh ... you mean the samster who might be the owner or have stake in the biz try to promote their joint by creating inaccurate FRs in SB?

Bro, nothing much we can do :(

Dats why verbal FRs are always the best. At least we know who we told it to or hear it from. Also, this would definitely solve if not, minimised the chances of the senarios (4 problems illustrated by you) happening. ;)

22-08-2005, 05:14 PM
I used to spend valuable time reading up FR after FR. Now is TCSS, TCSS….. then FR. A bit waste of time reading thru it. Hard to grab info Just in time of need too.

Many ppl or not, common ground or not, I believe if they understood what is focal point (which is accurate FR) is then it can be turn better. It’s quality and not quantity that counts.

and... how much have you contributed in SB then? how many FL contacts, how many FRs, how many HC or TN have you introduced to bros here?

take it easy. this is not exactly the straits times.

22-08-2005, 05:31 PM
Where else? look at my location column ... you dun tell me you duno where is Planet or Pacifc hor ... hiak 3 ;)
Your location outdated cos you hardly go Pacific nowadays.

22-08-2005, 07:20 PM
If I do remember correctly, the previous forum (Delphi forum) was setup to provide FR(Field Report) on the good service provided by WLs. This is to save every bros’ $ammo wasted on lousy WLs. Then the forum moved to here.

Seem like it become a promotional ground for individuals, for joints, WLs in TN, cyber-OKT or whatever. Yes, it hit the critical mass of ready customers here easily. And I dun mind seeing it here, but by changing new nick to keep the joints up the top of page make it a nuisance.

I rather have accurate FR than nonsense promoting… Sorry if I +++ too much But but but sometimes a bit tcss here and there makes the forum more lively mah. For example bro groo or bro Optimus prime has this humor tat many a times i @@ thier post just makes me luff and smile. its a good way to start a new day wor. everyday @@ so many nose-bleeding FRs oso not good for health oso kekekeke may die of "lossing too much blood" kekeke

Furthermore i believe most bros here hve 1 or 2 regular gals so theres no point in writing FRs on them over and over again wor... those Angpais oso the same. so many Frs on them liao ler.

But wat worries me most is sometimes when u write a FR with some special "treatment" on a WL tat u get hor, Theres bound to hve a handful of bros who go demand it from the WL too!!!! causing inconvience to them. which is why some bros will just write a brief FR instead of a detail one. Im one of the example as i will normally skip away some and oni write those SOPs tat most bros will get. as i kerna b4. so just to play safe.

Just my 2 cents worth hope u dun mind.

cheers, HCC

23-08-2005, 01:24 AM
Ok just to clarify things a little.... previously there were no such things as Rep Points and Rep Power in this forum When it was implemented, most of the bros here got their rep points in accordance to the date they joined SBF. Rep power was introduced a bit later if I remembered correctly.

It was only recently that Rep points began to put relevance into this so-called senority of the samsters. There are a lot of samsters with low points and a lot with high pts. It really does not matter about the points but what they post.

In this issue, I agree with bro bowlingking - It's the content of their posts that matters and should not discourage new samsters from contributing. Everyone was a newbie once.

I believe bro vectra meant was some post submitted by new samsters that do the following:

1. Exaggerate the service or looks of the gals of a certain joint. XXX is 9/10 in looks and BJ is 9/10 too !! But when go there... see a 30s Ah Soh with rush-rush attitude !!

2. New Samsters who only seem to patronise one joint only and every post is about how good the joint is. A certain nic of a FAMOUS BIG APE comes to mind who was overly promoting one of the HCs when the stable of gals most likely Aunties & Lao Gohs but claim not SYTs !!

3. New Samsters who post such stupid Q like "what is HJ or BBBJ ?" or "can tell me which HC gal can do BBBJ or anal?" These new samsters are just too stupid or lazy to do some reading b4 posting. Still excusable once... but if they keep on repeating mistakes... then they becum a nuisance.

I dun think bro vectra is discouraging newbies from posting just saying look-out for people who might not be a true samster at heart who post with some ulterior motive. Hope that clears things up.

EPL-Mad Member of The League of Extra Horny Gentlemen

Hi There

I believe I am quite senior here in terms of date of registration, however, it does not seems that rep points are earn also base on seniority. I do admit that I am more of a reader than contributor. Because of my rep points/power is so low, it seems that I could hardly get any contact nor good private recommendation from brothers here. I hope that all senior brothers here can help me boost up my rep points and I promise that I will start contributing good FRs. BTW, not too sure who deducted my points as I bekive I have never posted anything offensive in anyway, sigh....

Ok, will do my first contribution in the Simon Road thread.

Thanks in advance.

23-08-2005, 05:21 AM
Hi There

I believe I am quite senior here in terms of date of registration, however, it does not seems that rep points are earn also base on seniority. I do admit that I am more of a reader than contributor. Because of my rep points/power is so low, it seems that I could hardly get any contact nor good private recommendation from brothers here. I hope that all senior brothers here can help me boost up my rep points and I promise that I will start contributing good FRs. BTW, not too sure who deducted my points as I bekive I have never posted anything offensive in anyway, sigh....

Ok, will do my first contribution in the Simon Road thread.

Thanks in advance.

same here man..im more of a reader then contributor..always wanted to write some FRs..but realize ang moh not so good..when the mood comes up to write on the FRs..i always come out short all of sudden..just dunno how to write...lan lan give up..
promise myself that i will write a gd FR everytime i bang a good one..
Yanti aka the maid
Grace frm Sasha Spa
Freda n Sophie 3 some experience(tho i only get to bonk Freda tat day)
n my bro Minahktvsiao whom bring me into the world of minah wild orgies :D
in the end..i didnt write any..does this means that we have low reputation = cant be trusted?
my point got deducted too..but i dun give a fark...lolz

23-08-2005, 07:28 AM
Hi There

I believe I am quite senior here in terms of date of registration. BTW, not too sure who deducted my points as I bekive I have never posted anything offensive in anyway, sigh....

Date of registration doesn't count for seniority. And u dare to spell out ur date of registration when u don't even know the simple rules set by the moderator = DO NOT quote the whole post !? Go read the rules in the newbie section again...senior... :D

PS : I'm not the one who deduct ur pts.

23-08-2005, 09:08 AM
and... how much have you contributed in SB then? how many FL contacts, how many FRs, how many HC or TN have you introduced to bros here?

take it easy. this is not exactly the straits times.

I do contribute on on off when I have visit new joint or WLs. There's samsters here who came in and write short msg "everytime". :cool:

Agree this not Strait Times, but this is not kopitiam too...

23-08-2005, 09:17 AM
But wat worries me most is sometimes when u write a FR with some special "treatment" on a WL tat u get hor, Theres bound to hve a handful of bros who go demand it from the WL too!!!! causing inconvience to them. which is why some bros will just write a brief FR instead of a detail one. Im one of the example as i will normally skip away some and oni write those SOPs tat most bros will get. as i kerna b4. so just to play safe.

Bro, frankly speaking I posted quite some post at Bugis HC. But I realised many postings there are TCSS that make that thread moved up to the top. Pages of TCSS that you have to scroll back for couples page to read a geninue FR... :(

Detailed content leading to inconvience of WLs is another issue. This should be same category as service standard.

23-08-2005, 09:33 AM
I do contribute on on off when I have visit new joint or WLs. There's samsters here who came in and write short msg "everytime". :cool:


Bro, u r talking abt me? One question for the senior, if gals asked me not to tell others what happened in d TN and I promised. Do you think I should post their FL? :cool:

23-08-2005, 09:34 AM
I ask SAM the other day abt this and he smile.

With the big grin or tongue skicking out? :p

23-08-2005, 09:40 AM
Bro, u r talking abt me? One question for the senior, if gals asked me not to tell others what happened in d TN and I promised. Do you think I should post their FL? :cool:

Writing FRs are for sharing of personal experiences, info on girls. Good or bad FRs are all welcome in here. If you have promised the gals not to reveal abit elsewhere, of course priority is to respect the gal's decision. :)

I think as regards to any samster's credibility, it's up to individual to believe or not. Just treat those suspicious one as your daily reading pleasure hor.

23-08-2005, 10:18 AM
Wah Liao !! :eek:

now this thread become a...

Senior vs Junior


Short FR vs Detailed FR

I thought the main issue was whether ppl post "real" or "fake" FR. This is just to discourage any potential owner of TN or HC coming out and posing as a samster to post "very good" FRs on their joint. If you really want to do it... be like Bro Aikon... at least he's HONEST abt opening a TN shop and bros here appreciate HONESTY above all else !!

Check out some dis-honest dealings in this thread - classic case of "dishonest FRS"

As for the TCSS vs FR ... there will always be PROs and CONs. I myself like to TCSS but dun accuse me of not posting FRs cus I assure you I do post FRs as and when I try out any new gems !! Now even post FRs on old gems to keep the FRs updated. There will always be TCSS... dun think the regular-posting bros here have so much $$ to try out new gems everyday. Here is where the new samsters come in... read up on which gal u like... go try them and write an HONEST FR on your experience (every experience is different... and so a fresh view is always welcum)

Note: For new samsters... just dun add the words "please up me if you like my report" at the end of your FR. If your FR is good... dun worry you will get the points in due time.

Senior vs Junior
I think the matter of senority is not so prevalent in the HC,KTV thread as there is limited interaction btw samsters here. Unlike in the FL thread , over here the seniors or regular FL-cheongsters will be more cautious when giving ppl some of the FL contacts. why ?? just read up on this thread and u will know...

Guy run off w/o paying WL - http://forum.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?t=42062

Forcing WL to CIM (sky) & rough treatment (eve) - http://forum.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?t=37093&page=13&pp=15

MUST READ!! And the WORST of the lot slapping & strangling a WL (sarah) - http://forum.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?t=38876&page=6&pp=15&highlight=Slapped%23post1094608

Read up on this and you will know why it's so hard for newbies to get contacts sometimes. I know it's unfair to you as the BAD APPLES are only a select few but some bros prefer the safe way to protect the FLs. However, saying this... a few notable bros are always willing to lend newbies a hand by passing out FL contacts. Serve a while and you will easily spot these bros. Try out their FLs and post FRs. After sometime, ppl will recognise you are a geniuine cheongster and getting contacts will be easy.

Bro cuteboy is one good example... I think he single-handely tried every SG FL that pops out and always post his FRs promptly and his FRs are oso simple and to the point. He does not have high rep pts and rep power and yet he manages to get contacts everytime, why ?? better PM him to ask his secret.

Rooting for Superstar Kelvin Member of The League of EXTRA Horny Gentlemen

23-08-2005, 10:25 AM
Agree this not Strait Times, but this is not kopitiam too...

hahaha... this is a good one... :D

23-08-2005, 10:40 AM
Wah Liao !! :eek:

now this thread become a...

[SIZE=4]Senior vs Junior


[B]Rooting for Superstar Kelvin Member of The League of EXTRA Horny Gentlemen

Labelled you as sniffing detective is not phony hor. :)

23-08-2005, 10:49 AM
Labelled you as sniffing detective is not phony hor.

what sniffing !??!?

Careful of my "Da Gou Kun Fa" (Beat Dog Staff Skill) :D

I wanna be know for my "Liu Mai Sheng Qian" and "Yi Yang Zhi" and not for my sniffing leh... :(

Rooting for Superstar Kelvin Member of The League of EXTRA Horny Gentlemen

23-08-2005, 10:54 AM
what sniffing !??!?

Careful of my "Da Gou Kun Fa" (Beat Dog Staff Skill) :D

I wanna be know for my "Liu Mai Sheng Qian" and "Yi Yang Zhi" and not for my sniffing leh...

Rooting for Superstar Kelvin Member of The League of EXTRA Horny Gentlemen

Haha paiseh paiseh, wonder whether can I use your six pulse god sword on my meimei or not? Keke~ Wah you think 华山论剑 again? :)

23-08-2005, 10:54 AM
I never expect some much interest generated from this thread. Generally there are more and more divide. Kekeke

Promo Vs Geninue Info
Senior Vs Junior
Old Vs Young
the list go on huh…

23-08-2005, 10:59 AM
Writing FRs are for sharing of personal experiences, info on girls. Good or bad FRs are all welcome in here. If you have promised the gals not to reveal abit elsewhere, of course priority is to respect the gal's decision. :)

I think as regards to any samster's credibility, it's up to individual to believe or not. Just treat those suspicious one as your daily reading pleasure hor.

Yeah, agree with you and Bro Optimus. Genuine sharing is a virtue and SBF spirit is essential. So, no need to waste bullet. :D

23-08-2005, 11:02 AM
I never expect some much interest generated from this thread. Generally there are more and more divide Kekeke

Promo Vs Geninue Info
Senior Vs Junior
Old Vs Young

No... No... DIVIDE is no Good !! :(

Addition is good !! (Add one dick to one mouth equal happy samster)

Or Multiply oso good (one boyx2 girls = 3some, two boys x two girls=4 some, three boysx3 girls = ORGY !!)

So kids, pls know DIVIDE is no good !! End of Lesson today..heehee.. :D

Rooting for Superstar Kelvin Member of The League of EXTRA Horny Gentlemen

23-08-2005, 11:07 AM
No... No... DIVIDE is no Good !! :(

Addition is good !! (Add one dick to one mouth equal happy samster)

Or Multiply oso good (one boyx2 girls = 3some, two boys x two girls=4 some, three boysx3 girls = ORGY !!)

So kids, pls know DIVIDE is no good !! End of Lesson today..heehee.. :D

Rooting for Superstar Kelvin Member of The League of EXTRA Horny Gentlemen

Bro, just asking did you able to satisfy Bro SC's request?

23-08-2005, 11:11 AM
No... No...DIVIDE is no Good !!

Bro OP,
Lim Peh trying to ask for lesser TCSS, you try to make more... :D
Lim Peh juz say divide, you TCSS add, mult, sub...how about "power" for u? hehehe

Seriously it's boring. Instead of extracting info, you get more TCSS ;)

23-08-2005, 11:50 AM
A great piece of work (FR) needs to be appreciated so that it will not go unnoticed. That's why we should not jump on the gun pointing a newbie's FR as a fictitious one. Try putting ourselves in the newbie shoes when he was just out to share.

Similarly, on the other hand, I'm not suggesting we should blindly follow FRs written by newbies. Afterall, this is a registration free forum. Therefore, no one knows whether he/she is the boss of that shop until we get to know him/her better.

If every situation is a win-win case, we need not crack our heads over at all. So why not we keep our comments at bay until it's proven?

23-08-2005, 12:02 PM
A great piece of work (FR) needs to be appreciated so that it will not go unnoticed. That's why we should not jump on the gun pointing a newbie's FR as a fictitious one. Try putting ourselves in the newbie shoes when he was just out to share.

Just wanna add when I was a newbie myself. I posted my first FR on May and Winnie on BHC thread. Wah then I was so excited and gave really high scores on the service level ofthe WL. Cus realli no means of comparing mah... just started cheonging... so sometimes the high scores can be forgiven if it's really their first commercial fuck.

Wah...first time gal kiss my nipples, lick my balls, perform AR !! Sure give 9s and 10s for score mah !! :D

Rooting for Superstar Kelvin Member of The League of EXTRA Horny Gentlemen

Jacky Wu
23-08-2005, 12:04 PM
Me the thinking is someware along the linen of 哇!怕怕
Evey the thing take wit leetle bite of salt.....

Like movie mah.....b the lilector new or old, if the lilector make a good filem then people the will trust him more in the future so got budget lar, got actor want to act lar
But if the lilector always the no change the soup or the soup get the no good lar, who will trust the him? Throw money to the him make movie??

Most the important hor - the beginning must b good lar if not sure die die 1

23-08-2005, 01:17 PM
Hi everyone,

My 2 cent worths :

I believe that most of the FR is true, but if it is a fake after a few bros recce the result will tell whether it is true of fake. The easy thing to tell is face, look, body. You can lie about this stats, but a more difficult task is the act itself which is difficult to justify.

Like how do you justified a BBBJ 9/10 , if a 16 year old kid have sex once or twice in a year, just ask any WL to give him a BBBJ , he will give a 10/10 score. Give the same WL to a 30 yr sexually active guy who have sex 3 time a week, he might give only 6/10. So, it would depend on the person whose sex activities can affect his judgment, thus sometime seem too good to be true. By experience, when my very first time calling a hooker (Geylang CAT 40), her BJ was heavenly , if I would give a FR that time, it will be 9/10 . but today I know that I would only give her a 5/10.

I follow some FR and went on to find the same lady, but the result seem so different from describe. So I came to understand this

So it is alway one man meat is another man poison. The intend was not to mislead, but because that is my type of meat.

23-08-2005, 11:37 PM
Hi There

I believe I am quite senior here in terms of date of registration, however, it does not seems that rep points are earn also base on seniority. I do admit that I am more of a reader than contributor. Because of my rep points/power is so low, it seems that I could hardly get any contact nor good private recommendation from brothers here. I hope that all senior brothers here can help me boost up my rep points and I promise that I will start contributing good FRs. BTW, not too sure who deducted my points as I bekive I have never posted anything offensive in anyway, sigh....

Ok, will do my first contribution in the Simon Road thread.

Thanks in advance.

Err... Hope you brothers out there don't misunderstand the intention of my post. I am NOt asking for compassionate rep points or asking to be given points just because of my registration data. Its really alright for me whatever the rep points is or whoever deleted my points, I am perfectly alright with that. In fact, like I have said in my previous post, I am embarass to have such low points because of my poor contribution and I will start posting after all these years of reading.... Anyway, whatever my rep point will be, I will continue to give rating IMHO. whether you award or detect points is solely up to the individual, I am not concern on that. In all my future post, I will not even mention about point at all cos is really not important. Hope all bro have fun out there and please disregard my post if you think I am talking nonsense.

Cheers !

24-08-2005, 12:44 AM
Hi all bros and seniors here,

Actually I also dunno should i be addressed senior (cos from delphi forum already joined sammyboy) or junior as I've just joined. Anyway is not important.

I agreed with all the bros here that voice their concern. Each hv their point of views. I dunno whether u guys remembered the bishan bomb sheltered massage centre? (can't remember the name liao). The frs posted was so gd that me and my friend went down to try. It turn out to be old hags, lousy service, rundown environment. They even dare to ask us for special. Cos we already paid for the massage so just finished and fxxx off from there. After which I quickly post and fxx the bugger up. and he seems to disappear from then on.

Actually why dun we setup a look out team. Pin point those bad frs and the nick as well. At least this will put them off n save bros monies also. For a start, I found out that the boss of BJ actually post a false fr under BJ Spa. Cos post says this gal can suck n got HJ, JG. But when I call up they say no such person around. How i know? Cos i frequent traditional thai massage. I always go BJ at geyland there but not the one at smith st.

I hope i can be of help to this thread.

Cheers to all bros :)