View Full Version : Turkey - Turkish Republic Of Northern Cyprus (KIBRIS) / Istanbul

19-01-2014, 02:58 PM
Hi, everyone, greetings from Ankara, Turkey,
i will share with you some mongering scene of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus ; Cyprus is islands on mediterrean just below the Turkey,island has two part North is Turkish part, south is Greek part.



before reading take a look at this facebook albums covers 200 photos from North Cyprus (KIBRIS) to see how it looks like : http://on.fb.me/IKRoYP

i visited Girne , Magusa, Guzelyurt, and Lefkose . Northern Cyprus is also a famous place for gamblers, many casinos at every hotel.
no need to go to East Europe countries for mongering you can also visit Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus where you can enjoy many beautiful young EE girls and cheaper prices. Hotels are cheap, renting car is cheap, girls variety is good, prostituion is legal, mediterrean weather is great.and there are everyday cheap flights from Istanbul and Ankara.
thats why so many Turks go to North Cyprus on holidays .

i can say that beauty, prices and services of the girls are really great compare to other countries.

there are many nice clubs which you can find many beautiful Eastern European girls inside(mainly moldova,bulgaria, romania and ukraine plus some central asians and africans). most of the girls are around 20-25 yearsold.
I could not see any ripoff clubs , it is hassles free clubs and the girls are tested for STD’s each week, All in all the authorities seem to take a very liberal and pragmatic approach to our hobby .
most famous and best line-up are Biyax (http://www.biyaxnightclub.net ), Playboy (http://www.playboy-club.org/en/ ), Lipstick (http://www.lipsticknightclub.com ),Harem,Crazy, Imparator,Titanic, Prenses,GoldenGirl, Sexy Lady (http://www.sexyladynightclub.com ) Mexico...

There are two ways to go about getting a girl.
Most of the nightclubs are open during the day. You can turn up and ask to view the photo album of their girls.
You can select whichever one you want and if she is not on a program (more of this later) you can take her for an hour on their premises for between 100-150 TRY. 100 TRY is around 50 EURO.all nigth is about 300-400 TRY (around 200 Euro)

Morning programmes differ depending on the club. Generally in the Lapta cubs morning programmes are 11am till 4pm. Have taken girls from Maxim, Golden Girls, Prenses & Forplay on 11am-4pm programmes.

At the clubs near to Alaykoy, Eg Lipstick, Playboy, Biyax, Mexico etc generally they are 11am till 6pm. Mexico was 11am till 5.30pm last time I indulged.
The other way is to visit the clubs in the evening. They open around 8.30-9pm.

20-01-2014, 06:46 AM
here is the list of clubs :

Girne Area

Prenses - GuzelYali
Anemon - Guzelyali
Avsar ( sarı taşlar ) - Guzelyali
Avsar 2 - Alsancak
Zakkum 2 - Lapta
Ak2000 - Alsancak
GoldenGirl Motel - Alsancak
Club GoldenGirl - Girne Harbour Entrance
Mon Amor - After Passing Lapta while going to Guzelyali
Club Siena - Very Closed to Mon Amor club

GuzelYurt Area
Zakkum 1 - Omorfo
FiveStar - Omorfo
SingleHorse - Omorfo
WhiteHouse 1 - Lefke CukurGalif
BeyazSaray 1 - Lefke CukurGalif
WhiteHorse - Omorfo Entrance
FourStar - Omorfo Entrance
Irros - Lefke Entrance

Lefkoşe Area
club 2002 - At the center of Girne -Lefkoşee Mountain Road ( near Stonemine )
Mexico - Alaykoy
SexyLady - Alaykoy
LiPSTiCK - Alaykoy
Ronny - Alaykoy
Imparator 1 - Gonyeli
Imparator 2 - Alaykoy
Playboy - Alaykoy
Tropical ( Tropicana )- Alaykoy
Biyax - Alaykoy
SingleStar - Alaykoy
I like You - Hamitkoy
Malibu - Hamitkoy
Tutti Frutti - Gonyeli / Hamitkoy Road
Crazy Girl - Hamitkoy
Kingz Club - Hamitkoy ( between Crazy Girl )
Harem - Alaykoy
Harem Hanedan - Gonyeli

Magosa and Karpaz Area ( Famagusta City )

Hasan Baba ( 8 Mile Road )
HollyWood ( Karpaz Road )
Vazaro Club 1 ( Entrance of Famagusta )
Vazaro Club 2 ( Entrance of Karpaz )
Vazaro Suite Motel ( Karpaz Road )
White House 2 - Salamis Road
Beyaz Saray 2 - Salamis Road
Red Club - Center of Famagusta

here is a few photos from catalog of Lipstick club girls.

22-01-2014, 01:14 PM
Hi bro,
Have you tried any fl at Istanbul ? I am going to Istanbul soon.

03-09-2014, 02:02 PM

Will be going to Istanbul - Turkey next week:D

Any senior can share any experience there:confused:

08-11-2018, 08:51 PM
Hi bros!

Am traveling to the turkish part of Cyprus and Istanbul (2 nights each) and wondering what the worthwhile places to visit for mongering? I personally like to meet the lady first in a club or a pub talk shop and decide if I want to persue further. Don't enjoy the call escort to the hotel and straight away do the deed.

Any recommended places in both cities? Will be in Beyoglu in Istanbul and near the peir in Kyernia.

Am leaving next week.

09-11-2018, 05:47 AM
Hey bro , do they provide raw service?

11-01-2019, 06:12 PM
Hey bro , do they provide raw service?

LOL? It's up to individual by the way, no way can the pimp tell you. Anyway, there's plenty of casinos over there, you can find FL walking around and if you want some asian delicacies, there are plenty of PRC too.

Enjoy. =)

17-01-2019, 12:16 AM
We are going to Pernera, Cyprus in June 2018 and would love a trip into Northern Cyprus and Famagusta. Scunner, did you hire a car or did you go on an organised trip?

31-01-2019, 12:05 AM
We are going to Pernera, Cyprus in June 2018 and would love a trip into Northern Cyprus and Famagusta. Scunner, did you hire a car or did you go on an organised trip?

June 2018? Now is 2019.

Not too much going on in Northern Cyprus, best to head down to Cyprus (limasol, pahos or larnaca), you can get eastern europe or chinese WL.
And not much activity going on in nicosia.

Border crossing is relatively easy but tense, they will stamp on a piece of paper, do remember to keep that paper.

When you arrive to Cyprus, best to rent a car or you can take a minivan to the beach area, then change to taxi to go wherever you desire.

27-05-2019, 11:55 PM
Still worth a shot ?

07-06-2019, 03:16 PM
I am heading to Larnaca next week for a quick business trip (2d2n)

Can you advise what's the best approach?

Clubs? or just call the escorts to the room? Any suggestions and recommendation?

04-04-2023, 11:59 AM
Hi fellow seniors

Am going to Turkey for biz trip soon.
Any one got any fun lobangs to share?
Can’t seem to find any updated information here.


05-04-2023, 02:29 PM
Hi fellow seniors

Am going to Turkey for biz trip soon.
Any one got any fun lobangs to share?
Can’t seem to find any updated information here.


Plenty of Russian girls to play with. Local is hard to find

07-04-2023, 10:38 AM
How or where to find the Russian? What is the dmg like?

28-05-2023, 12:19 PM
How or where to find the Russian? What is the dmg like?

2k lira for 30min. I paid 7k lira for an overnight with a belarusian girl iirc. Picked her up in a nightclub in Sisli area

13-05-2024, 11:04 AM
Hi bros, i am going to istanbul soon, any experienced bro to share info such as freelane, or how to source etc?