View Full Version : GENERAL ALERT & WARNING TO ALL SAMSTERS!! Ps take a min of ya time to read!

02-09-2005, 02:56 AM
Hi all Bros, Samsters & Cheongsters,
tis is jus a general warning & alert in case, any of u still hv not known that there r a few RAIDS on HCs ard lately.

It dun take a rocket scientist to make out that the AVs r on the prowl these couple of mnths. Youth being the 1st to be raided somtime in July, followed by more recently L3, where 2/3 WLs hv been caught red handed. U dun need to scratch ya head n think too hard to guess which HC they'll mostly likely to pop by sometime soon. Esp since there r lots of Tui Nias popping up in fortune ctr.

So Bros, guess u'll hv to control a bit for tis few wks or mayb even a couple of mnths, while the AVs go bout doing their job. In case u really can't stand the urge, make an appointment wit Mrs Palmer & her 5 daughters. Here's a little help fm Bro OP, to make ya appointment wit Mrs Palmer & her 5 daughters more enjoyable!! :D


cheers :cool:

Words of wisdom::
RAW IS WAR!! Life is like a box of chocolate, u nvr noe wat u gonna get!! SO ALWAYS WEAR YA HELMETS/CAP BROS!!EVEN BBBJ MIGHT BE RISKY!!(not only for yaself, for the WL, n ya family as well!)SO CHEONG HAPPY!!CHEONG SAFETY!!CHEONG W/O ANY WORRIES!!

02-09-2005, 03:12 AM
PPC oso kerna raid recently too..... seems like gonna be quiet for a while.....

The "COLD MOUNTAIN" gonna be busy ler. :rolleyes:

02-09-2005, 03:15 AM
PPC oso kerna raid recently too..... seems like gonna be quiet for a while.....

The "COLD MOUNTAIN" gonna be busy ler. :rolleyes:

Dun worry Bro HC, my cave of "pleasure" up in Cold Turkey Mt is always open to all Bros of L.O.E.H.G.
....mmmm, mayb can try to focus n "c" wat is our gd old chief up to in KL thru my sex-solo-scope.......
cheers :cool: .....

02-09-2005, 03:21 AM
Dun worry Bro HC, my cave of "pleasure" up in Cold Turkey Mt is always open to all Bros of L.O.E.H.G.
....mmmm, mayb can try to focus n "c" wat is our gd old chief up to in KL thru my sex-solo-scope.......
cheers :cool: .....Foc one hor kekekekeke cos having a burn-out now leh kekekeke

02-09-2005, 03:26 AM
Foc one hor kekekekeke cos having a burn-out now leh kekekeke

Cold Turkey Mt is a "Free Trade" zone where got need to pay wan!!
Its for all Bros to R&R, mediate, aft all the hard 'enjoyments'!
cheers :cool:

02-09-2005, 01:57 PM
Bro DBono, fully agreed with u and I think better practise self control and store ammo before the next war. :)

02-09-2005, 04:41 PM
Don't mean to pour cold water on thread starter, but there will always be raids, no matter which time of the year it is. Our country being what it is, it goes with the territory.

To me, the frequency of raids depends on complaints. More complaints more raids, no complaints, then only the regular raids.

Cheers :)

02-09-2005, 04:48 PM
my cave of "pleasure" up in Cold Turkey Mt is always open to all Bros of L.O.E.H.G.
....mmmm, mayb can try to focus n "c" wat is our gd old chief up to in KL thru my sex-solo-scope.....

I am so DENSED !! Only today that I get the Joke about Mrs PALMer and her five daughters !! :rolleyes: PCC... and here I was thinking Mrs Palmer was someone real... *embrassed*

PPC oso kerna raid recently too..... seems like gonna be quiet for a while.....

The "COLD MOUNTAIN" gonna be busy ler.

Hmmm... Bro HCC.... I thinking of inviting the BJ Queen for a visit to Bro DBono's cave of pleasure. U interested ?? :D

Member of The League of ExTra HorNy GentleMEN

02-09-2005, 04:57 PM
Don't mean to pour cold water on thread starter, but there will always be raids, no matter which time of the year it is. Our country being what it is, it goes with the territory.

To me, the frequency of raids depends on complaints. More complaints more raids, no complaints, then only the regular raids.

Bro globetrotter, The verdict is still out on this one...

But what Bro DBono has done is state some facts. It may be related, it may not be related. But the information has been disseminated. It is now up to the individual what he intends to do with the information.

So to all bros, We are all adults here and most are also regular cheongsters, so do what you deem fit knowing what you know.

Cheers, Optimus Out.

Member of The League of ExTra HorNy GentleMEN

02-09-2005, 06:18 PM
Hmmm... Bro HCC.... I thinking of inviting the BJ Queen for a visit to Bro DBono's cave of pleasure. U interested ?? :D

Tat's a goodie idea leh!!! but maybe we dig another cave nearby and enjoy ourself 1st kekekekekeke :D

02-09-2005, 08:10 PM
I am so DENSED !! Only today that I get the Joke about Mrs PALMer and her five daughters !!... PCC... and here I was thinking Mrs Palmer was someone real...Heeheehee, me too! :p I only got it when bro-DBono mentioned her a 2nd time..... I bet many bros are still scratching their heads!

AV raids again - the Audio-Visual thrills of World Cup soccer is upon us again this weekend - so why are u people so fed up with the AVs?!?!?!? Bwahahahahahaha!!! :D

Cheers and Bet-ahhhhhhhhhh.......!!!

02-09-2005, 10:18 PM
Anyone seen any raids carried out? Can feedback the timing they usually raids? I usually think its usually noon to after dinner time, since thats the time where it is most crowded.

So is it safer to cheong HC after 9pm, coz im thinking at that time, less people and hence the AV will usually come at a time where its higher traffic so can catch them in the act. Any comments?

02-09-2005, 10:23 PM
Date i post this message: 02/09/05 1023pm

Well,anyone heard of the raids at JSP yesterday night?Around 9pm....The girls told me when i met them at a much later time....nowaday not many gers wants to work too early as raids has been constantly carried out during the daytime.That's the info i knew from yesterday..

02-09-2005, 10:29 PM
Just visited this minah TN in Fortune Ctr last week and this young Sarah who serviced me was good. Was just thinking of going back there again. But now I think will give it a miss :mad:

02-09-2005, 10:40 PM
Just visited this minah TN in Fortune Ctr last week and this young Sarah who serviced me was good. Was just thinking of going back there again. But now I think will give it a miss :mad:

Ahhh fortune center. There is this particular minah there thats pretty, figure is cream of the crop, good service and polite and have great boob and attitude. And she's also wallet friendly :D

03-09-2005, 07:07 PM
Ahhh fortune center. There is this particular minah there thats pretty, figure is cream of the crop, good service and polite and have great boob and attitude. And she's also wallet friendly :D

wonder if its the same girl. Cos this Sarah who serviced me was also pretty and service was tip top..... too bad , cannot go for time being .