View Full Version : Far Kor Sun Monkey God Temple 花果山福廣宫

20-02-2014, 08:08 PM
According the temple's caretaker http://wanbao.omy.sg/multimedia/vodcast/bai-nian-xiao-miao-2bai-ma-cheng-zi-mi-qiu-cai-dui-xiang-11351 , Far Kor Sun Monkey God Temple (Hua Guo Shan Fu Guang Gong) is close to a hundred years old. Founder Mr Lin Wei Lian was a famous medium (tangki) who started practicing mediumship at the age of nine. He came from a family of mediums.

A few plaques in the temple are dated 1959, which could be the year that the temple was renovated/rebuilt.

The temple is dedicated to the Monkey King (Qi Tian Da Sheng or Sun Wu Kong), and this is reflected in the temple's name Far Kor Sun (Hua Guo Shan in pinyin), literally means the Mountain of Flowers and Fruits, which is the home of the Monkey King.

Main Deity 主神:
1) Monkey King 齐天大圣Other temples with this as main deity

Other Deities 众神:
1) Jade Emperor (Yu Huang Da Di) 玉皇大帝
2) The Third Prince (Ne Zha) 莲花三太子哪吒
3) San Bao Fo Zu 三宝佛祖
4) Emperor Gan Tian 感天大帝
5) Goddess of Mercy( Guan Yin) 观音
6) Da Bo Gong (Tua Pek Kong) 大伯公
7) Sun God (Tai Yang Gong) 太阳公
8) Xuan Tian Shang Di 玄天上帝
9) Ji Gong 济公
10) Tua Li Ya Pek (Da Er Ye Bo) 大二爷伯
11) Tiger God 虎爷(下坛元帥)
12) Cheng Huang (City God) 城隍
13) Sakyamuni Buddha (Sage of the Sakya) 释迦牟尼
14) Commander of the Black Command (Hei Ling Jiang Jun) 黑令将军
15) Five Battalion Commanders (Wu Ying Shen Jiang) 五营神

Activities 活动:
1) Mon, Wed & Fri - Monkey King Consultation Services 齐天大圣救世
2) Fri - Tua Li Ya Pek (Da Er Ye Bo) Consultation Service大二伯救世

Address: 56 Marne Road Singapore 0820
Tel: 6294 6106
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Far-Kor-Sun-Monkey-God-Temple%E8%8A%B1%E6%9E%9C%E5%B1%B1%E7%A6%8F%E5%BB%A 3%E5%AE%AB/391291440996789

20-02-2014, 09:33 PM
Yes it is mine friend. A Taoist myself, forgive me this temple is not listed as one of our country iconic place of workshop. Mine feeling it is next to PT but it so happen this trip.

So there are processions over this weekend? Then I believe should be held after 7 pm. It is sad, again I repeat the new generations of girls and operators did not continue the tradition of manning the temple. Actually I feel the gods does protect PT and its people, but if the people (mostly Malaysian) give up. Then it is going to be more run down in 2014.

The fence up that's ex odd numbers houses, we are educated RLD seems to be attracting under world figures. I had seen PRC women in heavy make up, dressing up leaving her hostels. One time one was waiting for bus to GL outside the Indian temple I knew because she asked people at the bus stop for directions.

Mine KP nature told me, next trip I would walk behind those houses and, recede you guys know what? I am local which many of you know, I blend into the crowd of ordinary horny man. Yes! I am not surprise some day, a PRC woman will sell me sex pills.

I urge authority to monitor and manage the FTs living in it. Soon there may be incidents happening then I pray no locals are harm. Let the FTs screw themselves not our problems.

21-02-2014, 12:48 AM
In Taoism and Chinese Custom, on the 26th Day of Lunar 1 Month (農曆正月廿六日), is considered as the Day for Heavenly Marshal Zhao Gong Ming (趙公明大天君) aka Deity of Military Wealth, to Open the Three Realms Spiritual Wealth Coffer for All the Beings in the Mortal Realm.

On this Day, Taoists & Chinese will tend to visit Temples that dedicated to Zhao Gong Ming & his Assistants (五路財神) to request for the Blessing of Wealth & Good Lucks and also, Official Personnel will request for Blessing for the Country or Big Society.

For Year 2014, its falls on 25 Feb, a Tuesday.

What is the Story behind this Opening of Three Realms Wealth?

According to the Records of All Deities (三教搜神大全), after Zhao Gong Ming was being bestowed by Jade Emperor of Heaven (玉皇大天尊) as the Overall –in-charge of the Wealth for All Beings, he was also being appointed by Heavenly Master Zhang Dao Ling (張祖天師) to oversee All Doubts and Unsolved Issues that are associated with Wealth, etc (調解不平事宜。專治財務糾紛).

From then, since Sui Dynasty (隋朝), Taoists and Chinese had been Honouring Zhao Gong Ming as One of the Major Deities of Wealth and on 26th Day of Lunar 1st Month – which was said to be the Day that Zhao Gong Ming being appointed as the Overall-in-charge, Taoists and Chinese would honoured him, requesting Zhao Gong Ming to “Open” the Wealth Coffer for the Poor or Needy.

So when is the Best timing to pay respect to Heavenly Marshal Zhao Gong Ming?

For some Taoists & Chinese, they tend to start the honouring at Zi/Rat Hour (子時2300 Hours) but some can honoured Zhao Gong Ming at 9.00am in the Morning till Evening time (best before Sunset).

For Year 2014, the Best Timing is 11.08am (甲午馬年最佳乞財時間:中午十一時一刻).

So in Singapore, where can we pay respect to Heavenly Marshal Zhao Gong Ming?

新加坡供奉有趙玄壇公的廟宇 Here’re a few recommended Official Temples that oneself can visit:

Sembawang Cai Shen Temple (三巴旺財神廟) at Admiralty Road (in the Main Hall)

Jin Lan Temple (金蘭廟) at KimTian Road Tiong Bahra (at the Side Hall)

Tuas Pek Kong Temple (大士伯公宮) located at 118 Boon Lay Drive

So what are the Offerings that needed to prepare?

開財庫乞財所需供品 Here are the suggested items:

1 - One set of Mandarins (5 quantities 大桔五粒)

2 - One set of Chinese Tea Leaves & Traditional Cookies (Jian He 餞盒糖果一盤)

3 - One set of Cai Shen Incense-paper (optional 財神金)

4 - One set of Cai Shen Robe (in Red Color 紅色財神袍)

5 - One set of Incense (not to short, medium length will be best - more than 48cm 富貴長壽香)

6 - One Huat Kueh (發糕)

7 - Five Ancient Coins or The Five Emperors Coins (五個銅錢或五帝錢)

8 - One Red Packet (一個新紅包)

9 - One set of Red Candles (一對斗燭/紅燭)

After getting ready All the Offerings, visit any of the Temples and place All the Offerings on the Altar that dedicated to Heavenly Marshal Zhao Gong Ming (到達廟宇後﹐將一切供品擺於供案上).

Upon completing the placing of the Offerings, proceed to pay respect to the Main Deities in the Temple and last, proceed to the Altar for Zhao Gong Ming (先敬天地眾神後﹐在向趙玄壇公祈福).

Sincerely light the Long Incense, make 3 Respectful Bows and then kneel in front of the Altar.

Report to Zhao Gong Ming who you are and where you stay and then request for Good Luck & Necessary Blessing from him. (if you know of reciting the Bao Gao (寶誥), then do it before you do your reporting)

Bao Gao (寶誥):

After reporting and requesting, stand up and sincerely bow 3 times again and then place the Incenses in the Urn and then step off the Altar area (祈福後﹐行三叩禮即可).

After 15 minutes, retrieved the Paper-offerings and burn them off (一刻鐘後將紙料化送).

Upon completion, return to the Altar, retrieve the Ancient Coins and make 3 rounds above the Burning Incenses, allow the Coins to receive the Blessings and then, keep them in the Red Packet (化寶後﹐回到供案﹐將之前所準備的銅錢放入新紅包中﹐在香爐上過香三巡﹐之後帶回作為”錢母” ).

Keep the Coins by one's side in-order to get Blessing for the Good Luck & Wealth.

Once this is done, then the whole Ceremony will be considered smoothly done.

Take note: Whatever we gained through praying will not be similar to each other; it all depends on individual luck. The Chinese belives whatever happens will have a reason to it; they call it ‘Yin Guo’. Devotees who are actively doing charity will definitely receive blessing from ‘Wu Lu Cai Shen’ (五路財神) and whatever they pray will be answered.

21-02-2014, 05:29 PM
Journey to the west. Mon to Wed 3.30pm. Tv ch8.

21-02-2014, 08:17 PM
for how long should one refrain from visiting red light district when one's grandmother pass away? Teochew

22-02-2014, 04:47 PM
Traditionally, it was 3years. But modern people have simplified the procedures. Nowadays, straight after the funeral; The ‘sia gong’, ‘lu ha’ (remove the tiny square piece of mourning cloth from the sleeve) for people. As long the mourning cloth is removed, it should be ok.

10-03-2014, 10:28 PM
Traditionally, it was 3years. But modern people have simplified the procedures. Nowadays, straight after the funeral; The ‘sia gong’, ‘lu ha’ (remove the tiny square piece of mourning cloth from the sleeve) for people. As long the mourning cloth is removed, it should be ok.

Thanks for info,appreciate that

05-03-2015, 07:10 PM
Tantra Sex (Vamamarga) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tantra is the fastest way to achieve enlightenment & is a forgotten ancient practice in Vajrayana Tibetan Buddhism (Lama Religion). Buddhism is believed to be derived from Hinduism & Tibetan Buddhism reminds the purest untouched form of Buddhism branch. In Kama Sutra (which Tantra is been derived), Yoga is a form of preparation for the physical body form (to prevent injury) during Tantra orgasm. Then the Kundalini can be open by a Guru in order to achieve Tantra orgasm.

Kindly take note that there’s no such Guru able to practice Tantra/ Yoga or to open the Kundalini locally because this’s a forgotten ancient practice that’s view as a cult or unorthodox! Those who self-proclaim are sex scammers! Beware! Please search the web to learn & practice Tantra Sex outside SG.

The 3 main branches of Buddhism are Theravada (such branch are Sri Lanka, Thailand, Burma & China), Mahayana (such branch are Zen, Pure Land, Tiantai, Nichiren, Madhyamaka & Yogacara), Navayana & Vajrayana (such branch are Tibetan Buddhism & Shingon). Within the sub branch, there are sub branches too. Theravada China Buddhism is the branch most folks practice locally.

The orthodox method to attain enlightenment is meditation which is a slower method & requires a person to have great wisdom. Also, Guru can open the Kundalini (as a short-cut) of a person by capturing energy from the universe & transfer energy to the disciple. From there on, the disciple can start practice Meditation & not Tantra Sex to attain enlightenment.

Here are other 15 ways http://iamspirituality.com/top-10-ways-to-achieve-spiritual-enlightenment/ to attain enlightenment: Meditation, Prayer Chanting, Yoga, Martial Arts, Fasting, Sweat Lodges / Physical Distress, Dancing / Quaking / Shaking, Pilgrimages, Sensory Depravation, Near Death Experience, Depression / Despair, Self-Flagellation, Psychedelics & Spontaneous Enlightenment.

In the real world of attaining enlightenment or immortally, it’s totally different from the usual folk religion practice. The usual folk religion practice is to maintain a peaceful & harmony society. There’s no such thing as huat or hell too. The following video requires a person a cosmic mind to understand because science has yet not reach such a level to prove cosmic energy existence.

1) Tantra Sex Tibetan Buddhism method of opening the female Kundalini via the vein pressing energy transfer method to achieve peak Tantra orgasm:


2) Tantra Sex Tibetan Buddhism method of opening the female Kundalini via the vein pressing energy transfer method & opening the male Kundalini via the anal vein & prostate pressing menthod to achieve peak Tantra orgasm:


3) Female Tantra Tibetan Buddhism orgasm (no penetration) via energy transfer into the Kundalini:


4) Male Tantra Tibetan Buddhism orgasm (no penetration) via energy transfer into the Kundalini:


5) Orthodox method to attain enlightenment via meditation:


Thanks! Done!

Please up my points & I’ll up you back. Thk!
Milestone of Kim Jio Kah: http://sammyboyforum.nl/showthread.php?t=427518
H57 Far Kor Sun Monkey God Temple 花果山福廣宫: http://sammyboyforum.nl/showthread.php?t=427313
My ex significant other H7R4L2 WL: http://sammyboyforum.nl/showthread.php?t=17758 & http://sammyboyforum.nl/showthread.php?t=409402

06-03-2015, 05:13 AM
Tiger Deity aka Tiger General (虎爺神將) or sometimes, people will address him as General White Tiger (白虎將軍).

Due to the taboo of addressing the Tiger Deity as White Tiger, the folks tend to change the chinese character Bai (白) to Bi (碧) as a form of respect and this is why, later, a lot of people mistaken that Bai Hu Jiang Jun (白虎將軍) and Bi Hu Jiang Jun (碧虎將軍) are 2 different Deities.

In some places, he also being addressed as Xia Tan Jiang Jun (下壇將軍).

In some contexts, Tiger General is illustrated as a Deity that can assist the Mortals in getting rid of imps or back-stabbers (驅趕小人), and in someway, this is quite true.

But due to the limited authorities that the Tiger Deity has, sometime a lot of the requests that Mortals made in front of him might not get fulfilled.

So who is the "Boss" of Tiger Deity (誰統領虎爺)?

In different saying, Tiger Deity does have different Bosses, but one Boss that he cant get disconnected with will be our dearest and closer Deity - Deity of Earth or so-called Tu Di Gong 土地公 (this is why wherever you go, if there's an altar dedicated to Tiger Deity, you will sure to see a statue of Tu Di Gong being placed at the side or above the Tiger Deity statue).

Here’s a video by黄信成老师on how to pray to tiger god:


Please up my points & I’ll up you back. Thk!
Milestone of Kim Jio Kah: http://sammyboyforum.nl/showthread.php?t=427518
H57 Far Kor Sun Monkey God Temple 花果山福廣宫: http://sammyboyforum.nl/showthread.php?t=427313
My ex significant other H7R4L2 WL: http://sammyboyforum.nl/showthread.php?t=17758 & http://sammyboyforum.nl/showthread.php?t=409402

09-10-2015, 07:24 PM
Don't fuck around with me, Amos Yee! Or! I burn down your temple.

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