View Full Version : Story: Fair Weathered Friends
06-03-2014, 02:35 PM
Michael Kwok opened his eyes. He became aware of the light spilling in through the window blinds. He wondered if he got any sleep. It was hard to be sure. He felt like he had only closed his eyes for a brief moment. It mattered dearly to him because if he was indeed asleep, there was a chance that what he remembered seeing would turn out to be just a dream. A very bad dream.
Summoning every last inch of his willpower, Michael dragged himself out of bed and headed for his desk. The screensaver was playing out its iterative animation on his laptop. He reached out with a finger to hit a key but stopped centimeters from the plastic button.
Maybe it was a dream, he thought. Maybe I should leave it at that, go shower, shave, get dressed and head to work. I could surprise my boss for showing up early for a change, he thought with amusement. It would be like it never happened.
But he had to make sure. He brought his finger down on his keyboard. The screen saver dispersed, revealing the last email he had opened last night before retiring to bed in despair. The title read ‘You are cordially invited to the wedding of…’
He cast his tearing eyes away, not willing to read it all through. It should have been me, he thought. It should have been me.
06-03-2014, 02:46 PM
Memories are a part of him, whether he wanted them or not. It began about 15 years ago, the PMR exams had been a breeze. Michael had made it to the science stream. His friends Patrick Hong and Ryan Lee made it just above the cut. Michael was assigned to class 4A, while his friends got 4C.
It just wasn't the same without Patrick and Ryan by his side. A short trip to the administrative office remedied that. Michael was granted a transfer to 4C two months after classes was underway. Patrick and Ryan were elated.
Michael became an overnight sensation among the girls the day after his class transfer. It also helped that he was athletically built and dashingly handsome. What didn’t help was that he was also somewhat shy.
He was a teenager, and was prone to a teenager’s raging libido. Girls interested him greatly but at the same time they put him on guard. This was partly due to his religious upbringing and the strict restrictions his parents placed on his relationships. Study now, date later, they would say.
So he looked and never touched, which was understandably frustrating, especially given that class 4C had a larger female to male ratio and had more pretty girls per classroom than the rest of the form.
“You want to know one good thing being friends with you?” Ryan asked Michael a few days later as the three munched sandwiches at their desks during recess.
“It makes you two look smarter?” Michael replied.
“Close, asshole, close. It puts us in the line of sight of the girls.”
“What do you mean?”
“Shit. Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed? The girls keep stealing glances at you man.”
“Where got?”
“Where got he says…”
“It’s true la. You’re a damn chick magnet,” Patrick said.
“So, which one you like best?” Ryan asked.
“Huh? Which girl?”
“No… which sandwich. Of course la which girl!”
“I dunno. Haven’t really noticed,” Michael lied.
Patrick looked serious for a moment. “Dude. If you’re gay, you need to tell us now okay? I don’t want to send you any wrong signals,” he said.
“Fuck you.”
“Shit… so it’s true? Sorry man, as much as I love you, you’re not getting my hole.”
Michael grabbed Patrick and put him in a playful headlock. In their commotion, none of them noticed someone coming up to them.
“Oi, guys,” Ryan spoke up, catching their attention.
Before them stood Serena Lin, class monitor of 3C. She was a tall girl with a lean and firm athletic figure. Her breasts looked nice and perky even though snugly covered by her blouse and pinafore. But her best assets were definitely her curvy hips and shapely butt which drew the eyes of every male within a mile radius.
She had long straight hair which she keeps held back with a thin hairband. Her comely face had the rare quality of being able to pull off a sweet innocent demeanor of an angel or a sultry mischievous look of a temptress ready for a night of debauchery at whim.
“Can you guys not play around in class?” she said. It came out as an order rather than a request.
“Errr… sorry Serena,” Patrick said.
“Define play around,” said Ryan.
Michael remained quiet. His eyes locked with hers, unrelenting. In the end, Serena had to look away, blushing a little.
“So anyway,” she said, “There’s been some changes to the cleaning duty detail. Can you guys not do it together? It would be so much easier to organize that way.”
“I guess…” Patrick said.
“I’ll do it whenever you’re doing it,” said Ryan.
Serena rolled her eyes. “What about you? Michael right?”
“Um, just put me whenever.”
“Thanks,” she said before turning away.
“Wow,” Patrick said. “Eh, Serena Lin just acknowledged our existence. I think we can die happy now.”
“She’s really pretty.” Michael admitted.
“Hallelujah!” Ryan exclaimed. “Turns out our friend isn’t all gay.”
Michael threw him a playful punch.
“But seriously though,” Ryan added, “You have good taste. Serena’s definitely in the top 5 beauties in our form.”
“What the… There’s a list?” Michael asked.
“There’s a top 10 list of girls for every form bro. Unofficial one lah.”
“Heh, is there one for the whole school?”
“You bet your ass there is. I’d say Serena is in the school’s top 10,” Ryan said and sighed. “I’ve been trying to get her to notice me since day one.”
“You’re trying to hard bro,” Michael said.
“Well excuuuuse me for not being born with the full package like you. Besides, how can I not try hard? Do you know how steep the competition is? Check it out.”
Michael glanced in Serena’s direction. Two good looking boys had her flanked, and was doing their best to lay on the charm.
“You want the good news or the bad news?” Michael asked Ryan.
“Lay me some optimistic shit.”
“She looks even more bored with them than she is with you.”
“Seriously? What’s the bad then?”
“They’re still better looking than you,” Michael said with a grin.
“You’re and asshole," Ryan replied.
And that was how Michael met Serena.
06-03-2014, 05:45 PM
The very next day brought a new surprise to their table during recess time.
“Hey guys.”
They looked up to see another cute girl before them. She had a pretty face, adorable smile, and her medium length hair was done in a ponytail. She was of medium height but had a lean strong body of a competitive runner.
“What did I tell you?” Ryan whispered to Michael. “The two months we’ve been here before you, no girl has even set foot in this corner of the classroom.”
Michael shot him a look. “Maybe it’s just because of you.”
“Hey… I’m still here,” the girl said.
“We can see that. What do you want?” Michael asked a bit rudely. He was getting a little tired to be accused of being eye candy all the time.
The girl looked a bit hurt.
“Sorry Danielle,” Patrick said. “You guys damn rude wei…”
“Sorry. How can I help you?” Michael said.
“And you just assume she’s here for you huh?” Ryan grumbled.
“Actually I am,” Danielle said. “I was wondering if you want to form a study group for AddMaths?”
“Wow, that’ll be great,” Patrick exclaimed.
Ryan shrugged. “Free homework answers? Can’t say no to that.”
Michael mulled over it for a while. “It’s okay I guess,” he replied in the end.
Danielle looked very happy about it. “How about we make the first session tomorrow? Say at xxxxx bubble tea shop?”
The boys had no objections, especially Patrick who was in love with Danielle since last year.
The next day however, Danielle came up to Ryan and Patrick before Michael made it to school.
“Guys, I need a big favor,” she said in a pampered voice.
“Anything,” Patrick said.
“I need you both to cancel on the study group today.”
“Oh no, why? Are you not feeling well?”
“No… I’m still going. And so is Michael.”
“Huh?” Patrick said.
Ryan shook his head in amusement. “Get the hint la dude. We’re unwanted wheels.”
Patrick looked puzzled for a moment until it hit him. “Oh,” he said.
“Pretty please?” Danielle pouted. “I’ll owe you guys a big one.”
Ryan just shrugged while Patrick had difficulty swallowing his sadness.
“Yeah, sure…” Patrick finally said.
“Gosh thanks guys,” she said, putting her hand on Patrick’s forearm and squeezing it lightly before leaving.
06-03-2014, 06:17 PM
pitching tent
07-03-2014, 05:09 AM
camping :D
07-03-2014, 04:24 PM
Michael could not figure out what was up with Patrick for the past few days. It was like he no longer had the will to go on living. Any conversation he started with him would turn out to be severely one sided with Patrick sparing only single worded answers.
On the plus side, Michael has had three study sessions with Danielle so far and it was doing wonders in curing his shyness. It made him slowly open up to girls. Danielle was beautiful in her own way. She had an upbeat and positive attitude which really grows on him. He had absolutely no idea why Ryan and Patrick kept bailing on the study sessions, but reasoned that they weren’t very keen on academics in the first place anyway.
At the end of school that day, Patrick walked off without a word with his shoulders slumped lifelessly like a zombie. Ryan was about to leave with Michael when he received a text message. His face went pale as he read it.
“Sorry man,” Ryan said weakly to Michael. “I gotta go, got emergency.” And he ran off.
Michael was about to leave when Serena came up to him, her demure lips skewed in an irritated frown.
“It's Ryan’s turn to clean today!” she said.
Michael shrugged, “He’s got issues,” he said.
“That’s his third issue this month.”
Michael grew annoyed. “And this concerns me how?”
“You could at least do his part. You’re friends aren’t you?”
“How is that fair?”
“It’s not! Deal with it! I’m not doing their work for them again.”
“How about you ask me again. Nicely this time. I have no patience for bitches.”
Serena was shocked. This was the first time someone spoke to her in such a tone. Usually, she had guys wrapped around her finger so she was entitled to an outburst every now and then.
“I-I’m s-s-sorry,” she stammered.
“Can you please help me clean up?”
He went to the back of the class to grab a broom. Serena watched him sweep the floor for a few minutes. She looked as if she was going to leave. Then she sighed and fetched another broom from the back and joined him.
The class was dead empty by then. Michael was having trouble keeping his eyes on the floor. His gaze kept getting drawn to her alluring body, particularly her nicely curved butt snugly packaged in the bright blue pinafore skirt. Her hips swayed in a very enticing manner as she went about sweeping.
Michael felt his heart racing a little. He thought he had a good thing going on with Danielle and had really enjoyed her company, but Serena definitely had a more sexual tinge to her personality. To his horror, he felt his dick hardening in his pants just from watching her. It suddenly made sense to him why she was swamped with admirers all the time.
“You’ve never done much housework before haven’t you?” She suddenly asked.
“Uhhh… No, not really.”
“You’re more or less just spreading the dust around.”
Crap, he thought to himself. He could feel his cheeks growing hot.
Serena smiled a little. She wasn’t stupid. She knew the effect she had on boys. She was growing to like Michael too. There is a respectable quality to him which most other boys lacked. He didn’t look like someone who only thought about sex all the time.
“Why don’t you just dust the windows,” she told him gently. “I’ll handle the floors.”
“Yeah, sure thing,” he said and went to fetch the duster.
“You have a girlfriend?” She asked out of the blue.
Jason almost choked on his own saliva. He ended up coughing violently.
“Are you okay?” she asked.
“Yeah, yeah, uhk… wasn’t expecting a question like that.”
She smiled. “Too personal?”
“No… just not something you just come out and ask people.”
“I find it easier to spot a liar if I catch him or her off guard.”
“When have I ever lied to you?”
“So, do you have a girlfriend or not?” She asked. She had stopped sweeping a few paces away from him and was leaning forward on the broomstick, watching him intently. There was a mischievous grin on her face.
“Errr… No…” he replied.
“Hmmmmm…” she said as her smile grew wider. “You’re not lying… but there’s something you’re trying to hide.”
Michael was growing more intrigued by this girl by the second.
“But, it’s none of my business anyway,” she said with a small laugh and went back to her sweeping.
The last words she said to him that day was "bye!" after they were done cleaning.
07-03-2014, 04:29 PM
As the week went by, Michael could not help but feel like he was on top of the world. He had never been one to obsess about girls unlike his two friends, but now he found himself effortlessly in a budding friendship with two of them.
With his shyness practically gone, he became more open to girls around him and was pleased to discover that they responded to him quite favorably. He began thinking more and more about relationships and the possibility of getting a girlfriend, even though his parents discouraged it.
He decided to ask his friends about it when they came over to his house to hang out during the weekend.
“Hey can I ask you guys something?” He called out from the couch he was lying on.
“Yes. I was staring at your sister’s legs,” Ryan said without looking away from the TV. His fingers were furiously mashing the PS4 controller. “No, I’m not apologizing for it. Seriously, where did she get those shorts?”
Michael threw a cushion against Ryan’s head causing him to lose focus.
Beside him, Patrick who was playing against Ryan seized the opportunity to devastate Ryan’s character on the screen.
“Oi! Oi! Oi! That doesn’t count!” Ryan said.
“Whatever, dude. That’s 2-1,” Patrick said with a grin.
“Do any of you have girlfriends?” Michael asked.
His friends glanced back at him and then at each other.
“Mine’s called Debra,” Ryan answered, raising the controller in his right hand. “Right now she’s holding your controller. Don’t worry, I make sure she showers after we make love… Usually.”
“You are so full of shit.”
“I’m just being honest dude…”
“I’m serious, have any of you been in a relationship before?” Michael asked again.
“Ummm…” Patrick said. “I got date a girl for a short while last year.”
“How come we’ve never heard about it?” Ryan asked.
“I kept it low profile mah. Anyway, we broke it off after like two months."
“Who is it?”
“Why you want to know? It’s ancient history la.”
“Okay fine, the more interesting question is, why are you suddenly asking us about girlfriends Michael?” Ryan asked.
“Well… I’ve been thinking of taking my relationship to the next level,” Michael replied with a dreamy look on his face.
“Whoa… who’s the lucky girl?”
“Danielle…” Michael said, not noticing the momentary thunderstruck look on Patrick’s face. “…or Serena.” He added and again missed the shocked look which now manifested on Ryan’s face.
“What the…” Ryan said.
“I know, I know, weird right? I feel something with both of them. Haven’t decided yet.”
“Ummm… I think Serena definitely hotter,” Patrick told him.
“Yeah, but Danielle is damn cute man. Plus her body tighter,” Ryan said next.
“Serena got brains as well as beauty,” Patrick countered.
“Danielle got damn sweet personality,” Ryan shot back.
“I would go for Serena la dude,” said Patrick.
“I’d totally pick Danielle for the long term,” Ryan said.
“Gosh, this is harder than I thought,” Michael said, lost in his own thoughts. The desperation of his friends were ultimately lost on him.
08-03-2014, 01:35 AM
setting up tent!
pyrokinets' stories are awesome!
08-03-2014, 06:28 PM
They met in the corridor a little ways from their classroom. Most of the other students are down in the canteen, screaming, pushing, and squeezing against each other, waving their money in the food vendor’s face. Malaysian civility at its finest. The future of our country in all their glory.
“Hey,” Ryan said.
His voice was trembling. Fuck, what the hell is wrong with me? He asked inwardly.
“Oh, hey Ryan. Great timing. Mrs Khoo wants to see you,” Serena told him.
“Oh, okay...” Ryan replied. “Can I talk to you?”
“Sure, what’s up?”
“Errr… Don’t freak out or anything. I-I-I just wanted to say, I-I-I’ve liked you for some time liao…” Ryan said.
Inwardly he was mentally abusing himself for stammering.
“Oh…” Serena replied. She blushed a little. This wasn’t her first time in a situation like this, but she never really got used to it.
“So um… I… You wanna…”
“Listen,” Serena interrupted him. “I’m glad you feel that way, but I’m not really ready for a relationship yet. Let’s just be friends okay?”
It was a practiced line. She spoke it without even trying to obscure that fact. He had expected this. He knew that this was the most probable outcome and had steeled himself against such a reply. But it didn’t matter. Her words sliced through the armor across his heart like it was thin paper and cut deep into his throbbing heart.
“Haha, yeah, no pressure,” He said, trying his best not to choke on the bitter sadness welling up inside of him.
Serena gave him an awkward smile. “I’ll see you in class okay?” she said.
“Sure… Sure…”
And then she was gone. Was it just him or did it seem like she couldn’t wait to get away from him? He followed her trail until the edge of the classroom door where he could peek in without revealing himself. She was there in her seat, flipping through the pages of a reference book.
It hurt to see her act so normal, to see that something so terribly devastating to him meant almost nothing to her. What just happened felt more profound than life and death, but to her just seems a passing inconvenience, something to be shrugged off and forgotten.
She suddenly turned and smiled. Michael had walked up beside her from behind. Her smile didn’t seem forced at all, Ryan thought, unlike when she was talking to him. Ryan turned around and walked aimlessly away.
When the final bell rang, Michael was not impressed.
“Abandoned again I see,” Serena said teasingly.
“I swear, I’m beginning to think those guys are up to something behind my back.”
“Did you see Ryan after recess?” She asked.
“No lor. Even Patrick doesn’t know where he is.”
“Hmmm. I hope he’s alright.”
“His family got problem one,” Michael said.
“Really? How so?”
“His parents gone liao. Car accident when he was six. Been living with his single Aunt since then. Now I heard his aunt is sick too.”
“Oh no. Gosh, I feel bad.” Serena said.
“Yeah, but don’t let him know that. He doesn’t like people prying into his family.”
“If you see him, tell him I want to talk to him tomorrow okay?” Serena asked him.
“Huh? Okay…”
“It’s just that, I think I’ve kind of misunderstood him all these time.”
“Sure. I’ll let him know,” Michael told her.
While Serena and Michael were leaving the classroom, Patrick was waiting restlessly outside the school gate.
“Danielle!” he called out when he saw her approaching with a group of friends.
She saw him and excused herself from the group before meeting him.
“What’s up Patrick?” She asked.
“What the hell?”
“Back then you said you wanted to break up with me to focus on your studies. Then now you’re all over Michael.”
“What does he have that I don’t?”
“It’s not like that.”
“Sure seems that way.”
“We’re just a better fit.”
“What the hell la? What do you mean better fit? What did I ever do to you?”
“Nothing! Things just weren’t working out between us,” she said.
“Things were working fine until you suddenly decided studying was more important than us. And then when Michael shows up, suddenly studying is not so important anymore la?”
“I got study. We study together.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means you weren’t serious in your studies. You weren’t back then and you weren’t now. All you want to do is play. You were dragging my grades down Patrick.”
“So you just dump me aside when I no longer serve your purpose la?”
“My grades are important to me, Patrick.”
“Well I hope you choke on it. And I hope you keep wasting your time on Michael. He already fancies someone else. You deserve to be unwanted for a change,” Patrick said, his voice full of venom. Turning around, he stomped away in anger.
08-03-2014, 06:43 PM
Michael opened the door to find Ryan standing at the gate. He hurriedly let him in.
“Sheesh, I know you got trouble at home, but at least send me a text or something,” Michael told him as he ushered him into the living room of his house.
“Dude, we need to talk,” Ryan said.
“Later. I’m meeting Danielle to study remember? You wanna join us?”
“No. Maybe next time.”
“Okay man, take it easy. Feel free to use the PS4. I’ll be back by 5. Maybe we can go shoot some hoops or something.”
“Yeah, okay.”
Michael left and Ryan sank into the sofa. He stared up at the ceiling for a long time. It wasn’t a smart move. The inactivity was breeding some dark and depressing thoughts in his head, so he got up to his feet again.
Not feeling like playing games either, he began walking around the house. Michael’s mother and father were at work and the maid was probably upstairs in her room. He was able to roam freely to the kitchen and back. He spotted the door of the downstairs study and let himself in. It was a simple office with shelves of books, a desk, and some computers.
An ornate cupboard in the corner caught Ryan’s eye and he went over to check it out. He pulled open the cupboard doors. It was a liquor cabinet. Ryan chuckled. This was so cliché, he thought as he reached in and pulled out a bottle of vodka.
“Hey!” a voice called out from behind him. He turned to see who it was.
A tall and slim girl with shoulder length bobcut hair and fair skin was standing at the study entrance.
“You’re Michael’s friend? You’re not allowed in here!”
She had a beautiful face with sharp features. Model quality. But to recognize her, Ryan had to glance down below her shorts to her milky-white shapely long legs.
“You’re Chloe,” he replied. “And I was just leaving.”
Chloe was Michael’s second older sister. She was 19 and attending college.
He walked past her, the vodka still in hand. Chloe was appalled. Ryan knew he wasn’t acting like his usual self, but somehow, he felt like he couldn't care less. He went back into the kitchen, got a tall glass and some ice cubes from the freezer. Then he sat down in the living room and filled the glass to the brim.
“That’s a bit much…” Chloe, who had come into the living room, said.
“Looks more like too much,” He replied. His tone hinting sarcasm. “And that's just perfect.”
“What are you? 16? You shouldn’t be drinking.”
“Most porn websites say the same thing. Sue me.”
He took a big gulp, poured nearly half of the glass into his mouth, and then coughed and spluttered it all over his T-shirt and pants.
“Fuck… God… what is this?”
Chloe burst out laughing. “You’ve never drank before have you?” she said.
“No…” he replied, dejected.
“Why start now?”
“It was on impulse.”
Chloe couldn’t stop giggling. Finally she walked up to him and took the glass from his hand. “This is how you drink,” she said before lifting the glass to her lips and draining it dry.
“Phew!” She exclaimed when she was done. “That hit the spot.”
“Yay, good for you. Now pour me another,” Ryan said.
She filled it up only to a quarter full this time. Then she sat down beside him on the couch but kept the glass to herself. “Wasted on you,” she replied to his ‘WTF?’ look before taking another sip.
Ryan grumbled under his breath then grabbed the bottle and took a swig anyway. He managed to swallow it this time. He took another gulp, then another.
“Whoa, slow down there,” Chloe told him.
“Fucking shit doesn’t work.”
“I thought there was a reason people drink this stuff when life sucks.”
“Better to drink it when life rocks. The opposite is just to make TV scenes more dramatic, and it doesn’t make it better in real life, just worse.”
“Girl problem?”
Ryan didn’t answer.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” Chloe said, draining the glass for the second time. “More please,” she said and held out the empty glass to Ryan.
He filled it to the brim without thinking.
“Wow… are you trying to get me drunk?”
Smirking, he grabbed the glass from her hand. “No, I’m trying to get drunk. You do whatever you want,” he said and sipped the drink.
“Jeez. What’s with that attitude? No wonder you have girl problems,” Chloe muttered.
He lost it. He had been blaming himself all along for his failure with Serena, but now someone had to rub it in. The glass dropped onto the floor with a crash and before he knew it, he was pinning Chloe down on the long couch, his hand on her throat.
“Bitch, don’t push me,” he said.
Chloe was paralyzed with shock. Her fearful eyes widened as she stared up at him. He held her there for a moment, intending, at first, only to shut her up. But then he somehow sensed the excitement hiding behind her fear.
It turns out that Ryan has a razor sharp intuition about a women’s sexual state. Keeping one hand lightly on her neck, not strangling her, but holding her in a dominant posture, the fingers of his other hand brushed up her inner thigh, lightly, from her knee up to the hem of her shorts.
She sucked in air sharply through her mouth, shuddering under his touch. His fingers ran further upwards, dragging over the fabric of her shorts, slipping under her T-shirt, sliding up her warm flat belly.
“H-Hey… stop… I’m sorry o-okay?” She said.
He heard it in her voice. The hint of excitement betraying her growing arousal. His hand kept its course.
Chloe was panting now. She didn’t know what was coming over her. She was almost as tall as Ryan and had done Tae-Kwan-Do since primary school. She could easily push him off and kick his ass if she wanted to, but it was like her body wasn’t responding to her panicked thoughts. It was responding instead to his erotic touch.
She was frozen in awe of some never before felt sensations administered by Ryan’s touch. It was like he knew where all her hidden buttons were and was pushing them one after another in a perfect ascending order. Her heart raced with the most intense thrill she had ever experienced.
Ryan pushed his hand up from her lean soft belly up to her chest, pushing up her T-shirt along with it until it slid over her breasts. She was wearing a white cotton bra. Her hardened pink nipples protruded against the fabric as if yearning for attention.
She wasn’t inexperienced. Her boyfriend had gone up the same path before, but had done it in an overexcited and impatient manner, which ultimately earned her ire. Ryan’s way was in perfect control, and it was making her hotter and wetter than she had ever been.
She braced herself to feel his hands on her breasts. It was what most boys would be aiming for. She was surprised that she actually wanted him to do it. He was driving her crazy so she naturally began anticipating the pleasure of his fingers on her nipples.
But his hand moved down again, his palm and fingers pressed flat against her body, sliding down her lithe torso, back down to her belly, and then lower, to the edge of the top of her low hugging shorts. His unpredictability drove her nuts with impatient desire and she let out a pleading moan. When he tugged on her shorts, her legs raised on their own accord to accommodate its stripping. She had on a black lacy pair of boyshorts panties. In the cool open air, it became painfully obvious to her how wet they were.
With just another slight touch along a particular curve under her slim white thigh, her legs parted tremblingly. Oh my god, how is he doing this? She wondered momentarily. But she had no time to contemplate it. As Ryan’s fingers ran expertly up and down her thighs, the fire inside her grew hotter and hotter, numbing her thoughts.
She didn’t notice her panties were gone until she felt his finger slide into her hot pink slit.
“Ahh… Wait, No,” she gasped.
Chloe was ashamed of how pitifully unconvinced she sounded. As if to prove it to her, Ryan did something to her down below which made her moan with approval instead.
“Ah, Ah, Ah… Oh God! Ah, Uh, Uh…”
He was toying with her in an indescribable way. It felt like nothing she could ever accomplish on her own while masturbating in the privacy of her own room.
Ryan was beyond just teasing her now. He was bringing her to new heights with a vengeance. She had absolutely no control of where she was heading. Her heart and mind raced over the brink and she felt an intense pleasure explode in her vagina and coursed deliciously throughout every nerve of her body.
She screamed. She threshed. She shuddered like jelly. Her hips jerked off the couch, pushing her crotch against his hand. Her mind went white with pleasure, but not before realizing that she would easily get addicted to this.
09-03-2014, 08:13 AM
Ahh... nice Ts.. following this story !
very good build up and storyline
09-03-2014, 04:32 PM
Very good. Please continue..
10-03-2014, 06:44 PM
“Helloooo! Earth to Michael! Come in Michael!” Danielle called out with amusement.
“Huh? Sorry. Was thinking of something,” Michael said.
“Math I hope.”
“Uh… sure.”
“Or is it girls?”
“Huh?” Daniel said, caught off guard. “What do you mean?”
”Nothing…” She replied and looked away.
Something was bothering her. Michael could sense it. But he was being plagued by his thoughts too. It was funny as it was frustrating. When he was with Serena, all he could think of was Danielle. Now that he was here in the bubble tea shop with Danielle, his thoughts kept floating back to Serena. What was wrong with him?
“Hey, Michael?”
“This is nice,” she said.
“What is?”
“Hanging out together.”
“Oh, yeah. It’s nice,” he said.
“You wanna go hang out some other time? When not studying I mean,” she asked.
“You mean like a date?”
“So you’re not a complete idiot.”
“Not a complete… Are you saying I’m a partial idiot?”
“Sure seems that way.”
“Wah. What did I do?”
Danielle blushed a little. “You realized we’ve been doing this for a long time now right?” she said.
“Studying alone. Just the two of us.”
“Yeah. It was your idea right? You needed help.”
“When have I ever needed your help on any of the problems?”
It was true. She had never once talked academic matters when they were together. They would each study their own materials and talk about everything else under the sun.
“Oh…” He said.
“But, Patrick and Ryan…”
“Never joined us. Because I asked them not to.”
What was he supposed to say at times like this? His thoughts were scrambled. He felt a blush warming his cheeks.
“I like you,” she said.
“I-I like you too?”
“Really?” She asked, sounding relieved.
“Yeah, this has been really nice. Sorry if I seem slow. I never had a relationship before.”
“It’s okay. I never felt so serious about anyone before either.”
They parted that evening on a cheery note. Danielle walked off like she had wings under her feet.
So why is my heart so heavy? Michael wondered. He realized he was afraid. No pledges were exchanged but he was pretty sure that he had indirectly agreed to be in a relationship.
What if I made the wrong choice? That was the gut wrenching question plaguing his mind. He tried looking at it logically. Well how do I know if Serena is the right choice? He asked himself. He didn’t. He realized that if he had chosen Serena instead, he would still be haunted by this same question while thinking of Danielle.
He felt stuck. Like a kid in an ice cream store faced with two delicious flavors. “Strawberry or Mango?” the ice cream man asked, looking judgmentally down at him. “Choose wisely little boy. Once you pick one, you’ll never taste the other again.”
“But I want both…” Michael said out loud.
“Huh?” The man in the train ticket booth asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Oh, sorry,” he gushed. He had arrived at the train station without realizing it. Embarrassed, he gave his intended destination.
“What’s the second one?” The man asked.
“You said you want two right?”
“Uhhhh… Can I?”
The man rolled his eyes. “It’s your money.”
“But what if I never get to go to the other one?”
“Fuck kid, I don’t know. Buy a third ticket then. Hell, buy one ticket to each station and see which one you like.”
Michael walked away, much to the annoyance of the man. The crazy ticket booth man somehow made sense. He had never had so many girls interested in him before. Who is to say that either Serena or Danielle is the right choice? For all he knew, they both could be the wrong ones for him. How would he know? He was only bumping fins with two fishes out of all the fishes in the big blue sea. What if the right one was still out there?
“Fuck me, life is so complicated,” he said as he stepped into the train.
Meanwhile, over at the Kwok residence, steamy noises could be heard from coming from within if any passerby would bother to stop and prick their ears.
“Ungh… Nghh.. Haaah.. Ahhhh…”
Chloe’s exhausted moans were hoarse and dry. Ryan felt another round of hot juices gush against his fingers. He was sitting on one end of the couch with his legs spread and was hugging Chloe from behind against him as she sat between his thighs, naked, with her back arched deliciously away from him in pleasure. Her legs were spread upwards in an ‘M’, giving him ample access to her hot pussy which he had been keeping constantly aroused for hours. He had lost count of how many times he had made Chloe cum. He was treating her like how a child would a new toy, testing her limits, discovering new buttons to push, getting to know her body more intimately then even she did.
Chloe was in no position to resist or protest, being reduced into a sweaty shivering mess, kept constantly in a drug like sexual high by the fingers of a boy 3 years her junior. Ryan was very hard under his pants but felt no urge to relieve it. Not yet at least.
He was driven by a curious fascination of Chloe’s young nubile body. As he constantly toyed with her pussy and clit, he found her susceptible to everything else. He had been doing a lot of kissing and licking on her the entire afternoon, tasting her mouth, her sweaty pale skin, her soft breasts, and her sweet trimmed pussy.
So this is how a girl taste like, he thought. Chloe wasn’t Ryan’s first. She was her second and the youngest he ever had despite her being 3 years older than him. Ryan decided he liked how younger girls taste. He discovered he loved watching them squirm and writhe with pleasure under his touch.
He rolled one finger in circles on her clit, massaging it, and listened to her high pitched moans and hoarse gasps with a discerning ear, like how a violinist would do as he tested, tweaked and tuned every string on his beloved violin. Women was his instrument, and oh, how he loved to make them sing.
Chloe bucked against him. He knew she was close again. He reached forward to grab her hands to keep her from pushing his other hand in her snatch away.
“Arrrghh… Ughhhh… you bastard… Ahhhhhhhh…” she moaned deliriously and came hard once more under his merciless but pleasurable torture of her womanhood.
He only stopped when she went limp. Chloe had passed out.
10-03-2014, 06:50 PM
Im sure the young boy needs release !! Wake her up !!
Thumbs up !
11-03-2014, 08:52 PM
Michael entered his home. The first thing he noticed was a weird smell in the air. A combination of alcohol and something else he didn’t recognize. He saw Ryan coming out of the kitchen. Ryan stopped in his tracks when he saw Michael.
“Jeez dude! You scared me!” Ryan said.
“Sorry. I just got back. What were you doing?”
“Oh, just cleaning up. Made a small mess earlier…”
“Wanna go shoot some hoops?”
“Sorry man. I gotta go. Emergency,” Ryan replied, not meeting Michael’s eyes.
“Oh. Okay then. I’ll see you in school tomorrow.”
“Yeah. See you.”
Ryan left in a hurry. Michael started upstairs towards his room. Chloe’s door was ajar, so he peeked in. She was in bed sleeping, covered from neck to toes under a blanket. Are all college students so free? He wondered with amazement. Glancing down, he saw that there was a pile of clothes on the floor beside the bed. A pair of black boyshorts panties lay on top of the pile.
Shit, jie, are you serious? He thought. He felt his dick stirring as he pictured his sister nude under the covers.
Ashamed, he continued towards his room next door but heard a funny sound coming from further down the hallway. Curious, went to investigate. It sounded like someone was moaning in the maid’s room. Quietly, he opened the door a little and peeked in.
Their Indonesian maid Siti was on her bed clad in T-shirt but no pants. Her legs were spread apart and her hands were on her hairy crotch frigging furiously like her life depended on it. What the fuck? Michael thought, snapping his head back out of the room. What the hell is going on?
Elsewhere, Ryan had hopped on a bus heading downtown. He disembarked at the hospital and made his way to the cancer ward. There were no visitors in his Aunt Valerie’s room. His Aunt had no friends. He went in and stood before her bed, studying her.
She was sleeping, or knocked out by morphine, he didn’t know for sure. Her once attractive features had withered away, leaving only what looked like a dried corpse. Ryan didn’t know why he came here. Solace? Consolation? Peace? Then he remembered what happened several hours ago. He had molested his best friend’s older sister.
He had never wanted to face his Aunt Valerie again. To Ryan, the cancer was a godsend. Aunt Valerie was a spinster who preferred to be cut off from the outside world. She lived alone until the day he arrived after his parents’ accident.
Aunt Valerie was a ruthless guardian. She dictated every aspect of his life, from the clothes he wore, to the food he ate, to the hours he slept. Things changed when he hit puberty at 12. She had seduced him. It wasn’t so bad at first. What pubescent boy didn’t want sex? But then she became abusive shortly after. She became focused only on her own pleasure.
Every day for the next four years, Ryan was subjected to her sexual abuse. She trained him to pleasure her in every way possible. If he was unsatisfactory in any way, she would cane him. It didn’t matter if he derived no enjoyment from her sessions. He was expected to read her mind, guess what would please her, and get her off no matter what.
It was an uphill battle too. As Ryan got better and better in pleasuring her, her appetite for sex kept increasing. It kept Ryan working hard around the clock and through the calendar to improve his skills. But Aunt Valerie’s ultimate fulfillment was always one step beyond his reach.
When she got hospitalized, Ryan thought he was free. He didn’t want to have anything to do with her anymore. He would wash every trace of her memory from his self.
But after what had happened with Chloe, he realized that his experience with Aunt Valerie would always be a part of him. It was ingrained into his nature now, hammered into his soul. He had instinctively known how to play Chloe’s body like a fiddle. Now he wondered if it applied to all women. The possibilities seemed endless.
What he went through with his Aunt Valerie was something no person should have to live through. She was the most cruel, demeaning, sadistic bitch he had ever encountered. She had corrupted his childhood innocence and destroyed his sense of self-worth. Who knows how much psychological damage has been left in her wake.
He hated her. Period. He hoped she would rot in hell.
“Thank you,” he said to her before turning to leave, never to return.
11-03-2014, 08:59 PM
She was sexy, beautiful, smart, plus she had an upbeat and enthusiastic manner about her. It was like Serena and Danielle melded into one, Michael thought. It has been a full week since he first saw that Prefect girl make her rounds on that block. The first time he saw her, there was an instant attraction. Unfortunately, she never noticed him, so the attraction was one sided. There was something else about this girl which he found attractive, but couldn’t quite put a finger on it.
The Prefect wasn’t from his class, so there was only so much he knew about her. The girl was only one of three new girls he had been ‘checking out’ on a regular basis in his quest to find ‘The One’. Add Serena and Danielle into the mix and that would make 5 candidates so far.
“Hey you.”
He turned around. Danielle was staring right up at him.
“What are you doing? Staring into space?” She asked.
“Yeah. Thinking about something.”
“Here, I made this for you,” She said and handed him a Tupperware lunchbox.
“It’s just fried mee, but my family says my fried mee tastes the best.”
“I need to go see a teacher about something. Meet you back in class okay?”
And off she went. Looking down at the lunchbox, he popped it open and glanced inside. The fragrant smell hit him, causing him to salivate almost immediately. The meticulous details in the preparation of the ingredients caught his eye. This fried noodles was a product of love.
Fuck… What am I doing? Michael thought to himself. Danielle was such a sweet girl. He was on the verge of an epiphany. Maybe it isn’t about finding ‘The One’, he thought. Maybe anyone can be ‘The One’, and he just has to focus on cultivating the relationship till it blooms like a flower.
“That smells delicious!” Someone said behind him.
Fuck. Why is everyone sneaking up on him from behind today? He turned and saw that it was Serena.
“Did your mother make that?”
“No. Errrr… my girlfriend did.”
Serena looked surprised. She was speechless for a moment. “Hmmm… So you lied back then,” she said and narrowed her eyes at him.
“Wha? No… It’s just a recent thing.”
“Oh. Okay. I guess I was too slow then,” she said, biting her lip.
“Are you flirting with me? I’m taken.”
“That’s exactly why I’m flirting with you. Single guys are no fun to flirt with,” she said with a laugh.
She threw him a coy and mischievous look before turning to walk away. Well Serena dear, you let that one slip right out of your hands, she told herself. She didn’t feel hurt, just loss. She had really liked Michael.
Serena had wanted to ask Michael if he wanted to eat with her at the canteen. Now she headed there alone. She bought a bun and looked around for a seat. That was when she spied Ryan and Patrick sitting at a table in the corner. Ryan was chewing on a sandwich with a blank look on his face while Patrick was slumped over the table, looking like life dealt him a card with a middle finger.
“Hey guys, Mind if I join you?” Serena asked cheerfully when she walked up to them.
“THE Serena Lin asking to sit with us mortals,” Patrick mumbled. “It’s official. The world is ending.”
“What the? Are you… Patrick are you drunk?” Serena asked, sitting down beside him.
“What are you doing here? Why aren’t you with Michael?” Patrick asked her back.
“He’s not coming. His girlfriend packed him a meal.”
“Huh, your head. Why are you drunk in school?”
“Aren’t you his girlfriend?”
“Who? Michael’s? No.”
In that instant, Patrick burst into tears. He covered his eyes and ran away leaving his two classmates gaping in their seats.
“What the… The fuck did you do?” Ryan asked in surprise.
“I-I dunno, gosh,” Serena replied.
“You didn’t give him one of your ‘let’s just be friend’s’ speech did you?” He said jokingly.
“Oh my, somebody’s still sore,” She teased back. “You’re not drunk too are you?”
“Nope, someone once told me it just makes things worse.”
“That someone sounds smart.”
“That someone then stole my vodka.”
She laughed.
“But seriously though, I thought you’d have Michael wrapped around your finger by now,” Ryan said.
“Mmmm. It would seem someone else has sneakier fingers.”
“You don’t know who?”
“Nope. Don’t care. None of my business. It’s Michael’s loss.”
“I’ll say. It’s Danielle by the way, his new girlfriend.”
“No way!” Serena gasped. “That explains Patrick.”
“What explains Patrick?”
“Patrick and Danielle used to be together. Then she broke it off shortly after.”
“No way…”
“Poor Patrick. He looks pretty broken up about it,” she said. “I wonder if Sam is alright.”
“Who the fuck is Sam?”
“He’s the guy Danielle left Patrick for.”
“And how do you know this?” Ryan asked.
“I’m a girl. And I keep my ears peeled,” Serena replied.
“I never heard of Danielle jumping around so many guys.”
“That’s because you don’t listen. You just talk crap and think about sex.”
“Ahhh… Sex… It’s the best…”
“Shuddup you. But seriously, I can’t believe you guys know almost nothing about Danielle. She’s a notorious man-eater.”
“I’m beginning to think you’re just jealous of her.”
“I won’t lie. I was disappointed when Michael told me he has a girlfriend. But when you told me it was Danielle, I wasn’t anymore. I’d give it 3 months tops before she finds another gullible guy to latch on to.”
“You women are scary.”
“Heh heh. And you guys are dumb.”
“Makes me think, as much as I didn’t know about Danielle, I know even less about you.”
“Mmmm… I find a little bit of mystery keeps the boys on their toes.”
“And all that dirty laundry… uh… means cum on your clothes?”
“God! Ryan!”
“Hey, I think it actually rhymes.”
“You’re a sick perverted lost cause,” she said, popping the last bite of her bun in her mouth. “I’m going back to class,” she told him and stood up. Ryan caught her smiling back at him before she left.
That’s progress, right? He thought to himself as he smiled back at her.
24-03-2014, 01:40 AM
monday morning bump... calling for TS
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