View Full Version : Do girls like peep at man/boys?

14-09-2005, 02:45 PM
Hi Bro/Sis, this has always been on me mind b'cos 2 of me single sis-in-law always peeping at my dicky when me wearing loose shorts. She actually sat right in front of me to hav clearer view. Always give best view for her & at times having a hard-on for her viewing pleasure. Once even caught her shaking legs rapidly while peeping dont know whether "silent masturbating". Once at shopping complex saw girl peeping into man toilet while walking pass same time as me dicky was still out. Bro who hav same experience pls advise & sis pls be honest.

14-09-2005, 03:02 PM
Hi Bro/Sis, this has always been on me mind b'cos 2 of me single sis-in-law always peeping at my dicky when me wearing loose shorts.

Your 2 sis-in-law are wondering whether r u a guy or ger. They also want to know y this guy/ger dun wear under wear.

Once even caught her shaking legs rapidly while peeping dont know whether "silent masturbating".

This is new to me. So when I c ppl shaking legs mean they r masturbating furthermore 'silent'. I learn a new term today.

Once at shopping complex saw girl peeping into man toilet while walking pass same time as me dicky was still out.

Whose dicky was still out?? Yours or the gers???

14-09-2005, 03:20 PM
Naemlo... Your answers are hilarious... :D

So r the questions..... :D

14-09-2005, 03:56 PM
Hi Bro/Sis, this has always been on me mind b'cos 2 of me single sis-in-law always peeping at my dicky when me wearing loose shorts. She actually sat right in front of me to hav clearer view. Always give best view for her & at times having a hard-on for her viewing pleasure. Once even caught her shaking legs rapidly while peeping dont know whether "silent masturbating". Once at shopping complex saw girl peeping into man toilet while walking pass same time as me dicky was still out. Bro who hav same experience pls advise & sis pls be honest.

You knew that they are peeping on you dicky..and you still don't do something about your shorts ? hahaha..are you up to something ? :rolleyes:

14-09-2005, 04:24 PM
Of course they do...

Once a girl (poly attachment) while smoking at the smoking corner in the office told me tat my fly was open... :p

How would she know if she was not staring? my open fly was not that obvious...unless you purposely look and look hard enuff....

So what does that tell you? Males got chi ko pek females got chi ko ma... :D

14-09-2005, 04:29 PM
So r the questions..... :D

You are THE MAN - so damn good :D

14-09-2005, 04:35 PM
How would she know if she was not staring? my open fly was not that obvious...unless you purposely look and look hard enuff....

So what does that tell you? Males got chi ko pek females got chi ko ma... :D

It might be b4 u sat, she saw it. :rolleyes:

14-09-2005, 05:53 PM
Hi Bro/Sis, this has always been on me mind b'cos 2 of me single sis-in-law always peeping at my dicky when me wearing loose shorts.

She was not peeping, she was actually saying to herself ' OMG, poor thing ' :D

14-09-2005, 06:01 PM
Perhaps shes comparing his with her lover or hubby....which 1 is smaller..?

14-09-2005, 06:03 PM
Perhaps shes comparing his with her lover or hubby....which 1 is smaller..?

Wow u lidat say ppl, u not afraid to hurt him meh??

14-09-2005, 06:07 PM

Maybe she is comparing which 1 is bigger....? :p
She interested in you...

Big Sexy
14-09-2005, 06:08 PM
just how old are they???Hi Bro/Sis, this has always been on me mind b'cos 2 of me single sis-in-law always peeping at my dicky when me wearing loose shorts.

14-09-2005, 06:10 PM
I agree most of yr answers are hilarious except for winger_tag. Maybe most here are "zappers" than giving answers or opinions. Thks anyway.

14-09-2005, 06:12 PM
Once my ang mo colleague and me were pee-ing in a public toilet, the cleaning aunty came over to the urinal to see his cock.... :eek: The ang mo was very amused that he can't help talking about it :D

Big Sexy
14-09-2005, 06:15 PM
what exactly are you looking for????? hilarious answers???? :confused:

and do you mind telling us the age of the gals and yourself, coz it makes a difference to the answer we will provide to your question..

I agree most of yr answers are hilarious except for winger_tag.

14-09-2005, 08:31 PM
hm...maybe the auntie never seen angmo cock before, wana check got any difference anot...between chinese and angmo....er...mine one is chinese and jap...how? got difference is it? :p

14-09-2005, 08:35 PM
Girls also hv their urges...therefore i believe they do peep at guys, itz juz tat girls dun do it openly, unlike man. But wif the new generation gals, its hard to say. maybe some of dem juz peep openly :D

14-09-2005, 10:41 PM
hm...maybe the auntie never seen angmo cock before, wana check got any difference anot...between chinese and angmo....er...mine one is chinese and jap...how? got difference is it? :p

Once I was with my german client in one of the Xi Yu Zhong Xing (HC) in Tianjin. China. There are about 10 workers there all naked, so when my german client was taking a bath, all the male workers began crowding him and looking at his didi.....keke...that really laughs me off my feet..... so the moral of the story is guy also peep at other people's didi...kekekeke......


15-09-2005, 06:49 PM
Once I was with my german client in one of the Xi Yu Zhong Xing (HC) in Tianjin. China. There are about 10 workers there all naked, so when my german client was taking a bath, all the male workers began crowding him and looking at his didi.....keke...that really laughs me off my feet..... so the moral of the story is guy also peep at other people's didi...kekekeke......


Gd thing yr german friend is all right, what if those guys turn out to be gays, then yr friend is gone... :p

15-09-2005, 07:14 PM
Hi Bro/Sis, this has always been on me mind b'cos 2 of me single sis-in-law always peeping at my dicky when me wearing loose shorts. She actually sat right in front of me to hav clearer view. Always give best view for her & at times having a hard-on for her viewing pleasure.

From what you have describe, I can safely assume the following.
1. You are married and live together with your wife and her 2 single sisters.
2. You enjoy wearing loose shorts with a hard-on ard the house.
3. Your wife don't mind you moving ard the house wearing loose shorts with a hard-on in front of her 2 sisters.
4. Your wife's 2 sisters derives great pleasure in looking at your dicky, especially when you are having a hard-on.

Based on these assumptions, I would suggest you stop asking if the 2 sisters like peeping at guys and think of how to "on" them.

Who knows, you might even end up having a 4some, you, your wife and her 2 sisters. Hope you don't find my suggestion "hilarious". :rolleyes: :D

16-09-2005, 03:20 PM
wah! Mr/Ms foolish damn good deduction, are u attached to SB. U r rite all the way except that I dont go around hse having hard-on & my wife dont know abt wat is happenin. I need advise how "on" them w/o wife hitting the roof. My s-i-laws are aged 20 & 24 both working & damn good looking with A+ bodies.

16-09-2005, 03:44 PM
wah! Mr/Ms foolish damn good deduction, are u attached to SB. U r rite all the way except that I dont go around hse having hard-on & my wife dont know abt wat is happenin. I need advise how "on" them w/o wife hitting the roof. My s-i-laws are aged 20 & 24 both working & damn good looking with A+ bodies.

Not really difficult. During one of their peeping session, you suddenly ask them if they like what they are seeing.

If answer is yes, u proceed to pull down your shorts and tell them to have a closer look.

If answer is no, you proceed to pull down your shorts and ask them to take a closer look and tell u why they don't like what they are seeing.

From what you have clarified, I don't think it's hard to "on" them. I think it's harder to keep it from your wife. ;)

Btw, I don't understand your question of me being attached to SB. Maybe you would like to explain? :D

16-09-2005, 03:52 PM
white dick an attraction?

16-09-2005, 03:55 PM
Btw, I don't understand your question of me being attached to SB. Maybe you would like to explain? :D

It is like an email with attachment... This SB has u attached to it. :D

16-09-2005, 04:29 PM
My s-i-laws are aged 20 & 24 both working & damn good looking with A+ bodies.

Wow.... Good looking n A+ bodies.... Where to find? Can I know them? :D

But wait a minute, nowadays people dont say 'C' cup liao huh? :confused:

16-09-2005, 05:23 PM
It is like an email with attachment... This SB has u attached to it. :D

Sigh, looks like I come back here to kenna chak liao. :D

How are u bro?

16-09-2005, 05:26 PM
Wow.... Good looking n A+ bodies.... Where to find? Can I know them?

But wait a minute, nowadays people dont say 'C' cup liao huh? :confused:

Only Ah Tu talks abt 'C' cup. Hey better not hijack other ppl's track leh. He needs advice on how to "on" his 2 sister-in-law without his wife hitting the roof. Contribute your creative ideas leh. :D

16-09-2005, 05:28 PM
Sigh, looks like I come back here to kenna chak liao. :D

How are u bro?

Who dare to chak u?? I good good, where have u been?? Semi retired?? :D

16-09-2005, 06:13 PM
Thks bros. for making thread more exciting, anyway bcos u good at figuring out my situation I meant SB as "special branch" lor.

I tried b4 showing more to them but they just continue looking and talk about other things, like nothing happen. Too scared to ask direct if wife knows wow probably u wont hear fr me anymore.

Im trying other approach, borrow xxx vcd for them to watch, "accidentally" touch them n c response. Peep at one of them bathing naked b4 nearly got caught trying to tape.

Any other safe advise welcomed, now havin hard-on thinking abt them.

16-09-2005, 06:20 PM
A serious answer here.

Brother, if what you are saying is true, do you know the potential for trouble you can get into.

Yeah. you "think" your 2 sisters-in-law want you. You accidentally touch them. One day you touch them and they don't like it.....hello criminal court, hello molestation charge.

Your porno vcds? Also potential for trouble.

You expose yourself? Also potential for trouble.

Peep at them bathing? Ditto.

Tape them while bathing? Ditto.

Please, spare a thought for yourself. Ain't worth it. Wanna bang 23 or 24 year old with A+ body, Health Clubs and Geylang are not far away.

Don't shit in your own backyard.

16-09-2005, 06:35 PM
Please, spare a thought for yourself. Ain't worth it. Wanna bang 23 or 24 year old with A+ body, Health Clubs and Geylang are not far away.

Don't shit in your own backyard.

Excellent advice bro..

same tots exactly..

dun forget abt the Bros or e wife oso..

16-09-2005, 06:49 PM
Thks bros. for making thread more exciting, anyway bcos u good at figuring out my situation I meant SB as "special branch" lor......

....Any other safe advise welcomed, now havin hard-on thinking abt them.

Ok, think u r referring to me. So I guess I should answer u.

Safest advice..........Leave them alone. There r so many opportunities outside. Why play with fire? Worse, they live under the same roof with u. Don't be FOOLISH lah......opps :D

17-09-2005, 09:25 AM
Thks bros 4 advice had long tot abt it maybe correct not worth the trouble.Try to get them off mind would be susah lor since under same roof. For now, I think this thread can self destruct.

21-09-2005, 01:33 AM
i think u suck.

21-09-2005, 12:37 PM
Word of advice dun play around when u a r married especially in yr house or neighbour

The consequences are disasters....
ONly go in when u r at least 90% sure...shes hinting or desperate stuffs if not move on... :(

11-10-2005, 02:51 PM
Yo Bros. thks 4 d advise but guess what happened 2 nites ago me and my sis-in-law were at home alone since my wife away. I was as usual watching TV after dinner when my s-i-l came and sat next to me on the sofa. As usual we had small talk while my eyes pinpoint on her bare nipples easily seen thru her loose sleeveless nightie. This time she was aware of my roving eyes but smiled and to my surprise took my hands and placed it over her breast covered by her nightie. I nearly fell off the sofa as being married do not prepare you for such surprises. I responded by hugging and french kissing her mouth. This time the devil in me took control and slowly my hand found an opening in her nightie and got hold of her bare breast. After awhile I pulled over her nightie slightly and move down to lick and suck her nipples. As she shivered in ecstasy my dick had an immediate erection. As my hand grope further down to her panties she quickly pulled it away and placed it back on her breast. In response she grasp my dicky without any movement. Sensing that she is inexperienced, I put my hand over hers and lead her to stroke my erect shaft. I tried moving my hands down into her panties again this time she did not resist. I slowly stroke her pubic hair without going to her pussy yet.
Sorry guys, need to go back to work will continue tmoro

11-10-2005, 03:03 PM
... Sorry guys, need to go back to work will continue tmoro

You sure? :rolleyes:

11-10-2005, 03:20 PM
Errm.. i think the most important advice given by other bros here is "Don't Eat and Shit at the same place."

Bro enormous, take care. ....