View Full Version : MP at Kitchener

18-03-2014, 12:19 AM
Just went to a newly open MP at Kitchener road, went in saw this PRC gal in petite size with her dress not wearing properly, then I know confirm got special. Rate is 1/2hr $30, 45mins $40 and 1hr $50. So ask for 1hr but she told me try 1/2hr first if good then extend. I thought this MP quite not bad. But went in massage for me for about 7-8mins, she pop her GQ, HJ=50, JG=70, BM=100. In my mind, knn so easy to earn, press press less than 10mins GQ popped, wtf. So I told her HJ, she keep poloso me to take up JG, den I aiya chin chai la, 70 den 70 la...... Less than 5mins, she poloso me again to take up the 100 package n say she will do 3 package in 1 for only 100, but during the conversation, her hand is stroking very fast n just about I going to release, she just say " ok ar ok ar 100" in mandarin and I did not reply, after I release, she ask me for 100. Ccb never ever go to this MP again!!! Those bros who want to know this MP, pls PM me, just sacrifices my $130, don't want any bros to walk in this MP n get conned:mad::mad::mad:

18-03-2014, 09:04 AM
Kitchener road well known for shit. Dont waste time

18-03-2014, 10:02 AM
bro koke, tink I know which one. was there when the slim lady, who is quite pretty, keep pushing for hj+jg+bm and to get her partner to come in for the same at $200. settle for $100 but was quite a rush job. I tink it is a relatively new shop.

18-03-2014, 07:47 PM
Hate those "hard-sell" kind. I kana twice couple months back. One is face and body cmi still wanna hard sell me. Tried very hard. But I dunwan to break her heart, tipped her instead but rejected all extra services.

19-03-2014, 08:55 PM
I too went to this place and was served by a ML ard 30 plus. Session was good. She even asked me if my lower back or shoulders needs extra attention. When I told her my lower back tends to be tired she brought a special lamp to shine at that area. I must say the warmth from the lamp works wonder. I felt the strain at my lower back become lighter and overall massage was good as well. No short change of time, GQ was popped after about 45mins and no pushing of rates. I left a happy man. :)

I guess a lot of such situation depends who you got assigned.

Perhaps I was lucky that day.

20-03-2014, 12:12 AM
can share location with me bro thanks!

21-04-2014, 11:42 AM
went the area along kitchener link, got all races there,go and survey them

Can share location