View Full Version : Marrying a mainland women
19-09-2005, 09:51 PM
Hi.. not sure if this is the forum to ask. Anyway, anyone would like to give any opinion on having a mainland wife? I would like to add that the women is not any KTV girls, prostitute, bar lady , etc.. but a decent nice lady... any takers here for an opinion?
20-09-2005, 12:45 PM
Hi.. not sure if this is the forum to ask. Anyway, anyone would like to give any opinion on having a mainland wife? I would like to add that the women is not any KTV girls, prostitute, bar lady , etc.. but a decent nice lady... any takers here for an opinion?
Hi there,
I thought I would add some ideas of my own.
Let us all face it, if we are in China, we would be positioned as FOREIGNERS.
Just like those Ang Mohs coming in from overseas to Singapore.
There is already a X-factor attached to us.
From my own point of view, we would be automatically positioned as potential /ATM /BoyFriend /Husband /Con Target /etc... the list goes on and on...
If you're really keen on looking for a wife in China, then this site SAMMYBOY FORUM is really not for you yeah?
remember the objective of this forum? it's commercial sex! not how to build a long lasting relationship... hahahah....
But with my 2 cents worth,
I believe it's all the same, women, the opposite sex would look for men that can give them security.
Think about it, in the animal kingdom, usually the fierciest, strongest, and those with strong will power will get the chance to mate with the HAREM of females.
With reference to the animal kingdom, human beings are not far from these beings.
With correlation to the animal's hunting skill set, ours (human's) would be our EARNING POWER ABILITY.
With more money, you'll get more opportunities with attractive ladies. But if you don't have more money yet, it's usually YOUR POTENTIAL EARNING ABILITIES that will attract your POTENTIAL MATE.
So, China or not, North Pole or South Pole, Pluto or Sun, if you're really serious about looking for mainland wife, I would say that all women are the same.
Matching Couple;
1. Complimentary Personality
2. Same level of social placement (similar social background)
3. Similar thinking ( about 60 to 70% similar would be good enough)
4. Similar taste
5. Similar visions
As long as you know that all women are the same, then getting girl friends is easier for you, and also, you'll be able to date enough women to find out which of those are suitable for you... the key is still ot to rush into a relationship.
hope this 2 cent infor is useful. :cool:
20-09-2005, 01:13 PM
brudder sperminator..very well said indeed!!!! *clap clap clap** :cool:
20-09-2005, 10:35 PM
That's a nice touch, keep it up dude..
;) Rgds.
21-09-2005, 02:27 PM
Hi.. not sure if this is the forum to ask. Anyway, anyone would like to give any opinion on having a mainland wife? I would like to add that the women is not any KTV girls, prostitute, bar lady , etc.. but a decent nice lady... any takers here for an opinion?
dun ask for trouble if they are from any comm. sex related industry.
factory girls or Chinese student, working professional are okay
21-09-2005, 04:06 PM
What has marrying a non-WL lady got to do with this thread which is field reports on international sex scene?
FYI, there is another forum for non-commercial sex discussion at Sam's Alfresco Coffee Hub :
21-09-2005, 04:43 PM
Eh...Sperminator and taurus75 got Junksampah's meaning wrong lah.
Xocturnal, Junksampah is seeking queries from samsters who have mainlander Chinese wife. This forum is open for all (not exactly talk about about lj and cb) discussions. Give him some support mah. "Dio-boh"!
Junksampah was seeking for opinion lah. I am sure Junksampah is not stupid. Of course, he sure know SBF is about sex.
Only Jon2000sg knew exactly what Junksampah was asking.
21-09-2005, 04:47 PM
dun ask for trouble if they are from any comm. sex related industry.
factory girls or Chinese student, working professional are okay
Bro, the threadstarter has already has a love to yearn for. Just that he wants to settle down lay. :)
21-09-2005, 05:03 PM
Xocturnal, Junksampah is seeking queries from samsters who have mainlander Chinese wife. This forum is open for all (not exactly talk about about lj and cb) discussions.
Allow me to quote the forum's FAQ for newbies:
The primary purpose of the forum is for exchange of Commercial Sex Information. All messages and discussions which contain this sort of information are actively encouraged and quality information is archived at my website. However, discussions which are of a mature sexual nature are welcome in the "Adult Discusssions about Sex" section.
Please put your message in the right section of the forum. For example, if you want to ask newbie questions, there is section specifically for that purpose. Other sections are dedicated to discussing commercial sex issues in the category defined by the title.
Non sexual topics are NOT to be discussed at Sam's sex forum. However, such topics are most welcome at my Coffee Shop Forum.
So anyone still unclear about the above?
21-09-2005, 05:49 PM
be careful in what u do .....check out ..China MM excuses and emotional view is china MM are NG..not alll but most of them i would say good luck!
24-09-2005, 11:55 AM
"Adult Discusssions about Sex"
Bro I think Love is allowed to discuss cos the Heading from Index state so
(Misc chit chat about sex, whores, girls, love and lust. No more picture links here please.[The next twit who posts picture links here instead of the newly created link exchange plaza will be zapped to smithereens)
The only thing is that threadstarter never bother to read up some thread which already exist sharing info of same topics. :mad:
How many of us have been burnt by China Women? 20-09-2005, 12:30 PM by LOWELL
china gers looking for love 19-09-2005, 01:07 AM by lustyboi23
Foreigner Wife! 09-01-2005, 06:17 PM by spown04
24-09-2005, 12:19 PM
The only thing is that threadstarter never bother to read up some thread which already exist sharing info of same topics. :mad:
How many of us have been burnt by China Women? 20-09-2005, 12:30 PM by LOWELL
china gers looking for love 19-09-2005, 01:07 AM by lustyboi23
Foreigner Wife! 09-01-2005, 06:17 PM by spown04
Boss is boss. He remember all threads at his fingertips. :)
24-09-2005, 12:33 PM
Bro Sperminator - Nice analysis...u have said it all...
24-09-2005, 01:23 PM
be careful in what u do .....check out ..China MM excuses and emotional view is china MM are NG..not alll but most of them i would say good luck!
bro hyundai42...... China brides are a NO NO NO!!!
Get a vietnamese, thai, malaysian, cambodian, indonesian or even myanmar girl but definitely not a PRC. You'll save yourself a lot of troubles and heartaches later in your life.
bro snakehead
24-09-2005, 02:00 PM
Living proof of it.
The emotional strings they pull....
But we learn. And I'm learning.
And one day i'll learn how to say "fuck off bitch"
24-09-2005, 03:18 PM
Dun Regret the choices u have make in life thread starter!
If u really love her,wat u wan to care abt if she is china or local rite? dun tell mi local gers make better wife mah?
Just my 1 cent worth! :)
24-09-2005, 04:19 PM
Just feel that i shld warn u abt china woman,
as copied from another thread my view if u had miss it,
china woman ,
of cos cant say 100% all bad, but still can safely say 99% are out for our money. hahaha
i have many friends hook up with those china woman, mind u, not those who come here to work in the flesh trade, but those factory girls doing operators job in those semi conductor industry etc.
got one damn jia lat now... the girl found out he fooling around (health centre, with PRC WL etc, not those long term , jus a one time type).
he is married to this girl, know her in SEAGATE...
they got married, was happy for 3-4yrs, then she got pregnant, then just after baby was born, he stupid never cover up his track properly,let her found out he visit a WL, then all hell break loose.
she ask him to transfer around 60K+ (joint account, but mostly his savings), to her personal account. he lan lan, cos she said wants to control his money , so he cant fool around. he did it.
THAT THE 1st ting she want him to do, transfer the money!!! WTF?!!
then she start scolding him, hitting him daily, punch and kicks. luckily he is big size, she is small size, so not much visible injury. Cut in pieces all the clothes she had buy for him, throw a 21" tv on the living floor, smashes his hp into pieces, copy down all his friends and relatives hp into her notebook, threatening to call every single one of them to tell them he 's been unfaithful to her.
funny thing is , i ask him to use his credit care and cash advances 5k to lend me a 6mths ago ,i was paying 24% interest etc. she called me up, she got the guts to call me up!! Told me that if i dun pay up, she will call my house and tell my parents, embarrased me etc?!! wat stupid arrogance !!
ask me to pay her back her $5k!! knn, i was paying interests monthly, and i dun think its her monthly etc..
But to not create problem for my friend, i pay him back the $5k.
the moment she got to knows i pay up the money, she was nice to him, ask him to go ATM with her, transfer the $5k to her account, then she will forget everything, and forgive him. So for the sake of the baby, my friend agrees.
guess wat happen straight after she transfer the money.
she went to a hardware shop, buy a new lock.. then she walk fast back home 1st, ask my friend to get some groceries, by the time my friend was back hme, he saw a new lock at his hse, and she dont allow him in anymore!!
his parents came down, also no use, she already turn "crazy", and wont listen to anyone. so now he is throw out of his hse, staying with his parents.
She said if he ask locksmith to cut the lock, its ok,
in her words : "a lock jus cost few dollars, u ask locksmith need to pay around $50, i can buy many locks !!"
she took the money around 60-70k++ , spend 2 weeks at beautfort hotel at sentosa, went back to china for holiday with her mum
(her mum she apply for her to come over before the baby was born), buy new hp, spend $$ on this and that,
and insists my friend pay her $1k every month, if not she going to call everyone on the list in his hp, make the matter big etc..
shit man, he's in deep shit, i know he love the baby, i advice him to forget abt her or baby, but i know deep down he still love her and baby, so he still willing to give the $1k, and is at her beck and call every single day if she need him to buy things for baby etc..
i think this happen to many sporean man also, sour marriage, and the china wife think she is king!!
if sporean or msia girl find out abt affair of sporean man, they at most give him a few slaps and walk out, get a divorce , spilt the hse etc.
they wont go ask for his money.
for china woman, they FIRST ask to get all your money, then they willing to talk, and try to see u got more money for them or not, if not they will walk out, they not stupid.
they come all the way to spore to work, if its not for the money, why do u think they travel all the way here, and if just happen to HOOK a ok looking FAITHFUL man, then good, if not then get as much money by other means if possible.
think of it my blood boil !!
25-09-2005, 01:19 AM
for china woman, they FIRST ask to get all your money, then they willing to talk, and try to see u got more money for them or not, if not they will walk out, they not stupid.
Well said bro SanPiPa.....totally agree with U !! Bros please stay far far away from PRC women. They are only good for Fuck N Forget ....... dun ever get into a relationship with any of them.
bro snakehead
25-09-2005, 03:39 AM
anyway, never share your bank a/c with gf/wife.
sure got problem when it comes to conflicts
25-09-2005, 08:14 AM
anyway, never share your bank a/c with gf/wife.
sure got problem when it comes to conflicts
wow wow , i would like to share more here ,coming later my pc got problem ,can we share about married with thai here? ......pls adv??????we thai lover got more story over it !
25-09-2005, 09:07 AM
anyway, never share your bank a/c with gf/wife.
sure got problem when it comes to conflicts
Ya lah.... My wife(sporean) always tell me that my money is her money and her money is for our child future usage????
25-09-2005, 10:12 AM
The only thing is that threadstarter never bother to read up some thread which already exist sharing info of same topics.
When come to these topics, u r 1 of the VIPs..... :D
25-09-2005, 10:13 AM
Boss is boss. He remember all threads at his fingertips. :)
Kettle n pot same same leh, y u praise him n not yourself?? :D
25-09-2005, 10:14 AM
bro hyundai42...... China brides are a NO NO NO!!!
Get a vietnamese, thai, malaysian, cambodian, indonesian or even myanmar girl but definitely not a PRC. You'll save yourself a lot of troubles and heartaches later in your life.
bro snakehead
They r also woman, dun label PRC women no good....
25-09-2005, 04:49 PM
They r also woman, dun label PRC women no good....
I do agreed with Naemlo bro........there are real gd PRC women ok, they are not as bad as u think lor......hehe...... :D
25-09-2005, 05:06 PM
the ones you find in Singapore normally damn terok la
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