View Full Version : PM Lee's cute picture winning him hundreds of thousands new fans

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26-03-2014, 12:10 PM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

PM Lee’s ‘priceless’ facial expression in photo draws fans
By mkwara | What’s buzzing? (http://sg.news.yahoo.com/blogs/what-is-buzzing/) – Mon, Mar 24, 2014

PM Lee posted this photo of his tour guide eating a cured herring. (Screengrab of PM Lee's Facebook photo)

Funny, cute, priceless, amazed, or all of the above?

The picture, which was posted on the prime minister’s Facebook and Instagram accounts on Monday morning, has generated plenty of attention from social media users.

Local actress Michelle Chong even reposted his Instagram photo, with the caption "Repost from @leehsienloong. The expression is too good not to repost! Caption this! #WahGotSoHungryAnot".

An Instagram user by the username of anywool said, "Haha sir ur face says it all *amazed and bewildered but no thanks lol* " and another user kendratan97 commented, "Hahaha! Cute ttm la!!"

The prime minister posted an album documenting his travels in the Netherlands on Facebook, including this picture of his Amsterdam tour guide eating an uncooked herring. Lee posted the picture, with the caption "Ben Stibbe, our guide, showing me how to eat cured (uncooked) herrings (known as Hollandse Nieuwe). He offered me this one, but I decided to pass!”

Writer Kirsten Han said in a comment to the post, "I really like the facial expressions”, while Jenny Lau added, "Not only the expression, but notice the arched right eyebrow! Hahaha!".

Another user, Gary Pah, commented, "Sir, your face expression is priceless.."

The Prime Minister is currently in the Netherlands to attend the third Nuclear Security Summit in The Hague, on March 24 and 25.

Reactions to PM Lee's Netherlands photo

While in the Netherlands for the third Nuclear Security Summit in The Hague, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong took a tour of Amsterdam. He posted photos of his tour on social media, including this gem of a photo.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/t31.0-8/p480x480/1658191_680569375339105_488605974_o.jpgLee Hsien Loong - The Hague, Netherlands (Day 1) | Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/leehsienloong/photos/a.680541688675207.1073741946.125845680811480/680569375339105/?type=1&theater)Ben Stibbe, our guide, showing me how to eat cured (uncooked) herrings (known as Hollandse Nieuwe). He offered me this one, but I decided to pass! (MCI...

FACEBOOK (https://www.facebook.com/)

http://i.embed.ly/1/display/resize?key=1e6a1a1efdb011df84894040444cdc60&url=http%3A%2F%2Fdistilleryimage3.s3.amazonaws.com %2F1a8999aeb30311e3a17512b8f1722f83_8.jpg&width=490
Repost from @leehsienloong (https://twitter.com/leehsienloong). The expression is too good not to repost! Caption this! #WahGotSoHungryAnot (https://twitter.com/#!/search?q=%23WahGotSoHungryAnot)
http://g.etfv.co/http://instagram.com (http://instagram.com/)
MICHELLE CHONG 庄米雪 (http://instagram.com/immichellechong)
2 DAYS AGO (http://instagram.com/p/l6Pz48NLlP/)

PM Lee does NOT look convinced that the herring should be eaten that way! Great photo, and kudos to… http://http://instagram.com/p/l6gmjhPd7T/

ADELINE TAN (http://twitter.com/GrowingwtheTans)@GROWINGWTHETANS (http://twitter.com/GrowingwtheTans)
2 DAYS AGO (http://twitter.com/GrowingwtheTans/status/447973445977268224)

leehsienloong's photo http://instagram.com/p/l6OwOtGJyn/ PM Lee expression is so cute!

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://www.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?177964-PM-Lee-s-cute-picture-winning-him-hundreds-of-thousands-new-fans&goto=newpost).