View Full Version : male massage

22-09-2005, 01:41 AM
any gays here any recomm
the rest dun zap me GAY POWER!

22-09-2005, 12:20 PM
any gays here any recomm
the rest dun zap me GAY POWER!

check out yahoo classified ads...
u can find many "guys" offering "massage" service to guys...
maybe that are the ones u interested in...

22-09-2005, 12:51 PM
any gays here any recomm
the rest dun zap me GAY POWER!

With due respect, this forum is not for homosexual. You may want to look elsewhere.

22-09-2005, 01:03 PM
With due respect, this forum is not for homosexual. You may want to look elsewhere.

I am not gay but I would say that this forum is open to all regardless of their sexual orientation.

What if a bro is a bisexual? Would that be ok?

What if one of our female members was bisexual?... and posted something about her "menage toi" episode with another girl and a guy? I have no problems with that :D

This might not be the proper Topic/Area i.e. "Health Centre and KTV Lounge", but this is "Singapore Premium Sex Hub".....

22-09-2005, 02:42 PM
any gays here any recomm
the rest dun zap me GAY POWER!
Yup! That is coming to wrong forum. Here is hole drillers' forum!

22-09-2005, 07:05 PM

Please dont response to his bo liao thread..

He just start new nick to make trouble..

When you look at his first nick- Bishanboi, he cursed us by saying we will die of AIDS and called us peverts.. for not providing him informations on which Bishan TNs got pretty gals... he was zapped by many of us ..

Then he register another nick, Bishanboy, and post a few bo-liao threads..he again cursed us, he even made up stories about his visit to DHC and humiliated Violet by saying she no good. (Violet is one of the top gals in DHC.)..He was also zapped until his reputation points become negative.

Now, he start this nick, Bishanboii.. Lets see how he posts when we dont provide him informations.

22-09-2005, 07:50 PM
i kinda remember him....a little irritating wasn't he?

23-09-2005, 12:01 AM
what the hell
u all bias against gays

23-09-2005, 10:45 PM
Yo bros,

i think this is a good thread for learning and practising ZAPPING ... hehehe ...
Lets attack ... ... ... :mad:

23-09-2005, 10:53 PM
Yo bros,

i think this is a good thread for learning and practising ZAPPING ... hehehe ...
Lets attack ... ... ... :mad:

Dun zap others when u can't even do that.... go n read the stickies... :rolleyes:

24-09-2005, 01:03 PM
ready Fire.

24-09-2005, 01:10 PM
Yo bros,

i think this is a good thread for learning and practising ZAPPING ... hehehe ...
Lets attack ... ... ... :mad:

Bro bernard3006, you haven't fired your first shot already no ammo liao, like that how to go to war? :D

24-09-2005, 01:14 PM
what the hell
u all bias against gays

I have a few good friends who are gays. If you leave your genuine contact details, I can hook you up with them, confirm they will not discriminate against you one :)

And I'm sure they'll recommend a few good massage options to you as well...

24-09-2005, 01:15 PM
what the hell
u all bias against gays

i hate gay... fire my 1st shot!!

24-09-2005, 01:16 PM
Yup! That is coming to wrong forum. Here is hole drillers' forum!

Some gays also need to drill holes lah :rolleyes: it's just a different type of hole that they drill :D

24-09-2005, 01:18 PM
i hate gay... fire my 1st shot!!

Bro, love humankind lah, no need to discriminate against gays one... peace :)

24-09-2005, 01:32 PM
Bro, love humankind lah, no need to discriminate against gays one... peace )
my gf is a hair-stylish, got lots of those gay friend... "so call sister". can hug & kiss when they meet each other :mad:can not tahan :mad:
but "they" dont dare to come near me, coz i show yhem one kind of ah beng look... so alway complian to my gf said i got a million dollar face!!
Sori to those "sister" i just dont like YOU!!!

24-09-2005, 01:37 PM
my gf is a hair-stylish, got lots of those gay friend... "so call sister". can hug & kiss when they meet each other can not tahan
but "they" dont dare to come near me, coz i show yhem one kind of ah beng look... so alway complian to my gf said i got a million dollar face!!
Sori to those "sister" i just dont like YOU!!!

Cannot tahan your GF hug & kiss with her "sisters", not say they do other things right? Why so tension? All your other friends super macho one ah?

At least they say you got million dollar face, not ten-cent face leh... ha ha ha :D

25-09-2005, 11:23 AM
i hate gay... fire my 1st shot!!

what the hell
gay r oso human ok
reborn still causing trouble
respect other pple choice in life ok

25-09-2005, 12:30 PM
what the hell
gay r oso human ok
reborn still causing trouble
respect other pple choice in life ok
yes, gay also human.
I do respect their choice for life.
BUT, can you rspect the true that I JUZ Dont Like GAYS!!! :rolleyes:

25-09-2005, 01:06 PM
erm Gay, Straight, Bi, Deviant, Pervert, outside of the bedroom or shaggpad, we all look the same so discrimination occurs when you have preconcieved notions of someone lah. I have many gay friends that are working professionals and dresses very well. You will never know their sexual preference if they never did tell you. So point in case being, WAH LAU live and let live lah, whats there to like and not like hee hee hee :rolleyes:

25-09-2005, 01:25 PM
Wah lau eh ~ relak bro... jangan tension lah, lai lai lai, who wants a massage? Ha ha ha :D

26-09-2005, 01:45 AM
aiya dun care those pple
anyway who knows where to get the best male massage? any fr?
any fellow non-straight guys pls pm me

26-09-2005, 02:40 AM
aiya dun care those pple
anyway who knows where to get the best male massage? any fr?
any fellow non-straight guys pls pm me

Frankly, I doubt you're ever going to get a response continuing this thread, good luck nonetheless...

26-09-2005, 06:54 AM


26-09-2005, 10:28 AM

what are you trying to proof??? :mad:

26-09-2005, 10:35 AM
what are you trying to proof??? :mad:

That he can type in sign language ??

Al Capone
26-09-2005, 11:24 AM
aiya dun care those pple
anyway who knows where to get the best male massage? any fr?
any fellow non-straight guys pls pm me

If u wanna trans, can pm dickrick.
He knows where to find them

26-09-2005, 11:40 AM
the rest dun zap me GAY POWER!

hahaha... i heard of girl power only, so this is something new! :D

my gf is a hair-stylish, got lots of those gay friend... "so call sister". can hug & kiss when they meet each other ]

bro cannot allow lo, gays are still men. how can let your gf let them kiss and hug? :confused:

28-09-2005, 03:12 AM
what the hell
u all bias against gays
silly post... did any1 said anything?? good 2 c u being zap... i wont zap u... y??? waste mi time only...