View Full Version : No Condom

22-09-2005, 08:51 AM
Dear all, like to check with the brothers here wats the best way to avoid pregancy without doing the following:

1) put on a condom
2) observing the safe period
3) eat pills

First time for her, so i dont wish to have any foreign objects involved.

Many thanks

Kyser Soze
22-09-2005, 09:45 AM
Eat pills and using condoms as a combination should be the best, if not 'kiasu', effect. Else, taking pills should be good enough, if you are into raw. :D

22-09-2005, 09:45 AM
Best way? Dun do it lor. Seriously, all the major methods of avoiding pregnancy you don't want to use, wait you shiok liao small head rule over big head and cip, happy father's day to you.

Since it's the first time, why not just tahan a bit and wait for safe periond, if she really wants it raw?

22-09-2005, 09:53 AM
yo man,don't ejac inside but that's not foolproof,cause even if a bit goes in,also got chance 'happy father's day'.unless u really sure u can pull out at the moment,otherwise dun try.it's the method i always use.pull out then CIM.then she suck deeply.aah...shiok ;)

22-09-2005, 09:59 AM
Nothing beats doing it raw !

Condom = reduced sensation
Pills = side effects
Safe period = Some girls have irregular ovulation period. My gf's is a bit earlier than what most books mention. On the other hand, some girls have 6-week cycles.

So, understand your partner's period cycle, and do what you deem fit.

22-09-2005, 10:09 AM
there is no fool proof method lah...want to do muz be able to bear the consequences lor...

i always do raw with gf...so far so good...if kenna lan lan lor... :D

22-09-2005, 10:23 AM
Dear all, like to check with the brothers here wats the best way to avoid pregancy without doing the following:

1) put on a condom
2) observing the safe period
3) eat pills

First time for her, so i dont wish to have any foreign objects involved.
What do you mean by the above underlined phrase ?

22-09-2005, 10:23 AM
Withdrawal is the only other method available since you don't want to do the 3 things listed.

However, be aware that withdrawal doesn't always work because you have to do it at your weakest point (about to come) and you may already have placed some sperm (during foreplay seepage or leakage).

Good luck.

22-09-2005, 10:31 AM
Dear all, like to check with the brothers here wats the best way to avoid pregancy without doing the following:

1) put on a condom
2) observing the safe period
3) eat pills

First time for her, so i dont wish to have any foreign objects involved.

Many thanks

Err doesn't your little bro consider foregin object to her??? ;) just kidding......

its better to use a condom for the following reason:
1)Your first time as well? Are you clean?
2)How you know is her first time? Is she clean?
3)Since its her first time, don't let her taste the raw first wait forever she wants it raw. Good stuff must save till last ma.
4)Kanna baby how? Then come here ask member for info where to do operation. how much?

Please face the facts ok, be fair to the girl and yourself.

22-09-2005, 10:47 AM
I have been using withdrawal method all along. When you feel a tingle in the groin, pull out and wank or better still, get the gal to wank you or blow you. So far so good, no misfire yet.

22-09-2005, 10:50 AM
Withdrawal is the only other method available since you don't want to do the 3 things listed.

However, be aware that withdrawal doesn't always work because you have to do it at your weakest point (about to come) and you may already have placed some sperm (during foreplay seepage or leakage).

Good luck.

Withdrawal was what i praticed 9 mths ago..but my wife is already 8 mths pregant !! :mad: so is not full prove :)

22-09-2005, 10:57 AM
Dear all, like to check with the brothers here wats the best way to avoid pregancy without doing the following:

1) put on a condom
2) observing the safe period
3) eat pills

after reading ur posting again, i was wondering like tat how to prevent?? all the basic methods u dun wan to use...veri difficult leh... ;)

22-09-2005, 11:30 AM

You can come inside her as many times as you want after that!


22-09-2005, 11:38 AM
haha, ya looks like vasectomy is my only choice.

22-09-2005, 12:01 PM
hope my post help

Get morning after pills, you can shoot inside as many time as you wan, as long as you get her to eat the pill within 48 hours of yr 1st shot.The morning after pill side effect is 4 times stronger than normal birth control pill and is 99.5 % . You can get it from pracitcally any clinic as long as yr girl is above 16. i advise you to get this as this is the only time she will be needing this right?

22-09-2005, 12:28 PM
Withdrawal is the only other method available since you don't want to do the 3 things listed.

However, be aware that withdrawal doesn't always work because you have to do it at your weakest point (about to come) and you may already have placed some sperm (during foreplay seepage or leakage).

Good luck.

I have always used condoms only at the last few minutes of before ejaculation with my gf. so far so GOOD! 2 years liao! there is nv a better way.

22-09-2005, 12:49 PM
pump her during her period, confirm safe. If want a bit risky, first day after her period finish, pump her and upload everything inside. all tadpoles should be dead by the time her egg came rolling down...

22-09-2005, 01:14 PM
Dear all, like to check with the brothers here wats the best way to avoid pregancy without doing the following:

First time for her, so i dont wish to have any foreign objects involved.

Many thanks

do just one or two days before her menses...sure safe. but there will be a little tricklets of discharge then...but not that digusting yet

22-09-2005, 03:05 PM
Before you let your small head rule, see this video I posted at this thread (http://sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=43590)

6" boy
22-09-2005, 03:08 PM
Err doesn't your little bro consider foregin object to her??? ;) just kidding......

its better to use a condom for the following reason:
1)Your first time as well? Are you clean?
2)How you know is her first time? Is she clean?
3)Since its her first time, don't let her taste the raw first wait forever she wants it raw. Good stuff must save till last ma.
4)Kanna baby how? Then come here ask member for info where to do operation. how much?

Please face the facts ok, be fair to the girl and yourself.

I agreed with this. Always practise safe sex, leave the best on the last episode.

You are big enough to think and bear the consequences yourself. There is always an opportunity cost. There is no one stone kill two birds in this scenario.

Big Sexy
22-09-2005, 03:11 PM
let me know when u have the answer :)

Dear all, like to check with the brothers here wats the best way to avoid pregancy without doing the following:

22-09-2005, 03:38 PM
hope my post help

Get morning after pills, you can shoot inside as many time as you wan, as long as you get her to eat the pill within 48 hours of yr 1st shot.The morning after pill side effect is 4 times stronger than normal birth control pill and is 99.5 % . You can get it from pracitcally any clinic as long as yr girl is above 16. i advise you to get this as this is the only time she will be needing this right?

this one very very strong.... would result in the gal feeling nauseous... I dun recommend it personally

22-09-2005, 04:05 PM
hope my post help

Get morning after pills, you can shoot inside as many time as you wan, as long as you get her to eat the pill within 48 hours of yr 1st shot.The morning after pill side effect is 4 times stronger than normal birth control pill and is 99.5 % . You can get it from pracitcally any clinic as long as yr girl is above 16. i advise you to get this as this is the only time she will be needing this right?
This one is very effective. But cannot buy off the shelf. The girl must go to the clinic for consultation and get the pill prescribed by doctor.

22-09-2005, 04:28 PM
... so i dont wish to have any foreign objects involved.

Bro spermmann2003, I think after all the nice suggestions and advice by the bros here, it's very likely that you will need to practise some form of birth control. Having sex with a virgin (assuming she is from what you describe) doesn't necessarily become incomfortable or difficult because of foreign objects, well... maybe use a local condom instead?


22-09-2005, 04:54 PM
Dear all, like to check with the brothers here wats the best way to avoid pregancy without doing the following:

1) put on a condom
2) observing the safe period
3) eat pills

First time for her, so i dont wish to have any foreign objects involved.

Many thanks

If the gal don't mind irregular periods etc... can take those injection.... about $40 per shot.... last 3 months....

Can do raw whatever.... also no problem...

22-09-2005, 05:13 PM
If no foreign objects = no ingestion of pills, then condom should be very safe.

There is no reason to categorise condom as a foreign object since it forms part of your anatomy which will be invading her.

If the both of you are old enough and mature enough as I trust you are to plan your sexual relationship, you would and should practise safe sex.

There is no bestest method. However, the wonders of modern medical science has provided a new form of contraception that comes in the form of a non-intrusive plaster patch that is worn on the girl's body. it is water-proof and can be worn on the back, thigh, arms, etc.

Unfortunately, this can only be obtained from a certified gynae after consultation.

So, either you take the risk of parenthood, which if unplanned, will be much much much much more distressing than these so-called foreign objects... or you practise safe sex.

Safe sex requires either one of you to purchase contraception. Either you do it over the counter or she goes to the gynae.

23-09-2005, 10:04 AM
I think doc can give a jap... non pregnant for 6-8 months... but donno if applied to married couples only. Other methods seem less effective. Check with doc for more details.

In consideration of condom, use correct size... else risk not changed.

No idea of pill.

There is never a safe period. After all, girl can get pregnant w/o penetration.

23-09-2005, 10:50 AM
Lucrin jabs are given to women who suffers from severe endometriosis, which will actually cause oestrogens in the women to be reduced to post-menopausal levels, meaning they will not ovulate. U can then bonk all you like w/o her getting pregnant. While this procedure is reversible, that is she will start ovulating again once she stops taking the lucrin jabs, there is no guarranty that the fertility levels won't be affected.

However my advice is that if she is a gal that u treasure, don't put her through such ordeal. Just do it with a cap on. It is the only method that has no side effects. If not, just take chance with Withdrawl method.

For bros, who have been practising withdrawl methods with success, it does not neccesary means u have been lucky. It could be simply becoz u have low sperm count. It would always be good if you go do a check on your sperm count. :)

23-09-2005, 11:06 AM
Lucrin jabs are given to women who suffers from severe endometriosis, which will actually cause oestrogens in the women to be reduced to post-menopausal levels, meaning they will not ovulate. U can then bonk all you like w/o her getting pregnant. While this procedure is reversible, that is she will start ovulating again once she stops taking the lucrin jabs, there is no guarranty that the fertility levels won't be affected.

However my advice is that if she is a gal that u treasure, don't put her through such ordeal. Just do it with a cap on. It is the only method that has no side effects. If not, just take chance with Withdrawl method.

For bros, who have been practising withdrawl methods with success, it does not neccesary means u have been lucky. It could be simply becoz u have low sperm count. It would always be good if you go do a check on your sperm count. :)
Bro, are you a gynae ? Very technical and chim leh :D

23-09-2005, 11:15 AM
... It could be simply becoz u have low sperm count...

Ouch :D, ha ha ha

23-09-2005, 11:34 AM
If the girl is first time then just do it.
unless you are very lucky then will be like kena first prize.
Just pratice the withdraw method and also measure temperature.
do it when the body temp is low.

23-09-2005, 11:40 AM
Bro, are you a gynae ? Very technical and chim leh :D

No lah Bro. Knowledge comes frm experience mah........ :D

23-09-2005, 11:41 AM
Ouch :D, ha ha ha

Opps........reality hurts hor..........kekeke :D

23-09-2005, 11:47 AM
hope my post help

Get morning after pills, you can shoot inside as many time as you wan, as long as you get her to eat the pill within 48 hours of yr 1st shot.The morning after pill side effect is 4 times stronger than normal birth control pill and is 99.5 % . You can get it from pracitcally any clinic as long as yr girl is above 16. i advise you to get this as this is the only time she will be needing this right?

To get morning after pill, my gf will have to see the doc & the doc will have to poke his fingers in to her chee bye for inspection? Just dont like the idea of doc poking fingers into my property...
How to get the pills without that?

23-09-2005, 12:12 PM
Lucrin jabs are given to women who suffers from severe endometriosis, which will actually cause oestrogens in the women to be reduced to post-menopausal levels, meaning they will not ovulate. U can then bonk all you like w/o her getting pregnant. While this procedure is reversible, that is she will start ovulating again once she stops taking the lucrin jabs, there is no guarranty that the fertility levels won't be affected.

However my advice is that if she is a gal that u treasure, don't put her through such ordeal. Just do it with a cap on. It is the only method that has no side effects. If not, just take chance with Withdrawl method.

So are you implying that it MAY be difficult for a woman to start ovulating again after she stop taking the jab? and that conception after stopping the jab MAY be hindered?

23-09-2005, 12:18 PM
To get morning after pill, my gf will have to see the doc & the doc will have to poke his fingers in to her chee bye for inspection? Just dont like the idea of doc poking fingers into my property...
How to get the pills without that?

Har??!! Then find a female doctor lah....

23-09-2005, 12:39 PM
So are you implying that it MAY be difficult for a woman to start ovulating again after she stop taking the jab? and that conception after stopping the jab MAY be hindered?

No bro. She would start ovulating but her fertility might be affected for awhile. :)

23-09-2005, 01:16 PM
To get morning after pill, my gf will have to see the doc & the doc will have to poke his fingers in to her chee bye for inspection? Just dont like the idea of doc poking fingers into my property...
How to get the pills without that?

no poking, but the doc may ask whether any sexual assault took place, cos that is one purpose for the drug.

the doc has to educate the gal on proper use and better ways of contraception, cos this is only recommended as a last min resort.

no other way to get it unless u got lobang(underground)

my ex took it last time cos i accidentally ejeculate in her... after taking it, she felt like vomitting for hours. Pity her... :(

23-09-2005, 02:19 PM
Dear all, like to check with the brothers here wats the best way to avoid pregancy without doing the following:

1) put on a condom
2) observing the safe period
3) eat pills

First time for her, so i dont wish to have any foreign objects involved.

Many thanks
Use your hand.


23-09-2005, 02:49 PM
No bro. She would start ovulating but her fertility might be affected for awhile. :)

Oic... let say there is no plan to have kids within 1-2 years... then should be ok right??