View Full Version : Ladyboys of Orchard Towers

27-09-2005, 01:06 AM
I saw alot recently there on 3rd and 4th level,and my gosh....they look damm fine and sexy,but I have no experiences wif these type but somehow the temptations are there to fling wif them,any good intros or advices from bros here? :D

27-09-2005, 10:18 AM
No one here likes to play with trans???

27-09-2005, 04:32 PM
try posting in the deskar section you might get more response.

29-09-2005, 09:15 PM
Hi Croopig,

Go to crazy horse or club romeo for a drink. Make eye contact with your target and negotiate. If you want to screw then forget about buying lady drink for her. Prices varies depending on demand and supply. Remember not all ladyboy will do ass fuck. Be advised to ask before booking.

Hope this helps.


30-09-2005, 11:56 AM
No one here likes to play with trans???

You are a faggard ar? :p

30-09-2005, 01:15 PM
You are a faggard ar? :p

not trying to defend anyone.. but everyone has their own choice of sexual pleasure and fantasy.... even when working out with a girl, i am sure you will get bored with just missonary.. and would like to shift to doggy.. or even try all 100 positions of the karma sutra... hahahaha.

30-09-2005, 04:11 PM
... or even try all 100 positions of the karma sutra... hahahaha.

Bro teraterm55, agreed, to each his own choice of sexual preference and orientation, just out of curiosity, does anyone know for a fact how many positions are there in the karmasutra :D

01-10-2005, 02:26 PM
You are a faggard ar? :p
hahas,no lah,just feel abit sian after all the screw sessions wif geylang fishtank charbors sometimes,actually it was my pal who intro me to this new sport,I mus admit the ladyboys certainly do flirt very well and they dance and shake damm fine too. :)

02-10-2005, 10:28 AM
hahas,no lah,just feel abit sian after all the screw sessions wif geylang fishtank charbors sometimes,actually it was my pal who intro me to this new sport,I mus admit the ladyboys certainly do flirt very well and they dance and shake damm fine too. :)
I'm rather curious about them.....but somehow don't think
I will do it....just don't feel right about doing it on a man or trans!.

02-10-2005, 02:52 PM
I'm rather curious about them.....but somehow don't think
I will do it....just don't feel right about doing it on a man or trans!.
Perhaps flirting is enuff lah.

11-10-2005, 07:53 AM
For your info, most guys here prefer real ladies..

Speak of Orchard Towers, I went there last time, (not to look for gals, just walking around only.)

There is a similiar scent in the 2nd block ,{1st Block is facing the main Orchard Road} ...( This scent is the same as Petain Road, Gelyang Brothels, and some HCs..)

When you go to Orchard Towers (2nd Block), you sniffed and find this scent can be found in brothels , and place where vice and sleaze took place often..

Now, I think the scent can be called a 'scent of vice'..

11-10-2005, 10:31 AM
Crazy Horse or Romeo is the place to go for ladyboys.
Some are really hot and sexy. If you make eye contact and indicate interest; usually they'll come sit with you, flirt and make small talk and get you to buy them a drink.

Last time this cute one from Hatyai sat with me. After I bought her a drink, she did a sexy dance for me, put half ball, show neh-neh...etc then I also start to rubbah-rubbah. When you rubbah, can try to "check out the goods" I remember this one had very tight underwear one. I suspect still got dick, haven't op, so wear big tight undie to "conceal" package. There are some who are also post op.

Usually they will initiate and pop the question and ask you to go hotel. Then you negotiate on price and what's included. I can't remember how much, but most have like a package menu, like more money for more services, etc. So you better ask upfront b4 deciding to go.

05-11-2005, 02:11 AM
Unless you are a rich expatriate or have lots of money to throw, Orchard Tower's not so friendly to local cheongsters.

The gals there are after Ang Moh's money. they see u local, look like Chinese, they won't be so interested in you. and if some do, they charge like S$150 to 300 for short-time (one bang only)

but Orchard Tower's a good place to sight-see. just see, maybe flirt, touch and grab, give some tips. but unless u got a couple of hundreds to throw away, u get four bonks instead of one if you go changi village or Geylang... :)

05-11-2005, 08:34 PM
actually on the contrary to wat u say.

There is a different price structure for locals and foreigners. locals get it at $150, ang mohs start at $200 an above varying on how much the ladyboy likes u. The trick is to not buy a drink but tip the gals. They get $5 for every drink and they tend to move away after drinks or in between drinks. If they like u they'll take ya no. and u can screw them another day for free.

Most ladyboys prefer chinese men actually. Cos they are usually gentler in bed. I frequent Romeo alot in the past. Most of the ladyboys there actually have local bf's. So its easier for local men to hook up wif them. At the end of the day.. they're all looking for love.

The ones that still have dicks are the quieter ones who jus sit by the corner.

I think the hotter ones are like Nina, Kitty..

21-11-2005, 10:08 AM
ladyboys are very attractive

09-12-2005, 01:28 AM
Trans-V 101

Most of them actually feel that they ARE women...but trapped in a man's body. They are not gay. There is a distinction between Gender and Sexuality.

A guy who finds a TV attractive is not gay. What he sees is this beautiful "woman" with more knockers than most natural women and an artificial vagina that probably will not feel any different. Getting a bit of ass is a bonus, of course. Guys, these "women" are more seductive and sexy than their natural sisters.

I was in the alcohol trade once, hanging around OT. Was sorely tempted but never had the guts to cross this threshold. Once, this knockout TV put my hand in her panties to show me that she's a whole (hole? ;) ) woman but was with some colleagues so did not go further.

One of these days...one of these days.... any one want to take an excursion there?

09-12-2005, 02:57 AM
hahas,no lah,just feel abit sian after all the screw sessions wif geylang fishtank charbors sometimes,actually it was my pal who intro me to this new sport,I mus admit the ladyboys certainly do flirt very well and they dance and shake damm fine too. :)

plus their extremely big prick in front.....
shake your bom bom*:rolleyes:

12-12-2005, 03:12 AM
just went there for a drink....got a girl...look exaclty like fiona Xie...my god... and this was verified by a buddy of mine too.... not sure how long she will be there though... worth checking out if u dont mind the mental stigma

13-12-2005, 01:31 AM
Hi ppl, i have gone to Romeo a couple of times, but i could not make out which ones are the ladyboys, and which are the real thing:confused: :confused:
how do i identify???

P.S. i prefer only the real thing


13-12-2005, 04:14 PM
Unless you are a rich expatriate or have lots of money to throw, Orchard Tower's not so friendly to local cheongsters.

The gals there are after Ang Moh's money. they see u local, look like Chinese, they won't be so interested in you. and if some do, they charge like S$150 to 300 for short-time (one bang only)

but Orchard Tower's a good place to sight-see. just see, maybe flirt, touch and grab, give some tips. but unless u got a couple of hundreds to throw away, u get four bonks instead of one if you go changi village or Geylang... :)

Sorry Dude,

But i beg to differ on your comments above.

I m one of those who chiong at OT almost every Saturday nights. And i have been doing that for almost 6-7 years now.

The pubs there are not catered for the Expats or AngMohs only. I usually get girls out for ST (Short Time) from OT if i really meet some nice and pretty ones and believe me there are lots of nice ones there.

Its true the rates will differ between the Expats and us...but alot still gota do with your negotiation skills and whether the girl really like you enough to wana go with you for a bit lesser $.

For me, i get most of my girls for ST at $120-150 which is about 2 hours and you can get in 2 shots easily within that time.

For Overnights, it ranges from $200-250...again negotiation skills comes in. :)

The pubs there serves a variety of girls from different nations. If you like philippinas...Peyton's Place, Naughty Girls and BLue Banana are the place to go. For Thai....whether real Thai girls or Katoeys...you can try Crazyhorse and Queens. For those with better budget, you can buy a cover charge and go into TOP 10...the Thai girls there are all exp but many are very gorgeous. Prices range from 150-200 for ST and 300 for Overnight.

In Ipanema (World Music Bar) you get mixtures of Thai, Philippinas, Viets, Russian, China and even sometimes Mynamar/ Burmese girls.

I know alot of local guys chiong there week after week and its a really fun place.

OT has a lot of Expats...tats true...but theres also alot of locals like me who goes there to chiong and book girls too.

As for comparing the girls in OT to those in CV or Geylang....i think thats is a total irrelevant and unfair comparison. During my early years after army i used to frequent Geylang alot and seen lots of thais and M'sian Chinese girls from there. However, the booking of girls between Geylang and OT is a total different experience.

In OT, if you like a girl, you can buy her drinks and dance with her and develop some mutual feelings with her thro the time spend at the pubs and discos. In Geylang, you choose the girls purely based on the looks....u like her, pay $ and go in straight to bonk....everything is pretty much SOP. Thats is not the case with the girls in OT.

When you spend time flirting or playing with the girls there, it helps to develop some bonding with her....when you take her out to hotel to bonk, the feelings is pretty unique...you get her to treat you like a BF/ GF feeling. And trust me on that, its pretty awesome when you bonk her after a night of drinking and dancing etc.

Anyway, the girls in OT are able to choose who they like too. I have seen occasions when Ang Mohs approaches girls and gets rejected by the girls. In geylang, the girls do not pretty much have a choice.

Just my 2 Cents worth.

13-12-2005, 05:13 PM
Bro Ronsee is spot on. OT is not just for ang mohs. I am very out of date with the place now, but his summary sounds correct. Top 10 (now sadly gone) had the best looking and most expensive girls. Crazy Horse has the ladyboys. Ipanema has a lot of choice but the girls are usually older and not so pretty. Having said that, you can get lucky and pull a pretty gal. (Yes, the gals (the prettier ones anyway) can be choosey.) I've never taken a girl back for a ST, but the most i've ever spent on an overnight was $250 with girls from Top 10. The girls at Ipanema and the other bars are cheaper. I have taken back 3 different girls from Country Jamboree and didn't enjoy the experience. The Filipina place behind Ipanema has always been a good hunting ground for me and I've had some amazing experiences with both Filipinas and Thais for less that $150. I share Ronsee's preference for the more gf experience of picking up a girl from OT to the rather clinical, ISO9001 experiences at Geylang.

13-12-2005, 08:41 PM
Anyone knows how the ladyboys in OT compare to those in Thailand ? I have seen those at OT and i must say some of they are really gorgeous.. also, i personally heard from those working in crazy horse that those back in thailand are better ?
But really, it's a hit and miss thing, it's all a matter of $, since everyone has a price. So if u are local and the bar is full of ang moh, then i guess it will be harder to meet them.. having said this, I sometimes often laugh when i see the ang mos take them out but want them to walk behind at a distance.. think they are scared to be seen with one ...:rolleyes:

13-12-2005, 09:48 PM
Bro Ronsee is spot on. OT is not just for ang mohs. I am very out of date with the place now, but his summary sounds correct. Top 10 (now sadly gone) had the best looking and most expensive girls. Crazy Horse has the ladyboys. Ipanema has a lot of choice but the girls are usually older and not so pretty. Having said that, you can get lucky and pull a pretty gal. (Yes, the gals (the prettier ones anyway) can be choosey.) I've never taken a girl back for a ST, but the most i've ever spent on an overnight was $250 with girls from Top 10. The girls at Ipanema and the other bars are cheaper. I have taken back 3 different girls from Country Jamboree and didn't enjoy the experience. The Filipina place behind Ipanema has always been a good hunting ground for me and I've had some amazing experiences with both Filipinas and Thais for less that $150. I share Ronsee's preference for the more gf experience of picking up a girl from OT to the rather clinical, ISO9001 experiences at Geylang.

Bro DehOne,

Thanks for the compliments. I can see from your postings that you used to be a regular at OT too. :)

Really hope to be able to chiong with you sometime bro at OT.

Anyway, nowadays i frequent only Naughty Girls (Hot Table Top Dancing on Weekends) and Peyton's Place for the Philippinas girsl when i feel horny and wana take a girl out for a quickie Lol.

As for the Katoeys, well the Club Romeo girls are the most appealing imho. But they are quite aggressive in asking for drinks too. And mind you those lady drinks are not cheap.

I have actually taken 1 kateoy from Club Romeo before....tat was like 3 months back if i remember correctly. Paid $120 for a ST with her. Before bringing her out, i did confirm tat she was a post op chick and agreed to have anal sex. Well i must say the experience was really an eye opener.

Anal Sex is really something awesome...cant explain the feeling...its something you gota try to understand. I feel its tighter feel than pussy and these katoeys can get an orgasm by qetting banged in the ass LoL.

One thing i must say...they give a hella of a BJ...todate...no real women i have tried can even come close to the katoey's BJ...

Nowadays i m into Philippina girls only and Naughty Girls and Peyton's Place afford me plenty of choices.

Had my fair share of Thai girls in Thailand in the 90s and Viets in Joo Chiat too ;)

Just my 2 cents worth.

16-12-2005, 01:42 AM

Hi ppl, i have gone to Romeo a couple of times, but i could not make out which ones are the ladyboys, and which are the real thing :confused: :confused:
how do i identify???

23-12-2005, 02:14 AM
Just recced Crazy Horse and Club Romeo tonight.

IMHO, me and my friend still find Crazy Horse Babes better than Club Romeo.

Was looking for 1 angel in Crazy Horse, but she sitting with 1 japanese. So I left without buying her any drink.

Club Romeo babes still have that minimal male instinct in them, though looks in Crazy Horse more deceptive.


23-12-2005, 06:39 AM
It seems that some of the crazy horse lb appear to be more sophisticated and seasoned than their romeo counterpart. And I do somewhat agree that i still prefer crazy horse.

I for one have found one a princess there.. ;)

23-12-2005, 11:28 AM
I find the girls in crazy Horse better quality than Romeo , though Romeo's girls tend to be more daring and automatic. The prettiest LB I ever saw is in Crazy Horse and she's back in Singapore this week . very ladylike .

As for real girls , I find the quality in naughty Girls not bad , better than Bongo Bar. Plus the dancers are very friendly and playful too ! Must buy drinks lah of course !

23-12-2005, 12:30 PM
I find the girls in crazy Horse better quality than Romeo , though Romeo's girls tend to be more daring and automatic. The prettiest LB I ever saw is in Crazy Horse and she's back in Singapore this week . very ladylike .

As for real girls , I find the quality in naughty Girls not bad , better than Bongo Bar. Plus the dancers are very friendly and playful too ! Must buy drinks lah of course !

The 2nd Prettiest LB is also in Crazy Horse. Also very ladylike. When she say thank you to me for borrowing an empty seat, I was sock tio by her eyes.


23-12-2005, 09:14 PM
The 2nd Prettiest LB is also in Crazy Horse. Also very ladylike. When she say thank you to me for borrowing an empty seat, I was sock tio by her eyes.


my prettiest babe always jio me kin khao together ... hehehe:D

24-12-2005, 12:31 AM
my prettiest babe always jio me kin khao together ... hehehe:D

Is it? One day must jio u out ask u bring out your "small" princess and I ask my "pink" "yellow" princess from Crazy Horse and sit together eat Som Tum.


30-12-2005, 06:57 PM
Be careful guys.

One night after a heavy drinking session, I was walking past OT when a ladyboy approached me. This was around 2am when it was really quiet and we walked over to that drinking place next to International Building, just after Thai embassy. At first, I am just chatting to see what's involved when she grabs my dick and balls through my trousers and pushes me upwards.

What I didn't realize until I got home, she managed to use that as a means to take out my wallet and take out cash, while grabbing my crown jewels.

I was really quite drunk, so I guess I was an easy target, but she was very skillful on the wallet trick. She even left some cash inside so it appeared that all was ok. And no, I didn't lose the cash somewhere else - she really picked my pocket. The grabbing of the balls, the offer of going to a hotel - it was all done to distract me and get my wallet.

Never again - once bitten, twice shy. Just beware fellow drinkers, especially if your balls are grabbed.

30-12-2005, 09:24 PM
No one here likes to play with trans???

hello how are u are trans

31-12-2005, 02:51 AM
Be careful guys.

One night after a heavy drinking session, I was walking past OT when a ladyboy approached me.
What I didn't realize until I got home, she managed to use that as a means to take out my wallet and take out cash, while grabbing my crown jewels.

I was really quite drunk, so I guess I was an easy target, but she was very skillful on the wallet trick. She even left some cash inside so it appeared that all was ok. And no, I didn't lose the cash somewhere else - she really picked my pocket. The grabbing of the balls, the offer of going to a hotel - it was all done to distract me and get my wallet.

Sorry to hear about your bad encounter. There are some who are very good at stealing $ and for your case, it's even easier coz of your heavy drinking and not being able to be more aware. Be more careful in future.

31-12-2005, 03:11 AM
Is it? One day must jio u out ask u bring out your "small" princess and I ask my "pink" "yellow" princess from Crazy Horse and sit together eat Som Tum.


Wow, today you saw your "small" princess and I saw my princess too. I asked her for her name and she say Acne. No lah, is Agnes. But I think her thai name is BBBBBBBBB

31-12-2005, 04:06 AM
The thai nickname rings a bell .... :) ..

12-01-2006, 02:21 AM
Just visited Club Romeo this week,saw alootta nice chicks with dicks but soome of em inside seems to be real gals leh,anyone confirm?:confused:

16-01-2006, 07:22 PM
Use to hang out at Crazyhorse.. but now shift to Romeo... I tink the gers at remeo dresses more like real gers..which i like... the gers at crazy horse a little overdressed.. very flamboyant... but both places houses very pretty ladyboys....

Havnt been down for sometime... but feel like going down remeo again soon..
Just came back from bkk and the LB in King's Corner are gorgeous....

09-06-2006, 04:29 PM
my friend & i went there last christmas. was my first time there because don't like the idea of looking at ah gua but just to accompany my friend.

but, they are very hot honestly. hotter than some real girls. they are dancing on the stage and if there is eye contact they will come down and talk to you.

one really hot looking one came to talk to my friend. my friend auto roam "him/her" and then they went outside for about 30 mins.

my friend later told me he paid $50 for a bbbj. he said he/her has went for a sex change so he/her is actually a "girl". i beg to differ :)

09-06-2006, 05:22 PM
bro, I think the actual term would be 'SHIM' as in 'SHE/HIM':D