View Full Version : A Secret Spa Club at mosque street

28-09-2005, 09:44 AM
Few weeks ago, passby a mirror door which is a few doors away from a crab restaurant at mosque street,a bit curious so went in to take a look,b4 i can go in,I was stopped by a man at the recep,asking me whether am i a member,when i say no,he told me that the club is exclusively for members only.

Wonder who knows about this secret palce?Quite secretive i would say. :confused:

28-09-2005, 09:49 AM
Few weeks ago, passby a mirror door which is a few doors away from a crab restaurant at mosque street,a bit curious so went in to take a look,b4 i can go in,I was stopped by a man at the recep,asking me whether am i a member,when i say no,he told me that the club is exclusively for members only.

Wonder who knows about this secret palce?Quite secretive i would say. :confused:

U never ask him how to becum member meh ??

28-09-2005, 10:04 AM
Maybe it's a gay club leh :D

Wang Ye
28-09-2005, 10:19 AM
Maybe it's a gay club leh :D

I have heard gay establishments will hang rainbow coloured flags. So bros be warned!

28-09-2005, 01:20 PM
U never ask him how to becum member meh ??

i suspect is a gay club leh,so never ask
any1 can confirm? :confused:

28-09-2005, 02:04 PM
I have heard gay establishments will hang rainbow coloured flags. So bros be warned!

I saw a lot of such rainbow-themed flags in San Francisco, but haven't really noticed it in Singapore. Hmmm... Singaporean gay clubs also very daring and obvious hor? ke ke ke :p

28-09-2005, 02:11 PM
I saw a lot of such rainbow-themed flags in San Francisco, but haven't really noticed it in Singapore. Hmmm... Singaporean gay clubs also very daring and obvious hor? ke ke ke :p

There is one pub with rainbow themed flags hanging at chinatown and another gal spa club at telok ayer street call "sho gun"..ater midnite the gays hanging out there really scary sia...damm alot..haha..

04-10-2005, 01:25 PM
It is a gay club, confirm. i am not gay and i have not being in there, but 1 evening i was free and surf the net, found a site called sgboy.com. log on and chat with the people online. 1 of the guy asked me to go with him or meet him at this place, out of curiosity i agreed. (that was a year or so ago) during the chat i already know that its a gay establishment, and this young chap (early 20s, Uni student) offered to give me a "blowing" good time if i am willing.

so i thoughth why not, i can always back out. so intend to go in to the club to have a look around. but at the door i was stop by this "doorman" and askde me how i knew about the place. i was a bit stun and decided to back out. just told him i came to the wrong place and walk out.

you can go in then (1 year ago) by paying a 1 time entrance fee of $12. facilities include a internet area, cable speed, which i thought i will spend time at if the place is too "sleeze" for me.
anyway you can check out their website....they have other facilities. understand from the guy i chat with, you might/can get offered of very good blow job in the darkern suana or steamroom. only a guy knows how to blow a guy, he says.

maybe we can arrange a group outing there...that way we can say no w/o getting "rape"....:p

04-10-2005, 01:53 PM
Thanks for your verification.

But which "hero" is gonna explore the lion's den? :D

04-10-2005, 02:29 PM
Bros, there is another place at club street, it is a colonial bunglow, always got all those xpensive cars there. once i saw this couple, old man and young girls going there. he was driving a BMW 7 series, the new one....

Any bros know of that place?

04-10-2005, 02:39 PM
Not just any rainbow but must be 6 color rainbow... in Europe I see the apartments also got hang... they more tolerant...

04-10-2005, 03:17 PM
Wah this is scary man..wht if some1 offer to blow for u then u reject..will they all gang rape u or not..i imagine -my whole body start shivering sia..

04-10-2005, 05:50 PM
Yup,think is a spa club for man,i also been there once try asking,but they gave me that;you like man to massage you feeling :eek:

04-10-2005, 10:43 PM
The SPA club @ Mosque Street is 'V' Club. It has red lanterns hanging.

One famous patron is a male Singapore pianist who is still single.

05-10-2005, 02:38 AM
The SPA club @ Mosque Street is 'V' Club. It has red lanterns hanging.

One famous patron is a male Singapore pianist who is still single.
Name starts with Lee...??

05-10-2005, 12:14 PM
Name starts with Lee...??

Don't mention name lah.

Top piano teacher; male and single.

05-10-2005, 12:30 PM
this young chap (early 20s, Uni student) offered to give me a "blowing" good time if i am willing.

so i thoughth why not

Bro, are u sure u not gay? :eek: :D

05-10-2005, 01:13 PM
To the guys reading this.... Just to enlighten you all. GAYS are human just like us. They are not sex crazed animals that will hold you down and gang rape your ass the moment they have a chance. Its just that they like men not women. So please stop ridiculing them saying that you will get raped and all..... Please you are not adonis or some hunk..... so doesnt mean that you will be raped when you enter a gang joint. Even if you are a hunk, all they would do is to try pick you up, just as you would try to pick up a babe in a club.

05-10-2005, 01:30 PM
It is a gay club, confirm. i am not gay and i have not being in there, but 1 evening i was free and surf the net, found a site called sgboy.com. log on and chat with the people online. anyway you can check out their website....they have other facilities. understand from the guy i chat with, you might/can get offered of very good blow job in the darkern suana or steamroom. only a guy knows how to blow a guy, he says.

For those interested in gay stuff , you can check out this site :

