View Full Version : Fate of KTV Girls caught during China crackdown

26-04-2014, 09:05 PM
Just a quick question ... thread title is self-explanatory

Anyone here knows what will happen to the girls if they are caught while working in a KTV joint during this crackdown period?

More specifically the girls working in Shenzhen ...

Are they like held for questioning for a long period or something like that ... or is it a case of pay $$$ can settle kind of thing?

Anyone knows?

Posted this is the Shenzhen info thread but thought that if I opened a new thread it would get higher chance of getting the info I'm looking for

27-04-2014, 12:21 PM
Is it not just pay a fine?

27-04-2014, 12:38 PM
Is it not just pay a fine?

Locked for investigation for 2-4 days and lucky allow to post bail for rmb 5k if not press for charges awaiting for court hearing and jail terms .... If ktv girls do no have real identity card means no register since birth that is additional fine will be imposed ...

27-04-2014, 02:17 PM
As well as a fine the girls could receive an administrative sentence of 15 days or more (I.e. Sentenced by police) or go to trial and receive a longer sentence.

Often the girls are sent back to their hometown and may be closely watched so they cannot leave.


28-04-2014, 09:34 PM
Locked for investigation for 2-4 days and lucky allow to post bail for rmb 5k if not press for charges awaiting for court hearing and jail terms .... If ktv girls do no have real identity card means no register since birth that is additional fine will be imposed ...

yeah I heard about this too, my china colleague told me all china citizen's passport got label what status you are (farmer or something) I cant really rmbr but when i heard it sounds damn strict

29-04-2014, 11:13 AM
More specifically the girls working in Shenzhen ...

Are they like held for questioning for a long period or something like that ... or is it a case of pay $$$ can settle kind of thing?

Anyone knows?

Why are you so concern ?

Yr "gf" asked you to pay for her ? Hahaha.....

Anyway, PRC are very creative they can come out tons of reasons that's "fool prove" if they want something from us. We cant beat them for sure.

Just make a decision base on your own stand. Treat it just an expense that will be gone for good. NO return expected.

You decide !

29-04-2014, 12:31 PM
why are you so concern ?

Yr "gf" asked you to pay for her ? Hahaha.....

Anyway, prc are very creative they can come out tons of reasons that's "fool prove" if they want something from us. We cant beat them for sure.

Just make a decision base on your own stand. Treat it just an expense that will be gone for good. No return expected.

You decide !

abuden??? 555+

29-04-2014, 10:09 PM
Why are you so concern ?

Yr "gf" asked you to pay for her ? Hahaha.....

Anyway, PRC are very creative they can come out tons of reasons that's "fool prove" if they want something from us. We cant beat them for sure.

Just make a decision base on your own stand. Treat it just an expense that will be gone for good. NO return expected.

You decide !aiya ... i concerned cos my close fb disappeared off the radar suddenly ... and no she did not ask me for $$$ ... she knows better than that.

Last she said before this incident was that she bo pian still gonna go work despite the crackdown ... said worst case scenario if suddenly unable to contact her should be b'cos she got caught.

Anyway, she's back ... was caught and detained for a day ... other than that nothing else ... hope that's the end of it.

30-04-2014, 01:05 PM
aiya ... i concerned .......

Last she said before this incident was that she bo pian still gonna go work despite the crackdown ... .....
Anyway, she's back ... was caught and detained for a day ... other than that nothing else ... hope that's the end of it.

Would appreciate it if you would elaborate/provide us with any and all further information on this. Information which will hopefully allow us to weigh the risks in mongering in China nowadays and how to best mitigate them?

Information like time of day, what type of girl she is (KTV/BBS/Sauna/WeChat etc), how she sources her clients, caught by whom, where, the actual process/action/size of force taken by the raiders and penalties levied/if there was a resolution, how such was reached etc. Also most pertinent, the socio/economic background of the monger(s) who she got caught with and what happened to him.

I had thought that the yanda was easing a bit - but apparently not. Sigh.....!

Many thanks beforehand.


Ps. Oops - just re-read your thread title - she was actually just working at a Shenzhen KTV and got caught? Or was she somewhere else when it happened?

18-05-2014, 02:56 AM
latest news a famous china actor was arrested in beijing 3 days ago in a vice raid,click on link below

18-05-2014, 03:14 AM
latest news a famous china actor was arrested in beijing 3 days ago in a vice raid,click on link below

18-05-2014, 10:48 PM
Anyway, she's back ... was caught and detained for a day ... other than that nothing else ... hope that's the end of it.
u no need worry lah, their pimp boyfriend or laogong will get them a fake passport, pay visa and send them to work lah.
now Brunei is the latest hot spot for china prostitutes - u can find your gf there maybe?

30-05-2014, 02:04 AM
today news
a recent vice raid in sichuan,meishan city
click on link below to play video

30-05-2014, 11:03 AM
today news
a recent vice raid in sichuan,meishan city
click on link below to play video

Now very serious...

31-05-2014, 07:37 AM
today news
a recent vice raid in sichuan,meishan city
click on link below to play video

wow...they even go up to hotel rooms to check!! :eek:

31-05-2014, 10:37 PM
Once the reporter who got all the attention for the big exposes in CP/CA and Dongguan, it seems that all the news channels want to get in on the action. IE: I can do this too and get my name in lights! Quite typical the world over, but as soon as there something better to hitch their star to, it may calm down a bit. MY POV. mrclen

01-06-2014, 07:34 PM
Once the reporter who got all the attention for the big exposes in CP/CA and Dongguan, it seems that all the news channels want to get in on the action. IE: I can do this too and get my name in lights! Quite typical the world over, but as soon as there something better to hitch their star to, it may calm down a bit. MY POV. mrclen

That first news report was probably a 'put up job' that was arranged by the government and they just happened to have a clean up squad available to do the raids.

I think it was no coincidence that raids occurred in many places all over China soon after.

This is part of the five year clean up corruption campaign due to last until at least 2017 (per my PSB contacts), this campaign is focussed on corruption rather than specifically on our favourite sport and has involved the training of anti-corruption squads and also on compulsory training for many levels of the civil service on the need to keep 'clean' as well as an amnesty period and incentives to report corruption.

Those of us that have been to China for many years may remember the special denunciation boxes in communities for people to anonamously report suspected corruption and 'unreliable' elements and now rewards are offered for reporting corruption and prostitution, nothing much has changed.


03-06-2014, 03:21 PM
Wow the crackdown politics are very intriguing! :p

13-06-2014, 01:53 AM
Wow the crackdown politics are very intriguing! :p

latest update on china state media on the vice crackdown in guangzhou
click on link below

27-06-2014, 11:42 AM
latest update on china state media on the vice crackdown in guangzhou
click on link below

actually ,is this crackdown just for show since new boss just went up ?

i mean if they seriously wana crack down, many people out of job lei

27-06-2014, 01:53 PM
actually ,is this crackdown just for show since new boss just went up ?

i mean if they seriously wana crack down, many people out of job lei

It will continue till every key members within ccp, provincial, police and PLA are installed wid Xi's own allies ...