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02-05-2006, 10:38 AM
hi, i will be in Kl this sunday 7/5,. any kind brother can help for girl contact., thx

02-05-2006, 11:13 AM
bro, kena con once on the sing chow bihun in DJ tak cukup ar? Wanna go back again? hehe.. or maybe for something else.

Have u recce Shynn? Got anything good or not?

nola...accidently zapped bro kl_b, so have to buy him lunch la...not at the same place ofcoz.
yeah we went to shynn mah that day, ok lor...but i didnt try the specials. nex target is finger touch...or something.:)

02-05-2006, 12:49 PM
Heheh... I've prepared the "Sending Off" party liaoz... now quick quick pack your bags and off u go to KL... bye bye... :rolleyes:

dun forget to write (or sms or email or msn...)

PS: See la u guys... SG left her heart in KL liaoz...ha ha ha...

Then u less one queen to TCSS with... how to do this to our brother one... hehehe... Lucky she only left her heart in KL... u guys dun need her heart mah... she got other assets to make up for it ...

Agree with GTM though... I think she got something about the alphabet CB... kekeke...

02-05-2006, 04:41 PM
no wonder me sneezing all the way...wat abt me u guys talking abt? :D

02-05-2006, 04:57 PM
Hi SG, i newbie lah. didnt knw got gal in this forum. If ever you migrate to kL and all the tai kors too beezee cheonging and no time for u, i will be your perfect host to show you around town, whether for makan or clubbing or ???? u not into HC too rite? he he....

TSH, GTM, CBM, CL, SH.....dun zap me ya? i m taking my rightful place in the queue ok? :D

btw, sum1 upped me...how do i check who ar? at least i can return the favour?

02-05-2006, 05:01 PM
TSH, GTM, CBM, CL, SH.....dun zap me ya? i m taking my rightful place in the queue ok? :D

Dont worry bro,

We wont zap u but will leave u out when u are having gathering loh! Just now wanna sms u for a new lobang tonite but found out i accidently deleted ur number woh! Aiya... no choice have to go alone loh. :p

02-05-2006, 05:19 PM
aisay bro, dont be so like tat lah....tonite klang "big bone" bak kut teh on me after we "bone" session ok or not? i sms my mobile # to u now! where's tonite's rendezvous point ah?

02-05-2006, 05:20 PM
Dont worry bro,

We wont zap u but will leave u out when u are having gathering loh! Just now wanna sms u for a new lobang tonite but found out i accidently deleted ur number woh! Aiya... no choice have to go alone loh. :p

Wah... bugger... a fate worst than getting flamed,.. getting IGNORED :eek:

02-05-2006, 06:01 PM
wah lau! so serious meh? :eek:

02-05-2006, 06:09 PM
Wah... bugger... a fate worst than getting flamed,.. getting IGNORED :eek:

OUTCASTED is the word...hahaha

02-05-2006, 06:10 PM
Hi SG, i newbie lah. didnt knw got gal in this forum. If ever you migrate to kL and all the tai kors too beezee cheonging and no time for u, i will be your perfect host to show you around town, whether for makan or clubbing or ???? u not into HC too rite? he he....

TSH, GTM, CBM, CL, SH.....dun zap me ya? i m taking my rightful place in the queue ok? :D

btw, sum1 upped me...how do i check who ar? at least i can return the favour?

Don't worry bout that...I up you when my power back ok boh.

02-05-2006, 07:49 PM
Bro Bluesman,

TQ TQ TQ TQ TQ!!!!! I oso recharging lah...will up all the brothers who upped me, but dunno how to check who lar? how ah? if got power 1, up or zap can do only once in 24hrs izzit? sori lah. i m guilty of being one of the lazy newbie who didnt fully read the instruction manual. :rolleyes:

02-05-2006, 08:17 PM
but dunno how to check who lar? how ah? if got power 1, up or zap can do only once in 24hrs izzit?

bro, go to the menu and look for "User CP", should be the 1st item. click on it and you'll be able to see who up u and who zapped you. usually they'll leave a nick.

yes you can only up/zap one bro in each 24-hr cycle. I think a few bros up u liao so take your turn to up them back one-by-one lar.

If you wanna try how to zap someone, go to the "JB FR Girl Info" thread and read it. Then you'll be able to find some target practice hehehe


03-05-2006, 09:03 AM
Thanks Ciblover for your info.

Although there is no gathering at that time I am in KL, I appreciate your help.
here is the link to my FR

03-05-2006, 12:13 PM
Hi bro UKC, thx for the info. will check asap. didnt get to meet up with u last tcss. hope to meet u one of these days...maybe today? bro drydust just sms, mayb v meet up this afternoon? i zapped tttfck oredi. now want to zap that albert sim fello, vy rude and lcly. any cheonging session with all our kl tai kors today? dont forget to count me in ok?

04-05-2006, 12:43 AM
yahoo! Cintana 33 will be very happy to see u!

Bro ... I a bit confused ????:confused: What is YSH doing in Danok aaahhhh ??:confused:

04-05-2006, 01:51 AM
u memang confused la... go to this cun place with damn a lot of cun dancers and singers... then offer to fetch GTM to this place.. what's the name ah... Kiss something right.. ? :D

04-05-2006, 02:45 AM
All bros & sisters who upped me. TQ so Very Much!!!! i just learned how to up & zap & how to check who upped me from User cP. so starting today, i will up each 1 of u accordingly as a TQ gesture from me. Happy bonking!

04-05-2006, 09:30 AM
Hmmm....everyone still sleeping?? No FR yet on last night's outings.
Anyway, me just gonna report on last night's TCSC. Gathering was arranged because my TSH horniness level is damn high due to a few FRs from bro TD0620G, bro avsea and last but not least from bro Optimus Prime.

Met at our usual meeting place somewhere near Damansara. Brothers who attended:

1. KLKool
2. Bluesman
3. TD0620G aka CBM hurhurhur
4. Shiok1968
5. Boinker
6. Master1521
7. Leo73
8. Brenswm
9. Bruce J

Good to meet up with our Shifu, bro Bluesman again. Always our priviledge to learn a few more tricks from him. Had tons of laugh and exhanging of infos and war stories.

9.40pm - With tummy filled and weapons loaded, decided to recce SDP again due to our large group. On the way, we piked up bro FUTABA from Penang who have just arrived and already horny.....kekekeke.

Proceeded to SDP and checked the s+++s straight away. As usual, due to the number of us there, only only 4 of us chose and fire. Let's see and wait for their FRs. You know who you are....kekeke.

Finished firing we went down for light refreshment and the spent brothers replenish their ammunitions. Some light TCSS and balik rumah around 12.45pm.

Still waiting.......... :rolleyes:

04-05-2006, 09:31 AM
haha...i got it bro, but the other 1 not yet oh...;) ...countdown begins....

04-05-2006, 09:46 AM
Bros..thanks for taking care of Bro Futaba.. Must weigh him when he comes back..:D

KL Boleh!!!!!!!!!!!!

04-05-2006, 09:54 AM
Bros..thanks for taking care of Bro Futaba.. Must weigh him when he comes back..

KL Boleh!!!!!!!!!!!!He confirm lost weight bcos he had the best of the lot. Keep saying that his legs weak. The one he choose was confirm the best in terms of looks and figure and according to him service. Luckily he guest-of-honour so give him first choice. If not confirm got at least 3 other KL bros eyeing.:p

List includes YSH, CBM and myself.:D

04-05-2006, 10:02 AM
Lei Ke Hai! I go look see look see only la...kekeke still haven't build up my reserves yet.

04-05-2006, 10:05 AM
...List includes YSH, CBM and myself.

Bro Pearl,
Like my SSH said, luckily he's the Guest of Honour, so we let him choose first. If not, then another tug-of-war....hahaha. Confirm that he got the best of the lot. Bro Futaba was commenting that he can't walk straight after the session. Legs really wobbly and no blood circulation. (his own words). Bedsheet was thoroughly wet. Still sweating when sitting beside me after the session.

So, bro Pearl....we're still waiting for his FR. :D

04-05-2006, 10:12 AM
Lei Ke Hai! I go look see look see only la...kekeke still haven't build up my reserves yet.Dun bluff lah. You never choose bcos too many people. If know you well enough, you very likely will go down later. FYI.... SDP only open at 2pm and YSH already called to book first slot. Me also dun want to clean his sperm today so I book first slot tmr. Hurhurhurhur......:p

04-05-2006, 10:16 AM
haha...i got it bro, but the other 1 not yet oh...;) ...countdown begins....

thnx bros, got the other 1...puzzle completed. timer stopped...ZZZ

04-05-2006, 10:29 AM
Lei Ke Hai! I go look see look see only la...kekeke still haven't build up my reserves yet.

Ma Hai CBM,

So many stories u haven't told us yet abt ur Danok trip... but anyway yest Puk Kai told me most of ur stories liao... hururuhururur..

Snake Head and fren said u are indeed a hurururhurur funny guy, tonite we gather again... u wanna come anot? hururhururrur..

F. (our Hatyai base thai speaking fren) will be there too. :D

04-05-2006, 10:29 AM
....and YSH already called to book first slot. Me also dun want to clean his sperm today so I book first slot tmr.

Huh?? Ma Hai!! How you know???? You also know the OKT, meh?? Cannot keep quiet, meh?? Make me sounds so desperate......likedat goot to me, hoh?? Pecah my lubang!!!

04-05-2006, 10:36 AM
Huh?? Ma Hai!! How you know???? You also know the OKT, meh?? Cannot keep quiet, meh?? Make me sounds so desperate......likedat goot to me, hoh?? Pecah my lubang!!!Me know bcos last nite I call to book first slot for today but the OKT say already taken by one of my kakis. I ask who and he told me that the person that book is SDP's No 2 regular. So I guess must be you bcos the No 1 regular is TSH.You only No 1 regular at SR..... Hurhurhurhur.........:p

04-05-2006, 10:38 AM
Ma Hai CBM,

So many stories u haven't told us yet abt ur Danok trip... but anyway yest Puk Kai told me most of ur stories liao... hururuhururur..

Snake Head and fren said u are indeed a hurururhurur funny guy, tonite we gather again... u wanna come anot? hururhururrur..

F. (our Hatyai base thai speaking fren) will be there too. :DHey bro.... where were you last nite. Miss you leh!!!!

04-05-2006, 11:01 AM
Hey bro.... where were you last nite. Miss you leh!!!!

Finished work quite late.. Puk Kai called and agree to have 2 bottles with him... but end up more than 2 bottles. Now still blur blur typing this msg.

04-05-2006, 11:22 AM
all bros, tonite really got mini tcss ka? dun forget to kal me woh. last nite i had to miss coz got biz meeting until after 12am. got big concert coming in june. sms me ok? i oso almost beh tahan tot wanna go season tower this afternoon to release....but if got tcss i hold on lah...more ppl more fun mah! :D

04-05-2006, 11:49 AM
i oso almost beh tahan tot wanna go season tower this afternoon to release....but if got tcss i hold on lah...more ppl more fun mah! :D

Wah liau... Season Tower meh... CMI lah...!!! FYI.... HSC got commando mission in KL... so anyone wanna join can call him... targets are eithwe SS,SR or Cititel... cheers...

GTM... TCSS not the same without you... we wanted to give u 3 cannon salute (from Master, Bren and Boinker) but u never come worr... :rolleyes:

04-05-2006, 11:55 AM
bro, u joining the commando mission or not? i hvnt met hsh yet rite? how to contact him leh?....i sms bro shiok & bro DD go to SDP ka? the FR from last nite sounds so good, but doesnt matter lah, ss or sr or cmi oso can lah as long as can release tension. btw, where is cmi ah? :p

04-05-2006, 12:05 PM
btw, where is cmi ah? :p

hehe.. CMI is "Can't Make It" ler.. hehehe

04-05-2006, 12:06 PM
He confirm lost weight bcos he had the best of the lot. Keep saying that his legs weak. The one he choose was confirm the best in terms of looks and figure and according to him service. Luckily he guest-of-honour so give him first choice. If not confirm got at least 3 other KL bros eyeing.

List includes YSH, CBM and myself.:D

Bros..u all are the best.. u guys just upped the bar..:D

04-05-2006, 12:08 PM
Bro Pearl,
Like my SSH said, luckily he's the Guest of Honour, so we let him choose first. If not, then another tug-of-war....hahaha. Confirm that he got the best of the lot. Bro Futaba was commenting that he can't walk straight after the session. Legs really wobbly and no blood circulation. (his own words). Bedsheet was thoroughly wet. Still sweating when sitting beside me after the session.

So, bro Pearl....we're still waiting for his FR. :D

Wah..that Futaba famous for long session wan la.. record is 3hrs before can cum...:p

Like dat the girl must be really Yat Lau.. I wanna cum to seeeeee.. I got priority bo??

04-05-2006, 12:14 PM
Wah..that Futaba famous for long session wan la.. record is 3hrs before can cum...:p

Like dat the girl must be really Yat Lau.. I wanna cum to seeeeee.. I got priority bo??

Bro.. u got priority pass... u come from PG let us know... special pass... hahaha...

04-05-2006, 12:18 PM
Bro.. u got priority pass... u come from PG let us know... special pass... hahaha...

Onzzz la like dat.. i need to go mountain to learn focusing liau..:D .I scared skali too pretty I cum in pants..:p

04-05-2006, 02:08 PM
Like dat the girl must be really Yat Lau.. I wanna cum to seeeeee.. I got priority bo??

Of coz.. visitors and newbies always get priority... the regulars always choose last

04-05-2006, 04:58 PM
Of coz.. visitors and newbies always get priority... the regulars always choose last

Really har got like that....maybe some one go choose last but the night before the invasion so technically also not last then how....kekekekeke.

Hey bro you really terror man say got no road tax also drive all over KL I tot you say only nearby from home to tcss ok kekekekeke.

Bro Cib don't lah say I sifu...I think all bros already very knowledgeable already so how can I pass them my outdated info. Still thank you for your kind words.

Anyway, it was indeed nice to have met up with

1. KLKool
2. CibLover
3. TD0620G aka CBM hurhurhur
4. Shiok1968
5. Boinker
6. Master1521

after failed to do so for quiet a while.

It was a pleasure to have met 3 more

1. Leo73
2. Brenswm
3. Bruce J

this tcss session.

Unilike you lucky fellas going to the city for more fun and action me went home after 2 kopi O's then buy pan mean to eat while watching remaining Uber Cup matches on Astro but the wasabai chicks damn CHUN okie kekekeke.

HM thinking why me suddenly so interested in Uber Cup kekekekeke just pretend lor.

04-05-2006, 05:29 PM
Any brothers interested to go check out new lobang in puchong tonight? pls pm me your contact hp no. i m goin after 9pm. wanna join?

04-05-2006, 05:31 PM
Unilike you lucky fellas going to the city for more fun and action me went home after 2 kopi O's then buy pan mean to eat while watching remaining Uber Cup matches on Astro but the wasabai chicks damn CHUN okie kekekeke.

HM thinking why me suddenly so interested in Uber Cup kekekekeke just pretend lor.

Bro Bluesman,

We are in the same age band-width! But I am not interested in wasabi chicks [sian liao when I was studying in Japan] Most of them are flat-chested [many men are fooled by those AV stars who are one-kind to have bog boobs, very rare to have big boobed Japs.....I am a boob lover loh]....

I would also do the same, after some Kopi-O kau-kau, I would come home to watch Liverpool vs Others. I am not interested in Uber Cup..I am interested to watch "Sawat-D-Cup"....My fei-poh HM will nag-nag-nag-nag and always said that I must be having fever to stay at home :D

Nowadays, seems to like chicks in faraway places.

04-05-2006, 05:39 PM
Any brothers interested to go check out new lobang in puchong tonight? pls pm me your contact hp no. i m goin after 9pm. wanna join?


U want newbies to join u check new lobang or u are asking ur broz... the regulars?

I really must think twice b4 i share secret lobangs with u loh... sked later u invite MIB that u oso dunno 1 then how? :rolleyes:

04-05-2006, 06:20 PM
Bro, U want newbies to join u check new lobang or u are asking ur broz... the regulars?

Bro dun wori, invitation only for regular broz...any unknown/newbie bro i wont entertain unless verified by the kL taikors, tats y i ask to pm me 1st lah....to screen thru. Bro DD oredi reminded me the important word..."TRUST" so dont worry ya, i wont pecah lobang 1 leh....:D

The weather today damn sian leh...the whole afternoon cheonging plans spoil by rain and bad traffic jam all over town!

04-05-2006, 07:48 PM
Oops! i m not supposed to make general invitation on the thread izzit? Aisayman, KL taikors, sori ah? shud've consulted with u all 1st. i will use the PM to invite in future since i dun hv most of KL bros tel nos. Thousands of apologies..... :o

05-05-2006, 04:43 AM
Halo all KL bros, esp Bro DryDust & Bro Bruce J. Thx for the lead & thx for joining me to cheong last nite. check thru all 4 threads but didnt find any thread on puchong so i post FR here lah.

Met up wth bro bruce for dinner then proceed to rendezvous location. okt let us mirror 7prc & 3viets. most of them look vy young, assets not well developed yet & we worried their skills not enuf training yet. i went for the older one with CFM look & big boobs. here's the FR.

Name - Winny
Face - 7/10 (has a super gatal / cheeky smile)
Boobs - 8/10 (i think 34C or D, dark pink nips, quite firm with kinky tattoo on
1 boob, checked-no silicone)
Body - 8/10 (slim, fair, long legs, nice long manicured fingers, smooth skin,
pink labia and nice protruding clit....nice to suckle & lick)
GFE - 8/10 (once in room, strip to sexy lingerie & let me hug fr behind and rub
my didi along the crack of her bums...didi immediately rise to the
occasion liao...oso reach out her hand to play
my didi while i kiss her neck & shoulder & finger her pussy with thong
on. after tat she lead me to shower - nice slow & easy while still
playing wt my didi. ask me if i wan AR i say sure so she wash the
necessary parts lah), very gentle & tender...
BBBJ - 7/10 (nice suckle & tongue play at the same time but a bit of a
turn-off is that she keep spitting into tissue).
AR - 7/10 (played with my arse for bout 2-3mins, the usual licking lah no big
deal but at least she didnt rush it)
Painting - 9/10 (nice clit, shaved with strip, allowed me to eat her till she
came, vy shiok...when almost cumming she grabbed my hands to
squeeze her breasts & raised/pushed her shivering bums into my
Frenching - NIL (she didnt allow, keep turning face away...maybe got bf back
FJ - 8/10 (after cumming via oral, she like vy horny oredi, grabbed my didi
insist i quickly stick it in then ask me to ram fast & hard....she say its
my fault to make her horny so i must work hard...he he, very natural
moaning...only managed to do 2 positions...she moving too much making
it difficult for me to control my rhythm so i think after bout 10mins
exploded d.)
RTF - after clean up she gav hp no. say off day coming soon ask if i can take
her to KLCC jalan jalan...maybe can get free bonk? :D
Damage - RM208 cash only....x card facility....cant get more points to redeem

Any1 wan this contact shud PM Bro DryDust....his lobang so shud give recognition where its due lah....oso i newbie, scared i giv contact to wrong person pecah lobang die lor....

Happy bonking!!!!

05-05-2006, 08:46 AM
bro, no need advertise for me leh...glad u had a nice time..another painting for sale anyone:D ?

05-05-2006, 08:47 AM
Yeoh bro... nowadays you very active. Sorry yesterday did not PM or sms you bcos last min meeting till very late. Glad to see that you enjoyed yourself.
Stand by for my 3 points.:D

05-05-2006, 08:49 AM
bro, no need advertise for me leh...glad u had a nice time..another painting for sale anyone:D ?Bro, later got tea break session at the usual place in P.I. The same corner at before. Interested to join us? Bro Boinker, Bluesman and myself. We will be there at about 2pm.:D

05-05-2006, 08:56 AM
Bro, later got tea break session at the usual place in P.I. The same corner at before. Interested to join us? Bro Boinker, Bluesman and myself. We will be there at about 2pm.:D

u about to leave alredy, bluesman, our most experience bro...also cant miss this, somemore need to know bro boinker's experience on that day...sure must cum hor:D

05-05-2006, 08:58 AM
u about to leave alredy, bluesman, our most experience bro...also cant miss this, somemore need to know bro boinker's experience on that day...sure must cum hor:DK confirmed. C u later.:D

05-05-2006, 09:00 AM
Hi SG, i newbie lah. didnt knw got gal in this forum. If ever you migrate to kL and all the tai kors too beezee cheonging and no time for u, i will be your perfect host to show you around town, whether for makan or clubbing or ???? u not into HC too rite? he he....

sorry for replying late :p...cos i forgotten i did post here :D ...ermmm...+++ing abt leading me ard...i got my honey n my valentine n my dear wor...i believe they wont dump me alone de...me "人见人爱,车见车载"...they wouldnt hv the heart to leave me alone ba...anyway...i left my heart in KL le...i tink i need to go back KL once again n claim it back...this time round...i'll make sure i bring my heart back with me to SG...muackz =)

05-05-2006, 09:02 AM
Bro, later got tea break session at the usual place in P.I. The same corner at before. Interested to join us? Bro Boinker, Bluesman and myself. We will be there at about 2pm.:D

me! me! i wanna go!!!! i'll see u at low yat ok...u pig me up from there then we go together...we keep in touch by phone :D

05-05-2006, 09:05 AM
sorry for replying late ...cos i forgotten i did post here ...ermmm...+++ing abt leading me ard...i got my honey n my valentine n my dear wor...i believe they wont dump me alone de...me "人见人爱,车见车载"...they wouldnt hv the heart to leave me alone ba...anyway...i left my heart in KL le...i tink i need to go back KL once again n claim it back...this time round...i'll make sure i bring my heart back with me to SG...muackz =)Gd morn sis, nice to see you up so early. Or is it bcos you have not gone to bed yet?:rolleyes:

If you left your heart here, then you will have to bring it back with you. However dun you think by doing that, you will break more hearts like your valentines' and your dears' and your honeys'.:p Gosh bring back 1 heart and break 3 hearts. kekekeke......

05-05-2006, 09:08 AM
me! me! i wanna go!!!! i'll see u at low yat ok...u pig me up from there then we go together...we keep in touch by phone :D Tell you what..... later if got any interesting news like live commentaries about recent actions, I give you a call K. Cannot see but can hear also can lah!!! Should be just as sextifying.:p

05-05-2006, 09:11 AM
Gd morn sis, nice to see you up so early. Or is it bcos you have not gone to bed yet?:rolleyes:

If you left your heart here, then you will have to bring it back with you. However dun you think by doing that, you will break more hearts like your valentines' and your dears' and your honeys'.:p Gosh bring back 1 heart and break 3 hearts. kekekeke......

morning shiok...actually i slept le...dunno y suddenly woke up can cant continue sleeping le...keke

bring my heart back is cos im having a hard time now living with no heart in SG...so miserable...i wont break the other 3 hearts de...cos i've store them carefully inside my heart le...so if i bring back my heart,i'll be bringing the other 3 hearts with me too...make them miss me instead of me missing them mah...=D

05-05-2006, 09:14 AM
Tell you what..... later if got any interesting news like live commentaries about recent actions, I give you a call K. Cannot see but can hear also can lah!!! Should be just as sextifying.:p

okok onz....btw hor...pls ask my honey,valentine n dear to be more careful when they cheonging hor...1 raincoat not enuff ask them wear 2...if they not enuff money to buy raincoat...pls buy for them 1st...anything they lack...pls help me settled hor...muackz

Satan_Gal *whisper* to Shiok :

pssst!!...dear ar...u oso take care hor :p

05-05-2006, 09:18 AM
okok onz....btw hor...pls ask my honey,valentine n dear to be more careful when they cheonging hor...1 raincoat not enuff ask them wear 2...if they not enuff money to buy raincoat...pls buy for them 1st...anything they lack...pls help me settled hor...muackz

Satan_Gal *whisper* to Shiok :

pssst!!...dear ar...u oso take care hor Alas, me will try my level best but you know lah... when small head over rule big head, anything goes. Want to prevent also cannot.:p

Another sad thing is that you have to look for another helper. Me will be back in SG next week so not able to help you look after your 3 darlings.:p

05-05-2006, 09:21 AM
Another sad thing is that you have to look for another helper. Me will be back in SG next week so not able to help you look after your 3 darlings.:p

oh o....nvm then...u take care 1 more week 1st...then i'll activate my spy over at KL to take over...:D

me hungry le...go find food liao...catch up with u again...miss u guys =D

05-05-2006, 09:31 AM
greetings... fuiyooo i thought i'm the earliest here... all wake up so early to eat fresh worm ar? "zhao qi de niao er, yu chong chi"

05-05-2006, 09:48 AM
bro mbz..if free do cum la this [email protected] that day i told u to meet there?:)

bro ukc..sorry, yesterday was busy doin survey only...no action, how bout u?

05-05-2006, 09:58 AM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO KLKOOL aka KL TSH cum long time KL No1 Farker title holder!

Wish him:

Nien Nien Yau Kam Yat.. Sui Sui Yau Kam Jeel

:D :D

05-05-2006, 10:10 AM
Hahahaha.....My GTM posted so early and so big-big, liao!!!


Here's wishing you another few thousand of sextifying bonks in the coming year and all the best in your future undertakings!!!!! Out of those few thousand bonks, remember to jio me, hah!!...kekekekeke.

So, tonight's orgy bash how?? We plan in Realm , okay????

05-05-2006, 10:15 AM

Will give you your B/D present when you are down in SG. If one not enough, then let you have two. If still not enough then three or four even five not a problem. After all only 20 bucks for one present.:p

05-05-2006, 10:25 AM
Last week a few neighboring samster from land of Marikita drop by
to KL. Our KL bros also members of GTMDK Realm play host or is it the other way around. What +++e place I believe fall in to TCSS thread. Some how and I dono why our TSH post it so far away, I have asked him regarding this matter face to face during TCSS 2 nights ago and he give me "steamed already what the fuck can I do" look. Here is the day by day report from TSH
for thoese who have missed it.

DAY ONE (http://forum.sammyboy.com/showpost.php?p=1460959&postcount=94)

DAY TWO (http://forum.sammyboy.com/showpost.php?p=1460970&postcount=95)

DAY THREE (http://forum.sammyboy.com/showpost.php?p=1460974&postcount=99)

DAY FOUR (http://forum.sammyboy.com/showpost.php?p=1460974&postcount=111)

**note:Please beinformed do not goes off track from each topic of this discussion forum 3-5 thread is ok dut not too much. You do not want Sammyboy aka forum big cannon to zap you to sub zero land. I don not wish any of my friends or anyone get zap and "dont know even what hit them" as quote by Ghost of Star Craft. This is a public service reminder.

BTY TSH birthday what can I give to someone who can afford to tip begger TB 2k "Mar Hai" maybe bring him cheoung Strawberry lah. I bet he have not been there b4 right? HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the man we call KL no:ONE FUCKER

05-05-2006, 10:27 AM
Goot Mornin!! Wah, all the taikors wake up so early today ah? didnt watch futbal dis morning ka? the "Arse" finally remembered how to play their usual futbal and won lah.....knn, for once i wasnt pulling my hair out watching them in the epl. Meeting at 2pm at that corner? i will be there for sure. Cant miss the opportunity to meet more kL taikors esp the 1 goin to go back liao. sister, u wan me to fetch u? PM me tell me where ur location lah if the other big bros beezee. bro bruce, where's ur FR? bro master say tonite after 9pm want to re-evaluate the properties in klang....wanna go? he he he. C u all at 2pm ya. Bro DK, mistake made, lesson learnt. Sori ya? Dont OUTKAST me ya? :o

05-05-2006, 10:48 AM
sister, u wan me to fetch u? PM me tell me where ur location lah if the other big bros beezee.

can can...pig me up at spore custom ok? i wait for u there :D

05-05-2006, 10:50 AM

Wish u every time can fine nice bonk and all the best in everything u do !!

05-05-2006, 10:51 AM
sister, u wan me to fetch u? PM me tell me where ur location lah if the other big bros beezee. lesson learnt.FYI.... the sisters went back to SG already. If you still want to pick them up, then you better leave now. Then we can meet up for supper later.:rolleyes:

05-05-2006, 10:52 AM
wah!!! today yandao kool birdday huh...okok here come my wishes :

yandao kool...a very happy birdday to u!!!!may ur kuku grow as thick n as long as u wish...may all pretty n "chi pek" service meimei goes to u...may u hv endless bonking and endless money to spend....and may u remain as yandao as ever....muackz!!!!

05-05-2006, 10:58 AM


Alamak, i vy TLN lah...i tot SG still in KL...he he...
Bruce, still no FR? or u posted sumwhere else d? Bro DryDust, TQVM for upping me. Will return the favor soon.

05-05-2006, 11:08 AM
SG ...pick u up at singapore custom?? Didnt know singapore customer link with 地狱? :P

05-05-2006, 11:32 AM
bro mbz777,
so eager to see my FR meh.... yesterday already give u the details liao leh. :p
i'll try to post later la..
u really hyper man... after TCSS till 1.30am ...u go back watch Arsenal game ar?

05-05-2006, 11:33 AM
SG ...pick u up at singapore custom?? Didnt know singapore customer link with 地狱? :P

shhhhh....there is a secret pavement dat leads to 地狱...oni i knew the way...

05-05-2006, 11:37 AM
Hahaha... thanks for the wishes guys and gals... anywayz... still suffering from hangover...

Shiok... so must i print out your posting to redeem the present arr :rolleyes: ... u sure 5 can... u know i can be very horny one... lol

05-05-2006, 12:14 PM
Out of those few thousand bonks, remember to jio me, hah!!...kekekekeke.


Psst.. and I know where they went to celebrate last nite kekekeke

05-05-2006, 12:34 PM


05-05-2006, 12:35 PM
bro mbz777,
so eager to see my FR meh.... yesterday already give u the details liao leh. :p
i'll try to post later la..
u really hyper man... after TCSS till 1.30am ...u go back watch Arsenal game ar?

Verbal FR and written FR different mah...sumtimes when writing u kinda remember some minute details which u left out when chatting...summore u went in marathon session....1hr15mins! i c u vry exhausted when come out so u may hv left out some juicy details lah....Bro Dry Dust share lobang with condition he want to read FR mah. so FR come out fast, more lobang come out fast oso leh...he he he. i diehard "arse" supporter so surf sbf & watch at the same time lor...btw, check out "Geylang thread/something bad happened".....bout WL murder...very funny, big boss Sam tiow a few WHS bros kao kao until 1 fella kena -999!!! so tonite you want to go klang? u read the klang thread? 1 newbie asking how to go to klang in JB...ha ha ha ha!!!

sexy rabbit
05-05-2006, 02:18 PM
Best wishes and many many happy bonks....:D

05-05-2006, 02:24 PM
wah tonite klang ar? then tomorrow bangkok lo...*whistle*
i not that keng la.... where got marathon .. i tcss with the ger mar.
starting of the month only leh.... slow abit la.. :P

05-05-2006, 03:01 PM

Here's wishing you many Happy Bonkings and may all your wishes come true. :)

06-05-2006, 08:09 AM

Psst.. and I know where they went to celebrate last nite kekekeke

Oooi... dunno whether to call u TKK200 or FFK200 ( cos u also Fong at least 200 Fei Kei's liao...) :rolleyes:

06-05-2006, 08:11 AM
Hehehe... thanks for the Second round of Wishes... Bro UKC, SexkingKL, SexyRabbit, and dear Almond...

06-05-2006, 09:43 AM

I will have a long lunch time with bro Thai75Food later, who wanna join us pls give me a call.

btw... KL where got nice thai food arr? kekekeke...

06-05-2006, 04:30 PM

06-05-2006, 05:36 PM
Happy Birthday, Bro KLKool !!!

From : JB Samsters' Association

06-05-2006, 08:13 PM
Shiok... so must i print out your posting to redeem the present arr :rolleyes: ... u sure 5 can... u know i can be very horny one... lolDun need lah!!! You want 5 me give you 5. Then you can post FR for all the KL bros to read. After they read, they will gian and plan to come down to SG to try also. Then like that I can meet them again. Kekekeke......:p

06-05-2006, 08:18 PM
Happy Birthday Bro KLKool! ;)


07-05-2006, 12:39 AM
More wishes... Thanks to Uncle Katoey... and JB Bros... Pumperjack, and Bluesman

SSH.... u like that of sceme also can devise one arr... :rolleyes:

07-05-2006, 12:45 PM
So Bro KL Kool... we still waiting for your BDay FR lei...heheh:p

BTW...better late than never... HAPPY Belated BDAY from..
The League of ExTra HorNy GentleMEN & SeXy LADIES

Think some of our Queens have given you your BDay *muacks* liaoz rite ??

07-05-2006, 06:29 PM
OP... Paiseh... Birthday no FR leh... we went to a KTV... got to know a Flowevase SYT... thinking of asking her out sometime this week... :D

Anyway... standby for lots of... interesting updates from China... :rolleyes:

09-05-2006, 09:37 AM
TSH...forgot to wish u hor..happy belated birthday, sorry cunt cum out & tc with u:D ...u un la...me workin mah, cum my stall i buy u a drink.

10-05-2006, 10:41 AM
TSH...forgot to wish u hor..happy belated birthday, sorry cunt cum out & tc with u:D ...u un la...me workin mah, cum my stall i buy u a drink.
No worries lah bro...

10-05-2006, 01:52 PM
bro '3some'....thnx 4 cummin last nite:D :D....hehehe

10-05-2006, 02:12 PM
Bro DD, its my pleasure...i wud suggest to our taikors maybe v tcss at ur place sumtimes since u working. oso, ur food nice...and many varieties at ur shop. i waiting to go for afternoon bonk with tsh & ysh but they hvnt sms yet lah...wats ur plan? i tot wanna check out starcity at 222, new place mah...then can start a thread or post FR on tat place...u free to go check it out?

11-05-2006, 05:39 AM
Bro DD, its my pleasure...i wud suggest to our taikors maybe v tcss at ur place sumtimes since u working. oso, ur food nice...and many varieties at ur shop. i waiting to go for afternoon bonk with tsh & ysh but they hvnt sms yet lah...wats ur plan? i tot wanna check out starcity at 222, new place mah...then can start a thread or post FR on tat place...u free to go check it out?

Wah... TCSS at DD's place... too far for most ppl one... afternoon bonk u dunno to SMS meh... :rolleyes:

As for starting of new threads... unless u got the traffic ... just park it under KL after dusk first... or are u planning to go there once a week just to generate FRs ??? lol.. cheers

11-05-2006, 09:28 AM
yesterday was in melaka, on the way back went for mirroring at allson nilai...nothing much. so hows starinn?, i was at 222 b4 heading south but no time to drop by, today maybe possible.....as for TSH & YSH, i think just sms them 'i m at SS now' then they will appear shortly:D

11-05-2006, 09:31 AM
.....as for TSH & YSH, i think just sms them 'i m at SS now' then they will appear shortly.

Bro DD,

You really know us, hoh??!! hehehe.
Yup, if you sms us yesterday someone will be there at SS. Not telling you who, lah!! :rolleyes:

11-05-2006, 09:47 AM
Bro DD,
Yup, if you sms us yesterday someone will be there at SS. Not telling you who, lah!! :rolleyes:

so its not u ah? but only 1 FR in the SS Thread, dont know whether he post on behalf of others....;)

11-05-2006, 07:45 PM
as for TSH & YSH, i think just sms them 'i m at SS now' then they will appear shortly:D

yup yup the best way to reach them. If you add to your sms "I'm at SS now and thinking of choosing Pinky" - TSH will be there in less than 10 minutes GUARANTEED, even faster than Domino Delivery. ;)

12-05-2006, 02:19 AM
yup yup the best way to reach them. If you add to your sms "I'm at SS now and thinking of choosing Pinky" - TSH will be there in less than 10 minutes GUARANTEED, even faster than Domino Delivery. ;)

U long time neber kena fark from me izzit ??? :mad: ... U talk a lot horr... another 186 and u can post your next FR... KNS...

12-05-2006, 10:57 AM
U long time neber kena fark from me izzit ??? :mad: ... U talk a lot horr... another 186 and u can post your next FR... KNS... KNN..... really must wait another 186 post before his next FR..... Hopefully he steady abit.... maybe talk cock for just another 180 post before posting FR.... however knowing him... not surprised if he go above 200 post then maybe got FR.:rolleyes:

12-05-2006, 03:05 PM
... Hopefully he steady abit....

We wait a while and see lorr ...

12-05-2006, 09:30 PM
not surprised if he go above 200 post then maybe got FR

why here dun have the icon that shows the middle finger up one? otherwise show one to you :p

13-05-2006, 03:28 AM
why here dun have the icon that shows the middle finger up one? otherwise show one to you :p

I will shove the middle finger up u where the sun dun shine... truth suppose to hurt mah :rolleyes:

13-05-2006, 09:33 AM
I will shove the middle finger up u where the sun dun shine... truth suppose to hurt mah :rolleyes:

How can here oso talk abt blackhole arr? :p

13-05-2006, 11:13 AM
why here dun have the icon that shows the middle finger up one? otherwise show one to you :pHehehe..... prove me wrong lah.... only worried that you cant...... your mouth only used for talk cock and very little else..... hahaha.....

13-05-2006, 02:38 PM
why here dun have the icon that shows the middle finger up one? otherwise show one to you :p

dont need icon...go take pic of your cock and post here.... better than showing middle finger :P

13-05-2006, 02:41 PM
bro shiok today so free ... roam around in SBF? fast fast go out and get us some FR ... :p

14-05-2006, 08:00 PM
Calling all SBF bros, i will be stuck in Malacca for 4 days this week.....any leads for cheonging? Any SBF bros from Malacca wanna tcss from 17-20 May?

Sori i cant find any thread on Melaka so i tot post here first see got response or not....if not then maybe start a thread on Melaka lah.

15-05-2006, 08:42 AM
Calling all SBF bros, i will be stuck in Malacca for 4 days this week.....any leads for cheonging? Any SBF bros from Malacca wanna tcss from 17-20 May?

Sori i cant find any thread on Melaka so i tot post here first see got response or not....if not then maybe start a thread on Melaka lah.

bro mbz777,

u've got pm!!!


15-05-2006, 12:55 PM
I will shove the middle finger up u where the sun dun shine... truth suppose to hurt mah

i dunno whether the truth hurt or not ler.. but if you shove your middle finger up there.. I'm sure it gonna hurt KNN :eek:

15-05-2006, 01:02 PM
i dunno whether the truth hurt or not ler.. but if you shove your middle finger up there.. I'm sure it gonna hurt KNN :eek:

Dun wan lah... cos then it take u another 1 month to write the FR :rolleyes:

15-05-2006, 01:07 PM
Haven't see the KL Top Farkers for almost a week. So tonite yum cha anyone?

Something to update for KL bros:

CBM: Back from Hatyai trip in KL for 2 days now... i am curious abt his horniness level. Dont be surprise if tonite he wanna fark again.

Burns: Need Tai Kor! Last 2 weeks he got on and on gers visit him... from Penang lah... Hong Kong lah.. and yest i called him he was in KLIA.. he said dunno why lately so many free lunch.. he need to fetch a Thai ger who will spend a few days with him.

KLKOOL: Say he never fark during his trip in GZ woh... pls everyone tonite greet him with Lei Ke hai can arr?

CibLover: as usual very lansi loh.

Boinker: This bro owe us his Hatyai story... me read Taurus thread oso blur blur liao.

And the rest of the bros... pls come talk cock lah. hahaha..

I will be there 20:30... PJ, our old place.

15-05-2006, 01:10 PM
KLKOOL: Say he never fark during his trip in GZ woh... pls everyone tonite greet him with Lei Ke hai can arr?


Ma Hai... I say got fark... only one time... at a 5 Star Hotel HC at Dongguan... 20yr old SYT... from Si Chuan.... Fei Fei... u want her mobile to verify arr ??? :rolleyes:

15-05-2006, 02:46 PM
hahahahaha "fark one time in Dongguan" but not only time in GZ.

Verify handphone dont need la... give a super detail FR enough :D

so tonight on boh?

15-05-2006, 05:14 PM
hahahahaha "fark one time in Dongguan" but not only time in GZ.

Verify handphone dont need la... give a super detail FR enough :D

so tonight on boh?

U sure u wanna 'cha' me arr ? :rolleyes: Of cos on lah... but got SC action one worr...

15-05-2006, 05:35 PM
Ma Hai... I say got fark... only one time... at a 5 Star Hotel HC at Dongguan... 20yr old SYT... from Si Chuan.... Fei Fei... u want her mobile to verify arr ???
standby this no. for me :D

15-05-2006, 05:37 PM
Hehehe..... prove me wrong lah.... only worried that you cant...... your mouth only used for talk cock and very little else..... hahaha.....
heard u back SG why stil hiding in KL thread ;)
must the minah gong tao in KL

15-05-2006, 05:37 PM
Hehehe....nbzz GTM, say I lansi again. Everday fark him also not enough!!

Well, any brothers out there or nearby KL, we will have a mini TCSS tonight. Anyone interested, please PM anyone of us, namely Dekuip, KLKool or myself. PM us before 18.00 hours today.

For REALM broz, 20.00 today at our usual hangout near Damansara.


18-05-2006, 04:55 PM
bro..how cum u r here!! sorry i cant make it, need to get some docs. from office.

18-05-2006, 08:21 PM
im a newbie here, but currently in KL. If anyone has any activities planned, I am game for it. Will be here until the 20th may. drop me a pm with your contact :)

19-05-2006, 12:59 PM
im a newbie here, but currently in KL. If anyone has any activities planned, I am game for it. Will be here until the 20th may. drop me a pm with your contact Why dun you contact the KL guys instead since you are the one looking for activities? :rolleyes: If they can fit you into their schedule, then bingo... confirm got activities. Dun PM me cos me not from KL.:p

19-05-2006, 03:16 PM
Haven't see the KL Top Farkers for almost a week. So tonite yum cha anyone? And the rest of the bros... pls come talk cock lah. hahaha..
hello bros...me not KL Top Farkers but definately have not been seen for more than 2 weeks la...I got back on Tuesday nite and went to have a bloody expensive HJ on wednesday nite (but the massage was good). I have been having tom yum a lot so must take a break and have some prc instead...next week tcss perhaps?

19-05-2006, 03:30 PM
hello bros...me not KL Top Farkers but definately have not been seen for more than 2 weeks la...I got back on Tuesday nite and went to have a bloody expensive HJ on wednesday nite (but the massage was good). I have been having tom yum a lot so must take a break and have some prc instead...next week tcss perhaps?

Hey Lingwu... so u wanna TCSS when...???

19-05-2006, 03:36 PM
haiya lingwu, since you have too much tom yam, next time before u come back ta pau some tom yam gung for me la :D

19-05-2006, 03:41 PM
If they can fit you into their schedule, then bingo... confirm got activities. Dun PM me cos me not from KL.:p

Ma Hai u very busy arr? Or ur part of singapore dun have internet acess arr? Never see u online so long?? Sms me ur singapore number lah... never give me oso! :rolleyes:

19-05-2006, 03:44 PM
hello bros...me not KL Top Farkers but definately have not been seen for more than 2 weeks la...I got back on Tuesday nite and went to have a bloody expensive HJ on wednesday nite (but the massage was good). I have been having tom yum a lot so must take a break and have some prc instead...next week tcss perhaps?

See... sometimes this world is not fair.. i dont like PRC's lah but tom yam how hot oso i will makan loh. kekeke..

Sure we go yum cha when u are back.. :D

19-05-2006, 03:47 PM
haiya lingwu, since you have too much tom yam, next time before u come back ta pau some tom yam gung for me la :D

Ta pau ur cibai tom yam gung lah!! U dont pretend lah... if u want who the fark can stop u? Stay 2 months in Thailand oso no problem for u wah!.. we should ask u ta pau for us lah...

19-05-2006, 06:45 PM
Hey Lingwu... so u wanna TCSS when...???
halo brother....up to u all la but must be next week and not weekdays. anyway, i am going to the KLIMS2006 on friday so maybe after that la.

19-05-2006, 06:46 PM
Sure we go yum cha when u are back..
halo already back la!! U so hungry for tom yum until blur liao!:rolleyes:

19-05-2006, 06:54 PM
haiya lingwu, since you have too much tom yam, next time before u come back ta pau some tom yam gung for me la
halo...u already have been eating la, somemore just come back from hatyai...why u change taste is it? Bangkok tom yum taste better is it? :rolleyes: hmmm...or is it because Hatyai only got tom yum moo and bangkok has tom yum gong!!! :D

19-05-2006, 07:49 PM
;) enjoy brudders.....!

20-05-2006, 03:21 AM
[B];) enjoy brudders.....!

Wahh you dye you hair again is it? Where is this Cintana? Pink Lady?


Ehh you also Kon Mai Me Faen ah?

Long live Tongchai

20-05-2006, 10:15 AM
Next TCSS Session for May is 29May2006; 7pm Bukit Bintang Area... all bros welcome ... pls register ur attendance below...


20-05-2006, 01:08 PM
Wahh you dye you hair again is it? Where is this Cintana? Pink Lady?


Ehh you also Kon Mai Me Faen ah?

Long live Tongchai

kon mai me faen..i also dun know the meaning? whats tat ha?
can tell me?
anyway the pics is taken from another site...
it stated Penang Spa Special...

20-05-2006, 04:16 PM
1. Klkool

20-05-2006, 05:50 PM
Ma Hai u very busy arr? Or ur part of singapore dun have internet acess arr? Never see u online so long?? Sms me ur singapore number lah... never give me oso! :rolleyes:Sorry lah bro... really very busy and you are correct, my office cannot access SBF. Will be really free only in June. FYI... all my contact numbers are in the Realm. You never go look only so dun blame me lah.:rolleyes:

20-05-2006, 07:34 PM
;) enjoy brudders.....!

Wah bruder ... really make me horny looking at thiese pics ... wonder if KL area got any MP that provide these kind of massage or not ..
double down wor ...

21-05-2006, 01:27 AM
Next TCSS Session for May is 29May2006; 7pm Bukit Bintang Area... all bros welcome ... pls register ur attendance below...

2. Fong

Who else ?

21-05-2006, 10:29 AM
Next TCSS Session for May is 29May2006; 7pm Bukit Bintang Area... all bros welcome ... pls register ur attendance below...

2. Fong
3. jtang01

21-05-2006, 01:15 PM
Next TCSS Session for May is 29May2006; 7pm Bukit Bintang Area... all bros welcome ... pls register ur attendance below...

2. Fong
3. KL_boy

21-05-2006, 01:16 PM
Next TCSS Session for May is 29May2006; 7pm Bukit Bintang Area... all bros welcome ... pls register ur attendance below...

2. Fong
3. Master1521

Who else ?

a little busy these few days and a few days to come... arrrgh.. may be cannot go up north so soon. :mad:

21-05-2006, 01:25 PM
my fren manage to takle 1 student while i clubing at flam pub at sunways yesterdays nite, veri chio man only 22years old when she was dancing there i notice she was alone then i go n dance too try to get more nearer to her know wat she was dancing wit me then no wait liou direct go close to her n say hi r u alone she said yeah ma hai ho se liou:D then when we tered of dancing around 1 hour wah me damm tired think old liou both of us get sweat then i ask her tat may i buy her a drink n she said y not when the drink come i intro myself her name is tina student of monash collage n she a chinese from indonesia! u guys know i cant drink rite so i pretend to drink slowly n lets her drink all the bear think she bit drunk liou then we drink 1 more jug! we contineu dancing wilder hugging each other her body size just fine small size 32 a cup long hair! wah steam man! while dancing i pretend to talk to her but actually was liking her ear just wanna make feel more horny suddently she turn around and rub her ass againt my cock wahhhhhhhhhh shiok man! without waiting i just hug her n push my hard cock to her ass n she lets out a moan n said i m so noughty! i know she already wet down there liou! after the dance i ask do u need me to send u back? guess wat she ask me back to ur place? coz my place cannot bring guys back my housemate will get angry!
wah in my mind i said damm man this time ho se liou lah i direct drive to subang n check in to a hotel at ss15 ma hai she just fine like she already use to it! after we check in direct she sleep in the bed like waiting for something then i also ask u just sleep like tat dun wan to take any shower? she just strip her cloth n ask me to go to the bed faster really cannot tahan lucky my nose didnt bleeding well never thought tat she bring the condom along too think she also looking for some guys for fuck! she damm tight when i push in my cock got a little feel like fucking a virgin coz she also very steam n tighten her pussy really shiok can see tat both of us really in heaven after 15 min of misionary battle i know she came but i still not done! i wanna hav a slow 1 fuck with passionate only 15min she came thi gal must be a very wild 1 coz she said she wanna stop a while n go to toilet ! afetr she come out from toilet she climb up to me n said i make her very high n now she wan me to go more inside of her she drive me slowly slowly n more n more faster when i was about coming she just slow down n said not yet i not done yet
then we change back to misionary style just b4 i put my cock in she said pls split ur sperm on my body i like thoose hot sperm on my body ma hai really cannot believe leh! 1 hour our fucking battle i finaly came n split my sperm on her body n she just moan like very statify with it she told me tat i manage to make her came 3 times i said izzit actually i know coz her pussy water keep coming out when i fuck her till all around my cock area is wet n it not my sweat coz it a little sticky! we take bath together n the time was in the 5.30 am liou we check out the hotel n send her back she giv me her hp num n said if i free on this wed ask me to come out again i said i will call her!
really cannot believe shes only a collage student but her sexsual desire so high she also sms me when she at home just now n said tat she begin to think of my cock again!
well bro dun be jalous ok this is a real story not making up a story! i will try to bring her out on this next coming gathering for u all to hav a real look at her! see u all on this next gathering!

21-05-2006, 02:27 PM
Next TCSS Session for May is 29May2006; 7pm Bukit Bintang Area... all bros welcome ... pls register ur attendance below...

2. Fong
3. KL_boy
4. Master1521

21-05-2006, 02:31 PM
Fong... better dun bring her to gathering... good to see u have ONS... but keep it at that... u have a freakin family and wanna have GF... to each their own... but u gotta be careful...

To ask us not to be jealous some more... KNS..

22-05-2006, 09:13 AM
Fong... better dun bring her to gathering... good to see u have ONS... but keep it at that... u have a freakin family and wanna have GF... to each their own... but u gotta be careful...

To ask us not to be jealous some more... KNS..

intro to bro mbz...since she's so horny, so only tarma can satisfy her:D

22-05-2006, 09:30 AM
Next TCSS Session for May is 29May2006; 7pm Bukit Bintang Area... all bros welcome ... pls register ur attendance below...

2. Fong
3. KL_boy
4. Master1521
5. CibLover

Hmmm.....wonder this TCSS session, can we shoot first before the TCSS or must wait till after the TCSS?? :rolleyes:

KL_Boy, what time are you coming?? 7pm, woh! You off work, liaow arh?

22-05-2006, 10:02 AM
Next TCSS Session for May is 29May2006; 7pm Bukit Bintang Area... all bros welcome ... pls register ur attendance below...

2. Fong
3. KL_boy
4. Master1521
5. CibLover
6. Bruce.J

YSH.. y u so "kan cheong"?? scared sperm level too high cannot talk kok during TCSS ...hurhurhurhurhur...:P

22-05-2006, 02:44 PM
Next TCSS Session for May is 29May2006; 7pm Bukit Bintang Area... all bros welcome ... pls register ur attendance below...

2. Fong
3. KL_boy
4. Master1521
5. CibLover
6. Bruce.J
7. jtang01

Why no one include jtang01?? But dont worry... i add him into the list liao. :D

Ma Hai KL Boy... dont forget u have promised me this friday what arr!!! hehehe...

22-05-2006, 02:55 PM
Dekuip... why sun see ur name there one... all the rest of the KL Realm bros si liao meh ??? :rolleyes:

22-05-2006, 07:58 PM
Dekuip... why sun see ur name there one... all the rest of the KL Realm bros si liao meh ??? :rolleyes:Hey TSH... what happen to your points? Kenna zap again like me:p

22-05-2006, 10:51 PM
Fong... better dun bring her to gathering... good to see u have ONS... but keep it at that... u have a freakin family and wanna have GF... to each their own... but u gotta be careful...

To ask us not to be jealous some more... KNS..

mahai all this i learn from u n bro shiok leh how come i not jealous u all leh just wanna share wit u all mah see is there any bro manage to sian her or not? HENG TAI YI SAU CUK, LUI YAN YI KAI CUK! HAHAHA:D

23-05-2006, 10:26 AM
Hey TSH... what happen to your points? Kenna zap again like me:p

Hehehe... tcss about football in XX thread lorr... so kena zap by boss... kns.. i wonder if tcss about cycling kena zap or not...

sexy rabbit
23-05-2006, 10:30 AM
sorry, just need to confirm if u r comimg down south 2moro? Just came back from Ipoh last nite, no action....KNN

Bro Shiok, U down south? wanna join us if TSH coming over?

23-05-2006, 10:31 AM
sorry, just need to confirm if u r comimg down south 2moro? Just came back from Ipoh last nite, no action....KNN

Bro Shiok, U down south? wanna join us if TSH coming over?

Sorry... b there on Thus Morning... delayed by one day...

sexy rabbit
23-05-2006, 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by Fong
mahai all this i learn from u n bro shiok leh how come i not jealous u all leh just wanna share wit u all mah see is there any bro manage to sian her or not? HENG TAI YI SAU CUK, LUI YAN YI KAI CUK! HAHAHA
Walow, just read your encounter and your ONS. Steam man.
I agree with TSH, dun bring her to the TCSS. U may have nice intention to show all realm brudder ur catch. but i feel that there is no such need. Chiong awhile more and when she is more comfortable wif you than maybe u can bring her then. Take care and chiong carefully, always rem that u hv a responsability somewhere....u jnow what i mean.:D Cheere and have fun.

23-05-2006, 11:34 AM
Next TCSS Session for May is 29May2006; 7pm Bukit Bintang Ma Hai KL Boy... dont forget u have promised me this friday what arr!!! hehehe...

But yesterday u said dont wanna go KL

23-05-2006, 01:12 PM
Ma Hai, really sotong KING lah u!!!!! Firts part is from KLKOOL lah... mah hai, eat more sotong lah... told u yest pls dont eat sotong but u never listen!!!

23-05-2006, 05:54 PM
But yesterday u said dont wanna go KL

But if in PJ... den I SC first den only TC ... can arr :p

24-05-2006, 04:03 PM
There will be road closures taking place tomorrow 25 May (Rehearsal-
Thursday), 28 & 29 May (D-Day-Sunday & Monday)around Kuala Lumpur in
conjunction of the NAM summit this weekend.

Roads that will be closed are as follow:

Jalan Sultan Ismail
Jalan Raja Abdullah
Jalan Bukit Bintang
Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman
Jalan Raja Chulan
Jalan Raja Laut
Jalan P. Ramlee
Jalan Kuching
Jalan Ampang
Jalan Maha Meru
Jalan Salahuddin
Jalan Parlimen

Jalan Damansara towards Istana Baru
Jalan Lapangan Terbang Lama
Jalan Tengah (towards the south)
Jalan Kuchai Lama
Desa Petaling (towards the south)
MRR2- Middle ring road 2 (towards the south)
Puchong link (towards the south)
Sungai Besi Toll
Kajang Toll
The turning from Bangi SKVE (South Klang Valley Express Way)
The turning from Lebuh Silikon
The turning from Uniten to Putrajaya
Exit to Persiaran utama Marriot Hotel (Putrajaya)

Please be informed the roads will be closed at the following times:

- Around KL towards PICC (Putrajaya International Convention Centre)

- Road blocks infront of Hotels in Kuala Lumpur (Hotel Istana, Mandarin
Oriental, Regent)

- Around KL towards PICC

FYI, There will be NO road closures on 26-27 May and 30 May.

24-05-2006, 04:11 PM
There will be road closures taking place tomorrow 25 May (Rehearsal-
Thursday), 28 & 29 May (D-Day-Sunday & Monday)around Kuala Lumpur in
conjunction of the NAM summit this weekend.

FYI, There will be NO road closures on 26-27 May and 30 May.

So u suggest moving the TCSS to another date izzit ??

24-05-2006, 04:56 PM
So u suggest moving the TCSS to another date izzit ??

no lar where dare to ask KoolVader to change date! nanti you zapp me kau kau... hehehe is just for those bros going mah! Me cannot make it lor you know apasal lor!

24-05-2006, 05:11 PM
no lar where dare to ask KoolVader to change date! nanti you zapp me kau kau... hehehe is just for those bros going mah! Me cannot make it lor you know apasal lor!

Woi... u say like dat goot meh... :p If wanna change location... just propose lah...

Night Devil
24-05-2006, 11:21 PM
Next TCSS Session for May is 29May2006; 7pm Bukit Bintang Area... all bros welcome ... pls register ur attendance below...

2. Fong
3. KL_boy
4. Master1521
5. CibLover
6. Bruce.J
7. jtang01
8. Night Devil

I think i can join this gathering cause i might be in KL during that time. Anyway i register my name first while i can't confirm now..:p

25-05-2006, 10:32 AM
Dear broz,

After due consideration and thanks to bro Warmnites' alert that KL would be experiencing closure of roads, would wish to propose that the next TCSS be postponed to the 31st May 2006. Any objections???

Bro Night Devil,

If you are in town and could attend, sms me if you need a ride. I can pick you up from your crib. You have my mobile number, right??

25-05-2006, 10:53 AM
Dear broz, After due consideration and thanks to bro Warmnites' alert that KL would be experiencing closure of roads, would wish to propose that the next TCSS be postponed to the 31st May 2006. Any objections???

KL Taikors, YES! Motion seconded!!! at least this date i can sign up...he he .....school holidays, time to go back packing fr 27 to 30 may... tcss 31may sure can make it 1....

25-05-2006, 12:12 PM
aiya...31st i m on leave, but hav appointment with bro boinker:p.. u on ah bro?

Night Devil
25-05-2006, 01:03 PM
Bro Night Devil,

If you are in town and could attend, sms me if you need a ride. I can pick you up from your crib. You have my mobile number, right??
Thanks a lot to you first bro.... ofcourse i have your mobile number..:p
will contact you if i need it...
i will arrange to be in town for the posponded date...

25-05-2006, 06:08 PM
Next TCSS Session for May is 29May2006; 7pm Bukit Bintang Area... all bros welcome ... pls register ur attendance below...

2. Fong
3. KL_boy
4. Master1521
5. CibLover
6. Bruce.J
7. jtang01
8. Night Devil
9. Shaggerific

Bros, gathering still on for 29/5 or confirmed postponed to 31/5?

25-05-2006, 07:06 PM
bro Warmnites' alert !

wah you make me sound like a MEGAPHONE.... hehehe
anyway this date maybe can squeeze in if I dont balik kampung!

Yo guys going to KLIMS pls remember to take lots of photos..... or the gals!

25-05-2006, 09:02 PM
Dear broz,

After due consideration and thanks to bro Warmnites' alert that KL would be experiencing closure of roads, would wish to propose that the next TCSS be postponed to the 31st May 2006. Any objections???

Bro Night Devil,

If you are in town and could attend, sms me if you need a ride. I can pick you up from your crib. You have my mobile number, right??

Cib Cib Cib.. As promised.. i reali got come in and read this thread n say hi to you... hmm.. but i don't know what to write in this thread.. haha.. So just a big hi to everyone here.. :p

Qing dou dou zi jiao

26-05-2006, 12:07 AM
bro Warmnites' alert !

wah you make me sound like a MEGAPHONE.... hehehe
anyway this date maybe can squeeze in if I dont balik kampung!

Yo guys going to KLIMS pls remember to take lots of photos..... or the gals!

Photos of the Cars AND the Girls !!!! If have to choose .... the Girls !!!:D

26-05-2006, 09:19 AM
Cib Cib Cib.. As promised.. i reali got come in and read this thread n say hi to you... hmm.. but i don't know what to write in this thread.. haha.. So just a big hi to everyone here.. :p

Qing dou dou zi jiao

Dear BO,

Forget abt ciblover lah... i muack muack u okay? :p

26-05-2006, 09:20 AM
Photos of the Cars AND the Girls !!!! If have to choose .... the Girls !!!:D

Dont bluff lah!! I'm sure u will choose the content of the rubbish bin! :p

26-05-2006, 10:08 AM
Bros, gathering still on for 29/5 or confirmed postponed to 31/5?

I think since no objection, we'll postpone the TCSS Gathering to the 31st May 2006 to avoid the traffic jams around Kuala Lumpur.

Therefore :-

Next TCSS Session for May is 31st May2006; 7pm Bukit Bintang Area... all bros welcome ... pls register ur attendance below...

2. Fong
3. KL_boy
4. Master1521
5. CibLover
6. Bruce.J
7. jtang01
8. Night Devil
9. Shaggerific
10.Dekuip aka GTM.

Dekuip aka GTM!!

Why don't we see your name up there?? KNN...I put for you, lah. And where is Boinker, sifu Bluesman, Powerguy, TD0620G aka CBM (Koala Bear) and the rest?? :mad:

26-05-2006, 08:24 PM
2. Fong
3. KL_boy
4. Master1521
5. CibLover
6. Bruce.J
7. jtang01
8. Night Devil
9. Shaggerific
10.Dekuip aka GTM.

Great! if postpone to 31st then i m in! school holidays mah....exams jz over so hv to bring kids for jalan2 leh...supposed to go bckpacking but since got tcss ok lah, change plan bring kids go local holiday so can be back on time for tcss...meet all the taikors in town...

26-05-2006, 08:59 PM
When will the venue be confirmed for the tcss outing? Who is the organizing bro i should call ah?

26-05-2006, 09:05 PM
When will the venue be confirmed for the tcss outing? Who is the organizing bro i should call ah?

Hi bro, u are most welcome to join our gathering. Due this time i cant confirm to join i refer u to pm ur contact to bros KLKOOL or CibLover. They will send u a sms to inform u the place to meet.

Be prepare coz these two bros are KL Top 1 and 2 farkers, sure they will have a cheong session at the same nite of the gathering.

:D :D

26-05-2006, 10:56 PM

HOTBABE AT KLIMS @@@@@&!%#^%!^#!^&$! :eek:

27-05-2006, 03:10 AM
Dont bluff lah!! I'm sure u will choose the content of the rubbish bin! :p

U talk a lot hoh !!!! Lei Ke Hai !!!!:D

27-05-2006, 09:32 AM
Next TCSS Session for May is 31st May2006; 7pm Bukit Bintang Area... all bros welcome ... pls register ur attendance below...

2. Fong
3. KL_boy
4. Master1521
5. CibLover
6. Bruce.J
7. jtang01
8. Night Devil
9. Shaggerific
10.Dekuip aka GTM.

Thought of highlighting this again.

Bro shaggerific,

The exact venue will be sms to your mobile number on the day itself. Kindly PM your mobile number to either bro KLKool or myself. See ya, then.

27-05-2006, 01:07 PM
The exact venue will be sms to your mobile number

YSH, got proposal....tcss usually end with bonking action rite? y dont we do it at a HC around PJ/KL tat has spa facilities? At least there we can hang around, eat, drink & like CC, Tropicana & CTtel, can watch fashion show....

Bros coming for this coming tcss, any1 into 3/4sum...2-3guys wt 1 WL...pm me lah..i make arrangement wth Ping Ping...:D

27-05-2006, 06:13 PM
all the dailos in KL.....
sorry for the late late thank you....... though this gg to be a rush post.... sincerity is certainly 100%.....
it was nice meeting you guys.... esp TSH... who offered his comfortable place to house me.... and also dekuip to bring me lunch with cbm to eat the nice nice taiwanese noodles....
tat nite in ktv was fun... so many bros gathered... really enjoyable...
at the back of my mind i was thinking.... if 1 day i were to retire.... m'sia will be a nice place.... cos i think m'sian bros have very strong 'ren qing wei'....
as i've yet to try ytf n nl..... u will be sure tat i will make tat 'virgin' trip someday.....

end of post...... live from bkk.......

27-05-2006, 07:00 PM
YSH, got proposal....tcss usually end with bonking action rite? y dont we do it at a HC around PJ/KL tat has spa facilities? At least there we can hang around, eat, drink & like CC, Tropicana & CTtel, can watch fashion show....

Not possible lah, cos too many bros and not all bros wanna cheong... so must have option to just TC... not everyone like u one :rolleyes: we have been through this before.... we not nooby at this lah..

28-05-2006, 03:26 AM
Bros coming for this coming tcss, any1 into 3/4sum...2-3guys wt 1 WL...pm me lah..i make arrangement wth Ping Ping...:D

We have TSH = Tai See Heng, YSH = Yee See Heng. I think we can safely call you TSM from now on. TSM = Three Some Man !!!!!:D

28-05-2006, 10:59 AM
all the dailos in KL.....
sorry for the late late thank you....... though this gg to be a rush post.... sincerity is certainly 100%.....
it was nice meeting you guys.... esp TSH... who offered his comfortable place to house me.... and also dekuip to bring me lunch with cbm to eat the nice nice taiwanese noodles....
tat nite in ktv was fun... so many bros gathered... really enjoyable...
at the back of my mind i was thinking.... if 1 day i were to retire.... m'sia will be a nice place.... cos i think m'sian bros have very strong 'ren qing wei'....
as i've yet to try ytf n nl..... u will be sure tat i will make tat 'virgin' trip someday.....

end of post...... live from bkk.......

Bro TF75... wait for your next trip here.... paiseh.. so busy.. could not spend much time showing u around... next trip will show u more sights ok ;)

28-05-2006, 11:06 AM
yea exactly like bro kool said....we all waiting for u. This bro is a good singer man. :eek:

29-05-2006, 09:32 AM
Bros coming for this coming tcss, any1 into 3/4sum...2-3guys wt 1 WL...pm me lah..i make arrangement wth Ping Ping...:D

I suggest u ask broz KLKOOL and CibLover for the act, since they are our KL Top 2 farkers they wont reject ur offer. :D

29-05-2006, 09:34 AM
all the dailos in KL.....
sorry for the late late thank you....... though this gg to be a rush post.... sincerity is certainly 100%.....
it was nice meeting you guys.... esp TSH... who offered his comfortable place to house me.... and also dekuip to bring me lunch with cbm to eat the nice nice taiwanese noodles....

Bro yummie ThaiFood (hahaha),

Like bro KLKOOL said it was sorry for me too.. i dont have the time so show u around since KL has so many nice places to offer. Next time u come KL again i will take a day off to show u around. Same offer goes to bros Stiffneck and Taurus. :D

29-05-2006, 09:38 AM
I suggest u ask broz KLKOOL and CibLover for the act, since they are our KL Top 2 farkers they wont reject ur offer. :D

U go and die lah, ma hai, ... at first wanna fark u one... but waste of time leh ... :p

29-05-2006, 09:42 AM
U go and die lah, ma hai, ... at first wanna fark u one... but waste of time leh ... :p

huh?? Then being No 1 farker for what?? At least must help newbies fullfill they request mah! :p

29-05-2006, 09:48 AM
Why none of my bros see this thread?? :confused:

DeKuip vs Xiao Xi (http://forum.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?t=54167) :D

29-05-2006, 11:40 AM
Why none of my bros see this thread?? :confused:

DeKuip vs Xiao Xi (http://forum.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?t=54167) :D

hehehe... Dekuip will be starring in a classic in Spore soon...

31-05-2006, 01:41 AM
TSH / YSH, i extend holiday. will only b back in KL after 10pm so dont tink can make it for tcss lah...u all hv a gud time lah..

31-05-2006, 09:29 AM
2. Fong
3. KL_boy
4. Master1521
5. CibLover
6. Bruce.J
7. jtang01
8. Night Devil
9. Shaggerific
10.Dekuip aka GTM.
11. YSLGuy


Thought of bringing this up again. Will update till late today. :)

31-05-2006, 11:16 AM
bro...u so early wanna talkabout TCSS already hor, very itchy ka?...i join the SC part only can ar? :p

31-05-2006, 02:35 PM
Thought of bringing this up again. Will update till late today.

Cant wait to meet bro Fong so can taro him kao kao coz the last time he introduce the prc overnight gers for me and my friend was a big letdown!! :cool:

Bro CibLover, dont forget to sms me the venue ok? ;)

31-05-2006, 02:58 PM
will only b back in KL after 10pm so dont tink can make it for tcss lah...u all hv a gud time lah..

dont worry la..i call u when anyone wanna do 3some later on in the SC part:p

Night Devil
31-05-2006, 05:25 PM
I am unable to attend today tcss cause something happened cause me cancel the trip to KL... so disapointed...:(
Hope can meet you alll soon in next tcss...

01-06-2006, 01:51 AM
Today was another fruitful TCSS at our favourite coffee hangout... among the attendees were

1. CiBLover aka YSH
2. TD aka CBM the Superhorny Oversexed Koala Bear...
3. Brenwsm
4. Master1521
5. Boinker
6. Synergie
7. YSLGuy
8. Drydust
9. JTang
10. Shagerriffic
11. Bruce joined up later at SR

We split into two groups... first one head to Imp and the other heading toward SR...

At Imp with me was Brenwsm and YSLGuy... Check up on Frs in repective threads... lots of senior samsters have gone quiet lately... heard got lots of commando missions lately... KNS :rolleyes:

01-06-2006, 08:07 AM
Hehe...cant wait for juicy FRs..

Any TCSS or outing for tomorrow (Fri) nite? I am reaching KL bout 10pm and free till Sat morning..:p . Would love to catch up with all my masters and taikors in KL.

01-06-2006, 08:50 AM
Today was another fruitful TCSS at our favourite coffee hangout... among the attendees were....

bro u forgot our dear bro..KL_Boy...:p ,still owe u 1 singapor fried mihun:D

01-06-2006, 11:09 AM
Today was another fruitful TCSS at our favourite coffee hangout... among the attendees were

We split into two groups... first one head to Imp and the other heading toward SR...

At Imp with me was Brenwsm and YSLGuy... Check up on Frs in repective threads... lots of senior samsters have gone quiet lately... heard got lots of commando missions lately... KNS :rolleyes:

really envy u guys always got gatherings one...*sobs*
i am just too far away...or a 4hr trip away..

01-06-2006, 11:15 AM
really envy u guys always got gatherings one...*sobs*
i am just too far away...or a 4hr trip away..
Bugger... HDY further but u can still find time to go worr :rolleyes:

01-06-2006, 11:20 AM
Bugger... HDY further but u can still find time to go worr :rolleyes:

different thing la brudder..dun like that say me lei...
i miss u and Dekuip...

01-06-2006, 11:50 AM
really envy u guys always got gatherings one...*sobs*
i am just too far away...or a 4hr trip away..

KNS...bro Taurus75,

4 Hours nia, leh....U go LOS how many hours?? At least 8 hours right? Don't worry lah....Our gatherings are always open to any brothers. You are definitely most welcome if you're willing to stop-over loh!!

But then, I think you better wait for our next trip to Sg, lah. Will be in Sg in another two weeks time. Swee boh?? Then, u dun run away, arh!! :D

01-06-2006, 12:23 PM
bro u forgot our dear bro..KL_Boy

he forgot "Himself" also. There should be 13 Strong Bros at the TCSS last nite :D

01-06-2006, 01:13 PM
he forgot "Himself" also. There should be 13 Strong Bros at the TCSS last nite :D

And where were u?

01-06-2006, 01:25 PM
And where were u?

Aiyah... forget it liao lah... he always also talk talk talk... should know by now mah ...

01-06-2006, 05:14 PM
Today was another fruitful TCSS at our favourite coffee hangout... among the attendees were

1. CiBLover aka YSH
2. TD aka CBM the Superhorny Oversexed Koala Bear...
3. Brenwsm
4. Master1521
5. Boinker
6. Synergie
7. YSLGuy
8. Drydust
9. JTang
10. Shagerriffic
11. Bruce joined up later at SR

We split into two groups... first one head to Imp and the other heading toward SR...

At Imp with me was Brenwsm and YSLGuy... Check up on Frs in repective threads... lots of senior samsters have gone quiet lately... heard got lots of commando missions lately... KNS :rolleyes:

Nice meeting all the bros yesterday! Thanks for the warm welcome. Didn't feel like a newbie or outsider at all! Hope to join you guys for future TCSS.

Bro Kool, forgot to ask you for your h/p no. yesterday leh...

01-06-2006, 05:16 PM
Bro Kool, forgot to ask you for your h/p no. yesterday leh...
I PM U Liao... :D

01-06-2006, 05:45 PM
So when's the next planned TCSS?
this noob here wanna follow and meet all the taikors around KL.. :D
no need too big 1.. just small gathering also can.. hehe..

02-06-2006, 10:10 AM
Bro noobiejiao,

No need to follow any taikors, lah. No taikors here, leh. You wanna meet up, easy. Just PM any of the brothers here your mobile number. We will sms you whenever we have any ad-hoc gatherings/TCSS.


02-06-2006, 11:34 AM
We will sms you whenever we have any ad-hoc gatherings/TCSS.

Bro Cib, is there a TCSS gathering every week?? Wallet 'bue ta han' man like that... :o

02-06-2006, 11:42 AM
Bro Cib, is there a TCSS gathering every week?? Wallet 'bue ta han' man like that... :o

U dont have to "Go" everytime lo. Sometimes just go and do window shopping then go home PCC..:p

02-06-2006, 11:43 AM
Bro Cib, is there a TCSS gathering every week?? Wallet 'bue ta han' man like that... :o

We always meet up to TCSS... not always to shoot lah ... :p

02-06-2006, 12:01 PM
Bro Cib, is there a TCSS gathering every week?? Wallet 'bue ta han' man like that... :o

Other KL samsters i dunno lah but i can tell u these group of broz will ALWAYS shot when meet for yum cha or whatever:

- CibLover
- TD0620G
- Master1521
- mbz777

U dont believe me? PM me ur number.. i will show u the prove. kekeke...

02-06-2006, 01:11 PM

You farking talk a lot, hor?? Nbzz.....Go and eat your vegetarian, lah. I go and taste your No. 73 for you first. Must tell her I was sent by the famous GTM aka Golden prick...oppss..Coc.k. :rolleyes:

Tonite meeting up with bro Pearl. U coming?

02-06-2006, 01:54 PM

You farking talk a lot, hor?? Nbzz.....Go and eat your vegetarian, lah. I go and taste your No. 73 for you first. Must tell her I was sent by the famous GTM aka Golden prick...oppss..Coc.k. :rolleyes:

Tonite meeting up with bro Pearl. U coming?

I where got own 73 arr? U wanna fark u fark lah.. no need to find excusses to go fark. Btw, nowadyas u fark more than TSH hor? Do u notice?

Oh, bro Pearl is here! I call u later regarding tonite plan with bro Pearl.

02-06-2006, 02:54 PM
I where got own 73 arr? U wanna fark u fark lah.. no need to find excusses to go fark. Btw, nowadyas u fark more than TSH hor? Do u notice?

Oh, bro Pearl is here! I call u later regarding tonite plan with bro Pearl.

Call lei ke hai lah... ma hai... come means come lah... u think phone bill cheap arr... :mad:

02-06-2006, 04:34 PM

You farking talk a lot, hor?? Nbzz.....Go and eat your vegetarian, lah. I go and taste your No. 73 for you first. Must tell her I was sent by the famous GTM aka Golden prick...oppss..Coc.k. :rolleyes:

Tonite meeting up with bro Pearl. U coming?

Where you bros planning to go ah? :p

03-06-2006, 12:27 PM
Thanks to all the bros who responded to our TCSS Alert yesterday... attendees were

1. YSH
2. Myself
3. MBZ777
4. Shaggeriffic
5. YSLGuy
6. Bruce
7. KL_Boy
8. Brenwsm
9. Wisecity
10. UKC - thanks for ur brief appearance...

and our visitors from up north... Pearl and Fren...

It ended with SC session at SR ... recce at Nova and chew kang with Pearl for overnite selection :p

04-06-2006, 09:26 PM
Many thanks to KL bros especially TSH and YSH for staying back till 1am w/o even going home. I feel honored:D

Also good to meet up with so many new faces (most looking horny also..kekekeke)

First met up with bros in Skyriver. Dont know why but these few days really no mood for PRC so dont really fancy stocks in Skyriver though on any other day I would have jumped on them.. Overally stocks are of good quality with creamy soft white boobs.

Later adjourned for a beer drinking session opposite my hotel. Had a good laugh over good food. Got to know some super sexed up guy with propensity for tarmaing..:p . Finally got some exotic dish for overnite session. Got 1 Thai and 1 Viet. I chose the viet while my friend took the young looking Thai but the funny thing, the girls requested for a change and we ended up like being chosen by the girls..hehehe.. Another unforgetable experience..

05-06-2006, 12:37 PM
Many thanks to KL bros especially TSH and YSH for staying back till 1am w/o even going home. I feel honored:D

Also good to meet up with so many new faces (most looking horny also..kekekeke)

First met up with bros in Skyriver. Dont know why but these few days really no mood for PRC so dont really fancy stocks in Skyriver though on any other day I would have jumped on them.. Overally stocks are of good quality with creamy soft white boobs.

Later adjourned for a beer drinking session opposite my hotel. Had a good laugh over good food. Got to know some super sexed up guy with propensity for tarmaing..:p . Finally got some exotic dish for overnite session. Got 1 Thai and 1 Viet. I chose the viet while my friend took the young looking Thai but the funny thing, the girls requested for a change and we ended up like being chosen by the girls..hehehe.. Another unforgetable experience..

Wah Lau eh beh tahan liao after getting some FR from my friend who exchanged the Thai with the Viet.Was told the service was excellent.Definately must get the contact & try when I'm down there this weekend.Any bros wan to join in?

05-06-2006, 01:05 PM
. Got 1 Thai and 1 Viet. I chose the viet while my friend took the young looking Thai but the funny thing, the girls requested for a change and we ended up like being chosen by the girls..hehehe.. Another unforgetable experience..

I tot they were both viets ??? and can request exchange some more one arr ... hehehe glad to see u had a good time... can't wait for your RTF

05-06-2006, 02:19 PM
I tot they were both viets ??? and can request exchange some more one arr ... hehehe glad to see u had a good time... can't wait for your RTF

Hey Bro TSH,

U still got the contact number ar?...Tot of trying the Viets since got so good service. Will touch down PJ on Sat 10th June.Would u all be available or Sat is family day for u all?

05-06-2006, 02:23 PM
I tot they were both viets ??? and can request exchange some more one arr ... hehehe glad to see u had a good time... can't wait for your RTF

4 came in..all VC except for the 1 my friend picked which is Thai Puying...:p Anyway, good for me also since my targeted dish for that nite is Tomyam.

Have to start budget cheonging and cut down on unnecessary trip liau to save money lar from now.. Our field trip not that far away le..;)

05-06-2006, 02:25 PM
Hey Bro TSH,

U still got the contact number ar?...Tot of trying the Viets since got so good service. Will touch down PJ on Sat 10th June.Would u all be available or Sat is family day for u all?

KNN.. weekend they holiday la.. ask u to go on Sun u dont want.. Kwailan..:p

If u cant find any company..just load weapon and shoot wall lo..kekekekeke

05-06-2006, 02:31 PM
KNN.. weekend they holiday la.. ask u to go on Sun u dont want.. Kwailan..:p

If u cant find any company..just load weapon and shoot wall lo..kekekekeke

U mean who holiday? the WL or our bros?...Din''t know WL oso got holiday....

05-06-2006, 05:10 PM
Bro Futaba,
Dun know about family day...but...England will be playing that nite. Dun know who will be around. What time u here? call me mebbe we can arrange.

05-06-2006, 06:54 PM
Bro Futaba,
Dun know about family day...but...England will be playing that nite. Dun know who will be around. What time u here? call me mebbe we can arrange.

Bro Bren, we can ask the OKT to change the TV channel to football. Then if England dont perform well, can take out all your frustration on the poor PRC... :D

06-06-2006, 02:00 AM
Wahliao.... bren,,, shaggy ... so hiong arr... Futaba... dun worry... arrange some action for you... football or no football... hehehe :p

06-06-2006, 02:04 AM
Tonight another mini TCSS attended by
1. YSH
2. Me
3. Boinker
4. Noobiejiao
5. Jtang
6. Willywee

and bros XiaoXiao and WahPiang from SG...

Jtang left early... and Bruce met us at SR later on recce... we also met Shaggerrific who was supposed to be saving up ammo for Wed :rolleyes:

Another fun night ... only Noobiejiao and Willywee saw action at SR ... i also expect FR from shaggeriffic :p

06-06-2006, 08:41 AM
Wah..u guys in KL really Keng!!! Can get VIP card from SR liau lo especially TSH and YSH. If SR dun give, PRC chicks also should give :p

06-06-2006, 10:14 AM
Wah..u guys in KL really Keng!!! Can get VIP card from SR liau lo especially TSH and YSH. If SR dun give, PRC chicks also should give :p

Hahaha... we wish lorr... already broach the subject before ... cannot leh... but CC can get special discount for 10 bonks... heheh

06-06-2006, 10:39 AM
Bro Futaba,
Dun know about family day...but...England will be playing that nite. Dun know who will be around. What time u here? call me mebbe we can arrange.

Thanks bro Bren. I should be free after 5pm.No problem if we jz go for tcss & watch England. No need to cheong is ok. Jz wan to meet up wif u guys & relax.Can u pm me ur no coz i didn't get it from u the last time we met.TQ

06-06-2006, 10:43 AM
Wahliao.... bren,,, shaggy ... so hiong arr... Futaba... dun worry... arrange some action for you... football or no football... hehehe :p

Bro TSH, it's ok if we jz go football & tcss.Then maybe I can jz tar pau 1 back after our session. But most important u still hv the OKT contact....hehehe:D

06-06-2006, 11:52 AM
Tonight another mini TCSS attended by
1. YSH
2. Me
3. Boinker
4. Noobiejiao
5. Jtang
6. Willywee

and bros XiaoXiao and WahPiang from SG...

Jtang left early... and Bruce met us at SR later on recce... we also met Shaggerrific who was supposed to be saving up ammo for Wed :rolleyes:

Another fun night ... only Noobiejiao and Willywee saw action at SR ... i also expect FR from shaggeriffic :p

Sorry to all samster, recently very BZ with my work, didn't joined u all for few TCSS. Next week should be ok for me, any more TSCC.

Thanks to brother KLKOOL, every event also sms me. Thanks a lot.

06-06-2006, 11:56 AM
Thanks bro Bren. I should be free after 5pm.No problem if we jz go for tcss & watch England. No need to cheong is ok. Jz wan to meet up wif u guys & relax.Can u pm me ur no coz i didn't get it from u the last time we met.TQ

Dun worry ... the contact still got one... kekeke... maybe i should rent a room next to yours and book one for myself.... hehehe... :p

06-06-2006, 12:04 PM
Sorry to all samster, recently very BZ with my work, didn't joined u all for few TCSS. Next week should be ok for me, any more TSCC.

Thanks to brother KLKOOL, every event also sms me. Thanks a lot.

No worries bro... u still SIFU mah... hoping for u to make an appearance... just worried u complain to newspaper about my spamming .. lolz :p

06-06-2006, 03:57 PM
Tonight another mini TCSS

Jtang left early... and Bruce met us at SR later on recce... we also met Shaggerrific who was supposed to be saving up ammo for Wed

Another fun night ... only Noobiejiao and Willywee saw action at SR ... i also expect FR from shaggeriffic

KNN, knew sure gonna kena from TSH or YSH one coz bumped into them at SR last night after turning them down for TCSS earlier.

Colleague need to shoot mah, so what to do, have to be a good bro and accompany him lah :D.

Although just met bro Kool for less than one week, he seems to know me well leh... :p. My latest SR conquest wasn't around so decided to go back to #882. Kesian her coz saw her walk up and down for parade so many times and nobody pick her. She looks so sweet and adorable.

Looks : 7.5/10 - didnt realize she had tattoo of a sun below her neck the other day (hidden by her long hair) - doesn't match her sweet look but very sexy!
Boobs : B cup – perfect for her petite body
Catbath : 5/10 – still quite clueless
BBBJ : 6.5/10 - improved already but still no deep throat. Very long BBBJ also coz after 1st round, she went back up to lick my nips for a while, then went back for round 2.
FJ : 8/10 – see previous FR. More lip biting, this time during doggie. Plus got pillow gripping and also burying her face into the pillow...
GFE : 10/10 - see previous FR.
RTF : At least one more time before she goes back to the motherland!

06-06-2006, 07:52 PM
Most prop this saterday watch England vs Paraguay game some where in PJ with big screen with fatty Burns. Will inform u bros the location when confirm...

Tips for top farkers like KLKOOL and CibLover can use this excuse go HC on saterday nite, telling ur CO u are with me watch soccer loh. But using my name must have open at least 2 jugs of beers hor!!

07-06-2006, 02:00 AM
Dun worry ... the contact still got one... kekeke... maybe i should rent a room next to yours and book one for myself.... hehehe... :p

Good Idea. U no need to report back home meh?:rolleyes: If can much better lor but the hotel I'm staying (LDI) a bit run down woh.

07-06-2006, 08:58 AM
Good Idea. U no need to report back home meh?:rolleyes: If can much better lor but the hotel I'm staying (LDI) a bit run down woh.

Aisay ... u should book like bro Pearl... den the hotel more strategic location... LDI quite jialat... have to pay transportation fee for girl also ...

07-06-2006, 12:23 PM
Aisay ... u should book like bro Pearl... den the hotel more strategic location... LDI quite jialat... have to pay transportation fee for girl also ...

Aiyah....no choice lah....company booking.I oso know damn jialat.wan to find eating place oso difficult.Where do u think I should stay which is more convenient for u all & oso the stock to come? Company hotel budget around
RM150.00 only.I'm trying to get approval to stay in KL but dunno can get or not....

07-06-2006, 12:28 PM
RM150.00 only.I'm trying to get approval to stay in KL but dunno can get or not....

Huh... the hotel Pearl stay in less than 150 worr ...

07-06-2006, 12:32 PM
Huh... the hotel Pearl stay in less than 150 worr ...

Ok will try to get approval but izzit convenient 4 u all?

07-06-2006, 12:40 PM
Ok will try to get approval but izzit convenient 4 u all?

Aiyah jz check wif my office & the answer is no cause it has to go through company billing & has to be tat hotel......ma hai....damn tu lan.

Nvm lah...c how the arrangement goes 1st lah....