View Full Version : approached for sex!
19-05-2014, 11:00 PM
Nowadays it seems really hard to find nice friend , genuine ones ,not the "lapsup" kind over the internet. In school and in cca, of course there are! But in comparing friends making over the net,things seems to have change drastically.
I can still recall the days when i was still playing games on facebook and people would just chit chat and exchange contacts for friendship or just sms buddy.
Now , when i just logged in to Tagged, some weird guys were already asking me outright, how much do i want? And another pimp i guess, was asking me if i want to takeup some really simple assignments. Would dig out those chats if i have the time and post onto hall of shame.
As much as im curious in sexual discussion and to learn to become a better woman for the one i truly love , getting those request are seriously over the top!
19-05-2014, 11:01 PM
Threadstarter = Female or Male ???
19-05-2014, 11:14 PM
It's prevalent in Tagged la... you don't see a lot of people asking you for sex in Facebook or Linkedin :)
19-05-2014, 11:21 PM
Agree...quite rare for facebook, definitely not on LinkedIn!
19-05-2014, 11:25 PM
Agree...quite rare for facebook, definitely not on LinkedIn!
Unless you put your resume as.. I dunno, professional provider of pleasure? :p
20-05-2014, 12:37 AM
Then now you kpkb on a forum like that... sure got more guys gonna pm you. Good luck have fun LOL.
20-05-2014, 12:37 AM
ur pm gonna flood with requests...
20-05-2014, 12:44 AM
Im not into freelance or whorelance!
Im just strictly curious and would just be pleased and more than satisifed to just participate in discussions.
For friendship ..... pls go to tagged
For sex .... pls go to geylang
For phone sex.....this is funny but call those ads on the new paper. Saw those ads
For cheap thrill......this is funny too but i did heard stories that some auntie afternoon at home is really into this things....although not widely reported:D
20-05-2014, 12:48 AM
Im not into freelance or whorelance!
Im just strictly curious and would just be pleased and more than satisifed to just participate in discussions.
For friendship ..... pls go to tagged
For sex .... pls go to geylang
For phone sex.....this is funny but call those ads on the new paper. Saw those ads
For cheap thrill......this is funny too but i did heard stories that some auntie afternoon at home is really into this things....although not widely reported:D
Lol once you sign up for an account and make it known that you're female, you're gonna get approached no matter if you welcome it or not. Get used to it or get out I guess. Hahahaha.
20-05-2014, 12:48 AM
Im not into freelance or whorelance!
Im just strictly curious and would just be pleased and more than satisifed to just participate in discussions.
For friendship ..... pls go to tagged
For sex .... pls go to geylang
For phone sex.....this is funny but call those ads on the new paper. Saw those ads
For cheap thrill......this is funny too but i did heard stories that some auntie afternoon at home is really into this things....although not widely reported:D
Haha wow traditional Chinese? That's rare :p
20-05-2014, 12:51 AM forum here..
but dun worry, there is also pure friendship to be found here.
good luck to ur findings...:p:D
20-05-2014, 01:04 AM
Dont get me wrong! I would be slapping my own face if i sign up an account here and tell you off when key words like sex or cim appears.
Im not!:D
Im just plain curious about sexual life. I guess everyone is horny,just at different degree. Like one of my senior who is now waiting for Uni to begin, i heard she had sex with two of the guys in her year and another guy in uni. Then another seemingly diligent and obedient babe in my class suddenly mia for awhile before we heard she was pregnant. Lastly, the wildest looking ah lian , which we like to call her, who is often spotted in revealing outfit ended up still a vrigin
So now what? Haha! Just proven some points here.
So pls, 饒了小妹子。
20-05-2014, 02:36 AM
Sbf 风流人物,形形色色,十分好色,生活色彩,五颜六色。
20-05-2014, 08:18 AM
You are in a sex forum.
Let's talk about sex, baby
Let's talk about you and me
Let's talk about all the good things
And the bad things that may be
Let's talk about sex
Let's talk about sex
Let's talk about sex
Let's talk about sex
20-05-2014, 08:44 AM
You are in a sex forum.
Let's talk about sex, baby
Let's talk about you and me
Let's talk about all the good things
And the bad things that may be
Let's talk about sex
Let's talk about sex
Let's talk about sex
Let's talk about sex
Nice one :)
20-05-2014, 09:00 AM
dont get me wrong! I would be slapping my own face if i sign up an account here and tell you off when key words like sex or cim appears.
Im not!:d
so pls, 饒了小妹子。
妹子是那里人? 用繁体字耶。 应不是本地人吧。:)
老生我不自量力的猜一下, 应是港或台. 再看名字, 应是香港。
20-05-2014, 09:29 AM
妹子是那里人? 用繁体字耶。 应不是本地人吧。:)
老生我不自量力的猜一下, 应是港或台. 再看名字, 应是香港。
Agreed with u bro, the nick seemed to be cantonese like.. our young lady or family line should be from there..
Anyway our young lady friend, welcome to the forum.. do not be surprised on what u are gettibg from here.. it's common for ladies like u.. u can always ignore them..
20-05-2014, 10:35 AM
Good guess! My parents are mixed. My dad is a taiwanese and british mixed. And my mum is from hong kong.
So thats why my surname is yueng. Haha! 這裡有好多好色好奇又想想像力豐富的大哥們
20-05-2014, 10:57 AM
Good guess! My parents are mixed. My dad is a taiwanese and british mixed. And my mum is from hong kong.
So thats why my surname is yueng. Haha! 這裡有好多好色好奇又想想像力豐富的大哥們
Sis a warn welcome (bear hug) :D to the sexual family here. :)
20-05-2014, 10:59 AM
U have already said you r not a fl nor r u looking for fwb. I'm sure the bro here won't be asking u for sex outrightly.
But I think u may be harassed to go and meet some bro. It's only natural that men try their luck on women. So just ignore them unless they manage to like ur interest to meet up.
U said u r curious. I dun understand what's so curious u can be of? Sex is sex just whether it's paid or not.
20-05-2014, 11:10 AM
PM TS now!
20-05-2014, 11:15 AM
Good guess! My parents are mixed. My dad is a taiwanese and british mixed. And my mum is from hong kong.
So thats why my surname is yueng. Haha! 這裡有好多好色好奇又想想像力豐富的大哥們
Thanks. you are staying here now, studying or working?
I am sure most bothers won't mind knowing more about you. :)
20-05-2014, 11:28 AM
Well, TS helped me understand something in my other post. So I wont harass her. Haha. Cheers!! =)
ps. TS, Still got no way to solve the problem. HAHA
20-05-2014, 11:30 AM
PM TS now!
Lol damn nato only.
20-05-2014, 11:33 AM
You are curious, but we cant answer anything until you ask something...
20-05-2014, 11:51 AM
Im not into freelance or whorelance!
Im just strictly curious and would just be pleased and more than satisifed to just participate in discussions.
For friendship ..... pls go to tagged
For sex .... pls go to geylang
For phone sex.....this is funny but call those ads on the new paper. Saw those ads
For cheap thrill......this is funny too but i did heard stories that some auntie afternoon at home is really into this things....although not widely reported:D
That means ts still virgin lah
20-05-2014, 12:26 PM
For friendship ..... pls go to tagged
For sex .... pls go to geylang
For phone sex.....this is funny but call those ads on the new paper. Saw those ads
Tagged is where guys and gals ended up having sex.....if want friendship facebook maybe better! :D
20-05-2014, 12:37 PM
Lol damn nato only.
LOL! John Bass the NATO :D Or are you secretly gay?
20-05-2014, 12:50 PM
Lol damn nato only.
Mai expose me leh... Later I PM u instead.
LOL! John Bass the NATO Or are you secretly gay?
We can meet... Then I show u.
20-05-2014, 01:16 PM
Mai expose me leh... Later I PM u instead.
We can meet... Then I show u.
Show me what? :P hahaha
20-05-2014, 02:14 PM
I would think by now majority would understand the truth, but no problem, I can clear the air again. :)
Johnny boy is Gay. :D
We have our weekly activities at Hotel 81. ;)
20-05-2014, 02:19 PM
I would think by now majority would understand the truth, but no problem, I can clear the air again. :)
Johnny boy is Gay. :D
We have our weekly activities at Hotel 81. ;)
How does his wifi take it?
20-05-2014, 02:37 PM
Tagged is where guys and gals ended up having sex.....if want friendship facebook maybe better! :D
Is that place really so potentially easy?lol
20-05-2014, 02:47 PM
Is that place really so potentially easy?lol
Do you honestly think those apps are for friendships...
20-05-2014, 02:50 PM
Do you honestly think those apps are for friendships...
Of course not.
But i didnt expect to be potentially hired for jobs lol
20-05-2014, 02:55 PM
Of course not.
But i didnt expect to be potentially hired for jobs lol
Jobs? Really?
20-05-2014, 02:58 PM
Of course not.
But i didnt expect to be potentially hired for jobs lol
Wy not, it could happen anywhere...
Even at Pawnshop and hello kitty queue in macdonalds also...
20-05-2014, 03:00 PM
Jobs? Really?
They headhunted me asking me to pickup their assignment. But do you think i would be so cheap? :mad:
20-05-2014, 03:21 PM
小妹u r at the wrong forum. Go to wikipedia or google what u wanna know. Or even borrow some porn to watch. U dont get special treatment saying u r a girl here
20-05-2014, 03:29 PM
They headhunted me asking me to pickup their assignment. But do you think i would be so cheap? :mad:
Lol babe then what do you use those apps for?
20-05-2014, 05:50 PM
Haha! Social network dah~
20-05-2014, 06:30 PM
Haha! Social network dah~
Sick to Facebook, Friendster and LinkedIn then.
20-05-2014, 08:24 PM
Haha! Social network dah~
Going to open a fridge door is to look for food mah, oh maybe some ppl juz to act cute act naive, say open fridge to get cool air:rolleyes: n i wonder y ppl want have wechat, anyone know? Cos i wanna have reason if ppl ask me y i have wechat, wat should i say huh :()
20-05-2014, 10:23 PM
Bro. You should say, "im here, so we can chat? Therefore wechat!!" Ok lame I know. Haha.
Last post before nap, so abit nonsense. Plus tired from today bonk. Continue tomorrow with my bonk FR. =)
20-05-2014, 10:31 PM
TS,any pics of u? Or ur body?
20-05-2014, 10:40 PM
Haha! Social network dah~
Haha so innocent.
Ther are a lot of fake female profiles to scam guys too, but thats for guys to worry :/
i'm on tagged too, add me? :)
21-05-2014, 12:09 AM
Haha so innocent.
Ther are a lot of fake female profiles to scam guys too, but thats for guys to worry :/
i'm on tagged too, add me? :)
Woman r always assumed as victim maybe. even if the man get scam the $, it is still assumed the man pervert n the gal victim i think. Or if a man dress like a woman n fight with a man, straight ppl might think the man in woman dress is the victim. What to do...
21-05-2014, 12:11 AM
Sorry double post.
21-05-2014, 01:46 AM
Woman r always assumed as victim maybe. even if the man get scam the $, it is still assumed the man pervert n the gal victim i think. Or if a man dress like a woman n fight with a man, straight ppl might think the man in woman dress is the victim. What to do...
This i have to agree with you. Im not the bias sort so dont worry.
Anyway on facebook, i saw something. Menstral leave~......
21-05-2014, 02:20 AM
Anyway on facebook, i saw something. Menstral leave~......
Aware at its best at making the people aware of its stupidity~
21-05-2014, 02:36 PM
I like that comment. Its hilarious. Totally agreed.
21-05-2014, 03:42 PM
again I am complaining about sex discrimination here .....
Dun see a guy complain when he (if any male ever gets) is approached for sex either from a male/ female/ halve-veg ...... :D
bloody unfair, no suck luck
21-05-2014, 07:42 PM
This i have to agree with you. Im not the bias sort so ‘dont worry.
Anyway on facebook, i saw something. Menstral leave~......
What! Menstral leave?! How about my cock itchy, can i have leave to go ‘’fire canon‘’ so that when woman in train use backside to push in, my cock will not stand aka impotent :confused::eek:
21-05-2014, 10:24 PM
u must be still very young, it is how it is, no need to wonder, accept it , better yet embrace it. u will feel worse when no one approach u at all !
23-07-2014, 02:53 PM
u must be still very young, it is how it is, no need to wonder, accept it , better yet embrace it. u will feel worse when no one approach u at all !
went on a date with someone from the social site. Apparently I was paid for the date, inclusive of meals. Haha! won't elaborate much, but he drives a mini sports car.
Dont be mistaken. Nothing happened. Just meal and make friends.
23-07-2014, 11:24 PM
So how did the date go, did you all keep in contact?
24-07-2014, 12:34 AM
there's always wolf hiding in sheep's skin, and sheep hiding in wolf's skin. you won't know who's real and who's not. hahaha.
24-07-2014, 01:58 AM
there's always wolf hiding in sheep's skin, and sheep hiding in wolf's skin. you won't know who's real and who's not. hahaha.
Welcome to the real world of cyberspace .. btw .. all r real .. but lotsa guess work on who to trust .. :p
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