View Full Version : GL Newest Party Joint!
12-06-2002, 02:06 AM
The party is on with 1612 opening as the newest joint in GL. Everything is brand new except for good old Tommy.
Big hall with good ventilation, nice lightings too.
8 rooms with different concepts. Chinese, Rome, Japanese and Hotel style and one gals room which will be reserved for bro dez till Tommy's new gals arrive.
Clear shower doors which will give any brother the hard on by watching the gals bath and caress themselves. Shower heads that spray in flower patterns like massaging your bodies.
Try to Experience a New Sexation!
12-06-2002, 02:09 AM
To all brothers, with due respect to each other, please do not flame one other in here. This is just one of the thread which I want to share good GL stuff with all. If you do not like what is posted here, please ignore and move one. Each to his own.
Bro omnia, as my original thread was locked, I already PM you my views on your posting to me. If you do not agree, then please REPLY to me via PM.
Skyline turbo
12-06-2002, 02:10 AM
Wow... bro.. look more like a oversea style.....
Good one..
Originally posted by cuntking
The party is on with 1612 opening as the newest joint in GL. Everything is brand new except for good old Tommy.
Big hall with good ventilation, nice lightings too.
8 rooms with different concepts. Chinese, Rome, Japanese and Hotel style and one gals room which will be reserved for bro dez till Tommy's new gals arrive.
Clear shower doors which will give any brother the hard on by watching the gals bath and caress themselves. Shower heads that spray in flower patterns like massaging your bodies.
Try to Experience a New Sexation!
Nice rooms, i already try the roman room and will try the chinese one next time.
12-06-2002, 02:13 AM
What is a party without babes, a gays night out?
Today the party was grace with many GL angpais .... the party was official started by BM. Saw Jaguar, Hui Yu, Pei Yi, Xiu Wen, Derby, Chelsea, Yoko, Augest, Hai Yan, Sammi, S1, VTEC, Yee Yee, Sony, Zhen Zhen and many more.
Hottest new gals, Mun Mun and Sammi1
After doing one whole day's of homework, added MG and Joanne to my target list
Bonk one of my 4 princesses, Lee Wen.
12-06-2002, 02:17 AM
bro skyline, were you there?
Originally posted by Skyline turbo
Wow... bro.. look more like a oversea style.....
Good one..
12-06-2002, 02:20 AM
bro ming, you are so lucky to get to use the Roma room, I must try it tomorrow.
Remember don't be too wild in the Chinese room and bring down the 4 poles ... hee hee
Originally posted by ming
Nice rooms, i already try the roman room and will try the chinese one next time.
12-06-2002, 03:23 AM
I'll try to be there tomorrow in the afternoon to look see look see...kekekekeke....:D
Wonder Pinky back oredi or not??
12-06-2002, 03:35 AM
Must be very crowded today with all these publicities to the envy of other neighbouring houses.....hehehe....:D
12-06-2002, 10:17 AM
Heh din get to see the Jap room. Just had a Roman room. Quite nice concept.
Since I am here, i might as well post a short FR.
Wanted to try my 2 targets, but must wait. So after watchin soccer, and some discussion with King another Bros, settle down for Sony (a forgetten yet-to-try target).
Quite a friendly gal. Bath is SOP. quite a few restrictions, no frenching, no aggressive eating and no fingering. But she offers some "cool" mint bbbj and AR.
Looks: 7
body: 8 (nice and shapely, smooth skin)
boobs: B++
BBBJ: 8 (Mint)
AR: 7 (mint)
FR: 7 ( quite tight, and very very short hair)
Service: 7
RTF: Not really, cos not really up to my expectations due to some of the restrictions
No leh .. i think the 4 poles should be able to take quite a knocking. and it's not because I was particularly gentle with your 'fragile' girl. she not fragile la ..
my only complaint is that i shouldn't have taken the first chinese room in the hall way ... very very noisy, especially with the lot of you watching soccer. :)
Originally posted by cuntking
bro ming, you are so lucky to get to use the Roma room, I must try it tomorrow.
Remember don't be too wild in the Chinese room and bring down the 4 poles ... hee hee
Ah Dez
12-06-2002, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by bong
No leh .. i think the 4 poles should be able to take quite a knocking. and it's not because I was particularly gentle with your 'fragile' girl. she not fragile la ..
my only complaint is that i shouldn't have taken the first chinese room in the hall way ... very very noisy, especially with the lot of you watching soccer.
Wait till you see me man!!... tommy would never let me use the Chinese rooms.
He would be so scared that i break the poles!!!!... you all going down??? i might...... i see how... go and watch soccer...
Smiler--Pinky not back yet.... when she is back, she will give me a call.... and... i will be the 1st to get her... so wait in queue.
12-06-2002, 12:07 PM
It was so funny yesterday (11 June 2002). After bonking Jaguar, came out and cuntking asked me how was the mattress and the room. Was it Chinese room? Well I told him I really didn't notice anything. It was just Jaguar all the way. I am still trying to recall how the mattress felt like...
Overall, the place is really nice. The waiting lounge is very good, bright, no smoke (yet...), and very comfortable. Btw, I used room 3, so was it Chinese room?
12-06-2002, 12:17 PM
sorry king couldnt be there. was busy at work. catch up w u soon maybe during a break in world cup. :)
12-06-2002, 12:22 PM
king, as you may be aware fm my pm to you...i hv just logged on and did not get to "witness" the goings on in yr original thread after i finished my repartee with good old dez...accordingly, with yr indulgence...i am taking the liberty of expressing my pov sincere tks to you for yr pms expressing yr pov viz tommy...i feel that it wld be sad if yr original thread was deleted because of my you may recall fm my 1st post...i stated that i believed that yr intentions are good and still hold that view...i also hv nothing agst fact i think that he is one of the better okts out there albeit a bit on the ya ya side...i made my comments without any malice or ill feeling...however with all due respect...i still maintain that perhaps this forum wld be better off without publicising okts...think abt you wish to see other okts or their agents posting threads on their respective hses...where does it any event this publicity may well turn ard and bite the bum of the okts viz the av...on a happier note...i take heart by the level of maturity that you hv shown viz this episode and hope that yr good example may be followed by other chaps out there...finally, i wish tommy's regulars happy cheonging in their new abode;)
the eternal optimist
12-06-2002, 12:41 PM
bro darklord, you is another lucky guy ..... Roman room ... my tahma room .... WOW Sony now use mint .... something new.
Originally posted by DarkLord
Heh din get to see the Jap room. Just had a Roman room. Quite nice concept.
Since I am here, i might as well post a short FR.
Wanted to try my 2 targets, but must wait. So after watchin soccer, and some discussion with King another Bros, settle down for Sony (a forgetten yet-to-try target).
Quite a friendly gal. Bath is SOP. quite a few restrictions, no frenching, no aggressive eating and no fingering. But she offers some "cool" mint bbbj and AR.
Looks: 7
body: 8 (nice and shapely, smooth skin)
boobs: B++
BBBJ: 8 (Mint)
AR: 7 (mint)
FR: 7 ( quite tight, and very very short hair)
Service: 7
RTF: Not really, cos not really up to my expectations due to some of the restrictions
12-06-2002, 12:48 PM
bro smiler, hope to see you there. SMS me when you are there.
like what bro dez say Pinky is not back yet.
Originally posted by smiler
I'll try to be there tomorrow in the afternoon to look see look see...kekekekeke....:D
Wonder Pinky back oredi or not??
12-06-2002, 12:51 PM
Bro dez, you forgot there is a special room reserved for you ... where is bro jb, say going to my our HQ's overseas guest for opening, still never hear from him.
Originally posted by Ah Dez
Wait till you see me man!!... tommy would never let me use the Chinese rooms.
He would be so scared that i break the poles!!!!... you all going down??? i might...... i see how... go and watch soccer...
Smiler--Pinky not back yet.... when she is back, she will give me a call.... and... i will be the 1st to get her... so wait in queue.
12-06-2002, 12:55 PM
bro zyxel, I had never seen you look that way after any session ... not even with Xin Xin ... hee hee
Yes the first 3 rooms are Chinese style with four poles ... I think you are too busy with your cars 4 wheels and also used her as the mattress all the way .... hee hee
Originally posted by zyxel01
It was so funny yesterday (11 June 2002). After bonking Jaguar, came out and cuntking asked me how was the mattress and the room. Was it Chinese room? Well I told him I really didn't notice anything. It was just Jaguar all the way. I am still trying to recall how the mattress felt like...
Overall, the place is really nice. The waiting lounge is very good, bright, no smoke (yet...), and very comfortable. Btw, I used room 3, so was it Chinese room?
12-06-2002, 01:25 PM
Yo King, our overseas bro JB cannot make it lah....must continue his sardine no need to chio him liao lah.....ok will sms you when going down..good luck for today matches...hopefully can win some $$$.....
12-06-2002, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by cuntking
What is a party without babes, a gays night out?
Today the party was grace with many GL angpais .... the party was official started by BM. Saw Jaguar, Hui Yu, Pei Yi, Xiu Wen, Derby, Chelsea, Yoko, Augest, Hai Yan, Sammi, S1, VTEC, Yee Yee, Sony, Zhen Zhen and many more.
Hottest new gals, Mun Mun and Sammi1
After doing one whole day's of homework, added MG and Joanne to my target list
Bonk one of my 4 princesses, Lee Wen.
The party that u mentioned belong to CAT40 or CAT150?
Is there any FR on those girls?
BTW, I am a newie in this forum ............
12-06-2002, 01:43 PM
bro offspring, aiya can cum down watch World Cup together, you can give me tips on WC, i give you tips on GL cup ... hee hee
Originally posted by Offspring
sorry king couldnt be there. was busy at work. catch up w u soon maybe during a break in world cup. :)
12-06-2002, 01:47 PM
bro omnia, I am not saying it was because of you that my thread got deleted. Just want to explain to you that after 13 years in GL, why I follow Tommy for the past few years. Got good things must share with all the brothers lah.
Thank you for understanding my point and we can all carry on contributing good stuff in this forum.
Like I always say ... Each to his own.
Originally posted by omnia
king, as you may be aware fm my pm to you...i hv just logged on and did not get to "witness" the goings on in yr original thread after i finished my repartee with good old dez...accordingly, with yr indulgence...i am taking the liberty of expressing my pov sincere tks to you for yr pms expressing yr pov viz tommy...i feel that it wld be sad if yr original thread was deleted because of my you may recall fm my 1st post...i stated that i believed that yr intentions are good and still hold that view...i also hv nothing agst fact i think that he is one of the better okts out there albeit a bit on the ya ya side...i made my comments without any malice or ill feeling...however with all due respect...i still maintain that perhaps this forum wld be better off without publicising okts...think abt you wish to see other okts or their agents posting threads on their respective hses...where does it any event this publicity may well turn ard and bite the bum of the okts viz the av...on a happier note...i take heart by the level of maturity that you hv shown viz this episode and hope that yr good example may be followed by other chaps out there...finally, i wish tommy's regulars happy cheonging in their new abode;)
the eternal optimist
12-06-2002, 01:51 PM
bro tkt, 1612 is a cat 150 house. There are many Frs on these gals, try the search engine.
Good Luck and happy bonking!
Originally posted by tkt511
The party that u mentioned belong to CAT40 or CAT150?
Is there any FR on those girls?
BTW, I am a newie in this forum ............
12-06-2002, 02:11 PM
Lets have the FRs rolling in!!
12-06-2002, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro tkt, 1612 is a cat 150 house. There are many Frs on these gals, try the search engine.
Good Luck and happy bonking!
Bro cuntking, too bad you said no flaming in this thread. Otherwise I will scold this guy already...
Ah Dez
12-06-2002, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by chinalgal
Agree unless some CB pple start!
Can i start????
@!#$@#$!@@#$$@##$@^@##$ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12-06-2002, 06:01 PM
Originally posted by Ah Dez
Can i start????
@!#$@#$!@@#$$@##$@^@##$ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
someone was telling me gals looks is one criteria uncle sam will be looking at when approving...hehehe......:D maybe trying to help counter the fl competitions....hehehe.....
12-06-2002, 10:31 PM
Originally posted by Ah Dez
Can i start????
@!#$@#$!@@#$$@##$@^@##$ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
With all Brothers' high expectations, T gonna have a headache trying to get his house gals.
Hopefully T's babes suit all Brothers' expectations and taste!
heh .. i can expect another flurry of activities in the forum once the house girls come in and FRs come a flying ... perhaps there will be another mobilisation. ;)
Originally posted by DarkLord
With all Brothers' high expectations, T gonna have a headache trying to get his house gals.
Hopefully T's babes suit all Brothers' expectations and taste!
12-06-2002, 11:33 PM
just wondering if T has ani new "home" gers?
maybe newbies fr his M'sia recce trip?
Ani recc. here?
12-06-2002, 11:56 PM
Oh finnaly opened huh..okis might drop by on thu or fri and check out the roommsss but dunnoo who to try liaosss ...maybe tommy would have gotten gals by then i hopee?
13-06-2002, 12:07 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro darklord, you is another lucky guy ..... Roman room ... my tahma room .... WOW Sony now use mint .... something new.
did i forgot to add the mint part in my potions ???? hmmm ... anyway her mint is not as strong as S1's fisherman's friends .... i did have my revenge anyway ...hehehe
13-06-2002, 12:10 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
What is a party without babes, a gays night out?
Today the party was grace with many GL angpais .... the party was official started by BM. Saw Jaguar, Hui Yu, Pei Yi, Xiu Wen, Derby, Chelsea, Yoko, Augest, Hai Yan, Sammi, S1, VTEC, Yee Yee, Sony, Zhen Zhen and many more.
After doing one whole day's of homework, added MG and Joanne to my target list
Bonk one of my 4 princesses, Lee Wen.
Hey King.... after that session with Pei Yi... hand and leg soft sof .. cannot even drive properly hahah nearly kiss some buggers car ass LOL... she top of my list man haaha... see when lah we meet up again there.. oh yah u should know who i am now and my nick rite ahahhaah.. after so long finnaly reveal to u kekeke
13-06-2002, 12:11 AM
Let's rock and roll.
Originally posted by DarkLord
Lets have the FRs rolling in!!
13-06-2002, 12:20 AM
bro chinalgal, lets party tomorrow. See you at the newest joint.
Originally posted by chinalgal
i 1 2 go there 2morrow night!
13-06-2002, 02:15 AM
ya lor, I want big milk balls, bro dez needs pretty and young, bro ming needs service, bro zyxel wants two way traffic, bro prime needs waterfall ..... any one need any thing else?
We need Miss Malaysia with lots of Sexual experience ... ha ha ha
Originally posted by DarkLord
With all Brothers' high expectations, T gonna have a headache trying to get his house gals.
Hopefully T's babes suit all Brothers' expectations and taste!
13-06-2002, 02:29 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
ya lor, I want big milk balls, bro dez needs pretty and young, bro ming needs service, bro zyxel wants two way traffic, bro prime needs waterfall ..... any one need any thing else?
I need 3 more guys!!! I already have my regular tag team partner, Rocco, now I need 3 more guys who r game enuff to join me for a 5 on 1 gal orgy!!!!!
No Kidding,
cheong jb
13-06-2002, 02:32 AM
Originally posted by smiler
Yo King, our overseas bro JB cannot make it lah....must continue his sardine no need to chio him liao lah.....ok will sms you when going down..good luck for today matches...hopefully can win some $$$.....
fuck u dun put word in my mouth when i say i will be there means i will be there . as for sardine i make it a point to open twice a week ok .
Originally posted by cuntking
Bro dez, you forgot there is a special room reserved for you ... where is bro jb, say going to my our HQ's overseas guest for opening, still never hear from him.
bro king me will be there but next week this week busy with work and WC KNN still lose 3 bonk at RS damn tulan hope today can recoup back everything . i will be over next friday 21 june will sms dez b4 i reach see u all then .
%#q@&$(*^%*(#@&%^^%! CCB WORK. STUCK AT OFFICE :mad:
13-06-2002, 02:34 AM
bro punkmike, tommy's new gal will not be that soon .... needs time to find and get permit. Hope to see you around to party.
Originally posted by punkmike
Oh finnaly opened huh..okis might drop by on thu or fri and check out the roommsss but dunnoo who to try liaosss ...maybe tommy would have gotten gals by then i hopee?
13-06-2002, 02:49 AM
bro cocknbull .... huh ... I can't recall the opening party had too many guys and gals dancing around ... anyway the next time, you meet me at 1612, just cum and tell me your nick lor.
Originally posted by cocknbull
Hey King.... after that session with Pei Yi... hand and leg soft sof .. cannot even drive properly hahah nearly kiss some buggers car ass LOL... she top of my list man haaha... see when lah we meet up again there.. oh yah u should know who i am now and my nick rite ahahhaah.. after so long finnaly reveal to u kekeke
13-06-2002, 03:03 AM
yo bro ck, have not seen you after the inspection on Sunday .... so did you win lots of money?
as I not into orgy, unless 5 gals 1 guy lah .. hee hee
You should try asking Mr D and bro kaixin, they were both at 1612 and very horny ... hee hee
Originally posted by CumKing
I need 3 more guys!!! I already have my regular tag team partner, Rocco, now I need 3 more guys who r game enuff to join me for a 5 on 1 gal orgy!!!!!
No Kidding,
Originally posted by cuntking
ya lor, I want big milk balls, bro dez needs pretty and young, bro ming needs service, bro zyxel wants two way traffic, bro prime needs waterfall ..... any one need any thing else?
We need Miss Malaysia with lots of Sexual experience ... ha ha ha
You still don't know my needs? Anynow say, i need???????? Wonder tommy can supply snapple drinks than coke or not.........hehehhe
13-06-2002, 03:22 AM
bro jb, no problem I understand. Heard from bro dez about you .... good luck on your WC bets and take care of your health.
All party animals, there will be an Overseas guest to perform during our party at 1612 on 12062002 .... please book your tickets early ... hee hee hee
Originally posted by cheong jb
bro king me will be there but next week this week busy with work and WC KNN still lose 3 bonk at RS damn tulan hope today can recoup back everything . i will be over next friday 21 june will sms dez b4 i reach see u all then .
%#q@&$(*^%*(#@&%^^%! CCB WORK. STUCK AT OFFICE :mad:
13-06-2002, 03:26 AM
bro ming, at 1612 parties there are no snapple gal promotors yet ... you go tell Tommy to look out for you lor .... ha ha ha
Originally posted by ming
You still don't know my needs? Anynow say, i need???????? Wonder tommy can supply snapple drinks than coke or not.........hehehhe
13-06-2002, 03:29 AM
Dancing with MG
On the second day of the opening of GL newest joint at 1612, went to carry on partying. Upon arrival, there was quite a few customers watching World Cup and as I had bet quite a lot of money on Nigeria, join in the crowd. As the match goes on, the party carried on as customers went in and out. There was a new batch of party gals, saw Ping Ping, Zhen Zhen (L28), Eva (WH08), Amanda, Yan Er, Small Ivy, Zing Zhi, Civic. However, the record is still held by Jaguar with 4 sessions, while Sammi1, Mun Mun and Zhen Zhen has 3 sessions each.
After the final whistle, the music at the joint pump up …. Most people (icluding me) won. Decided to try MG whom capture my attention yesterday, ask Tommy if she will suit me. He said sure can, so I on lor. As she was serving another customer at her base, she only arrived about 30 minutes later. Dressed in a white short dress with her innocent looking face, she gracefully danced pass the hall like a ballerina, with all the audience focus on her cute bums.
Finally, I get to try the Roman room, the mirrors can cover every angle of action on the bed with 3 cupids watching ….. just like Heaven! As I sat at the steps to take off my shoes, she sat beside me and hug me as we talk. Then she helps me undress before undressing herself. Her boobs were smaller than they look but with nice eraser nipples and her bum looks really good. Inside the shower, she was still very friendly and chatty. After the shower, she used her towel to dry my back while I was drying my front.
On the stage, her action starts immediately, sucking my nipple like she was hungry for milk .. hee hee .. she stroked my trumpet while kissing my neck. As I caress her boobs, her nipples were very sensitive and quickly erected. During her catbath, she stimulate herself by rubbing her boobs against my body and her eraser nipples made my trumpet standing like the pillars of the Roman room. Although her catbath is a bit too wet for my liking, she good use of her boobs up and down my body as well as her hand never left my trumpet like it was made of gold. Well I was hard as gold.
As the session went on, her service gets even better. Her bj was vagarious and powerful with the twist of her mouth blowing up and down my trumpet. As she deep-throats and sallow my whole trumpet, I went to string her guitar, the music starts. When she changes position and my hands were not in line with her guitar, she put my hands in place to tune her guitar better. The more I string, the better she blows my trumpet.
To blend my trumpet with her guitar, she starts dancing on me. However, something was lacking, the beat …. She loves her drums to be caress, the harder I hit, the better she singing. As I dance on her in missionary and still playing the drums, her singing was getting louder till the whole of Heaven was rocking, went to use my mouth to lower her singing. Oh my, she is also well trained in cha-cha, her tongue went in and out as we frenched. I am impressed but as I want to prolong our time in Heaven, turn her around and went to doggie style … oh yes those bums are just like clouds like the sky ….. great for this. However, as I prefer to end the bang in missionary, we are soon in that position. Before you can finish the song “Heaven isn’t too far away”, our music was mixed with love potions.
We were both tightly locked in each other arms and were totally exhausted. As she went to shower first, I sat by the stage and smoke … watch her through the clear shower doors as she end the finale with her “Swan on the Lake” dance.
The rest is normal, she washing me, drying up and changing.
As we walk out, I started to feel the ache in my legs. It had been 6 months since I tried a commando … I love ROCK and ROLL!
Originally posted by cuntking
bro ming, at 1612 parties there are no snapple gal promotors yet ... you go tell Tommy to look out for you lor .... ha ha ha
No i just like to collect the bottle, you know?
cheong jb
13-06-2002, 04:13 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro jb, no problem I understand. Heard from bro dez about you .... good luck on your WC bets and take care of your health.
All party animals, there will be an Overseas guest to perform during our party at 1612 on 12062002 .... please book your tickets early ... hee hee hee
thanks bro king btw 12062002 which overseas guest ? i thought pass already . :confused:
13-06-2002, 12:28 PM
bro jb, sorry we were actually expecting YOU on that day but since you are the Star and wants to delay till 21062002, we have to reschdule and wait for you lor ... hee hee ... my typo mistake lah
Originally posted by cheong jb
thanks bro king btw 12062002 which overseas guest ? i thought pass already . :confused:
13-06-2002, 01:48 PM
I am going down to our ballroom now ... watching WC and then playing GL balls ..... good luck to China and Costa Rica.
cheong jb
13-06-2002, 06:18 PM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro jb, sorry we were actually expecting YOU on that day but since you are the Star and wants to delay till 21062002, we have to reschdule and wait for you lor ... hee hee ... my typo mistake lah
wah like that better bet more so can have more rounds hehehehe
14-06-2002, 01:25 AM
Originally posted by cheong jb
fuck u dun put word in my mouth when i say i will be there means i will be there . as for sardine i make it a point to open twice a week ok .
NB when did I do that lah....see that you so busy so though that you cannot make it that oso kanna by you.....swee...anyway, if coming then I wait for you to go together lor.....oso wanna meet up Rainman and cuntking cheong?
14-06-2002, 02:26 AM
bro jb and bro smiler, looking forward to next weeks party. However we are all gentlemen here, don't KNN, CB, NB, KPKB, and f here f there .... next week we will all f the gals together ... hee hee
14-06-2002, 02:39 AM
My 1st visit to GL after observing from this forum. OK! Here's my 10cent worth of FR.
Went to 1612 where most bros here recommened that T is a very good OKT. Reach 1612 in the afternoon and asked for Xiu Wen (never thought that she's available as there were news that she'll be going back mid of Jun). Was by T that she'll be ready in 10mins, my heart raced.
Once she arrived, I was so shy (aa a newbie), and we proceed as she led me to the "chinese room".
Inside the room, she started to unbutton my shirt as she undress. Wow! I would say for a gal to be in her late 20s (I think) so looks great! Her boobs are round and full, with pink hard nipples. Gosh! wanted to suck right away....
We proceed to bath as she carefully wash my throb and ass very softly (like a GF). After the wash, she suck my balls and AR in standing postion first, follow by sitting onto the bed and lying. While lying, she lifted my leg (1st time letting a gal do missionary!) and AR for seems like forever. Climbed ontop of me and lick my nipples. Proceed to give me a long bbbj for around 15mins. I was too high and told her to stop! Tried to think of something to prevent my dd from bursting, but too late, half of it came out! She wiped my dd clean and procced to put on the condom.
She than started to ride me (she is sure tight and wet). Great enjoyment as I look into the mirror watching myself in action (another 1st). As I was going to run out of bullet, I started to service her by sucking her pink nipples as she moaned and keep calling me darling. My turn to be on top of her as I ramed as hard as I could while she hugged be like a teddy bear. Starting to loose steam..... and that's the anti climax (hoped I could last longer!).
After helping me to clean up, she gave me a message while we chatted. She told me that tomorrow will be her last day and she'll be going back for a month. Lucky me, able to get her JIT.
Great enjoyment.
Looks: 7.5/10 (her eyes are slutty)
Body: 7/10 (milky body, boobs are nice and firm)
BBBJ: 8/10 (keeps looking in my eyes while blowing me)
AR: 8/10 (wet n nice)
Attiude: 9/10 (very friendly, able to break the ice very quickly)
Service:8/10 (slow and gentle GF feeling
14-06-2002, 02:40 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro jb and bro smiler, looking forward to next weeks party. However we are all gentlemen here, don't KNN, CB, NB, KPKB, and f here f there .... next week we will all f the gals together ... hee hee
Hi again, king! So when exactly will that be? I missed the opening day itself and wouldn't want to miss this first major party. Hope it won't be on the 19th as I wouldn't be available. Been away for most of the time these past few weeks and am now busy posting FRs for Hatyai, Manila and Balibago, the last of which is really "heaven-on-earth" - with big and juicy boobs at never imagined prices. ummmmmmmph...
14-06-2002, 02:46 AM
hi bro phenom, if bro jb confirm then it will be 21062002
Originally posted by phenom
Hi again, king! So when exactly will that be? I missed the opening day itself and wouldn't want to miss this first major party. Hope it won't be on the 19th as I wouldn't be available. Been away for most of the time these past few weeks and am now busy posting FRs for Hatyai, Manila and Balibago, the last of which is really "heaven-on-earth" - with big and juicy boobs at never imagined prices. ummmmmmmph...
14-06-2002, 02:57 AM
Date : 11 June 2002
Hse : SAF New HQ
Apparently got a recall to fall-in ... make my way there late afternoon ... did not had any target on mind n went along with the audience to wait for Sammi One (actually should have asked T whether which gal hasn't comes to his hse yet, if every bro takes a different gal ... i think very soon almost all the gals have made at least 1 trip to the HQ).
Jude : Sammi One
saw her when i just arrived at the HQ .. one word to describe this potion .... Chio !! sorry guys me have not seen wenfang b4 cant tell whether look similar or not ...
Looks : 8
Body : 7.5 tanned, gd boobs (she realli make gd use of her boobs)
BM : 8 alreadi beri simulating with my back ... let alone turning to the front for her ... *phew*
BJ : 7 avg blow for me with some deep throat overall ok...
FJ : 6.5 wat can i say ... i was not on form to do anythin ... maybe has been too hardworkin liao lately ...
I've lost this rd to her ... din even last to the 2nd stance ... i wouldn't say her svcs is no gd till i have a proper re-match wif her again (very soon)... she's a very friendly gal wif nice attitude n personality ...
somehow i keeps gettin foot-sucking babes lately ... first is sony, then my fav commando, maybo and yesterday sammi ....
finally, nice talking to all u guys whom i've met .. u knoe who u are .... till we meet again ...
14-06-2002, 02:59 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
hi bro phenom, if bro jb confirm then it will be 21062002
Cool. See you guys then. Hope I won't have any last minute diversions.
14-06-2002, 03:04 AM
Date : 13 June 2002
Hse : SAF HQ
Not a gd day for me today ... one loser n one loser ... well done bro King !! betted all 4 games against my inital picks ... lost the 1st 2 games sian liao decided to go against my late kt for my last 2 games to complete my claypot of the day ... decided to go down to HQ after the afternoon games .... lively as usual .. hey !! u guys seems to be there everyday or was I the one AWOL yesterday ??? i guess is the usual 14 days reservists for all ...
anyway .. down at HQ went to T ...
"T ah .. bo target leh .... which gal haven come to ur hse yet ?? u should have a different name in ur book liao lah ... "
"ok ok no problem ... get u a solid wan .. let u heng heng"
"sui steady !"
Jude : Fei Xue
guess she drew almost everyone's attention in the barrack, if there's one person who's not distracted, this fellow surely is
bro P liao not forgeting his "now-beri-well-broadcast-title" which is as long as this title....
Looks : 7.5 (the 1st impression is, everything gd, body also gd, but i would rate her above avg in terms of pretty but when she starts talking she looks more cute than chio ... trust me, million $$$ smile that kind)
BJ : 8 (din realise she's a commando till she started her engine!! i was totally stunned ... various styles n at least a gd 10mins, she has passed my 1st test to contest for the crown held by my fav commando)
FJ : 7.5 (5 styles in use, starting wif her on top, back face me .. extreme horny, keep grabbing my hands to squeeze milk outta her .. after that i'm working all the way till the end ...hugging me (or squeezing me??) refusing to let go as she keeps shouting ...'deeper deeper' ...
Generally, a friendly, hardworking and a sensitive gal as well makin sure i'm comfortable always (with the water, aircon, bedframe even..) a gd mixed of commando/gf type ... I'll keep her in my list second to my current fav ... the search to de-crown my fav commando goes on .....
14-06-2002, 03:22 AM
Arrive late for the party at 1612, many of the brothers were there watching WC and some in the rooms playing GL cup. Brazil voodoo and unlucky China made me lost money, so no mood to play GL cup. After the match, very sianz …. Discussed about the evening matches with the brothers and decided to eat for both games. The rest is history, won back my loss and double the winnings with Italy half time, give ball as well as Sporepools draw with 2 goals.
As it was quite late and want to call Fang Ling but my shifu say no good …. Sit around and watch the gals dance around the hall … saw MG and want to try her after her customer but she knock off liao. The urge to bonk is be coming stronger then this tall and fair gal cum in but was rejected by a customer …. Kiss Me does have a sizable boobs and looks quite good outside the hall, so told Tommy I will take her.
Inside the Roman room (my fav. room), we started chatting as she strip … she sure strip fast and was in the shower room before me pants were even down. As she washes me, I notice that her face is full of make up and does look as attractive. Her body has many birthmarks on her back. Nicely shape boobs with light coloured nipples. A very friendly gal as we talk about the new hq and how long she has knew Tommy.
On the bed, ask me lie on my front and she started her service before I can tell her I don’t want AR. Her catbath is not too wet, the feeling is like a fine brush painting, slow and light. However she do know where is a guys sensitive points and the strokes are more powerful at this point. Her AR is also the same manner which make me enjoy it.
After painting the back page, she starts to paint the front. Short time spend on my nipples (if longer, I harder), same thing like the back, she got my brush stimulated too. Went into bj, not good enough for me as when she cap me I was only 70% hard. Without asking she starts to rid me and she is one of the good riders in GL that I had meet … very hard working on top with different styles … went on for a good 15mins and could see that she is tired but still did not ask me to change position. I went to grab her boobs and find them too ‘firm’ (should be modified), switch to Goddness style and then missionary. She don’t moan very loud and allows frenching but no tongue fighting. With her experience she knew that I was cuming and hugged me tight with her legs locking me close.
Overall an above average bonk, unlike her other FRs in the forum …. Each to his own ….. I think MG still better.
14-06-2002, 03:26 AM
bro phenom, your ticket to the major party had been confirmed. There will be no refunds if you do not turn up. bro jb, reserve the rights to change the date and will keep us updated in this thread.
Originally posted by phenom
Cool. See you guys then. Hope I won't have any last minute diversions.
14-06-2002, 02:14 PM
Got to leave now and run an errand before going to hq for the WC.
Good Luck to all .... especially those that eat ball like me ... hee hee
Hope today can party with Yoko.
14-06-2002, 10:41 PM
Going tomorrow early afternoon....hopefully can get a good "deal"...
15-06-2002, 12:23 AM
bro slashGNR and bro jackie, I will be there in the afternoon too, with a overseas brother, all the way from America ... Ask God to Bless America .... they got in but I lost big money ...sianzz
15-06-2002, 01:20 AM
Today saw many gals at the party.
MJ looks good with her new coloured hair and BiBi2 also have a new hairstyle which suits her well.
Chelsea is more attractive with a bit more flesh ..... bro kaixin, how was your dancing session with her?
15-06-2002, 01:52 AM
Any recommendations on a tall & slim girl (1.6m), with big boobs that could bang twice? apperciate comments and will definitely write a fr afterwards!!
15-06-2002, 01:57 AM
bro denny, I also have a thread for all the big boobs Frs written by all the milk lovers called "Cat 150 Big Boobs Frs". As I am not a two shots guy, I cannot recommend you. Read the thread and check if you can find any gals that suit your description.
If not just ask OKT Tommy from 1612 to recommend.
Originally posted by denny
Any recommendations on a tall & slim girl (1.6m), with big boobs that could bang twice? apperciate comments and will definitely write a fr afterwards!!
15-06-2002, 12:55 PM
bro chinalgal, I will be down later, in fact almost everyday ... bro jackie, it will be good to see you again.
Originally posted by chinalgal
today any1 be there?
16-06-2002, 12:39 AM
cum king
so you were there this afternoon. So which one of you tried ching ching???
was wondering which one is you.
16-06-2002, 02:38 AM
bro frothster, I was there in the afternoon, no I am not the one that tried Ching Ching. What time were you there, who did you try? Next time just ask Tommy, is King around or not lor.
bro cumking only came late after 10pm
Originally posted by frothster
cum king
so you were there this afternoon. So which one of you tried ching ching???
was wondering which one is you.
16-06-2002, 02:40 AM
Originally posted by denny
Any recommendations on a tall & slim girl (1.6m), with big boobs that could bang twice? apperciate comments and will definitely write a fr afterwards!!
bro denny, seriously i think to have 2 shots in one session abit rush ... i rather take 1 gal for 2 tais or go 1 rd first, sit ard n see got any solid one ... then decide whether to cheong 2nd rd ...
16-06-2002, 02:47 AM
bro druids, each to his own, some brothers we know can even cum 3-4 times within an hour ..... hee hee
Originally posted by druids
bro denny, seriously i think to have 2 shots in one session abit rush ... i rather take 1 gal for 2 tais or go 1 rd first, sit ard n see got any solid one ... then decide whether to cheong 2nd rd ...
16-06-2002, 02:53 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro druids, each to his own, some brothers we know can even cum 3-4 times within an hour ..... hee hee
16-06-2002, 03:07 AM
Originally posted by druids
bro denny, seriously i think to have 2 shots in one session abit rush ... i rather take 1 gal for 2 tais or go 1 rd first, sit ard n see got any solid one ... then decide whether to cheong 2nd rd ...
me too have this kind of attitude.....hehehe......:D anyway different strokes for different folks.....
16-06-2002, 03:10 AM
Originally posted by KID278
me too have this kind of attitude.....hehehe......:D anyway different strokes for different folks.....
nearly went for 2nd tai the last rd with my current fav .. but thought enuf for the day liao .. both of us oso shack out liao ..
16-06-2002, 03:22 AM
bro druids, she so good? Wanted to call her today but she lacks of 'Heng heng' milk.
Originally posted by druids
nearly went for 2nd tai the last rd with my current fav .. but thought enuf for the day liao .. both of us oso shack out liao ..
16-06-2002, 03:30 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro druids, she so good? Wanted to call her today but she lacks of 'Heng heng' milk.
oh .. sorry she dun belong to the milk section but in the same section together with V12 engines .. hehe .. maybe i click well wif her ...
16-06-2002, 03:35 AM
Today, there were four overseas performance. Spoke to 3 of them and realised that 2 of the are brothers from the forum, one from USA and the other from Macao.
They are impressed by the joint as well as the GL gals and will be back at 1612 to party tomorrow and everyday till they have to leave our shores.
Well done Tommy and long live GL gals!
16-06-2002, 03:46 AM
Originally posted by druids
nearly went for 2nd tai the last rd with my current fav .. but thought enuf for the day liao .. both of us oso shack out liao ..
yupz, the urge can more or less tell us is the passion or lust strong enough to make us enjoy another session....hehehe.......:D
16-06-2002, 03:50 AM
I must try her to know if I click with her ... but I think very hard, seen her too many times.
Originally posted by druids
oh .. sorry she dun belong to the milk section but in the same section together with V12 engines .. hehe .. maybe i click well wif her ...
16-06-2002, 04:37 AM
New Gal - AC Milan was at HQ to party with … who else but our New Gal killer, my shifu, Mr S.
Looks quite pretty and Mr S say good for a new gal .. too bad no Milk for me.
16-06-2002, 04:45 AM
haha new thread for new base.
i have been missing for almost 2 weeks, here goes my first post in this thread!:cool:
16-06-2002, 04:48 AM
bro sextronics, when you cuming to party at the new joint?
Originally posted by sextronics
haha new thread for new base.
i have been missing for almost 2 weeks, here goes my first post in this thread!:cool:
16-06-2002, 05:01 AM
Bai Xue FR
Today lost WC like mad and need a change of luck, however many gals had called it a day. At 10pm still no target, getting horny and desperate. One of Tommy’s customer who finished a tahma session with Corolla and Sekio, wanted Bai Xue but must wait … so he took Qian Hong instead. After he went in, Bai Xue OKT called and Tommy say big boobs will suit me. However I had tried her before, wanted to reject but needed her milk to suppress the fire in me, so “ON lah!”
Her first day back at work after 2 weeks break, average height, big boobs with big nipples and fair smooth skin. She still remembers me (the last time I tried her was more than one year ago) and is very friendly, talk like old friends before action. Told her I lost money so want her to change my luck for me. She smiled and said no problem.
After the shower, she dim the lights and made the room very romantic like in a hotel room. Slide herself on top of me and gave me a kiss. Feeling her good luck balls against my body, hugged her tightly to recharge my luck in no time. Kiss my neck and started painting good luck charms on my body. With a smooth flow of light catbath, she managed to turned me to my back and enhance her transfer of luck to me.
Forgot to tell her to skip AR and only realised when she started, it was a short one but anyway I don’t want it. Used her hands to tuned my nipples and before I know it I am lying on my back again as she went to suck out all the bad luck from my trumpet. More painting on my nipples and push me upwards …. Soon she was sucking with me in a sitting position. I am a big size guy, how this gal managed to make me changed position without tell me is amazing.
After capping me, I went into action when she was on top … caressing her lucky balls and drinking her ‘Heng Heng’ milk, until she started chanting lucky prayers for me. She pump her good luck into me as I push out my bad luck. Asked if I want doggie, but I wanted more milk, so we changed to missionary. She pulled me closed and the battle of the light force fought the dark forces with twist and turns. Really need the change of luck, so I pump and pump while she chants and chants (not loud) … all was perfect!
Soon unloaded all my bad cums while she flood my mouth with her good potion …. Tomorrow going to make a killing!
After all the action, she offered to massage but I want to smoke and chat. She asked how she could improve and says that at times she tends to be a fast worker, talk about the different types of bonkers she gets (luckily she did not say anything about the forum), she also reveals that she takes a long time to cum. We were like friends and talk about many other things.
Wash up and get dressed, before we leave the hotel, she wish me good luck. If tomorrow win, sure to look for her again … my Lucky Cow!
16-06-2002, 05:13 AM
soon after i win some big bucks tomorrow~:cool:
after reading and listening about the new rooms, i buay tahan liao! I want to try the roman and jap rooms!!!!
16-06-2002, 05:18 AM
bro sextronics, still got the Chinese and hotel rooms ... you better go for 4 sessions then ... hee hee
The tahma room (Roman room) is officially open by Tommy's regular, the tahma King.
Originally posted by sextronics
soon after i win some big bucks tomorrow~:cool:
after reading and listening about the new rooms, i buay tahan liao! I want to try the roman and jap rooms!!!!
16-06-2002, 05:33 AM
WALAO sure give the saying "Suay suay ker chway gway" a whole new, refreshing twist to it...kekekekeke
After you HOSAY tmr, I would need her good luck secretions too...kekekekeke
All The Best,
16-06-2002, 01:20 PM
bro ck, if she is really the Lucky Cow, then you should try her just for the luck, if not I will go to TuaPekKong with you every night till I find my Lucky Cow.. hee hee
Originally posted by CumKing
WALAO sure give the saying "Suay suay ker chway gway" a whole new, refreshing twist to it...kekekekeke
After you HOSAY tmr, I would need her good luck secretions too...kekekekeke
All The Best,
16-06-2002, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by cuntking
New Gal - AC Milan was at HQ to party with … who else but our New Gal killer, my shifu, Mr S.
Looks quite pretty and Mr S say good for a new gal .. too bad no Milk for me.
Bro King, can we have a short description of AC Milan. I quite like the soccer girls and haven't seen this one. So far, no tits..... what else ? :D
16-06-2002, 09:43 PM
haha i must seperate the 4 sessions.
if 1 shot cannot tahan.
17-06-2002, 12:55 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro ck, if she is really the Lucky Cow, then you should try her just for the luck, if not I will go to TuaPekKong with you every night till I find my Lucky Cow.. hee hee
think i need to start going to visit him as well ... today half heng onli ...
17-06-2002, 01:35 AM
Saw her again partying with the overseas brother late Sunday night, he say service ok but perfer his other bonk. hey man, see you next month. PM me before you cum to our wonderland.
Her face looks quite nice, average height and fair, strong pair of legs and nice bums. Don't know if her dress was padded, but looks like got some thing to grap.
Originally posted by Jang5556
Bro King, can we have a short description of AC Milan. I quite like the soccer girls and haven't seen this one. So far, no tits..... what else ? :D
17-06-2002, 02:29 AM
bro druids, see how tomorrow ... if our luck still like that then we will go to Loyang together after watching Brazil match at HQ
Originally posted by druids
think i need to start going to visit him as well ... today half heng onli ...
17-06-2002, 02:29 AM
i knew that all along u guys hang around at T place 4 me i m new n is wondering that FR100 and FR150 in my consideration nw can u bro pls pm or post me who to find if my taste of gals is tall, big boobs, pretty and gf service pls thanx
17-06-2002, 02:41 AM
bro blur, already told you in my PM to read the CAT 150 - Big Boobs thread
try Lee Wen my favourite big boobs princess, but beauty in th eye of the becummer.
try Cola, pretty, tall and big boobs but service got restrictions.
maybe Tong Tong or Sugar
Originally posted by blur78
i knew that all along u guys hang around at T place 4 me i m new n is wondering that FR100 and FR150 in my consideration nw can u bro pls pm or post me who to find if my taste of gals is tall, big boobs, pretty and gf service pls thanx
17-06-2002, 02:54 AM
i popped down to Tommy place today to check out the new SAF HQ.
Ah Dez, think I saw you, I am the one who u high five when Ireland scored the 2nd penalty.
most likely popping down again tomorrow to watch the brazil match.
Gal: Hui Yu
looks:6 (quite attractive, fair, nice long hair)
body:7.5(av ht, sexy longish legs, slim, quite nice ass)
boobs:6.5(b, small handful)
ar:yes (so so but tongue fuck your arse)
bbbj:5 (too vigourous to my liking, a turn off)
fj:7.5(quite good, various positions)
attitude&service:7.5(very friendly and chatty)
rtf: NO, because she appears not to like frenching and a fast worker.
Note: Today is her last day, going back to KL for a month
17-06-2002, 02:58 AM
After a memorable time with Xiu Wen yesterday, went down to 1612 and get T to recommend one as Jaguar is not working on Friday. Waited for about 10 mins, Chelsea arrived. My first impression is that she is too fleshy (looks ok), told T that I’m not really keen with fleshy gals and he assures me that her service is excellent. Took his advice and proceed to “japanese room”.
SOP from here…. (I guessed Xiu Wen had set a pretty high standard yesterday, I had higher expectations L)
Looks: 6.5/10 (a bit ah lian)
Body: 4/10 (too fleshy for my liking)
BBBJ: 8/10 (put in a lot of effort, with various position e.g. 69)
AR: 7.5/10 (good effort)
FJ: 7 (normal but good moaning)
Attiude: 7/10 (good but really need to break the ice with her first)
Ah Dez
17-06-2002, 03:31 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
i popped down to Tommy place today to check out the new SAF HQ.
Ah Dez, think I saw you, I am the one who u high five when Ireland scored the 2nd penalty.
most likely popping down again tomorrow to watch the brazil match.
Gal: Hai Yu
looks:6 (quite attractive, fair, nice long hair)
body:7.5(av ht, sexy longish legs, slim, quite nice ass)
boobs:6.5(b, small handful)
ar:yes (so so but tongue fuck your arse)
bbbj:5 (too vigourous to my liking, a turn off)
fj:7.5(quite good, various positions)
attitude&service:7.5(very friendly and chatty)
rtf: NO, because she appears not to like frenching and a fast worker.
Note: Today is her last day, going back to KL for a month
Maybe i seh or wat....but..
is there a Hai Yu???.. same house as Hai Yan,Hai Shan,Hai Lang and Hai Chao?
17-06-2002, 10:01 AM
nice FR jacky
17-06-2002, 11:42 AM
bro dez, it is Hui Yu lah, see the heading of the post, bro defytherules just have a typo error and I also copy blindly like how I bet the WC ... hee hee
Originally posted by Ah Dez
Maybe i seh or wat....but..
is there a Hai Yu???.. same house as Hai Yan,Hai Shan,Hai Lang and Hai Chao?
17-06-2002, 11:20 PM
Yo bros here,can anyone provide the hse no of Tommy's new joint? would like to call and ask the avalibility of gals before going down,as Geylang not near my place and I dun own my own transport. Thanks....
18-06-2002, 12:11 AM
Hi Bro,
Rabbit here. Is 1612 means Lor 16 Hse 12?
Any good recommendation of gals there?
18-06-2002, 12:36 AM
bro dirk, it is not advuseable for us to post numbers in here ... so it looks like you will have to make a trip there and ask Tommy for iy.
Originally posted by dirk_diggler
Yo bros here,can anyone provide the hse no of Tommy's new joint? would like to call and ask the avalibility of gals before going down,as Geylang not near my place and I dun own my own transport. Thanks....
18-06-2002, 01:29 AM
yeah it's not nice to list the number here.
just drop by and hang around.
watch WC while you wait.:cool:
18-06-2002, 02:03 AM
bro rabbit, yes new HQ is at L16 H12 beside Hotel 81.
Just tell Tommy what type of gals you want and he will recommend you lah.
Originally posted by rabbit
Hi Bro,
Rabbit here. Is 1612 means Lor 16 Hse 12?
Any good recommendation of gals there?
18-06-2002, 02:23 AM
bro druids, congrates on your killing at the Brazil game.
I went to Loyang in the afternoon and won the match, but not so lucky with the Brazil one .... must go before every match liao.... anyone wants to follow?
Originally posted by cuntking
bro druids, see how tomorrow ... if our luck still like that then we will go to Loyang together after watching Brazil match at HQ
18-06-2002, 02:28 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
.... must go before every match liao.... anyone wants to follow?
Me me me!!!!!!
All the best tmr,
18-06-2002, 02:50 AM
i made abit of $$$ in today's match.
luckily brazil shoot another ball around 80+ mins
18-06-2002, 02:52 AM
bro ck, don't worry will sure call you along the next time ..... good luck to all your remaining matches too
Pray for big money big money.
Originally posted by CumKing
Me me me!!!!!!
All the best tmr,
18-06-2002, 03:05 AM
bro sextronics, have you cumed to new HQ before?
yes you are right, sure can hang around new HQ .... I was there at 230pm to watch the first match and then discuss WC, eat dinner and do homework before watching the 2nd match
Originally posted by sextronics
yeah it's not nice to list the number here.
just drop by and hang around.
watch WC while you wait.:cool:
18-06-2002, 05:19 AM
wah bro king you spent your whole day there!
that's your second home!
can do "homework" somemore.
not yet. not a single cum at the new HQ yet.
can't wait to see the renovated rooms!!!
not forgetting bonking the girls!
YES hope everyone win BIG money then can bonk more at new hq!
bro king i will sms you if i am coming down tomorrow.
what time will you be there?
18-06-2002, 01:07 PM
bro sextronics, today I am stuck in the office .... sian, should only be down after 5pm.
Originally posted by sextronics
wah bro king you spent your whole day there!
that's your second home!
can do "homework" somemore.
not yet. not a single cum at the new HQ yet.
can't wait to see the renovated rooms!!!
not forgetting bonking the girls!
YES hope everyone win BIG money then can bonk more at new hq!
bro king i will sms you if i am coming down tomorrow.
what time will you be there?
18-06-2002, 02:05 PM
Hello Brudders !!!
This is the return of another King. Some bros know me by my previous name........but somehow bro CK thinks I'm a fake and didn'tlet me register under my previous name.
Anyway......was at Tommy's new joint yesterday with some of the click....watching the USA / Mexico game.
Obliged the Bros and tried Sammi 1. She looke blady hot yesterday in a long dress with strips cut slit running down the side of those beautiful legs. It was so high that part of the sides of her panties were exposed. Well since that got me hot, I decided to give her a ride.
Looks - Quite pretty....reminds me of that oriental gal in Ally Mcbeal.
Boobs - Real soft with perky brown nipples. Very Suckable.
Pussy - Nice trim job and a pretty neat slit.
The Action :
Pretty SOP bath.....followed by a wet tongue in ear job.....boob rub......and SOP catlicks all over.
Her tongue felt like sand paper and her teeth gets in the way of her BBBJ.
She gave in to my tonguefu and came with violent jerks in abt 10 mins. She was responsive in the FJ dept though.....urging me to Fcuk her........ooooh yesss....fcuk me baby.....yeah....harder...!!
......and that was the highlight of the day.......nothing to shout about besides her acting skills during the FJ and the fact that she is quite friendly and attractive.
As always each his own poison.........
And BigDipper IS........the one and Only.........guess WHo ????
Haha......yes it's me CumKing....if you're still here.......I'm the former : KingCork.
cheong jb
18-06-2002, 02:12 PM
bro cuntking when i at ur HQ u tell tommy intro those gf type ger for me ok ? which two scenario will happen
1) cum in extra fast time 10 minutes or less
2) die die cannot cum (extra time ?)
18-06-2002, 02:34 PM
bro jb, you just tell Tommy what type of gals you want lor, we stay with him because we trust his recommendations.
If you goal in 1st 10 min, then goal and goal lor ..... take commando
If you take gf and cannot goal by full time, then go into injury time with more bj, still cannot, go into extra time with the gals hj you lor ... worse cum to worse, go into penalty shot out, you DIY yorself lah ... as long as don't rematch with another session is good liao ...Sure to Goal in GL Cup one lah..... hee hee
Originally posted by cheong jb
bro cuntking when i at ur HQ u tell tommy intro those gf type ger for me ok ? which two scenario will happen
1) cum in extra fast time 10 minutes or less
2) die die cannot cum (extra time ?)
18-06-2002, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro jb, you just tell Tommy what type of gals you want lor, we stay with him because we trust his recommendations.
If you goal in 1st 10 min, then goal and goal lor ..... take commando
If you take gf and cannot goal by full time, then go into injury time with more bj, still cannot, go into extra time with the gals hj you lor ... worse cum to worse, go into penalty shot out, you DIY yorself lah ... as long as don't rematch with another session is good liao ...Sure to Goal in GL Cup one lah..... hee hee
extra time has a risk of penalty which might set you back by another 150 dols.....shoot before you get caught for offside...hehehe......:D
18-06-2002, 04:02 PM
Went down to HQ on 17 Jun around 5pm and wanted to repeat Jaguar. Waited till 8pm still long queue at her house, so got recommened a gal MG from the same house of Jaguar by Tommy as she just finished with another guy (Bros durids after you try her another guy follow than me).........hehe
One look at her, do not caught my eye, as i am in a hurry to work and had not reject any gal before so ok (which i said ealier that no more hunting season for me).
Once inside the room, she help me to take off my shirt and soon we go for clean clean. Not much talk indeed, as mostly same type of question are you from the group people outside, eat already and so on. But once on the bed she service me like king, took her own sweet time to lick me head to toe and suck my nipples while her pair of hand non-stop touching all over my body than to my dick to my balls and follow (the feeling is that you know she like sex).........kekekkeke...........Soon she blow me in lot of position changes from right to left, front and 69.
After which we proceed to FJ, she ride me in front where i hold her in the waist and we pump. She like it very much with her changes of tone in moan and her face reaction, you can tell that good to find a gal with enjoy sex with you. After around 5 mins of riding by her, we changed to missionary. I too used my on hand to grad her breast and frenching her the same time and later sucking her nipple. Wow............another darling i had found! Finally i shoot out after another 10mins of screwing, very very happy bonk.
She asked me want to have massage and i said no she then seat close to me and talk. Oh we had a good talk on sex and soon times is almost up and we go clean clean and out we go.
Looks: 7/10 (look above average)
Body: 7/10 (nice fair body)
BJ: 7.5/10 (good stamina and long blow)
AR: Skip
FJ: 9/10 (Good as she enjoy sex)
Attiude: 8/10 (friendly gal will go on your request)
Service:7/10 (slow and gentle GF feeling)
18-06-2002, 05:04 PM
bro kid, lucky for me Japan got no penalty. Won enough to bonk, so going to HQ now and get my Lucky Cow.
So far so good, hope after the bonk even better.
Originally posted by KID278
extra time has a risk of penalty which might set you back by another 150 dols.....shoot before you get caught for offside...hehehe......:D
18-06-2002, 05:41 PM
hi King, what major party? can I join in or not?
sms me pls!
ps: dun hammer me if my tip not good! : )
Originally posted by cuntking
bro phenom, your ticket to the major party had been confirmed. There will be no refunds if you do not turn up. bro jb, reserve the rights to change the date and will keep us updated in this thread.
19-06-2002, 12:16 AM
Will be there this Friday.........
19-06-2002, 12:52 AM
bro cuntnoisseur, your tips is good which gave me a good bonking session today.
This Friday, as bro jb will be performing at our HQ so we are just having a gathering togther to party at HQ.
Originally posted by cuntnoisseur
hi King, what major party? can I join in or not?
sms me pls!
ps: dun hammer me if my tip not good! : )
19-06-2002, 01:21 AM
The elusive BJ Queen, Hai San, made a star performance at HQ today.
19-06-2002, 01:38 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro cuntnoisseur, your tips is good which gave me a good bonking session today.
This Friday, as bro jb will be performing at our HQ so we are just having a gathering togther to party at HQ.
Hi, king,
So what time will the party start? Before the Eng/Bra kickoff? Actually I have to drive up to KL on Fri but luckily managed to change the trip to Sat. Since I have the nonrefundable confirmed ticket, I better make full use of it. :D
19-06-2002, 01:41 AM
bro phenom, it can start any time from 12pm and end at 12am lah .... from my experience from the past SAF attacks, usually most brothers will be there from 3-9pm ..... own time own target!
Originally posted by phenom
Hi, king,
So what time will the party start? Before the Eng/Bra kickoff? Actually I have to drive up to KL on Fri but luckily managed to change the trip to Sat. Since I have the nonrefundable confirmed ticket, I better make full use of it. :D
19-06-2002, 01:51 AM
gd to have a change sometimes... always drive the same car sooner or later u oso sian wan lah ...
Originally posted by cuntking
Went down to HQ on 17 Jun around 5pm and wanted to repeat Jaguar. Waited till 8pm still long queue at her house, so got recommened a gal MG from the same house of Jaguar by Tommy as she just finished with another guy (Bros durids after you try her another guy follow than me).........hehe
One look at her, do not caught my eye, as i am in a hurry to work and had not reject any gal before so ok (which i said ealier that no more hunting season for me).
Once inside the room, she help me to take off my shirt and soon we go for clean clean. Not much talk indeed, as mostly same type of question are you from the group people outside, eat already and so on. But once on the bed she service me like king, took her own sweet time to lick me head to toe and suck my nipples while her pair of hand non-stop touching all over my body than to my dick to my balls and follow (the feeling is that you know she like sex).........kekekkeke...........Soon she blow me in lot of position changes from right to left, front and 69.
After which we proceed to FJ, she ride me in front where i hold her in the waist and we pump. She like it very much with her changes of tone in moan and her face reaction, you can tell that good to find a gal with enjoy sex with you. After around 5 mins of riding by her, we changed to missionary. I too used my on hand to grad her breast and frenching her the same time and later sucking her nipple. Wow............another darling i had found! Finally i shoot out after another 10mins of screwing, very very happy bonk.
She asked me want to have massage and i said no she then seat close to me and talk. Oh we had a good talk on sex and soon times is almost up and we go clean clean and out we go.
Looks: 7/10 (look above average)
Body: 7/10 (nice fair body)
BJ: 7.5/10 (good stamina and long blow)
AR: Skip
FJ: 9/10 (Good as she enjoy sex)
Attiude: 8/10 (friendly gal will go on your request)
Service:7/10 (slow and gentle GF feeling)
19-06-2002, 01:57 AM
Date : 17 June 2002
Hse : SAF HQ
Jude : heng heng
Another routine afternoon loss for me again ... bloody mexico kelong .. news came too late .. MR bush actually called up Mexico president b4 the game !!!! As usual scouting for a new "heng heng" brand cow milk and decided to take the highly recommended jude to try n see if my luck rebounds ....
First impression of "heng heng" avg look, everything seems ordinary abt her but i was assured by bros that she will put up a gd fight with my current fav Commando Y (not workin today anyway) ....
Looks : 7 (petit, just avg nothin outstanding)
BJ : 9 (trust me, any gal that deserves such a rating higher than 8pts is no joke at all, everythin bout her is so ordinary till the pt she started her V6 engine, covering almost every part of me from top to bottom, left to right, front n back .. aggressive, horny, n running her engine at the right gear at the rite spot, shit this gal is puttin up a gd challenge to my fav, the war has started!!)
FJ : 8.5 (took my revenge n gave her a gd lick n she came even b4 i started my engine, hurried me to enter her as she gets more n more horny ... started to blabber when she talks .... gave her a 4-dish patterns before i release my load n both of us lie flat (YES beri flat) on the bed. took her a couple of mins to recover b4 she gets up and look at me .... out came only 1 word from her : "Keng"
:" hai lei keng wa shi wo keng ?"
:" ho chi wo bi lei song ti, lei zhan hai ho geng"
Sui ! it's goin to be my lucky nite liao when i step out of the rm ... n i went full bet to take Brazil n give ball !!
such an outstanding gal realli worth my vote to de-throne Fei Xue from the 2nd spot to 3rd place in my fav list ... a gd mixed as well of gf/com... after my last rd with my fav, i've not re-discover my form until today, only a word of praise from me : geng !!!!
19-06-2002, 02:07 AM
wah bro king you made me drool sia!!!!
i won in both matches today!!!
19-06-2002, 02:17 AM
bro sextronics, how can I make you drool? that is the job of the GL gals .... remember not to make the floor at HQ wet with your drooling on friday .. hee hee
good to know that you also made a killing today.
Originally posted by sextronics
wah bro king you made me drool sia!!!!
i won in both matches today!!!
19-06-2002, 02:23 AM
bro druids, looks like your heng heng cat is also my lucky cow
Originally posted by druids
gd to have a change sometimes... always drive the same car sooner or later u oso sian wan lah ...
19-06-2002, 02:28 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro druids, looks like your heng heng cat is also my lucky cow
Sui !! can dun go loyang liao .... hehe ..
19-06-2002, 02:33 AM
She is one of the handful of Spore gals working in GL.
Saw her at hq today with a few customers, everytime she sign in with another customer, she will look at the TV and ask what is the score.
After her last customer, she came out and found that it was a level game .. she called to scold her friend. Then we talked a bit and I say Korea will win in extra time, she look at my doubtfully. Then her car came, she went out.... Korea scored ... we shouted and she ran back to see .. should had bet one sessionwith her ... hee hee ... then another FOC session ... ha ha ha
19-06-2002, 02:36 AM
bro druids, Loyang still must go before the matches then win liao, can bonk heng heng cat lah
Originally posted by druids
Sui !! can dun go loyang liao .... hehe ..
19-06-2002, 02:44 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro druids, Loyang still must go before the matches then win liao, can bonk heng heng cat lah
have u tried the one at balestier?? quite gd oso ... then later still can go balestier plaza for a heng heng hair wash ...
19-06-2002, 02:48 AM
bro druids, not sure if I had been to the one at Balestier ... but the hair cut got special service? I got no much hair left to wash .. ha ha ha
Originally posted by druids
have u tried the one at balestier?? quite gd oso ... then later still can go balestier plaza for a heng heng hair wash ...
19-06-2002, 04:22 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
She is one of the handful of Spore gals working in GL.
Saw her at hq today with a few customers, everytime she sign in with another customer, she will look at the TV and ask what is the score.
After her last customer, she came out and found that it was a level game .. she called to scold her friend. Then we talked a bit and I say Korea will win in extra time, she look at my doubtfully. Then her car came, she went out.... Korea scored ... we shouted and she ran back to see .. should had bet one sessionwith her ... hee hee ... then another FOC session ... ha ha ha
yo bro cuntking, if she lost to might get focpcn....hehehe......:D
19-06-2002, 08:28 AM
hi brudder, glad that my tip turned out good! u o me nasi lemak!
: ) look out for more tips to come! so who was your post-match bonk last nite?
Originally posted by cuntking
bro cuntnoisseur, your tips is good which gave me a good bonking session today.
This Friday, as bro jb will be performing at our HQ so we are just having a gathering togther to party at HQ.
19-06-2002, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro druids, not sure if I had been to the one at Balestier ... but the hair cut got special service? I got no much hair left to wash .. ha ha ha
no special lah ... (got oso cannot say mah *kok kok*)
bro unregister, dun worry these guys are having their reservist there at the moment, but they do book out to go home every nite though ...
20-06-2002, 12:13 AM
bro kid, saw her at HQ again today and sure wink wink at me ... hee hee
FOC PCN also never mind ... ha ha ha
Originally posted by KID278
yo bro cuntking, if she lost to might get focpcn....hehehe......:D
20-06-2002, 12:26 AM
bro unregister, we are there almost everyday .... cum down this Friday for the 1st major party lor
Originally posted by unregister
aiya, i miss out this thread, acutally i want to go down yesterday (18 june). :-(
when are you guys going down to tommy page house again?
20-06-2002, 12:29 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro kid, saw her at HQ again today and sure wink wink at me ... hee hee
FOC PCN also never mind ... ha ha ha
bro cuntking, she sure can ice cold water running thru your veins.....hehehe......:D who else of those prominent gals is at hq......btw...ming, prime and others are going on the quiet.....what has happen.........
20-06-2002, 12:42 AM
bro kid, all the cat 150 gals can be called at most cat 150 houses lah, so nothing to shout about at HQ.
Anyway today saw AA who is just back from her leave, still looks that great ... bro gary and bro romanto are you reading this, you lover is back ... hee hee ... the race goes on.
Well, bro ming and bro prime are just getting tired of the forum, too much newbie stuff, flaming as well as some inaccurate sources in here ... each to his own lah.
Originally posted by KID278
bro cuntking, she sure can ice cold water running thru your veins.....hehehe......:D who else of those prominent gals is at hq......btw...ming, prime and others are going on the quiet.....what has happen.........
20-06-2002, 01:03 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro kid, all the cat 150 gals can be called at most cat 150 houses lah, so nothing to shout about at HQ.
Anyway today saw AA who is just back from her leave, still looks that great ... bro gary and bro romanto are you reading this, you lover is back ... hee hee ... the race goes on.
Well, bro ming and bro prime are just getting tired of the forum, too much newbie stuff, flaming as well as some inaccurate sources in here ... each to his own lah.
bro cuntking, thought you always have a list of prominents that goes aa surfaced after a long while....oh....surprised..... ming and prime not learning how to live happily in the forum.....hehehe.......:D
20-06-2002, 01:09 AM
bro kid, no list lah, just refresh my mind with who I saw at HQ, Jaguar, Sony, Mun Mun (old), Carol and Amanda .... too many liao
well bro ming and bro prime are not the only ones ...... will tell you a bed timre story later ..... hee hee
Originally posted by KID278
bro cuntking, thought you always have a list of prominents that goes aa surfaced after a long while....oh....surprised..... ming and prime not learning how to live happily in the forum.....hehehe.......:D
20-06-2002, 01:29 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro kid, no list lah, just refresh my mind with who I saw at HQ, Jaguar, Sony, Mun Mun (old), Carol and Amanda .... too many liao
well bro ming and bro prime are not the only ones ...... will tell you a bed timre story later ..... hee hee
bro cuntking, listing of gals adds flavours to this thread....thorns go with roses.......hehehe.......:D......oops!.....ming and prime and more going to bed.....yucks....but interesting....hehehe....make it exclusive.......hehehe.....
20-06-2002, 01:37 AM
bro kid, I will take your advise and try to have a list of the gals partying at HQ.... Today, still got Tong Tong and Kar Leng.
well this friday's major party will see many brothers going to bed at HQ ................. but in the different rooms ... hee hee
Originally posted by KID278
bro cuntking, listing of gals adds flavours to this thread....thorns go with roses.......hehehe.......:D......oops!.....ming and prime and more going to bed.....yucks....but interesting....hehehe....make it exclusive.......hehehe.....
20-06-2002, 01:44 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro kid, all the cat 150 gals can be called at most cat 150 houses lah, so nothing to shout about at HQ.
Anyway today saw AA who is just back from her leave, still looks that great ... bro gary and bro romanto are you reading this, you lover is back ... hee hee ... the race goes on.
Well, bro ming and bro prime are just getting tired of the forum, too much newbie stuff, flaming as well as some inaccurate sources in here ... each to his own lah.
i guess both of them are in chase for the elusive titles as well ...
20-06-2002, 01:59 AM
bro druids, all your fault la, keep giving out titles to them .... now what Elusive Poster ..... hee hee
Then you must be the Marksman liao, your WC kt all so accurate.
Originally posted by druids
i guess both of them are in chase for the elusive titles as well ...
20-06-2002, 02:03 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro druids, all your fault la, keep giving out titles to them .... now what Elusive Poster ..... hee hee
Then you must be the Marksman liao, your WC kt all so accurate.
very soon i'll have my own office in T Bldg ... operating as the Cheongster Title Authority ... at the rate the demand is going ... very soon more will have their own title and those who have alot might have even more ??? hmmm ....
talkin bout titles always reminds me of ID4 .. the general that has so many medals on his uniform like bien lui wan ...
20-06-2002, 02:18 AM
Went to Tommy's place today at 5.30pm and was looking forward to see his new joint. Very well designed and the waiting hall is spacious. Requested for Tong Tong but Tommy asked me to try S'pore Ice as she was at his place and I just needed to wait another 10 more minutes. However, I still prefer Tong Tong as the brothers here mentioned she has big boobs and look like Carina Lau. While waiting for her to arrive, out came Casino, Yan Er, Sony, Matured Yoko and S'pore Ice. In my opinion, Casino looks the best but I'm suprised to know that S'pore Ice speaks fluent English. I saw three guys (who came in a group) resting at the hall after trying Casino, Yan Er and Sony respectively. Do not know whether they are from this Forumn too?? I was told by CuntKing he was there too, so was Prime who was entertaining an Indian guy ^_^. Below is my short FR on Tong Tong ( I'm not good at writing long FRs):
Room: China Theme (Tommy must have spent a lot of $$$ on tearing down the old place n rebuilding it)
Looks: 6/10 (Looks like Carina Lau especially when she smiles)
Body: 5/10 (Fleshy and got tummy)
Boobs: 8/10 (Big, natural, bouncy, juicy melons)
AR: 8/10 (Superb, licked me a good 5 minutes)
BBBJ: 6/10 (No suction power but very patient, blew me 10 minutes)
Frenching: Yes (before she gave me AR)
FJ: 8/10 (Satisfying, well worth the money! Did her in 3 positions, missionary, doggie and standing (with 1 leg in the air)
Total time spent in the room: 50 minutes
RTF: Yes because she gives you bf/gf treatment
21-06-2002, 01:08 AM
Blue Diamond (L14) vs Baby1 (L20)
Saw these two newest addition to GL partying at hq today and here is my observation as well as the feedback from the guys that bonk them.
BD looks more attractive to me than Baby1 who is more friendly but both are in the pretty cat. Baby1 is taller and faier but BD has more figure. The most important thing to me ... boobs size, both gals have above average boobs but not in the big boobs cat.
Bonkers' Feedback
BD above average for new gal.
Baby1, SOP but good attitude.
21-06-2002, 01:33 AM
Saw Pinky and Sexy Yuki who are back from their leaves and partying at HQ ...... bro dez are you reading this?
21-06-2002, 02:26 AM
As advise by the GL Wise One, bro kid, I will try to do an update of the gals that party at HQ everyday.
So here are some of the gals that I saw and could remember their names.
August, Chelsea, Kar Leng, Mun Mun, Ping Ping, BM, Ai Lee, Ivy, BiBi2, D24, Cola, Joyce, Annie, Poh Yee, MiMi, Chris2, Hello Kitty and AC
21-06-2002, 02:39 AM
Friday is the big day to catch our over the causeway Star perform at HQ but still no confirmation.
bro JB, so how, you cumming at what time?
Luckily, we have other overseas guest from USA and Pakistan (saw them today and they will return on Friday) ... looks like HQ can bring people together and fight the common targets, the GL gals ... hee hee
21-06-2002, 03:12 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
Friday is the big day to catch our over the causeway Star perform at HQ but still no confirmation.
bro JB, so how, you cumming at what time?
Luckily, we have other overseas guest from USA and Pakistan (saw them today and they will return on Friday) ... looks like HQ can bring people together and fight the common targets, the GL gals ... hee hee
King. Can I be considered an overseas guest as though my home is in SG, I've always fancied myself as a citizen of the world, being always packing my bags for one destination or another; especially these few months.:D
21-06-2002, 11:32 AM
bro phenom, you can call yourself the international bonker .... hee hee
so are you cuming to party today?
Originally posted by phenom
King. Can I be considered an overseas guest as though my home is in SG, I've always fancied myself as a citizen of the world, being always packing my bags for one destination or another; especially these few months.:D
21-06-2002, 02:36 PM
got information that our overseas guest will be delayed as he is busy watching balls but he may still cum down to HQ later in the evening to play balls ..... hee hee
anyway, some of the brothers already calling me from HQ and looks like the party had already started with GL Cup as well as WC with Tommy as the host.
Sian I am still stuck in office ....... Good Luck to all those party animals at HQ and Happy Bonking.
21-06-2002, 05:22 PM
Bro cuntking,
have you checked if Xin Xin is back in action yet?
21-06-2002, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by cuntking
got information that our overseas guest will be delayed as he is busy watching balls but he may still cum down to HQ later in the evening to play balls ..... hee hee
anyway, some of the brothers already calling me from HQ and looks like the party had already started with GL Cup as well as WC with Tommy as the host.
Sian I am still stuck in office ....... Good Luck to all those party animals at HQ and Happy Bonking.
Hi, king, I went down just before the england/brazil kickoff and glued my eyes to the action on the screen till after its all over. Wanted to wait for your recommendations of juicy melons but was told that you won't be in till 7 or 8. So, asked T to get me one. After a few calls, he finally got me T-one. Looks and boobs seem acceptable and we went to one of the chinese rooms. I don't think I'll put up a FR as her service is just sop. Not really bad but nothing at all to shout about. Should have repeated AA who had put in an appearance earlier. Saw Sammi being coming in quite a number of times. Looks sexy but how is she, service wise?
21-06-2002, 11:04 PM
Originally posted by zyxel01
Bro cuntking,
have you checked if Xin Xin is back in action yet?
She still not back yet. Maybe next week. How is your trip?
21-06-2002, 11:24 PM
bro phenom, hear that it was a wild party with many brothers. Sorri but I was stuck at work and reached HQ by 6+pm. Saw a few people left, Mr S, Mr K, Mr B, Mr D, bro prime, bro manhorse, bro druids, bro jackie and bro lorry.
Wait and then receive news that the overseas guest was not cuming ... never mind the party continues with the Germany - USA (kelong match but stupid yankees still cannot score) at the hall with GL Cup in the rooms.
Originally posted by phenom
Hi, king, I went down just before the england/brazil kickoff and glued my eyes to the action on the screen till after its all over. Wanted to wait for your recommendations of juicy melons but was told that you won't be in till 7 or 8. So, asked T to get me one. After a few calls, he finally got me T-one. Looks and boobs seem acceptable and we went to one of the chinese rooms. I don't think I'll put up a FR as her service is just sop. Not really bad but nothing at all to shout about. Should have repeated AA who had put in an appearance earlier. Saw Sammi being coming in quite a number of times. Looks sexy but how is she, service wise?
22-06-2002, 12:33 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro phenom, hear that it was a wild party with many brothers. Sorri but I was stuck at work and reached HQ by 6+pm. Saw a few people left, Mr S, Mr K, Mr B, Mr D, bro prime, bro manhorse, bro druids, bro jackie and bro lorry.
Wait and then receive news that the overseas guest was not cuming ... never mind the party continues with the Germany - USA (kelong match but stupid yankees still cannot score) at the hall with GL Cup in the rooms.
Yes, there were more than a dozen guys watching twenty-two runners chasing a ball in the goggle box while a few bonkers were handling two balls in the rooms. :D
Too bad did not get to meet up with you and the others but there's always the next party.
22-06-2002, 12:39 AM
Originally posted by phenom
Yes, there were more than a dozen guys watching twenty-two runners chasing a ball in the goggle box while a few bonkers were handling two balls in the rooms. :D
Too bad did not get to meet up with you and the others but there's always the next party.
next party? we seems to party everyday ?? (are we??)
22-06-2002, 01:05 AM
bro phenom, so who won? WC or GL Cup ... hee hee
actually you could have ask Tommy if there were any people from the internet (he don'tknow what is forum) and he will tell you who is around ... see you next time
Originally posted by phenom
Yes, there were more than a dozen guys watching twenty-two runners chasing a ball in the goggle box while a few bonkers were handling two balls in the rooms. :D
Too bad did not get to meet up with you and the others but there's always the next party.
22-06-2002, 01:20 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro phenom, so who won? WC or GL Cup ... hee hee
actually you could have ask Tommy if there were any people from the internet (he don'tknow what is forum) and he will tell you who is around ... see you next time
By default, G cup. WC is only quadrennial whilst GC is an everyday affair and we can virtually guarantee at least a goal in in 45 mins - no nead for golden goal or penalty lah. :D
22-06-2002, 01:37 AM
bro phenom, at least GL Cup got no kelong .... only cunt long .. hee hee
Originally posted by phenom
By default, G cup. WC is only quadrennial whilst GC is an everyday affair and we can virtually guarantee at least a goal in in 45 mins - no nead for golden goal or penalty lah. :D
22-06-2002, 01:48 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro phenom, at least GL Cup got no kelong .... only cunt long .. hee hee
Yes,yes...cunt long long and balls round round. :D
22-06-2002, 02:11 AM
Today GL has very few gals working but looking at the sign in book at HQ, the list is quite long with some names I had not cum across ... looks like Tommy is recommending his Secret Weapons again.
Friday's (21/6/02) party gals include; ping ping, hello kitty, AA, Boss (or Best, cannot read the hand writing), sammei, T one, sugar, mei yee, derby, ai lee, mimi, helen, kelly, pinky, mun mun, 2 yukis and some chinese names that I don't know how to read.
22-06-2002, 06:21 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
Today GL has very few gals working but looking at the sign in book at HQ, the list is quite long with some names I had not cum across ... looks like Tommy is recommending his Secret Weapons again.
Friday's (21/6/02) party gals include; ping ping, hello kitty, AA, Boss (or Best, cannot read the hand writing), sammei, T one, sugar, mei yee, derby, ai lee, mimi, helen, kelly, pinky, mun mun, 2 yukis and some chinese names that I don't know how to read.
yupz bro cuntking, keep the list I say it generates flavours.....hehehe.......:D
22-06-2002, 10:11 AM
bro kid, if this goes on I can compile a GL 150 name list ... hee hee
however I wonder if it is right for us to look into the sign in books? If I am at HQ for a long period of time, I can observe the gals and ask their names myself but yesterday I totally depended on the sign in book as most of the gals cum before I was there
Originally posted by KID278
yupz bro cuntking, keep the list I say it generates flavours.....hehehe.......:D
So Tommy opens after such a long time, I must make a trip down soon.
22-06-2002, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by 6969
So Tommy opens after such a long time, I must make a trip down soon.
me too me too
22-06-2002, 10:49 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro kid, if this goes on I can compile a GL 150 name list ... hee hee
however I wonder if it is right for us to look into the sign in books? If I am at HQ for a long period of time, I can observe the gals and ask their names myself but yesterday I totally depended on the sign in book as most of the gals cum before I was there
bro cuntking, yupz, you will have a list but quite difficult to get all....hehehe......:D
actually there is nothing very wrong looking into the sign in is just a registration book for the convenience of okts and uncle sam for tracking purposes....details you should know from T...better not discuss in public....nonetheless it is a previlege and so long as you dont abuse it....looking at names should be alright....hehehe....
22-06-2002, 11:25 AM
Hi folks,
been reading this forum for a while already. Thought that it was abt time for me to contribute, so heres my virgin FR.
Gal: Ai Lee
Where: Tommy's (1612)
Got there around 8pm+. Saw some dudes watching the germany-US match. If you guys are from the forum, a big belated HI to u.
ok, on to the gal. I had asked for Pinky, but was told she had finished for the nite, damn! Shot off a few more names but all not working, bladdy suay man. So ask Tommy to recc one like PInky. Turned out to be Ai Lee....Who? anyways, just go lah.
first impression: ok la, wont vomit. but face a bit square. but i thought...see body first then judge. went into room, stripped n chked out her bod. hmm not bad, nice tits B+ n a nice handful. but hips a bit big n butt a bit saggy. overall assessment: 5.5/10 (body)
did the SOP bath, n straight to bed. the action began, she did the full body ccatbath, but nothing to shout abt, i was hard for awhile, then became a bit nuar. luckily she got the point n started the BBBJ. BJ - suction soft to mid, quite a standard BJ, she doesnt look at u wif slutty eyes (my ex-gf used to do that, fkg shiok!) rating: 5/10 (BBBJ).
getting bored, i pushed her off and got her to lay down, n started servicing her! he he...played wif her tits, they were nice n soft and started moving down.... eventually got down to the "tunnel of love", it was quite nice, neat & no fat lips, cant stand that! spread her open to get a good look at "le hole". gave her a nice eating out with her moaning to kingdom come. she was quite wet by now and i also beh tahan. shucked on a condom and slowly penertrated. shiok man! she wasnt very tight, but it was good enuff for me. started off missionary (my fave), got her legs up high. changed to doggy, then spoon, then back to missionary. funny thing is, i couldnt cum! pump like mad, i was going like a jackrabbit in heat but just couldnt....wat the fk! finally gave up.... ripped off my condom n told her that i wanted to cum on her tits. she gave me a sly smile n said ok. a couple of wanks later, and i almost drowned the poor girl in the cum. whoo hoo, i just lay down on the bed...shacked out. FJ rating: 6/10, she was quite accomodating, allow many positions.
My overall assessment: 6/10
RTF: no. personal reasons. she doesnt really appeal to me. BTW, no ass rim provided.
22-06-2002, 12:21 PM
Hi bro Freddymac,
A good FR considering this is your virgin posting. By the way, maybe you should try Pinky either earlier in the day or next week. Gals that usually just come back from their one month break tend to take it easy the ffirst few days they are back. That is, they will usually finish work quite early. Also, there is a tendency to fall sick this period too.
I will probably call her next week though. Have alwaays liked her coz she is very attentive and personal to the customer. Asked me for my name the very 1st time I tried her and still remembers it after some time. Makes a person feel as if he is just not a number, but has a special place in her mind. BTW, I just love her riding on me. She ddoes the woman on top position a lot better than most gals and she wont tire that easily. Damn, making myself horny only. :)
22-06-2002, 12:55 PM
hi bro freddymac, so you were there last night during the match.
Yes we were there and I am the only one of the two that took USA .... yankees cannot shoot lah.
Good Fr ... See you around.
Originally posted by freddymac
Hi folks,
been reading this forum for a while already. Thought that it was abt time for me to contribute, so heres my virgin FR.
Gal: Ai Lee
Where: Tommy's (1612)
Got there around 8pm+. Saw some dudes watching the germany-US match. If you guys are from the forum, a big belated HI to u.
Originally posted by cuntking
hi bro freddymac, so you were there last night during the match.
Yes we were there and I am the only one of the two that took USA .... yankees cannot shoot lah.
Good Fr ... See you around.
bro cuntking
today going down or not? i guess its all good for world cup and GL cup huh?
22-06-2002, 02:05 PM
bro ddt, I don't think I will be down (no so soon anyway .. hee hee).... still not sure to take Spain or Korea? Some of the brothers are there liao.
Originally posted by ddt^
bro cuntking
today going down or not? i guess its all good for world cup and GL cup huh?
Originally posted by cuntking
bro ddt, I don't think I will be down (no so soon anyway .. hee hee).... still not sure to take Spain or Korea? Some of the brothers are there liao.
I thought nobody are there, so go home and watch WC liao.
22-06-2002, 02:31 PM
wa liao, bro ming ... hq where got no one .... our brother take break from posting but never break from partying one lah ... hee hee
I take Spain, kelong Korea also may not score ..... Spain go go goal!
Originally posted by ming
I thought nobody are there, so go home and watch WC liao.
22-06-2002, 03:23 PM
bro cutebuns, horny then go hq party lah .... waiting for your solid solid FR.
Originally posted by CuteBuns
Hi bro Freddymac,
A good FR considering this is your virgin posting. By the way, maybe you should try Pinky either earlier in the day or next week. Gals that usually just come back from their one month break tend to take it easy the ffirst few days they are back. That is, they will usually finish work quite early. Also, there is a tendency to fall sick this period too.
I will probably call her next week though. Have alwaays liked her coz she is very attentive and personal to the customer. Asked me for my name the very 1st time I tried her and still remembers it after some time. Makes a person feel as if he is just not a number, but has a special place in her mind. BTW, I just love her riding on me. She ddoes the woman on top position a lot better than most gals and she wont tire that easily. Damn, making myself horny only. :)
Originally posted by cuntking
wa liao, bro ming ... hq where got no one .... our brother take break from posting but never break from partying one lah ... hee hee
I take Spain, kelong Korea also may not score ..... Spain go go goal!
Korea really my jinx, lost all the matches against them. May be it's time for me to stop and switch it all to party............:p
22-06-2002, 04:51 PM
korea matches all damn kelong.
yesterday i lose till very jia lat.
today off. no bet
cheong jb
22-06-2002, 04:56 PM
another kelong game :mad:
don know how many bros lose money again
22-06-2002, 05:57 PM
hey hey, I am the opposite. So far all Korean games I won including today.
I will take Korea all the way - to the final if possible.
22-06-2002, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by infinitiumus
hey hey, I am the opposite. So far all Korean games I won including today.
I will take Korea all the way - to the final if possible.
unless political kelong for host nation like previously in france....hehehe......:D
22-06-2002, 11:41 PM
Originally posted by Prime2000
She still not back yet. Maybe next week. How is your trip?
Bro Prime, thanks for the info. Hmm... dun tell me she is becoming elusive also...
Btw, I was not overseas. I have some family things to settle, and thus cannot go GL recently. I may not be able to go GL probably for the next few weeks. Hope I can go there soon. It is not serious things. I will tell you when I see you then.
In the meantime, enjoy yourselves...
23-06-2002, 12:02 AM
Originally posted by cheong jb
another kelong game
don know how many bros lose money again
KNN from yesterday until today loses all except the Germany least take back some......:mad:
Really kelong sia....think tomorrow news paper on the heading again......
23-06-2002, 12:23 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro cutebuns, horny then go hq party lah .... waiting for your solid solid FR.
Hi Bro cuntking,
If this world cup not so weird and so kelong har, I would have gone down GL to bonk already. Lost a lot of vitamin M in this world cup, looks like have to wait for my pay day at the end of the month liao. :(
23-06-2002, 02:55 AM
Looks like many is losing at the WC, today I also lost big on Korea .. next game I will put every $ and cents on them.
Final Brazil vs Korea, Korea to win. History repeats itself! .... I actually posted this before some where it is becoming more and more true.
Turkey match also kelong, just that they cannot score if not I make back what I lost and double back with winings. Luckily, I bought Spore pools, zero goals - 1 pay 7 .. hee hee
OK back to GL Cups, guys.
23-06-2002, 03:52 AM
I am compiling a list of gals that partys at HQ. If I miss out any, can any kind brothers please add on. Will also do a daily update of the party gals.
AC Milan
Ai Lee
Bai Xue
Blue Diamond
Boss (or Best, cannot read the hand writing)
Ching Ching
Fei Xue
Hai Chew
Hai San
Hai Yan
Hello Kitty
Hui Yu
Kar Leng
Mei Yee
Mun Mun (new)
Mun Mun (old)
Pei Yi
Ping Ping
Poh Yee
Sexy Yuki
Small Ivy
Spore Ice
T one
Tong Tong
Xiu Wen
Yee Yee
Zhen Zhen
On 22062002
Small Ivy, Jia Ling, BM, Elaine, Moon, August, Yee Yee, Derby, Celine, Yoko, Sandra, Carol, Ping Ping and some others.
Watch this thread for the latest GL gals updates
23-06-2002, 07:56 AM
Bro King,
Wendy(2220), Maggie(2034A), Angie(1610), Peggy(2047), Casino, Yan Er are some of the gals you have left out from your list.
Ah Dez
23-06-2002, 02:17 PM
You forgot.......
Ah Dez
23-06-2002, 02:17 PM
Originally posted by cuntking
Looks like many is losing at the WC, today I also lost big on Korea .. next game I will put every $ and cents on them.
Final Brazil vs Korea, Korea to win. History repeats itself! .... I actually posted this before some where it is becoming more and more true.
Turkey match also kelong, just that they cannot score if not I make back what I lost and double back with winings. Luckily, I bought Spore pools, zero goals - 1 pay 7 .. hee hee
OK back to GL Cups, guys.
political kelong....yes...korea is host nation....but brazil will be making a fool out of themselves if they let this one go....hehehe.......:D
23-06-2002, 03:01 PM
bro prime, thanks for your help ... looks like beside spending more time in HQ than me, your memory (and chinese) also better than mine ... hee hee
btw I think the Angie you say is Ann Qi .... maybe she sign in as Angie
Originally posted by Prime2000
Bro King,
Wendy(2220), Maggie(2034A), Angie(1610), Peggy(2047), Casino, Yan Er are some of the gals you have left out from your list.
23-06-2002, 03:09 PM
I am compiling a list of gals that partys at HQ. If I miss out any, can any kind brothers please add on. Will also do a daily update of the party gals.
AC Milan
Ai Lee
Ann Qi
Bai Xue
Blue Diamond
Boss (or Best, cannot read the hand writing)
Ching Ching
Fei Xue
Hai Chew
Hai San
Hai Yan
Hello Kitty
Hui Yu
Jia Ling
Kar Leng
Mei Yee
Mun Mun (new)
Mun Mun (old)
Pei Yi
Ping Ping
Poh Yee
Sexy Yuki
Small Ivy
Spore Ice
T one
Tong Tong
Xiu Wen
Yan Er
Yee Yee
Zhen Zhen
Zing Zhi
Watch this thread for the latest GL gals updates
23-06-2002, 03:16 PM
bro kid, looks like both WC and GL Cup also involve politics .... may the better team wins .. hee hee
Originally posted by KID278
political kelong....yes...korea is host nation....but brazil will be making a fool out of themselves if they let this one go....hehehe.......:D
23-06-2002, 03:38 PM
If I had bet money on the World Cup, I would have won heaps of cash, enough to clear all of my debts *sigh*
12 days and counting b4 I return to HQ from my extended black ops, Op Uni Pussy.
Btw, how do u put ur avatars in? I have the option enabled but still dunno how to upload leh...
Originally posted by cuntking
bro kid, looks like both WC and GL Cup also involve politics .... may the better team wins .. hee hee
Haven't posted an FR in yonks so here's my bit for the community here.
Arrived at HQ quite early on a Sunday afternoon (abt 1400) but there were already some brothers there hanging around. Saw a girl who looks quite cute hanging around near the counter with Tommy. Had a chat with Tommy and found out that Pinky and AA, whom I had my mind on trying were both not working today. Instead, T recommended August, the girl behind the counter, saying that she's right up my alley. Since I've yet to be disappointed by T's taste, I agreed heartily. To avoid going into details of the action, here's the summary.
Face : Quite cute. Her smile reveals her now trademark braces, which I believe adds a bit to her charm. Not very ah lian .. more like a girl next door.
Boobs : Proportional to her medium frame ... not quite a handful (i have big hands) but enough to jiggle freely during doggie.
Figure : Slim with a small tummy. Not a turn off tho.
BJ : Enjoyable. She skips through most of the catbath and launches straight into a BBBJ. In another FR one of the bros commented that her braces adds a unique feeling to the BJ .. I would agree to that.
AR : Quite a good one ... combined with a bit of BJ and nut licking.
FJ : Quite a bit of moaning (possibly fake) and abt 4 changes of position. Not very tight but still a good bonk.
Overall : Very accomodating girl, chatty with a good attitude to boot. Not recommended for boobs lovers ... but for pple who appreciate gf treatment, she's the one. A definite RTF.
Sorry, I don't give numerical ratings because I think they are too subjective to mean anything other than to myself. I'd rather describe and let you be the judge.
Originally posted by Ah Dez
You forgot.......
Ah Dez
Hello, i am free of charge............anyone want to call me........:p
bro ming,
you may be free but your snapple bottles don't come cheap.
Originally posted by ming
Hello, i am free of charge............anyone want to call me........:p
23-06-2002, 09:53 PM
Originally posted by ming
Hello, i am free of charge............anyone want to call me.......
why the sudden lelong? anything I dont know.....hehehe.....:D
23-06-2002, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro kid, looks like both WC and GL Cup also involve politics .... may the better team wins .. hee hee
bro cuntking, politics sucks and sucks big time when there are conspiracies...there will be no beter teams.....hehehe......:D
Originally posted by KID278
why the sudden lelong? anything I dont know.....hehehe.....:D
You will find out when you call for me lah.............hehehe..........Wonder how nice that when i was sitting in the HQ and the gals came in and said i want ming......kekeke.......just joking what cat10000 bro ah dez talking? where got so expensive, bro prime and durids will agreed on this. We all FOC........hahaha
23-06-2002, 10:34 PM
Originally posted by ming
Hello, i am free of charge............anyone want to call me........:p
You maybe free of charge........but.......not me.........I deserved to be paid.........hehehehehe........
23-06-2002, 10:44 PM
Originally posted by ming
Hello, i am free of charge............anyone want to call me........
Huh?????????.............:confused: Bro ming...when you become so jia lat that have to offer urself FOC???? You encounter any problem har??? Maybe me can help or not???.....
23-06-2002, 10:45 PM
Originally posted by ming
You will find out when you call for me lah.............hehehe..........Wonder how nice that when i was sitting in the HQ and the gals came in and said i want ming......kekeke.......just joking what cat10000 bro ah dez talking? where got so expensive, bro prime and durids will agreed on this. We all FOC........hahaha
then you will not be ming will be some kind of valentino or a duck....hehehe.....:D how's that.....hehehe.....
Originally posted by Prime2000
You maybe free of charge........but.......not me.........I deserved to be paid.........hehehehehe........
Forgotten, the Best sure need to be paid................hehehehe
Originally posted by smiler
Huh?????????.............:confused: Bro ming...when you become so jia lat that have to offer urself FOC???? You encounter any problem har??? Maybe me can help or not???.....
No problem, but looking for another kind of excitement. See who would be interested in me. You interested? Since we haven't meet before, come down to tommy place tomorrow and look for me lah.......kekekeke.............just joke no fun, no F**k no son...........i be the thing down since after the flaming issue.......hahahaha
Originally posted by bong
bro ming,
you may be free but your snapple bottles don't come cheap.
Not expensive lah, it cost only $1.90 at 7-11 store.
23-06-2002, 11:53 PM
Originally posted by ming
No problem, but looking for another kind of excitement. See who would be interested in me. You interested? Since we haven't meet before, come down to tommy place tomorrow and look for me lah.......kekekeke.............just joke no fun, no F**k no son...........i be the thing down since after the flaming issue.......hahahaha
So wat time you will be there??? I'm suppose to be there last Friday but KNN last minute kena some big issue at office so cannot make it.......:(
24-06-2002, 12:30 AM
bro doomas, can't wait for you to be back ... one more big guy at HQ .. hee hee .. but don't worry the new HQ is much beigger and more comfortable.
so what are your views for the Ger-KOR as well as BRA-TUR matches?
you must copy and paste the link into your avatar option in your user CP (Control Panel not Chilli Padi ... hee hee
Originally posted by Doomas
If I had bet money on the World Cup, I would have won heaps of cash, enough to clear all of my debts *sigh*
12 days and counting b4 I return to HQ from my extended black ops, Op Uni Pussy.
Btw, how do u put ur avatars in? I have the option enabled but still dunno how to upload leh...
24-06-2002, 12:47 AM
Has anyone got Fr on this new girl, Eva...
saw her at 1612 but she was with this customer for half an hour only... try to chat with her but she is a bit "tao"...
24-06-2002, 12:56 AM
bro bong, looks like you have a good bonk at HQ today. With your Fr, it looks like August feedback at HQ is quite consistent.
I agree on not give numerical ratings because these things are too subjective ....I also stop giving numerical ratings.
Originally posted by bong
Haven't posted an FR in yonks so here's my bit for the community here.
Arrived at HQ quite early on a Sunday afternoon (abt 1400) but there were already some brothers there hanging around. Saw a girl who looks quite cute hanging around near the counter with Tommy. Had a chat with Tommy and found out that Pinky and AA, whom I had my mind on trying were both not working today. Instead, T recommended August, the girl behind the counter, saying that she's right up my alley. Since I've yet to be disappointed by T's taste, I agreed heartily. To avoid going into details of the action, here's the summary.
Face : Quite cute. Her smile reveals her now trademark braces, which I believe adds a bit to her charm. Not very ah lian .. more like a girl next door.
Boobs : Proportional to her medium frame ... not quite a handful (i have big hands) but enough to jiggle freely during doggie.
Figure : Slim with a small tummy. Not a turn off tho.
BJ : Enjoyable. She skips through most of the catbath and launches straight into a BBBJ. In another FR one of the bros commented that her braces adds a unique feeling to the BJ .. I would agree to that.
AR : Quite a good one ... combined with a bit of BJ and nut licking.
FJ : Quite a bit of moaning (possibly fake) and abt 4 changes of position. Not very tight but still a good bonk.
Overall : Very accomodating girl, chatty with a good attitude to boot. Not recommended for boobs lovers ... but for pple who appreciate gf treatment, she's the one. A definite RTF.
Sorry, I don't give numerical ratings because I think they are too subjective to mean anything other than to myself. I'd rather describe and let you be the judge.
24-06-2002, 01:05 AM
bro FWChongKing, please give some comments on this Eva ..... if I not wrong there are two gals, both quite new call Eva in GL
Originally posted by FWChongKing
Has anyone got Fr on this new girl, Eva...
saw her at 1612 but she was with this customer for half an hour only... try to chat with her but she is a bit "tao"...
24-06-2002, 01:10 AM
seems like ah king and ah dez are the more elusive ones .... all gals outta there !! to get them better do thru' phone or internet booking ..... !!! may i have the honor to award ....
Ah Dez - The Elusive of Elusives
Ah King - The King of Elusives
Originally posted by Ah Dez
You forgot.......
Ah Dez
24-06-2002, 01:24 AM
bro druids, what "The King of Elusives" .. I don't get it leh .... I think bro dez is saying among us all, I am the cheapest around .... any takers ...... buy one get one free .... ha ha ha
bro dez, not elusive liao .... he bonk one of his fav gals at HQ today .... someone you try before ... *hint hint*
Originally posted by druids
seems like ah king and ah dez are the more elusive ones .... all gals outta there !! to get them better do thru' phone or internet booking ..... !!! may i have the honor to award ....
Ah Dez - The Elusive of Elusives
Ah King - The King of Elusives
24-06-2002, 01:29 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro druids, what "The King of Elusives" .. I don't get it leh .... I think bro dez is saying among us all, I am the cheapest around .... any takers ...... buy one get one free .... ha ha ha
bro dez, not elusive liao .... he bonk one of his fav gals at HQ today .... someone you try before ... *hint hint*
since u oreadi the king ... so can't leave the 'king' out of any title for you ... anyway the most lelong bro is not u wat .... ah ming already shouting lelong like nobody biz liao .... i think tomolo should have alot of gals queuing outside hq to have a bonk with him in exchange for a bottle of snapple .... hahahaha
1 of his fav ???? hmmm ... those i tried before 'heng heng' or after ? haven realli met up wif him yet tot he's going as elusive as bro P's waterfall .... but been seeing his nick in willy's website
24-06-2002, 01:34 AM
bro druids, yes lah bro dez is more busy with the WC than with GL Cup ... but he also need to de stress like bro gary who has his 1st bonk in hq today (after 1 month of MIA)
the clue is after 'heng heng'
Originally posted by druids
since u oreadi the king ... so can't leave the 'king' out of any title for you ... anyway the most lelong bro is not u wat .... ah ming already shouting lelong like nobody biz liao .... i think tomolo should have alot of gals queuing outside hq to have a bonk with him in exchange for a bottle of snapple .... hahahaha
1 of his fav ???? hmmm ... those i tried before 'heng heng' or after ? haven realli met up wif him yet tot he's going as elusive as bro P's waterfall .... but been seeing his nick in willy's website
24-06-2002, 01:38 AM
Date : 21 June 2002
Hse : HQ
Jude : Yuki
After the session, sat down for kopi wif bro P, sifu S n bro M ... after a while of chatting n felt that i've not been veri fair wif my reviews ... if i compare every gal which is non ultra-commando with my fav ... definitely they'll not be able to dethrone gal ... hence ...decided to stop comparing all gals with my fav from now onwards ....
1st impression of Yuki was pretty ordinary except that cute face of her (walkin towards the rm still wondering y T nick her sexy ??)
Looks : 7.5 (not the prettiest I've seen but cute to me)
BJ : 9 (hard to describe .. BUT ... seriously gotta try it then u'll knoe ... personally this is the first time i've had something like this long, slow and SEXY ...begining to understand y she got the word sexy attached with her name)
FJ : 9 (was shocked initially by her surround system n also she was frantically grabbing me ... after awhile when i recover from my shock .... quickly turn her over from the missionary position .... seems like she enjoyed the session much more than i do manz ..)
finally when i had my goal n lie on the bed panting, she too turn over n got into my arms and rest while chatting wif me ... after quite a while she recovers n got herself up n the rest are the normal rituals liao ....
I'll leave her out of the challenge with my fav for the title and simply place her in my repeat list along with my "heng heng" and "fly snow"
24-06-2002, 01:39 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro druids, yes lah bro dez is more busy with the WC than with GL Cup ... but he also need to de stress like bro gary who has his 1st bonk in hq today (after 1 month of MIA)
the clue is after 'heng heng'
r u going down to hq tomolo to collect snapple bottles from those gals for bro ming ??
24-06-2002, 01:42 AM
bro druids, I not interested in bro ming's snapple bottles but I am at hq almost every day to do home work ... all a matter of timing.
Originally posted by druids
r u going down to hq tomolo to collect snapple bottles from those gals for bro ming ??
24-06-2002, 01:44 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro druids, I not interested in bro ming's snapple bottles but I am at hq almost every day to do home work ... all a matter of timing.
send me an alarm then .... actually should ask ah ming to sponsor me some snapple bottles hor ... me potions running out of containers liao leh ....
24-06-2002, 01:50 AM
no problem .... tomorrow we can discuss for Thursday matches .....hmmm Korea vs Brazil in the Finals ... hee hee
Originally posted by druids
send me an alarm then .... actually should ask ah ming to sponsor me some snapple bottles hor ... me potions running out of containers liao leh ....
24-06-2002, 01:57 AM
Well, saw another new (less than 1 month I think) gal partying at hq ... AMY.
Looks dun attract me, average height with small boobs.
24-06-2002, 02:01 AM
hi all, Mun Mun is on one month leave and I think she deserves it ... those brother who tried her will miss her .... those who have not DIY for one month ... hee hee
btw, heard that her house will have a new gal ... not confirmed yet ... will update here when the information is confirmed.
24-06-2002, 02:06 AM
I tried her in her 1st week of work in GL some time in March 2002, quite a good bonk then. Saw her at HQ today after her 1 month break.
For her FR check my FR thread.
24-06-2002, 02:17 AM
Hi king this the fr u asked for....
Went and asked for small sized big boobs gal and got baby1...
looks: 6/10
boobs: 7/10 big for her body size with large nipples(too large for some brudders liking maybe)
height around 160
overall service: 7/10
bbbj: got a hot one there i think she put listerine or sth in her mouth realliiiii hottt
shower was sop but interesting thing was off all the bonks so far....she was the first to gimme a bbbj in the shower and wipe me dry after that
next to bed and bbbj dindn't notice her pussy at first(more on that later) and after that she gives a gd rub for my dicklet in between her papayas soooo damnn shiokkk...that was a first time too!! hah
then noticed her cunt wow man damned trimmed and ummm how do i put it looked like a virgins cunt with just a line unlike the gals with a hundred bonks and you can literaly see through the hole into the heavens with the clits hanging out... hehe
so i guess from the she must be new since she wasn't yet 'damaged' as i shall put it
service was good considering she is new anyway wiped me clean again after bath..
overall 2bbbj and 5 FJ positions
Shall go for a last bonk this week bfr damn sch starts maybe friday or sth....with my favourite gal so far....
24-06-2002, 02:38 AM
I am compiling a list of gals that partys at HQ. If I miss out any, can any kind brothers please add on. Will also do a daily update of the party gals.
AA - back but elusive
AC Milan
Ai Lee
Ann Qi
Amanda - elusive and on 'run water' leave
Bai Xue
Blue Diamond
Boss (or Best, cannot read the hand writing)
Ching Ching
Fei Xue
Hai Chew
Hai San - sick and elusive
Hai Yan
Hello Kitty
Hui Yu - on 1 month leave, back in mid July
Jaguar - elusive
Jia Ling
Kar Leng
Mei Yee
Mimi (chinese L14)
MJ - on one month leave back in end July
Mun Mun (new) - on one month leave back in end July
Mun Mun (old)
Pei Yi
Ping Ping
Pinky - back but elusive
Poh Yee
Sexy Yuki
Small Ivy
Sony - on 'run water' leave, back around 29062002
Spore Ice
T one
Tong Tong
Xiu Wen - on 1 month leave, back in mid July
Yan Er
Yee Yee
Yoko L28
Zhen Zhen L28 (new)
Zing Zhi
On 23062002
Amy, August, Winnie, Diamond, Cola, Xiao Qing, Bai Her, Yoko, Eva, Sammei, BM, Dolphine, Zhen Zhen L28 (old) and some others.
Watch this thread for the latest GL gals updates
24-06-2002, 03:05 AM
bro cuntking, from your list I've counted more than seventy....quite an accomplishment.....hehehe......:D
but your bottle's are custom made by snapple leh ... fits your specifications exactly. no wonder the girls to happy to see you.
Originally posted by ming
Not expensive lah, it cost only $1.90 at 7-11 store.
heh. seems like my bonks are better on days without worldcup matches. perhaps it's because i don't get distracted by all the shouts of kelong and goal coming from outside.
for august, i think her good attitude makes her level of service quite consistent .. so her FRs shouldn't differ by too much.
i agree, numeric ratings don't mean that much ... try to find out!
Originally posted by cuntking
bro bong, looks like you have a good bonk at HQ today. With your Fr, it looks like August feedback at HQ is quite consistent.
I agree on not give numerical ratings because these things are too subjective ....I also stop giving numerical ratings.
ah king where got elusive? since the HQ open until now, he's just short of camping there. all the gal has to do to find him is to just pop by at T's. but whether he approves of the bonk is another thing ... :D
Originally posted by druids
seems like ah king and ah dez are the more elusive ones .... all gals outta there !! to get them better do thru' phone or internet booking ..... !!! may i have the honor to award ....
Ah Dez - The Elusive of Elusives
Ah King - The King of Elusives
yup .... i saw Amy arriving after my bonk yesterday too. was discussing with T that she looks ok ... might attract some bros who like that kind of look. quite tall and proportional but boobs not up to scratch. not for the boob lovers too ... actually, I already started to deduct a few points for her when she just arrived cos although she's a new girl, when she entered the HQ, she had one kind of arrogant look on her face and refused to look at anyone. :D
Originally posted by cuntking
Well, saw another new (less than 1 month I think) gal partying at hq ... AMY.
Looks dun attract me, average height with small boobs.
24-06-2002, 09:24 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
Well, saw another new (less than 1 month I think) gal partying at hq ... AMY.
Looks dun attract me, average height with small boobs.
Bro King, I had Amy a while ago. Small tits but a ass that resembles what Wen Fang had. Resembles only. Sticks out. Also had bikini lines which was quite nice. Newbird so SOP service. Had a FR on her a while ago FYI.
24-06-2002, 09:27 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro FWChongKing, please give some comments on this Eva ..... if I not wrong there are two gals, both quite new call Eva in GL
Bro King, I have seen a girl called Eva. Newbird. Long straight hair. Face nothing to shout about. No tits. I can be pretty sure about this as she had a dress on that looked padded and her tits still looked small !!! Sour face while walking around outside.
PS Saw Casino and her tits looked bigger !! Not to start that trend again hehehhe
24-06-2002, 10:35 AM
bro kid, hq is open for 10+ days and the list of 70 over gals partying compared to GL 200+ gals, only about 30% of GL gals ..... nothing much.
Originally posted by KID278
bro cuntking, from your list I've counted more than seventy....quite an accomplishment.....hehehe......:D
24-06-2002, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro kid, hq is open for 10+ days and the list of 70 over gals partying compared to GL 200+ gals, only about 30% of GL gals ..... nothing much.
keep it going bro ... still more gals yet to visit hq ... when i had yuki the other day it was her first time there as well ... should have brought her to the roman or jap rm instead ....
24-06-2002, 11:33 AM
bro bong, so she lookd cool outside, I wonder how is her attitude in the room ...... hmmm ... another Zhen Zhen L18?
Originally posted by bong
yup .... i saw Amy arriving after my bonk yesterday too. was discussing with T that she looks ok ... might attract some bros who like that kind of look. quite tall and proportional but boobs not up to scratch. not for the boob lovers too ... actually, I already started to deduct a few points for her when she just arrived cos although she's a new girl, when she entered the HQ, she had one kind of arrogant look on her face and refused to look at anyone. :D
24-06-2002, 11:39 AM
Originally posted by cuntking
bro FWChongKing, please give some comments on this Eva ..... if I not wrong there are two gals, both quite new call Eva in GL
Not to check with Ah Dez. He was there.
She has straight long hair. Looks is 7/10. Body 7.5/10.
althought only 70+ girls in that 10+ days ... but have you actually counted the repeats for the girls in those days .. esp girls like Munmun and sammi1? I think at least 1/4 of the sign in book was repeats. and 1/4 is quite conservative liao ..
Originally posted by cuntking
bro kid, hq is open for 10+ days and the list of 70 over gals partying compared to GL 200+ gals, only about 30% of GL gals ..... nothing much.
dang ... so far both of my bonks at HQ were in the chinese room all the way in front. i should venture out more .. like travelling around the word. :D
Originally posted by druids
keep it going bro ... still more gals yet to visit hq ... when i had yuki the other day it was her first time there as well ... should have brought her to the roman or jap rm instead ....
no idea ... but i think bro jang mentioned that he tried her before and because she's new, quite SOP service. apparently he did an FR for her somewhere. I've never tried zhen zhen l18 before so cannot compare leh.
Originally posted by cuntking
bro bong, so she lookd cool outside, I wonder how is her attitude in the room ...... hmmm ... another Zhen Zhen L18?
24-06-2002, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by Jang5556
Bro King, I have seen a girl called Eva. Newbird. Long straight hair. Face nothing to shout about. No tits. I can be pretty sure about this as she had a dress on that looked padded and her tits still looked small !!! Sour face while walking around outside.
PS Saw Casino and her tits looked bigger !! Not to start that trend again hehehhe
finally managed to dispose of the kryptonite that was affecting my eyesight...hence i can agree with you on this one:D...this gal eva is pretty me that is!
24-06-2002, 12:09 PM
hi bro jang, bro bong, bro omnia and bro FWChongKing, as I had said before there are two new gals call Eva .... one is friendly, very fleshy, tanned and big boobs, bonked by my shifu, Mr S ... I posted in GL 150 thread.
I believe this Eva partying at HQ on Sunday is the other one.
24-06-2002, 12:17 PM
Originally posted by cuntking
hi bro jang, bro bong, bro omnia and bro FWChongKing, as I had said before there are two new gals call Eva .... one is friendly, very fleshy, tanned and big boobs, bonked by my shifu, Mr S ... I posted in GL 150 thread.
I believe this Eva partying at HQ on Sunday is the other one.
king, looks like you must be correct on this one unless there is still some kryptonite residue on the eva i just tried does not appear to look like the a/m in any shape or form but appears to be similar to the one described by jang...thankfully without the sulk though...unfortunately i did not remeber to get her hse no.
24-06-2002, 12:23 PM
bro bong, you should follow our governments call to "Go Gobal", next time tell Tommy you want to go Rome or Tokyu by 1st class and he will do the arrangements ... have a good flight ... hee hee
Originally posted by bong
dang ... so far both of my bonks at HQ were in the chinese room all the way in front. i should venture out more .. like travelling around the word. :D
24-06-2002, 12:31 PM
bro omnia, if there are still residue left in you, I will sugest that you go to GL doctors to have it 'sucked' out .... hee hee
I also cannnot remember the gals house number as I usually get them from HQ. Prefer to remember their milk bottle sizes .... ha ha ha
Originally posted by omnia
king, looks like you must be correct on this one unless there is still some kryptonite residue on the eva i just tried does not appear to look like the a/m in any shape or form but appears to be similar to the one described by jang...thankfully without the sulk though...unfortunately i did not remeber to get her hse no.
24-06-2002, 12:34 PM
What the exact location, not very familar with that area
Originally posted by cuntking
bro omnia, if there are still residue left in you, I will sugest that you go to GL doctors to have it 'sucked' out .... hee hee
I also cannnot remember the gals house number as I usually get them from HQ. Prefer to remember their milk bottle sizes .... ha ha ha
24-06-2002, 12:43 PM
bro lossy, no wonder you have such a nick .. just joking around ... hee hee
HQ is at Lorong 16 House 12, beside Hotel 81. If you are driving, it is towards the end of Lor 16, after Hotel 81 on the left hand side, the private carpark immediately after Hotel 81 entrance.
If you still cannot find, take a cab.
Originally posted by lossy
What the exact location, not very familar with that area
24-06-2002, 12:52 PM
Hi cuntking,
How do I upload gifs to put under my nick?
Soon, soon I will return :))
Originally posted by cuntking
bro lossy, no wonder you have such a nick .. just joking around ... hee hee
HQ is at Lorong 16 House 12, beside Hotel 81. If you are driving, it is towards the end of Lor 16, after Hotel 81 on the left hand side, the private carpark immediately after Hotel 81 entrance.
If you still cannot find, take a cab.
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