View Full Version : New PRC $50 MILF with (.)(.) and gd svc! (with Pix)
31-10-2005, 06:58 PM
Was in Taiwan when i got sms lobang from one brother last week
worked late on friday, so though go GL and find this gal.
call her and asked her to wait at lor21 carpark opp shell.
actually only wnat to look look, but when i saw her, wooow in red top and black pants, cannot wait....asked her get up and go to Lor15.
In Hotel: wooooow, red bar and panties.......cannot help it ordei.
Name: Yu Lan.
Age 28
MILF (with 1 child)
From ChongQing (Just came to SGP for 1 week, New in this line)
Previously : Asst Account
Look: 6.5~7
Boobs:..........!!!!! D
but can see her stomach little lose after child
Pussy: little hair and tight (easily wet too)
Attitute: 7 and very accomdating
FJ: 7
Damage: 50+10+2CD
RTF: mmmmmmm, if low in vit M.
She leaving to Malaysia tomorrow and will be back on 4th Nov.
Pls PM or e-mail
[email protected] for more pictures.
31-10-2005, 07:08 PM
Bro, Glad to know U enjoyed the sexxion!
Good FR too, take care....cheers!
31-10-2005, 07:19 PM
Was in Taiwan when i got sms lobang from one brother last week
worked late on friday, so though go GL and find this gal.
call her and asked her to wait at lor21 carpark opp shell.
actually only wnat to look look, but when i saw her, wooow in red top and black pants, cannot wait....asked her get up and go to Lor15.
In Hotel: wooooow, red bar and panties.......cannot help it ordei.
Name: Yu Lan.
Age 28
MILF (with 1 child)
From ChongQing (Just came to SGP for 1 week, New in this line)
Previously : Asst Account
Look: 6.5~7
Boobs:..........!!!!! D
but can see her stomach little lose after child
Pussy: little hair and tight (easily wet too)
Attitute: 7 and very accomdating
FJ: 7
Damage: 50+10+2CD
RTF: mmmmmmm, if low in vit M.
She leaving to Malaysia tomorrow and will be back on 4th Nov.
Pls PM or e-mail
[email protected] for more pictures.
Sorry bro,
Can't see the link. Any way I can get to see this gem?
31-10-2005, 07:58 PM
Seen her pic..
She remind me of ex-colleague, who is Malay..
This ex colleague of mine, is now a DPP in AGC (Attorney General Chamber)...
The way Yu Lan stare ..resembled my ex-colleague..
31-10-2005, 09:25 PM
i have no problem viewing the link lei.....even when i do not log in.
Any senior bro care to teach me have to place pics in my posting?
31-10-2005, 09:42 PM
so though go GL and find this gal.
call her and asked her to wait at lor21 carpark opp shell.
actually only wnat to look look, but when i saw her, wooow in red top and black pants, cannot wait....asked her get up and go to Lor15.
In Hotel: wooooow, red bar and panties.......cannot help it ordei.
Name: Yu Lan.
Age 28
MILF (with 1 child)
From ChongQing (Just came to SGP for 1 week, New in this line)
Previously : Asst Account
Look: 6.5~7
Boobs:..........!!!!! D
but can see her stomach little lose after child
Pussy: little hair and tight (easily wet too)
Attitute: 7 and very accomdating
FJ: 7
Damage: 50+10+2CD
would be a better deal if she gave a bj at least
anyway cool catch bro! nice pics too!!!:D
31-10-2005, 09:52 PM
I tried again for those who cannot see pic in my previous post ( (
31-10-2005, 09:52 PM
Bro siow pan the link is dead..perhap u can try tis wan to upload ur pic from tis site, :D
31-10-2005, 10:16 PM
one more time for those cannot see pic
waaa.....see i so good, make sure all bro can see.
good thing must share right.
this is what this forum is for....all bro share share
31-10-2005, 10:22 PM
ok i in the mood, so a front view pic.
any pts for me now??
31-10-2005, 10:27 PM
hm.....e boobs seems to b veri tasty.....anyway,nice pics u got there bro....:D
31-10-2005, 10:34 PM
[QUOTE=siow_pan]ok i in the mood, so a front view pic.
any pts for me now??
Bro, u d best :D
31-10-2005, 10:41 PM
Good FR and nice pics, Bro!! Care to share her contacts?
Thanks for sharing n will up your pts!!
31-10-2005, 11:13 PM
Hi bro,
sorry to comment this way but from the pic really dun look like 28 yo.
01-11-2005, 01:04 AM
I think my missus has equal or better boobs and definitely a better face. Will pass. Got two kids already and to be honest, I think this MILF pales compared to mine. :rolleyes:
01-11-2005, 01:34 AM
Hi bro,
sorry to comment this way but from the pic really dun look like 28 yo.
my purpose is to share ...not verify if a FL has told the truth or not.
she said she is be it. the importnat thing is whether is was worth what you paid for and enjoy yourself.
01-11-2005, 01:39 AM
I think my missus has equal or better boobs and definitely a better face. Will pass. Got two kids already and to be honest, I think this MILF pales compared to mine. :rolleyes:
then why are you looking for FL?!
this MILF can be share, can your's be share? think before you post any comments.
senior bros.... what you think of bro amteel's comments?
01-11-2005, 02:11 AM
let give threatstarter benefit of doubts la....his intention to share cheap n good thing to us. Dun give any negative comment regardless look or body afteralll we r here to cheong and be happy when post something to share!:D
01-11-2005, 08:09 AM
then why are you looking for FL?!
this MILF can be share, can your's be share? think before you post any comments.
senior bros.... what you think of bro amteel's comments?dun bother about his stupid comments.
good effort, keep it up man!;)
01-11-2005, 08:48 AM
kudos to bro siowpan! thanks for your email. i must say it is a value for money deal! afterall, when it somes to deal like this, looks will stand aside. Her boobs, body and esp good service like what bro siowpan says, will make it worth the money.
ihaving bonk much prettier and biggerboobs fl but once they suck in service, immediately that makes a 200 bonk worth 50 /60 bucks eventho my cum exploded , frustrations still build up in my balls!! that is not a bonk i want. i m sure most bros know what i mean here.
after likw wat the subject says, she is a milf.... hope to put up a fr on her soon.
01-11-2005, 01:11 PM
Hi siow_pan,
I have received your email. Thanks for sharing the pics & contact...
Good effort in sharing the FR & pics here. :D
01-11-2005, 01:29 PM
woooow lau chio le...and somemore got big boobs..:eek: Thanks for sharing the pic..
01-11-2005, 03:21 PM
then why are you looking for FL?!
this MILF can be share, can your's be share? think before you post any comments.
senior bros.... what you think of bro amteel's comments?
yap u r rite bro..
can his.. i dun tin so
anyway bro hv up point 2 u
thk 4 e contact..
01-11-2005, 05:17 PM
Wow, lau chio!!
From her looks, I think she is at least in her early 30s if not mid 30s.
But I like it.
Anyway, her damage is for how long?
1 hour? 1 shot?
01-11-2005, 05:20 PM
yup agree...i think as long as you enjoy her services..age isnt the concern, anyway you are not looking for a long term girlfriend or wife...just 2 hours of Song!!!
02-11-2005, 01:28 AM
just got Yu Lian's SMS today.....
she gone back to HK on 1 Nov afternoon and BACK on 4 nov.
any bro who missed her.....rememer to call NOV4 or NOV5
02-11-2005, 09:39 AM
bros, can you PM me her contact or email
[email protected], thanks
04-11-2005, 01:39 AM
Was in Taiwan when i got sms lobang from one brother last week
worked late on friday, so though go GL and find this gal.
call her and asked her to wait at lor21 carpark opp shell.
actually only wnat to look look, but when i saw her, wooow in red top and black pants, cannot wait....asked her get up and go to Lor15.
In Hotel: wooooow, red bar and panties.......cannot help it ordei.
Name: Yu Lan.
Age 28
MILF (with 1 child)
From ChongQing (Just came to SGP for 1 week, New in this line)
Previously : Asst Account
Look: 6.5~7
Boobs:..........!!!!! D
but can see her stomach little lose after child
Pussy: little hair and tight (easily wet too)
Attitute: 7 and very accomdating
FJ: 7
Damage: 50+10+2CD
RTF: mmmmmmm, if low in vit M.
She leaving to Malaysia tomorrow and will be back on 4th Nov.
Pls PM or e-mail
[email protected] for more pictures.
Brother...can PM her pics and contact to me at
[email protected]
I think my missus has equal or better boobs and definitely a better face. Will pass. Got two kids already and to be honest, I think this MILF pales compared to mine. :rolleyes:
well then can we fuck your wife for $50 since she is better compared to the threadstarter's ???
04-11-2005, 12:39 PM
I think my missus has equal or better boobs and definitely a better face. Will pass. Got two kids already and to be honest, I think this MILF pales compared to mine. :rolleyes:
Bro Amteel,
Reali dunno what u trying to prove? Ya, yr mrs. maybe much better than Yulian in terms of looks n boobs, but y r u comparing? She is onli charging 50 for her svc, and I think that make the deal attractive.
Summore, many bros here who have pretty wives also go for FL who r less attractive. Y? I tink u ask yrself u should know. Everyday eat abalone also sian rite?
Bro Siow_pan, well done for providing such a good lobang. In my opinion, she look better than many other milfs offering at abt the same price. Will up yr pts when power recover.
04-11-2005, 01:25 PM
Reali dunno what u trying to prove? Ya, yr mrs. maybe much better than Yulian in terms of looks n boobs, but y r u comparing? She is onli charging 50 for her svc, and I think that make the deal attractive.
Thing is ... why oh why is he even comparing his wife with a FL?? :confused:
04-11-2005, 05:42 PM
She just come back...just landed
So start calling....ha ha ha.
04-11-2005, 05:54 PM
Bro Siow Pan, could u please PM me this MILF numbers? Thanx in advance.. :)
Nice FR & effort...and thank u for the contact...
Upz U liao cheers...;)
05-11-2005, 11:59 AM
I think my missus has equal or better boobs and definitely a better face. Will pass. Got two kids already and to be honest, I think this MILF pales compared to mine. :rolleyes:
You still think after married for so many years? Still can't confirm har? I still think that you shld keep your missus at home to avoid unneccessary disturbance. This is not SGforum okie..
well then can we fuck your wife for $50 since she is better compared to the threadstarter's ???
Bro, this is bad comment, real bad. :)
05-11-2005, 04:55 PM
Thing is ... why oh why is he even comparing his wife with a FL?? :confused:
Bro, precisely! I also dunno y he did that? :confused: In my opinion, its like self-degrading his own wife to compare her wif a FL, without any prejudice to the latter, as the latter do this for a living / money, whereas the former do it out of love n pleasure.
BTW, Bro Siow_pan, I've chk and realize that I actually up yr pts oreli.
05-11-2005, 05:06 PM
Bro, precisely! I also dunno y he did that? In my opinion, its like self-degrading his own wife to compare her wif a FL, without any prejudice to the latter, as the latter do this for a living / money, whereas the former do it out of love n pleasure.
A bright spark befell me & I had this theory ... perhaps, his wife was a FL he patronised & then sign matrimonial contract with?? That he's doing all this bragging to say he's got the ultimate catch of all the FLs?? :D :D
06-11-2005, 07:07 AM
bro siow_pan,
keep up the good works..
4 missiles fly your way..
07-11-2005, 10:18 AM
Sorry for the belated FR. And thanks Bro Siow Pan for sharing this MILF. Actually she not consider MILF lah. She told me she is 30 yo and when
she saw me the first time, she thought i'm still a young didi....(around 27
to 29) until i told her that in fact i'm nearing 35...haha. Indeed her real
person look much more attractive compare to the picture taken. Sorry
Siow Pan gege....haha...Once inside the room she ask me have i taken a shower but i say i'm waiting for her to give me one. Too bad she says the
shower room is too small (but in fact is big enuff for 2 lah). Since i think she
is a bit shy, i take a quick shower and follow by her before we both hop onto
the bed for action. Anyway below is her stats :
Name : Yu Lan
Age :30 (this is wat she told me)
Face : 6.5 (Mature and lau chio look)
Boobs : 35B+ with big nipples (rough estimation)
Pussy : a bit bushy
Frenching : Initially only some light kissing but once she is in the mood....:D
BBBJ : No (with condom) and she told me she actually do not like to be lick
below unless customers insists.....haha
CIM : No No
FJ : 7 (very horny once aroused but she is the slient type tat means no sound
but can see from facial expression....:D )
RTF : maybe cause too many models to try lah....haha
Lastly i ask her how is her business and she says not too gd....She says maybe she just came back from Hongkong. And i told her not to worry coz Bro Siow Pan must have given her contact to a lot of bros here. She is indeed a very nice and friendly lady to talk to. Hope interested bros do not hesitate anymore. $50 only ! For contact again, pls get it from Bro Siow Pan
ok. Wishing all bros here have a nice and enjoyable day. Cheersss...
07-11-2005, 04:52 PM
well then can we fuck your wife for $50 since she is better compared to the threadstarter's ???
Well, since the argument is put that way, I rest my case. :rolleyes:
07-11-2005, 06:57 PM
Well, since the argument is put that way, I rest my case. :rolleyes:
Bro Amteel,
I asked u what's "missus" and u scolded me and said u mean your wife. The reason is i thought u made a typo.
07-11-2005, 07:56 PM
Thanks Bro Siow Pan for sharing this lady with me and i really enjoyed with her.
To cut the story cut...Belows are her stats :
Name : Yu Lan
Age : 28-30 (guess lah)
Face : 6.0 (Lau chio but looked better in person)
Boobs : 36B (u can see from the pic from bro siow pan)
Frenching : Never try (i dun like to do so)
Pussy : Quite bushy
BBBJ : a few minutes (i do not insist)
FJ : 7 (Accomdating as i try a few position :p )
RTF : I have more to try ...............
07-11-2005, 08:22 PM
Firstly like to thank bro Siow_Pan for sharing the contact of this MILF Yu Lan. Okay, here's the FR. Was working nightshift last night and felt horny after reading so many FR in SBF. Decided to sms Yu Lan at about 0500hrs this morning to ask her if free at about 7 plus morning. This is the time i can leave my work place. Told me to call her when i reach there. At about 6 plus, took a cab down to Lor 15 and call her. Told me to book room at Sakura hotel, then sms her the room no.. Waited for around 15 mins before she arrive. First impression, like what bro Ken 3399 say, she look better in person than photo. I mean younger and the more you look at her the more you like her. She begin to strip and proceed to bath as i already bath while waiting for her. Few mins later, she came out of bathroom and join me in bed. I start to warm things up by chitchatting with her. She start to touch my left nipple and lick my right nipple. Slowly she move her hand southward to sayang my didi. Didi immediately serdia. Capped me and start by she going on top. After a while, change to missionary. Wanted to change to doggie but she refused as she say scared pain. Continue missionary and finish off mins later. Lie on bed and watch tv with me. Leave together after half and hour. Overall, should say quite a good session. Maybe because i like her face. She's the type that you feel like to sayang when you see her. Below is my personal rating for her:
Looks : 7.0/10 (Don't know why, but i like her face)
Titts : 7.0/10 (Quite big and soft, maybe about B+ to C)
bbbj & bj : N.A.
fj : 6.0 (No moaning and don't like to change position)
RTF : Sure why not?
Damage : $50 + $20(tips) + $15(room) + ($1)CD = $86
08-11-2005, 12:24 AM
Bro Amteel,
I asked u what's "missus" and u scolded me and said u mean your wife. The reason is i thought u made a typo.
Hey TNNlover,
Chill out. You are absolutely right. Nobody in the right mind would draw comparison of their wife to a FL, even though I am single, yeah?! Missus is what I term as my last prey, who happens to be a mother of two and in my humble opinion (let me just stress again here "my humble opinion") is better endowed in terms of look, at least. Wasn't considering the cost though. :D
08-11-2005, 12:41 AM
Hey TNNlover,
Chill out. You are absolutely right. Nobody in the right mind would draw comparison of their wife to a FL, even though I am single, yeah?! Missus is what I term as my last prey, who happens to be a mother of two and in my humble opinion (let me just stress again here "my humble opinion") is better endowed in terms of look, at least. Wasn't considering the cost though. :D
Well, i am chilled. It's easy for u to say chill out after wacking someone. Anyway, the past aside, who's your last prey? Care to start a thread of your own?
08-11-2005, 12:52 AM
yup agree...i think as long as you enjoy her services..age isnt the concern, anyway you are not looking for a long term girlfriend or wife...just 2 hours of Song!!!
2 hours??really ah?Any bros here can kindly msg me her no.
08-11-2005, 01:01 AM
Errr......Bro Siow Pan, how cum the last 2 FR all stated that her boob is B instead of D?
After her trip, the boobs strink so much ah? :D
08-11-2005, 09:33 AM
Haha...Maybe Bro Siow Pan suck until the breast swell so becum D lor...:p
(Just joking Bro Siow Pan) Anyway we are just estimating roughly lah....
But shall be within the range of B+ to C bro....Cheers...
08-11-2005, 10:27 AM
Missus is what I term as my last prey,
missus means "last prey"? :confused:
08-11-2005, 10:33 AM
missus means "last prey"? :confused:
how are u bro?
any big (.)(.):D
btw...2 more to 200...
08-11-2005, 10:47 AM
how are u bro?
any big (.)(.):D
btw...2 more to 200...
i am as fine as flute bro. how about you? last week holidays you hiding somewhere wet and cosy is it? cannot find your shadow siah...
i went to bar with friends last week, many many big (.)(.) la, but all MILF and maybe older... they made me feel like a young king! :D
08-11-2005, 11:37 AM
i am as fine as flute bro. how about you? last week holidays you hiding somewhere wet and cosy is it? cannot find your shadow siah...
i went to bar with friends last week, many many big (.)(.) la, but all MILF and maybe older... they made me feel like a young king! :D
haha...bro u know me well...last week busy wk for me...bonking 1,3 & 5:D
big nehs? OMG the place can? local or otherwise? I oso want to feel young...
08-11-2005, 11:59 AM
haha...bro u know me well...last week busy wk for me...bonking 1,3 & 5:D
big nehs? OMG the place can? local or otherwise? I oso want to feel young...
they are mostly m'sians. i'm afraid i didnt get the name of the bar, its much further down than bluestar or iv ktv in joo chiat road towards katong. i remember got 2 bars facing each other there.
come la bro, lets go together one day, check out the D cups... :D
btw bro, me coming 200k, you already 321k!
08-11-2005, 03:10 PM
come la bro, lets go together one day, check out the D cups... :D
okie...sms u when i free...we go squeeze some Cups:D
08-11-2005, 03:57 PM
Bro SiowPan
PMed u. Hope I'm not too late to get her number. :D
08-11-2005, 04:13 PM
this kind of stuff is damn good siah... who has her contact? can pass to me ma?
thanks thanks... can private me or email me at
[email protected]
08-11-2005, 09:30 PM
This morning have a rtf with Yu Lan. Maybe it's the second time in 2 days, She seems to be quite relax and more smiles from her. Yesterday have 1 shot with her, this morning have 2 shots. Think today's session is even better. For bros who are tired of all the loud, fake or whatever moaning, you can try her out. Throughout the whole session, her moaning was very very soft. Have to go very near her then can hear it. She's friendly and accomodating. So anyone who want her contact, pls get it from the threadstarter.
09-11-2005, 12:52 AM
Hi Bros,
This is my first FR, so hope pls bear with me and hope it fits the bill.
Firstly, I'll like to take this opportunity to thank Bro Siow Pan for sharing this MILF with me (newbie) as i'm hardly given.
Gave her a ring last Sunday morning, asked her if she's available @ 1300HRS, to my surpise, she say times are hard so no ppl book. So mai tu liao, meet her at the lobby of one of the hotel in Lor 19 before confirmation.
She's actually prettier in person but don't really like the thick make up.
In the room, she took off her clothes and help me take off my bottoms while i took off my top. Saw her breast, extremely fair, veins can be seen clearly with real big nipples, so can't control myself but to let my hands roam her breast and nipples. In the bathroom, she help me wash my didi, while i washed her pair of firm(real) & fair breast as i'm going to feast on it like a hungry baby.
On bed, get into breat sucking and fingering action while she sayang my didi. She's really really wet by natural, as my fingers went in dry and came out wet. Tried to ask for BBBJ/BJ but she say she don't know how, but did lick ard the warhead ard.
Funny thing is she asked if i want to do her raw, i asked her if she offers that to others but she say no. Gave it a tot & decided not to take the risk. (any bros got this offer too?) The rest is pretty much standard, & she don't allow doggie as she's afraid of pain.
Name : Yu Lan
Age :28 (this is wat she told me)
Face : 6.5/10 (lau chio look)
Boobs : 7/10 (35B+ with big nipples)
Pussy : 8/10 (very wet)
Frenching : not into it
BBBJ : No (licking only)
CIM : No
FJ : 7 (accomodating with soft moan)
RTF : Yes, before her leave in Dec'05
Damage : $50 + $15(room) = $65
09-11-2005, 01:19 AM
wud luv to try her...appreciate if u could email her contact to
[email protected].
thank u very much:)
Funny thing is she asked if i want to do her raw, i asked her if she offers that to others but she say no.
RTF : Yes, before her leave in Dec'05
bro, dun take the risk...i did encountered such before with other PRC FL but i tot to myself "safety first" n always bonk with cap cheong responsibily...;)
10-11-2005, 08:35 PM
Hello Bros,
I know Siow Pan's mail box is full, but pls be more patient and wait for him to clear him mail. Don't PM me for Yu Lan's number as i'm not authorise to give it out. Pls don't ZAP me for it also! Most welcome to up my points.
11-11-2005, 06:39 PM
Errr......Bro Siow Pan, how cum the last 2 FR all stated that her boob is B instead of D?
After her trip, the boobs strink so much ah? :D
sorry bro.....different people different ratiing system
I have pictures to show that she is about C or D.
Personally i think she on the big C or the small D range
PM me you e-mail add, i sent you the pics to you OK
12-11-2005, 02:18 AM
can PM me her contact too? thanks.
12-11-2005, 11:21 AM
Hi brother,
pls PM me the contact
12-11-2005, 11:45 AM
sorry bro.....different people different ratiing system
I have pictures to show that she is about C or D.
Personally i think she on the big C or the small D range
PM me you e-mail add, i sent you the pics to you OK
Bro Siow_pan,
Pls pm Yu Lian's contact number and would like a try.
Thank you
12-11-2005, 12:44 PM
sorry bro.....different people different ratiing system
I have pictures to show that she is about C or D.
Personally i think she on the big C or the small D range
PM me you e-mail add, i sent you the pics to you OK
bro tionggoklian
dont doubt me lei
i sent you her pictures before what........dont's you agreed with me her boos is at least c
12-11-2005, 06:26 PM
bro tionggoklian
dont doubt me lei
i sent you her pictures before what........dont's you agreed with me her boos is at least c
Bro Siow_pan,
Hahahaha, me sort of joking wif u lah, dun be angry. But got 2 FR also say B cup, so I wonder the pic (wif bra on) look big izit the effect of those wonder bra? :D
But like I say, me mentioning that was not the serious type of doubt lah, juz a casual 1. Hope u dun mind bro. Since u r sure she is of C - D cup, of course I believe u. Juz recently vit. M very tight, din't try yet.
13-11-2005, 12:12 AM
Had a session with Yu Lan earlier this week. Called her and arranged to meet in a hotel at Lor 15.
Did not expect too much from her based on the posts so far so was pleasantly surprised when she arrived. I do not classified her as attractive but she gave you a very friendly feel and you do feel comfortable with her.
Upon her arrival, TCSS for a while and proceeded to the bathroom. She offered to undress for me before removing her clothings. Though the dummy is quite fleshly but one plus point is the breasts are still pretty firm, a C cup size. A pretty SOP bath and proceeded to the bed. Started with light frenching and when she got stimulated, the frenching was quite passionate. Did a light bj before doing her in doggie style. Quite accommodating and the soft moaned really turned me on. After cum, she hugged me like a girlfriend would and provided a short massage session.
I must say it is worth the $60 as she is willing to please and is friendly.
Face : 6
Body : 6.5
BJ : 4
FJ : 7 very accommodating
RTF : Yes
13-11-2005, 03:29 AM
Dear all bros,
Attached is my FR for this PRC. Well, actually i was supposed to meet another PRC MILF for a session of free bonk(Had tried before when she first reach SG, somehow or rather lost contact with her) but she said she had something on, so I was thinking wtf and then i remembered this PRC MILF from bro siao siao_pan and gave her a call. She said she's free and I told her i will come over to L15 to meet her there. Reached there, gave her a call and she told me to go to Hotel 81 in L15 to book a room. Oh well, later i called her to tell her room no. and soon after the door bell rang. She was dresses in black spagetti top and black pants... Let her in then we talked a while with the tv on and proceed to strip for bath. She bath me a bit, then i lie on the bed while she clean herself up somemore. She then came out with the wrapped towel over her. Sitted in front of me and i moved in to french her while stripping her off from her towel. She start to suck on my nipple (Good for those bros who have sensitive nipples) and with the other hand jerking me slowly. I move up and she capped me with my prepared CD. Start bonking her and after a while, first round away. She then lie beside me with a gf feeling. Well, since i have some budget and some more time, asked her if she's ok to do it 1 more time. She said ok and we proceed to round 2. This time i realised i had bought a vibrator (those u can get from 7-11) so i took it out and show her this fantastic gadget. This time she moaned a bit more while i go on longer than the 1st round, switch a couple of position before giving her my load again. Then i ask if i can take a couple of her pics, she said ok and i proceed to do it. She really look not bad in the pics, made her pose for me and took some of her "Xie Zhen" posing like a jap gal. (Those sexy pose that u see on ads) Anyway, gotta meet fren after that so din really stay on and enjoy that gf feeling. She told me she needed more money and asked me to recommend her more frens. (So I am calling out to those bros who dun mind an MILF with a pretty face, thou a bit loose at the tummy, pls proceed to "support" her...) She mention that she maybe leaving soon. Can any bros who next try her confirm that? Meanwhile pls see below for her bio-data. Feel free to give comments to my FR bros. Meanwhile, if u guys like it, do up me points yah?
Name: Yu Lan.
Age (28 according to other bros but she told me she 30)
MILF (with 1 child)
From ChongQing (Just came to SGP for 1 week, New in this line)
Previously : Asst Account
Look: 7
Boobs: I feel that it's about B+ to C
but can see her stomach little lose after child
Service: 6 (Well, at $50, it should be that way ba)
Attitute: 9 very accomdating and give u that gf feeling
FJ: 7
BJ: She dun do.
Damage: She said anything so i gave her 90 (2 shot)+20 (2 hrs hotel so i dun need to rush) + 2CD + 1 vibrator (She said she liked it and dun mind me using again thou, hehe...)
RTF: If low in vit M, i really dun mind bonking her again
Compliments to bro siao_pan, Thanks bro!
13-11-2005, 11:31 AM
..........Siow Pan's mail box is full, .............................
sorry, ICT now so no time to clear inbox.
I just cleared.:D
All bro i have a new MILF lobang...but i have not tried.
Look out for my new posting on her (Ah Lian).
DONT ask for her contact yet,....
13-11-2005, 05:54 PM
can any1 give me the contacts?
thanks a million!!!!
15-11-2005, 09:10 PM
sorry, ICT now so no time to clear inbox.
I just cleared.:D
All bro i have a new MILF lobang...but i have not tried.
Look out for my new posting on her (Ah Lian).
DONT ask for her contact yet,....
wow ICT.. which ICT... wow wonder how ur guy got so many milf contact??
17-11-2005, 09:33 AM
Hi... can anyone pm me the contact. Wanna to try out... thx
17-11-2005, 03:00 PM
have to see her in the nude .push up bra can do magic:D
17-11-2005, 03:39 PM
Thanks for bro siow_pan on this lobang.
Contact Yu Lan for twist and she not picked up the phone, maybe she is having her business. After about an hour, received her call and make an appointment with her. She recommended to hotel 81 at lorong 15.
Story cut short. After informed her the room, about 10 min she is arrived. We are bath together and she is very friendly to clean for my didi. Then we proceed to the bed. She is really attractive and good looking compare to photo. lovely and tender with a friendly smile, this enough for me to pay her the $$$. Catbath for me and do a soft hj and my little bro has singing "MAJULAH SINGAPURA", fingering awhile and she easily get wet, then proceed with FJ. From the 69 to doggie and eventually end up with missionery. have gf feeling. Later she provide me a light massage. So honey and warm with her tender lovely care.
Anywhere with damage only S$60 including room charge, it is worth for everything.
last but not least, ones again thank you bro siow_pan and hope to get more lobang from you. Sure not forget u if my get new babies number.
19-11-2005, 01:36 AM
had some time to meet up with Yu lian today for coffee.
she confirmed that she leave SGP on 3 DEC.
so any brother that has not tried her....i recommned you hurry, unless she is not ur cup of tea
19-11-2005, 10:53 PM
had some time to meet up with Yu lian today for coffee.
she confirmed that she leave SGP on 3 DEC.
so any brother that has not tried her....i recommned you hurry, unless she is not ur cup of tea
she told me 2 Dec is last day liao
anyway, i tried her today.
she bathe with me....and give me a BJ with condom. quite a nice lady, but body not very nice. even her breast...also ok onli. can see her old wrinkle. somemore tell me she is 28, then later tell me 30. i think maybe ard 40yrs old liao.
wat to do?? 50 dollar onli.
03-07-2007, 09:16 AM
Just received a sms from Yu Lan that she'll be coming back to Singapore this week.
dead man inc
04-07-2007, 09:47 PM
May I have Yu Lan's contact please?
dead man inc
04-07-2007, 09:52 PM
Yu Lan looks really good. May I have her contact please?:)
05-07-2007, 08:57 AM
Guys, pls be patient! Yu Lan will only arrive tomorrow night! She asked me to help her recommend client as she has lost her handphone and only remember mine.
Bro Siow Pan, do you mind if i help to distribute her number to bros here?
05-07-2007, 09:46 AM
Wow nice big (.)(.) she have. :D Power
06-07-2007, 12:01 AM
Guys, pls be patient! Yu Lan will only arrive tomorrow night! She asked me to help her recommend client as she has lost her handphone and only remember mine.
Bro Siow Pan, do you mind if i help to distribute her number to bros here?
All bros.
Soory i am out of town and Yu Lan has not called me yet (so she must have lost my contact)
So all MILF lovers, please ask Bro dgboy for her contact.
Bro gdboy, can i have her once too please
06-07-2007, 12:27 PM
Hi Guys, just received a sms from Yu Lan that she'll arrived tonight at around 10 plus.
Bro Siow Pan, she lost her handphone and thus everybody's contact! She contact me because she told me she can only recall my number. Definitely i'll give you her new contact first once she arrived!
07-07-2007, 02:56 AM
so who should the bros here ask the number from ???
07-07-2007, 12:55 PM
Hi Guys, Yu Lan just arrived last night. Since Bro Siow Pan is not in town, i'll help to distribute her number to bros here. Bros with rep pts of more than 15 and at least posted 2 FRs before, pm me for the contact. Have to set the rules so as to protect her. Kindly tip her if you think her service is good because during our conversation, found out that she's in debt.
Bro Siow Pan, already pm you Yu Lan's contact.
07-07-2007, 01:02 PM
Just to add something. She only entertain Chinese bro as she only know how to speak mandarin. Interested bro pm me!
08-07-2007, 10:34 AM
Hi Guys, Yu Lan informed me that 2 bros who got the contact from me have already tried her, so we'll wait for their FR. Guys who have at least posted 2 FR and have at least 15rep pts, pm me for Yu Lan's contact! I'll only give her contact to those with less than 15 rep pts at a later time.
08-07-2007, 11:59 AM
Would like to thank bro bgboy for sharing the contact with me.
Here's a short & brief fr
Name: Yu Lan.
Origin: Chongqing
Looks : 6/10 (Not bad for a MILF, she look older than her stated age)
Body: 6.5/10 (Some fats ard the waist but generally ok)
Boobs: B cup ( Dun tink they r C or D cup)
Service : 4.5/10 ( Was asked to shower separately, no catbath. After stroking my dick for several minutes, then straight to fj, :mad: )
Foreplay: Non existent
FJ: 5/10
Damages: $50+$10(hotel room) + $1cd
RTF: No (Either i got no chemistry with her or her service needs some drastic improvement)
09-07-2007, 11:01 AM
Thks for your FR, bro Holyshit. I'm sorry to hear that you don't enjoy the session with Yu Lan. For bros who have tried her before, i'm sure you all know that she don't give bbbj and even bj. For me, it is okay as it is not a must-do kind of thing. Instead, i don't really like bj as it'll caused my little bro to vomit prematurely. What i like about Yu Lan is the way she talk to you, treat you and her very soft moaning. So for bro who would like to try her, just pm me and i'll reply asap.
09-07-2007, 03:58 PM
Thank to bro bgboy for sharing the contact.
Met up her over the weekend & I must say it was a drastic move for me (should have tried any NaNa). Called YuLan & asked if she was available and she said ok. Since I was at L11 with my friend & he was just going for a massage + bonk (under my recommendation), I decided to get a room there too (after confirming with YuLan where she is). Also, agreed with YuLan that she can come to L11 (otherwise I would have called other because I have a whole database on my phone). Anyway, I went over to her to fetch her since she scare of locked up by AV simply by walking along the main road. Told m,e that AV raid is in action and asked me to check if there was any action downstair.
When I was there (didn't see any AV raid and a couple milf standing around too), I informed her I was downstair & waited for quite a while (waited like 15mins, time for 2 stick of smoke & going to 7-11 buy another pack). Called her up and asked if she is coming. She replied that she was still upstair. KNN... I asked if she was coming down or not! If I hadn't called her, cb me will be waiting for like another 15mins? The hotel receptionist was calling me up that a room was available! Anyway, I told her that I had already booked the room & paid up and if she really scare and didn't want it, should have told me earlier and not wasting my time! With that, she came down in another 3mins.
Not keen in writing long FR & waste time here so here's a short & brief fr.
Name: Yu Lan.
Origin: Chongqing
Age: 30 (this is what she said but I reckon is 38)
Looks : 5/10 (look older than her stated age, pic look better!)
Body: 5/10 (Some fats at the waist, typical auntie type! Pic looks better!)
Boobs: B cup (Not as what I thought)
Service : 3/10 (shower separately, no catbath. After stroking my dick for several minutes, then straight to fj)
Foreplay: Non existent
FJ: 4/10
Damages: $50+$10(hotel room) + $1cd + $10 (asked me for extra, for her case, is charity! No more next time!)
RTF: No (Don't waste time! For the money spent, I should look for Ah Ju ( & other new meats around)
P.S. One's man meat is another poison, so this FR is only based on wat I seen/experience.
10-07-2007, 12:23 AM
PLEASE ASK BRO BGBOY for her contact.
10-07-2007, 04:14 AM
Hi Bros holyshit & soberguy,
Is she that bad huh ? Asked for her contact but currently having a RTF with several other MILFs (some of them went back and some coming back to Singapore again) so didn't try her yet.
10-07-2007, 11:32 AM
Hi Guys, sorry to know that 2 bros who have tried Yu Lan does not like her service! When i tried her on Friday night, it was okay for me. Also, we bath separately, no bj, no bbbj and no foreplay. But what i enjoy most is her companion. I like talking to her and her giving me a massage. I think what you want her to do, you can tell her first, whether she want to do or not is up to her. And whether you want to accept it is up to you. From the past FRs posted about her, some are positive while some are negative. So to try or not is up to the bros here.
20-07-2007, 04:47 AM
hi to all,
Decided to try Yu Lan despite the negative reviews posted about her,
Made an appointment with her outside H81 at L1X, didnt book a room until she arrives. She apologize to bro soberguy as her sisters inform her that the AV is in action so she is really afraid to get caught, once she gets caught she could not come to Spore to work and pay off her debts.
Had a cup of tea with her in the nearby coffeeshop while waiting for a room. started with small chitchat and proceed to make her comfortable.
In the room we continue to chart for a while before we stripped to our birthday suit and showered together.she washed my didi while i wash her mei mei and her breast. I can safely say her breast is at least b+ with nice rounded nipples. Her mei mei has sparsely covered with pubic hair. Can see her mei mei is not loose or has labia lips hanging out. Her inside is pinkish in colour and her labia lips is not black.
We frenched for a while before I capped and used my cock to rub her clitoris. We did missionary and cowgal, all the while looking into her eyes and telling her how beautiful she looked and what large and beautiful eyes she had. ( I guess all ladies are suckers for compliments especially when told in a sincere manner). One thing, if she likes having sex with you, she masturbates her clitoris when you are bonking her. This is her way of achieving orgasm, a cock sliding in and out of her pussy while she plays with her clit. When she had orgasm she will give a shudder and cramp her lags around you tightly. Ps she can tighten her cunt muscles when she orgas :)
She BJ me with a condom (not used to BJ and gag reflex I guess .. well when a lady is not comfortable in doing something I don't usually force people to do what they dont like). She told me she likes guys who are gentle and grope her or old old uncles (thats what she told me .. )
After sex, we chatted as she lay her head on my chest and hugged me. We frenched abit more (hmm which is a good thing since she dont do BBBJ .. just imagine you kissing her mouth which had sucked another guy's cock :( )
RTF : yes , this monday
20-07-2007, 05:58 AM
correction here :
She told me she likes guys who are gentle and she do not like guys who grope her or having old old uncles as customers (thats what she told me .. )
After the sexxion, we went to a coffee shop nearby to have something to eat.
The pace is set for the next rock and roll.
Treat a whore nicely like a lady and she will be a nice whore to you in bed :D
20-07-2007, 03:53 PM
Hi Guys, i'm glad that finally someone is satisfied with Yu Lan's service. So interested bro just pm me and i'll give you her contact asap.
23-07-2007, 12:27 PM
Hi Guys, pm me if you are interested in YuLan. Bros with rep pts of no less than 10 will be given the contact!
23-07-2007, 11:48 PM
hi bro bgboy, can pm me her contact, i 1 2 try. thanks
26-07-2007, 02:06 PM
Hi Guys, just pm me for Yu Lan's contact if you have posted at least 1 FR and if you are interested in this MILF! She ask me to help her get more customer as she mentioned that she is not making much $$$ due to these few days' poor weather!
30-07-2007, 03:53 PM
All samster,
On 21st July, received Yu Lan 's sms say that she just arrived to Singapore. In her sms asked to meet up with her.
After a week, feel free to make a visit to GL and remember her. Make a call and she is at Lorong 15. Then check in H81 and inform her the room no. About 10 mins, she arrived. She is look prettier than last time and ask her how come she know my phone number. She said she has my number with her. Then start our action. Proceed with shower together. Very nice melon and well maintain and I do massage her B or C up breast because I am big breast lover. That is her asset and that why miss her melon very much. After that she clean up my didi with tenderly love and care. The rest is the same like other brudders.
Look : 7/10 (presentable although already late 30)
Boobs: 9/10
FJ : 8/10
Attitude : 9/10
Rating : A (worth for value)
Price : $60 (Service $50 + Room $10)
Hope my little contribution will make her business up.
Thank you
05-08-2007, 01:37 AM
Does she do overnight?
i'm interested if she does. =)
can pm contact? (i'm not a new user, i juz lost the password for my old account! and tat has rep pts! *haizzz*)
05-08-2007, 11:36 PM
fatnugly ... I see you have been asking contacts from every threads ... I dont think anyone can trust you with any contacts
06-08-2007, 12:13 AM
Hi Guys, just pm me for Yu Lan's contact if you have posted at least 1 FR and if you are interested in this MILF! She ask me to help her get more customer as she mentioned that she is not making much $$$ due to these few days' poor weather!
Yo bro ,me post more than 1,2,3,FRs liao ,can PM me her no ma?Me love MILF,1 2 try her.
06-08-2007, 03:02 AM
Does she do overnight?
i'm interested if she does. =)
Yes, She does O/Night. I think depends on the timing U book fro, ranges fro $120 - $200. tat's wat she told me B4, she was actually booked O/N by another cust (Tey did 1st shot & watching TV when I called her) he agreed to let her "Jump room" to do with me. She said tey pre-agreed for her to take other cust Bcoz tat guy bargain her price down low & she didn't want risk "walking" the streets.
So we did the deed, then she went back to taat guy. I went on my way for another round with another PRC SYT ;) :D
Tat happened some 3weeks ago
06-08-2007, 08:14 AM
correction here :
She told me she likes guys who are gentle and she do not like guys who grope her or having old old uncles as customers (thats what she told me .. )
Treat a whore nicely like a lady and she will be a nice whore to you in bed :D
The way you said there, sound like those who hadn't got a good impression of her are all that old old uncles who treated her badly. Think again, bro!Think you have taken for a ride & of course you are entitled to your own belief as muich as I do for myself. So much so for the honest & factual FR. Sorry to say but is all overated in my opinion. If anyone really like to try a really nice lady, look into waitress YX thread. Cheers!
06-08-2007, 11:38 AM
bro... that is what she told me and I am just repeating it here ...
Anyway words from all these pros have to be taken with a grain of salt.
06-08-2007, 12:26 PM
Anyway words from all these pros have to be taken with a grain of salt.
Yea.. precisely.. So beside YL, any new conquest of late? Hehe..
06-08-2007, 12:36 PM
was busy anyway saw a lot of (.)(.) FL in june while waiting for YL, I think I saw a big boob spec wearing gal in Lor 1X with a cust ... may be will try after NDP is over meanwhile waiting for bro lighting for YX contact.
Didnt even get to bonk Ah Xue as introduced by Ah Kong :(
07-08-2007, 02:56 PM
fatnugly ... I see you have been asking contacts from every threads ... I dont think anyone can trust you with any contacts
I'll tell u what i tell everyone...
i will only post where to find the girl and her name and what she looks like.... can't keep her number coz my other half likes to rumage thru my hp, so its mainly a one time thing... plus i like to go shopping, seldom try from FR coz i like to see see look look. (Except tonight, wanted someone with a good attitute for an overnight.)
so sorry if i din fulfill you're requests, i give FR, not contacts.
Anyway i going shopping later.. may look look at GL, then move to some LB if the prices are too high.
07-08-2007, 04:09 PM
oh sori! my bad! thot u complain that u requested me for contacts then i did not give it.
Anyway i looking for an overnight... wanted someone with a good attitute. i explained above. I'll been here quite some time, posted a couple of FR on the Rowell thread, but ain't interested in spending a nite with them. so when here looking for girls.
Well... say wat u want, won't stop u.
11-08-2007, 11:05 PM
IT SEEMs that some people dont understand english or cannot read
PLEASE ASK BRO BGBOY for her contact
11-08-2007, 11:07 PM
Long time not hear err.
How's life
12-08-2007, 12:01 AM
HI Bros
anyone can send or pm her contacts?
I like MILF.
12-08-2007, 02:08 AM
PLEASE ASK BRO BGBOY for her contact.
14-08-2007, 03:59 AM
she is still keeping the old number ... just sms her using that number
17-08-2007, 02:08 AM
Long time not hear err.
How's life
Hi Bro!! Aiyah U so busy how to disturb U. Me as normal, jus bit down on luck & some setbacks in biz. Was traveling quite a bit 1st half of year but now will take it easy. Looking 4 better catch in our FL scene here.
U any freshie kang-tao?? I same as U boobie luver :D
Take care bro... stay in touch!
17-08-2007, 04:20 AM
pm me her hp number ok bro
14-09-2007, 09:49 PM
can PM her contact not. i like to get a try..thanks
[email protected]
12-06-2009, 09:10 AM
[QUOTE=2274781]can PM her contact not. i like to get a try..thanks
27-10-2013, 04:32 PM
hmmm biggg
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