View Full Version : Decent girl v Happening ger

see see only
04-11-2005, 03:43 AM
Me was in this situation a few times liao, BGR for more than 10+ years, got relationship with quite a number of girls but everytime when there was a need to choose between 2 or even 3, I tend to choose the happening or street smart one, worst even marrieded 1 super super street smart wan.:mad:

I had one recently who would listen to all I said and, would clean my house wash all my bowls (plenty) tat I left in my sink when she come my house (at home she no need to do from young), would believe all I said – go cheong say jus entertainmt no sex she oso believe, don’t smoke & hate smoking – keep hoping me to quit, would stop contacting all her guy friend even I don’t really bother, …… BUT she told me she hope to get married with me around 2 years time (tat really scared me).

Then my x came back to me she wan to patch thing up. Me x & I always cheong pub & play pool 2gether, smokes 2gether, when me tired stay at home she will still go cheong pub herself.

Most mothers would say choose the decent girl la, but me ……. dump the decent girl and patch up with my street smart x.

A bit regret as i do love her quite a lot when 2gether last time. :eek: (understood from some friend she actually quit her job jus to rest at home, trying to get over me, a bit crazy but me quite touch), jus called my decent ex and wanted to try again – but she told me she moved on liao wanted to be loyal to new bf and wont answer or reply my sms again. True enough she no answer my call and reply sms for 2 months liao.

She told me she took 8 months to get over me. NOW ME SAD, 2 months liao she so loyal to her new bf not even a simple sms from her.

No one tat I can tell so decided to post here maybe like this i can try to get over. Thanks in advance for reading my sad little experience

04-11-2005, 05:00 AM
Bro, me was in the same situation as u last time.. realised that even though u have more fun with street smart gals, somethings just tend to not work out... i finally decided to go for a decent gal.. or pretty much a very studious gal who doesn't really have alot of social experience.. Pblm comes again.. that she is sometimes so innocent u can't believe it.. I dun just means some private stuff but even in general everyday life.. then again makes me wanna sayang her even more.. and sometimes i react in an uncalled for way cos i kenchiong about her..

Frankly, i feel that its a matter of balance in wat you wan.. so i guess u should just sit down and decide wat you wan... Sorry if it doesn't help just wanna give u a piece of my story for reference purposes!


04-11-2005, 08:43 AM
Take care and move on, remember to learn from mistake and dont make it again. ;)

04-11-2005, 09:08 AM
Well, life still need to move on...............:D If you don feel regret, how would you know.....It bcos u understand the balance of what called LOVE. :p

Big Sexy
04-11-2005, 09:13 AM
You had your chance, but didnt cherish it..

She?? she tried, but was dumped by you.... she has move on my friend.....and if i am you.. i will give her my blessings and wish her well...

Why are you still stagnant here? time to move on too :)

She told me she took 8 months to get over me. NOW ME SAD, 2 months liao she so loyal to her new bf not even a simple sms from her.

04-11-2005, 10:10 AM
Bro see see only r u still wif the street smart ger?

I will say that men we are all more or less the same, we sometimes rule with our dicks, in fact most of the time. I have a similar experience as u way back b4 army days. Was 18 met a ger we both feel in love. Like your X, she also whole day talk about children and family, it scared me too. She very decent and good ger one but me being a 18 year old BOY just wanted fun.

One nite went clubbing met this hot and crazy chick. We had a one nite stand and lust developed. Left my X and ended up with this chick.... Guess what, 2months later she dumped me..... Regreted leaving my X but life goes on......... so dun worry bro, u will find someone again but next time dun let didi rule your mind.....:)

04-11-2005, 10:29 AM
Sign..... Looks like nan bu huan nu bu ai and vice vesus applies to us guys as well. Till now I am still searching for "that" girl to come into my life. Well like some bros here said life still goes on Bro see see, I won't say I can identify with you but worst case then you which almost cost me to become a bankrupcy and good thing I realised it and manage to free myself from her. So now I have to choose wisely and get to know her better before giving my whole heart to that special girl. Just a word of advised no matter how beauiful the girl is, its just only on the surfaced you have to get to know her further to know whether she has that X factor suitable for you. Well guess that is all so cheers guys :)

04-11-2005, 10:39 AM
Could your current feelings now be a case of 'The Grass Is Always Greener On The Other Side.'? This happens with guys who had lots of relationships before. Whenever a problems crops up in your current relationship, you may look back and wonder 'Will things been better with your Ex?'

Bro, sorry to say, u chose to marry the streetsmart gal, u will have to stick with her, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, till death do u part. :cool:

Why did u chose her in the first place? Streetsmart gals are more fun to be with right? Just sharing my little thoughts...

04-11-2005, 10:43 AM
Sign..... Looks like nan bu huan nu bu ai and vice vesus applies to us guys as well. Till now I am still searching for "that" girl to come into my life. Well like some bros here said life still goes on Bro see see, I won't say I can identify with you but worst case then you which almost cost me to become a bankrupcy and good thing I realised it and manage to free myself from her. So now I have to choose wisely and get to know her better before giving my whole heart to that special girl. Just a word of advised no matter how beauiful the girl is, its just only on the surfaced you have to get to know her further to know whether she has that X factor suitable for you. Well guess that is all so cheers guys :)

Yo bro dun tell that girl who almost cause u to bankrupcy is Eiko???

04-11-2005, 10:59 AM
Ha ha I think all guys are like that, I too was tempered by temptation of a street smart gal.

I really regreted that choice and till today I still regret, I do not know how to express that feeling.

That GF that I had is really an angel and looks wise is gal next door, during that time I broke off with her once and got back toagether after a year. Today until this moment I have thought alot on this as to why, what, when and how the hell did I make that stupid decision.

I cannot forget that awful decision that I made and that decision is huanting me till today, I never thought that would be so deep into my memory lane.

A lot of people tell me, you in the land of beauty and fucking is something that you no need much effort. I just don wish for that exprience to happen again, to get the wrong gal that I lost out to, I told alot of my friends I did not fool around or even try to be funny for the last 1 year already and they believe.

Sometimes it is hard for you to know what is right and wrong but until you know it it might be too late.


Big Sexy
04-11-2005, 11:15 AM
曾经有一份真诚的爱情摆在我的面前,我没有珍惜,等到失去的时候才后悔莫及,人世间最痛苦的事 莫过于此。 如果上天能够给我一个再来一次的机会,我会对那个女孩说:“我爱你!”如果非要在这份爱加上一个期限,我希 望是一万年……;)

04-11-2005, 12:20 PM
No one tat I can tell so decided to post here maybe like this i can try to get over. Thanks in advance for reading my sad little experience

Your incident don't contain any sadness at all. You are just fickle minded. If you still not emotionally involved in relationship and still wish to play hard, I think you should spare this current gerfrd of yours.

see see only
05-11-2005, 12:26 AM
thanks to all bros who gave me ur advises and condolence, me actually got over those sad feeling but wat haunt me every day is why i so foolish again. not first time liao.

Me still think of her everyday, wonder how is she, just feel like seeing her again, as bro Rof|maoxz said "you are just fickle minded" me agree thanks bro for being honest.

Mayb me not so mature or not ready enough to date a decent girl, mayb me very playful :D - think of it to date with these girls must be very responsible and honest, tat time me go cheong & lied to her - really felt super guilty for a few days. The more decent they are the more pressure i felt.

Btw hope my thought did not affect any bro mood to go cheong :D

05-11-2005, 12:45 AM
Bro, I also have similiar exprience. Gave up the perfect girl( in my eyes) for someone whocan fuck better.. in the end... all i have left is regret... I wish i can turn back the clock... n like the story i am posting... do things all over again. Sigh.. jus look back and treasure the memories. Try not to regret... Easily said than done... there is hard a few days that go by without me thinking back n feeling the pain and sadness. She took more than one year to move on. She is happily married now. And what do i have... a stupid irriating girl and alot of regrets.

We think with our dicks. most times. Our dicks fail us ulitimately. no matter how good it may seem at that time.

Move on Bro... try not to look back...... sigh....

05-11-2005, 02:06 AM
Bro, I also have similiar exprience. Gave up the perfect girl( in my eyes) for someone whocan fuck better.. in the end... all i have left is regret... I wish i can turn back the clock... n like the story i am posting... do things all over again. Sigh.. jus look back and treasure the memories. Try not to regret... Easily said than done... there is hard a few days that go by without me thinking back n feeling the pain and sadness. She took more than one year to move on. She is happily married now. And what do i have... a stupid irriating girl and alot of regrets.

We think with our dicks. most times. Our dicks fail us ulitimately. no matter how good it may seem at that time.

Move on Bro... try not to look back...... sigh....

I don't agreed.

You will never know the result if you choosen the decent gal.

So there is no reason to regret.

05-11-2005, 02:34 AM
Streetsmart girl are fun to be with, but normally they don make ve good wife.
Decent girl are not tat fun to be with but they make good wife.
None is perfect in this world.
If u can meet a streetsmart girl and she sayang u a lot, dote u a lot, make a good wife... I say u are damm fucking lucky... This is the girl i am trying to find now... Ve hard...

05-11-2005, 10:19 AM
I don't agreed.

You will never know the result if you choosen the decent gal.

So there is no reason to regret.

I was with the decent one for 5 years. And actually, I was happy throughout those years. We were like married couple already...But y backside itcy... or rather didi itchy go n do stupid things till today i only can find one answer. COS I WAS THINKING WITH MY DICK :D

Well, I believe what i am going thru now is karma payback. So pay loh... but regret... still have alot. :cool:

05-11-2005, 05:03 PM
Most mothers would say choose the decent girl la, but me ……. dump the decent girl and patch up with my street smart x.
Not only mothers ... even old uncles like me would say the same.
Especially since she was so naive as to believe that you were not having ECAs on the outside ... sometimes, you just dunno you're holding a gem in your hands until you lost it. :(
All is not lost IF you've learnt your lesson, albeit the hard way ... so make sure you grab such opportunities with both hands the next time they come along. :)

05-11-2005, 06:51 PM
:( the decent girl that u give up ends up wif a bad guy?

05-11-2005, 10:42 PM
女人不坏,男人会爱吗?:confused: :D

06-11-2005, 10:55 AM
My mom alwayz advise me that if a woman care more on her make up than her monthly pay slip, dun ever think of marrying her. Dun marry a woman who will add excess baggage to you (in another words, make sure she has strong earning power) coz you are going to suffer in the long roads. Think about it, sooner or later you will have ur own kids to take care of, not forgetting your retirement funds. You may need to take care of your elderly (parents and in-laws).

Dont take about love or feelings when you are NOT able to provide foods on table, clear bills on the shelves and roof over your top. Dont talk about love when your job is unsecured or low earning power. Dont talk about love when couldnt sleep well at nights due to work/life pressure.

Just read the newspapers on the divorce cases that led to murder. sigh... why ppl stray? money/financial is definitely one of the main issues.


06-11-2005, 01:02 PM
I also perfer decent gals, but recently all the gals i met are all street smart bad gals, in the sense that some just want flings, some are materialistic...:(

06-11-2005, 01:07 PM
thanks to all bros who gave me ur advises and condolence, me actually got over those sad feeling but wat haunt me every day is why i so foolish again. not first time liao.

at least u r not as foolish as me rite?u got the choice to love someone who is deserving of u love but i choose to fall in love with someone i couldnt love.i had moved on,its time u do so too my fren.:)

Toyota Honda
06-11-2005, 11:51 PM
brother, 2 routes for you...
1) Totally don't get involved with any girl until she break off with current bf or she is married. Than you still have the chance to have her back cos you have really proven that you are sincere towards her..

2) Forget about her and move on with your life... Get someone who is also just as cutie, innocent and good as her and treat her very very well.. Just like how you will treat your ex if you 2 are to patch back.

Choice 1 is of course good if you are really willing to forsake everything just to have your ex back. Best way is to work hard, build your career, save lots of money and await her return as soon as she breaks off with her current bf..Then provide her the best and never fool around again. Even if she ultimately gets married to current bf, you still have your career and wealth to hold on to and with that, you can easily get girls though you may be old already and might have missed out on alot of funs with other girls.

Choice 2 is a choice when you are selfish and wants to take the minimal risk.

I was in the same situation as you 5 years ago. I took option 2 and ended up very hurt, cried many times but no point. She refused to come back to me and even took me as an enemy.. I though she will never give up on her reltionship with her bf but they actually did.. It was my chance to get her back but she knew I had been fooling around while I wasn't with her and she lost total confidence in me. very regretful...

but then, I lived life to the fullest though I am not exactly happy with my lovelife after her.. Am sttill being haunted by the loss but I have decided to divert all my energy to my business, building wealth and to my new found cutie, innocent and sweet girlfriend who has never kissed any guy befre. It is just like a new start for me..

So, your choice is... hopefully the right one.. We may have control over our own fate on certain things, but there are things that may never belong to you anyway no matter how hard you want, while there are many things that still cling on to you even though you never need to fight for it.. Whichever choice you take, don't ever regret, just make the best of it and move on...

see see only
07-11-2005, 03:01 AM
I don't agreed.

You will never know the result if you choosen the decent gal.

So there is no reason to regret.

But bro i know the result in having the opposite

07-11-2005, 03:08 AM
my new found cutie, innocent and sweet girlfriend who has never kissed any guy befre.

my gosh.. where to find.. i want also ler.. kekeke :p

see see only
07-11-2005, 03:13 AM
:( the decent girl that u give up ends up wif a bad guy?

i like to answer to good question.

ans is "she did not even let me hav the chance to ask her, young, old, nice. bad - no chance given as she did not even reply or ans my call/sms" :o

Anyway she finally reply my sms :"she wish me luck" after i sms her that i "given up" after three months of sms & call everyday. i gave up so she can happily moved on i think, hard decision but must make i believed

07-11-2005, 02:07 PM
My wife is VERY STREETSMART type.

There's pros & cons marrying 1.

Pros: Majority of streetsmart women earn quite decent wages. They r very independent. They usually can balanced their job & hsehold matters. Financially, they can contribute equal amount as the husband, sometimes even more.

Cons: There r times my wife r even smarter/ alert than me. Thus it's quite difficult 2 cheat behind her, gotta b very tactful if up 2 any hanky panky.

07-11-2005, 02:25 PM
Surprise to see so many brothers encountering this problem. Me also one of u. Be with my ex-gf for 3 yrs, she was nice and understanding but i this heartless fool dump her. Was very scare when she said she want to buy a big flat and spend a lot of $$$ on renovation, furniture and wedding dinner. Looking at my bank account i was so scare as dun know whether i got so much money to meet her requirement and somehow have to support my family, have to set her free. Still maintain contact because know eachother character so well......she will always remain in my heart as she now got a bf.

So guy, treausre what u have now...good woman r hard to find, met so many woman who r only looking for rich guy of course they got the look.

07-11-2005, 02:29 PM
Mind i ask street-smart girl is what kind of girl ???? dun falme me hehehhe:D

07-11-2005, 02:59 PM
I used to have a street smart gal..
knows e happenin places, introduce me to my first panini sandwich n so forth..
prob is she's too headstrong, machiam ang moh character of sex equality..
so results in my parents tu lan her cos they old fashion type..
took me 1 yr plus to reali give up on her..

now, got 1 xian qi liang mu type of gf.. plain looks but reali sweet n kind..
not so street smart n yes, sometime vomit blood cos she dun understands the "chimnology topics" tht my friends talk about when we meet..
but its ok..
cos i realise its beta to hav someone willing to go all out for u rather then u eveyday KPKB ask y e gal go chiong go shoppin go hi-tea..

been there, done that n woke up...:D

07-11-2005, 03:10 PM
This is quite a interesting topic. I read on another tread that someone's wife don't like to have sex anymore. I'm wondering, does these two topic co-relate? Streetsmart girls being outgoing most likely will love sex, the decent girl? As the name suggest would be conservative and might not want sex anymore after giving birth. Or don't want sex at all.

So how?

07-11-2005, 03:32 PM
Comparing a decent ger to a street smart ger is like comparing an apple to an orange....ITS 2 COMPLETLY DIFFERENT THINGS...... no matter how much you compare....it will never be the same...stop wallowing in self pity...... the world around you goes on whether you want it to or not....you can choose to carry on with your life.....or to just stay put and dont do anything.....

THe choice is yours..


07-11-2005, 07:31 PM
it depends on ur character also....if u are cheongster..and u find a decent girl u will be bored..and vice versa

Toyota Honda
09-11-2005, 12:33 AM
my gosh.. where to find.. i want also ler.. kekeke :p

She was an attachment student in my company when I was an engineer... Being one of the prominent people in my company, I face alot of backstabbing and politics in office and she being one of the politics bait, is prone to manipulations from those peoples.

Had to 'take care' of her well being and protect her from harm to cover her and myself cos our company is dealing in business that affects the lives of people.. She didn't know about all the imminent and potential problems till my buddy colleagues' student told her when she finally finished her attachment unscathed..

All the while, I had to work things backstage without her knowing I am helping her. Guess she was touched and fell for me.. hehe... so considered payback time..

She is now having her exams and has very little time for me.. but she says... 'I will pay back for the loss time'... patience...

see see only
09-11-2005, 02:30 AM
She is now having her exams and has very little time for me.. but she says... 'I will pay back for the loss time'... patience...

WOw bro u got a v nice girl oso. Jus a gentle reminder, my 1st ever decent gf told me must study exam never really meet up. but study every day in a small group of friends, somehow the small group became a group of two and she became a section of my love history, cant even appeal. But me decent decent believed her tat time V SAD.

Hey come to think of it, two of them having the same name :D still miss the recent one. V SAD

09-11-2005, 10:54 AM
Surprise to see so many brothers encountering this problem. Me also one of u. Be with my ex-gf for 3 yrs, she was nice and understanding but i this heartless fool dump her. Was very scare when she said she want to buy a big flat and spend a lot of $$$ on renovation, furniture and wedding dinner. Looking at my bank account i was so scare as dun know whether i got so much money to meet her requirement and somehow have to support my family, have to set her free. Still maintain contact because know eachother character so well......she will always remain in my heart as she now got a bf.

So guy, treausre what u have now...good woman r hard to find, met so many woman who r only looking for rich guy of course they got the look.

bro,we are in the same boat,i let go of my 3 yrs relationship of 3 yrs bcos i fear i canv gv her the happiness she deserved.i kw how u feel exactly cos thats wat i am feeling now.

see see only
17-11-2005, 05:12 PM
Your incident don't contain any sadness at all. You are just fickle minded. If you still not emotionally involved in relationship and still wish to play hard, I think you should spare this current gerfrd of yours.
yeah thanks for ur comment. juz roaming his pc, taking a break after hours of studies for final exams @ his house. He failed to cancel auto log-in. He's a liar! A BIG LIAR!!! a lie after another.. he alw reprimand me for not trusting him but he neva gif me sense of security. I suppose "tis decent ger" has happen for more than a year. Always c his msgs after this incident, which i've found out by chance. i dun feel secure wif him, but he keep lie to me n for the benefit of doubt i've alw forgave him. but yet he scolded me for invading his privacy. I noe its wrong but i juz duno wat to do with all the doubts in my mind. I'm nt as street smart as wat he tinks(if he's refering to me if not he's more than 1 gal). Being with such a smart guy is not easy i can say, esp he's a divorced. my frens, my parents all disapproved wif our relationship n i've to take up all the stress, yet he betrayed me!! He can't understand the pressure i've undertaken with his ex parents in law cum knocking my door house, approaching my parents. I'm realli nt street smart but the stupdiest person. I'm oni a substitute... I've alw noe he's something on wif this decent ger but i juz keep quiet. I cant tell my frens juz to safe keep his reputation. i oni can keep to myself.

After seeing these sort of things hw can i concentrate on my studies..... jus writing here to vent all my frustration n hatred!!!!!!!!!!!!! R all the guys e same??? Love to lie? always love new things??? will neva feel contented wif his gerfren?????????

Her current gerfren (hoping my going to be history bf to spare me.......)

17-11-2005, 07:32 PM
Last time, I couldn't tell what I'm looking for. A good girl or a hot babe? At times of chilling loneliness, I only long for just someone who can sit down to spend time with me.

After breaking up with my ex for this few years, I realised that a girl who will be by your side, through thick and thin, is more important than sex, no doubt sex bonds two persons closer and is part of a long going relationship.

What of age? This was another question which ran through my mind a couple of times. Honestly, it varies from person to person. As far as I know, maturity is very important. No point the girl pretty and good in bed, but in the end is so damn immature and runs off with other guys, when you are not around.

Life is not a Korean (or for that matter a Japanese) drama. Unfortunately, most girls still think life is a drama where their life long partners are as wealthy and handsome as what was reiterated so often in the Cinderella fairy tale.

IMO, the greatest fantasy to come to life is when a couple never lets go of each other and hangs on close, even during those moments where things have went terribly wrong. When husband is down with cancer, wife would still cling on tight to his hand. Thats true love.

The pumpkin carriage story was really a joke made by some lazing farm boy who got hit by an falling apple, under the apple tree (of course).

17-11-2005, 11:52 PM
i also got an ex whom were v guai n innocent in the past. watever i say she listen n wun ask anithing much. budden human r lik dat ... u always ask for more. e thing is tt she doesnt gimme the thrill and fun tt i wan from a gal onli to sextisfied me.

right now although we r single i still tink if i were to marry her in future i wun hafta worry much cos she is realli a darn good gal cos for now i m assured she is not those type tt will burn the pocket of yrs monthly. :o

21-11-2005, 02:59 PM
After reading all the posts in this thread. Just want to share mine with you all.

I'm currently with a "guai guai" type gf. Not street-smart but trying to be. Sometimes, can "vomit" blood whenever we discuss about current issues and views. She often easily be influenced by other people. That's why I can get worked up with her. We never have sex even we have been together for 4yrs plus. Just petting and kissing. Both are our first BGR. She is those simple and down-to-earth type of girl. She doesnt want to keep contact with male friends (i dont mind), afraid that I may get jealous or mistaken for being unfaithful. At least, I know that she is and will be faithful to me.

I really envy people such such Stonecold, Harrier, Singexpat and others who have all the lucks to chiong around. I just want to experience it when I am still a young man. Looking back when reached 40 plus will be memorable memory. I dont chiong as my male friends around me are decent types. So, even I want to chiong, no avenue for me to do so. All my female friends siad they feel very safe with me. Cos, I have a good reputation as a faithful and decent guy. Sometimes, I wonder is this good (being committed to relationship which I can be proud of) or wasting of my youth (where I can chiong). Still, no answer for my dilemna. Just live as the day goes by.

21-11-2005, 03:26 PM
Bro See See Only,

I agreed with many bros here that you should move on. Not only that but to make your "regret" choice to be a better one.

Your current wife must be very sad to have such a husband who is consistently thinking that marrying her is a regretful decision. I can understand her anger and sadness. Putting yourself in her shoes, your wife told her friends that marrying to you is a regretful decision. How would you feel? You would definitely feel as a loser who cant even make and give happiness to your loved one.

Yes, we did, do and will continue to make regret decisions. This is because everyone wants to have the best outcomes. You cant always have the best outcome but you try to attain it. Life has no correct or wrong answers, just choices. There are always better choices even though you thought you have the best choice. Problem is you will never know when are the better choices available for you. You have to make choices as when they come. Life itself is a continuous and irreversible. journey.

To live happily is to turn those regretful choices into a better one. So that both your partner and yourself can be happy and blissful.


24-11-2005, 03:57 AM
Wow, the other side of the coin is revealed...

To Bro see see only, as the old adage goes; a bird in hand is worth 2 in the bush... cherish what you have now. No point comparing, they are 2 different persons, you can't use one's standard to judge the other. But then again, looks like you are in deeper shit.

To Sis see see only, put your priorities right. Right now, your exams come first (just curious, what kind of exams? You all still studying?). After your exams, you may then review your relationship with bro see see only. It seems to me that you feel used (being a substitute) and at the same time, you can't let go of this relationship ("hoping my going to be history bf to spare me"). My suggestion? Let him have a 2nd chance and revisit this issue maybe 6-12 months and see if situation with him improves. Remember communication is the essence in a relationship.

I don't know if I'm talking cock, I'm seldom in this kind of mood. Just wanna wish you both good luck.


yeah thanks for ur comment. juz roaming his pc, taking a break after hours of studies for final exams @ his house. He failed to cancel auto log-in. He's a liar! A BIG LIAR!!! a lie after another.. he alw reprimand me for not trusting him but he neva gif me sense of security. I suppose "tis decent ger" has happen for more than a year.


Her current gerfren (hoping my going to be history bf to spare me.......)

see see only
24-11-2005, 04:59 AM
Bro See See Only,

Your current wife must be very sad to have such a husband who is consistently thinking that marrying her is a regretful decision. I can understand her anger and sadness. Putting yourself in her shoes, your wife told her friends that marrying to you is a regretful decision. How would you feel? You would definitely feel as a loser who cant even make and give happiness to your loved one.

Bros my meaning of marrieded posted earlier means past tense of married, divorced. sory for creating misunderstanding. As for marrieding her was indeed a regretful decision.

Btw presently kinda decided my path :)

Thanks everyone for comenting but thinking of it again. it is very nice to with a guai guai but it is fun to be with those understand our funny language. wat actually we want? :confused:. I think come wat may.

24-11-2005, 07:17 AM
曾经有一份真诚的爱情摆在我的面前,我没有珍惜,等到失去的时候才后悔莫及,人世间最痛苦的事 莫过于此。 如果上天能够给我一个再来一次的机会,我会对那个女孩说:“我爱你!”如果非要在这份爱加上一个期限,我希 望是一万年……;)That the best quote from stephen chow movie!!!I secretly cried like hell in my own room watching this movie after my broke up,it really hit the bulleye!!!:(

18-12-2005, 11:43 PM
bro see see only, now u married already???
if not yet, and she's not too (only attached) then dont give up!

18-12-2005, 11:46 PM
My wife is VERY STREETSMART type.

There's pros & cons marrying 1.

Pros: Majority of streetsmart women earn quite decent wages. They r very independent. They usually can balanced their job & hsehold matters. Financially, they can contribute equal amount as the husband, sometimes even more.

Cons: There r times my wife r even smarter/ alert than me. Thus it's quite difficult 2 cheat behind her, gotta b very tactful if up 2 any hanky panky.

=( Dont be up to any hanky panky la.. Yr wife be will very sad if she finds out.. Jus like if u find out that yr wife is up to hanky panky too

hehe sorry for saying this in a sex forum, like so out of the question.. especially since this place is an avenue for hanky pankiness ^_^