View Full Version : How I bedded my SIL or vice versa?
06-11-2005, 03:38 PM
Mine happens almost4 years ago. Went Bangkok with my ex-wife, her sister and hubby.
Went into a massage shop (near to Bangkok City Hotel), presumably clean. Ex-wife and her sister's hubby opted for foot massage in a room. Me and my sister-in-law opted for Thai massage (2 hour), so 2 of us was guided into another room. We then changed into the massage attire, which was rather conservative - those thai pajamas that covered your whole body one. But my SIL went braless and the aircon was cold. Keep talking to her and staring at her pointed nipples while waiting for our gals to come in.
2 gals came in, one for my SIL, another do me. My gal keep carassing my didi whenever my SIL not looking at my direction. Sometimes will use her body to block my SIL view or discreetly use her elbow or feet to tease my didi. After the continous teasing for an hour plus, cant tahan anymore. ACt blur told my SIL I need to go toilet and got my gal to show me the direction to the toilet. Instead went to the next empty room. Had a great fuck there cos the room is less than 1 minute walk to my ex-wife and SIL's room. Also had to cover the thai gal's mouth all the way. Exploded within minutes cos too exciting.
That was also the day when I first fucked my SIL, but its another story...
Hi Bros,
I was contributing my above experience in another thread when a kind bro up my points requesting for the SIL story. As such, felt obligated to contribute the stroy in a new thread so as not to hyjack the threadstarter elsewhere.
However, please forgive me if you do not like my following encounters or if you find that some of the facts are contradicting. I have to protect certain identities as it involved my ex-wife and her family. As such the encounters can only be 80% true the most. Names, places, time zones are definitely fake.
Please do not zap me for it :)
Here it goes..... SIL is 5 years my senior. I got married young. All this while I always find that SIL has a CFM look and her body is my favourite. About 1.6m2, 40kg long straight hair, 32B cup.
Every weekend we will meet at my in-law house in Bendemer. We will either eat in or eat out or go KTV singing. In laws, 2 brother in laws and thier wives, SIL and her hubby and my ex-wife and myself.
Whenever we were in gatherings, I was the one who was always very quiet, probably too tired from work or fucking FLs :). But my eyes were always busy. SIL always either attend the family gathering in ultra-short shorts or tight fitting silky pants. I love it when she comes in tight pants cos either a G-string or a T-back will always come in as a package. I have a fetish over these clothings. There were so many times that she caught me staring at her pointed, rounded ass. The first few times I was dead worried that she told my ex-wife about it, but she didn't.
The first few years of my marriage I was restricted to staring at her g-string. There was few occassions that I caught her bending down without moving her legs to play with my nieces and nephews.
Let me just bring out one occassion when I really controlled myself just by looking at her pants. Again she was bending down playing with the kids. With her stretched pants i could clearly see the outline of her g-string. Guys ... jus imagine... white pants with red G! How the fuck on earth my nose dun bleed. The rest of the adults are glued to the TV watching the show ' Gan gan zuo ge kaixin ren". I was watching channel 5 at the 2nd hall with the kids and SIL. There was a small coffee table in front of me. SIL will take every opportunity to take fruits on the table for the kids, of cos bending down. My eyes seem to be watching TV but u guys know we can peep nehneh and watch TV concurrently. Its a black spageti wif red bra. No matter how hard I peep, I can't locate the nipple. Guess the bra is too tight for her. lol.
There was a breakthrough though. By the 4th time she came by the low coffee table to get fruits for the kids, I stared at her cleverage again. "Beng, what are you looking at?". Knnccb i though I sure die liao. I was an idoit by answering 'nothing'. She kept quiet but smiled at me. Then she went on and carried on playing with the kids in the room. However from then on, she kept taking occassional glimse at me and gave me that 'I know wad you are doing' look. To my pleasant surprise, she still keep bending down in front of me , either showing off her bra or the outline of her RED G string. Throughout the session I dunno wtf is on TV but was dreaming of bedding her.
We went on like this for at least another year before another opportunity arise when the family went to 'tea-lover LTV' in chinatown to celebrate one of the brothers brithday.
SIL dressing is the same, grey tight pants and yellow spageti. Dad and Mum in law went home early about 10 plus. Left 4 couples. Drinking was heavy that night. Almost all was drunk. SIL hubby had an urgent call, rushed to hospital, can see SIL not too happy about it. My 2 bro in laws and their wives also went home liao cos to take care of kids (dunno htf they left cos they were already high on alcohol, but who cares)
Before SIL hubby left, he told me to send his wife back if I dun mind. Of cos I said ok. So the room was left with me, ex-wife and SIL. My wife was lying down on the sofa like a dead pig. SIL was seated beside me. Our laps were glued to each other though there were so much space in the room now that most pple gone. We carry on singing. I sang a few songs that I know so well that I dun have to look at the KTV screen can also sing. When I sang I looked into her eys. Then followed by holding her hands, using my finger to slowly carass her palm and wrist. She didnt resist!!! She probably thought that I was just accompaning her. I noticed that when I moved my fingers around her palm and wrist and later moved up to her elbow, she trembled a bit but never move her hands away. Her eyes was also a bit red and blur when i looked into her eyes, probably too much drink liao. Our face was so closed to each other that I could smell her breathing. I swear she has the best smell for her breathing on earth! I told her I liked the breath, told her to breath out more while i inhaled deeply... and she did it for me a few times! Somemore, her lips was also half parted...... as if to invite me to tongue her.. My didi is already arching like siao but my wife is just beside, though kooning.
I was thinking... shall i or shall i not..... kiss? My ex-wife is also in the room
I did something that I thought was smart. With my hand still holding on to her, I slowly stand up and invited her for a slow dance when I sang. With zero resistance she stood up but didnt start hugging me. I just let her stood up, took a step back and started singin the nex song. Slowly, looking into her eyes i moved to her in slow motion. First time I held her waist with my right hand.... slowly pulled her body closed to me but no body contact yet. Can sensed that she was trembling and dunno wad to do. Her breathing was fast and short by now. Next step was to pull her closer till both our stomach were glued to each other's.
By the song ended, her arms were already hugging my waist. Mr right hand was massaging the back of her neck. In between I used my fingertip to carass her neck and the area around her ear. Every stroke would bring a tremble from her. We carried on like tat for 2 more songs ended up her head was buried into my chest, her nehneh pushed against my body and my hardon against her stomach. It was heaven to me.
Guys gtg. will update you guys what happened when I sang the next song to her. Cheers!
06-11-2005, 04:21 PM
Great story..hope to hear more from you..cheer:D
06-11-2005, 04:32 PM
wah bro LauHBeng, steady leh, more more more... :)
07-11-2005, 02:11 AM
As i could feel that she was pulling me to her body tighter and tighter, i decided to sing the next song without the mic. I carefully place the mic back to the table so as not to wake my ex-wife (who was kooning like a dead pig on the sofa in the room). Next thing I did was to pull SIL to the door while SIL was still holding tight at my waist, dim the lights till its almost complete darkness. Only light in the room was from the TV. Then I start to sing without the mic. My lips was almost touching her ears. As expected her breathing quikened.
hehehe based on my experience tackling nite-club gals I know this method sure can tease SIL tolok tolok. While I was singing into her ears, I ensured that my tongue had no chance in touching her ear nor her neck. Instead, I kept blowing air around her ear on an irregular basis. Every of my blow resulted in SIL trembling and squeezing my body tighter. Then she would release the hug abit, but would squeeze my body tighter again when the next blow came... The feeling of her breast pushing against my body and my didi pressing against hers really waste alot of my pre-cum.
My both hands didnt idle too. I was carassing her face , neck and the other ear all the while. By now the song ended. When another song came, i almost stopped singing. The singing was replaced by my nose sniffing her neck, her ears but I endured using my tongue at any time.
"Beng I think we should ... should... stop....ah...."
"U dun like it? Dun worry I just wanna smell u"
"But Beng.....Beng.... ahh... ..."
"U know that I have been watching u all these years?"
"yes.. I enjoy U staring at me... but we should stop.."
Knn she was telling me to stop but at the same time she countered the attack byy giving me a catbath on my neck. When her tongue came to my ears I almost wanted to drag her to the next room and rape her. At the same time I could feel that she was using her body to grind at my hardon! Hosay liao...Guess what?
Knock Knock Knock, "Minster we are closing for the day"
Wah paing, I had not even used my tongue yet! I had not even touched any of her breast or cb yet!
SIL took the chance to pull away from me, panting. She went straight to my kooning wife and woke her up. Both of us brought my wife to my car. SIL declined our offer to send her back home. Instead she jumped onto a cab and left.
After that incident, we acted as if nothing happened and never talked about it. However the peeping and the staring still went on for a while.
There was a few times when we passed each other in the kitchen of my in law place, our body brushed against each other on purpose and it seemed to me that SIL was enjoying it.
Another breakthrough came when I accidentally bumped into SIL in..... Dynasty at PleasureDoom! SIL was with her boss entertaining their clients and I was there with a few colleagues. It happened that my buddies and her clients were common friends so we joined to get a bigger room.
Things were ok until we finished the 4th bottle (only about 6 of us). of cos i didnt sit with the TKBs cos my SIL there. One of her client became abit aggresive and started to place his hands on my SIL shoulder. SIL took the opportunity to come sit beside for protection.
"Beng, help help.. That client siao one... keep asking me go out with him'
"Hehe dun worry I wont let your hubby know"
"Beng u siao arh? I complain to my sis u come chiong"
"okok we keep secret for me, I make sure today u safe from your client ok?"
"Beng I know u are the man! Put your hands over my shoulder quick"
She adjusted herself and pressed her body to the side of my chest. Wah office attire and from my angle can see her 32B cleverage! Somemore my chest could feel her breast pressed against me.. Didi of cos mara-kita again. Her hand was rested on my inner thigh..... When we talked her finger was rubbing my inner thigh in circular motion. Of cos my hand which was huggin her also didnt rest.... from rubbing her back.. to her neck... to her back.. along the way could feel her bra. Occasionally I let my hand rest on the outline of her G-string and use a finger to tickle the bone between her waist and leg. Both of us acted as if nothing happen and just enjoyed the feeling. Her client kept pushing liquor to her and I helped her to take most of it. Could see that she was very appreciative.
By 12, her boss and client decided to go GL, so left SIL and a few of my buddies still in the KTV singing and playing dice. The atmosphere was more relaxed by then. However, we kept our hugged position and non of us wished to let go of one another.
"Thanks leh Beng"
"Wah lau dun say nia leh. Whats my rewards?"
"U say lor"
"I want to smell your breath again"
Without a word, she brought her nose to mine, closed her eyes, deep inhale and slowly breathe out. I was enjoying her breath while my didi was arching like mad. Her lips was so so so closed to mine....
Bros, to be continued
07-11-2005, 02:23 AM
bro LauHBeng, come back fast fast!! :D keep up the good wk!
07-11-2005, 02:49 AM
Wah... LauHbeng, realli fantastic story-teller you... macham like drama serial.... keep it coming man!! :D
07-11-2005, 03:09 AM
Hi bros,
My apologies if my encounter is too descriptive or too long for your likings. May I appeal to those bros who find that my contribution is too lengthy please dun zap me for it.
I was zap being too 'lame' for the long story. But I am just making contributions to this forum. I don't think I have ever begged for points.
Please tell me to stop the contribution if you really dun like it. Its better by telling me than just zap me like that when I am innocently contributing out of goodwill.
Once again, my apologies if this contribution is not up to your liking. I'll stop then. Cheers :)
07-11-2005, 03:24 AM
good one bro beng. pls continue leh... :D
07-11-2005, 05:34 AM
Once again, my apologies if this contribution is not up to your liking. I'll stop then. Cheers :)
Beng! why u so naughty one. keep staring at your sil cleavage. he he. then leave her when she is wet and horny for your dick.
u be good now continue with story or she wont bretahe hot and cold air on your didi. mor more more.
happy cheoing
07-11-2005, 08:36 AM
nice story. keep it going. my didi is half way there already...:D
07-11-2005, 09:26 AM
It's not too "lame" bro...keep it long and sexy pls...:p
07-11-2005, 10:05 AM
Will be monitoring and waitingh for further developments... keep it up bro
07-11-2005, 10:33 AM
nice ha ha. this ring back to my lusting of my cousin wife. has 2 son but still hot hot hot.. during last year hse warming, they were here and boi oh boi, shes wearing a thong underneath. i cannot concentrate on my MJ game and lost a bit...... :D
07-11-2005, 01:43 PM
Wow, after reading the FRs here, really made me recalled the encounters i had wif my ex-clients.
07-11-2005, 02:02 PM
Story is definetly not lame. Pretty shiok actually
KNN...I have 5 SIL myself and have often found myself unconciously looking down their blouses or catching them in erm...compromising chao keng positions. Hee Hee...I damn tee ko man:D
07-11-2005, 05:55 PM
COOL !!! it's better than the massage story ! Wouldlove to up ur points but i think i can't ...
Please keep going !!
07-11-2005, 06:34 PM
Hi bros,
My apologies if my encounter is too descriptive or too long for your likings. May I appeal to those bros who find that my contribution is too lengthy please dun zap me for it.
I was zap being too 'lame' for the long story. But I am just making contributions to this forum. I don't think I have ever begged for points.
Please tell me to stop the contribution if you really dun like it. Its better by telling me than just zap me like that when I am innocently contributing out of goodwill
Please continue. Up you tomorrow as a showing on my endorsement. Ignore and let not your spirit be dampened.
07-11-2005, 06:57 PM
Dear Bros,
Thanks for the encouragement and especailly to the bros who upped my points. I will be travelling to China from this Wednesday onwards, for about 3 weeks. Will die die find cybercafe there and continue the story.
I dunno whether was that fetish. I just loved to smell SIL breathe. She blew her breathe from her nose, I inhaled her breathe into mine. Couldn't explain the smell, but it was just so exciting and sweet and ..... (really lost out of words to describe). It became more sexy when I knew that her heart beat was beating fast, her breathing was more hurried, but she tried hard for me to slowly let go her breath from her nose. Hmmm..... both our nose were by then fighting, nudging against each other's.
As SIL carry on her nose breathing, one of my hand started to move to her face. My plam was holding on to her face, my fingers were carassing the outline of her ears... and SIL breathing was interuppted by my carassing many times - was that moaning without using her mouth but her nose? I wondered.. But it was sure more stimulating than those fake moans from the FLs I encountered.
Her eyes closed, her lips half closed, her breathing irregular. She whispered to me using those voices that could only be blurted out from those Taiwanese meimei..
"Beng.. stop being so naughti..can you stop yout hand's movement....? How... how... I to breath properly like this..."
"what's wrong, I didn't do anything"
"Like tat.... still didnt do anything? U....u.....u.... always do this to gals har?"
"U think i gang kao (male dog) arhh? Blame yourself. U look so stuning today...and your perfume... or its it the smell from your body? Can I kiss you?"
"...............arrr...." (her breathing was becoming heavier by the seconds)
"may I?"
Knn being a man, i fuck care liao. Silence meant consent. Our lips were just less than 2 cm away. Somemore my little brother also complaining liao. As I planted my lips onto hers......shiok shiok... going to exchange fluid liao...KNNCCB! She resisted and pulled away from me!
Bros duuno u all ever experienced that before or not. Both my heads were so high and when I initaited the kiss to at least release the pressure from both my heads, she SIAM!!! Knn...dunno my eyes should cry or my dick should drop some tears.
SIL stood up and wanted to go to the toilet. As a gentleman (on the surface only, inside me is a devil), I stood up too and held on to her waist and urshered her to the ladies. As we walked, I took the opportunity to brush against her breast, but not too song cos got bra inbetween us. My hand mannoveured right down to her G-string and stayed there... didi still standing up.
"Beng, u like G-string alot? U know this is the how many times u touched my G-string liao bo"
"I have no preference (LIES), but its you wearing it that I like"
"ok then I tell Jasmine (my ex-wife}"
"OK lor.. then I tell the whole family u enjoy my carassing with no resistance"
"U try!"
With that she pushed me away and went into the ladies herself and i waited outide. Few TKB walked pass me and started giggling "shaui ge, ni didi how da! hahahaa" Knn my hardon still veri visible.... dunno where to hide my face.Wrong.. should be 'dunno where to hide my brother'
SIL took longer than usaul in the toilet (how i know? because i observe so much of her toilet timing when we had gatherings.). Finally she came out.
"wah.. SIL u self service in the toilet har?"
"beng u dare say tat again? But seriously I think we should stop. Lets keep this as a secret forever. I dun want to jepoadise my sis marriage. I have enugh trouble wif my hubby liao"
I sian liao.... then i suddenly noticed that her pants had a bulge at her pussy area there, when i opened the room door for her to go in first. Somemore there was also a patch on her pants at her pussy area..kekekekeke knn she still acted cool? Those must be cb juice on her pants, tissue paper shafted between her cb and g-string to avoid overflow.. lalalalalala
When we sat down in the room again, my 2 buddies and their 2 TKBs were playing the game bluf, using the dice. Penatly was half a glass of liquor. We joined in, my SIL was beside me, so I could more or less control whether she would win or lose...
I'll leave the game in the KTV for my next instalment......
i will kill you if you stop :P
07-11-2005, 07:22 PM
i will kill you if you stop :P
hahaha ... you damn funni leh ...
Dun worri, Beng .. I will protect you ... hahaha .. and please carry on ..
PS: Beng, you coming to China ? if it is SH, many places have wireless connections free, coffeebean etc. little info so you can continue ...
07-11-2005, 07:25 PM
Great story LauHBeng. Don't worry about ppl zapping you. Those are usually the uneducated hormone driven kids lurking around that don't know how to appreciate or maybe understand what is a good story. Keep it up. Will up you. ;)
07-11-2005, 07:41 PM
i will kill you if you stop :P
Wah piang... siao liao.. this is more stress than sharing the same bed with my ex-wife :)
07-11-2005, 07:43 PM
hahaha ... you damn funni leh ...
Dun worri, Beng .. I will protect you ... hahaha .. and please carry on ..
PS: Beng, you coming to China ? if it is SH, many places have wireless connections free, coffeebean etc. little info so you can continue ...
Hehe Thanks bro ultra88man,
I probably will be in Shanghai, Suzhou, Dalian and Beijing. But staying in lousy hotels mostly..
hehe dun wori I quite familiar with the cybercafe there.
Will give more instalments of the story for your protection fees. hehe
07-11-2005, 10:58 PM
Bro LauHBeng,
Can't wait til u be back from China to con't the story....
Keep it up
08-11-2005, 07:56 AM
Nice story Bro LauHBeng,keep it up.Btw who zap my point without leaving name sia....Lame:confused:
08-11-2005, 10:46 AM
Yoyo bros,
Thanks for the bros who upped me again. Hehe now even more motivated to contribute.
I will ensure I will rush to cybercafes in China to pay my instalment regularly when I am in China.
Here we go....
I could never forget the dice game 'bluff'. My years of chionging clubs had trained me well besides in drinking but also the game 'bluff'. Somemore SIL was seated beside me, in my downline.. hahahahaha. hosay liao
As expected, the main loser was SIL. Half glass half glass down like down even I also scared.
It was already 1 am. SIL had swallowed at least 10 glasses. The way those TKB poured her drink also purposely do it thick thick. the 3 guys of us just kept quiet. As it was already 1am, my two buddies handphone kept ringing - thier respective OCs commanding to fall in back home. So they left and the room was left with me, SIL and the 2 TKBs (It was my turn to settle the bill and tips, but dunno why I always ended my my turn to pay. but nvm, my buddies had done a good deed by helping me to make SIL lost big big time)
4 of us carried on playing. SIL still lost most of the time, but I noticed that she was one of those rare good drinkers. She was high, but not drunk. As she was high, she was in much relaxed mode. Our bodies were always in touched with each other eg, my hands were always feeling her G-string, her fingers circling my inner thigh, my knee cap. There was one incident that her finger 'accidentally' brush against my hardon. I thought it was an accident. BTW my cock never stopped arching all the way. But then thereafter there was few more times she kept 'accidentally' brushed against my groin again.
Now my small head ruled over my big head. My hands, which was wrapping at her waist - the spot where her G-string was, started to moved into her inner thigh... and slowly explored my way very very closed to her wet cunt... all the while in front of the 2 TKBs in the room. i could feel the trembling from SIL body..
to be continued...
08-11-2005, 11:02 AM
wonderful bro... do keep us updated of the rest of the adventures...
great story just upped your pts!
08-11-2005, 02:19 PM
your story is very detailed...
i could imagine how you felt going
through your experience...very
good writer
08-11-2005, 04:52 PM
yo waiting for ur next installment..........
dun make us wait too long
08-11-2005, 05:37 PM
Dear Bros,
Thanks for the encouragement and especailly to the bros who upped my points. I will be travelling to China from this Wednesday onwards, for about 3 weeks. Will die die find cybercafe there and continue the story.
Bro Beng,
Good Story..BTW Most Chinese Hotels got Free Internet Access...:D
Can Continue your story there.
from Guangdong
08-11-2005, 06:01 PM
U are now deem to finish this story or else alot of people will kill u!!
Wah piang... siao liao.. this is more stress than sharing the same bed with my ex-wife :)
08-11-2005, 07:53 PM
I am not logging off till I read your next post.
08-11-2005, 10:33 PM
yeah, coz i guess u should know how it feels when u have a hardon n cant let go rite??? so faster finish ur story n let us finish our business ok, n by the way really interesting story. thanks. ;)
08-11-2005, 11:40 PM
Very nice build up on the story...Great story and great writing skills...we certainly have many talents here.
09-11-2005, 02:26 AM
As I was mentioning, my hand was rovering from SIL's waist to her thigh, then inner thigh... and moved towards her cunt area... As I moved my hands, I applied a combination of my palm and fingers. SIL would tremble a bit whenever I applied some light touches at her inner thigh. Kudos to the 2 TKBs inside the room, i knew they saw what I was doing but they just acted blur as if my hands were transparent(Knn later must tip them song song).
One skill that I had learnt from my chionging days was dun immediately attacked our designated target. As such, my hand was hovering around the inner thigh near to SIL pussy and retreated to the lower inner thigh... then slowly moved up to her pussy area again but NEVER touch her pussy yet. As a result, SIL's degree of breathing was basically controlled by the movement of my magic hand and I felt damn great about it. Her breathing was running through her nose and throat, but her mouth kept shut and she still acted cool about it.
After about 10 mins of my teasing... I felt that its time to charge at my target, though my hand and her bare cunt were still seperated by 2 pieces of thin materials i.e. her silky pants and her stunning G-string.
My hand was near to her pussy. As i moved closer to her pussy, the heat from the area increased, suggesting to me that SIL cunt was also breathing hard and perspiring with her pussy juice. Maybe her cunt was just like my dick, shouting out for attention? I moved a milimeter! I reached that piece of tissue paper (aka paper from Dynasty's toilet roll) which was stuffed between her G-string and her ahmmm (excuse me) cheeby....but still not the cunt.. but its damn blinking close liao.
"shuai ge, wo men yao pao tai le... zhao gu wo men yi xia haoma?"
(handsome, we need to butterfly to other rooms, can tip us now?)
KNNCCB! KPYLBATK!!! (i.e. kan phua yi lau bu a tey kor - Fuck their mum's underwear until it was torn!)
09-11-2005, 03:02 AM
Wah piang, ccb the tkbs really know how to make money. They pushed their melons against me. With the forceful melons against my chest, mind u its 2 x 2 melons = 4 melons, my hands were drifted away from SIL's body. SIL took the opportunity to stand up and adust her clothing, which puzzled me cos her clothing was still intact leh ( or was she trying to adjust that Dynasty toilet roll between her G and her cunt?)
Lan lan I quickly settled the 2 TKBs and they left the room. So.... now... the room was left with the only..... 2 of us! Hurray hurray!!!!
"Beng, I am not going to sit close to you liao.. You are real dangerous. Didnt know that you are so tiko" she said
"......." I really run out of words.
"Beng so how now? We left a quater of the bottle, shall we finished it or just throw it away?"
"I dun mind to finish it off since you are such a great drinker. But dun get me drunk and molest me hor" I relpied.
"hahaha fat hope Beng. From now on I must keep a safty distance from u. dun come near me. I am game to finish the bottle."
"Ok lor. Shall I sing for u?"
"No! I know what u are up to. No !" she insisted.
"Then how? Play bluff? one glass penalty?" I suggested. Hehehe bros u all know what I was up to. Playing bluff with the rubber container in Dynasty....I how to lose?
"On u! but one condition, we sit opposite to each other" she also not too stupid.
"Ok lor. anything u say"
So we carried on. Before that I got the waitress in and keyed in 3 pages of sentimental songs.
We started the game. As expected, SIL lost the first 4 games. As we were now sitting opposite each other (I pulled a cushioned seat and sat opposite her), my eyes were glued to her 34B throughout. SIL also steady type, she really gulped the 4 glasses of hard liquor each at one shot and she was real high now.
Ready for the 5th set. She started the bluff first. Guess what? She shouted 6 "3s". Knn she really high liao and the beauty was I dun even had one "3". I opened and she lost the 5th set again.
"Beng... beng....."
"SMTC?" I asked. (SMTC stands for simitachi aka what you want)
"Beng..... beng.... beng..... I abit drunk liao.... can dun drink bo?"
"you say leh?" hehehe my inner devil took over liao.
"One chance lah, change the penalty........ but no stip poker...I cannot go back drunk.... hubby dun like....can? ... plss lah..." she pleaded.
Knn she real high or fake one? Could still insist no strip poker. Her eyes were staring at mine when she pleaded and projected the CFM look. How on earth I could reject a simple request from such a fox? However, my heroic nature erroded within the second. I had a plan...
"SIL ok lor.. U think i so low to do strip oker meh?" I acted.
"good beng. good beng..... then I can dun take this drink liao right? Then you drink for me lor" she smiled slyly at me.
Wah, SIL's smile with her half opened eyes immediately woke my didi up again. Just imagine those set of eyes and the foxy mouth on my dick. Errrrrr arrrrr.....
"No problem SIL. I take the drink on your behalf. But one condition. I want to smell your breathe again"
Before she said yes or no, I took the glass and bottoms-up.
"Hands off har Beng!" Here she came....
SIL lan lan came close and sat beside me. Closed her eyes, again nose to nose, sharing the some volume of oxygen, she out I in, she out I in and of course my didi stood up even more. My hands were gentlemanly obediant and didnt touched her. But the sequence of 'she out I in' made my didi arched even more..Due to the liquor, her breathe was unbelievably sexy with the combination of her perfume and body sweatness. Bros, trust me, it was the most memorable. Fresher and nicer than our Ubi Island fresh air. My hands couldnt hold any longer. They started to hold on to her waist, again around her G-string.. and slowly found the path upwards trying to reach her delicious 34B breast. SIL immediately stood up and went back to her sofa seat. I lanlan... carry on the dice game.
Here come the 6th game. Same sequence. She lost and asked not to drink.
"Wah piang SIL, my-as-well I drink all lor. U win liao...I drink all lor"
"Beng... you a man leh.. take care of me mah..... As long as you hands off me and no strip poker, I game for other penalties lah... plsssss...." she begged again! When she begged, her eyes was half closed, lips was half parted and the voice... wah lau...wooooo...
KNN SIL really knew how to use her strength on me.. CCB I lte her go again. But.....I had plan B!
"Ok lor SIL, everytime you controll lor. My condition for this glass is..... I want you to feed me 3 mouthful of liquor through your mouth to mine! dare bo?" When I said that, my heart was pumping like siao.....
To be continued....
09-11-2005, 03:18 AM
May I vote you as the best writer, with the best story, and the best tease...
after reading must now organise KTV with my SIL, hurry let me read more tips... Set alarm clock to read you post... Either I am mad or you are
09-11-2005, 08:03 AM
Nice story bros...hope to hear more soon.
rocket cheongst
09-11-2005, 11:05 AM
Lau Bang,
U the man..... all waiting for your story !! :p
09-11-2005, 12:49 PM
Brudder LauHBeng;
Well Done!! :D
09-11-2005, 01:59 PM
Can't wait to read your post again.. think I'm addicted liao..
09-11-2005, 02:03 PM
Can't wait to see your post again.. think I'm addicted liao...
09-11-2005, 02:12 PM
Can't wait to see your post again.. think I'm addicted liao...
09-11-2005, 02:46 PM
Dear brothers,
Thanks for the excellent support over this thread. I will be flying off tonite liao. As promised, I will definitely continue my contribution from China.
BTW, allow me to gather some feedback from brothers. Is it ok if I carry on with the long story-telling process of getting SIL to bed? Or bros prefer me to fast forward to go straight to the fuck scene?
Honestly I would prefer to go into details beacuse that is the REAL story. By going straight to the fuck scene would not be that exciting liao cos then I need to fabricate alot of things... which I may result in too many factual contradictions.
Cheers Bros!
wa... keep it coming... =)
09-11-2005, 02:54 PM
slow and detailed, please!
09-11-2005, 03:03 PM
since i think most bros agree that you tell the story well, my vote is for the fully detailed, the truth, the whole truth and much more than the truth... have a good flight to China and looking forward to the mouth-to-mouth...
09-11-2005, 03:08 PM
Keep it coming slow and detailed...
09-11-2005, 03:10 PM
Killing me softly with his stories
Strumming my pain with his keyboards
Go slow but on a daily dosage, like "Our Daily Bread"
the journey is more exciting than the destination!!!!
09-11-2005, 03:18 PM
Dear brothers,
Thanks for the excellent support over this thread. I will be flying off tonite liao. As promised, I will definitely continue my contribution from China.
BTW, allow me to gather some feedback from brothers. Is it ok if I carry on with the long story-telling process of getting SIL to bed? Or bros prefer me to fast forward to go straight to the fuck scene?
Honestly I would prefer to go into details beacuse that is the REAL story. By going straight to the fuck scene would not be that exciting liao cos then I need to fabricate alot of things... which I may result in too many factual contradictions.
Cheers Bros!
Bro I myself prefer you to go into details, but make sure you don so detail (long...........long story) until one day you MIA hor. ;)
keep up the good work.
09-11-2005, 03:22 PM
Bro I myself prefer you to go into details, but make sure you don so detail (long...........long story) until one day you MIA hor. ;)
keep up the good work.
Kekeke okok bro.. the day I MIA will be the day SIL come into this forum and contribute her own story : How I seduced my Brother-in-law out of his brains.
09-11-2005, 03:26 PM
Bro LauHBeng,
wah piang, eh...u better make sure you continue....
Write all the small, small details...but just continue to write.
U are now like toying with all other bros here, liao....kept us hooked and wanting more....
hurry...hurry...continue please....keep up the good work.
Have a safe trip....after China trip, sure got new FR one.
09-11-2005, 04:37 PM
Please make sure you take care of yourself for all the BROTHERS in SBF, you shout 'frog', we all jump, any problem you post on your thread, we all fly there solve your problem so that you can write. It will be nice if you end it with a pic of your SIL, then you will be the star award, super star of SBF for year 2005....... anyone agree with me?????
09-11-2005, 09:31 PM
Wonderful. Already upped u. Excellent write-up on your true experience. I can only come and envy you and other guys such as iijeetpoon, kingero
10-11-2005, 10:27 AM
My boss as how come I am staying in the office these few days???
Oh I am waiting for a very important client Lau Beng, to get back to me, he is busy and is in China now...
He said, he better be important, ya....ya.... he is important...
Hope he dont come to SBF
10-11-2005, 12:01 PM
Kekeke okok bro.. the day I MIA ....... SIL come into ....: How I seduced my Brother-in-law out of his brains.
Yea, yea, she slaughter you more like it for sharing the I wish my SIL is so open minded..(Ocassionally open TV nia..not so hou fang..sign)
haha. bro i jus read ur story. damm exciting sia. i duno abt e other bros, but. why dun u find one free nite jus sit down n type out e whole story?? lyk tat drag, abit pek chek one. haha but any way keep e stories coming man.. n enjoy ur trip!!
10-11-2005, 01:10 PM
haha. bro i jus read ur story. damm exciting sia. i duno abt e other bros, but. why dun u find one free nite jus sit down n type out e whole story?? lyk tat drag, abit pek chek one. haha but any way keep e stories coming man.. n enjoy ur trip!!
relax bro gd things are worth to wait...:D
10-11-2005, 01:45 PM
slow and more details please :D
10-11-2005, 06:21 PM
Stop talking to us and contiune your story lei!Wow piang cannot take it already!Super steem man!
10-11-2005, 10:52 PM
song ah im goin to camp here:D
11-11-2005, 10:35 AM
How long does the plane takes to go China?..
Have been camping here so long, liao....where's the thread starter?
Hmmpphh....Must have been too "busy" in China with all the gers there liao...
Maybe he oredy forgot abt his SIL story!!.......:eek:
Faster, lah....all the bros camping out here, liao..
Err.....someone brought extra tissues to camp here or not?....cao cui liao...from reading his past stories again..hehehehe. Please pass me some tissues...pai seh!!
11-11-2005, 10:52 AM
seems like he met too many 'SILs' look-alikes in China already so can't have his mind here to post further write-ups:(
11-11-2005, 10:22 PM
Bro .............. r u OK??
Seems like those with SIL experiences all gone missing these days.
Am worried for you all. Hopefully only hiding inside pussy for that "totally IN" feeling. ;)
Come back quick quick leh!
Hopefully BIL or wife are not samsters otherwise find out u kanna chop 18 pieces. (this method in fashion nowadays u noe?)
Take care and cum back soon please.
From: Bros in waiting .................. for your SIL :D
12-11-2005, 02:34 AM
What a story, recommand go slow and detail!! clapsss!
12-11-2005, 08:52 AM
where r u SIL bonker?:eek:
Dun make up wait too longgggggg
12-11-2005, 04:01 PM
Dear bros!!!
I miss u all soooooo much mann!!!
I am now located at Xin Dao coffee house in Suzhou. Paiseh last few days busy with work.
Let me finish my late lunch then I'll make sure I submit a story after my late luch.
I go eat first hor...
12-11-2005, 05:12 PM
"Beng!! what did you just siad! U dare say it again! U want me to tell Jasmine all these?" SIL screamed at me.
"relax lar SIL I jus kidding nia.. I bottom-ups this glass lor...." Seriously I was damn damn scared... My dick just went soft almost immediately.
Suddenly the room was so quiet until I can hear the sound of my dick softening and resting into my cock hair... knn I really damn scared. The music in the room also stopped at the same time...
"Beng.... U really meant it?"
Without waiting for my answer, SIL stood up, adjusted her attire and walked towards me (recap : I was seated on a cushion stool opposite her)
I really dun understand. Why women always like that. I would think that SIL had been thoroughly seduced by then and she still wanted to act cool. But NVM I was not complaining anyway.
My heart was pumping like siao. Her every step towards me made my heart pumped harder. By the time she squatted beside me, my didi had already stood up agian...for her, though in actual fact she took less than 5 steps to reach me. That was the record time for my didi to stand up so fast.
She squatted beside me, all this while our eyes were glued to each other's. I could clearly listen her hard breathing, guessed that she was as excited as me. She was surely breathing through her nose and mouth now... her heart surely was pumping like siao...I wondered her nehneh was also hard and pointed now? I was also wondering whether her pussy juice was dripping like water running from a tap?
She picked up MY glass on the table, eyes looking into mine, slowly placed her strawberry-like lips onto the tip of the glass.... and took a sip.......
Eyes on mine.... she moved her lips closer to mine.... My heart was really alomost out of my chest. To me, it was like taking years for her lips to reach mine. Finally we had our veri first encounter of her lips touching mine, skin to skin.....
I was so stunned (by the sexy part or her looks? I dunno) that I just allowed her to transfer the liquor from her mouth to mine. The transfer was not only the liquor... It also contained her saliva and her lust. She did it in such slow motion that I was taking her fluid sip by sip. The clock just stopped clicking. The more sip I took, the more my didi arched for her attention. Haven I had reached. As she was doing the transfer, I could also inhale her sweet breathing...and her lips was so soft and tender...
Bros, that's it for today. I will continue writing tonite in a word file and do the transfer to this forum. Have pleasure reading bros.
12-11-2005, 05:15 PM
Worth waiting leh....But my dicky also like yours in the story..
Soften very fast when u say "thats all for today"....
I think gotta go release oredi
12-11-2005, 05:48 PM
.... To me, it was like taking years for her lips to reach mine. Finally we had our veri first encounter ....
Bro, waiting for your continuation seems to be taking years too... :p
Keep up the great juicy details of your encounter
12-11-2005, 05:58 PM
Powerful story...continue to write I will be back to read about it again
12-11-2005, 06:23 PM
Clap.......... Clap............ Clap.........:D
Welcum back bro:)
12-11-2005, 07:23 PM
Best story I've read this year!!! Thumbs Up!!!
12-11-2005, 10:48 PM
Thank god you are safe......:D
13-11-2005, 09:50 AM
Wow just by reading my heart miss a beat, cock stand too..can picture and the breathing also follow the scene...buay ta han ah.. carry on until you both cum..please...
13-11-2005, 05:35 PM
good story....can't wait for the rest of it....cum on more :)
14-11-2005, 05:52 PM
SIL lips was so inviting…… I was in haven, hearing the lips whispering to me…. Her lips needed mine to wet it with my fluid, it needed me to shower it with my bites. I knew the lips needed me more than anything now.
I was in fantasy until SIL had finished the first mouth-mouth. She remained squatted and stared into my eyes…. Her breathing was as hard, as heavy as mine. I was too overwhelmed by the encounter that I had completely forgotten to tongue fight her! What an idiot I was.
“Beng….. what…. have we done? …….What have….. we done?” She was panting like mad but still blurted out these words. But her words were so soft and tender that I had the urged to grab her to me and body grind (specifically cock grind) her.
“…….. SIL…… that was delicious….. 2 more mouthful to … go…..” I tried my luck.
“Beng that’s enough….. I have never done it in my whole life….not even to Nick (her hubby) .U keep this to yourself….. I feel so guilty towards Jasmine….”
“But do you like it? Do you enjoy it? Do you like my lips? You like my smell ? you like….”
“Stop it Beng! U know it all and still ask me….. …We have to stop all these nonsense. Are you taking advantage of me that I am drunk?”
“ok ok… discount. Just one last mouthful and we call it a day”
By now, the music in our room had completely stopped…. Even the lights had gone up. I looked at the time, it was 2 pm liao. As we had billed earlier and the mummy and waitress were all my people due to my previous heavy tippings, no one came into our room. I had even the waitress guarding outside my room just in case someone might bump in.
“SIL, one last one …. Finish it off then we are out of here..”
14-11-2005, 05:56 PM
Dear Bros,
Hope you guys like my story. Thanks for the encouragement from bros here. I will try my very best to update as long as I have empty slots in my schedule.
Once again, thanks to the bros who upped me too!
“okie beng, but promise me. I want your hands behind your back at all times….. we are already in forbidden condition….you promise?” Knn women were always like that. They wanted it as much as we do, but always acted cool…
“Ok lor….anything you say…”
“I dun trust u beng….and I dun trust myself even more…..” KNN chabo! Left right centre they also want to win.
“okie Beng, last sip. Go good boy… go sit on the sofa.” She instructed.
Like her obedient pet dog, I moved and sat on the sofa. When I was seated and looked at her, I noticed the CFM look at her face and the CFM smile. Wah… just by looking at the chio face I steamed liao.
She was standing right in front of me now…
“Close your eyes…. beng”
Har…. Hosay liao! As instructed I closed my eyes. I could smell her perfume close to me. As my eyes remained closed, I could feel SIL trying to remove my tie. Wah piang!! Kinky stuff coming soon? WTF SIL was up to?
Initially SIL had a bit of problem untying the knot, which made her look clumsy. She looked as if she was desperate to strip me, but got frustrated when she could not remove the tie at the speed she wanted. I acted blur and refused to offer any assistance. Finally the knot was untied, her devil nature surfaced. I could feel she was slowly easing the tie from my shirt… real slow….
Hehehe…guess next would be the buttons on my shirt….or would she go strait to the zip on my pants? Cannot leh…Dynasty KTV cannot do on the spot one leh….but I dun mind if SIL insisted. Hmmmm
“Put….. your hands behind………. your back Beng” she spoke with the sluttest voice I ever encountered.
KNNCCB! She used my $180 Barburry tie and tied my hands up! My dick softened abit cos I heart pain about the tie…. However, as she tied my hands while my hands were behind my back, she had to keep real close to me. Again the smell of her perfume stimulated my blood circulation tremendously. I could even feel her bra brushing against my arms. As she was trying to tie me up, my arm kept pushing against her bra, which was containing the 34B I had been dreaming of. I could even feel her hardened nipple, which made me conclude that she definitely was wearing a lacy bra! The $180 lost was soon overtaken by lust lust LUST. That $180 was sure worth the brushing of the nipple.
“hehehe Beng, now I feel much safer liao..” She said after she tied me up. “Be a good boy, now mummy gonna feed you drink.” Her smile was really killing me fast……
She came sit beside me, took a mouthful of liquor (this time could see she took a BIG mouthful) and wanted to move her lips to mine.
“WAIT… wait SIL” I said.
“Why Beng?” She sounded funny with water in her mouth…. I wondered how she would sound like if she did a BBBJ for me….
“SIL, now that my hands are tied… Can I have a small request? I really cant control the flow with my hands tied…..SIL, can feed me while u sit on my lap pls? plssssss?” I tried my luck.
“You say leh?” Now her turn to suan me
Ignoring my request, SIL took another gulp of drink and moved her lips to mine. Her perfume, her sultry lips…her everything was so tempting for my kiss, but I endured. I kept my mouth closed and the liquor just spilled all over my mouth to my jaw to my shirt.
“Beng, what you doing?”
“I told you liao SIL, I really cant drink properly unless you are seated right infront of me”
“Naughti naughti…….close your eyes….”
To be continued....
14-11-2005, 06:17 PM
Super story!!!!;)
14-11-2005, 06:29 PM
SIL stood up and clumsily tried to sit on my lap, with her leg closed, side of her buttock facing my upright dick.
“SIL… not this way lah.. Like tat …what’s the difference between you sitting beside me..I want you to open your legs, your breast…facing my chest…and sit on my lap.”
“Beng…. I really dun believe I am doing.. this…..”
She stood up again, moved closed to me. My legs automatically closed up so as to make room for her both legs. She really opened up her legs, shifted herself onto me… and sat on me, though there was still a distance between my didi and her pussy.
She started to take a mouthful of liquor and wanted to perform the stun. She placed her hand across my shoulder, holding on to the head of the sofa. As her lips moved closer to mine, I shifted my head backwards slightly, to the effect that she could not plant her lips onto mine. By doing so, she had to adjust her body closer to me, which meant that the distance between her pussy and my dick was shortened. She tried to make contact with my lips, but I performed the same trick until….
Finally her pussy was pressed against my hardon. It was so funny… our dick and pussy kissed before our lips met. The moment her pussy was in contact with my didi, I could feel the warmth of the wet pussy although they were still separated by the thin material of my pants, my underwear, her silky pants, her G-string and….. that Made-in-Dynasty tissue paper.
For a start, her pussy was just casually pressing at my didi. For sure she knew how hard my dick was and it seemed that she didn’t mind at all. No resistance from her to siam. Next came the mouth to mouth operation.
At my request, SIL did it at super slow pace. As she came close to my lips, I used my nose to carass hers. To my surprise, she used her lips to rub against mine too before our lips were glued to each other. The fluid was then passed on from her to me, coupled with our irregular but hard breathing. Haven Haven Haven!
Tua Tao
14-11-2005, 06:49 PM
Mr Beng,
Faster leh...i cannot camp here for so long leh... pls finish it by 2nite leh..confirmz will up u leh. :D
14-11-2005, 06:53 PM
Mr Beng,
Faster leh...i cannot camp here for so long leh... pls finish it by 2nite leh..confirmz will up u leh. :D
Hehe Bro Tua Tao,
Thank you for your support bro. Will carry on writing soon. But still got a few encounters with SIL leh. Dun think can complete all the encounters at one go. Paisey paisey :)
14-11-2005, 06:57 PM
wah *claps*
damn high... keep it going~!!
14-11-2005, 06:59 PM
u r the man ! now my dick is aching .... keep it coming, i dun mind aching for another few days. :p
14-11-2005, 07:44 PM
Beng.... YOU ARE FUCKING GOOD, please don't stop now... Beng:eek:
14-11-2005, 08:16 PM
Yup... keep it coming beng! Very good... :)
14-11-2005, 09:01 PM
At the same time, I mult-tasked. My didi was trying hard to push against her cb. Maybe my SIL last time in school was a girl guide. She really knew how to tie my hands. I tried untie myself but in vain.
Nevertheless, as I was pushing my hardon against her cb, she was focusing in doing mouth to mouth on me. I thought that I heard some soft moaning from her as she was feeding me. I tried my luck.
Noticing that the drink in her mouth was almost completed, I moved my tongue into hers. To look at her reaction, I opened my eyes slightly. I saw the most exotic scene in my life. There was my SIL seated on my lap, eyes closed with soft moaning coming from her throat and nose! The smell of her perfume, smell of liquor, smell of her saliva, smell of her hair…..wooooo….. Paradise!
As I moved my tongue into hers, she just half opened her mouth and no tongue action from her. I withdrew my tongue and felt a tremble from her… sigh of disappointment? Instead of trying to focus on her tongue, I changed my tatics.
I started to kiss her lower lips. From left to the right of her lower lips..with light kisses. SIL just remained in that position and let me did the initiation. The I bite softly at her lower lips , this time from the right to the left. With every bite, she trembled. I did it for a few more rounds before I used my tongue to lick on her lower lips, left to right, right to left…..
SIL just froze at that position. Next, using my tongue, I flipped open her lips and went for her tongue. This time round, my tongue was well received by SIL’s tongue. The moment I entered her mouth, her tongue approached mine. That was the first time our tongue met, willingly.
“Deng……..hmmm….Deng…..” (Brothers, this is not a spelling error of my name. Just imagine, we were doing tongue fight…so she couldn’t pronounce my name properly)
With a combination of sucking, licking, twisting , caressing of toungues, I would clearly hear SIL’s moaning. Her panting was so heavy. By then, her arms was grabbing onto my neck, her lips sticked onto mine, her 34B with bra was pressing against my chest. The most wonderful of all was her pussy. The pussy was not only pressed hard against my dick. It was grinding against my didi. Against and along my dick, in a vertical motion.
As my hands were tied behind my back, I was using my back muscle to grind her pussy in accordance to her rhythm. She was also using her strength to grind against my dick. Our combination was so perfect. Simply said, we were practically fucking with our clothes on. SIL performance was 5 star. How on earth she could lip me, grind me and at the same time produce that horny moans..
In between our frenching, SIL switched target at record timing to my ears. Her licking, her moaning into my ears made me hornier.
“Beng … beng…… what……..we….doing……..what we… doing……hmm…arr…Beng…..Beng…..”
As the sexual tension was building up, I was closed to ejaculation.....
Hehe bros I myself boey tahan liao.. The memories really make my dick arch like siao. Need to go find some holes in Suzhou myself... cya.
14-11-2005, 09:14 PM
like tis and leave us here doing hard time
14-11-2005, 10:58 PM
cibai lah... u can find holes to fill while our hole here leaking cum juice liao .... cepat la!:p
15-11-2005, 05:50 AM
Beng.... Please send me a private, I am going to dig out all my saving and invest in publishing a book call 'SILs.......' a true singaporean experience. in the synosis we will thank all bros of SBF and you will do your first launch of the book at Dynasty. How abt that...Deng.................
15-11-2005, 08:22 AM
Beng.... Please send me a private, I am going to dig out all my saving and invest in publishing a book call 'SILs.......' a true singaporean experience. in the synosis we will thank all bros of SBF and you will do your first launch of the book at Dynasty. How abt that...Deng.................
if u publish the book called "SILs" in sillypore market, I'm the first one Q-up to buy the book,quick do it fast hor!...:D
15-11-2005, 08:33 AM
Beng....Deng.............faster got one order alredi............
15-11-2005, 08:46 AM
can i order online or email waiting for the first edition got photos or not
15-11-2005, 10:28 AM
I want to be the editor so I can get to read it first with not interuptions :p
Free of charge service just to know how it ends....
Fasterlah, we all here with raging hard-on waiting for you to cum back
15-11-2005, 12:30 PM
Whao the bro here cannot leh, my idea you be editor, you shiok first I come out money... :rolleyes:
OK, i am collecting orders thur website... all proceeds will be donate in kind for Deng............ sorry Beng, to bed her SIL again so that he can post again for all of us, like buying her G-Strings and matching bras...
DENG....sorry Beng, forget about the tie, we will buy you 10 new ones.
Beng, if you did not score an A1 for 'O' level englise, I will personally call your principle and screw the fucking daylights out of her for you. Will print out the your post and ask her how can she let a writer slips out of her school gate, she deserve to be FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, now the bloodly camping starts again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:(
15-11-2005, 02:03 PM
KNN, post thread kanna zap, read thread also kanna zap, can the brother who zap me be a man and leave your name.
Maybe I kanna zap because I am publishing a bk about SILs, Deng......faster can...... you so long...... till I kanna zap for reading ur thread.....
ZAP all you one!!!!!!!!!! No one, I repeat NO ONE will STOP me from reading BENG's stories...... I am a die hard fan of Beng:mad:
15-11-2005, 05:18 PM
“Beng … beng…… what…… ….doing……..Beng…..Beng….. you report half way run away saying Boey Tahan, we lagi Beoy Tahan, come back quickly and give us the full report .... Beng ... Beng ... WHERE ARE YOU? ” :p
15-11-2005, 07:46 PM
More more please Beng!!
15-11-2005, 08:45 PM
Hehe bros I myself boey tahan liao.. The memories really make my dick arch like siao. Need to go find some holes in Suzhou myself... cya.
How abt I buy you coffee in Shanghai?
15-11-2005, 09:13 PM
Why are we waiting. :o
15-11-2005, 10:10 PM
please send in comments and support Beng and no matter big or small, some bro just zap me and ask me to just read.
Please leave your name behind, its a free forum, if he understand what is a forum, won't it be boring if everyone is like him, no comments, stay behind the screen and read people's stories with no views and secretly zap people.
Do you think Deng.... sorry Beng has a fetish to just write and receive no post from anyone of us. He must be mad if he like that, this is not a blog.
Just log on in the office and read get a hard-on and log on later to see if can get some more, dont have... zap comments lor. Well cheers to you Mr Old bird for zapping me, you can stay behind your screen and continue to zap me.
15-11-2005, 10:18 PM
R u sure the principle is a she and not a he or heshe
15-11-2005, 10:18 PM
R u sure the principle is a she and not a he or heshe
15-11-2005, 10:55 PM
Bro Ecoffee, the forum got some spoil sports. In another thread one threadstarter got zapped for writing in another language... go figure.
As for editor, I volunteer my expertise as I used to be an editor :p
Let me know when you sign Beng as an author, you can be the agent :D
16-11-2005, 09:59 AM
Deng............Beng...... quit your job, I will sign you up, all you need to do is to bed your SIL and post on our new book... how about that, getting paid and your job is to sleep with ur SIL........Deng...............Deng...........How
16-11-2005, 11:28 AM
you are such a tease. leading her on then stop short of giving her your hard horny cock to suck. you must have ruined many pairs of her g strings with cum. so wet even the dynasty paper cannot absorb all the wetness. then you go away and leave us to our misery.
good work bro we are waiting
16-11-2005, 02:03 PM
Beng.... Please send me a private, I am going to dig out all my saving and invest in publishing a book call 'SILs.......' a true singaporean experience. in the synosis we will thank all bros of SBF and you will do your first launch of the book at Dynasty. How abt that...Deng.................
Dear Bro Ecoffee,
Thanks for your support. Upped u to make it 15 points for u.
Seriously my angmo no really good. I really typical Beng. But allow me to add one suggestion to your plan... Our launch must include Made-in-Dynasty toilet roll as door gift.. swee bo? lalalalalala
16-11-2005, 02:08 PM
How abt I buy you coffee in Shanghai?
Yoyo bro shengge,
I will be travelling to shanghai probably on Friday nite for a stop over b4 going off o Beijing. hehe nice if we meet up then I mouth to mouth u. lol. lalalalalala
16-11-2005, 02:12 PM
Bros, lai liao lai hot delivery from China.....
Like the greedy Beng I knew in myself, I had not seen her stripped a single piece yet. I just refused to explode.
My hands were tied, didn’t even feel any part of her body yet. I just refused to explode..
My eyes had not seen her bra, her G-string, her nehneh, her pussy hair…and not forgeting the wet wet toilet paper.... CCB not a single sexy part I had seen yet. I couldn’t explode!
It seemed that SIL was enjoying herself too. As her breathing got heavier and heavier by the second, her moaning got louder and louder by the second, her body grinding got harder by the second, I knew that she was not too far away from her very first orgasm with me. I was wondering how she would look like with her orgasm. Would she be the category that would shaft her nails onto my body when she cum and at the same time screamed like there was no tomorrow? Or did she belong to the category that would just froze there and let her orgasm subside? I was looking forward to it. That was also the reason for me to control my ejaculation.
However, with her rythmatic grinding against my hard didi and her moans into my ears, coupled with her body pressing… I noticed that SIL had pushed the Dynasty tissue paper away from her pussy…which meant that the opening of her pussy was directly incontact with my dick, though there was still the pants in between us. I could seriously feel the heat generated from her pussy…and it was wet…real wet. I didn’t think I could hold any longer….
“Beng……….beng……..” SIL was gasping for oxygen...
Knock knock…. “Mr Beng, our apologies, but we really need to clean the room now.” In pop the cb head of the fucking waitress!
KNN! Bros, trust me. I really dun purposely spoil you reader’s mood by ending the sexy part here. But that was the REAL encounter.
Before the waitress popped in her head and apologized to me, SIL already jumped up and gotten away from me. I was still tied up by the hands and stayed on the sofa like a poor pig. Just like a poor desperate pig just being raped by somebody but didn’t have my orgasm. CCB!
SIL moved to the corner behind the door, adjusted her clothing and walked out of the room. Guessed she must be going to the ladies to compose herself. After about 15 minutes of waiting in the KTV room, there was still no sign of SIL. A waiter came in and told me that he saw SIL had left the place.
There I was, still panting hard, with my hands tied behind my back and SIL LEFT!
What a sight I present to the waiter. KNN could see their smile. They must be laughing big time in their heart. In the end, I gave up my struggle to untie myself. Gotten the waiter to untie for me. There went my $180 tie. To add on to my misery, I didn’t even touch SIL nehneh or cb! Somemore I must be the laughing stock of the year for the waiters and waitresses.
As I was in the elevator connecting the KTV to the car park where I parked my car, I felt something wet and cold pressed against my cock hair. I took a look at my pants and saw a patch on my pants, the spot where SIL pussy was grinding at my cock just now.
Whose juice was that? SIL pussy juices leaked from her G to her pants and onto mine? Or was it my pre-cum that leaked all the way to her pants? Or was it a combination of our love juices…. Mine pre-cum mixed her cb juice and her pussy juice combined with my drip of sperm?
Anyway, my dick was still semi-hard. I really needed to release. I seriously needed to FUCK. I tried calling SIL HP jus now but it was off and I dun felt like going home to fuck Jasmine.
As I was driving out of the carpark, I made a turn to the long Q of taxi stand. After a few minutes, I saw one of the TKB who were in our room just now. I signaled her to jump into my motor. Spontaneously she hoped in.
“Shuai ge, yao qin wo chi xiaoye ma?” (handsome, wanna treat me for supper?)
“Jiudian chi haoma? Guohou zai chi wo…hehehehe” (eat in hotel. After that you can eat me)
“HuaiDan. Sui ni bian ba” (you naughti, up to u anyway)
To be continued....
16-11-2005, 02:15 PM
i cant help not to get hard after reading your story. keep it up man we have been missing you...:D
16-11-2005, 02:39 PM
I will be travelling to shanghai probably on Friday nite for a stop over b4 going off o Beijing. hehe nice if we meet up then I mouth to mouth u. lol. lalalalalala
Dear Big Bro,
Shall I bring recorder?
Then I burn onto CD and sell?:D Just Kidding!
Enjoy your trip. If there is anything I can help, let me know.
16-11-2005, 02:43 PM
... Seriously my angmo no really good. I really typical Beng...
Bro LauHBeng, you too humble lah, typical beng with a penchant for Burberry ties, very classy leh :D
16-11-2005, 03:19 PM
Bro LauHBeng, you too humble lah, typical beng with a penchant for Burberry ties, very classy leh :D
hehe bro bro sg_boytoy,
I am the big bad wolf with the sheep clothing as cover mah..
My looks no good, angmo not good, mandarin also not good. Thats why must have heavy makeups so that got pussies to poke mah. lalalala
16-11-2005, 06:07 PM
My looks no good, angmo not good, mandarin also not good. Thats why must have heavy makeups so that got pussies to poke mah. lalalala
Wah~ so steady ah? Like that your "sian char bor" skills must be damn good man :)
16-11-2005, 07:02 PM
More More ... We Want More. :)
16-11-2005, 09:11 PM
Wah~ so steady ah? Like that your "sian char bor" skills must be damn good man :)
i bet he is damn good 1 lah, if not where got so many pussy to poke. anyway, keep ur stories coming bro beng, looking forward to it. thanks. ;)
17-11-2005, 10:59 AM
Deng....Beng...... due to the overwhelming respone for your book, alot of bros here is asking me if they can see a snapshot of your SIL, no need face just the body, decent want only, now they are trying to put a form into their fantasies.
Is it possible:D Deng................please:eek:
17-11-2005, 12:43 PM
Bro Beng,
Good stuff! Good Stuff!
Btw, enjoy yr China trip man!:D
Upped you liao, eagerly waiting next installment!
17-11-2005, 01:34 PM
All bros here,
Beng really is GREAT! Shall we all petition to the Sillypore President that Beng be awarded the Highest Medal in next National Day Parade?
And follow by 21 shots of canon?
"Baris... Hormat Senjata!":D
17-11-2005, 01:45 PM
PBM LauHBeng, Whao liao, wear white and white go and receive the award on stage and SIL in the crowd seated clapping for you and of course all of SBF bros will be there to see your SIL........
PM Lee: "Beng you did well, in Singapore we need many like you."
LauHBeng: :eek:
PBM LauHBeng
Chairman of SBF Adult Discussions 2005
Advisor of Dynasty Toilet Paper
Advisor of G-strings and thongs
Member of SBF
17-11-2005, 01:56 PM
PBM not good enuff lah, we vote Beng to be MP! He sits in Parliament and help cheongster legalise all "cheong" laws....
New Law No.1- You can cheong your SIL ;)
17-11-2005, 01:58 PM
PBM LauHBeng
Chairman of SBF Adult Discussions 2005
Advisor of Dynasty Toilet Paper
Advisor of G-strings and thongs
Member of SBF
u forgot Senior Consultant SBF
17-11-2005, 02:00 PM
How about Minister Without Portfolio?
17-11-2005, 02:08 PM
PBM, then MP, than Mayor then Minister, his surname also not LEE, must do step by step meh......
President cannot hor, wait the dig the information everything comes out...... then no more stories
17-11-2005, 02:12 PM
Maybe we all can start a new Party - The SBF Party and Beng can be party preseident. Sure can win election one.
17-11-2005, 02:14 PM
Alrite!!!! keep it up Beng.... well done, very engrossed in your story...
17-11-2005, 04:05 PM
Dear bros,
Thanks for the enormous support. You guys really make my day. Will keep motivated in contributing to you brothers.
Hehe I really IT noob, dun even know how to post pictures into the forum. Kekekeke even if I know, I dun dare to do it too. Knn scarly before i complete my stories, I kena chopped into pieces liao. I scared.
Bros, your encouragement is sincerely appreciated.
17-11-2005, 04:07 PM
“HuaiDan. Sui ni bian ba” (you naughti, up to u anyway)
There we went. This TKB immediately placed her palm on my left inner thigh and caressed it mindlessly. My semi erect weapon once again stood up at full attention. Inside the car, she moved her body closed to mine and laid her head onto my chest. I also shifted more to my left, grabbed her by her waist and inhaled deeply, smelling her hair. Wooooo, she used panthene (yellow colour design frangance). That turned me on ever more.
Her hand was caressing my inner thigh, once in a while “accidentally” using her nails to touched my didi, then went back to my inner thigh again. KNN as if I had not enugh seduction for the night. As she was repeating that pattern of soft seduction at me, I took a look at her dressing.
Unlike her dressing in the KTV, she was now in short mini-skirt with a tank top, showing off her 22 inch waist. Her skin was so white and smooth. The more I looked at her, the more I found that she looked like one of our TCS actress ‘Le Yao’.
Bros you guys should know, when a gal was in mini-skirt and when she sat down, we lau tiko could sure have a glimpse at her thigh. So smooth… so inviting….
I shifted my left hand which was grabbing her by the waist, and placed in front of her thighs. My right hand on the wheel was no more concentrating. My hands slowly moved up from her knees .. to her inner thigh.. trying to reach her underwear. Before hitting my target, I moved it down to her knees again. I was trying hard to make her wet so that I could have easier access later. After a few tries, I hit at her pussy…Sad… her underwear not so wet yet.
But my didi couldn’t take her seduction any longer. I stopped the car, pulled her to me and started to French her. Moans from her, but sounded not too real. At the same time, I tried sticking a finger into her pussy. After locating her pussy lips, I used 2 fingers to peel them away and inserting my index finger into her pussy…. Not too wet, but not dry at all too. Her hand was already on my cock, stroking up and down, applying a little pressure when she reached the tip of my cock head.
The other hand of mine was traveling to her bra. With 2 fingers and my thumb, I unclasped the hook with ease (hehe those bros who chiong clubs should be equipped with such basic skills). There went the strapless bra. My hand went to the nipple direct and caressed it first with my palm, then fingers. Switching between palm-testing her nipple to fingering pinching…. Hard and soft, fingers and palm. I could feel that her pussy was already semi-flooded with her juices while my finger was inside her.
As I started to finger fuck her wet pussy, she wriggled her body and also started to pump her pussy against my fingering rhythm. Hmmm, that’s more like it. Her moans were slightly more real now. As she was enjoying my fingering, the strokes on my dick were fast and furious. I couldn’t control much longer. But I still found time to locate her clitoris, which was real tiny and was hidden behind the flesh. I started to toy around the tiny clit, drawing the juices from her pussy and rub against her clit. Her moaning was becoming more and more real….. and I really cant tahan liao.
I started the engine and drove to the row of warehouses opposite Pleasure Doom. Found the place where the lightings was super dim. Stopped my car, dragged my seat behind and started the attack.
Luckily for me, this TKB attitude was 5 star. As I pulled her to me, she frenched me at her own intiative. Her hand immediately unzipped me and let go my dick........ it came.......arrrr...
17-11-2005, 04:14 PM
nice one...finally you appeared again with the next instalment of your story.
17-11-2005, 04:31 PM
Hehe I really IT noob, dun even know how to post pictures into the forum. Kekekeke even if I know, I dun dare to do it too. Knn scarly before i complete my stories, I kena chopped into pieces liao.
KNN, who dare to touch you before you complete your book, means touch me.... and our bros in SBF. Don't worry just post, if you need IT help just say, many here will be more then please to help.
17-11-2005, 04:58 PM
“Wah… huo jian tou!.... wo xihuan!” (Rocket head shaped dick! I love it!)
Knn this chick really knew her trade well. So dark inside the car could also feel the shape of my dick. Or was it she would say that to all her clients? Hahaha.
Anyway, I had no time to stripped her. I needed the fuck now and then! Using my finger to pushed her panties aside (sorry no G-string), I didn’t even bother to do further fore-play nor finger fucking. Grabbed her over to my top, used the tip of my cock to rub against her clitoris and then her pussy in circular motion, so as to wet my dick.
Out of the blue, I though that I was dipping my cock against SIL’s pussy. I thought I heard the woman telling me “Beng….beng…. I want you inside…….inside…. my cunt….inside …my wet wet cunt…..cum for me beng…”
Thereafter, with one forceful thrust, my dick was buried inside her wet pussy. Woooohh, the feeling of her wet and warmth cairn wraaping around my hard didi was unbelievable song. Like a dog desperate for hole, I started to growl and thrust my dick upwards.
“arhh… laugong…. Laugong….ni hao pang….wo yao wo yao….” (Hubby hubby u are so great! I want more..” KNN her SOP moans…
Due to the intense teasing with SIL earlier on, I had zero control power. After a few more minutes of vigorous trusting, well coordinated by her rythmatic pumping, I exploded all my sperm into her pussy. In less than 3 minutes I am done.
Though I gamed over at record time, this TKB didn’t seem mind. She must be happily thinking that my money was real easy to make. However, her 5 star attitude ended up her lying on top on me for a few minutes before my dick slipped out from her pussy. And yes, some brothers might be thinking why there was no mention about condoms.
It was only after the sex that I noticed…. Cb….. whack without raincoat. That made me worry for weeks thereafter, but its another boring story that I wouldn’t bored brothers here.
After we rested for a while, I paid her and threw her back where I picked her up – back at Pleasure Dome! Hahahaha. The beauty was that I never even bothered to ask for her name, where she came from..bla bla bla…To top it off, I didn’t request for BJ!!! Guess I really treated her like a whore…knn maybe I could do with a dog along the street too.
While I was driving back home, I thought of SIL again. I thought of the scene inside the KTV with her…… my dick came to attention again! And that’s less than half hour after I fucked the TKB.
From then on, I pcc numerous times thinking of SIL…. Until I had another forbidden encounter with my sexy SIL
Preview : Beng went to chalet with his in-laws. Group of them including the parent in laws, brothers and sisters, a gang of kids and…. Of cos my Sister-in-law!
17-11-2005, 05:09 PM
Your story fucking long but still not mention of bedding your SIL please post asap.
17-11-2005, 05:12 PM
Whao Deng, you relly know how to tease, now got preview some more?????
Bua ta han leh
18-11-2005, 12:06 AM
Latest:TV viewers ratings for Channel 5,Channel 8,U Channel are all 20 years LOW!
Beng, well done! The whole Nation is now watching you!
Please don't make us wait too long...;)
18-11-2005, 12:07 AM
Latest:TV viewers ratings for Channel 5,Channel 8,U Channel are all 20 years LOW!
Beng, well done! The whole Nation is now watching you!
Please don't make us wait too long...;)
18-11-2005, 12:57 AM
Good one Bro...
18-11-2005, 03:28 AM
hahaha that was an unexpected detour ! but still great stuff anyway ! see u at the chalet
18-11-2005, 09:46 AM
Your story fucking long but still not mention of bedding your SIL please post asap.
Hello Ah Boy... this is called teasing... u dun just straight away put your dick in when having sex rite? U need to foreplay 1st what!! U dun like to wait go read other things like Harry Potter ok....
Sex is patient and beautiful not strip, screw, shoot and scrub!!!!
School holidays are indeed here!!!!!
18-11-2005, 10:50 AM
...U dun like to wait go read other things like Harry Potter ok...
Harry Potter got sex ah :eek: , I never read before leh, shiok or not, ha ha ha :D
18-11-2005, 11:31 AM
Hello Ah Boy... this is called teasing... u dun just straight away put your dick in when having sex rite? U need to foreplay 1st what!! U dun like to wait go read other things like Harry Potter ok....
Sex is patient and beautiful not strip, screw, shoot and scrub!!!!
School holidays are indeed here!!!!!
Kekeke Thanks for the understanding Bro devilboy99.
Chinese proverb : Ying Xiong suo jian lue tong! (aka heros share the same views). kekekeke... lalalalalalala
18-11-2005, 11:36 AM
Kekeke Thanks for the understanding Bro devilboy99.
Chinese proverb : Ying Xiong suo jian lue tong! (aka heros share the same views). kekekeke... lalalalalalala
muahaha i suo ur lan arh! quickly write lah! ive paid u le hor.. 1 rep pt! dun keep us waiting.. ur foreplay + teasing sibeh swee!
18-11-2005, 11:39 AM
Preview : Beng went to chalet with his in-laws. Group of them including the parent in laws, brothers and sisters, a gang of kids and…. Of cos my Sister-in-law!
Beng - u da man! Ur story is well written, gripping, and thrilling! U should find a publisher quick cos u write very well. Looking forward to ur Chalet episode! Will defnitely up u when my power returns!
18-11-2005, 11:59 AM
Dear bros,
This instalment could be a very short one as I am waiting for my client now.
Got to stop when he arrives...
The few occassions when we were at the parents' flat for gathering during weekends, SIL and i behaved as if nothing had happened.
There was practically no further physical contacts between both of us and it seemed that our respective spouses didn't notice the firework between SIL and me.
SIL would still put on her usual sexy dressing eg silky pants with coloured G-strings... low spagati with glimpses of her cleaverage. But I noticed one big improvement. Her perfume was much stronger. I would feel the smell of her perfume whenever I sat close to her or passed by her. Was she putting that for me? Just for me? Cos I ever heard Nick saying he was neutral to ladies with perfume.
My eyes were now even more glued to her body whenever the opportunity arised. Visiting my in laws now had a real motivation - to see SIL and fantasize my paradise with her. There were so many times that I lost count that I had to locked myself in in laws toilet to pcc, with SIL filling my brians.
There was many eye contacts though, when we were sure nobody was looking at us. I also got the signal that she was telling me
"Beng.......I really enjoyed our session in KTV"
"....Beng beng...I know what u are looking at."
Beng beng..u like what u see? wana see more of it?"
"Come get me beng....cum for me beng.."
There were so many times she would just stared at me, strained her eyes..then raised her eyebrows at me. There were so many times after she caught me staring at her round ass and she carried on to bend down even more, trying to act busy. As a result my dick was always filled with rage.
A few months after the KTV grinding with SIL, I closed a big deal for my bank. I was awarded a few days off and was allocated a chalet with pool somewhere near to UDMC at pasir ris. Bros who knew the place I am referring to please enlighten me cos I really cant remember the place.
It fell on a few days on the week days. Not Saturday and Sundays. All in the family was going all out to apply leave for their respective jobs. The 4 kids were fine because only one (the eldest kid), who was primary one, was affected.
Few of the adults were successful in their leave application, some were not. Some gotten a day or two but not the whole 3 days.
Bros, client here. continue later. cheers!
18-11-2005, 12:00 PM
muahaha i suo ur lan arh! quickly write lah! ive paid u le hor.. 1 rep pt! dun keep us waiting.. ur foreplay + teasing sibeh swee!
Hehehe..... good motivation... suo me more pls.. lalalala
18-11-2005, 12:48 PM
I'm now glued almost 24 hrs a days waiting for Beng's story.....
It's official: Beng is the new Singapore Idol!!!
18-11-2005, 01:10 PM
good work bro beng.....
story seems interesting to share with us.....
18-11-2005, 01:29 PM
Beng F@#% your client la, we are also your client you know, anyway good luck, close the deal, walk away and GO AND WRITE......:D
18-11-2005, 02:35 PM
Any rich bros here can counter offer Beng a higher pay job? so Beng can concerntrate writing his story?:)
19-11-2005, 02:41 AM
I was awarded a few days off and was allocated a chalet with pool somewhere near to UDMC at pasir ris. Bros who knew the place I am referring to please enlighten me cos I really cant remember the place.
Aloha? Right at the end of Loyang Besar.
20-11-2005, 09:13 AM
Dear all bros,
My apologies for the non contribution these few days.
I am rather tied up with work in Beijing these few days. Will be back to Suzhou Monday late evening. Will try to submit my instalment by Tuesday.
Thank you bros.
20-11-2005, 01:52 PM
Bro Beng,
thank goodness u finally show up. I almost call The Straits Times and Lian He Zhao Pao to advertise Missing Playboy Writer BENG!
20-11-2005, 02:02 PM
Sorry the title should be:
Missing:Distinguished Visiting LKY WriterBENG!
22-11-2005, 03:35 PM
Oii tuesday liao leh!:rolleyes:
23-11-2005, 10:12 AM
its wednesday and still no news of bro LauHBeng.... should i file for a missing person ??
hehe just joking :D
23-11-2005, 10:18 AM
Deng..............I wait till end of today if you still never have any posting I will take action and start the womenhunt for you SIL to complete your story, alot of bro cannot tahan alredi
23-11-2005, 03:22 PM
bros bros,
really pasiseh. Back in Suzhou. These few days busy extending my stay here in China for another one month.
KNN service here KNS. today wednesday liao still cant settle.
Bros, Your kind approval to grant me 2 more days leave from Sammyboy is sincerely sought.
23-11-2005, 03:32 PM
So last-minute then submit your leave form, must take no-pay leave. See you in 2 days' time :cool:
23-11-2005, 06:02 PM
Alamak.. I was expecting the tuesday installment of the series...
Not threadstarter go on unpaid leave.... must check back on Friday then...
23-11-2005, 07:33 PM
2more days??? It's like 2 more YEARS!!! Siao liao lah jit pai :p
24-11-2005, 10:29 AM
bros bros,
really pasiseh. Back in Suzhou. These few days busy extending my stay here in China for another one month.
KNN service here KNS. today wednesday liao still cant settle.
Bros, Your kind approval to grant me 2 more days leave from Sammyboy is sincerely sought.
Beng, ur 2 days leave all bro's approve on condition that upon ur return, the continuation must be looooooooong loooooooooong one as expectations are running at a all time high! THis is da best story I have read in a long long time!
24-11-2005, 01:13 PM
bros bros,
really pasiseh. Back in Suzhou. These few days busy extending my stay here in China for another one month.
KNN service here KNS. today wednesday liao still cant settle.
Bros, Your kind approval to grant me 2 more days leave from Sammyboy is sincerely sought.
Beng, wan to upp u but bo power leh.....paiseh....
25-11-2005, 11:44 AM
solid story..up u pts
25-11-2005, 11:59 PM
26-11-2005, 11:54 AM
hehehe dear bros,
Thanks for your kind patience.
Now I am camping at Xin Dao coffee house in Suzhou.
Will spend first 2 hours here to complete my work. The rest of the day will then camp here to contribute the stroy for u all, my fantastic bros of sammyboy!
Cheers bros!
26-11-2005, 03:04 PM
Dear bros,
Lai Liao!!!!
On the first day, I checked into the chalet with my Dad and Mum in laws. Though I am a good Son in law in their eyes, they knew that I hated to do shopping or any housekeeping. As such, they have requested SIL’s maid to come along to help up.
As the first day pass by, the families reached the place at different timing. I kept looking out for SIL but she was one of the last to reach due to her work commitment.
In the evening we had BBQ by the poolside. The kids were really enjoying themselves. The ladies were busy looking after the kids while the man were busy around the pitch. Everyone in the family had the impression that I was lazy and always tired. Hehe they thought my job, which gave me a high pay, was very stressful and consumed a lot of my energy. So most of the time they would just ignore me and let me rest.
Hehehe while I was sitting on the beach chair, reading my book when the rest of the crowd was enjoying myself, my eyes were always full on SIL. She had changed into her casual hot pants, very short hot pants which showed much of her flesh from her lower butt. Firm and bouncy..hmmm I like. I noticed that SIL was always walking pass me, swaying her ass more vigorously when no one was watching us.
I was really enjoying the view till I had a semi hardon. The fire at the BBQ pit was just like the fire I had in my belly.
The BBQ started for a while and the kids had already taken their share. My wife was already in the pool playing with the kids. SIL did not bring her swimming costume along so she did not jump into the pool. Dad in law noticed that I had been reading my “book” all along and had not taken any food yet. He shouted across to me, asking me what I wanted.
“Chicken Wing and some fishball can liao, dad”
“OKOK Beng, Limpei cook for you. U wait for limpei har…” My father in law with his bengish English.
Toilet break. Back Soon..
26-11-2005, 03:14 PM
Welcum back Beng ! More, more, more. :D
26-11-2005, 03:28 PM
After a while, the BBQ pitch was left with father and SIL. The rest of the pple were in the pool playing with the kids liao. When father is done with my food, SIL was appointed by him to send the food to me, which was about 10 metres away from the crowd. Hmmm, guys u all can see why I respect my father in law so much…lalallalala
As SIL was walking towards me, her back was facing the rest of the people. Before she started walking, I noticed that her eyes radared cross the whole terrain to make sure that nobody had an interest in her sending the food to me. What was she up to? I wondered.
That came my surprise. As she approached me, She brought a fishball from the paper plate and started to lick at it! Her tongue was seductively licking round the surface of the ball. Her eyes half closed with her tongue painting the fishball already made my dick went full gear. Next, she slowly shafted the fishball into her mouth and placed it back onto the plate.
She came and sat opposite me, back facing the rest.
“U like my fishball, beng? I thought since u had tasted my saliva, this is nothing to u….” She whispered.
Without a word, I took that SIL saliva painted ball and gulped at one go into my mouth.
“Some more…. I want more…” Was it me or my dick talking now?
Next came the chicken wing. She took it near to her mouth, planted a kiss on the wing, sticked out her tongue and started painting the wing. Her facial expression was such a tease. I didn’t know that sucking a chicken wing for a woman could be so song.
As she was tonguing the wing, she would occasionally sucked at it. Just like the way gals did BBBJ for us. Hmm.. I was stoned there and just enjoyed the scene that I had never experience before. I took the wing from her and started to eat it. It was now my turn, I started to licked the wing with my tongue slowly. After a few seconds of licking, she took the wing from me and started sucking and eating on the wing again.
“Beng….isnt this consider kissing in public? Kissing infront of our spouse? The thought of it make me feel soooo good……” her voice was so soft and seductive.
Dad needed more plates and shouted across to SIL to bring the dirtied plates back to the chalet to wash. SIL left me and moved to dad before walking into the chalet.
“Dad, I thought I have bought some paper plates and cups which Monicum (the maid) kept in the kitchen?” I just wanted to be with SIL.
“KNN, that cheebygia dunno why she put. Beng u go take can bo?” Dad got request sure I must help. So I went.
The adults and the maid were all enjoying themselves in the pool. Dad busy with BBQ. That meant the chalet was left with SIL and me. As I walked to the kitchen, I saw SIL at the basin washing the dishes.
26-11-2005, 03:41 PM
better dun stop half way here after being let off for so many days ok,beng!;)
26-11-2005, 03:59 PM
“SIL.. washing plates arh?” My heartbeat started to pump.
“Beng, I am confused. I kept thinking about our encounters and I know its wrong. But I still keep thinking. We should stop there and from now onwards we behave ourselves ok?” She spoke without looking at me.
As she was talking to me, I went to behind her. Her ass looked so firm and bouncy.
“SIL, I need to wash my hands, if u dun mind” Ignoring what she had just said, I moved close to her until my dick was placed against her back but not her ass yet. My hands moved around her body and started to moved towards the running water from the tap.
As I tried to reach the running water, Our body came into contact. For sure she was able to feel my dick. But she didn’t shy away from me. I took my time to wash my hands and adjusted my hard on to her ass crack. She shivered but didn’t move again. Slowly, my hands held on to her and we soaped together. She allowed me to wash our hands together, but her trembling was more obvious now.
In front of us, about 20 metres away, were where our families were. But me and SIL seemed that we didn’t give a damn and just carried on washing our hands. As my dick was raged with the hard on, I still didn’t dare to move. Instead it was SIL who started to push her ass back towards me. The more she pressed against her ass against my dick, the more urge I had to fuck her.
However, from my years of training from clubs, I knew it was best for the gal to ask for it. If they could not tahan and wanted from us, their orgasm would sure come very fast. Somemore, the kitchen here was not a good place with the families all in front of us.
As she was rythmatically grinding my dick, I also pushed my dick against her ass crack. Her breathing was heavier by the seconds. I cleaned my hands with a piece of tissue paper and started to move my hands to her butt, in circular motion. Seemed that SIL was enjoying my raba too.
Without any resistance, I started to stroll my left hand further down to the rim of her hot pants. From behind her pants, I moved my same left hand to the front of her pants. All this while no change in our position.
“Beng…what are u trying to do? What u want to do? ……..arhh….”
“Beng … stop ……stop….stop…..”
With a split second, I unhooked her pants. She assisted me by taking a deep breathe in to create a little space for the pants to unhook with ease. After unhooking her, my hand moved to her stomach and started my circular caressing at the area just above her bush. On and off my fingers would accidentally combed a few of her pubic hair, which invited a round of trembling from her.
“Beng… they are out…side………they see………..beng…beng…”
My right had was traveling from her bottoms to her waist…..and along her spine. When I reached the bra hook, I stopped.
‘…. SIL….U want me to unhook this now? I wana feel you without your bra….pls…” I whispered into her ears..
To be continued....
Bros I will ensure I type somemore into a word file these 2 days. Next one will be a long one for u guys. Cheers! :)
26-11-2005, 05:21 PM
Wah... another 2 days to wait, cannot tahan lar! :rolleyes:
26-11-2005, 05:53 PM
super poweful story, keep it up bro..cant wait for the next episode..
Nice one... 2 days seeems to be like 2 years... pls continue ur juicy story sooon.... well done... :)
27-11-2005, 12:45 AM
haha leaving us with raging hardons bro
awaiting your return soon :D
27-11-2005, 01:44 AM
I sped 150km/h and beat 2 red traffic lights to rush home to read Beng's master piece and it's worth it!;)
Beng, next part of story better be more powerful one hor?
27-11-2005, 02:06 AM
one word ... SOLID!
27-11-2005, 06:35 AM
Magnificient. After surfing sammyboy for long, since delphi till now. This is the only time. i really have the fetish for reading such story. keep it up.
27-11-2005, 02:39 PM
“Beng Beng … DON"T stop ……DON"T stop….DON"T stop…..” :D
27-11-2005, 08:43 PM
“Beng Beng … DON"T stop ……DON"T stop….DON"T stop…..” :D
I second that don't stop..
27-11-2005, 11:55 PM
Bro LauHBeng, steady :)
28-11-2005, 11:22 AM
Beng, u really steady "poon pi pi" must keep it up don't make us wait too long....
28-11-2005, 12:08 PM
Bros bros,
As promised... here come the instalments bros.. hope u all like it.
"…. SIL….U want me to unhook this now? I wana feel you without your bra….pls…” I whispered into her ears..
“no……pls don’t…….pls……” SIL was trembling by then. But the signal that she was sending across like she wanted it desperately leh. Her perfume and body smell were so wonderful. Today must die die feel the smell of her pussy juice too.
Nevertheless, being a good boy, I traced my right hand from the bra hook along her bra strip to her shoulder. It was so erotic when I was feeling her trembles and shivers as I caressed her bare shoulder. With the experience of feeling her skin, I decided its time to feel more of her bare skin.
In one swift movement, I slipped my hand into her spagati, from her waist. My hands wriggled upwards to the front of her body. I pulled her bra cup downwards until her breast and her nipple were exposed and pressed against the thin fabric. When I was uncupping her, I did not remove her shirt. I uncupped her with her spaghati on, so that from far if people see they would not notice the activities inside her clothes. At the same time when I looked down to see where my cock was grinding at, I could see her ass pushing back against my dick. Her purple G-string was clearly visible to me via her white cotton short pants.
After pushing her bra downwards, I retreated. Before retreating my hands, I gave her hardened nipple a slight pinch, which of coarse caused her to shiver again. That was the first time I came into contact with her nipple. Hmmmm hard and pointed…believe me, it could be as hard as stone.
I always find that gals are more sexy when they are partially clothed, semi-revealing their vital parts is the most exciting part.
With both my palm, I started around her waist and slowly moved towards her breast, all the while outside her clothings. I could feel the enormous heat generated from her body, which made SIL smelled even more exotic. By the way, SIL had been frozen at the same position for so long. She just closed her eyes, continue her heavy breathing and let me felt her. She seemed to enjoy that precious moment with me.
With the fabric in between my palm and her lovely nipples, I just applied a little pressure onto her nipples, in circular potion. Wah, though I was behind her, could imagine how the hardened nipple felt like poking through the thin fabric of her spaghati. The sensual feeling just shot from my palm to my my spine and directed to my didi. Woooooooooo!
To be continued...
28-11-2005, 12:31 PM
“SIL, you like your nipples caressed in this way?” I whispered into her ears, at the same time blowing air into her ears with my nose.
“…………….er….er……beng, I never like Nick to touch my breast.. but you…..arhhh….beng……u think we should stop?..... They might see us….” SIL was +++ing to me and grinding her ass against my dick at the same time.
By then I was stimulating her nipple with pinches, finger gappings, palming and all the tricks I had. Her nipples were hard, very hard. And pointed too.
“SIL, I want u to tell me….. U like my caressing? U like me to feel your nipple?”
“…….. yes beng….. I am high….so high…. Your hands got electricity is it….hmmmm…..Beng…. beng………….”
“Tell me SIL, tell me that your nipples from now on will belong me me only… tell me that SIL…”
“Yes….yes…. my nipples are your private property…yours…. Only yours……”
“Listen to me. I want you to squat down and face me” I said.
“….what you want to do..beng…” SIL asked.
“Just do it”
With our families just outside the chalet, SIL obediently squatted down together with me. We could hear the noise generated from those guys outside.
Once we were hidden behind the basin cabinet, both squatting down, SIL immediately turned around and climbed onto me. She placed her pussy directly against my hard on and sat on me. Of cos she started grinding. Next came her slutty lips onto mine. Her tongue was so strong that I had no time to respond. Within seconds we were tongue fighting like mad.
28-11-2005, 12:45 PM
I sped 150km/h and beat 2 red traffic lights to rush home to read Beng's master piece and it's worth it!;)
Beng, next part of story better be more powerful one hor?
Haha bro hotarrow1,
Thank you for the support. Hope that a TP with a sexy mata with Japanese AV skirt is chasing after you for a "session". Hmmmm
28-11-2005, 12:47 PM
Quick quick cocking rifle already, safety off and ready to commence firing.
28-11-2005, 12:48 PM
Aloha? Right at the end of Loyang Besar.
Thanks bro CameAlot,
yes its Loyang Besar. I knn lau tiko... can remember the sexy part but not the road names. :)
28-11-2005, 02:40 PM
Lau ah Beng...u har really cock teaser..make my cock stand so hard and suddenly pull hand brake wat the fish!!!...anyway kum xia urs story :D , plsss dun stop cumming leh, wanted to know u got "ON' ur SIL or not ...:confused:
28-11-2005, 02:54 PM
Deng...... YOU ARE THE BEST!!!
Bro LauHBeng... ur story can fight wif bro Reeemer... so steaming... wahhaha... waitin for ur next installment...
28-11-2005, 07:46 PM
never post before but have to because you damn good. can sell to publisher lah. even though i read already sure buy
wa.. this is getting more n more powerful!! haha.. =)
29-11-2005, 01:50 PM this type of story...:D
29-11-2005, 01:56 PM
Beng ar Beng, li kee tor lo liao ? Ka meh tng lai leh. :D
29-11-2005, 02:14 PM
Bravo to Ah Beng...Deng. This is better than chasing TVB drama on VCD. Samster shd pool together an investment and get K Tong or Eric to make a movie out of year sure feature in Cannes....(RA)...
29-11-2005, 03:32 PM
LauHBeng, your writing is damn solid :D
I can imagine the vivid details, looking forward to more of your adventures :)
29-11-2005, 09:32 PM
Solid La....Quick I want the next instalment
30-11-2005, 12:41 AM
solid story...pls continue.....
y r we waiting......:) :)
30-11-2005, 10:59 AM
Bro Beng, YOU ARE THE BEST OF THE BEST.........:p
30-11-2005, 11:06 AM
beng! when are u going to shoot that thick wad of cum on her face or in her pussy!!!:p
30-11-2005, 12:06 PM
Bros bros,
Great satisfaction on my part that you guys like my contributions. Thank you guys. Sincerely thank you very muchi.
Here goes another instalment. Have 'pleasure'...
Once we were hidden behind the basin cabinet, both squatting down, SIL immediately turned around and climbed onto me. She placed her pussy directly against my hard on and sat on me. Of cos she started grinding. Next came her slutty lips onto mine. Her tongue was so strong that I had no time to respond. Within seconds we were tongue fighting like mad.
“Deng Deng…. “panting’….is this what u are looking for….har…..arrrhhhhh…Tell me….is this what u want?” WAh….SIL took the initiative leh.
“Hmmm…..” KNN my mouth full of her tongue. How to talk?
“Deng… deng…. U make me so hot… hmmm…..beng….” SIL hands were now directly stroking my dick. I almost came immediately when she touched my didi.
While we were in paradise frenching each other hungrily, I moved my hands towards her pussy. As her pants was already unhooked earlier, My fingers reached her public hair with ease. As time was of essence, I didn’t spend much time at the bush.
I located her pussy lips. Wah piang, her pussy lips were already wet like siao. Couldn’t imagine how wet her cunt could be. Her pussy lips were so wet… and hot….
“SIL….your pussy is so wet….. so wet….. its because of me?”
“Yes… yes…… darling… its for you… I have wanted u to feel me for sooo long…… u like it my beng beng…?” She was panting but didn’t dare to do it too heavy cos got so many pple outside.
SIL hand had also slipped into my trousers, but she was no more stroking my dick. She was actually pumping my dick with her had furiously. I wanted to explode desperately.
“ darling…. Touch me…. Touch me…..touch my below…. Beng………….beng..”
“UNCLE BENG!!! UNLCE BENG!!! FOOTBALL FOOTBALL!!!” Out of sudden I heard my niece calling for me.
“Ok SIL… I think we should stop……..stop….. I cant control any further…. I am going to shaft my dick somewhere if we carry on..” Now it was my turn to be the CBgia. Hehehhe.
“…………..” SIL was pumping my dick even more vigorously. Was she trying to finish me off before she stood up? The skin to skin feeling, though its only between her hand and my dick, was too much for me to take. I was going to ejaculate soon.
“okokokok SIL…. Stand up and face them….stand up…SIL…. I can’t hold any longer….SIL….pls stand up and face them.” I really going to shoot liao.
To be Continued.....
30-11-2005, 12:16 PM
solid..... more please.... me camping here.....
30-11-2005, 12:19 PM
Sweet...pls continue..:D
30-11-2005, 12:32 PM
SIL was really enjoying herself. My fingers were only on her pussy lips but I could see that she was trying hard to adjust open her pussy lips, hoping that my fingers could 'accidentally' slipped into her invitingly wet pussy.
Before I could proceed to insert my finger into my SIL wet wet pussy, we heard someone walking towards us into the chalet, at the main door. Immediately I pushed SIL up and let her stand in front of the basin, facing the main door again.
“AUNTY, u seen UNCLE BENG?” My niece asked, stopping at the doorstep.
“I saw your UNLCE BENG just now. But dunno where is him now. U looking for him?” SIL also good in acting blur.
As SIL was +++ing cock to my niece, I remained squatted beside SIL. My hands were busy, caressing her wonderfully tonned legs. Whenever I approached her inner thigh towards her ass crack, SIL would tremble. Her skin was so smooth and hot and sexy.
I decided to go for the pussy. SIL was +++ing nonsense to my niece. The position was now.. SIL standing up facing the main door, I was squatted down (or was I kneeling down) face in front of her ass cheek. My hands were rovering along her thigh, from her ankle..slowly up to her lower her shivering knee cap. I stayed at her knee cap for a few seconds, using all my 5 fingers to open up slowly around her knee cap. Then its towards her inner thigh....
I couldn’t remember what SIL was talking to my niece, but I knew my hands were trying to spread her legs a bit wider. SIL was very co-operative and allowed me to dig open her legs. Now my face was closed to her ass crack and I could clearly smell the huskiness of her pussy juice.
Like a hungry dog sniffing at its precious treasure, I started sniffing the skin of SIL inner thigh. As I Sniffed, I planted light kisses on the thigh too.
30-11-2005, 12:46 PM
Beng....Beng.... you dawg!! Please keep it up bro, don't make us wait too long for the next instalments...:p
sexy rabbit
30-11-2005, 12:49 PM
bro Beng,
Wah Biang, goto expode liao. Damn steam your are the one man!!:D
30-11-2005, 01:00 PM
[Beng....Beng.... you dawg!! Please keep it up bro, don't make us wait too long for the next instalments
Yes Yes Yes I second motion to that.
30-11-2005, 01:35 PM
Beng u cb kia your story is just like i chasing TVB AH WANG now...............knn sipei ho :p :p
30-11-2005, 01:52 PM
Beng u cb kia your story is just like i chasing TVB AH WANG now...............knn sipei ho
Hehe bro siaoCB,
hehehe damn song u all love me story. I will try my best to do a swee swee one for all of you :)
30-11-2005, 02:00 PM
Her thigh was so soft and the skin was so smooth. The more I sniffed and kissed, the more she trembled and the more rage I accumulated on my hard on. But at least I was not near to ejaculation.
“AUNTY U FEEL COLD? WHY U SHIVER?” My niece innocently asked.
“Errr.. yes niece.. Aunty caught..OUCH!” SIL gave a screamed and couldn’t complete her sentence because I was working on a love bite on her inner thigh, which was very very closed to her pussy.
“Aunty caught a slight cold my dear” SIL re composed herself and carried on talking to our niece. KNN in my heart I was thinking…your aunty was being sucked to heaven by your uncle beng. Where got time for football now?
I was in heaven too. As I was sucking her flesh with both my lips, my teeth was biting at it lightly..and my tongue was rubbing against it. I could smell the juices from her pussy. SIL must be as wet as just now, or even wetter.
Eventually when I had enough of biting, I took a deep breath and slowly moved my hands to the front of the pants. As the hook on the pants had been undone, I attacked the zip of her pants. I sensed her zip and very slowly pulled the zip southwards, and of cos I had to do it quietly too. Knowing that my niece was just a few steps away from us and the families were just a few metres in front of us, my heart was pounding fast as I unzipped my SIL’s hot pants.
Next logical step was of course her pants. With both my hands on either side of her waist, I attempted to pull down her pants. Her pants was tight, which meant that her butt was firm. As the pants was lowered to her hip, the butt just bounced out in front of my eyes – as if I was the kid unwrapping my Christmas present. PURPLE G-string. With laces somemore! KNN my nose gona bleed anytime!
My hands were both on her pants, I moved my nose closed onto her ass and deeply inhaled. I breathed in hard and breathed out slowly……
“mmmmmm……….beng……mmmm…….beng…..” SIL gave out light moans. It was then I noticed my niece had left. SIL hips wriggled and I could feel goose pimples around her butt.
As SIL legs had been spread wide by me just now and she was still standing upright, I could not pull her pants much lower. As such, I left the pants stuck above her knees. SIL just froze at the same position and left all the hard work for me, which I had no complains at all.
After a few more deep inhales at her ass (or pussy? I could not remember, cos I could only smell her pussy juice), I was so tempted to prey open her pussy lips and licked at her cunt. But I controlled, I enjoyed teasing her.
It was only when I moved my head away from her butt that I saw her G-string was all wet with love juices. The inner thigh, near to her G-string was also drenched with her pussy juice! It was the first time that I saw so much juices! I loved it and it turned me even more!
To be continued..
bros, last instalment of the day. I need to go find pussy to release liao...really need to shoot with these memories rushing into me as I write...
30-11-2005, 02:16 PM
Beng seriously u r the BEST.... U can release but we need u back asap otherwise today GL going to be flooded with SBF bros all also need to release n relieve urge......:p
30-11-2005, 04:40 PM
100 years ago, I'll die for Einstein
50 years ago, I'll die for Mao Tze Tong
Today, I'll die for YOU!!!:p :p
sexy rabbit
30-11-2005, 04:50 PM
Beng, wow!!!! dunno about you. but reading it already make my nose bleed liao!!! lol:D
30-11-2005, 05:24 PM
hotarrow1, die for you today,
I die for you tomorrow
Bro LauHBeng
You seem to have your own fan club! Quite a few of the bros here cant get enough of your story.
Well done.
30-11-2005, 11:42 PM
good stuff bro!
just added point to you! :)
01-12-2005, 10:48 AM
Singapore hospitals reports run on blood bank leow lah! Cos All the bro's here nosebleed already! All goin for transfusion!!! Beng - u da best!!!! U r Pulitzer prize material! Go and find urself a publisher quick!
01-12-2005, 11:37 AM
WTF Bloody hell!!...such an anti climax stopping the erotic story half way....ha ha ha..Who Needs A Viagra with stories like this.... Anyway ...Dont stop Beng!!!
01-12-2005, 12:14 PM
Beng! Beng!! Beng!... dont go... more more...:o
01-12-2005, 12:35 PM
Wah lau... Beng... You are really good man. I give my virgin post to you!
Hope to be in a situation like you one day. =) I think we should compile a book of SIL stories man... All these kinds of indirect 'incest' real stories... n publish it. Show that singaporeans got kinky sex interest man!
01-12-2005, 03:25 PM
Hehe bros,
Thank you for upping me. Thank you thank you.
A short instalment for your pleasure pleas :)
My hands were now gently massaging the flesh near to her cunt and it was now pasted full of her juices. As I moved closer to my target – her dripping wet pussy lips, SIL shivers were heavier.
“Beng….. beng…… I…I……i…” WTF SIL is talking I think she also dunno.
I pushed her juice soaked G-string to the right side and for the first time, her pussy was exposed to me. From her back, I could clearly see her cunt hair was all soaked with her juices. I came into contact with her pussy lips, so soft, so hot, so wet….hmmm
“grrr…..hhhaaa……….” With a touch at her pussy lips, SIL just melted and her jelly legs could not take it any longer. She let go and squatted down. Taking the opportunity, I wrapped one hand under her armpit and held on to her body, fingers carasssing her nipples through the thin fabric of her spaghati.
At a squatting position, her pussy lips logically opened up. Without me peeling open the cunt lips, her pussy was exposed directly on top of my finger.
“Beng… beng… I need it now……U are making me on fire… beng beng………please…..pls…….now….” SIL was hot and sweaty…..
“Beng… I am wet……..I can’t take it …longe…r… beng….”
My finger was rubbing along the passage of her cunt. It was slippery and allowed my gentle caressing. After a few more slides of my finger along the passage, I left my finger right at the entrance of the love hole. In circular motion, I massaged the entrance of her cunt but just refused to go in.
“HHHHHHHHHUMMMMMMM….” The way she moaned would sure kena caught by the family outside. KNN.
SIL hip was trying hard to bring my finger into her cunt. At the same time, her hand moved behind and grasped my erect didi. For easier access, I pulled my pants down and she was pumping my dick with her lovely hands.
To be continued...
01-12-2005, 03:39 PM
Walao... your story so far is damn sexciting. It should come with a heatlh warning in case some 'old cheongsters' here got heart problem! Everytime read your post sure nosebleed and damn fuckstrating coz got no release. I think my right hand going to have blisters soon! :D
wow.. bro beng... really cannot believe or imagine hw u did tt wif ur relative all outside... really surprise... tip on us how u do tt... anyway waitin for ur next installment...
01-12-2005, 06:01 PM
bros, last instalment of the day. I need to go find pussy to release liao...really need to shoot with these memories rushing into me as I write...
Dear Bro LauBeng,
It is interesting to read your encounter while I think would be more interesting to know you in person.
Unfortunately, I am back to Shanghai liao, after less than 2 hours stop at the SIP this morning.
Have a nice day!
01-12-2005, 06:10 PM
Whole Singapore, r u ready?
1..2..3.. Kowtow.... to....Master BENG!:D :D
02-12-2005, 12:50 PM
Bro LauHBeng,
your story is great sia...pls faster continue leh,cannot tahan liao..:D
02-12-2005, 01:24 PM
Bro Beng.... Beng....
T..h..i..s is rea...lly good!! Waiting eagerly for yr next instalment!
02-12-2005, 02:43 PM
Dear Bro LauBeng,
It is interesting to read your encounter while I think would be more interesting to know you in person.
Unfortunately, I am back to Shanghai liao, after less than 2 hours stop at the SIP this morning.
Dear bro Shengge,
No worries, I likely will station in china for at least another 3 months. I between coming back to singapore for a few days.
Check me out when u come Suzhou. i already cultivated the habit of stationing myself in ZhuHui Xin Dao. That botak sticking his eyes (or dick?) to his laptop is me. lalalalala
02-12-2005, 03:09 PM
hey bro, suzhou gals nice not ?
02-12-2005, 03:20 PM
hey bro, suzhou gals nice not ?
Hehe... so so nia.
The swee one all exported out liao, kekekeke
02-12-2005, 03:27 PM
Wah lau... Beng... You are really good man. I give my virgin post to you!
Hope to be in a situation like you one day. =) I think we should compile a book of SIL stories man... All these kinds of indirect 'incest' real stories... n publish it. Show that singaporeans got kinky sex interest man!
Hehe Bro verisio,
Thanks for the virgin post.. I can smell blood.....mmmm lallalalalaa
02-12-2005, 03:30 PM
Dear bros,
Here come another short instalment for your reading pleasure...
SIL hip was trying hard to bring my finger into her cunt. At the same time, her hand moved behind and grasped my erect didi. For easier access, I pulled my pants down and she was pumping my dick with her lovely hands.
I refused to grant her wish of me fingering her. Instead, I moved my finger northwards, in search of her clitoris. SIL clit was easy to locate. Its not hidden in a flesh and its consider big, compared to other clits that I had eaten before. There was no doubt about finding it.
Hosay liao, her clit so easy to target. When I reached her clit, she immediately put her other hand over mine and pressed them tightly against her as she humped her hips up and down, getting more stimulation for her wet dripping clitoris.
“YESS………..beng………..! this is the spot…..beng….dun stop….errrr…..mmmm….beng..beng…….my darling…. Harder… beng….”
“Here? Where? SIL…where?....” I pulled her ear to my lips and whispered, at the same time applying pressure on her clit.
“mmmm…beng… naughty beng…….mmmm…..please…..pleas……”
“Please what? Mm….u like my fingers?” I teased.
I could feel her cunt getting hotter against my hand as I gently rubbed and massaged her. Her cunt juice was flowing like tap water. I began to concentrate on the area over her clit.. She almost screamed, arched her back, and quivered like an arrow when it sticks in a tree. I thought it was time to cover her mouth with my other hand.
She was panting and pushing her clit against my fingers as I rubbed and pressed down (or up?) on it. I could feel that SIL movement was becoming more and more daring, more and more vigorous…
To be cont..
02-12-2005, 10:21 PM
Check me out when u come Suzhou. i already cultivated the habit of stationing myself in ZhuHui Xin Dao. That botak sticking his eyes (or dick?) to his laptop is me. lalalalala
Dear Bro LauHBeng,
Xin Dao is better than the Shang Dao in Shanghai, as they provide broadband for free, easy for you to put up your post and that is everybody wish. Well, Zhu Hui, not familiar leh, paiseh!
I shall PM you my contact nos. and will be there again very soon.
Take care and have a nice weekend!
04-12-2005, 03:21 PM
Beng, your story is very POWERFUL !
Don't keep us waiting hor...
05-12-2005, 01:12 PM
Bros Lau....
You are the next Singapore idol ! man ........
i will dial 1900 xxxx xxx or text 12345 to vote for you..... my idol !
Can any sammyboy's brothers out there spare me 5 points .... i want to up this sensational "sammyboy's best write of the year 2005".
Bros Lau .... u r the best !.
Brother ... Bob.
05-12-2005, 11:59 PM
fwah! Bro Beng!! U damn king man... keep up the great work!!!
More..... more.... dun keep me hanging here.....
BTW... when u going to publish your new book? This is damn steamy sia
06-12-2005, 10:01 PM
Bro Beng ... keep posting! We are all pitching tent and I think your next installment should be due by now...:p
06-12-2005, 11:33 PM
Brother Beng.... Your Thread is just like pringles... Once i pop by to take a look.... I just CANT stop..... pls update ASAP.... pls..
07-12-2005, 01:11 AM
can really visualise your story. also feel wet and need to orgas!:p
07-12-2005, 01:58 PM
Really paiseh can't contribute much last few days. Busy with work. Sori Sori...
She was panting and pushing her clit against my fingers as I rubbed and pressed down (or up?) on it. I could feel that SIL movement was becoming more and more daring, more and more vigorous…
By then, my whole palm was filled with her pussy juice. Though there was no physical contact between my dick and her pussy, the slurping watery noise created by my finger and her pussy juice was clearly laudible. I was scared to death that those guys outside the chalet might hear the noise, but at the same time I was excited close to death.
I wanted to fuck there and then. I needed to feel her warm pussy wall wrapped around my pounding dick. But I was scared too. My mind was full of – to fuck or not to fuck? I was fingering (not really, as my fingers had not entered her pussy yet) my SIL while the relatives were so near to us.
As I procasinated further, I heard footsteps nearing the main door. WTF!
“KNN Beng, to take paper plates for me must take so long arhh.. KNN kin leh!” My father in law shouted from the main door.
Instinctively I pulled my pants back and stood up. SIL remained squatted. I was scared to death. My heart was pumping fast.
“Dad, cannot find leh. I was searching the cabinet below here… also bo. Knn dunno where that cb manicum (the maid) keep leh. I go fuck her.” I replied and noticed my dick almost immediately went to sleep.
“Your SIL, limpei daughter leh? I thought she also here washing plates?” Siao Liao…..he asked about SIL. Did he see me and SIL raba’ing each other?
“Ya…. I saw her just now. She went shishi upstairs liao” I lied…noticing my lanpa was sweating and shivering like siao.
All this time, SIL was hiding behind the basin. I thought she would tease me like I did to her jus now.. but she didn’t. I also didn’t dare to anyway.
I quickly brought the clean dishes, that SIL had washed just now, and walked towards dad. Together with dad, we walked back to the BBQ pit and carried on tcss.
I was so scared that I did not even dare to turn my head and see how SIL was coping. Nevertheless, after a short while, SIL also came out from the Chalet. As she walked pass me, she gave me a slight squeeze at my dick. My dick immediately responded to her heavenly squeeze and stood up again.
“Let’s meet outside here tonite when they are asleep. 3 am?” I whispered quickly.
SIL winked her eyes and moved away. Was that a yes? Or not? I wondered.
To be continued...
07-12-2005, 03:01 PM
Huh...must wait till long...:D
07-12-2005, 03:25 PM
12 hours later ah .. okie will be there ! :D
07-12-2005, 04:07 PM
B E S T !!!!!!
07-12-2005, 04:09 PM
B E S T !!!!!!
後來成為了神.......AH BENG就是我們的神;)
Knn now my co is expecting...see ur story really turn mi ON......OMG:o
後來成為了神.......AH BENG就是我們的神;)
Knn now my co is expecting...see ur story really turn mi ON......OMG:o
後來成為了神.......AH BENG就是我們的神;)
Knn now my co is expecting...see ur story really turn mi ON......OMG:o
07-12-2005, 10:54 PM
Anyone can donate blood 2 me? This thread must have health warning! Aftre read nose bleed, eye bleed, mouth also bleed. LauAhBeng is da man!!! :D dun make us wait too long. later we suffer withdrawal symptoms! kekeke
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