View Full Version : Regina-The teacher in my wet dreams (with pic)

10-11-2005, 09:58 PM
Hi bro,
My 1st attempt at writing erotic story.
Actually wanted to post on Teacher's Day, but ended up making so many amendments that I only finished now.
Hope bros enjoy :)

__________________________________________________ _________________

Regina- the teacher in my wet dreams

I remembered my science teacher Regina who, I must say, is a super-chio babe.
She started teaching me since sec 2 and carried on as my Bio teacher during sec 3 & 4
I confessed - I opted for triple science secretly hoping that she will be taking my class
The other bio teacher an ah-soh looking fierce lady. The boys in my class always gloated and suaned the other class who got her.

I had a crush on her since the day she stepped into the classroom and at first I don't believe NIE can produce such a pretty teacher who looks like a jap star. Don't believe me? let me show you some pictures I took:

10-11-2005, 10:01 PM
How come cant see the pic???

10-11-2005, 10:08 PM
How come cant see the pic???

11-11-2005, 12:04 AM
huh like that only ah!

11-11-2005, 01:17 AM
cant see picture?;) ;)

11-11-2005, 01:20 AM
I cant view the pics also ...:confused:

11-11-2005, 01:41 AM
chey thought real pics of her.. haha

11-11-2005, 06:35 AM
bro pls click on the link; image is kinda big so might take awhile to load.
Now to continue with the story:

It started off as an innocent crush but as puberty hits me, it started to turn sexual.
Especially around Sec 3 my best friend Adrian discovered his father's stash of jap blue film and shared with me. There was 1 whose storyline is about a teacher seducing a student and it was my favourite. I think I watched it at Adrian's home so many times that he got sick of it.

He once asked me am I having a sexual fantasy about some teacher (he is not in the same school) I immediately denied but secretly, yes the innocent crush has turned into a sexual fantasy.

How can I tahan, when you are seeing a pretty lady day after day who some times accidentally zao geng

Sometimes I just stared at her and imagined that she is doing a private striptease for me:


My hard-on lasted me all day and I had to cover my groin area with my file when I walked home,
dashed into the toilet and furiously PCC.

When I masturbated I would imagine that she and me are alone in the classroom. She bent down to pick up something from a shelf and her curveous butt is sticking up at me. I could see the outline of her thong from her translucent white skirt and that gave me a stiff hard-on.
She suddenly lost her balance, fell backwards and her soft and fleshy bums mashed right into my groin.
I grapped her nehneh by accident when I tried to help her. She got turned-on and guided one of my hand to rub her pussy and the other hand to rub her breast under her blouse.

She moaned softly into my ear and moaned even louder when I slipped my middle finger into her warm wet CB

Her knee went soft from my constant digging and have to sit on a chair. Her blouse was off.She peeled the 2 bra cups bit by bit; I saw more and more of her white flesh, then the light brown aerola and finally her erected nips, leaving them fully exposed and she kept moaning "Rub it,rub it harder"

I rubbed them with my 2 thumbs and they sticked even higher into the air

I guided her to lie down on the desk, rubbing her pussy across her panties and kneading her breast with my the other hand
Then I lifted her legs to peel it away,
spread her legs wide open to lick her there and she will be moaning non-stop,
begging me to stick my finger into her vagina to satisfy her

he sat up and said "Darling I want to suck your cock" with a sex-starved nympho look.
She held my dick gently like a holding a fragile treasure and slowly swallowed it cm by cm until she reached the base.
Then she started sliding up and down, caressing my balls at the same time,
picking the pace until I cannot tahan and shot a mega load on her CFM face, but in reality onto the bathroom floor...

End of Part 1. To be continued...

11-11-2005, 11:04 AM
Hm...all the pic cant see leh...veri difficult to imagine..:p

11-11-2005, 11:23 AM
Hi to bros who can't view the pics,

maybe you can try to copy the link (right-click & "copy shortcut"), then paste the link in a new IE window...it works for me...

hope this helps!


11-11-2005, 12:20 PM
ok leh, can view all :p pics. Bro! u r the storywriter man..... first of this kind in SBF to my knowledge. Pic guided... heee....

Pls continue your very interesting story. Thank you!!! :cool:

11-11-2005, 12:35 PM
Thanks Bro

Solid, Solid, Clap, Clap, Clap, first time read such story, feel like reading x rated comic.
Keep the story cumming.

11-11-2005, 12:36 PM
ok leh, can view all :p pics. Bro! u r the storywriter man..... first of this kind in SBF to my knowledge. Pic guided... heee....

Pls continue your very interesting story. Thank you!!! :cool:

But too bad not real pictures....

11-11-2005, 12:58 PM
wah this story is making me a hard on man....

11-11-2005, 01:36 PM
But too bad not real pictures....

wow lau bro, dat is very high diificulty for threadstarter leh..........:D If u hv got a hard ON :eek: from his pics, = objective met!!!

11-11-2005, 01:39 PM
The best yet...story narration followed by picture illustration... keep it cummmmmmmmming..:D

11-11-2005, 06:14 PM
wow good. very power and pic flow with story. well done! up u.

11-11-2005, 07:42 PM
wow..reali a great story..sum more wif pic..till nw i tik 1 of e best 1..jia you

11-11-2005, 09:47 PM
Thanks to all bros for your encouragement :D
But to be honestI am not the 1st one who came up with this format of story+ pic. I got the inspiration from a bro who posted a story in this same format some time ago.
Ok enough of fei hua..carry on with the story

Part 2

During Sec 4 I was selected to represent my school in a bio essay writing competition.
To help me prepare for it Regina will give me extra coaching in the afternoon after school ended.
You guys will know that I don't mind staying back at all. Sometimes she will give me a topic and I have to write an impromptu essay on the spot within a certain timing.

One day I got this topic "Discuss the role of sexual reproduction in evolution of a species"
My heart skipped a bit and I felt myself blushing. Did she discover I am have a sexual fantasy of her?

"Edward why is your face so red. Are you not feeling well?" Regina asked
"Err..nothing Ms Regina..just felt this room is kinda warm and stuffy.."
"Ok I will open the windows bigger. You better start writing; I am going to time you ok?"
"Yes Ms Regina"

As hard as I tried I found my eyes constantly drifting to Regina, sitting gracefully- no, sitting seductively at the teacher's table with her legs crossed and the skirt sliding up her creamy white thighs.

It seems so close that I could just reach out my hands and caress it, feeling the warmth and firmness through the thin sheer stocking that she always wore; then kissing from her calves to her thigh and hearing her moaning my name softly in my ears...

Oh shit! she suddenly looked up caught me staring lustily at her. This time confirm die liao, I thought. Will I get caned and then expelled from school? How am I going to explain to mum and dad?

What happened next is totally beyond my wildest imagination...
She stood up and walked towards me. Is it my imagination or is her hips really swaying like those catwalking models?
She stopped in front of me, just separated by my desk and her sweet perfume filled my lungs.
She bended down to look at my foolscape paper (which only has a few lines written), treating me to a great view down her blouse and asked in a sexy low voice, "You only wrote so little; did I set the question too hard"
I mumbled something that sounded like yes
"Hmm I guessed I got abit carried away because you seems so good in biology and topped every test I gave the class.."

Again I mumbled something "butiamreallygoodinbiobcosyouarethebestte'cherinwho leschool"

"oh really? Then I guess the real reason is because..." suddenly she leaned very close, so close that I can feel her soft breast on my chest and whispered into my ear "because you still a virgin and haven't have sex before right?"
My brain seems to have exploded; my mind is a blank and the only thing I felt was my throbbing erection, straining to burst out from my school pants. Is this a wet dream or what?
"Well as your best bio teacher I have to do something to correct your lack of knowledge, both theoretical and practical."
She stood up straight and started lifting her skirt

"Let start with an overview of the female body. Since there are no teaching aid here I guess I have to sacrifice myself" She said with a CFM smile
She is wearing a white panties with lacy patterns of flowers and I could see dark shadow of her pubic hair. Suddenly with a jolt I realized-omigod she is wearing exactly the same panties as the teacher in my favourite jap blue film!
"Oh I am so silly, I should start from top to bottom instead" With that she left her skirt bunched up at her hips and started unbutton her jacket. She left it half off and pulled down the collar of her pink blouse. I saw what I have been dreaming to see for the past 3 years- her soft, fair and bouncy F cup breast.
Her skin is so fair that I could see a pale blue vein snaking sexily across her left breast

"Well are you ready to begin our private lesson? If you pay attention and be good, I give you the reward that you always wanted. Deal?"

Huh, could she meant that I could.. "But remember, I like honest, obedient boys. So if I say you cannot touch you erected penis, that means you cannot touch ok?" My hand quickly ducked away from my throbbing cock.

She seems pleased with my vigorous nodding and started removing her jacket; in 1 swift pull the pink blouse came off. Then her fingers reached in front of her bra; with an expert flick the 2 cups flew apart revealing the most beautiful pairs of neh-neh. The sun was shining from behind her right
shoulder and cast a sensual shadow across her breasts and somehow made them looked even bigger. With every breath they rise and fall gently

"Well seen enough already? Shall we get on the lesson?" She asked half-mockingly. My mouth was so dry that I couldn't speak but only nodded.
"Now Edward I am going to point to parts on my body and I want you to tell me their names ok?
Lets start with an easy one" She cupped the bottom of her right breast with her left hand and asked,
"This is a..?"
"Breast" I croaked
"Good but I want you to say it out louder and clearer ok?"
"Next qns: what tissue is it make up from"
"err fats...and hmm mammary glands"
"What does the latter do?
"To ..to produce milk for babies."
"I side-tracked a bit-how you make babies?"
"err....man and woman have intercourse.."
"Very good! I see someone has jumped ahead to the chapter on sexual reproduction already, isn't it. But intercourse is such a dry clinical word. I prefer to say have sex; fuck; make love. Any of these make it sounds better. Don't you agree?"

11-11-2005, 10:08 PM
Regina then caressed the areola lightly, as though she is masturbating, and asked " Now this is?"
"The areola.."
She nodded her approval and used her finger to twiddle her nipple; in a short moment it changed from flat light brown button to beautifully erected bud. My legs are trembling slightly and I desperately wanted sink my face into that beautiful pair of neh-nehs. Regina is like a sexy tigress toying with her prey-me...
"And this is..?"
"The nipple.." She nodded again. She did not ask anymore questions but carried on playing with both her nipples. And I noticed a subtle change came over her: she is breathing faster and heavier now. There is a pink rosy flush on her face. She is aroused already!

She still sat with her legs crossed but I can see her thigh muscle contracted from time to time.
She took 2 deep breaths to calm herself down and asked in a slight quivering voice
"Ready for the bonus question? Now I want you to answer honestly- do you masturbate?"

Huh?! What kind of question is this??? I opened and closed my mouth a few times but no words came out.
I mean what can I say. Of course I did but you don't admit this kind of thing to a teacher- although her behavior now is far from being a teacher...
"Remember I like honest boys.." Her left hand is still fondling her breast but her right hand has moved down and she was caressing her inner thighs.
Boh chap! Die die la! "Yes I do" My voice is a little shaky but it is due to more of excitement rather than fear.
Regina gave that slutty smile again and her right hand is moving slowly up into her skirt
"And tell me who are you fantasizing when you masturbate?"
"It's..it's you Regina!" Time seems to freeze and we are staring into each others' eyes and I realized she has a lusty look also.
"As a reward for your honesty..I am going to let you have a hands-on session..ouch not so hard!"
Before she finshed her sentence I already stood up and reached out both of my hands to grab the 2 gorgeous mounds

"Sorry Regina" I apologized sheepishly and relaxed my grip. My god..the first pair of boobs I ever touched in my life and it is Regina's!Regina's!!
YEs!!YEEESSS!!I am amazed at myself that I have not cummed in my pants yet.
How can I ever describe the feeling? It felt like I am holding on to 2 XXL size of gel packs- you know that kind you buy from the pharmacy for fever? Ok I know it is a pretty lame analogy but this is what I thought of at that moment.

I tried to think back what the male av did in all those porn film but my mind is only a blank; ended up I only massaged them clumsily. But wait, I forgot all about the nipples!
They are fully erected now almost 1cm in height and the areola appeared bigger and darker in colour.

Her nippples are hard, unlike the soft tou-fu like breast. I used 1 of my finger to press it down until it sunk into the soft flesh. But when I let go it springed up again.
On impulse I bent forward and sucked her right nipple and areola
"Ahhhh..mmmm you naughty boy..no don't stop..go oh hmm... " and her hand held my head against her breast.
"don't..mmnn.. just suck...lick ..I want you to lick my nips....oh yes like that...mmm" I found she moaned the loudest when I use the tip of my tongue to flick at her nipples.

She twisted to the right a little and her breast left my mouth with a slight "pop"; before I can protest my face was mashed into the other breast-ohh so she wanted equal treatment for the other side too.
So my Maths teacher is right; whatever you do to the left side of the equation you must do to the right too.
My fingers are still playing with her right nipple while my mouth worked on her left.

I felt something brushed against my legs. I glanced down and saw Regina's hand disappeared inside her panties. This horny girl is masturbating in front of me! Suddenly she shuddered and gave out a low scream. From the look of ecstasy on her face I realized she cummed.

I felt a bit of resentment- she was enjoying herself while my engorged dick is still trapped painfully
in my pants. This is so unfair :(
She saw the tortured look on my face and smiled knowingly, "Let carry on the lesson. Shall we compare the male and female sex organs?"
She gently unzipped my pants and pulled it down together with my nderwear. My little brother sprung and pointed vertically up, throbbing to the rthythm of my heartbeat.
It was such a relief to finally release my brother!It has never been so hard and the dickhead is a deep shade of purple- all thanks to the relentless cock-teaser Regina

"Oh purple-that's my favourite colour" she licked her lips slowly like a child rapt with anticipation.
She caressed it very gently with the barest touch but my body jolted like an electric current pass through me and a big bead of pre-cum oozed out. She smiled impishly when she saw it.

With her finger she touched lightly on the bead and slowly withdrew so that it stretched into a long thread and left the other end of the thread on her pink panties.
She opened her legs wider to reveal her pink panties which has a dark wet spot right in the centre,
and pulled it aside with her left hand

And she said,
"Here's a little reward for doing well just now.."Suddenly she bent forward and swallowed my whole little bro into her mouth..I almost cried out in pleasure..my 1st blowjob and Regina is doing it for me!!

Her mouth formed a tight seal and sucked in such that her cheeks collapsed.I felt as though my soul is going to be sucked out by her. Is she a hu li jing reincarnated or what? With the tip of her tongue she twirled and swirled around my dick head; I have to bit my bottom lips to prevent myself from cumming from the intense pleasure.
She gave a few min of solid blowjob but suddenly withdrew.

"Ok enough fun for now. Time to move on the next chapter. I think you have read enough about the female sexual organs. But you haven't seen the real thing did you?"
I shook my head.
"You point ..with your tongue and I tell you the name ok" What!? I get to lick her CB!!! Mai tu liao!!

I kneeled down in front of her and put my face close to her CB which is glisttering from her cum juice.
There is a sweet musky frangrance and I swear I feel the heat radiating from it. Wow she must be very steamed also! I micheviously breath out hard and saw her pussy hair scattered and revealed her swollen clitoris.
"Oorhm...you naughty boy"

I sticked out my tongue as far as it can go.
"Mmmnn..that is the outer labia..hmmm..this is..hm the inner one..urhh...dont' stop! This is thh...hmm....hurmmmm..clitoris" Her back arched when I tongued her clit
Suddenly she clamped my head with her soft warm thighs. Ok I got the hint!
"Don't stop..don't ssstttoppp..ohhh...yess.hmm...aarrggh..KKKIIIMOCCC HII...."
wow she just moaned like a jap av star!
Her body shuddered and her thighs clamped harder, almost suffocating me. But I tell you ..it is a pleasure to die between her legs. A light stream of warm sticky liquid hit my face..oh she cummed!I made her cummed!!
Her thighs let go and she lied flat on the desk, gulping big mouthful of air and her beautiful breasts are shaking like 2 humongous bowls of pudding.

She pinched my still engorged dick with her fingers and pulled me towards her, like pulling in a fish caught on the FISHING line. When it is close enough she planted a big wet kiss on the purple head.

She said to it, "Edward di di, looks like your gor gor is quite an expert in licking pussy hor. He must have watched a lot of porn films right?" Then playfully she wagged my dick up and down as if it is really nodding and burst out giggling with hre breast quaking

11-11-2005, 10:32 PM
She prodded herself up on 1 arm and said,
"OK you pass all the theory lessons. Now lets go on to the practical lesson of sexual intercourse," She licked her lips and then said sexily,"And I will be your lab partner."

What!? Either I am the luckiest Sec 4 boy in this whole Singapore, or this is 1 big incredible wet dream.
Maybe I should pinch myself to check..wait better not..if this is a wet dream I definitely don't want to wake up now!

She got up and pushed me gently on a chair. "Now since this is your first time I will go on top of you 1st ok? I can control the pace so that you won't shoot so quickly. Remember, women also want to enjoy the love-making too you know."

She turned around and bent slightly. I can see her vagina that is still shiny and wet with her cum between her butt cheeks. With 1 hand she held on to the base of my cock and lowered herself slowly.
I put my hands on her hips to help her and squeezed her butt from time to time and responded with soft moans. They are so firm and curvy that I guess J Lo will also be envious of her.

Time seems to slow. As she came lower and lower I can see more and more of her pussy. The outer lips are spread wide open but the inner lips are still shut like 2 closed door.
There is a thin slit where the vagina is, hinting at the pleasure that I will soon enjoy. My purplish dick head pointed straight up towards the slit like an arrow. I couldn't see the clitoris from this angle, but I know it must be swollen because her inner thighs are wet from her love juice.

cm by cm her vagina came closer, and closer until we made contact. It felt like a warm soft jelly, slippery from her juice and my dick head almost slipped away if she had not hold on to it. She pressed down with a little more force and I saw my little bro parted the pinkish inner lips and was engulfed
bit by bit. I suddenly realized that she delibrately did it slowly so that I can enjoy the sight.

Then before I realized my whole cock is inside her already and I felt enclosed in something warm, tight and muscular. she arched her head back with a low sexy moan from her throat.
Subconsciously I closed my eyes and I wanted to remember this feeling of my first sex forever.
Oh man this is a thousand times- no a gadzillion times better than masturbating with my hand!

"Oh Edward your legs are so hairy that you are tickling my butt.." She started to rock her hips forward.
I looked down and saw my little bro withdrawing from the vagina. Now it is coated with her juice so it
look shiny and glistening too. She did not let it slip out totally and stopped when only my penis head is
just inside; then she reversed and slided inwards again. Wow this is even more shiok then just now!!

"Feels good darling?" and giggled when I moaned in reply. After a few min of rocking back and fro she changed direction and go up-down. Her butt seems to act like 2 springs that help her to bounce up and there is this "piak-piak" sound.
I suddenly realized my hands are idling-how can! I reached up and grabbed her 2 breasts.

With my thumb and finger I pinched her nipples lightly and was rewarded by a soft moan.
"Good...good I like that..hmm hmm don't stop..You really learnt alot from those AVs.."
I cupped my left hand so that when she come down it will fall into my palm- heehee.... like she is slapping my hand with her breast.

She seems to be enjoying herself too because she started moaning softly. I am amazed that I can tahan till now. I thought I would have shoot immediately when I entered her warm cave.

"hmmmm..don't just use your finger. I want you to suck my breast.." She half-turned her body towards me.
I poked my head from underneath her armpit and my mouth fastened on her nipple like a magnet. My free right hand reached down to her vagina, fumbled abit and located her engorged clitoris. The triple stimulation is abit too much for her and her moaning became louder. Suddenly she freeze and I felt her CB muscle strangling my cock-oh I made my horny treacher cummed again!

She leaned her head back to rest on my shoulder and whispered into my ears, "Are you sure this is your 1st time? I cummed twice and you are still so hard and big.." and she tightened her cunt muscles again.
Her body is flushed pink with the pleasure of her orgasm, from the neck to the 2 mountainous mounds to her long graceful legs.

"I want you to enjoy your 1st sex with me" I whispered back and nibbled at her earlobe, and got rewarded with another squeeze down below.

"You naughty boy-all these while you are sitting down and make me do all the work. Now it's you turn" she said slutty. She stood up, abit wobbily, and with a wet "plop" sound my little bro slipped out from her cunt.
She can't seem to bear the emptiness."Oh Edward lick me again.."
Like a obedient puppy I squatted down and happily licked her

"Tell me what position do you fantasize about me when you are masturbating?"
"You men always like doggie," she started climbing on top of the desk,"But you what know what...my favourite is doggie too, because the dick can reached deep inside me and hit my g spot"

Her butt curved deliciously up towards me, CB and anus fully exposed because her pubic hair is plastered flat against her skin from all the love juice. I can see a thin string of mucus lengthened and then broke, falling onto the sizable puddle on the desktop.
Her back, curved in a erotic angle, pulled my eyes away and lead them to her breast. The 2 mikly bags are hanging full like 2 ripe fruits, quivering with her every breath, begging for my hands to knead and squeeze them. Her head is bowed down and she looked like a submissive slave waiting for her master to ravage her.
I suddenly had a michevious thought of teasing her-afterall she had teased me this whole afternoon; I must have my revenge.

"I am going to enter you Regina." Her creamy thighs tighten. I saw her hole opened slightly to expose the pink flesh inside and more of her love juice flowed out. But instead of my penis I slided my middle finger effortlessly into her vagina because of her wetness, and started pumping in and out.

I rotated my wrist literally "screwing" her. Because a finger is more flexible I can touched almost every part inside her. From time to time I pressed my thumb against her engorged clit.Instead of moaning she is screaming now and her vagina muscle is squeezing my finger
"Aaarruughh..no....yess..hhhhhhmmmmmm...aaaaaaaaarr ruggggghhhh..oohhh..

Her hips rocking,she turned back and pleaded, "Please... Edward arrgh..hmm..please fuck me. I want your big and hard cock now..not your finger..."

With just 1 hand to support her body, she reached back with another hand to grabbed my cock but I deftly stepped away each time.
"No you slut. This is a little revenge for teasing me the whole afternoon."
"Yes I am a horny slut...aarrgh...I am sorry now..please fuck me...I can't take it anymore!"
"Say 'sorry my master'"
"Sorry my master..hmmm..oohhhh...sorry my big-dick master...please forgive your horny sexy bitch..please fuck me..please ffffffffuuuccckkkkk mmmmmmmeeeeee!"
To tell the truth I also cannot take it anymore. I adjusted abit and rammed my whole cock deep into her-all the way in until my pubic bone hit the base of her spine.

"Yes..YYEEESSS..this is what I wanted.Oh you are so big..and long...you filled me totally" I withdrew and slammed into her again and again and again. And she enjoyed it,"oh faster...harder..your tip is hitting my g spot..don't stop..arrrrgghh..hmmm..don't stop.."
She lifted herself up and thrusted backwards in perfect synchronization.

11-11-2005, 10:34 PM
The classroom is quiet except for her loud moaning, my gasping breath and the paik-paik sound our body made.
Her cunt muscle tightened again and I knew she cummed another time. "Oh my god...oh shit..oh shit..I cummed....I CUMMED...." Huh? How come she sounded exactly like bro Proprimate's Yanti from the SB forum??

I am on the verge of ejaculation myself. I flipped her onto her back so that we are in missionary. I want to cum on her body and see my semen coated every part of her body-my final fantasy.
I spread her legs wide; my swollen dick head parted her lips like a surgical knife

In 1 fast stroke I speared her again. She is half gone from the pleasure her orgasm but her cunt is still very reponsive; it gripped my cock lovingly & tightly
She gasped and moaned incoherently as I pumped fast and furiously. her breast, still flushed pink from the orgasm, rocked up and down; I almost thought they are going to fly off her body

I felt the familar pressure building up and my dick head swell even bigger; I am cumming soon. She also felt it and moaned,"cum on me..cum on me...spread your hot semen on me.."
with 1 last stroke I pulled up and CUMMED!! The 1st and 2nd pulse shot so far that it hit the wall;but my next shot landed perfectly between her breast
Darn...I missed her face...

This is the best orgasm that I had. The post-orgasmic sleepiness rolled over me like a soothing wave and my knees went soft...

To be continued...

pls up me some points if you enjoyed the story :)

12-11-2005, 12:40 AM
Bro..i like story man....but i like your pics more...hehehe:p

12-11-2005, 10:17 AM
well done bro!up u liao for yuor contributions!keep it up

12-11-2005, 10:29 AM
Fantastic effort, bro. Up you liao. Please continue.:D

12-11-2005, 11:10 AM
Wow...Really good job there bro. Your simple narrative style is so easy to follow and the images it conjures is so vivid that I feel I'm in that classroom wif u.
In my book, you pass wif the highest distinction. Bravo..and I'm upping you.:D

13-11-2005, 10:27 PM
Tks for all the bros who up my point.
Just want to contribute something for your enjoyment :)

btw, I wan tot dedicate this story to al the bros who introduced their lobang to me like: (in random order)
-bro Popiah
-bro CK
-bro Acer3939
-bro Proprimate
-bro Iceman7
and many many others...

OK now for the conlcusion of the story

__________________________________________________ _____________

But Regina was shaking my arm vigorously and calling my name,"Edward..Edward wake up wake up. How can you fall asleep during a test."

Huh a test? I opened my eyes and saw the foolscape pad just 2cm away. I turned and to my surprise, I saw Regina fully dressed. How did she put on her cloths so fast??
Then the next thing I felt is the warm and sticky feeling around my groin. I had a bad feeling about this....
I looked down and saw the damp spot at my zipper.


I heard Regina gasped and I knew she realized what happened.


I grabbed my bag and ran out of the door;if my PE teacher saw how fast I ran she would recruit me into the school team immediately....

__________________________________________________ _____________

14-11-2005, 12:09 AM
Actually wanted to post on Teacher's Day, but ended up making so many amendments that I only finished now.
If teacher's day is still celebrated on 1 Sep, as I remembered ... you actually took more than 2 months to edit this piece?? Heng, you didn't try to write a book. :rolleyes:

Peaceful Man
14-11-2005, 12:16 AM
Simple solid......do