View Full Version : The Myths on ANGIE the "SheMale"
17-11-2005, 02:35 PM
few days back dee yahoo got this ad
say she sexy and pretty with erotic massage to add
sms to tell her I want to try
she handphone me her number to reply
arrange the session at bencoolen81 as she want
fixed the time and sms her room number when its done
ding dong ding dong the door bell sound
outside got one pretty and sexy lady standing around
invite her in like a young man in a rush
dun believe my luck that what she wrote in her ad was true enough
took a bath alone and lie on bed with nothing
she slowly tease u by undressing to her bra n g-string
her boobs size is B almost like reaching C
her body proportion is just right and damn sexy
she did a strong massage on the back at the very start
then she put the pillow under my brother to raise the butt
slowly she twirl her fingers on your asshole
felt damn shiok for the next 10 minutes or so
seeing that the didi was aroused and standing up
ask her whether can touch her breast to try my luck
she just smile and tell me can see and no touch
I was pretty kwai and did not argue too much
her handjob must say was pretty shiok and nice
where to find a sexy girl in bra n g-string unless in paradise
now the myth about her being not a girl
my suggestion to all is to try yourself to confer
use your brain to think that if she really was a "trans"
then she will surely do everything for money if given the chance
why she insist no bj and sex and no touch to be done
my feeling is she is committed to be clean for her special "one"
I WILL vouch for her that she is one hundred per cent girl
if got chance would want to have sex with her
to all brothers who wish to try
look her up at the yahoo classifieds.
17-11-2005, 02:59 PM
With a senior member of this forum vouching for her... i will book the session with her!
17-11-2005, 03:33 PM
what's the damage, bro ?
21-11-2005, 01:13 PM
Dear all bros,
I see a Yahoo ad their day, I wonder how can this Richard guranteed Angie is a 100% female. By voices, dont be silly.. he cant guranteed by voices. Have he try her yet? Have he see her/his below? No right, then how can he guranteed. But over here, I would like to said that she likes to massage ppl ass.. during the session and I am thinking that she might be using her dick to massage you guys ass... if she is a shemale. When you are enjoying. She might use her dick to screw you instead of finger when you dont be careful. Unless you can guranteed she is 100% female. And all bros, you also cant confirm even you attend her session because she wont proof it to you.
Later you will be dreaming of being screwed by a trans...hahahaha. Well, I apologize if I wrote anything wrong but please all bro, confirm first before you go ahead otherwise you will regret. I might be wrong but I never say she is not 100% female but better confirm. The question now is how do confirm?
Ask her also useless, rite... then how?????
All bros, 100 is not cheap so better think twice or even three times before you try.
17-01-2006, 11:46 PM
Hey Bros was looking to see if anyone had a made a contact about Dee also from yahoo ads but couldnt then saw this on Angie. I personally have met her on 3 occasions or maybe itz 4 cant remember. Well as what was said b4 by the thread starter she is who she sayz she is.
btw there is another thread on her which was started later
PS. i may be a noob here but there are some bros out here who dont do their hw and can pm me asking me for her no. ITS ON YAHOO ADS do some searching
18-01-2006, 10:06 AM
I have not tried Angie but Bro Simimabochap had tried her massage and some others have heard her speak. They have all said that she is a lady.
Nonetheless, she doesn't allow touching and that ring a bell of suspicion. Normally, a lady who dares to do what she is doing, will allow some touching at least.
Anyway, if she doesn't allow all these, very hard to feel and see & decide for ourselves if she is a lady or she is a lady boy.
Whatever is the case, Bros who feel that she is a lady, then take it as that and enjoy yourself. For bros who prefer not to try a possible lady boy, you can just avoid her.
No need for further proof unless Angie is prepared to bare more of herself to a senior bro. Perharps if Bro Simimabochap can try her again and she allows Bro Simimabochap to feel and see all, the rest of the bros will be more wiling to believe that they are cheonging a real lady.:)
Just my perspective from someone who is reading the thread but has not met Angie before. Hope it doesn't cause any offence.
18-01-2006, 11:16 AM
I have actually post regarding her. But if you guys still want to try...think is all depends on you. It is unimportant already to know whether she is a shemale or not. Since you all wanted to try her. Her price is a bit steep. Well, I can say is not a bit but a lot. Anyway, you can still try her as her HJ is good according to most of the FR. I have yet to try her but many of my friends has tried her and I was told that she look like a shemale and there was a post at Yahoo classified by Robert. Pls refer.
However, I was told that her HJ is good so it is worthwhile to try in a way of saying.
18-01-2006, 03:17 PM
I can aso vouch for it that she is for real, chateted to her bout many things n even gotten to know tat she has a BF but he dun know tat she is doing massages.
I know im juz some average forum guy here, but this angie we r mentioning is totally a true female.. i was short changed once while doing the massage she was wearing a panty instead, n she apologise n told me she was having her period so she did wear her G-string..
24-01-2006, 10:55 AM
someone zapped me 2 points for my post
i dun feel anything except maybe a slight itch the most
he must be disappointed or envious with the thread
though its pretty sincere on the things I have said
would have like to know his anger to why he zap
then to agonise over the points deduction instead
i was well rewarded for the posts I made
am sure that brothers will up me to reinstate
24-01-2006, 11:04 AM
someone zapped me 2 points for my post
i dun feel anything except maybe a slight itch the most
he must be disappointed or envious with the thread
though its pretty sincere on the things I have said
would have like to know his anger to why he zap
then to agonise over the points deduction instead
i was well rewarded for the posts I made
am sure that brothers will up me to reinstate
Although I am not sure who is the one whom zapped u. I read through your FR and found that the person shouldn't zap u. And Angie is a female according to Bro Whiteshark. Will try to up u.
25-01-2006, 02:59 AM
someone zapped me 2 points for my post
I have said would have like to know his anger to why he zap
then to agonise over the points deduction instead
i was well rewarded for the posts I made
am sure that brothers will up me to reinstate
I got zapped till pts was about 4. I don't know why but I hope you keep on posting the FRs. There are ppl who aren't happy with what they read.
25-01-2006, 08:15 AM
Bro Simimabochap & Berg51,
I was zapped up to 6 pts too. Signz... Anyway, when my power return, I will up both of you, one at a time with my 2 humble points.
It just don't feel good to be zapped and not know the reason. Anyway, live and let live. This is part and parcel of life.
someone zapped me 2 points for my post
i dun feel anything except maybe a slight itch the most
he must be disappointed or envious with the thread
though its pretty sincere on the things I have said
would have like to know his anger to why he zap
then to agonise over the points deduction instead
i was well rewarded for the posts I made
am sure that brothers will up me to reinstate
25-01-2006, 01:59 PM
had tried her service months back,very nice,pretty lady
my compliments to the doctor who did the plastic surgery if Angie is a shemale,really can't tell the different!
another point is her voice,can't sense any "she-male" tone
look is sweet
figure is nice
good pr skill
massage is good
hj is power
what else we want?she might has her reasons not to be touch,why bother?
this was my first time "see no touch" hj,quite interesting.
lastly,even i am blind,i still think Angie is a lady........
bro,u decide
27-01-2006, 10:58 AM
As promised to Bro Berg51 and Simimabochap. Up both of you already. :)
Bro Simimabochap & Berg51,
I was zapped up to 6 pts too. Signz... Anyway, when my power return, I will up both of you, one at a time with my 2 humble points.
It just don't feel good to be zapped and not know the reason. Anyway, live and let live. This is part and parcel of life.
27-01-2006, 11:11 AM
Actually I have tried her a few months ago after reading some FR. To me, she is a female. That time, someone call Robert flame her of being a shemale. I couldn't see her adam apple. And Bro Whiteshark had post a field report saying that she is a female. Now, she even provide body scrub if I am not wrong. As for RTF, think I won't because I like BJ and FJ.
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