View Full Version : in love with fl
28-11-2005, 07:21 PM
i fall in love with a FL and not local...pls give some advises....very confused now....:confused:
28-11-2005, 07:25 PM
i fall in love with a FL and not local...pls give some advises....very confused now...
my advice: give me 80% of your money so that u wont burn it on her. trust me, i'll give u good interest rates :D
28-11-2005, 07:25 PM
i fall in love with a FL and not local...pls give some advises....very confused now....:confused:
Bro leo_ng77,
I tink tat I shall be in the same boat as you soon after visiting a FL today.. :p .. Yr FL frm which country
28-11-2005, 07:34 PM
well, been confused with lots of issues....never happened before after so many yrs....
just need some good advices......anyone encounter this before....
28-11-2005, 08:40 PM
i fall in love with a FL and not local...pls give some advises....very confused now....:confused:
Dump her for another FL. Trust me. :cool:
28-11-2005, 09:37 PM
thought all bros love fl ? :cool:
28-11-2005, 10:24 PM
Tell the fl u r not rich and in order to meet her, you have spend all your savings. Your bank account now is only $50. If she is willing to give her earnings to you, and you get to bonk her for free, u're in luck.
Do the calculation, salesman sweet talk to you so that you'll buy their products, fl says they love you so that you will rtf her with your hard earn $$$.
Apart fm that, can you accept that many man has already bonk her? And I believe you'll not be her last, believe me.
Just my view, don't really know your situation, so just say what i think.
29-11-2005, 02:28 AM
i fall in love with a FL and not local...pls give some advises....very confused now....
Haizzz u love her body but not her soul....:p
29-11-2005, 02:35 AM
i fall in love with a FL and not local...pls give some advises....very confused now....:confused:
yo bro u kanna "GONG TAO" !!!!!!
yr gal from thailand???
29-11-2005, 02:56 AM
not only thailand know 'gong tau'
i think i used to kana 'gong tau' from a china gal...
duno y so obsessed with her til my family almost broken up..
but luckily came to senses on time to save my little family!!! Phewwww...
29-11-2005, 03:00 AM
duno y so obsessed with her til my family almost broken up..
but luckily came to senses on time to save my little family!!! Phewwww...[/QUOTE]
wah bro,
glad u came yr to yr senses in time
sad to hear that.
i oso kanna b4, my experience is with thai gal.
used to have a soft spot for them
now i dun even think about it
thanks for sharing bro
29-11-2005, 06:18 AM
many advice here are good. unless you can over come to thought of her bedded many men then by all means start fresh forget her past and enjoy your lives together. however when you go through a rough patch with the relationship, over an argument one day her past will stick out like a sore man could ever bare the thought of their love one been bonked by other men. good luck in reaching your decission.
29-11-2005, 10:00 AM
Bro u must understand that sometimes u think u luv her but it is only lust...
Sometimes u really luv her but she only luv u because of $$$, that will even hurt u more......
i used to think i love this FL very much, will visit her at least 5times a week including afternoons... until i was broke... when i was broke she still call her ask me to come visit her... told her i broke. Guess what she never call me till my payday and her 1st question was am i coming today. i knew that was it... time to move on... she only wants my $$$
29-11-2005, 10:19 AM
My advice to you...go overseas especially China and you will know there are lots of mei mei out there more beautiful, more innocent than your FL...
ask yourself love the FL but what will it leads to? Marriage???..come on be real...
as what 1 bro has said...tell her you are broke and see what is her reaction...I also have a KTV gal and she never ask for money...even use her money to pay for meals...I only occassionally buy her clothes and each time not more than $50/-....and the bonk is FOC and endless times already...knows how to play the game without getting burnt in your pocket.
29-11-2005, 10:22 AM
i fall in love with a FL and not local...pls give some advises....very confused now....:confused:
bro call her out everyday, donot give her $ pay for beakfast, lunch, dinner, donot buy her things, bring her back to sleep. She will show you the answer. Wish you good luck!!
29-11-2005, 10:30 AM
i fall in love with a FL and not local...pls give some advises....very confused now....:confused:
Anything new?????
Take care of your pocket too as you will take take of yourself......
Good luck!
29-11-2005, 10:48 AM
i fall in love with a FL and not local...pls give some advises....very confused now....:confused:
Hiazzzz there r a lot of threads on this issue. Not tired meh asking over n over again? Go n read those threads. 1 basic advice is forget abt her.
If u still can't get advice in those thread then u can write email to auntie agony, she might be able to help.
29-11-2005, 11:05 AM
i fall in love with a FL and not local...pls give some advises....very confused now....:confused:
You must have fall in love with Thai FL. Better dump her before you get hurt.
It is still not too late before you fall deeper into the grave.
If offer free bonk even more dangerous. Speak from own experiences
29-11-2005, 11:48 AM
bro call her out everyday, donot give her $ pay for beakfast, lunch, dinner, donot buy her things, bring her back to sleep. She will show you the answer. Wish you good luck!!
Crude but rite 2 the bone for majority of the cases if not all :D
29-11-2005, 11:49 AM
Hiazzzz there r a lot of threads on this issue. Not tired meh asking over n over again? Go n read those threads. 1 basic advice is forget abt her.
If u still can't get advice in those thread then u can write email to auntie agony, she might be able to help.
U so helpful might s well give the email of auntie aggy lar:p
29-11-2005, 01:45 PM
U so helpful might s well give the email of auntie aggy lar:p
No problem, this is the email address
[email protected] :D
29-11-2005, 01:51 PM
to blame it all on "gong tao" is just the easy way out la ... it takes 2 hands to clap and humans are weak by nature :o
Thai / PRC / Viet / Local whatever ... R doing this for a reason ... they sure ain't doing this for fun ... r u willing to bet everything u got that this WL of yours actually likes u or r u just bluffing and deluding yourself ... think long and hard before u so easily say "I'm in luv a WL"
There r so many threads on this damn topic ... i dun believe u haven't seen any of them ... and dun tell us yours is different ... relationships with WLs are diff from wat u expect ... can u accept that ... can u take the strain and problems that come with WL relationship.
U're just looking for support here not advice ... if u were looking for advice u would have seen the othere threads ...
Right or Wrong it's ur choice ... it's ur life ... u make the call ... u live with the consequences
Yes Acid tongue is back....... for those who have read my previous posts to one fellow who got involved with a KTV girl will know what Im going to let go.
To threadstarter, dont be a fucking idiot..... You do not find love with FLs or WLs.... these women have decided to give up their chasitity for one thing... MONEY. They are willing to be fucked by any man as long there is money. And there is no love involved...... So please dont be cock and say love.... U pay me 40 dollars for 20 minutes of my time, I can say I love you till the end of time!
29-11-2005, 02:27 PM
.... U pay me 40 dollars for 20 minutes of my time, I can say I love you till the end of time!
Yes, but will you let him poke your kar chng? It's the minimum requirement, you know :p
29-11-2005, 02:50 PM
well, been confused with lots of issues....never happened before after so many yrs....
just need some good advices......anyone encounter this before....
bro don't cuntfused over great sex as used to be cuntfused too becos of lack of sex with rsm always look for same wl who really know how to make monster shiok, so monster nearly fall in love too...sigh monster also got feeling mah....anyway ask yourself this are you actually using her sexfection for you in place of something that you always wanted from some one??
29-11-2005, 03:32 PM
i fall in love with a FL and not local...pls give some advises....very confused now....:confused:
not head , no tail to advise...
u lidat cse my ans to u is : 'Forget it!'....:cool:
29-11-2005, 03:38 PM
i fall in love with a FL and not local...pls give some advises....very confused now....:confused:
dun be siao lah!
read my recent thread on sichuan meimei who con local man 70k within 4 months.
if u think u dont have that kind of money so it wont happen 2 u, please note the man also dont have that kind of money. he max out his credit cards one.
just fuck n forget lah. if she chut pattern n cry or say she want 2 meet other men n not u, tell her 2 fuck off.
29-11-2005, 03:57 PM
Please listen to the sound advice from the many experienced samsters here :)
By the time you realise that you've been taken for a ride, she would probably have emptied your bank account and maxed out all your credit facilities.
My humble opinion :)
29-11-2005, 03:58 PM
dun be siao lah!
read my recent thread on sichuan meimei who con local man 70k within 4 months.
if u think u dont have that kind of money so it wont happen 2 u, please note the man also dont have that kind of money. he max out his credit cards one.
just fuck n forget lah. if she chut pattern n cry or say she want 2 meet other men n not u, tell her 2 fuck off.
Haiz... why there's a sudden increase on such dilemma in here? Dun tell me the counselors on long leave huh? :rolleyes:
29-11-2005, 04:06 PM
Haiz... why there's a sudden increase on such dilemma in here? Dun tell me the counselors on long leave huh? :rolleyes:
these dilemma wil always be here.
one of the advantage of this forum is that people can talk openly n honestly about being conned when they can be paiseh 2 tell their frens esp since their frens have warned them "beware of meimei".
after all, who wants 2 look like some big time carrot?
this is even worse than those magic stone consters.
also maybe sporeans r more naive.
even in prc, sporeans r seen as big carrots compared to the taiwanese n hong kong people.
29-11-2005, 05:55 PM
these dilemma wil always be here.
I abit sian one. Hope you can entertain me. I got this common dilemma from a young chap. Can anyone give a sound advice to this guy? :)
Lately, I knew a girl through my close friend who I understand have just ended a rocky relationship with her ex about 3 months ago. I enjoyed our time together for past few weeks and hoping to bring our relationship to the next level but I am wary of being seriously involved with her at this stage. I've heard of the potential pitfalls of people on the "rebound" who are looking for a convenient substitute after their last emotional setback.
Any of you have views or real life stories to share?
I abit sian one. Hope you can entertain me. I got this common dilemma from a young chap. Can anyone give a sound advice to this guy? :)
I would say ask your friend to cool it.... if he wants can take it for fun, free fuck. But dont get all serious.... she is taking him for a rebound.... Why I say that? most girls who have long serious relationships that end up badly take time to recover... have seen those that never recover! Minimum is 1 to 2 years to recover. Whichever guy that comes along is just a rebound for her to hang on to.... if you are lucky, she might be a babe and you can enjoy free passionate sex for some time until she decides to call it quits.... if she is a hippo... then ask yourself man what the fuck are you doing??
I met a girl like that once...She broke up with this guy, was prepared to marry him somemore... we got together End up we were humping each other like rabbits, kissing whenever we have a chance and I mean passionate french kissing, in the car, in the lift, everywhere.... thinking back makes me want to fuck her again haha.... anyway after some time she got bored of me and she dumped me for another guy she met in a club.....
29-11-2005, 07:16 PM
phew.....what a responses i got....anyway, i will try to be realistic.
Thanks bros for ur advices
29-11-2005, 07:28 PM
I would say ask your friend to cool it.... if he wants can take it for fun, free fuck. But dont get all serious.... she is taking him for a rebound.... Why I say that? most girls who have long serious relationships that end up badly take time to recover... have seen those that never recover! Minimum is 1 to 2 years to recover. Whichever guy that comes along is just a rebound for her to hang on to.... if you are lucky, she might be a babe and you can enjoy free passionate sex for some time until she decides to call it quits.... if she is a hippo... then ask yourself man what the fuck are you doing??
Wah, nice advise, Man. You still got the time to answer this boh? :p This one must be from a young teen.
I am torn between two gfs. one is nice, the other is differently nice.
I am torn.
I desire both, but i am a one woman man nowadays.
Shld I two-time, until such time tat i am sure? Right now, i just desire both, n is not ready to choose one.
The reason is because i am not sure if the one i choose wil finally be with me, as right now, i am not getting the total commitment from either one of them.
If i go with one, i am afraid i wil miss the chance with the other, as i know both of them hv other guys interested in them.
If i do not make it explicit, then i wil most likely lose them both. But to make it explicit with one of them, i wil hv to forfeit the other. Right now, i am just not able to choose which one.
Anyone has similar situation as i hv?
29-11-2005, 07:32 PM
Ka na sai. Below excerpt is a killer. :p
Dear Abby,
I have been going out with my childhood sweetheart for 5 years now. Although not a real beauty, she's sweet, caring and most of all, loves me deeply. We are compatible in bed and she will make a great mother for my kids.
Recently her cousin came back from Australia and we hit it off immediately. She's a real tiger in bed, she does BBBJ, climaxes from just a touch and doesn't stop coming until I'm done. She confessed that she's in love with me deeply and wants me to go back to Australia with her, where she owns a large house with a 20 acre backyard, trout stream running through the estate. She also promised I won't have to work another day in my life again.
I need your advise badly - my dilemma is this, should I fly SQ or Qantas?
29-11-2005, 07:51 PM
SIA has the best customer service in airline industry, but i still say, "go Qantas.. go Qantas"... :D
29-11-2005, 08:38 PM
Ka na sai. Below excerpt is a killer. :p
HAHAHA....:D Qantas or SQ.. knn I'll charter a private jet.
You kill me bro..realli good one.
29-11-2005, 09:11 PM
There should be a special section for such threads. So many of them... I think can call it the "Tio Kan" section. :D
Wah, nice advise, Man. You still got the time to answer this boh? :p This one must be from a young teen.
All I can say is fuck lah, (To the person who wrote the torn between two girls). How old are you? Dont know which one will be committed?? All I can say is there is no way of knowing.... please in this modern day, where got forever one? 6 years 10 years bf gf still can break for a guy or girl they know only for a short while. Marriage with kids also can divorce.
Just go for the one that likes him the this when the day comes, he will be the one doing the dumping not being dumped.
02-12-2005, 03:10 PM
All I can say is fuck lah, (To the person who wrote the torn between two girls). How old are you? Dont know which one will be committed?? All I can say is there is no way of knowing.... please in this modern day, where got forever one? 6 years 10 years bf gf still can break for a guy or girl they know only for a short while. Marriage with kids also can divorce.
Just go for the one that likes him the this when the day comes, he will be the one doing the dumping not being dumped.
Good advice man. Nowadays, youngsters only think of these trivial issues mah. But when they are successful in their careers, I deduce that tempting women will fly to their arms man. :)
02-12-2005, 03:41 PM
Nowadays, youngsters only think of these trivial issues mah. But when they are successful in their careers, I deduce that tempting women will fly to their arms man.
aiyah.... when young, just bonk any bonkable babes cum along... why bother? bonk first then think lor... :D i'm still young now hor... so can anyhow bonk... keke
young jimbo
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