View Full Version : The women in my life...

08-12-2005, 10:40 AM
Yo bros, was reading all the fantastic stories written by fellow brothers here and decided that I too should contribute something to the forum. This is a little story about my miserable self and more importantly the girls in my life, both past and present…

================================================== ======

I’m 34 this year, working as a regional finance manager for an European MNC. Still very much a swinging single. Work takes up way too much of my time – typical work day starts from 8 in the morning till at least 8 in the evening. Where got time to go out to sian all the sexy ladies out there? Furthermore, I thought it was a much better arrangement not to get too involved with any woman. Well, you might say this will change. Maybe, but all I wanted to do now is to live my life to the fullest and ENJOY!

About a month ago, I was flying back from down-under after long business trip. Don’t you guys hate these business trips? They just turn your life topsy-turvey, screwing up your biological clock due to the time differences. Anyways, I was flying back from Sydney after spending about 2 days there, totally grouchy as I was a suffering from jet-lag. I checked in at the airport, looked at my watch, “Hmm… still another about 1.5 hrs to go before take off, maybe I should go to the lounge and get something to eat.”

Dragged myself to the lounge and was greeted by a very friendly female staff. “Good evening Mr Tan.” (My name’s Nelson – Yes, Nelson Tan; often known as Niao Sen Dan.) “Good evening,” I replied politely and gave her a big smile. She’s blonde, probably 1.7 m tall, nice lady-like curves, and was dressed in a blue colored blouse and tight navy-blue skirt. “Oooo… don’t you just like girls in sexy office suits?” I couldn’t help myself but take a second look at her. “Not bad.” Dirty images started to fill my big head… But I was just too tired to go any further, maybe it’s the jet-lag setting in, maybe it’s age catching up with me… My little head remained soundly asleep.

I scanned the lounge and notice an empty couch by the corner of the room and decided to make my way there. The lounge was relatively quiet. Just the way I like it so I can take a break. Grabbed myself some drinks and sat down with some newspapers. Tried to read the papers but somehow I just can’t take my eyes off the friendly blonde sitting by the counter near entrance. I stole a few glances at her. She was seated with her legs crossed at the ankle, focusing on her computer screen. It was a slow night at the lounge.

“What sexy legs.” I mumbled to myself. I lowered my newspaper and started ogling at her (hey brothers, cannot help it lah. Free view! It’ll be such a waste if you don’t look) She shifted herself slightly in the chair and that caused her skirt to move higher, exposing more of those tender white meat. All of a sudden, she looked up from her screen and looked over in my direction. “Shit! Did you notice that I was ogling at her?” Our eyes momentarily met and she gave me her signature mega-watt smile. My little head was starting to rouse from its sleep. Feeling cheeky, I gave her a wink. And guess what?! She actually winked back. “Ho seh liao!” :D

“Hey, there’s nothing to lose right? I’ll probably never see her again.” I don’t go down to Australia that often these days – at most twice a year. I walked over to the counter on the pretext of checking the status of my flight.

“Excuse me, Miss.”

“Hi Mr Tan. Is there something I can do for you?” She replied with her sexy voice and mild aussie accent. The first response that came to my mind was: “Sure you can! Kekeke. I would like to have a nice pre-flight bonk!” :p

To be continued…

08-12-2005, 10:59 AM
bros... pls give me your feedback on this. will post part II shortly.

08-12-2005, 11:38 AM

“Hi.” I looked down at her blouse, straining to read her name on the tag that was pinned on the breast. “Hi, Linda,” I replied. I just couldn’t take my eyes off her boobies. The top button on her blouse was unbuttoned, showing off her nice perky white breast meat. At least a C.

“Mr Tan?” I looked up and started right into her eyes. I was stunned for a moment. She must be thinking what this dirty old man is doing, staring at her boobies. I was so ashamed of myself and started to blush a little. “Err… Sorry about that, I was trying to read your name on the tag.”

She let out a sexy chuckle and shifted her left booby forward by an inch or two so I could take a closer look. “Linda, Linda Cook’s the name”

“Hi Linda, can you help me check if my flight, SQXXX, is on schedule?”

“Definitely. Give me a minute.” She lowered her head and started typing on the computer. Sensing that she’s concentrating on the screen, I leaned forward and stared harder at her boobies. Through the thin light blue blouse, you can see her boobies jiggling as she typed. Drool… those must be real stuff. Can’t wait to get my hands on those babies.

“Mr Tan. Your flight is on schedule. I’ll come by and remind you when it’s time for boarding.”

“Thanks. Slow night tonight eh?” Trying to make some small talk.

“Yeah, It’s usually slower during the mid-week. Are you flying back to Singapore?”

“Yes I am. Short trip to Sydney. Got here yesterday morning and flying back tonight. This jet-lag’s really killing me. Have you ever been to Singapore?”

“Nope. Would love to go there. I’ve heard so many nice things about that country. The Singaporean I’ve met so far has been great!”

“Let me know when you are coming over. I’ll be happy to show you around.” I reached out into my pocket and pulled out a name card. Wrote down my handphone number and passed it over to her. “Just give me a call on my mobile when you plan to come over.” She stood up and took my name-card. Our hands touched. Oh my, her hands were silky soft.

“Thanks! That’s really sweet of you.” She leaned forward and gave me a friendly peck on the cheek. I was momentarily stunned. :rolleyes: I quickly recomposed myself and gave her a big smile, “Anytime Linda. Err… so how do I get in touch with you if I happen to be in Sydney.”

“Oh, simple.” She reached out and pulled my left hand towards her. She giggled and wrote her name and handphone number on my palm. Such a friendly flirt. I like. Kekeke. I pulled back my left hand, brought it close to my nose, and took a deep breath while looking at her in the eyes. There were traces of her perfume on my left palm. The fragrance was simply alluring. “It smelled beautiful, just like you,” I said.

Linda blushed a little. It was so sexy seeing her cheeks slowly turn into a slight rosy shade. “Call me when you are in town again.” Her lips were slightly ajar. Those high gloss lips made them looked so moist and yummy. She twirled her tongue around the top of her lips and gave me a wink. “Promise, Mr Tan?” Wahliao! My little brother is now fully awake. Flag raising ceremony! “Promise. And please don’t call me Mr Tan. That’s too formal. Just call me Nelson.”

My handphone suddenly went off. Damn! :mad: Just when I was about to get lucky. A call from the office in Singapore. KNNBCCB! Of all time to call. “Sorry Linda, I’ve to take this call. Chat with you in a while.”

To be continued….

08-12-2005, 12:01 PM
good start bro..

pls continue..:D

08-12-2005, 12:05 PM
thanks for the support. working hard (literally) on Part III now :p
stay tuned

08-12-2005, 12:09 PM
im with u.:p

08-12-2005, 12:11 PM
thanks for the support. working hard (literally) on Part III now stay tuned

hav up u as a show of support..

Now.. where's e story...:D

08-12-2005, 12:12 PM
hav up u as a show of support..

Now.. where's e story...:D

patient a bit bro. gd things are worth a wait.:p

08-12-2005, 12:15 PM
patient a bit bro. gd things are worth a wait.

u dun act lah.. i know u oso impatient thts y come in n chap ji ka rite??:D

08-12-2005, 12:19 PM
u dun act lah.. i know u oso impatient thts y come in n chap ji ka rite??:D

hahaha shiiiiiiiiiii. :p

08-12-2005, 12:33 PM
hey bros! thanks for the support. here's the next part...



It was my assistant from Singapore. Something cropped up in the office. Sian half but lan lan lar, have to do what I’ve been paid to do. I walked back to my couch and pulled out my ****. Laptop lah! My brothers! I only wish it was my little brother. It needed his exercise every now and then but by this time, my brother was back to its flaccid self.

I was on the phone for a good 45 minutes. All the while was alternating my eyes between my laptop and Linda. Noticed she knew I was stealing glances at her. I wasn’t shy to let her know that I was looking at her. I winked and she winked back, giving me one of her sexy smiles. She was playing with my namecard, twirling it around her fingers. Hey, stop playing with my card! You should be playing with me instead!! I tried hard to concentrate on my phone conversation but my mind was clearly with Linda by the counter.

Linda stood up and walked in my direction. She was so graceful, swaying her hips mildy as she strutted towards me. I looked up at her and she flashed me a smile and pointed her fingers at her watch. Oops! It’s almost time for me to board the plane. Quickly wrapped up my conversation over the phone and started to pack my laptop. Linda stood there and watched in amusement. I ended the call and turned towards Linda. “What are you smiling at?”

“I’m smiling at you. It’s so funny seeing how you tried to concentrate on your phone conversation while making passes at me at the same time.”

“Was I making passes at you?” I tried to defend myself. Clearly I was but just trying to be coy about this whole thing.

“Come’on Nelson. Cut the chase. You’re going to be late for the flight if you don’t make a move.” I glanced at my watch - 40 more minutes to departure. Still got time what. “Come, let me help you with your bag.” She bent over and picked up my laptop bag. For that split second, I could see her boobies up close. Less than 30 cm from my face to be exact. Sexy fresh meat supported by lacy pink bra. I quickly took a deep breath. Alluring fragrance. Clinque Happy? Yummy.

“Thanks Linda.” I stood up from the couch and put my left hand lightly on her lower back. Will she resist? Hmm… no reaction is good reaction. We moved about a meter out and I turned to my right to pickup my cabin bag. My left hand slipped a couple of inches and it was sitting right on her right butt cheek. Still no reaction! Ho seh ho seh loh! I turned around and looked at her right into her sexy blue-eyes. She just smiled. :D

“I need to use the restroom for a while. Would you mind showing me where it is?”

“Sure. This way please.” She grabbed my left hand and pulled me along. Down a long corridor by the side. “The Gents over to your right Nelson. Why don’t you just leave your bags here. I’ll look after them for you. Don’t take too long though.”

“Thanks Linda.” I walked into the Gents. It was nicely done up. Real top-notch. Biege-colored marble tiles and wall. Noticed that the Gents was all empty. I was all by myself. I walked into one of the empty cubicle and unzip my pants and started to take a leak. I didn’t bother to lock the cubicle door behind me. What the heck! There’s no one in the Gents anyway. Gosh was I wrong… :eek:

To be continued…

08-12-2005, 12:49 PM

While I was taking a leak inside the cubicle, I heard slow footsteps. They sounded like high heels. Clak clak clak… on the polishede marble floor. Hmm…. Maybe it’s just my imagination. The jet-lag’s really getting into me.

I just finished my leak and was about to put my little brother snuggly back into my pants when all of a sudden my cubicle door flung open!! My instinct kicked in and I turned around. It was Linda!!! My eyes popped. The eyeballs almost fell out of the socket. What the hell is she doing in here?

“Not no fast Nelson!” She stepped into the cubicle and pushed me inwards. I fell and sat onto the toilet bowl. With one swift movement, she locked the cubicle door behind her. She stood right in front of me, both hands on her hips, legs slightly apart. A very domineering position. “Not so fast Nelson! Didn’t you promise to show me around Singapore? I can’t wait to explore Singapore. Show me what you guys are make of now!”

She unbuttoned the second button on her blouse. Sat on my laps with her legs on both sides of me and trust her boobies right into my face. Her boobies were now waiting to explode from her blouse, which was probably 1 size too small for her. I almost suffocated. Oh, what a horny bitch! I like!

I’m going to show you what Singaporean men are made of… :p

To be continued… Lunch break!

08-12-2005, 02:15 PM
back from my lunch. Bros, as promised.... pls enjoy



I was totally caught by surprise. What’s the sweet young blonde doing in the toilet cubicle with me? “Linda, Linda…” My screams were muffled by her soft titties. :p

“Shut up and just give me whatever you have.” Hmm… how can I resist her? What do I have to lose? My hunter mode came into control right away. My little brother was already a full mast despite being compressed by Linda’s sweet little bums.

I started to help myself to this wonderful delicacy that was right before my eyes. My hands started to feel her back. Stroking her. Slowly and lightly at first and gradually becoming more aggressive. My hands gravitated towards her bra clasp beneath her blouse and with an expert flip, the bra was undone. “Oh, I’m very impressed Nelson.”

I looked up at Linda. Big sparkly blue eyes and high nose. Soft luscious lips were marginally apart. Her blonde hair was tied in a nice sexy ponytail, exposing her smooth long neck. I cupped my hands on the back of her neck and pushed her face closer to me. I planted a light kiss on her forehead. Sensing she wanted more, our lips touched. Oh, so tender and yummy. I slowly licked her lips. Without further hesitation, we locked our lips and started a vigorous tongue fight. STEAM!!

While my tongue was busy attacking Linda’s, my hands started roaming further south. I reached for her ankle and started to caress her lower calves. Moving further up, I pushed her hemline further, exposing more of her sexy thighs. They were so smooth – like a 17 year old’s. Smooth as milk. I couldn’t tahan anymore and reached to the back of her skirt and unhooked it.

Linda sensed that I wanted more. She stood up and her grey tight skirt fell to her ankles, exposing a matching pair of lacy pink g-string. I grasped her butts tight with my hands and gave it a good squeeze. Quality meat indeed.

I then positioned my hands around Linda’s slim waist and motioned to remove her g-string. I looked up at her. She gave me a ever-so-gentle smile and nod of approval. Mai too liao! There’s no more need for foreplay. With one quick movement, I removed her g-string and stared at her nice-trimmed pussy. Not too hairy with soft blonde hair. I leaned forward and gave the pussy a flick. She quivered in response. I parted her legs and went muff diving. Her pussy smelled so very good. Like a fresh aussie oyster. I licked around the lips of her love hole and sensed her body tightening. I continued and started to intensify my actions, occasionally plunging a few pokes with my tongue. The love hole started to get more moist from the actions and I licked up every single drop of the love juice. She grabbed my head and pushed it deeper. I could hear her soft moans. “Yes, yes, yes…” You can sense that this horny bitch loved it. That went on for a good five minutes.

“It’s my turn now.” She knelt down and started to unbuckle my pants. Soon, my flag post was wide in view. She gently held the shaft with her left hand and brought it closer to her face. She licked the tip of my little brother and swirled her tongue around the most sensitive part. HEAVENLY!! “Don’t stop!” I commanded. :D

To be continued…

08-12-2005, 02:24 PM
Bros, pls up my points if the story is good. Need some encouragement to continue. Am going to meet some clients now. Will continue again when I get back...

PS: This aussie kitten is only one of the many sensual ladies i've had in my life. Stay tuned. :D

08-12-2005, 03:17 PM
Bro...my humble points to you...i like to support good writer like yourself...just don't keep us waiting too long for your good story...cheers :D

To all Bros who is MAN U Fans...my feelings is with you as it is the first time since 1995 United will not compete in Europe after Christmas...To all Anti-MAN U Fans....let's celebrate the end of the domination of the devil....

08-12-2005, 03:38 PM
Thank you bros! Thanks for all the support and encouragement. That has certainly given me the impetus to continue! Part VI cumming up... :)

08-12-2005, 03:44 PM

Linda obeyed and started licking my brother’s red tip more vigorously. She grabbed my member tight and with no warning at all, engulfed the entire thing. I swear I could almost feel the back of her throat! The warm and moist feeling was just out of this world. She sucked hard, occasionally stroking my member with her hands. I almost came but exercised some control. I’m not going to let this end so fast. She continued to such hard and I could hear the slurping sound. It was getting quite loud. I hope there are nobody outside the toilet cubicle. :o

While she was busy tasting my member, I kept myself busy by feeling her boobies. It was like a dream. Just 30 minutes ago, I was seated across the room, fantasizing about how wonderful it would be to cup those sexy breasts. Here I am, with the soft neh nehs well within my reach. I caressed her boobs through her blouse and bra. That feeling was good but not enough to satisfy my appetite. I unbuttoned her blouse further and reached in, brushed away her pink lacy bra and started fondling her C-cuppers. The fondling turned to light squeezes. I also paid special attention to the erect pink nips. Man!

I felt that I was about to climax. With one hand on her boobs, I used my other to push her head closer. I wanted the horny bitch to suck up every single drop of my cum. “I’m coming… I’m coming.” She sucked harder and faster. Her head was literally nodding to the rhythm.

BAM!!! My little brother exploded like a volcano. She quickly took my member out of her mouth and it squirted all over her face. Her hands continued to pump my member fast and furious. I let out a huge breath of relieve. It was glorious. I’ve not cummed for several days now. This one really hit the spot. I was so going to have a goodnight sleep on the flight back to Singapore.

What a sexy sight. My cum all over Linda’s face. I could see some dripping off the side of her lips. She looked at me and smile. “I hope you liked it.”

“Like it? I LOVED it!” I reached over, grabbed some paper and help to wipe my cum off her face. She grabbed my hands and leaned forward to give me a kiss. She then started cleaning up my lil bro with some paper. She finished it off by giving my bro a light kiss. Hey! That’s what I call service!

We both got back up and adjusted our clothes. As I was washing my hands, I noticed that her mobile phone number (which she earlier wrote on my palm) was all smudged and illegible. “Oh dear. I just lost your mobile number. Don’t mind giving me your number again?”

“Forget about the number Nelson. I’ll give you something to remind you of me.” She bent over, lifted up her skirt and pull out her lacy pink g-string. “Keep this.” I took the g-string, and took a deep sniff at it. Shiok! I almost had another hard-on but lil bro was too exhausted.

“You better hurry before you miss the flight,” and gave me a hard pat on my butt. I stuffed the g-string into my pocket, grab my bags and made a dash for the boarding gate. “Call me when you are in Singapore?”

“I will.” She nodded and waved me goodbye.

I made the dash for the gate. I was so so late for the flight. My dash would have made the Olympics 400m medalist to shame. Haha! Just kidding brothers.

I was the last the board the plane. The stewardess was about to shut the door. “Whew! I made it.” I turned around, hoping to see Linda but she was nowhere in sight. "Sigh, when will I get to see this sexxy kitten again?" I dropped my head in disappointment and entered the plane.

Seeing that I was perspiring all over, the ever-so cute and friendly SQ girl helped me carry my luggage to the upper deck. I followed behind. As she was ascending the stairs, I stared hard at her ass. Mmmm…. So yummy. I so wanted to reach out and give it a good squeeze but I was too tired after Linda. Need to recharge right?

I found my seat and plunged right in. Catching my breath from the dash, I heard someone calling out my name. “Nelson, is that you?” I turned around and saw a gorgeous looking babe sitting diagonally behind me. She was Asian with long wavy hair dyed light brown. Wearing a pair of rimless glasses, she looked so intelligent and sophisticated. Just the kind of challenging target for me.

I gave her a puzzled look. “Sorry miss, do I know you?”

“It’s me, Cindy! Remember?” She looked at me and pouted! Oh! How can I forget that cute and sexy pout? She happened to be someone of special significance to me. Cindy was my first girlfriend. She was my JC schoolmate.

“Cindy Lim? Is that really you? It’s been so many years. And you looked absolutely gorgeous! I almost couldn’t recognize you.” I stood up and walked over to her seat.

“Nelson, are you ok? You looked a little exhausted. I almost couldn’t recognize you.” Me exhausted? Of course lah! Duh!! I had a very vigorous aussie sex kitten about 30 minutes ago.

I put both hands on my cheeks, pretending to looked surprised, and replied, “Do I? Oh dear, all these traveling is really taking it toil on me.” Think maybe I can be the next acting superstar! Kekeke…

“Ding Dong. Crew, please get ready for take off.”

“Sir, can you please return to your seat? The plane is about to take off…” Lan lan. KNN. Why always such bad timing. I kuai kuai returned to my seat. Oh my gosh, I’m on the very same flight as my first girlfriend. It’s more than 15 years since I last saw her. She has aged a little but more importantly she had blossomed into this sophisticated nymph.

What to find out more about this first girlfriend of mine? What happened on the wonderful flight back to Singapore? Stay tuned for the next episode of “Women of my life.” :D

To be continued…

09-12-2005, 11:43 AM
brothers! thanks so so much for the support and encouragement. here's my next installment. sorry, quite busy these couple of days...



The take-off felt like eternity. Normally after a long day’s work, I would just doze off, even before the plane reaches cruising altitude but today my mind was usually active. Images raced through my mind. What’s Cindy doing here? It’s been such a long time since I last saw her. How has she been? Is she married? Is she attached? Will I get another exciting bonk from her? :rolleyes:

Cindy always has that special place in my heart. She was my first girlfriend, the first girl that held my hands, my first kiss, and more importantly, my very first bonk. Thinking of that made me horny, despite the exciting tryst with Linda just less than an hour back. My lil brother was gradually rousing from his sleep. It created a bulge in my pants which was causing me some embarrassment as I was seated next to this old ang-moh lady. She must be wondering what I’m think? Hehe… no way I’m going to do her. She’ll probably have to stand in line for a while!

I tried to hide that bulge by using the blanket to cover myself. But the thought of bonking Cindy just made me so horny and my lil bro was now at full attention. Feeling kinky, I extended my arms under the blanket to stroke my manhood. Stuck my hand into my right pocket so as to get better access to my brother (don’t you think you can get better access through the pocket?) But there’s something in my pocket. A handkerchief? No, I don’t use that stuff. It felt lacy. It felt narrow, almost like a string attached to a teeny-weenie piece of cloth. It felt a little moist. Not water wet moist but lubricant, sliding smooth moist. What can that be?

I took my hands out of my pocket and took a sniff at my fingers. It smelled a lot like… LINDA! Ahhh! It’s Linda’s lacy pink g-string!!! How can I forget? This got me even hornier. Having both Cindy and Linda at the same time would be a fantasy come true. I ran my fingers under my nose and took another deep breath. I was in wonderland…

“DING” I looked up and saw that the pilot has turned off the fasten seat-belt sign. A couple of the passengers were slowly getting up of their seats. I turned around and looked at Cindy. She was flipping through some girly magazine, looked up and smiled. I gave her a big smile and proceeded to unfasten my seat-belt. A man got to do what a man got to do – hunt!

Standing up was difficult for me due to my erection. I put my hand into my left pocket (haha… knowing that Linda’s g-string is in the right), tried to push my lil bro down before walking over. “Hi, it really is you! I would never have imagined meeting you on a flight!” Just when Cindy was about to get up from her seat, an elderly gentleman walked pass the aisle and shoved me closer towards Cindy. That moment was simply magical! I could feel Cindy’s soft tities rubbing against my chest. Still as soft, only bigger since the last time I saw her. I took a sniff at her perfume (bros, perfumes are one hell of an aphrodisiac for me!) My faces were less than 20 cm apart. Shioks!

I quickly recomposed myself. “So what brings you to Sydney?” hoping to start a chat and catch up with MY Cindy. But there were already several passengers (probably urgently needing to pee/shit whatever) were trying to get pass me and giving me dagger stares. Cindy noticed that and said: “Hey, why don’t we move over to the galley? You are blocking the passengers here.”

“Sure, ladies first.” I stood to the side and let Cindy get out of her seat. I walked behind her, observing her swaying hips as we walked towards the galley at the back. Cindy was dressed in a light-beige wool sweater with a figure hugging black silky knee length skirt. The skirt only accentuated her sexy curves. There were no VPLs and on careful examination, I noticed that she was wearing a g-string. MARIKITA!!!!

We settled down by the galley and got the cute stewardess to prepare us some gin-and-tonic. We both leaned on opposite side of the galley wall and started chatting. “How have you been? It’s been so many years! When was the last time we met up? When you were still in National Service?”

“Yeah, I think that sounded about right. So what have you been up to since then?”

“Err… nothing much. Remember I was in a boarding school in UK after leaving JC? Being there done that. Moved on to college in Edinburgh and worked for a couple of years in London after that. And what about you?” We traded our histories, mainly school and work stuff, nothing very personal, for the next couple of minutes. It is always great to catch up with close friends. We had a ball of a time. While I was physically chatting with Cindy, I was already mentally raping her. Man! How I wish I can pin her down right now. Lift up her silky black skirt and make love to her. Wild animal love! I couldn’t wipe the grin from my face as I pretended to focus on her mumblings. All I could hear coming out of her mouth was “Yes! Yes! Harder Nelson! Harder! Don’t stop! Yes! ... …”

She raised her eyebrows and gave me a funny look. “Why are you standing in such awkward position?” she asked, pointing to my semi-stand/squat position. My face turned red. “Err… nothing, just some muscle cramps. I ran 10K this morning and it has been a while since I last ran.”

“Haha… come’on Nelson! We are no strangers. I still remember that grin of yours” With a lighting move, she reached over and gave my crotch a good squeeze! :eek: “That’s the real muscle cramp!” Her face beamed with delight while mine turned tomato red in a nano-second. So paiseh!

What else will Cindy be squeezing? Or rather, what else will I squeeze? Stay tuned for the next episode for “Women of my life.” Got to run now, more internal meetings. Xian!

To be continued…

12-12-2005, 12:18 PM

I was blushing from Cindy’s squeeze. “Hey woman, behave yourself!” I warned her. “This is a public place. There might be people watching.”

“Hmm… let them watch Nelson. They will all be so jealous of you. Look at that old man on the second last row by the aisle. He has been stealing glances at us for the past 10 minutes.”

I was shocked and turned over. Indeed there was an old man whose head was almost turned 180 degrees to catch the good show. Noticing that I was staring at him, the old man pretended to look for something on the floor and slowly turned back.

“Hey Nelson, since they are interested to watch, let them watch. I’ve nothing to hide.” With that, Cindy thrust herself forward and gave me a bear hug. She planted her lips on mine and gave me a vigorous French kiss. Ooolala… Cindy was an excellent kisser. I knew that because she was the very first girl I kissed and to date, still one of the better ones (though not the best I must admit.) The French kissing really made me hot and horny. I could notice that the stewardesses in the galley were also stealing glances as they went about preparing food for the passengers. My lil bro was literally at full mast.

“Oh mine! Nelson, what’s that hard stuff down there?” Cindy gave me a wide grin as she pulled her lips away from mine. “Can I suck it like the good old days?”

My eyes popped when I heard her ask that question! “Not here my darling. Let’s go somewhere more private when we touch down in Singapore.”

“Nope darling. I want it right here and right now. Else forget it!” With that, she turned around and walked right into an empty toilet cubicle. I stood there, stunned for a minute. How to do it on the plane? I’ve heard so much about the mile-high club but isn’t that awkard? Especially this being a full flight. My manhood was still at full attention and pointed me towards the toilet cubicle. Magically, as if pulled forward by some unknown forces, I moved closer to the cubicle. I knocked lightly on the door, looking to my left and right to make sure that no one is looking in this direction.

Knock knock… “Who’s that?” I could hear muffling from the toilet.

“The naughty wolf,” I replied cheekily.

“What does the naughty wolf want?”

“The naughty wolf wants to swallow the little red riding hood.”

All of a sudden, the cubicle door swung open. A hand reached out and pulled me right into the toilet. The door was quickly locked behind me and I found myself chest to breast (literally) with Cindy. “Uh uh… The little red riding hood is the one that’s going to swallow you!” :p

With that, she sat down on the toilet and unbuckled my belt. She slowly unzipped my pants and took my manhood out of the boxer shorts. “Delicious!” She flicked her tongue on the tip of my upright brother. She licked it as if this is the first time linking a lollipop. Lots of wet tongue action. Shiok. She then took the whole thing and plunged it into her mouth. The moist warm feeling was simply out of this world. And the fact that this was my very first girl whom I’ve not met for 15 years, and getting a blow job a mile-high in the sky made me feel so so horny. My second blow job in less than 2 hours! Oh my oh my, what have I done to deserve this?

- To be continued -

12-12-2005, 12:44 PM
solid ah.. i goin to look for BJ now too... :D

12-12-2005, 01:28 PM

Good story you have there, sounds a little too good to be true. However, life is full of surprises, so why not, right? Anway, it is very well written, will wait for the next instalment, hope not too long a wait. Tks. :p

12-12-2005, 01:43 PM
Wooo.... nice story there bro hydragen... so steamming... keep it cumming... cheers... waitin for ur next installment...

12-12-2005, 02:02 PM

The lollipop licking and sucking was really too much for me to take. I could feel the little nelson tans waiting to explode into Cindy’s mouth. No! I told myself. I’m not going to let her off so easily this time. I’ve been fantasizing about doing Cindy again for the past 15 years and hell no way is she going to get away with a simple BJ, swallow or not. :D

I took my lil bro gently out of her mouth and lifted her up from the toilet seat. “Now it’s my turn to f**k you!” I turned her around and placed her hands on the wall. As the toilet cubicle was very small, I could feel her sexy curvy ass rubbing against my lil bro. I put my hands under her sweater and unhooked her bra. With my hands fondling her C cups, I continued to rub my dick on her ass. It was getting really hot and steamy. The silky smooth skirt she was wearing felt great next to my dick.

I couldn’t tahan further and almost exploded. “I’m coming Cindy! I’m coming.” I quickly pulled down her skirt, exposing her sexy black g-string. Oh my gosh! I could literally feel the pre-cum creeping out of my lil bro. I tried to hold back but I knew not for long. With my fingers, I pushed her g-string to the side and inserted my dick into her sexy love hole. “Ahhhhhh……” was the only response I got from Cindy. Some things are better left unsaid.

Her love hole wasn’t the tight fresh hole that I used to f**k. It has been almost 15 years and she’s in her early thirties. Not too bad for someone in her early thirties but hey! I’m not going to complain. I’ll do her anytime! I hasten my pounding while she pushed her hips rhythmically in return. I could see tiny droplets of perspiration forming on her forehead and back of her neck. I reached over to her neck from the back and gave her a huge kiss followed by a bite! “Ouch! That’s soooo GOOD!” she moaned. With that, the dam broke and I felt my cum rushing into her. Her love hole took it up, every single droplet of it.

Knock Knock! “Is everything alright in there Sir?” We could hear the concerned stewardess asking from across the thin partition. I placed my hands over Cindy’s mouth as she was panting from the vigorous exercise and replied, “Everything fine. I’m just having a mild stomachache. It must be something I ate earlier this morning.”

Cindy gave me a big smile and through her eyes, I could sensed that she was a sextisfied woman. We both dressed up. It was a clumsy sight. Nothing as sexy as what people made it up to be. Two grown adults trying to put on their clothes (pants and skirts in this case) inside a terribly cramped aircraft toilet cubicle, regardless of how slim the adults are, can be a challenging act. And to make it even more challenging, we had to do it without making too much noise. When we were both done with our dressing, we looked at each other and laughed. It was such a hilarious sight.

I cupped Cindy’s neck with my hands, brought her face to mine, and gave her a light peck on her lips. “Thank you Cindy. That was such a wonderful f**k. I’ve waited over 15 years for this…” I gave her a big hug. With that, my mind started to wonder… wondering to the time when I first met Cindy… It felt like eons ago but yet as if everything happened just yesterday.

Find out more about how I met Cindy and how we got together. And more importantly, our very first f**k. To be continued… :)