View Full Version : Another Ricardo Story
12-12-2005, 02:53 PM
long time no write ... see so many real/fictional stories around come and squeeze hot also. here goes ...
I see ah siong every sunday. He will have his illegal make shift DVD store stationed right below the school that my daughter attends her ballet class. Every sunday, i will drop by his "stall" to select some DVDs. He is always kind enough to tell me which are those that is recorded in cinema so to ensure i dun take them. A nice ah beng i reckon but afterall i spend over $50 every week. I did my math, watching movie with wife or even with kids cost much more.
Ah siong is a very nice looking boy with clean cut feature. He is about 15 years of age but many years on the street made him look older. He started to chat with me after my 3rd consecutive weeks of buying with him. He claims he is an orphan and was brought up by his granma. He did not go to school at all and cannot really read or write (english or chinese). He can speak chinese but his english is a little limited. His story made me like him more. A boy like him deserve more. However, I am not sure how i can help him i m no social worker and i dun think he wanted one. SO i bought regularly from him and hope in some way i am helping him.
It became a norm for us to meet on sunday. He would have 5 DVD ready for me to consider and it had come to a point i trusted his choices. We would smoke together and talk cock. Most of the time it was him that do the talking while i listen. He would boast abt his sexual victories over the last week or so. At first i was shock how youngsters are so liberal nowadays but later i started to envy him having got so much action. It got worst when i saw the occassional ah lian that come visit him at his stall. They were about his age and all dress with spah stripes or tube and mini skirt or killer mini hot pants.
he always like to say this to me (in his broker english) : "uncle, i no need call chicken one the chicken come to me ha ha ."
As time past, i found myself hook onto his weekly sexual stories and i wish i could be a teenager again like him. He would detail episode he had with a girl at the staircase of a deserted HDB block or hanky panky in the upper deck of a double deck bus.
12-12-2005, 03:12 PM
Nice intro bro.....[CLAP CLAP CLAP]...and pls dun stop :D BM
12-12-2005, 03:16 PM
nice start there. pls carry on:p
12-12-2005, 03:25 PM
chicken chicken here i come! :D
12-12-2005, 03:25 PM
one day at around 7pm i received a phone call while preparing to leave my work place.
"Uncle, can please help me, I kena catch by police" It was ah siong.
"What happen? they catch u sell DVD?" I asked.
"Yes, can you come down to clementi police station? I cannot find my brothers?"
"ok hang in there kid, I will be right over" I said without much thought.
"Uncle what hand hang? what u mean?" he quizzed obviously sounding a little worried.
"wait wait, i go now" i said in the simplest english.
I reached the police station at around 8:30 and posted bail for the kid.
outside the police station siong turn to me and say "uncle, thank you very much. knn my brother all dunno die to where liao. call cannot find. Lucky last time you got give me your number."
In a fatherly voice, i turn to face him and said "young man you are lucky, the police officer say u young and first offense most likely will not kena anything big but if happen again you sure go jail one. so you better think what to do next and it better be something legal"
"aiya uncle i neber go changi b4 most my bros go there b4 liao so they always so i virgin ... think better i go there stay a while" he spoke with so much conviction as if going to changi is something great. my heart ache for th kid right in front of me.
"listen, you are 15 and still have a long life ahead. it is about time u do something good for your future. if u need help, i will try my best" i said sincerely.
"uncle people like me sure end up like this one, dun worry for me lah. i see you like friend dun talk ya-sor to me lah. more important, how u want me repay you?"
I knew i cannot change him overnight but i hope one day he will listen to me and fo something good for a change. "dun talk repay me lah" i said "i send u home first"
I drop him off his HDB block. it was in marsiling area those i bedroom type he rented from some old lady. he shared it with his girlfriend kim lian. as he left my car i saw kim lian came running over to him her face full of concern. But i can't help but notice her butt squeezing our of her ultra short hot pants. i sigh while they disappear from my view. when i drove back i start to wonder why i sigh? was it because i thot he is wasting his life or because i wish i can have a better look at kim lian's ass?
12-12-2005, 03:42 PM
i couldn't sleep that night. my mind is in a jumble. sometime i think of how a young boy can be left with such a life and how/what i could do to help him. then suddenly my thot go to kimlian's super hot pants and the stories that ah siong had told me.
He told me many stories about him and kimlian. I started to imagine the two kid having a go especially focusing on kimlian's assets. Once ah siong reveal that he thinks he love kimlian and it is not all abt sex. he claim he cannot live without her. while he did have flings with other girls, in fact frequent he just cannot stand the idea of kimlian doing the same with other guys. i don't know how kimlian is like, i met her abt 3 times and we did not speak to each other.
my thought went back to ah siong's future. i started to think if i should recommend him to my uncle's chicken rice stall to help out. I heard from my uncle that the old man that used to help him have heart attack now in hospital and he is busy like shit. but will ah siong want to be a chicken rice helper? his brothers sure laugh at him and his face is so bloody important to the kid. i guess i might just give it a try.
12-12-2005, 03:55 PM
sunday came. as usual i drop my daughter off for a ballet school and went looking for ah siong. he was just caught so i dun really expect him to be there but something tell me i should just try.
i turn the corner where i know his stall will be located. The stall was there alright but it was kimlian standing that. she was wearing a bright yellow tube top and a demin mini skirt. her legs seems to have no ends i.e. they were long and slim and i find myself staring at it. i looked from bottom to top and found a resting place at her overflowing with breast tube. She noticed me and called "uncle, ah siong not here today"
I was stunned by her calling out to me ... I was still some distance away. I waved back and move towards.
"yeah, not a good time for him to be out here now. in fact not a good time for you either" i said sincerely concern.
"no choice lah, we have to eat and someone need to come and earn money. u wanna buy DVDs? ah siong say u his best customer" she beamed.
I quickly selected 5 DVD stealing glances at her as well. I know she know i was watching but she acted as if it was nothing. When i paid her she bend down right in front of me to take the money as if to purposely show me more of what i was looking for. I am sure she was teasing this old man.
I was about to leave when kimlian said "Uncle!"
"What?" I turn a little too quickly.
"ehhhh" she said in a very soft but sexy voice while playing with her long silky hair "i wonder u can help me or not?"
"Help what?"
"u see we a little short of money now and was hoping ..... " she walks towards me.
I took out 2 $50 notes and hand over to her. "That's all i can help for now".
To my surprise she push the money away. "No, we dun want to get money for nothing" she looked seriously offended. "I was wondering is i offer u myself for a night are u willing?" she came very very close to me i can smell her hair shampoo.
such an indecent proposal is not something i expected. I wanted to have a piece of her yes but i treat ah siong as a friend although he is only 15 and i surely cannot touch his woman. CAN I?
12-12-2005, 03:57 PM
wow.. another new story.. quick quick bro..:D
12-12-2005, 04:14 PM
i composed myself and using my most adult voice i said "look young lady, this is not a good idea. you should not be selling yourself for money. u are what? 15 years old? you should be in school now instead of selling illegal DVD and offer sex for money?"
"ha ha ha she laughed, i started selling myself since 13 years old and btw i am 16 now just yesterday. u dun believe see my IC" she took it out.
somehow i felt happy that she say she was 16 years old. i took her IC and confirmed that she was in fact 16. "That does not change anything" i said with lesser conviction. "does ah siong know u selling yourself"
"no way, he would kill me but i need to buy my prada and gucci how else can i get them. my sisters all do the same" she suddenly grab my arm and press her chest against me ... "see this" she open her mouth slightly and stick a tongue slight out. I saw that her tongue was pierced with a silver stud. "this thing inside make the blow job out of this world and i bet u never try b4" she continued with lusty eyes staring into mine. "ah siong say u always say u wanted to try his life, his sexual experience ... i can fulfill them. we can do it anywhere of your choice" she press harder into me and i felt her hand at my waist area.
"In The BUS!" it came out from my mouth. I was stunned by my own words.
KimLian did not say anything, instead she dip her fingers into my bermuda pocket sending electric shocks all over my body. she then took out the 2 $50 bills that i orginally wanted to give her.
"10pm tonight. wait for me here" was all she said. I was in a daze.
12-12-2005, 04:55 PM
nice story keep them cuming
12-12-2005, 04:55 PM
nice story keep them cuming
12-12-2005, 04:56 PM
nice story keep them cuming
12-12-2005, 04:58 PM
I was already there at the same spot. I felt like an idiot and felt ashame of myself. I planned to tell kimlian that i decided to backout but she can keep the money. I chain smoke till 10pm. I did not see kimlian. i felt both disappointed and glad ... well i dun really know how to feel. I should leave but soemhow i stay on ... dunno what i was waiting for. at 10:15pm still no sign of her ... i felt foolish ... and decided to leave. just then i got a tab on my shoulder.
"Been waiting long?" it was kimlian. she had put on make up ... a little too much for a young girl i reckon. she is still wearing the same tube top but have changed to a tight jeans. somehow the jeans disappointed me.
"shall we go?" she asked matter of factly ...
"go where" i stumped
"to bus stop lah ... your fantasy remember?" she stick out her tongue showing off her stud.
somehow it felt sexy to me and i was slight arouse by it. all thought of back out was gone now.
I followed her to a nearby bus stop. i saw a bus and step forward to flag it. kinlian pulled me back and wishpered "not double deck, cannot do" she siad with such professionalism. i started to think she do this for a living.
finally a double deck bus came and kimlian wisphered to me "this one can"
We boarded the bus. Suddenly i realize i dun have anything to pay for the bus fare. KimLian paid for me "this one on me" she smiled.
She then led me to the upper deck. The upper deck was not really occupied i found myself feeling happy. to my horror there was a young couple sitting at the last bench ... but i followed kimlian and sat two row infront of the last bench. my heart sank.
"We will have to wait till they leave" she said.
"what if they only get down at the last stop?" i asked without thinking or mayb with too much thinking.
KimLian smiled "you can't wait is it? ok ok i promise if this is the case we try another bus ... in the meantime u can touch a little to warm up" she took my hand and place it on her stomach "u can auto roam"
My hand was trebling and i felt dizzy touching her skin. I slowly move up my hand and over her right boob. just touching the exterior of the hard bra she was wearing. My heart was pounding like no tomorrow and when i saw a head poping up the stairways it almost stop. I retract my hand as fast as i good.
KimLian turn over to me "dun worry lah, most people dun see one but if they see so what? aiya i make it easier for u" with that she swiftly mover her hands under her tube top and unhook the bra. she took it out and place it behing my back. she than purpoself move herself side way brushing her boods onto my arm. my arm can feel her nipple over the fabric. becoming brave my hand went under her tube Ohhhhhh and the heaven feeling of touching a young breast and then i reach the nipple.
"uncle you so bad" she wisphered softly "i wish the two idiot behind get off the bus soon" and she show me her tongue again. i almost explode at that instant.
12-12-2005, 04:59 PM
nice story keep them cuming
cuming cuming but 3 times i cannot tahan lah :D
12-12-2005, 05:31 PM
i was in heaven. my hand was moving up and down and even in circular motion inside her tube top. she led out a soft moan "uncle so shiok ... u shiok or not?" she asked. "Yes" is all i can offer. I was too busy.
suddenly i felt someone walking past us and i though "shit!" it was too late to remove my hand and i felt sweat on my forehead. I looked up just in time to see the couple walk to the stairway and desend to leave the bus. I scan around and found the upper deck to be totally empty except us.
"come let's go to the back. we have 3 bus-stop before the interchange" kimlian said.
by now i was totally under her spell i merely followed her to the back bench.
"i sit near the window and u next to me" she ordered.
as soon as my butt touches the seat i felt her hands on my zipper "quick not much time" she said. i shivered when her hand went under my underwear and touches my cock. It immediately sprung to life.
"hmm ... not bad" kimlian exclaimed ... "did u clean it before coming?" she quizzed
"honey, i almost peel off the skin?" i managed some humor.
KimLian look at me while stroking my cock. she open a mouth showing her tonuge and stud ... "u want you cock inside now" she smiled. without me answering she when down.
The first time my cock feel the silver stud coldness it erected another inch i swear. I felt so hard and strong. She slurp and lick like no tomorrow. I fist up my hands on the seats infront of me it was that exciting. she went on and on and suddenly i knew i was about to come. i release my hands and grab her hand "FASTER" and i move her head up and down with rapid speed.
with a shrill i let it all out ... and release my hand but kinlian did not stop. she continues to move up and down ... each motion sending waves and waves of shocks into my body until i had to being her head up.
she looked at me mouth closed ... smiled and to my shock swallow my cum. she then open her mouth to show sign of some cum still inside them and lick her lips to swallow again. "now i clean up" and she went down to lick somemore sending me into heaven over and over again.
there is still one bus stop to go.
i zip up ... felt happy but ashamed at the same time. i dare not look at her anymore but at the same time i knew i wanted more.
at the interchange she left me but not before leaving me her phone number "call me when u need some more"
suddenly i realize i dunno where i am ... the surrounding was not familar to me as i dun take bus for ages. i walked in daze ... took a cab back to pick up my car and went back home. my wife wanted to made love that night but i wasn't in the mood.
12-12-2005, 06:21 PM
that's all for today. to learn more about the adventure of uncle, kimlianm ah siong and their friends stay tune tomorrow on the same thread. thanks.
Nice start to the story.. Worth supporting this thread. ;)
13-12-2005, 02:42 AM
Nice story from u bro Ricardo.... Enjoy reading ur nice story...:)
13-12-2005, 04:21 AM
your story is nice..... :)
13-12-2005, 09:51 AM
Bro Ricardo.. its a new day liao...
13-12-2005, 10:17 AM
yes i know new day liao so continue ....
The next few days was a daze for me ... i cannot forget the tonuge, the stud, the tube tope, the breast ... the look on kimlian's face when she lick her lip for the rest of my cum. I am 38, sex started late for me. My first time was when i was 30 and the WL i call must be like 35-40. I upgrade to younger range i.e. 20+ later on when i earn more. I married at 32 and my wife was 28 then ... we have good sex and family life was great. but the body of a 16 year old ... i never try before ... and i would never know what it is like until kimlian ... i want to try again.
I was toying with my HP in my office when my phone rang, it was ah siong and i wonder why he is calling me for?
"hello" i answered
"uncle, u free later tonight, w meet i need talk to you" ah siong says
I tried to sense his tone to see if he what mood he was in, i sense nothing hostile.
"can but for what?" i ventured
"aiya, i want give u surprise mah, just come lah. i meet u at city hall mrt station at 9pm"
"no need lah i go pick u up at around 9pm from your place ok?" i asked hoping that by going to his place i might be able to see kimlian as well.
"wow like tat even better. ok ON!" and with that he hung up.
the office day was me wondering what surprise ah siong have for me. will he had known abt kimlian and me? is he trying to punish me for that? will i see kimlian? will she be in the tube top with mini skirt again? will i see the studs again? with that i send out a quotation for monthly IT maintenance while quoting annual rate which result in my customer calling me to screw me upside down saying why our fee increase by ten fold. by knock off time i sent out the corrected quotation.
at 7pm i was back home. have a quick shower and dinner, played with my daughter ... at 8:30pm i told my wife i will be out meeting a friend discussing some freelance job. i explained that i try to earn more so as to buy the dream house she always wanted. she was beaming and sent me out the door.
9pm. I reached marsiling and parked at ah siongs HDB block carpark. Ah siong was already at the viod deck and when he saw me he simpley walked over and enter my car. i did not see kimlian and was a little dissappointed.
13-12-2005, 10:39 AM
"hello uncle. ready to party?" ah siong beamed
"huh???" i am a face of lost.
"dun worry just drive, bring us to pasir ris chalet" he simply said.
i drove as he requested. we chat a little but mainly about the football over the last weekend. he is a liverpool fan while me a long suffering spurs fan.
***** Interval ********
Tottenham Hotspurs is current 4th in EPL. FUCKING YEAH !!!!
***** end of interval ******
We reach the pasir ris area and he directed me to the chalet carpark. we worked by rows of holiday houses towards some very loud noise. i started to wonder what was going on? is he taking me to his friends so they can kick the fuck out of me for what i have done with kimlian? before i can think further we stop at the outside of a chalet.
oh god!!! i thought ... it was filled with ah lians. some drinking, some already drunk, some playing cards, some smoking and some play xbox. there must be 20-30 of them. there are only like 3 guys excluding me and ah siong.
on my left i saw the group lying on the bed plau cards. one of the girl (yes girl i think not even 15) was lying flat down head up ... her butt was covered by bright red bikini and that's it ... her breast was pressed to the bed.
the one girl on my right was smoking and talking on the phone. she was wearing a tight t-shirt with hot pants.
and ahead of me a girl was obviously drunk. she sits on a rattan chair leg wide open. can see her white panty thru he demin mini skirt.
but the most eye catching was a girl wearing a white bikini with snoopy inprint dancing swaying sexily to the music.
"like it?" ask ah siong ovbiously sensing my shock and joy.
"aaaaa why u bring me here? not my type of party leh" i try to act cool abt it.
"remember i say i will repay u when u bail me from police?" ah siong explained
"ya, but i say no need liao" i replied
"no way, i steady one, people good to me i good back to them. u always say u hope u can fuck like me when u were 15 right? now i offer you a chance. i will intro u to some of the girls here, u try to sian them and if u good u can upz them" pointing to the bed room above.
"ha ha ha " i let off a nervous smile "which one of them is willing to be sian by an uncle and tell u the truth i dunno how to sian like u lah"
ah siong pat me on my shoulder "this in fact is a girl only party but selected guys are invited in case they got horny ... so u see they have not much choice and when these girls want they dun care who they just want a cock in that mei mei ... very easy one. choose those a bit stone stone one even easier"
ah siong noticed me staring at the snoopy girl "ahhhh good choice, her name cindy ... 17 years old or so ... think she talk pill and drink a bit high liao. see how she rub herself on the chair next to her?"
yes i noticed too. miss snoopy was swaying infront of the chair and occassionally rub herself with the chair. with every rub she heads up and as if letting out a pleasant sigh ... most sexy creature i have seen.
"uncle dun wait liao ... go lah ... they know i bring older friend so will be friendly with u. but if they dun want dun force ok if not many trouble"
i pluck up my courage and move towards miss snoopy or was it cindy?
13-12-2005, 12:21 PM
when i was 2 steps away from cindy. she stopped dancing, move away from the chair and in a swift moment stick her body to me. her arms round my neck. i can feel her flesh touching mine and i look down into the bikini top. nothing too big, in fact just A+ to B cup at most. she was slim and slender and quite tall. she did not say a word, she just slip her hand down to my ass and grab them. "hmmmm ... tight for an uncle" she smile with stone eyes.
It is a signal for me to help myself. i move my hand from her waist to her butt as well. touching the soft fabric of her bikini "not bad yourself ... and smooth to boot" i smile slyly.
"ah siong say u have fantasy of young girls" I was a little taken aback. what did that ah siong say to the girls here.
"yes and he told me u like old cock" where the fuck i get such courage?
"old, new, big, small, long or short" i like them all as long they can make my pussy happy" with that she push her knee up my manhood and rub slowly "yours is waking up now" and she laugh out loud.
just as i was about to feel like in heaven, she pushed me away and scream at the top of her voice while pointing at me "Fucking old uncle want my sweet young pussy isit?"
everyone is looking at me now. i felt my face heated up. i am loss for words. i wanted to dig a hole and hide.
suddenly everyone laughed (except me) ....
"give him lah cindy, he so poor thing" one voice floated
"ya ya ... blow his old cock away" said another
"maybe he big leh?" another voice i was spinning
"fuck him fuck him fuck him" many voices in unison now egging cindy on.
as if being mind controlled, cindy move towards me with one leg hook on my waist and start having simulated sex ... my blushes are replaced by lust now, i follow her rythm and trust into her ....
13-12-2005, 01:37 PM
the pace of our simulated sex got faster and with the audience egging us on i felt especially horny. i lowered my head and start actually kissing cindy's neck ... she did not object or push me away ... encouraged i move my hand to her boobs and start to circle outside her snoopy ... still no objection ... i then move my hand under snoopy and found the nipple i am seeking they were rock solid by now and that turns me on. it obviously turn cindy on as she move away, drag my hand and signal me to sit on the chair i obeyed. she then sit on my lap facing me and started to ride. with one hand holding her my other hand autoroam inside snoopy ... "take it out" she urged. and i slide the fabric of her bikini top to the side showing off her small breast. i did not hestitate to suck her ... "oh yes! ... lick me baby" ... she stop ridding for a while and removed the strings at her next that secure the bikini top. she then squeeze her boobs together "like them" ... "love them" i shouted to much appluase from the audience before sinking into them again. this go on for a while, she was rubbing me and i was feeding on here boobs.
"do it do it do it" came the chant ....
Cindy broker free, she turn with her back facing me .... slowly removing her bikini bottom to the scream of the audience. infront of me was a beautiful flawless ass. she then bend down putting her hand on the floor to support her while lifting her legs to rest on the edges of the chair i was sitting.
"fuck my chee bye uncle" ... i need no invitation ... i struggle to take off my pants ... "wow wow so big ah" was what i heard and proud ... "uncle uncle uncle uncle" and with that i enter her ... sh was wet and not tight as i expect of a 17 year old but it doesn't matter any hole will do now.
i give the audience what they wanted ... trusting into cindy with much force ... "oh yes ... uncle steady man" shouted a voice whick i reckon it was ah siong. i then put my hands on cindy's boobs .... "i am cumming" i shouted ... "nooooo ... lousy lah so fast" came another voice. suddenly a girl ran over to us and split us. she grab my cock ... hard very hard ... using her thumb she pressed hard on my little head. she looked up "that should supress it for a while" she then release me and as if coordinated cindy came over and ride me for real now. she is wild ... and needed to be tamed. i push her to the floor and when on missionary .... when i cannot take it any more i pulled out and move to her breast "mouth"was what she said. i did as told and boy my cum just flow and flow ... she was in a mess but her stine eyes say she wont mind nor remember.
applause applause and more appluase ... ah siong came over ... "uncle shiok bo?"
"shiok shiok" is all i managed while the audience wnet back to whatever they were doing leaving cindy lying naked. i went over to help her up and bring her to the toilet to wash up ... she seems greatful. i came out to take her bikini and help her put back on. "thanks uncle" is all she said. she then went to a nearby chair to rest.
"uncle u steady hor" to my surprise it was kimlian.
"eh u here oso?" i quizzed
"ya la i organize one ma ... all these my sisters ... good right?"
i move to see that ah siong is a distance away "not as good as u" i said with a smirk.
"ya i must try the full service next time" she winked.
ah siong saw us and came over putting his hand around the 2 of us. "uncle here all girl u can touch except ah lian, sh is mind ok" he siad half joking.
my heart skip a beat but i managed to compose myself "of course lah" i said "and now please excuse me hor i go see got any more willing partner or not"
"wow uncle u learn fast man and also very can so fast want again" ah siong laughed.
13-12-2005, 02:30 PM
clap clap
master piece..
KOWTOWSS.. up u le bro
13-12-2005, 02:43 PM
thanks to bro that up me. glad to be of service and afterall i was just living my own fantasy. next episode cumming up.
13-12-2005, 03:09 PM
i walked out of the chalet and light a smoke ... what a sensation i thought to myself. first i got a blow job by a 16 year old now i screw the brians out of a 17 year old infront of an audience. what next? i can't wait. just then i had a concious attack. what the fuck am i doing exploiting these kids. i am an adult and should be showing good example. my upbringing was good, i had a good education and overall i consider myself a decent human being. but fuck me ... all these just went down the drain in the last few days. just then my eyes caught a young girl sitting on the steps leading to the chalet. she was alone. the wolf in me made me forgot whatever i just thought ...
this girl is different. first she dun wear bikini, hot pants or anything. she simply wore a jean and a t-shirt. she sits with her knee up and hands over them. i cannot see how her body was like. but she have a face of a angel. a little rounded and some baby fat. he wasn't drunk nor stone. she looked up at me with contempt. i smile back and she ignored me.
i felt a need to explain "ehhh what i did ... i dunno why"
"she was my sister" she managed not sounding happy at all
"u mean cindy? oh i m sorry?" i tried to sound apologetic
"no u won't sorry, i saw u enjoying yourself" she bite her lips oh how they turn me on.
"anyway, it was her own fault, she took drugs and deserve it. anyway thanks"
"thanks? for what?" i blur liao.
"at least u help her clean up, this is not her first time other guys just leave her there" she stood up facing me.
i observe that she has a small built but like cindy she have flawless complexion that comes with youth. "thats the least i could do" i pretend to sigh while observing her body. not much of a breast just a little swell, legs are long and hell she look pretty.
"tell me" she asked looking shy "was it that great. i mean u both look to enjoy so much" now she blush.
"it depends. comes with experience. you never do before" i asked in anticipation. she shook her head while my little brother raised his.
"a person with more experience will enjoy more and know how to make their partner enjoy more. that's why older folks like me help cindy while the young ones just dun care. it is not all physical it is sensitivity as well" i ventured with hope.
"I am julie" she extended her hand "can u teach me?"
that's what went on my head
13-12-2005, 04:01 PM
oh man.. keep it coming
but heyz.. anyone have anything similar in real life??
13-12-2005, 04:10 PM
using my most fatherly voice "young girl this is not something u can play play one. u are what 16 years old?"
"i am 15" her answered just kill off any strength my little bro have.
"look u r of not legal age yet and furthermore what u saw are pure lust no love, it is a good feeling but after the action it is emptiness. but if u made love and not just wild sex it last in u. even after the session in your memory. sometime as long as your entire lifetime"
her eye bright up "i want that kind, the one u say can last one" she said.
"that i cannot teach, u must experience, u must be in love" i said.
"i am afriad it is difficult for kids like us, look at the people we mix around. just take a look around u" I was shocked by what she say. it is way beyond her age to say something like that. this girl knows her environment. she can be saved.
"tell u what, let's be friends, i will relate my experience to u no nore no less. so when u find someone u really love u can made wild everlasting love with him without fear of unknown." i actually mean it.
"deal!" "yes u have a deal, now let me buy this little girl some supper"
we headed off to a 24 hour coffee shop (by now it is almost midnight) and have some food. i told her my story with my wife. everything from how we met, when we kiss and how we made love. she was engross with all the details and managed to ask intelligent questions as well. i then send her back to the chalet and left leaving my number with her.
13-12-2005, 04:16 PM
oh man.. keep it coming
but heyz.. anyone have anything similar in real life??
if really got no horse run man kekeke ... but according to my younger friends late 20s nowadays youngster very happening one. me uncle liao so only limited to write story.
13-12-2005, 04:37 PM
if really got no horse run man kekeke ... but according to my younger friends late 20s nowadays youngster very happening one. me uncle liao so only limited to write story.
heh.. truly. i remember couple of years back doing it with a 15 yr old gal at a multi-storey carpark.
Even requested her to be in her skol uniform. The experience was mind blowing but after the thing damn guilty.
lucky never get into trouble too
13-12-2005, 04:38 PM
days went by. my life is starting to resume to normal again except for the fact that i occassionally go out with julie (as friends) sometime we watch movie, sometime we dine. I always make sure i discreet but not big worry coz she so young even people see will not associate us together. if really kena caught i will just explain she is ah siong sister and he want me look after her. i told my wife about ah siong and she know how i wanted to help him.
as usual, julie called me up to asked if i am free for a movie. she wanted to watch "The Maid" but dun dare watch alone.
"but it is not showing liao" i say as i remembered wanted to watch with with the missus as well but somehow missed it
"no no not cinema, i got DVD watch in my house. My sister go chalet again but i hate to go with her and u know my parents no longer with us"
"ok what time" i did not think otherwise it just one of our gathering in fact so far i neber touch her. i wanted to but she is 15 and another part of me really wanted to help her. her parents died in a car crash leaving being a reasonable amount of insurance money and the house. the money was held in a trust which gives them monthly allowance enough for teenager.
"4 oclock can? i don't want watch at night" she claim.
"ok" i can just say i go meeting furthermore i can go home on time after watching the DVD i thought.
at 3pm i drove to her house which is just 15 minutes away. i was early. i knock on her door and waited. it was awhile before she open. to my surprise she was just wrap in a towel "sorry dunno u early i was showering" she explained.
my eyes did not leave here body. the towel was small. it barely manage to cover her butt and even here breast are small i can see the longkang. most amazing is the skin. i enter the house and close the door. she went to her room and while she walked i can;t help but enjoy the view.
i walked towards her room, the door was not fully closed it had a small gap left open. i peek into it and can see through a mirror her naked body while she changes ... it was magical, without knowing i found myself stri=oking my bro. i went straight to her toilet to release imagine here while i PCC.
when i come out she was bending down at the tv drawer to pick up the DVDs. she was wearing those tight PE shorts (those wear by volleyball players) and a tight small t-shirt with a teddy bear on it. although i just release myself i felt tempted. despite my urge i went to sit on the sofa, it was a 2 sitter the only one in the house.
13-12-2005, 04:39 PM
heh.. truly. i remember couple of years back doing it with a 15 yr old gal at a multi-storey carpark.
Even requested her to be in her skol uniform. The experience was mind blowing but after the thing damn guilty.
lucky never get into trouble too
wow knn i find my ah siong liao. cummie got lobang or not. seriously too much at stake for me even have sure no balls to try one. my story will end very badly for uncle.
13-12-2005, 04:41 PM
Ricardo cheongster too? married bo?
13-12-2005, 04:43 PM
wow knn i find my ah siong liao. cummie got lobang or not. seriously too much at stake for me even have sure no balls to try one. my story will end very badly for uncle.
lolz i wished i had. i lost my hp.. together wif her contact. part of me feel wasted.. cause it realli was a gem. but part of me feel heng laz.. if not surely cannot control myself keep gg back for more.
ehz fren i not ah beng lehz somemore also not young liaoz. kids see me also start calling uncle.. haha.. sianz..
13-12-2005, 04:49 PM
Ricardo cheongster too? married bo?
married. got cheong but rare only place i go is dragon HC felt safer there. somehow cannot get myself to go shop for FL but everytime purposely drive by gelang to drool all over. at the moment the wife and HC chicks are keeping me happy.
ah siong not ah beng hor ... he white horse prince of the lians kekeke. ok better continue to write story liao.
13-12-2005, 05:23 PM
after loading the DVD julie came over and sit beside me.
"can i hold your arm? i scare" she said
"be my guest, i think that why u want me here in fact u just need my arm to come" i teased and she laughed.
the movie started and she held my arm close. so close that my arm can feel her body. to be exact when she breath i can feel her little boobs rubbing my arms sending sensations after sensation into my little head but no choice i am here not to take advantage of her.
In one scary scene, she pulled my arm to her side across her body digonally and my hand landed on her lap. she didn't seem to notice and i let it be. after a while, without me conciously noticing my fingers was stroking her thigh by then i wasn't watching the movie liao. i look down and saw her little boobs moving up and down i reckon she was wearing a sport bra which allow almost a view of a nipple's shape from her tight t-shirt. at the same time my hand on her lap is now edging towards her inner thigh moving up and down but in a very very slow and (i hope) negelible movement.
another scary shock scene and she pulled me closer and my hand landed between her thigh right outside her pussy. i dare not move at all but i was bruning in hell with lust. first my index finger moves a little touching the outside of her shorts where the ultimate love hole is. feeling it sends wave of joy into my body which in turn pump my blood faster which in turn straighten me bro. no action from her and i venture more by feeling and touching her more. she held my arm ... "what u doing" she asked softly no anger by shy.
i immediately stop "sorry, i couldn;t help it" ...
"then dun help, i dun mind i kind of like it, dun stop" my wind when wild. i pulled her into my arms with her head resting against my chest. my hand is now outside her thigh stroking.
13-12-2005, 05:52 PM
Bravo! Bravo!
If not becoz i upped u previously, i'll donate more points in appreciation of your excellent effort... :cool:
13-12-2005, 06:28 PM
Bravo! Bravo!
If not becoz i upped u previously, i'll donate more points in appreciation of your excellent effort... :cool:
bro, points not important lah ... have good dun have no problem as long i not drop to moderation can liao. thanks for reading will work hard on it.
13-12-2005, 07:05 PM
i was virtually digging now and i can feel with every dig her body twitch a little i assume she was receiving the joy as much as my fingers. by now i think she oso dun worry abt the movie liao. i got bolder and slip my fingers into her shorts edging upwards. my heart now beats faster with every inch i conquer ... suddenly i felt some spikes just like touching someone with crew cut ... i was wondering what that was and then a light buld went up ... she is 15 after all, the hair are just growing. I move deeper stroking the key area now inside her. i am trying to be gentle. at the same time i felt her hand on my bro stroking as well. not experience but not hurting me. in fact it felt good. we carry on until i felt she starting to get wet. slowing her legs parted for me to give me more space ... i enter using one finger "urghhhh hmmm" she moan ... "pain?" i asked. "a little but ok"
i moves slowly in and out in and out ... she grabs me harder ... my other hand is free and i went up to here boobs and rub over them. she shocked me by removing her hand from my bro but just to remove her t-shirt showing what i suspected ... a sport bra. "take it out too" she obeyed me and next thing i am starting at a half ripe boobs ... a nice pair with decent size nipple. not too big ... i bend my head and slowly gives them gentle licks ...
"hmmm uggrrr ... " i felt her lower boby now moves with my fingers egging them to move faster, i knew better to go agaist her rythm ... i let her control while kissing her neck and touching her small boobs. she move faster now "ahhh ahhha hhhhhh uuuurrrr ahhhhh" i knew she came ... she kissed me full on my lips ... my tongue venture and she follows ... for a cool 2 minutes we embrace ... hands now on each other back ... feeling good ... this is making love ....
we stop to cath our breath. she looked at me shyly ... "feels good" she said. her legs still wide apart. she looked down ... place her hand over her shorts at teh wet spot ... "its so wet" she smile "i guess is good" ... "it can get better" i said and move her to lay on the sofa with legs apart. i took off her shorts with her willing help. it was not hairless but little ... no bush ... i am eager. i proceed to lick her at the inside of her thigh and and moves towards to her pussy ... slow licking motion until i found the key point ... her body strectch with my finding ... "hmmm urrrrr what can i do for u" she moan softly. i got up pull down my pants and remove my shirt ... infact everything. she still laying on the sofa. i wen 69 on her "pull back the skin and lick the meat" i ordered ... she is a smart girl "ooooooo myyyyyy goddddddd" i almost scream ... my head was responding to every gentle licking ... i do the same to her .... "suck now" she do it ... again not experience by a lot of pressure.
i can no longer take it ... i turn around, slowing entering her missionary style, i went in inch by inch ... "pain?" "pain?" "no! uuuuurr noo .... hmmm" i ride her in and out .... its over in a minute .... i am over the moon she is still rocking me while my cock soften ... suddenly she asked "why stop?" ... "i no more strength, it is over" ... "so fast?" she sound disappointed. i extract out "sorry, i use my mouth" and i proceed until she came .....
we were both exhuasted ... she on the sofa me on the floor. she move down onto my body and hug me thight "i will remember this for life" i am touched "so will i"
i left her house at almost 8pm. i kiss her full on the lip. "i miss u already" she said. i drag my foot but eventually left.
my downfall hav just started.
13-12-2005, 07:06 PM
ok folks that's it for today. stay tuned tomorrow. see how uncle pay his price. no way uncle can get so good fuck one kekeke ...
hey, the plot just got better!!! keep it up!:)
14-12-2005, 10:36 AM
on my way back home my thought was no longer about how good it felt in fact it was the reverse, i felt guilty. 15 fucking years old, what the fuck was i thinking? i need to stop myself before this turn into something i can no longer manage. back home i found my wife waiting in a sexy lingerie. she is a beautiful woman but my mind wasn't there. i went to shower and before she can come into the room i pretended to sleep. so came over and rub my shoulder, i pretended to be deep in sleep.
2am. i was waked by an sms. "i miss u" it says. it was from julie mobile number. i never keep her number in my phone in case my wife suspect i register her number into memory. in case my wife were to check i can always say it must be a wrong number. i checked, my wife was asleep by then. i took my phone and went into the kitchen to have water. toying with the phone i was thinking how should i reply the sms.
i typed "me too" and clear the data
i type "i miss u too" and clear the data
i type "what we do is wrong" and was about to press the send button when i clear again and type "me too sleep well talk tomorrow" sent. i delete the messages.
next day i called julie at 9am. "hi julie we need to talk"
"sorry no, i in school now" she replied softly and hang up.
the fact that she was in school wakes me up ... i am an idiot. i am calling a 15 year old still in school to talk abt relationship? this is crazy.
12pm "wanna watch DVD again later?" i got an sms
"no have a meeting later and my in-laws coming for dinner" i replied
"ok" was her reply.
i did not hear from julie for the next 3 days until i got this sms "are u avoiding me?"
i don't know what to do. i did not reply.
14-12-2005, 11:13 AM
a week later i got another sms "without u i can also get fuck so don't think only u can give. fuck u"
i called julie "we need to talk"
"nothing to talk, i fucking now." she hung up.
for the next 2-3 months, julie, ah siong, cindy and kimlian is slowly moving out of my mind ... life went back to normal until one sunday i saw ah siong at his DVD stall again.
"Uncle" he called out.
"hey u back now?" i quizzed.
"ya ya, kena probation and counciling, piece of cake, ha ha ha" he smiled happily "want some new DVD?"
"ok" and i selected 5 and we started to chat.
as usual ah siong did most of the talking describing what happen since we last met. he recalled how i "whack" cindy hard hard. "in fact i banging her younger sister now" was what caught my attention.
he went on to describe how julie came on to him during a clubing session with their friends. he said she was drunk and so was cindy. kimlian was not around so he play hero and send them both back from a taxi. and when in their house cindy was dead drunk so he left her in her room. he help julie to her room. suddenly julie clang on to him and start touching his mandhood. he of course take advantage straight away strip her bare and whack liao. Ah siong say he thinks she still virgin cause when he whack she keep shout "pain pain pain". but ah siong says after that incident, julie call him a few times to fuck. he went on to describe every inch of julie's body and how thight she was.
i lost interest. i was feeling jealous and at the same time sad coz ah siong is not one that will foreplay and get her wet and high first. he only have one method "whack" ... i worried that julie must have suffered.
"time to fetch my daughter" i excused myself and was in deep thought.
that night i sms julie "we need to talk"
there was no reply from her.
14-12-2005, 12:07 PM
the next day i got an sms from julie ... it simply read
"DVD today 5pm my house. Up to you. No need reply"
as instructed i did not reply. i do not know if i will go but thinking that i was the one initiated to talk to her i think i should.
At 5 i appear at her door. she was alone, she smile at me as if nothing had happen. she was wearing the same shorts and t shirt the last time round. i got seated at the sofa and he loaded a DVD. it was the same movie. it was all too wierd to me but i did not say a thing. she came over and grab my arms as previously and said "i want everything the same as previously, i try to fuck with other people but only the time with u i enjoy. i know only u can make me happy" with that she move my hand to her private part helping me to stroke her. it all happen so fast, in no time i am overcome by lust and we proceed to make passionate love. the only different is this time she came while i was inside of her and i came an instant later. it was beyond my wildest dream.
laying next to me with an arm around my nake body "i love u" she said. "me too" and i meant it.
after that they we carry on like couples. we went for movies, dinner, lunch even went to sentosa. when outside we dun hold hands or act intimate but once we are alone we can't get our hands off each other.
we done it in my car, a HDB stairways in sengkang, near the east coast beach, her house and even once at my house when my wife and kids went visiting her mom.
it is crazy but i was madly in love with this 15 year old.
14-12-2005, 01:01 PM
This story really get me shiok and also it remind me of my 15 yrs old gf way back many yrs ago.
I was having a 15 yrs old gf and I was oni 20 than. Oni hv paid sex with women and dun hv any experience with sex. Most of the time I can't cum and hv to pcc by the women. Mayb kan cheong so cannot cum. Oni till I met her and she was so horny. She was so experience and guess she have many sex partner before me and she lead me during the begining stage when we make love. We hv wild making love almost everyday. At times we do it 2-3 times per day. Young mah. Still can tehan. kekeke Think back was rather scary becos I was doing it with a 15 yrs old girl. We broke off and if she have to turn around and said I rape her. My future will be gone but glad she didn't do that.
So having sex with a underage girl is taking a high risk. If she turn around and bites you. Everything is gone. Not worth taking the risk. ;)
14-12-2005, 01:23 PM
So having sex with a underage girl is taking a high risk. If she turn around and bites you. Everything is gone. Not worth taking the risk. ;)
bro zomb,
i assume she not over 16 liao so can rekindle old flame and not scare liao. seriously i think even if she go tell police u have sex with her when she was 15 u will still kena no matter how old she is now. i not sure if right or not. i mean the law cannot like that right, knn wait one 30+ say i have sex with her when she 14 i go jail after 15 years of fucking ... not right leh. the law got age limit for report or not har?
14-12-2005, 04:52 PM
our relationship blossom so much so that we even talk of marriage. on her 16th birthday i told her i will leave my wife for her. i have no choice but to drop my family coz i am crazily in love with julie. by then my wife already suspected that i had an affair and i did not do anything to convince her otherwise. during one of the night i had a frank discussion with my wife and told her that it is best we walk away from the marriage i will leave her everything including our daughter i will not contest for custody but i insist on weekly visitation rights. she simply said "i am disappointed with you but i too cannot live with someone that dun love me anymore" she is a morden woman i am sure she can cope. in fact i suspect she had started to see someone else already. my concern is for julie, she is young and she need me and my protection.
by then, cindy oso knew abt us. at first she objected thinking i am there just to fuck her sister. she even tried seducing me to test me. my love for julie was strong enough to resist her. soon their friends knew as well do does ah siong. he was shocked but did not say much.
then one day i went to julie's place as usual. we are suppose to go view a condo unit i plan to buy and stay with her. i found her crying by the sofa. i asked what was wrong.
"ah siong raped me" she said thru sobs.
i was shocked my only instinct at that time was to confront ah siong but i managed to control and asked "what? why? how?"
"he say one last fuck for him if not he will report i have sex with you when i was underage. i refused and he rape me" she said.
i hug her close to me. i knew this is when she needed me most ah siong can wait. that night i slept at julie's house.
14-12-2005, 05:01 PM
What a twist to the story~~ really like drama~~ going to camp here and give up those cheesy TV8 drama series.....:D
14-12-2005, 05:18 PM
the next day, her emotion state was better. we talk abt it. she do not want to report to police coz she worry will implicate me. i say i will go settle with ah siong to make sure he will never do such thing again. i drove her to school. i called office to take urgent leave and sms ah siong to me.
"come my house anytime" was his reply.
at 9am i knocked on ah siong house. he let me in.
"i know what u here for" he started "let's talk like man"
"ok, tell me why" i asked with some anger in my voice
"WHY?" he suddenly shouted "you want to know WHY????"
"KNNCCB ok, u let ah lian (this is how is address kimlian) do blow job for you in a bus. how i feel?" he asked back
i was stunned, did not expect this.
"nothing to say right?" he continued "u fuck my girl i fuck yours back!"
i composed myself "ok what u want now?"
"nothing. i don't feel good also. i treat u like brother i was angry u up my woman now we even"
i felt a little better now "Julie will not report to police we will let the case rest ok?" i asked and ah siong nodded.
"good" i said and let myself out. at the lift i got an sms from ah siong "sorry" i replied "dont do it again and i swear i never touch kimlian ever again"
14-12-2005, 05:32 PM
i went to pick julie from her school. in the car i explained everything to her even told her about what kimlian did to me. she was quiet. i said that was before her. she did not say anything. out of the blue she said "i want to get my tongue pierced as well"
"no i wont allow that. u still in school they will not allow that as well" i countered
"but but but what if one day i cannot give u what u one? your fantasy? u leave me like u leave your wife" a very practical question from her.
"this will never happen coz i love u. it is not about sex. i left my wife not because of sex. we have no more feelings.
"what if u have no more feelings for me" she persisted
"ha ha, at late 30s me, and u 16 it is more likely i am the one at risk here" i laughed it off
"whatever" i knew she is pissed now.
"look let me bring u to a place" i drove in silence until my destination.
"why u bring me here?"
pointing to the big sign board outside a construction site dispalying an artist impression of the completed condo.
"tomorrow we walk into there" pointing to the sales office "and i shall book us a unit overlooking the swimming pool. u will wear your most sexy bikini and swim there and we will made wild love in the pool at 3am to wake everyone else up"
Julie smiled, i knew i have got her back.
when inside the car we agreed to drive and get some dinner. while i was driving i suddenly felt julie's hand on my zipper. in no time my fly was open and in quick motion she took out my bro, bend her head down and start licking. it could more and more intense and i quickly drive into a multi storey car park ... she looked up when i stop the car "am i better than kimlian?"
"ten times, hundred times" i press her head back down.
she uses her tongue to circle my head before shafting into her mouth deep thorat and coming back up. the sequence repeats until i unload everything but she still continue .... i was grabing everything i can hold the after shock just came and came.
after a while she came up "i heard your juice is good for complexion" and smile shyly "later reach home your turn"
i packet our dinner went home did not even have time to eat them we were making wild love again.
things surely looking up for me.
14-12-2005, 05:34 PM
what a twist. nice one there.:p
14-12-2005, 06:01 PM
things was all good again until i got the bomb.
by now i stay in julie's home more than my own. but one saturday i went back coz promise my daughter to bring her for movie. whole day my wife and me act as if we are a loving couple. we held hand, we play and tease our daughter ... just like any other happy family. it was that night that i receive the bomb. after my daughter have slept my wife threw an enevlope onto the sofa where i was sitting. i took it out and was shocked to see photos of me receiving a blow job from juile in the carpark. it capture me in agony ... julie smiling after the session just coming up from my bro ... we hugging and kissed.
"what the fuck?" what my first response
"i just want to see who she were but got a bonus instead" she said coolly.
"i took the initiative to get my PI to check her out since her school uniform is so obvious in the photos. my god u r a monster. she is only 16 ... in fact just 16. i am sure it started when she was not of legal age" she smiled even wider this time
"what u want?" i was very concerned now.
"u know, i am glad i did not lose to a 40 tear old but i will never thot of a 15-16 year old. u really have the right skills to win kids over. with this i no need your agreement to give everything to me. the court will give me. and in my affadivits, i will say i suspect this has been going on for a year now and then my self righteous lawyer will inform the police that he suspect that there is a possible breach of lawyer by having sex with an underage. the police shall investigate and find the truth. but if u are clean no worries" she even managed a laugh.
"she consented" i try to sound normal but was anything but normal
"they law don't care about her consent. good luck" she walked over to the front door "now get your ass back to your girl"
i left but totally gutted.
14-12-2005, 06:08 PM
ok folks thats all for today. tomorrow the story should come to a conclusion and i have to get back to my work oso liao. cheers
14-12-2005, 06:11 PM
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Bro who like my story can also try those on my signature.
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15-12-2005, 08:41 AM
The first time my cock felt the silver stud coldness it erected another inch i swear. I felt so hard and strong. She slurp and lick like no tomorrow.....
Yeah, I miss that pleasure ... especially when the 20-year-old keeps looking back at me with those big bright eyes of hers. :D
15-12-2005, 11:03 AM
nothing happen for a while and i am starting to think my wife simply just threaten me for fun. we proceed with the divorce but then my lawyer (an old friend) pulled me into his office after i signed the papers.
"what the fuck u doing with a 16 year old" he asked
"how come u know?" I asked a little shock. it is actually happening
"your wife's lawyer told me and you are going to be in deep shit if u really go do it when she was underage" giving me a serious look.
"what should i do?" now panicking
"if the police interview u don't say a word call me up. also make sure u tell the girl die die also don't admit. as long as she say it did not happen there is nothing much the police can do."
i thanked him and left feeling better coz i am sure julie will stand by me.
that same day i went back to my home to get my stuff upon my wife's request. i reach there about 9pm as she instructed. by the time i reach home my daughter has already slept. i went to her room to take a good look being sad that i will now see lesser of my princess. i will miss her.
after packing all my stuff into 2 bags i am ready to leave. my wife came out of her room and asked me to spare her a few minutes. we sat and talk in the living room.
for a minute she did not say a word. she opened a red wine and offered me a glass. "to our divorce" she said raising the glass. we started to talk like good old friends. how we met, the good times ... and what went wrong. we finish the bottle of wine by 11pm.
she then stood up and walked infront of me. slowing she unbotton her night shirt revealing a nice lacy set of bra and panty. she is afterall a beautiful woman. "i want to show u what u will be missing" i kept quiet.
she then spread her legs wide and sat on my lap facing me her legs are now between one of my thigh. she started to rub against it ... fliping the remote she started some pretty hot music. she was giving me a lap dance. she pull my hand to her bra by i refused ... she than touches herself first her neck, then her breast. she kept moving them up and down and slowly she peel the cup down to show her nice and firm breast and nipple. she look at me in a seductive manner and bite her lips. i was reminded of how sexy she can be.
she then lean towards me and kisses my neck i can no longer stop her.
"comon, fuck me one last time" she say with a seductive smile. she stood up and held my hand leading me to our bed room. i followed.
she push me to the bed "i think i have never given you a blow job" she teased while helping me to unbuckle my belt and removing my pants. "this will be the first and last time" she grab my swell up bro peel down my underwear and started to lick my shaft. she was obviously not experience and it did not last long. she came up to me "made love to me" i took over and did the job. it was not fantastic but i reckon that is the least i could do.
when i left she shouted "you will regret this coz u not getting any of the good time i can give u anymore. i will give to anyone but u" and she slammed the door.
15-12-2005, 11:06 AM
nice story, keep it cumming bro :)
15-12-2005, 11:18 AM
as expected a few days later i was "invited" to a police station for an interview. i called my lawyer and present ourself there together. during the interview they asked the basic and the obvious and my lawyer simply said "no comment". After that the kind police officer thank me and said i am not being charge "YET"
the same time julie got called in as well. while she was waiting for her interview she received an sms
"interest video. take a look" the number she not familiar.
she then receive a video clip. it was me getting a blow job from my wife. then another clip, my wife kissing me and i kiss back. and the last one where she ride me to climax. this is followed by a message.
"he is just fooling with u. the condo is under his own name only and he is still fucking me. once he is over with u. he will throw u out but u may still get the occasional fuck when he is bored. like what he did to me. do u know he left his previous girlfriend to be with me? history will repeats"
by then julie was filled with anger. and in the interview she told them everything.
once she is out of the police station, she looked for me and confronted me with the video and sms ... and she told me she tell the police we had sex when she was underage. i heart sank. i dun blame her she was being manupilated. she is afterall only 16.
i explained to her what had happen and finally got her to forgive me. she became worried about me and we went to my lawyer.
"no point changing your story, it will look worst" was what he said
"simply tell them you do it willingly and u love him" pointing at julie
"and u better show that u love her and show prove that u divorce and buy a condo with her" looking at me.
"then what? i asked
"then u pray hard you get a light sentence" he said matter of factly
15-12-2005, 11:24 AM
the b!tch bites back...:rolleyes:
15-12-2005, 11:44 AM
the case came to court and we both admitted to having sex while julie's was underage. it came out in the papers and i was sacked from my job.
while waiting for the verdict i pulled julie aside
"look i love u and to show how much i do, i am transferring the condo to you. if i am inside prison it will be difficult to deal with the things related to the condo. consider it a gift from me. i have fully paid up all 750K of it. when i come out, i will take a loan for the house we start a small business for us"
"i no need money, my parents left me some." she cried
"i know, it is for us but for now u will have to own it first. i have done all the papers just go to my lawyer and sign he will handle the rest" we hugged.
2 years ... i got 2 years ... the led me away and i saw julie mouth "i will wait for u"
it was a terrible 2 years but it gave me time to plan. my one time alimony to my wife is paid up. i have no more money with me except the 750k condo. i m unlikely to get a decent job when i go back out so i will take a loan of about 300k to start up once i have decent income i will marry julie and with her insurance money after 21 we should have a decent life together.
julie came visiting me frequently and sometime ah siong came as well. he is really a good boy and now more and more like a man. my ex-wife came as well bringing my daughter but it became less and less.
15-12-2005, 12:06 PM
2 years later .....
i am so looking forward to coming out. i can finally start afresh again. i made my mistake and serve my time now i am ready to make good all my promises to julie. i saw her grow to a woman the past few years. everytime she come to visit me she looks different but good. i can't wait to get to her and make wild love with her.
i walked out of prison and she was there waiting wearing a bright yellow flower dress ... i can;t wait to remove that dress i smiled widely. we hugged and she led me to the carpark. ah siong was waiting there, he was driving a old honda civic. we hugged and left the place i spend my last 2 years in a lock up.
to my surprise they brought me to julie's house.
"why not the condo?" i asked.
"sit down i will explain" ah siong pull a chair over for me then he sit down on the sofa with julie joining him. the same sofa that i made love to the underage julie which put me in jail. Julie put a hand round ah siong's arm.
"what's going on?" i demanded. julie did not dare to look at me instead she look down onto the floor.
"we fell in love. i am sorry" said ah siong "it just happen we try to resist but cannot. we same age group so too much in common and we hope concern about you as well" he went on.
"STOP, STOP, STOP" i shouted and i stood up. "I know, i should have expected. i am 40 and she is just 18 now. u are the better guy" i said bitterly. i was an idiot i should have known such thing will happen if it is not ah siong it will be someone else she was fucking 16 afterall.
"sorry" said julie finally looking up.
"don't have to. i deserve it"
"here is the key to the condo" julie said. at least they give me back the condo i thought.
"you can stay a month there first" she sontinued.
"what u mean a month?" i quizzed.
"we sold it to raise some cash, sorry i lost a lot money on football betting" ah siong stood up now look at him ready to be hit by me.
"what?" i screamed, this is getting worst.
"i will pay u back when my insurance money come next year when i turn 21" said julie.
"whatever." i said, i am left with no strength to say a thing. i took the condo key and left. behind me ah siong said "r u ok" i waved without looking back.
i went to the condo. it was empty except for the wall and lamps. i walked to the balcony looked down and jump.
at last i get PEACE.
stay tune for the DVD bonus NG scenes.
15-12-2005, 12:11 PM
so good got bonus scenes ar...
got bloopers during the steamy scenes???:rolleyes:
15-12-2005, 12:54 PM
Bravo !! *clap ! clap ! clap !*
up you !!
15-12-2005, 01:19 PM
NG scene
scene: KimLian suck cock in bus
Take 7
KimLian: mock mock mock slurp slurp
Director: suck harder harder
Uncle: coming
Director: ok take in don't swallow yet. come up, camera pan to her face. open mouth
KimLian open mouth
Director : knn why no cum inside? cut cut cut!
Uncle: knn u try take 7 liao still got cum come out or not. i can stand oredi not bad liao.
Director : ok ok ... give her some vanilla ice cream pretend they r cum. Camera! NBzzz ah lian dun swallow lah. CUT!
KimLian: very cold leh
Director: ok take a rest later take 8
15-12-2005, 01:24 PM
take 8 (next day)
Uncle: coming
KimLian continue to suck but suddenly uncle bro become too small and slip out her mouth with cum shot on her eyes.
KimLian: knn la ... i say dun kena my eyes liao lor.
uncle: sorry sorry i wipe for u
KimLian: now have to take again. u purposely isit. i suck u shiok ah.
uncle: u try kena suck so many time see shiok or not lor (uncle smiling inside)
take 9
suck suck suck .... cumming
director: ok ah lian come up for camera
kimlian: hmhmmhsmmh hshhsnshn
director: what the fuck come up la ...
uncle: she cannot
director: why?
uncle: call ambulance i think her stud pin came out pook into my bro now stuck
15-12-2005, 01:25 PM
that's all folks hope u enjoy. thanks to bros that up me. will up back soon.
until the next story. cheers
15-12-2005, 01:51 PM
色字头上一把刀... haiz... sad ending
15-12-2005, 03:33 PM
clap clap clap.....
camera pan to theatre full of audience.....
some standing up, follow by the rest.....
"ricardo ricardo ricardo" the cheers become louder and louder........
fade out :p
15-12-2005, 03:46 PM
Love ur stroy mate abt the retake and things like that, keep up the good work mate. Hey by the way your story is now part of the Golden Horse awards nominee...
Always enjoy a good story...
Upzz ur point don mind the lanauage...Thanks
15-12-2005, 04:23 PM
ha ha ha thanks for the encouragement and points and the nomination. like i say b4 i will up folks back in due time. cheers
15-12-2005, 04:26 PM
Good story. I enjoy reading it. :) Is this story real?
15-12-2005, 04:41 PM
wow Golden Horse nomination!! Should be nominated for best script?? hahaha
nice story!!
15-12-2005, 05:41 PM
Good story. I enjoy reading it. :) Is this story real?
nope. me no write real story and also no real story interesting enough to share. i am just a simple middle age man that scare of wife thus cheong very very discretly that's why end up come sammyboy to live my fantasy. :(
15-12-2005, 06:33 PM
Bro Ricardo,
Very good story I must say. You should be a scriptwriter and sell your story for movie production. Seriously. Money to be made here.
15-12-2005, 06:35 PM
Bro Ricardo,
Very good story I must say. You should be a scriptwriter and sell your story for movie production. Seriously. Money to be made here.
won't work. i oni know how to write porn :D
16-12-2005, 11:39 AM
won't work. i oni know how to write porn :D
Who say cannot you wtill can write script for Porno flicks... I will be the first in line to see the preview and also the movie... Good luck to u if u really goin to choose this path...
16-12-2005, 11:56 AM
Who say cannot you wtill can write script for Porno flicks... I will be the first in line to see the preview and also the movie... Good luck to u if u really goin to choose this path...
dunno leh always wanted to write something serious but the sex thing keep come back to me. at first i explain to myself it is part of the plot lah but later i notice the sex stuff cover most of the story. in fact it is the story. guess it is in-build in me liao. no sex no story. so far the only non sex related thing i have written is my memoir of my time spend working the the middle east few years back. anyway it is nothing serious just to past time. cheers
16-12-2005, 01:12 PM
very good stories you got there...
if we had an adult video/film industry here, you can definitely help 'em churn out some wicked scripts... but of course the trend these days is actually towards so-called 'gonzo' flicks. no frills, low budget, straight to the action videos...
never mind, we can always add our 'uniquely singaporean' angle to the global adult entertainment industry... with a bit of flair, a touch of humour, 'world-class' production values and more...
me? i just wanna be the casting director and try out all the auditioning sluts 1st...kekekekekekekekeke... SYTs, ultra-lians, undergrads, OLs and foreign talent all welcome...mediacorp 'personalities' doubly so...
16-12-2005, 01:17 PM
take 8 (next day)
uncle: she cannot
director: why?
uncle: call ambulance i think her stud pin came out pook into my bro now stuck
hahaha....almost fell off my chair :p ....well done again bro.....:)
16-12-2005, 01:38 PM
Bro Ricardo,
Really admire your imagination to be able to write friction, and write it so well. I hope to contribute to friction one day too.
Good job.:D
nope. me no write real story and also no real story interesting enough to share. i am just a simple middle age man that scare of wife thus cheong very very discretly that's why end up come sammyboy to live my fantasy. :(
16-12-2005, 02:23 PM
Bro Ricardo,
Really admire your imagination to be able to write friction, and write it so well. I hope to contribute to friction one day too.
Good job.:D
bro fat29,
big of u to come support my story despite me giving negative remarks at your "friend beautiful wife" thread. Guess i will have to call a truce now. up u back when i can. cheers
16-12-2005, 02:37 PM
Bro Ricardo,
No worries, I don't bear grudges easily. We are all bros who share similar passion. I am only a newbie and is most willing to learn and take advice from the more experience bros like yourself.
Hope to read your next story. Take care.:)
bro fat29,
big of u to come support my story despite me giving negative remarks at your "friend beautiful wife" thread. Guess i will have to call a truce now. up u back when i can. cheers
16-12-2005, 02:47 PM
dunno leh always wanted to write something serious but the sex thing keep come back to me. at first i explain to myself it is part of the plot lah but later i notice the sex stuff cover most of the story. in fact it is the story. guess it is in-build in me liao. no sex no story. cheers
Bro, don't brush it off. Simply get someone else (like myself :D ) to edit your story and amend it to include some other scenes, while leaving the substance in. I've read your other stories. Your ideas are quite good. Your stories could easily be adapted to become novels or dramas. Think about it... you start your writing career from practice in SBF...;)
16-12-2005, 02:57 PM
Bro, don't brush it off. Simply get someone else (like myself :D ) to edit your story and amend it to include some other scenes, while leaving the substance in. I've read your other stories. Your ideas are quite good. Your stories could easily be adapted to become novels or dramas. Think about it... you start your writing career from practice in SBF...;)
thanks for reading my other stories as well. i read regularly (in fact a paperback a week on bus and MRT travel) thus i know i am a long long way to go. now "start your writing career from practice in SBF" will be a good story. Imagine one day i become a famous mainstream author (not that i m going to be) and when interview i say "oh yes, thanks to SBF and the bros there" even better i get best script award in mediacorp star award (not that i can write chinese) and i thanks sam and bros for supporting me in my early years ... how cool will that be ... well of course after that i no need to write mainstream liao kekeke. having said that this is just a hobby.
16-12-2005, 03:01 PM
encore encore Bro Ricardo!!:D
16-12-2005, 03:04 PM
encore encore Bro Ricardo!!:D
so many bro support think i better repay by writing a bit more ... coming up a scene never shown ... was cut for the too much violence ... it is the scene of ah siong raping Julie.
16-12-2005, 03:30 PM
it is ah siong's last session with his council. she is a lady in mid 30s known oso to ah siong as Mrs Toh. from the first day ah siong have already developed a crush on her. she is so different from all the ah lian. she has class. she does not dress to reveal herself in fact very conservative. ah siong wonder what it is like to have sex with a proper lady. but although young ah siong knows very well she is out of his leauge. ah siong was sad that it was his last session as his punishment for selling illegal DVD.
Mrs Toh came into the interview room while ah siong was already waiting. ah siong straight away stood up and hope he look decent enough. he has choosen to wear his best slack and shirt. as usual Mrs Toh was conservatively dressed, a blue turtle neck pull over with black long pants. ah siong thought she looks good in whatever she wear and classy lady like her dun have to show meat to be attractive. she was obviously wearing a hard wired bra which outline the shape of her nice sized breast over the pull over. he stole few look at them and started to day dream. in fact he did not really know what she was saying but simply nod to whatever she says.
"ok ah siong, i won't be seeing you again but please make sure u be good ok?" Mrs Toh using a very motherly tone.
"I will" said ah siong not really meaning it. if being caught means spending time with Mrs Toh he is willing to do more crime but he know the next time he is caught he will be into the home.
the shook hands and ah siong sadly leave. he felt a great loss and he felt he need to release his pent up desire for Mrs Toh. He knew KimLian is waiting for him at home.
16-12-2005, 03:44 PM
Hi bro ricardo,
This message is to express my thanks for your wonderful story. Its one of the best i've read this year.
Definately a runners for The Golden Cock awards.
The Sammy Times
Best production of the year.
The Nehpaper
16-12-2005, 03:48 PM
when he reached home, he found kimlian watching tv. she was just back also wearing a mini skirt and t-shirt. to his disgust her legs were wide open showing her pink panty. Mrs Toh will never be in such disgraceful posture he thought. he needed sex. he went over to stand infront of kimlian and unzip. "give me a blow job" he demanded.
"siao, siam lah i wanna watch tv" kimlian uses her hand to move him away from her sight so she can see the tv.
ah siong sat next to her and started to massage her shoulder, neck and moving to her breast. he then went under her t-shirt and pull down her bra to continue servicing her. he then took kimlian's hand to touch he bro which he had already taken out. he can sense that it was working as kimlian eyes started to close and ignore the tv then follow by soft moans.
then kimlian turn around to him "u crazy fuck so horny make ppl also want" she proceed to take off her t-shirt, skirt and panty. ah siong did the same. soon she was ridding him in the living room going "yes yes yes"
ah siong did not like things going so fast with minimal foreplay but he closed his eyes and imagine it wa Mrs Tod he was having sex with.
"i am cumming ... Mrs Toh" he was about to explode
"me too, i am cumming ..... WHAT THE FUCK! WHAT DID U JUST SAY?" kimlian lost all interest. she broke free from him and shouted "Go fuck your high class Mrs Toh. NB ... KNNCCB, i bet her CB got gold"
with a hard on, ah siong managed "sorry, i dun mean that"
"FUCk YOU! u mean it i know. knn everytime u come back from her session keep saying how good how high class she is. NB u think i stupid. go fuck her i dun want to be her replacement"
knowing he is not going to get any ah siong got pissed as well "FUCK YOU. if i have a bit of class i would not end up fucking u liao. If only i am like uncle a successful and upright man i would have a chance with her"
"ha ha ha ha ... ha ha ha ha ... " KimLian started to laugh. "if your good uncle high class i queen of england liao. he fuck cindy like bunny and now sleeping with her sister. FUCK he even pay me to blow him in a bus" immediately kimlian regretted what she said.
"WHAT? WHAT u mean he pay u to blow him?" ah siong was shocked.
"nothing" tried kimlian
"don't u nothing me. is it true?" fumed ah siong. kimlian just nodded silently.
"Nbzzzz . that mother fucker. i show him what i can do. fuck my woman" he left the house.
Kimlian was worried but dare not go after him. She later sms ah siong
"uncle no fuck me just blow job. bill cliton say is ok"
after reading the sms ah siong blew his top. "nbzzz i dun care what bill cliton says. fuck cb fuck mouth also fuck. i will now go fuck his woman to pay him back" he think to himself.
16-12-2005, 04:32 PM
Julie was sleeping when she heard loud knock on the door. she woke up and went to open it. The moment she unlcok the door it was flung opened by a huge push, she was shocked to see ah siong was the one outside the door.
ah siong pushes himself into the house and grab julie's arm.
"ouch ... u hurting my arm" cried julie
"i m going to hurt u more. now listen. uncle screw kimlian and now i m here to screw his woman" said a obviously angry ah siong
"u cannot do that. i won't do it." defended julie
"if u dont do it with me i will report police say he fuck underage girl. afterall this is not the first time i fuck u. u are not a virgin oso" ah siong talked back.
"that was different, i was not with him then and i wanted to spike him. now i only want to be with him and will only give to him. i can also report you do with underage if u report him" said a defiant julie
"ha ha ha ha ... go report lah ... i am a boy the law protect me more than a grown man like him. he will sure to go to jail. the most i go to a home. see who suffer more" said ah siong with a cunning smile now
julie was worried but she is determined not to be violated by ah siong and protect herself "go ahead then, i dare u. now get lost"
ah siong was shocked that his threat wasn't working "like it or not i m doing u today" with that he grab julie's waist and pull her to him. julie fought back hard scratching him in the process. ah siong pushed her to the floor and gave her afew slaps on the face. "fucking do it or i will hurt u more" he then continue to touch her body grabing her hands to prevent her from fighting back. he pin her down further while tearing her clothes apart. juile was just wearing a big long night shirt with no bra. seeing her breast being exposed ah siong animal instinct kicks in and when to suck on them. to his horror, julie knee him on his bro and ran away to her room trying to close it. ah siong was in time to push the door wide before she have a chance to close. ah siong then push her to her bed.
he the grab her by the hair and starts to pull down her panty. she was facing away from him. ah siong remove his pants quicking and enter her from behind. by now julie have no more strength to fight back and weep while sh siong ram away. when ah siong about to come he pull out his bro, turn julie to face him and unload into her face.
"tell uncle i did this to u bitch. he spit on her. i think u will find i am much better than the old man".he let himself out not exactly feeling any better. he knew uncle will come to him later.
Julie was crying but she came out to make sure that ah siong have left. she had never been so insulted before but somehow inside her she felt a little excited with the entire process. she was ashamed ... she end up sitting in the sofa and cry.
*** well folks ... that is how julie was raped by ah siong and the violent was what that result in her ending up with ah siong while uncle was in prison ****
end of bonus (previously cut) scene
16-12-2005, 04:47 PM
anymore bonus scene???
like kimlian and julie fighting for ah siong??
16-12-2005, 05:06 PM
Yoz hi Ric... A nice one..
It the best i ever read ! I think your story also teach us something nvr Fuck a underage..
will look forward to your works again !
20-12-2005, 02:47 PM
*** well folks ... that is how julie was raped by ah siong and the violent was what that result in her ending up with ah siong while uncle was in prison ****
end of bonus (previously cut) scene
... is there a sequel cuming after that...
Cheers to you bro Ricardo...
Before any awards, I've long signed up for the "Ricardo's Fan Club" :p
Ricardo, your family name is Nabokov?
21-12-2005, 09:40 AM
... is there a sequel cuming after that...
Cheers to you bro Ricardo...
Before any awards, I've long signed up for the "Ricardo's Fan Club" :p
bro faint, u very sharp eye leh. there is this intention but not any sooner as i am now reading the KPMG reports on NKF and that fucker durai.
21-12-2005, 09:41 AM
Ricardo, your family name is Nabokov?
nope. Ricardo is not even my name. eh who is Nabokov?
27-12-2005, 11:14 AM
i dun usually ask for points but seeing that i m now at 99points can any kind bro make it 3 digit for me? those who have up me b4 will know i return your kindness. cheers
27-12-2005, 02:19 PM
thanks bro Sha_Gua75 granting my wish and all bro that have up me.
I promise that when i am free next week will follow up with hidden story of uncle, ah siong and the SYTs
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