View Full Version : North China

29-08-2014, 11:44 PM
I have returned from a good visit to my regular stomping grounds, (there from 14 August until 27 August), and all is well. I don't post any "real" details as why "f" up a good thing. No doubt that the yanda may spread to the northern areas in China someday, but I for one, am not going to help the LE target anything. Paranoid? Yes!!!

All KTV, (my preference), are operating normally with girls brought into the rooms for your picking. As a note, the girls are separated for you so you know ahead of time who is available for Sit/ST/LT up front, no guesswork! Prices run from 2/6/8 to 4/8/12, I don't know of any higher. I went to four different KTV's on this trip. No problem taking girls back to your hotel, no room checks or other hassles.

I understand that the Bath Houses and Sauna's (not my thing), are operating with no problem with prices from 200 to 800 for FS. I am sure there is more to be had if a bit of exploring were done, but I am satisfied with the KTV's and the prices and girls there. A friend with me said he really couldn't find any girls to his liking after looking at up to 100 girls in multiple lineups. However, I will say that the girls he finally picked would never have been picked by me, you would have to have paid me to do them. Now this is good thing, as we will never have a conflict in choosing girls! Different tastes!

My general suggestion: Get out of "Dodge" and go North, West, East or wherever, just put some distance between you and the crackdown areas. Keep the information to yourself or give it to friends, don't post specifics, let interested parties PM you and give out the particulars if you feel the PM is legit. mrclen

30-08-2014, 01:34 AM
I understand the need to keep details sparse, but can you give us an idea of which cities at least you visited? "North China" is awfully big.

30-08-2014, 01:39 PM
I......... I don't post any "real" details as why "f" up a good thing. No doubt that the yanda may spread to the northern areas in China someday, but I for one, am not going to help the LE target anything. Paranoid? Yes!!!

I've for the longest time been meaning to comment on your reports; I hope you don't mind/take it in the same spirit of goodwill that I write this.

Whilst I personally do enjoy reading your reports and do know that what you write is factual and true, I'd think there are quite a few here - especially those not familiar with your paranoia - that will think you're just FOS.

On a practical level, your FR's gives the rest of us NO USABLE information with which we can utilize and becomes nothing more than a Penthouse forum type of masturbatory write-up.

I appreciate your concerns about revealing too much - but lets face it, if you an occasional visiting Laowai (reporting in English nonetheless!!) can have such knowledge, what are the chances that the real locals (especially the LE who are ALWAYS aware of all the nefarious going-ons happening on their beat) will not have such or even way more knowledge?

I'd suggest that your paranoid reporting on here - as well as on other boards - is of little or even no value to others and certainly does not add-on/enrich the body of knowledge that the rest of us add to in the spirit of caring by sharing.

I definitely do NOT even mean to or have the least bit of intention to dictate whatever it is that you or anybody else want to write coz truly all of us have the right to write whatever - but like I said, I've been meaning to for the longest time write this in order for you to re-consider the purpose - and results you intend to achieve - when writing up your reports.

Just a li'l heads up - no offense etc meant.


31-08-2014, 01:22 AM
No offense taken! Just my personal POV. And a question: How much do you think that all the various reports by bros with specifics, name, address, directions, services, prices, hours, etc, etc,: have contributed to the demise of CP and CA? You can't advertise if you don't expect anyone to read it.
Let's take and put a Las Vegas type sign on your favorite mongering area---"All mongers welcome, plenty of whores here, great prices and service!" How quickly do you think that the LE would "crackdown"?
And, I did have one bro from the forum join me for 4 days, and another was going to come but something came up and he couldn't make it. We communicated by email and PM's. We had a great time and i did invite you to join but you respectively declined.
So, that all said, I will do what I think is correct and post without specifics.

02-09-2014, 12:53 PM
No offense taken! Just my personal POV. And a question: How much do you think that all the various reports by bros with specifics, name, address, directions, services, prices, hours, etc, etc,: have contributed to the demise of CP and CA? You can't advertise if you don't expect anyone to read it.
LOL - IMHO you have a way over-inflated idea of how sites such as this influence matters. If you realize how many other similar way-bigger sites there really are - in Chinese and other languages - you'd understand.

Besides the local ones, there are Chinese language sites from Taiwan and Hong Kong - albeit in traditional Chinese, which nonetheless is still easier for the PRC LE to understand. Then there are the Japanese ones - which has tons of info especially for Dalian and other North China destinations. Heck, they've even got sites in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and even India!!

And if you - only an occasional visitor to China would know about action in a particular locale - what's the odds of the real local LE knowing about it too? And Full name, address FS has been posted about CP for at least a decade - plus that there are way more important factors at play that precipitated the crack down than just sites as this.

And as I wrote previously - what precisely is the use of your reports bereft of ANY usable info? You say you'll reply by PM? You sure that its not an LE that's PM'ing you? Most of us just enjoy reading reports without specifically wanting to use the info immediately/will just store it in our memory bank, but in the case of your reports, there ain't anything to store!

Anyway....like I said, I've been meaning to write this for the longest time, as your reports ... reports nothing!! LOL

But of course you and everybody else have the right to post whatever you want to post.


02-09-2014, 04:57 PM
I think the least you can disclose is the city or even town that you visited. :) Without mentioning that, there's really nothing to share isn't it?

02-09-2014, 11:46 PM
SEAJ: Your point is well taken and I appreciate you taking the time to reply. I will consider putting more information in my next report, assuming I decide to write another.

05-09-2014, 09:44 AM

Which part of north china you talking about man. I'm new to mongering in China so appreciate all the tips you are willing to share especially with the crackdown to the south. I'm going to Hangzhou next week alone so I'm a little apprehensive with exploring blindly. Thanks in advance.
