View Full Version : Unite to fight for our future. (Batam)

05-09-2014, 04:22 AM
i think we all must stand together and fight for our future.

Don,t pay any booking girls above 600000 rupiah from any joints. Maximum is 600K rupiahs whether she is syt or not.

Many years ago. When you go into any joint, surely got many syt. And the price is 40 over sgd only. Now when you go to 5 joints, i can say also got chances that you don,t like to book them at all.

Why? Because now mostly cannot make it. So few pretty one and they dare to ask for 800k - 1 million and above for their gals. They take us as what? Carrot or ah gong? I think they take us as both mention. Carrot and ah gong. Why? Because when they up the prices, we also LAN LAN and pay for the prices.

We must control the price, Not the OKT control the price. Or else , next time the minimum price they adjust to minimum 1 million, what can we do ?

Unite is power. Fight for our future. Everyone when go into the joint, when the OKT say the price for the gals is above 600K. We just say we will come later and walk out. If everyday also like this, the OKT will LAN LAN and reduce the price to 600K eventually. Try to unite and do this for a weeks and we can see some result.

Why must we let the OKT play us? We unite and see who play who?

05-09-2014, 10:41 AM
If you are able to control your pole down under, you could probably control almost anything. ;)


05-09-2014, 10:50 AM
don't know what u trying to pull here...u think all the chiongster in btm from sbf?...600k...u wish..

also duno why u create new thread when there is already one btm thread ard for ages always in 1st page.

recently many new created user creating new btm thread, duno isit clones from one guy....

05-09-2014, 12:31 PM
If you are able to control your pole down under, you could probably control almost anything. ;)


agree wif you...
tats why when me go MPs/FLs...
always prepared to walk out w/o the additional services...
once they knoe you can control actions...
prices oso can be controlled...

05-09-2014, 12:35 PM
HelloWah why not you stand outside the ferry counters at Harbourfront and state your protest to those going to Batam

That case you have more people to hear you out

05-09-2014, 02:35 PM
[QUOTE=Makashi;11737538]don't know what u trying to pull here...u think all the chiongster in btm from sbf?...600k...u wish..

Lol, i know not all chiongster from sbf but i think more than 50% is from sbf.

My motive is to see whether the chinese phrases (团结就是力量) unity is strength is really so powerful or not. I think is yes. I think most chiongster will believe that unity is strength too.

As for regarding i open a new Batam thread. If you want to achieve something, i think you must not be lazy and just write on the old Batam thread. A new thread will be more noticeable.

Don,t think 600K is not possible. No try you don,t know.:)

05-09-2014, 02:39 PM
[QUOTE=devilchan78;11738027]HelloWah why not you stand outside the ferry counters at Harbourfront and state your protest to those going to Batam

Hehe , not a bad idea.

05-09-2014, 03:18 PM
Got to understand that many years ago the exchange rate is about 5500 or 6000K rupiah to 1 dollar. Nowdays gone to 9k plus.

That's one factor.

Cost of living been going up sky high everywhere. You see batam now days, things for makan is getting expensive as well. Not only property, and other cost.

Second factor.

Lastly, basic demand and supply. If the OKT and FL or massage ladies cannot get more for their services, or less customers they will adjust accordingly. So it is up to us to give and nego.

There is a Batam Thread already, I hope this helps.

05-09-2014, 06:41 PM
[QUOTE=newyorker88;11738920]Got to understand that many years ago the exchange rate is about 5500 or 6000K rupiah to 1 dollar. Nowdays gone to 9k plus.

Last time 5500 to 1 dollar. But booking only 250K. Is around 45 sgd only.

If booking now maximum 600K is around 64 sgd. Already up by 19 sgd or 42%.
This 42% is very high . But most girl now commands 800K- 1 million.

800K is equal to 85 sgd. Is almost nearly double the price we paid last time. You know massage joint they increase how much only? Last time 1 hour 50K now only around 70K . Handjob last time 100K have. Now 100k also have.

Food wise, everything is also quite cheap as before. Everything must increase because of the fluctuation . And the booking fees for 600K is ok. More than that, is not justified

Lastly why must we let OKT to adjust for us . We must make them to adjust accordingly to the justified rates. Not got more customer, price can anyhow up and no go down. When Rupiah become stronger one day, then you will know. Same as price for ferry ticket. Got up no down.

The most fed up thing is gals mostly not pretty. And want high price. If above average, pay a bit high cheongster also can close 1 eye.:)

05-09-2014, 09:52 PM
Care to share your Batam experience :confused:

However you can still get a RP600k cewe but be prepared for some oversized ones with lesser looks
which might provide you much better service than a SYT :)

Afterall its your dollar to splurge so do it anyway you seem fit. ;)

05-09-2014, 10:22 PM
Got to understand that many years ago the exchange rate is about 5500 or 6000K rupiah to 1 dollar. Nowdays gone to 9k plus.

That's one factor.

Cost of living been going up sky high everywhere. You see batam now days, things for makan is getting expensive as well. Not only property, and other cost.

Second factor.

Lastly, basic demand and supply. If the OKT and FL or massage ladies cannot get more for their services, or less customers they will adjust accordingly. So it is up to us to give and nego.

There is a Batam Thread already, I hope this helps.

Agree with u...

05-09-2014, 10:22 PM
Inflation pay a part too..

What I can said is. Time are different now..

05-09-2014, 11:10 PM
TS intention seems good for bros cheonging batam, but that is mission impossible, it will never happen.

max 600k booking, meaning the cewek will only get 210k for most joints, except goldbird the cewek will get 300k.
For a above average looking or syt cewek, doing a booking overnite earning 210k-300k, you think she will accept?

If all cewek rate at 600k, then those below average looking sure jialat liao, no hope of getting booked. :p

As for joint okt, per booking 600k, after cewek's share left 390k.
Most joint every booking will set aside 50k for joint daily expenses, eg, road side passby polisi, entertain area local ganster, sponsor food drink for local authority event.

Per booking left 390k-50k=340k.
This will need to cover monthly contribution to local various authority around 25juta and also monthly rental for the operation place, Staff, papis salary..ect..

So this 600k max booking fees, will never work :)
Both cewek and okt will never willing to do so.

Btw cewek booking rate also involve the amount the cewek owes the joint, if her loan is high, when starting, the rate will be high, in order to clear her loan faster, cover back the cost. eg. agent fee, transport fee, flight ticket ect..
Thats why some cewek which look average but high booking fees. They sure have higher loan to the joint.

btw there is a batam thread, so bros should just stick to that thread, since all info is inside that thread.

06-09-2014, 01:47 AM
Haha, thanks to all those for deducting my points. Still got 5 points more.
Quick come and deduct.:p:p:p

06-09-2014, 01:54 PM
Opening tis sort of thread is bound to get zapped :eek:

06-09-2014, 02:59 PM
Opening tis sort of thread is bound to get zapped :eek:
Yes - I see this happening time and again - but cannot really understand why.

I mean, TS's new thread is a campaign to espouse a cause I think he fervently believes in; so what is wrong with starting another thread to concentrate on this instead of "polluting" and cause the main thread to veer away from the great information flow that it now provides.

Anyway.... just wondering.


07-09-2014, 01:12 AM
I mean, TS's new thread is a campaign to espouse a cause I think he fervently believes in;

It's perfectly alright to voice out one's insights

Maybe it's best Ts states his case in your thread


07-09-2014, 04:53 PM
Appreciate TS's attempt to create greater awareness of the issue - all bros of course would like to get better value for our money.

Have come to appreciate however that the FL market is in its own way a quite efficient, transparent market. For example, if FLs can earn more in jkt than batam, over time quality and quantity will migrate to jkt. Bros who frequently go to jakarta would have noticed that the price of mongering there was also gone up significantly over say the last 4 years. Likewise, over the years Taipei has become more expensive while quality has dropped - as I was told by a friend, they make a better living overseas.

My two cents.

07-09-2014, 09:34 PM
Unfortunately, the system in batam, or sex industry as a matter of fact, it's such that, if you're gone, another John will just take your place. They will have no lack of new Johns.

08-09-2014, 01:52 AM
They will have no lack of new Johns.

How about roti John :p :D

08-09-2014, 11:22 AM
Unfortunately, the system in batam, or sex industry as a matter of fact, it's such that, if you're gone, another John will just take your place. They will have no lack of new Johns.

In total agreement.

Batam is one of the most expensive places in Indonesia, I referring to living standard. Prices of services is there, determined by many factors, with market prices and willingness to pay from brothers.

I have countlessly many times talked about negotiation with the WLs, or massage ladies for consent of sex. The OKT who give bad services will ultimately shut down, for example Massage 28( despite changing name from massage 82). The old time massage places who did their job well, maintain good services and teach their gals to provide good services did last, e.g New Berlian, Gold bird( Sedona), queens, Indah2, etc....

THey have been around since I set foot on this island.

Prices may have rised over the years, but you factor in the exchange rates and cost of living?

I been here for years and seen Teh O prices raised from 1 K rupiah to today of 4K. Nasi padang from a cheap 8K ( chicken leg, n rice n veg) to now days of 14 k per package. And many other things as well.

If booking of gals going from 300k to 600K over the years is too much for some people, I suggest you go else where where you think it is cheaper, maybe Malaysia or some kampong elsewhere you can find an established area, rather safe for cheonging area( not referring to STDs), and easy to access place.

In short, WL are humans who need to eat and earn as well. They give you fake love and entertain you, you pay the price you think you can afford. Those who think that batam is too expensive, is always free to go else where.

Those who feel offended, can zap me, but leave your nick. As for TS, I did not zap you. You are free to voice your thoughts, but many brothers don't agree with you. I for one been here for years, and I am just sharing my thoughts as well.

In the game of such entertainment, it is a willing and service industry and if you cant afford to play, don't come here. Batam in my opinion is one of the cheapest place for fun.

08-09-2014, 12:47 PM
In total agreement.

Batam is one of the most expensive places in Indonesia, I referring to living standard. Prices of services is there, determined by many factors, with market prices and willingness to pay from brothers.

I ……….. other things as well.
Yes – also in total agreement as this is just the way things are now in this world. Too bad…!

If booking of gals going from 300k to 600K over the years is too much for some people, I suggest you go else where ……. afford. Those who think that batam is too expensive, is always free to go else where. Yes this is of course also correct – but ….!!

But the problem here is that there are too many times just too many Big Swinging Dicks who spoils the market EVERYWHERE, not caring how their actions affect others. Or meek mongers who’d allow themselves to be bullied into over-paying – not understanding that in many mongering places, bargaining is part of the modus-operandi? Boards such as this have a role to play in informing others about what is reasonable pricing etc.

Yes, it’s their own money and they could and should be able to spend it any way they want to, but have they ever thought that when they over-pay, it just screws up the whole price-structure for others?

Also, I’ve been privy to discussions with various WG friends from many places and invariably, most WG’s just laugh at the stupidity of mongers who overpay; more sinister, some of them actually resent these guys who they have to “submit to” just because they want to have the money being thrown around. Too debasing/inhuman.

And on the other end of the spectrum are those zero (at home) to hero mongers/posters who are actually so proud of themselves as supposed “Cash Kings” that they’d boast ad-infinitum about how much money they blow just to get WG’s! Amazing!

Those who feel offended, can zap me, but leave your nick. As for TS, I did not zap you. You are free to voice your thoughts, but many brothers don't agree with you. I for one been here for years, and I am just sharing my thoughts as well...Which of course brings up another topic. Yes, of course OK to NOT agree with anything being posted… even OK to ZAP – but to do so anonymously? If you got another opinion and have even taken the trouble to even actually zap – why not do so openly and be ready to defend your POV?

Of course very much IMHO and just trying to contribute here.


08-09-2014, 01:41 PM
I been here for years and seen Teh O prices raised from 1 K rupiah to today of 4K. Nasi padang from a cheap 8K ( chicken leg, n rice n veg) to now days of 14 k per package. And many other things as well.

Interesting quote.

No offence bro,allow me to switch the angle of view regarding this thread's initial objective :

My new Thread Title :
Unite to fight for our future. (Batam-Teh O price)

Directly using TS first posting as a guideline :

My New Thread Content wil be as below :
i think we all must stand together and fight for our future.

Don,t pay for any Teh-O above 1k rupiah from Coffee shop. Maximum is 1k for a cup of Teh-O,whether the teh O is nice or not.

Many years ago. When you go into any coffee shop, surely got many nice Teh O. And the price is S$0.10 only. Now when you go to 5 coffee shop, i can say also got chances that you don,t like to drink it at all.

Why? Because now mostly cannot make it. So few good Teh O and they dare to ask for 4k - 10k and above for their Teh O. They take us as what? Carrot or ah gong? I think they take us as both mention. Carrot and ah gong. Why? Because when they up the prices, we also LAN LAN and pay for the prices.

We must control the price, Not the Coffee shop control the price. Or else , next time the minimum price they adjust to minimum 100k per cup, what can we do ?

Unite is power. Fight for our future. Everyone when go into the coffee shop, when the Coffee shop owners say the price for the Teh O is above 1k. We just say we will come later and walk out. If everyday also like this, the coffee shop owner will LAN LAN and reduce the price to 1k eventually. Try to unite and do this for a weeks and we can see some result.

Why must we let the Coffee shop owner play us? We unite and see who play who?

I think i can also start another new thread using the above format on the price of Nasi Padang,and another one on Taxi fare,and yet another perhaps on Batam Hotel Rooms too...before anyone start zapping me,do spare a thought about how this thread has first been formed...,it's objective and if there is a offering of a solution to the subject itself. If it is not wrong,then YOU will soon see threads of Batam's Nasi Padang pricing coming up as a new thread.

Boycott!! Boycott!! Just go Batam D.I.Y in the hotel room...don't eat,don't drink,cos they are all very over-priced compare to many years ago...is that what TS are looking for? Do spare a min to think....

my 2 cts...

08-09-2014, 04:34 PM
hellowah cannot afford dun play. stay at home and diy. you treat these women as what? they also need to eat.

08-09-2014, 05:50 PM
hellowah cannot afford dun play. stay at home and diy. you treat these women as what? they also need to eat.

Honest opinion,i believe TS is not talking about affordability here but more on trying to control the price of booking girls from joints. But he made a silliy mistake most inexperience forum members would do by starting a new thread without offering an alternative solution at a persistent issue he is trying to address. Boycotting is definitely not a solution as when one pays 40+ sing dollar for ferry to go Batam,book hotel cost another about 40 dollar,then end up having no girl for the stay due to rejecting any and all the 600 ribu+ girls. It don't make logic sense at all,hence he got zapped.

Member Kaboon's point of view is if anyone or everyone were to start this kind of thread which he/she has already set an example where too many of this kind of thread can lead to;this forum will be filled with threads that are non-informative and irrelevant,then the real Batam Cheongster will suffer in the long run. Let's just look a little further in this case.

If there is a Report Thread button in this forum,I would have urge a moderator (if there's one) to lock this thread,since everything has already went off the titled topic in the discussion.And the thread itself has appear to be more like an "extras" now which should not be here in the 1st place. Since this part of the forum is named as "International Field Report",but where are the Field Reports? Sorry,i don't see any and it doesn't look like there is going to be any in the future base on the thread title and the initial content of the 1st post.

Just my personal opinion as a new member.

08-09-2014, 06:04 PM
I think i can also start another new thread using the above format on the price of Nasi Padang,and another one on Taxi fare,and yet another perhaps on Batam Hotel Rooms too..

All the above thread you want to start on won,t happen because cheongster is not their only main income. No way we can control it.

But for OKT , cheongster is their main income.

Do you think before u write?:D:D:D

08-09-2014, 06:05 PM
hellowah cannot afford dun play. stay at home and diy. you treat these women as what? they also need to eat.

Haha, people say clever is enough. But don,t pretend to be too clever.:o:o:o

08-09-2014, 06:12 PM
If there is a Report Thread button in this forum,I would have urge a moderator (if there's one) to lock this thread,since everything has already went off the titled topic in the discussion.And the thread itself has appear to be more like an "extras" now which should not be here in the 1st place. Since this part of the forum is named as "International Field Report",but where are the Field Reports? Sorry,i don't see any and it doesn't look like there is going to be any in the future base on the thread title and the initial content of the 1st post.

Just my personal opinion as a new member.

sure mod is reading...in fact your moderated posts are released by mod too...:)

08-09-2014, 06:22 PM
[QUOTE=newyorker88;11753625]In total agreement.

Hi, very agreed with you on this point that Batam is one of the cheapest place for fun.

On the other hand, you say The OKT who give bad services will ultimately shut down,for example Massage 28( despite changing name from massage 82)
May i know why the shop ultimately shut down?

I think we all also know the reason. Because no cheongster go support them right? Miumiu6464 say they will have no lack of new Johns when we no more
support them. If that the case why still shut down?

The OKT is like a home seller. We are the buyer. We are not in the need to rush to buy. But the seller sure need to sell urgently.They want to earn money . So we can control the price.Not the OKT . No sex one day also won,t die. So we buyer had the ACE in our hand . Everyone go Batam and no sex.
See how long the OKT can tahan.

May i know why the sport massage gal no special also can survive? They earn so little only. Guy who do foot reflexology no special also can survive?
The main reason is because thing is actually not so expensive than we think.

Like i say before. If the gals is above average. Expensive a little most of us also can closed one eye. But how many of us actually sometime
book the girl just for the sake of booking even the price is high and girl not pretty. I think quite a lot. So many cmi girl in most joints nowadays.
But want to increase booking fees. How fast they increase their fees? Faster than a speeding bullet actually. Why last time cheap also can have so many syt. Now expensive seldom got syt. If have, we must pay high price.

Don,t let them take us as a Carrot and Hai Gong is my main reason to open this thread. Btw you say most bro don,t agreed with me. I doubt so. I saw my points got up and down . It proves that still got many agreed with me.

And thanks for not zapping me too.:):):)

08-09-2014, 09:02 PM

Please learn how to quote properly, then we talk about controlling prices.

Your reply got lost in the quote block..

09-09-2014, 04:05 PM
May i know why the sport massage gal no special also can survive? They earn so little only. Guy who do foot reflexology no special also can survive?
The main reason is because thing is actually not so expensive than we think.

Like i say before. If the gals is above average. Expensive a little most of us also can closed one eye. But how many of us actually sometime
book the girl just for the sake of booking even the price is high and girl not pretty. I think quite a lot. So many cmi girl in most joints nowadays.
But want to increase booking fees. How fast they increase their fees? Faster than a speeding bullet actually. Why last time cheap also can have so many syt. Now expensive seldom got syt. If have, we must pay high price.

And thanks for not zapping me too.)

Let me explain the rational for sports, massage 89, universal, etc.... their ability to survive.

These places often have tourist bus sending them to these places. the minimum time of massage is 1.5 hours. So the gals have a tidy sum( what they do outside, management don't care), the number of customers are huge as well.

As for OKT rising prices, that coincide with inflation, rental, etc....

SYT are usually new stock from Jakarta, or other places that is new to Batam, but does not mean they are good. In fact, from where they come from, they are consider old stock.

As said, it is a supply demand issue. If one does not like the gal, he can forgo it. There are many more fishtanks to choose from. If the cheongster is willing to fork out, and the gal give attitude or bad service, it will be known throughout sammyboy here fast, and when many complain, they get black listed.

There are more than this site where sex is being discussed. There are local versions in Indonesia as well. And word of such get spread about fast, even among locals.

Also brothers in this thread also mention about cost and how much OKT is raking in. Not easy business ok.

Basic golden rule is want to play, need to have some money to play, not complain the cost about cheonging. They name their price and if you can afford, go ahead. Service not good, don't come back. Too many bad service, they can close shop.

10-09-2014, 10:50 AM
Why not TS start his new joint and charge 600k per girl with proper attitude?

I am sure the first to join the queue to support TS business :p

10-09-2014, 11:18 AM
Why not TS start his new joint and charge 600k per girl with proper attitude?

I am sure the first to join the queue to support TS business :p

I will jump Q :D

23-08-2015, 10:05 PM
Fucking time pass so fast. Nearly 1 year already. Sad to learn that got so many fucker go massage and bargain the price down for special. Let the poor massage girl eat grass.

And some fucker say food is cheap in batam. Many fucker wlling to pay high price to okt but not willing to pay the massage girl a better price for special.

And where is the fucking oldman?

Re: Unite to fight for our future. (Batam) (OLDMANLIAO)
hellowah cannot afford dun play. stay at home and diy. you treat these women as what? they also need to eat.

Fucking oldman. Why don,t you say something? CCB , What the fuck are those fucking stingy doing? They treat those girl as what? Why you no sound to talk them? I think you are also a fucking style as them. That,s why you keep your mouth shut up with a dick.

Fuck you up now i feel so happy.:D:D:D

24-08-2015, 08:52 AM
Is this thread still relevant...:)

One year one post for TS to vent his profanities...:)

24-08-2015, 10:24 AM
Looking tru 3 pages,nothg constructive & most likely wn't be in future,my suggestion,lock it.

Or do we need a poll to decide if we shld have it locked or even removed?

Up to mod.

24-08-2015, 12:15 PM
delete this thread. MOD.

Really pointless to argue on.

People need to eat. Only fair they get what they bargain for in exchange for services.

24-08-2015, 01:26 PM
So cheap for massage price. Special still want bargain. If expensive then go PCC better. Save more rupiah. How much they earn from the massage session? You think they are paid in price term of sg? They are paid so less but they can survive because food is not so expensive in batam. If everything including food is really expensive in batam now, the massage price will sure increase by 1 fold. Now massage still cheap because now batam is still not so expensive.

Pay higher price for OKT . No balls to protest. OKT say how much, pay how much. One loser think he is winner. Think that by bargain he is in a win-win-win position for all. OKT--DRIVER-HIM. Only benefits more for him actually.

In actual fact is a lose-lose for those solo cheongster. OKT now know some smelly leg singkies will bargain. He counter attack bargain by adding the price by 200K rupiah for those chinese looking singkies. So when solo cheongster go in the actual price of 800K will turn to 1million rupiah. And let them win the bargain. If they shy to bargain, pays lagi more.Now you see who still can win? Solo cheongster? My foot ah. Pui pui pui:cool:

The winner is the king of bargainer. The person who reap in the most benefits is the king of bargainer. Why ? Because the OKT will let him win for his bargain. Give him some sweets. Because he can bring in customer for him. Is something like a PIMP. But as i say earlier on. The actual real winner in fact is the OKT. He just up the price by 200k and the loser think he is the winner.Very happy that he win the battle. And the papi say in his heart. Stupid singkies try to play with your father hahaha, :rolleyes:

For shy type cheongster . The price is more expensive now. Shy to bargain. Actually cannot blame the shy cheongster. In singapore you go find chicken mostly no bargain. Go banana leg. The wl say $30 You bargain $20? She say you go fuck spider.In malaysia mostly no bargain. In thailand mostly no bargain. In fact in most world mostly no bargain. Find chicken only the smelly leg and poor then will bargain. They think they are in the market buying vegetables.. No money go home PCC better. Save more rupiah.:D

I believe many agree with me in their hearts. But quite a few have taken the firendship poison. So will agree with him. I really feel sad that we sinkies now look so cheap. No standard at all. Because of the fucking bargain bargain. Now make us pay more.

Ps got a few say mami or papi won,t reduce the price.Why no reduce price? Because you are not the bargain king. Mami papi remember his look.

24-08-2015, 01:56 PM
TS also post in Batam Info thread...here also only ranting and repeating himself...:)

24-08-2015, 01:57 PM
batam is probably the cheapest place you can find to bonks already. but 70% and above sure are bad quality bonks..experience will get you there bro.

if cant afford really suggest u download jav and be done with it.

everything as of late just get worse.

geylang quality is getting down the drain while price stays at $150.

have to consider batam every year bare minimum wage keep rising which indirectly raises the price for every damn thing.

but rupiah is so weak lately. $1 almost 10k rupiah. best time to chiong bro.

my message is not very coherent but i hope u get it.

24-08-2015, 01:59 PM
I suggest you guys post in the main thread...:)


will be closing this thread...dun think I want merge the threads...:)

24-08-2015, 05:28 PM
Hi, hurricane88. You can close the thread, thanks. I post in the main thread already.