View Full Version : Deflowering my ZheJiang girlfriend

17-12-2005, 09:35 AM
Hi brothers & sisters...

its been a while.. and my ex-Jap gf kinda didn't fly back to town.. and thru some friends, I got to know this gal when she visited Singapore middle this year.. we kinda hanky panky but didn't really do it as she was a virgin :p

so on impulse I decided to go visit her when she asked if I wanna go... it wasn't planned but ended up deflowering her! its the 3rd time for me but the feeling is so much better since she is only 21 yrs old and has a B to C cup..

take a look at the samples.. if you guys/gals like it.. I will post more and more details of the deflowering session. your point support will be greatly appreciated too.

17-12-2005, 09:37 AM
by the way.. the last picture is the "first blood" drawn.. more were drawn during the 2nd & 3rd session I did with her.. it was erotic for sure, thinking of breaking her hymen.. and her bleeding...

she bled more than my other 2 gals... and was begging me to stop everytime I push into her... although can see she was enjoying it every time I pushed deeply into her... :p

18-12-2005, 08:17 AM
how come no brothers or sisters commented or support my thread?? :confused:

worst still.. someone deducted my points without saying why or leaving the name???

what became of this picture sharing forum that bro Samboy created? nowadays no support at all and so many views and get points deducted some more! :mad:

18-12-2005, 11:25 AM
I do not know why somebody deducted your points, that is not fair.

Your story actually is something, virgin fuck on pic is special. But the pics are not telling that much and maybe you have to add some more detailled story.

19-12-2005, 07:48 AM
I do not know why somebody deducted your points, that is not fair.

Your story actually is something, virgin fuck on pic is special. But the pics are not telling that much and maybe you have to add some more detailled story.

Thanks to bro Malefikus.. if u've given me points thank u, or else thanks to the bro that did... as he didn't sign off..

I'm not a good story teller, but can try to give as much details as I can...

Pic 1 & 2
taken after dinner/ b4 my session with her.. she's 21 yrs old, has a good figure and nice ass. her boobs are real and firm and is light pinkish/brownish and a nice suckable nipple

Pic 3 & 5
a shot of her virgin pussy... u can see that its still "sealed" up at the entrance and the color of her pussy is light. i have shots of it after one session that turned it into all red and swelled up.

Pic 4
her twin peaks... its really good in my palm and especially when I was cumming to hold on to them for grip while thrusting into her virgin pussy... also gave her a love bite each on her peaks

Pic 6
evidence of the first blood drawn.. she was trying hard to resist me but ended up pushing harder and broke her hymen before fully penetrating her pussy... she felt that it broke and asked me to check.. so i used the tissue to clean and start soaking up blood... it is alot as compared to my other 2 gfs..

This is a breakdown of the story.. of coz its easier if there are questions to prompt me on... Also point support from genuine brothers that appreciate the spirit of this forum, I sincerely appreciate that too...

Will post more if there are support, or else I shall stop here. It is the second time I got penalised for nothing... I seriously doubt the supportive seniors are around as much.

21-12-2005, 07:26 AM
This is so weird.. 50 over views per picture but no comments or support at all...


29-12-2005, 07:57 AM
Thank you for the brothers support and no thanks to that one person that deducted my points from another forum and didn't leave his/her name. :confused:

been busy with work, I have more to post... For info, she is not a working lady or someone i picked up from KTV or Bar.. she is a real chinese virgin whom I met thru some friends... as in "Liang Jia Fu Nu" type.. :P

I will return to post more soon.. pls continue your support for me.

Thank you

29-12-2005, 09:47 PM
Thanks for adding the details!

12-01-2006, 07:54 PM
Bro! Great pics!

So, any continuation to the story?
