View Full Version : TNP strikes again ~~!!! "Railway niteclub"
30-01-2006, 12:50 PM
i know theres another thread on this, but.... well... TNP strikes again after getting a source from an internet sex forum !~!!
30-01-2006, 12:52 PM
i know theres another thread on this, but.... well... TNP strikes again after getting a source from an internet sex forum !~!!
:confused: Seems they could get alot of headlines from here.
30-01-2006, 12:54 PM
:confused: Seems they could get alot of headlines from here.
yah all front page news !!!!
They are very lucky that they are not in HK, report until so shiok.
30-01-2006, 02:42 PM
Anyway, TNP do know this website lah....just that no point to report....if this web is gone, how to get gd resourceful you guys know who have the fastest and lastest news information, it always the SBF reporter have to use us to get more information. :D
30-01-2006, 03:46 PM
Seriously,I feel that they should report on something else.I like their features about people who are living in hardships or something like that.:)
Yeah, instead the New Paper should report on how our SG men are falling in Love with Prostitutes by taking references from the Geylang Tirak Threads.
I am sure I will buy a copy of The New Paper.:D
there are rumours all have to do is to make a thread then everybody starts to give information and at times PM the threadstarter. puzzle starts to fall in place, the story is out.....
30-01-2006, 03:54 PM
Yeah, instead the New Paper should report on how our SG men are falling in Love with Prostitutes by taking references from the Geylang Tirak Threads.
I am sure I will buy a copy of The New Paper.:D
There was a thread here on this railway niteclub meh? Drats! its inside the KTV section is it? Unlike the massage place whose girls wear uniform which i wasnt like keen on, i sure as hell would have been keen on this niteclub drats!!!!!! and more drats! :(
How about a new New Paper expose, "Man who patronise Geylangs even though they have wife / gf / fuck buddies". Kinda lame headline that. Oh! or maybe about the falling moralistic behaviour of Singapore man talking / writing about their sexploits in the past and present on other people's wife / ex GF's / having sex buddies while married to others and blah blah blah! SBF good place to goldmine when running out of story ideas, maybe Sam Leong can have new business model licensing story ideas to New Paper.
30-01-2006, 03:56 PM
Seriously,I feel that they should report on something else.I like their features about people who are living in hardships or something like that.:)
SEX sells doesn't it? I recalled when TNP first started over 10 years ago, it always published some raunchy news to attract readers.
30-01-2006, 04:04 PM
There was a thread here on this railway niteclub meh? Drats! its inside the KTV section is it? Unlike the massage place whose girls wear uniform which i wasnt like keen on, i sure as hell would have been keen on this niteclub drats!!!!!! and more drats! :(
How about a new New Paper expose, "Man who patronise Geylangs even though they have wife / gf / fuck buddies". Kinda lame headline that
I haven't read the New Paper but if they can quote REUTERS/AP and other agencies in some of their reports, why they don't dare to quote SAMMYBOY?
Because they scared if they do, WHY SHOULD PEOPLE PAY 70cents to read the NEWS when it is already OLD NEWS in Sammyboy. Here I can read for Free even
Because these reporters are pathetic. They got no ways to get their scoop so have to depend on free "informers" like this forum so as to get their news or else they get retrenched very soon.
The funny part is sometimes the kind of people they get to do their soccer analysis like Mr Tohari Paijan.
Before match say what will happen this and that, then when match ended, say this team should play this tactic that tactic and the player lousy this and that. If so good, he should be leading our Singapore Lions to WORLD CUP man. Make him the National Coach.:D
Crap tabloid.
They should name it THE NEW TABLOID and not THE NEW PAPER
30-01-2006, 04:08 PM
How about a new New Paper expose, "Man who patronise Geylangs even though they have wife / gf / fuck buddies". Kinda lame headline that. Oh! or maybe about the falling moralistic behaviour of Singapore man talking / writing about their sexploits in the past and present on other people's wife / ex GF's / having sex buddies while married to others and blah blah blah! SBF good place to goldmine when running out of story ideas, maybe Sam Leong can have new business model licensing story ideas to New Paper.
Perhaps partnership with MediaCock (sic) to provide more stories for the Get Real series hosted by Diana Ser.
30-01-2006, 04:15 PM
The funny part is sometimes the kind of people they get to do their soccer analysis like Mr Tohari Paijan.
Before match say what will happen this and that, then when match ended, say this team should play this tactic that tactic and the player lousy this and that. If so good, he should be leading our Singapore Lions to WORLD CUP man. Make him the National Coach.
Well said, say feeling with u. Anyway those joker are paid to TC. Hopefully he do surf SBF and read this post:D
30-01-2006, 04:16 PM
To those TNP reporters, if this continue, i fear there is a backleash from all of us. all our favourite joints u go report and bust. how u feel if we come break your ricebowl ???
"do things 50 50, dun too overboard" <- translate to chinese.
30-01-2006, 05:25 PM
Yeah, instead the New Paper should report on how our SG men are falling in Love with Prostitutes by taking references from the Geylang Tirak Threads.
I am sure I will buy a copy of The New Paper.:D
Mayb they will do it... juz cut n paste... like soccernet. :(
30-01-2006, 05:31 PM
Before the internet i usually read New Paper for the Delicious stuffs and Sports.
With the internet i have soccernet (NEw Paper wholesale cut and paste from them) and read The Sun and News of the World for the scandalous and delicious news.
30-01-2006, 05:41 PM
Well, maybe some brothers here who like to fantasizing can make up some stories, post it in SBF, and let the reporters go and look high and low...:p
I think I shall remain reading this forum from here on, and will only exchange 'lobang' with some of the brothers here whom I know they are trustworthy...
Reporters want information? Can! How much are they willing to pay?
Let's talk $$ first, with $$, we can have more joints to cheong. :D
Hup Seng
30-01-2006, 06:35 PM
My friend and i refer TNP as Kapo Paper.. I have stopped reading those kapo news from the Kapo reporters.. :D
30-01-2006, 10:02 PM
I am sure I will buy a copy of The New Paper
u sure 1 copy is enuff?:D
30-01-2006, 10:55 PM
tis TNP reporters have got no balls. onli know how to bully d helpless PRCs, d foreign FLs, d local chiongsters with their so called 'sensational articles'.
u thk IF there r tip-offs that certain prominent figures or TCS actors are reported in a TN joint/HC, tis reporters have d guts to go undercover, investigate n splash d articles on front page??? i doubt tis balless idiots will dare to. wait kana sued til their pants dropped!!!
i saw d headlines in TNP at d newstand but restrained myslf fr gettin a copy. I told myself I gotta continue boycotting tis crappy paper. i was once a loyal TNP supporter during my teens, which I will buy every single copy w/o fail everyday but not anymore. I hope bros here will do d same. cheers!!!
30-01-2006, 11:00 PM
which I will buy every single copy w/o fail everyday but not anymore. I hope bros here will do d same. cheers!!!
errrmmm TNP print millions and millions of papers a day, even if all of us boycott, is like ant's bite to them..... like dat only "pluck the leaf but the root still there". so must "pluck the root to cut the grass"
Best is burn the whole factory down !!!! Wahahahaha :D that will solve all problems
30-01-2006, 11:06 PM
errrmmm TNP print millions and millions of papers a day, even if all of us boycott, is like ant's bite to them..... like dat only "pluck the leaf but the root still there". so must "pluck the root to cut the grass"
Best is burn the whole factory down !!!! Wahahahaha :D that will solve all problems
cannot .tat is illegal.the solution is we start a sammyboy paper to beat them.sam can be the editor since his angmo so good.:D
30-01-2006, 11:09 PM
cannot .tat is illegal.the solution is we start a sammyboy paper to beat them.sam can be the editor since his angmo so good.:D
nbzzzzzzzzz.. I also thought of this...but got sammyboy times liao leh...:D
but then sammyboy paper will most probably be banned.
30-01-2006, 11:52 PM
It was never a habit of mine 2 read TNP, i considered it junk
only thing tat ever was slightly of interest was the soccer n some gossip
But hor.......wud it not b interesting 2 c the clone leaders start a pool of TNP reporters nick?
Haha......i believe it wud drive them nutz or at least give the anti-TNP some fun 4 a while:D
Vigin Lover
31-01-2006, 12:00 AM
It was never a habit of mine 2 read TNP, i considered it junk
only thing tat ever was slightly of interest was the soccer n some gossip
But hor.......wud it not b interesting 2 c the clone leaders start a pool of TNP reporters nick?
Haha......i believe it wud drive them nutz or at least give the anti-TNP some fun 4 a while:D
Those TNP reporters also sneak in Sammyboy and other sexual related forums to see see look look, download pics and videos to mastubate also ma...
Dun tell me those TNP reporters see pretty gals on porn sucking cock, they will not steam one meh? But hor, they act innocence...really pissed me off!!! :mad:
31-01-2006, 12:46 AM
I think TNP gives crap news... has stopped reading it for ages... no newsworthy story at all.... the TODAY is free and better anytime...:cool:
31-01-2006, 11:16 AM
TNP has no choice but to scout through this forum for fresh interesting news to keep up with the readership. Its a relatively known fact that SEX SELLS... And readers just love reading this kinda news...
Its like the recent articles that were published about the mistress thingy.. Same idea.... Its to increase readership and sales of the publication.
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