View Full Version : My Sexual Memoirs
06-01-2015, 10:34 PM
My pager went off, interrupting the restless nap I was having after dinner in that hot, stuffy bedroom of mine. I peered at the number with bleary eyes. It was the China FL I had paged an hour ago.
Hurriedly I got up and paged her back. She called me on a private number. That was how she kept her real number secret. She would only call you on a private line, and only after you've paged her.
The conversation takes place, of course, in mandarin.
ME: Hi, I've been waiting for your call.
SD: I was watching a movie. Sorry I took so long. Paged you back again first before calling you in case it is inconvenient for you to talk.
I was totally new to the FL scene at that time, and didn't suspect she could be lying about "watching a movie". Most likely, she had been making a movie.
ME: Oh, no worries. I was sleeping.
SD: So when you want to meet me?
ME: Errm ... how about tomorrow afternoon? Like 3pm?
SD: Ok, I'm free. Come to Balestier road and get a room at Hoover Hotel.
My mandarin was rather weak, and I couldn't understand the term "Ma Li Si Ta Lu" - Balestier Road. But she couldn't speak a word of English and was unable to translate for me. She also pronounced Hoover hotel as "Hao Hua Lu Dian". I had no idea what that hotel was.
In fact, up to that point in my life, I had never stepped into a budget hotel. I had no clue what was Hotel 81 or hoover hotel. This was brand new territory.
ME: Ok see you tomorrow 3pm. But I don't know where Hoover hotel is. Arrgg .... never mind I'll ask for directions tomorrow from someone else.
SD: Ok then, see you tomorrow.
ME: Okay!
SD: Good night!
ME: Good night!
Wow. I felt excited. This was my first foray into the world of freelancers. And this was the first time I was going to have sex with a China gal. Back in the year 2000, they were still a novelty in cheonging circles.
Now, China gals are a dime a dozen and they have displaced almost all the Malaysian Chinese babes in the legal GL brothels. Now, you could place a 21 year old gorgeous China babe in front of me and I won't even look at her.
But now is now, and then was then.
I lied back onto my bed and thought to myself ... ohhh myyyy I think I am going to enjoy this! Somehow, when you make up your mind that you're going to enjoy a sexual encounter, you almost always end up really enjoying it.
I couldn't wait for Saturday to come. I could almost smell her delicious fragrance in my bedroom. And those field reports written about her so far in the Old Delphi forum (back then, we were still at Delphi) were tantalizing.
Little did I know that that weekend with SD was going to a pivotal moment in my life.
But first, I needed to fuck her.
06-01-2015, 11:01 PM
Fortunately, the next day, I managed to get my colleague of mine to tell me what the hell was "ma li si ta lu". Fucking Balestier Road! How was I to know? Of course I didn't ask my colleague about "hao hua lu dian". That sounded sleazy.
And the fuck it was sleazy!
After a quick lunch after a half day of work, I took a taxi down and asked the taxi driver to direct me. Of course, before I got onto the cab, I made sure it was a chinese driver who knew what the fuck was "hao hua lu dian".
Turned out to be Hoover hotel, situated near Whampoa Drive. That god-forsaken shithole still exists today, fuck you very much.
As I stepped out of the cab, I could almost smell the sleaze and the grime oozing out of that place. But I was filled with an unholy lust that overcame all negative thoughts. I hurriedly paged her and she called me back almost instantly. I told her I had reached, and she said she would be done in 5 minutes.
When she arrived, I was very pleased. A fair-skinned lass in jeans. She had moderately long hair and a reasonably pretty face. At least, pretty by the standards of those times I guess. Now, she would at most command $80 in a legal GL brothel. Back then, she could ask for $150 and people willingly paid.
Back then, she was a dream fuck come true.
We got a room, exchanged the customary greetings, I paid the cash up front, and then we proceeded to strip and bathe. We did not bathe together. Come to think of it, I very seldom bathe with FLs. I know many clients would prefer that service.
Then it was action time. I sniffed her hair. She smelled really good. I don't know if it was the soap she used before she arrived or her perfume, but she really smelt quite pleasant. A clean, nice aroma.
The foreplay and the capped bj and the fj was passable. The whole thing was about the novelty of fucking a China babe for the first time. After the action was over, we chit-chatted for a while, and I felt pretty good about the whole experience. She was an easy-going lass, nice to talk to, no airs, doesn't watch the clock.
After the encounter she agreed to let me take her to a nearby mall for some food. She had not had lunch yet. As we went down to the mall, I was quite surprised she agreed to hold hands with me. That was again a novelty. I had never stepped outside of a brothel with a WL before, much less held their hand in public and brought them to tea. I felt really, really good about the experience. She was friendly, warm, and wasn't squirmish at all about being seen in public holding hands with a guy she only met just one hour before.
My story with SD began with our holding hands as we walked down Balestier Road.
06-01-2015, 11:28 PM
Bro, great sharing... People above mid thirties will appreciate what you wrote
07-01-2015, 04:53 AM
Bro, great sharing... People above mid thirties will appreciate what you wrote
Thanks bro. Appreciate that.
I know most people here prefer to read the really saucy sex action about fucking their co-workers, their SIL, their cousins, gfs, etc, and I'll be writing about those too.
Very often when I read those lurid, tantalizing descriptions about zao geng, bra accidentally fall off, etc, I get a raging hard on as well. Many thanks to our bros here who can write such fantastic sex stories.
07-01-2015, 05:18 AM
A bit of reminiscence about the good old days.
I came into the old delphi forum in 1999/2000 and was a lurker for the most part. That time, I was into GL $80-cat. Every month without fail, surely would find at least three or four to fuck.
As I read more of those FRs about the $150-cat, I decided to try some of them too. But initially I didn't really find any good $150-cat, and invariably I felt my pocket was burnt.
I was a very average income earner those days. A few hundred bucks spent on fucking per month meant quite a lot to me. But I was hooked on how easy it was to get sex anytime I wanted. Wasn't easy on the wallet but yet couldn't help my raging hormones.
Years before that, when I started cheonging in my NSF days, I could only afford Thai $40-cat or Petain. Twice a month at most.
Without Sammyboy FRs to guide me, it was pure hit-and-miss. Occasionally I would find a nice gem. Very often I was disappointed. I had some really, really bad fucks in the Thai and Petain scene. Girls who make bad throat sounds during fucking or really try their darnest to hurry you up. Girls who really give you a nasty attitude. I've experienced them all.
Sammyboy forum gave me the opportunity to meet up with a few groups of cheongsters. Each will have their own favourite hangouts. There was one very prominent group with Tommy 1612 as their base. By the way, Tommy 1612 is still in operation today and his China gals are quite good from what I heard.
Others groups were more spread out or more focussed on the KTV scene. After a while, though, cheonging together with buddies became stale.
Sex after all is a highly personal affair.
SBF also gave me the chance to foray into freelancers. I don't know about others here, but I felt it was such a novelty at that time. At that time, there were many independent gals operating on their own or together with a few good friends. Later, agents found their way into the trade, and soon, it evolved into the present day arrangement where agents dominate the industry.
One local FL gal asked me just a few weeks ago, "why are we called freelancers when we work for agents?" Well the answer is right there in the above paragraph. You chaps truly began as independent entrepreneurs. Only later agents came in and controlled the industry. There are still a few independents though. A quite check of the local FL folder and they can be easily found. Hmm .... Raspberrymuffin sounds fun and I'll probably try her someday. But I digress .......
I can say that over the years, SBF broadened my commercial sexual horizons infinitely. I was no longer confined to the legal GL scene. I ventured into FLs, health centres, the occasional KTV, and later when my earning power grew, into social escorts as well.
And when I started cheonging the escort scene, I was introduced to a brand new world, the real underbelly of Singapore which is not talked about openly. Private clientel with exclusive access to highly exclusive escorts, sugar daddies and sugar babes, gangbangs, private fuck networks, etc.
And the best part, that underbelly of Singapore is all here in SBF, if you read each folder carefully. All this won't see the printed pages of Straits Times or TNP. But it is all here, for those who seek such adventures.
07-01-2015, 05:28 AM
Really nice bro do continue
07-01-2015, 05:00 PM
Starting a campfire.
08-01-2015, 05:10 AM
Around that period when I started calling SD on a regular basis (and also taking her to Balestier mall for food and drinks regularly), I got to know a 50+ year old chap who had spent a couple of years in China trying to build his business.
His enterprise was co-owned by a lady who had provided the start-up capital and the necessary liaisons in China for him to begin operating.
However, this lady turned out to be a mega fraud and a trickster. This chap, who soon became a good buddy of mine, was an easy-going, trusting man - not good qualities to have when you're trying build a business from scratch in China. This lady co-owner had mislead him and forged certain documents. To cut the long story short, she screwed this buddy of mine financially, such that when he came to realize the truth, he was in financial ruins.
This blur-fuck buddy had worked for so many months in China even without drawing a cent of salary, and upon returning to Singapore, realized that control of the business had fallen into her hands through some clever shenanigans that she had devised. He was left with almost nothing.
Of course, this chap took the bitch to court. Unfortunately he engaged an equally fucked up lawyer who screwed up his case royally. Now the case was dragging on and on without any end in sight, he had racked up hefty legal fees, and his chance of redressing his plight was diminishing by the day. We spent many nights together talking about his legal problems.
It was during these evening dinners with him that I got know his significant other, who was a China gal. They were not married, but cohabiting. The first time I saw his partner, I was rather captivated by her. Till today I can still remember how she looked like. She had very fair skin and an awesome complexion. She was supposed to be 40+, but looked very well maintained and toned. Extremely milfylicious! There was this radiant look in her large, beautiful eyes. Her dresses and knee-length skirts seemed to bring out her delicious curves. She was easily a C-cupper. And whenever no one was noticing me, I would squint hard at her translucent blouse to catch that faint outline of her black bra.
This MILF was heaven. She was the reason why I later became so addicted to China babes. So many local gals above 40 degenerate very quickly in terms of looks. This China gal was so well maintained that she looked as sexy as a healthy, athletic, shapely 25 year old. She was the ultimate MILF fantasy.
This China gal was also the reason why I volunteered to help my friend set up his website. This friend of mine had no clue about the internet. I went to his house to teach him from scratch and also to help build his webpage. The chance to spend more time chatting with his gorgeous partner was payment enough for my services rendered.
But soon of course, my horny level rose through the roof and I started to fantasize about her.
There were many times when I was left alone in the house with her while he went to buy something from the supermarket, or go back to his office to get some documentation sorted out.
Of course during those times I took full opportunity to flirt with her. At the beginning I rationalized it as just harmless chit chat and didn't feel guilty about being so interested in her. But soon I pined for more than just chit chat. I felt like one bloody horny dude whenever I was alone with her.
08-01-2015, 05:46 AM
My this blur friend of mine (God bless his soul - he was a good man in almost every way) was very trusting in me and had no idea (or so I believed) that I was lusting after that milfy partner of his.
"What's wrong with my lust?" I told myself. After all she was not even his wife. No need to feel guilty at all!
A golden opportunity came when he had to travel to Malaysia to visit his relative. His partner didn't to go along as she needed to be in Singapore to tend to some matters. I asked my friend if I could continue going to his house over the weekend to help with his webpage. I told him that I can't do it anywhere else, it has to be at his home computer as "all the internet protocols are saved on his hard drive and it is very troublesome to transfer them to another workstation".
What a fucking liar I was.
My friend did not suspect I was pulling a damn fast one. He agreed to let me go over on Sat and Sun night, and even thanked me profusely for being such a great friend. I felt like an asshole.
Of course, I knew his partner would be at home. She is the type who does not socialize much and would definitely be at home especially at night on the weekends if my friend was out of the country. That was my golden chance to get close to her.
That Saturday evening after dinner, I went over to his place with some folders and 3.5" floppy disks, ready to work on his webpage, and of course, to flirt with his partner.
Fuck! When I pressed the doorbell, Mei (his partner) opened the door and greeted me brightly in a short-sleeved, skimpy T-shirt that was tucked out and a sports shorts that was so high cut it almost looked like it was just panties!!!
I drew in a sharp breath! Wa lao eh! First time I saw her silky smooth snow-white thighs! She had always gone out in skirts which covered her thighs. In that sporting attire, she looked bloody fucking sexy! Bloody KNNB sexy!! I just stood at the door, gaping at her beautiful snow-white gorgeous legs.
Soon, work was the last thing on my mind. I found myself throwing the floppy disks and the folders somewhere near the computer table and instead sitting on the couch with a soft drink, chatting with her about her day. I simply couldn't get my eyes off her legs. Fuck! I think she noticed my roving eyes but she let me have a really good look without attempting to hide anything, although she could have easily grabbed a big pillow nearby and put it over her legs.
I badly needed to fuck the living daylights out of her. I imagined slowing lolling my tongue over her smooth, silky legs and caressing them endlessly. The conversation was hardly sticking in my mind as all my brain blood was rushing to my 2IC.
Then I became curious. Why was she cohabiting with my friend? Have they considered marriage if they are together? That was when she became quite evasive and tried to deflect the topic. I could tell she was hiding something and not very comfortable revealing exactly how they met and how they got into this arrangement. She only told me that he met her at her workplace, which was a small retail shop. And then some excuses about being worried about her family objecting to her marriage.
I began to suspect something fishy, and it was not her vagina that was fishy. She wasn't telling me the whole story. I suspect she could have moonlighted as FL or KTV hostess and he met her in that setting. And now she was like his kept mistress.
At least, that was my suspicion.
On the other hand she is the type who carries herself very well and projects herself very confidently - my kind of gal. Doesn't seem to be the type who would sell her body for money. So for all I know she had really never done any commercial fucking before.
08-01-2015, 06:12 AM
Bro.. if I am in your shoe, I would have upped her too. esp since the friend is just an acquaintance. :P
08-01-2015, 04:26 PM
Waiting for next instalment.
08-01-2015, 08:57 PM
Camping for next update
09-01-2015, 06:45 AM
Teasing her was really fun.
ME: Hey, just now you went to exercise huh?
Mei: ai ya, mei you lah (No lah). I at home all day, so wear casual like this lor.
ME: Haha. I thought you went jogging downstairs just now. You look like you exercise very regularly --your body is so slim and shapely!
Mei: AI YA, you praise me huh?
ME: Haha, true what. Lots of ladies your age will envy your figure.
Mei laughs a rich, carefree laugh that gets my heart pumping.
ME: You alone over the weekend, any plans to go out?
Mei: Not really.
ME: Good. Tonight keep you company lah.
Again, Mei laughs that rich laugh. She didn't seem to mind where the conversation seemed to be heading.
Mei: I very seldom go out myself. Only with James (my buddy) then I go out shopping or eating. He likes to give me joyrides too around town. Especially holiday season.
ME: You like shopping?
Mei: Hmm ... not so much nowadays.
ME: Hey Mei, I see many girls like to wear this kind of shorts for jogging or exercise.
Mei: Oh really? I never notice.
ME: Some gals tell me this brand is very comfortable to wear? Can show me?
(Naughty, naughty!)
Mei: Of course!
Mei stands up and shows me the side of her high cut PE shorts that reveals the brand name. For the life of me I can't even remember it today because at that time all the blood was not in my brain anymore but down below.
ME: Oohhh .... good brand.
Mei: Ok lah, quite common.
ME: I go get another drink. You want some?
Mei: Hey I get for you lah!
ME: No lah. Paiseh. I get myself lah. You want a can too?
Mei: Okay.
I went to the fridge and got two cans and opened them both. Then a very naughty thought crossed my mind. As I was approaching Mei, I purposely spilled one can onto her lap.
ME: Oh. I'm so sorry. I am so clumsy!
Mei: Oh no no no, it's nothing. I get a cloth to wipe the seat.
ME: I'll get it!
I hurried off to the kitchen and got a dry cloth as well as some tissue paper. When I returned, I starting wiping the seat and then ....
ME: I have some tissue. Let me dab your hands dry.
I dab her hands with the tissue paper and Mei does not seem to mind. Then in a bold move, I started dabbing her legs too. Again she does not mind. HOR SEI LIAO!
Mei: Hey thanks, thanks. I do myself.
ME: NO WORRIES! (my voice a bit loud because damn excited!) My fault, I do the work!
For the third time Mei laughs that rich laugh! I think my cock instantly hardened!
Mei: Ok ok, trouble you enough. I go and change up.
I purposely follow Mei into her bedroom.
Mei was a bit surprised.
Mei: Err .. err .... never mind, I am ok. Just want to change up.
ME: No problem. Which shorts you want to change into, I get for you.
Mei: haha, no need lah.
ME: Eh, no problem lah. I get for you. Which one you want?
I reached for her drawer and pointed to a few possible things to change into.
Mei: errr .... errrr ... the black one.
Black is my favourite colour and I think she KNEW it!
ME: Okay.
I reached for that black sports shorts and handed it to her.
Mei: Hehehe (shyly).
A moment passes and she looks at me expectantly. I act blur.
Mei: errr ......
ME: Yes, Mei?
Mei: I am going to change my clothes!
I act blur again!
ME: Oh yes! Of course! HAHAH!
Then I left the room. That time, I was nursing a massive erection.
09-01-2015, 07:08 AM
That night alone with Mei (James was out of town in Malaysia) was enjoyable.
After Mei washed up a little and had a change of clothes, I persuaded her to let me teach her some computer skills so she can help James when I am not around.
So that night, instead of working on the webpage like I promised my good buddy, I was teaching his partner (or mistress, or whatever!) how to use MS Windows and MS Word.
Mei was a very slow learner, but that was to be expected as the software is all in English and she doesn't understand very much English.
But that didn't bother me as I was the most patient tutor on planet Earth that night. No matter how slow she was to pick up even the most basic skills, I would patiently guide her. Sometimes, I also cheekily guided her mouse movements by placing my hand over hers as she was using the mouse.
She didn't mind that.
All signs indicated that I was going to get lucky very soon.
As the "lesson" drew on, I got bolder and bolder. Soon, I was placing my hand permanently over hers on the mouse. It was damn fucking nice. Her hand was soft and smooth, 10 times better than SD's (the FL I was bonking regularly at that time). I also got to sit very close to her. Her fragrance was really tantalizing. She was using Chanel No 5 perfume and that was one of my all time favourites for girls.
I was in heaven. Mei seemed to be enjoying the lesson as much as I did. Soon my mind was drifting to the nearest 7-11 store as there was an item that store sold that i suspected I would be needing pretty soon.
The night was not getting young and after some time, Mei appeared a little tired. Her body language and other mannerisms told me that it was not yet time to push my luck so far. Then I suggested we resume this tomorrow on Sunday, and this time I will bring some VCDs to play on the portable CD player that my buddy had. Mei readily agreed!
09-01-2015, 08:39 PM
Pitching up tent.
09-01-2015, 08:53 PM
Wow, great write bro..:D
Pitching tent with wine..
10-01-2015, 01:59 AM
Sunday evening, I took Mei out to nearby steamboat restaurant for dinner first. She was dressed in a nice black dress. Wow, she really can remember my favourite colour for women's attire.
As we sat and chit-chatted over the food, somehow the conversation turned to out past relationships. She didn't mind at all talking about that, and even dropped a few hints about her previous sexual experiences! Steam liao lah, I was pretty sure that night I was going to get some action!
After dinner we went back to my buddy's house work on the webpage first and also teach her a bit more stuff on the computer. Then when I sensed the mood was right, I suggested that we watched those VCDs I brought. And she readily agreed. Heh heh this was going to be fun!
Mei had no idea what movies I had brought. Well I decided to treat her to some R rated Hong Kong stuff. She was quite surprised, maybe even taken aback by my selection, but I persuaded her to watch it, saying the storyline is very interesting.
So with the lights dimmed, I was sitting in front of the computer screen and she was sitting next to me on another chair, watching the movie together. There was a lot of comedy mixed up in the movie and it was pretty fun. Of course, the erotic parts were also quite tantalizing.
I noticed that she had slipped her hand round my chair. During one of the erotic scenes, I casually touched her hand. Damn, her fingers were smooth! We both kept silent. She didn't seem to react. Then emboldened, I said to her:
ME: Hey mei, let's get that long massage chair. We sit together lah.
Mei: huh!!? Together!?!
ME: Yah lah. You sit at the space here in front of me.
Mei hesitated.
ME: Can lah.
Mei: oh ok ok.
Wow! Instant hard on! I rolled the massage chair over and we sat down with Mei in front of me. I could see she was blushing furiously.
Mei folded her arms causally and continued watching the movie. I wasted no time. I got really close to her and hugged her hips with my legs. And as the erotic scenes rolled on, I started to gently caress her smooth snow-white arms and sniffed her hair.
No reaction. She probably didn't know how to respond.
10-01-2015, 02:12 AM
Then during one of more sexy scenes, I pressed my lips on her neck.
Mei spun around. "Hey, don't!"
ME: What's wrong Mei?
Mei: Don't do that lah!
ME: Nothing wrong lah. I was just carried away by the movie.
Mei: No lah.
ME: Okay okay, let's continue watching.
Mei turned around to resume watching the movie. I could see a lot of hesitation and holding back. She looked like she felt uncomfortable. But i felt i still had the upper hand.
I pressed my rock-solid hard on against her ass.
Mei drew in her breath sharply. But she did not react in any other way.
Then I slipped my hands around her waist.
Mei didn't turn around. She just said, "hey, you are a very daring person!"
ME: Why?
Mei: You know my relationship with James.
I didn't answer. My hands will still around her waist and she was not resisting, even though she still had that look of discomfort and hesitation.
Mei: You heard what i said?
Again I didn't answer. If Mei was not okay with what was going on she would have stood up and walked away by now.
Mei: I think i sit on another chair, okay?
I was not going to lose this chance. I grabbed Mei and planted a kiss on her cheeks.
10-01-2015, 02:32 AM
This time Mei pushed me away forcefully and said simply "no".
She got up and sat on the other chair. Now she looked rather unhappy.
ME: Hey you don't like it.
Mei replied in a soft and quiet voice: "You obviously know my relationship with James. What do you think?"
ME: Mei, I was just carried away.
Mei smiled weakly and continued watching the movie. I figured that if she really wanted this to stop, she would be shown me to the door by now.
So i placed my hand on her beautiful silky thigh and said, "James won't know".
Mei tried to push my hand away but I held on to her leg and reached forward to kiss her again.
This time, no resistance. She kept still and silent.
I continued my kisses and fondling those gorgeous, sexy legs of hers. She still didn't respond but kept very still and quiet.
We both were not paying any attention to the movie now.
Then Mei broke the silence: "We shouldn't be like this lah."
ME: Why not, Mei?
Mei: No we just shouldn't.
ME: I want you.
Mei: You're have to be kidding.
ME: No serious. I want you now.
Mei: Cannot lah.
Then I locked my lips onto hers. She held her lips shut.
ME: Just let go.
She tried to avert my gaze. Still kept her lips shut.
ME: Just let go. You trust me or not.
Then she finally broke. She loosened herself and we locked each into a deep french kiss. Our tongues twirled round each other and we exchanged saliva. I started to devour her. I was in pure heaven.
10-01-2015, 02:59 AM
Pitching up tent. can't wait for next update.
10-01-2015, 05:54 AM
Before she even realized what was happening, my shirt was off and I was kissing and frenching her like there was no tomorrow. I reached down and lifted up her sweat shirt to reveal a pink, lacy bra. Her C-cuppers were absolutely fabulous.
Then Mei said "no no no, i don't want anymore. please, you have to leave now".
ME: Hey, don't push me away.
I started to fondle her soft warm breasts.
Mei: Noooo..... we cannot.
ME: I want you.
Then I reached behind and tried to unhook her bra.
Mei: no no no ... no more.
She tore herself away from my grasp and headed to the door. She looked ready to break down in tears.
ME: Hey, Mei! Okay okay, let's cool it.
Mei: i cannot have this with you now, don't you understand?
ME: Okay, I got it. But would you PLEASE sit down?
Mei sat down on her chair, and there was a confused welter of emotions showing on her face. She said nothing.
ME: Hey Mei, look I'm sorry. I pushed you too hard into something you're not ready for.
Mei sat quietly and did not say anything.
It was now silent and awkward in the house. She was obviously upset and I felt like a jerk. But I genuinely thought she was ready to have sex.
Then to my surprise, Mei started talking. She started talking about her relationship with James, what they did together in their free time, how she came about to help him in work, how he's now taking care of her needs.
It was quite a surprise to see her opening up suddenly and deflecting the situation away from the physical intimacy that just happened. I was relieved she was still willing to talk and act normally again.
We spent the rest of the night chatting about her life. Maybe it was her way of defusing what was a very tense situation without hurting our friendship. I was glad. It could have been much worse.
We talked until the wee hours of the morning. I got to learn a great deal about her outlook to life, about her temperament, her habits. Even though the sex never happened, it was very refreshing to get to know all those private details about her.
I decided to cool things off with her for the time being but I knew I still had a chance to get into that hot pants of hers. She just needed time.
I guess all good things come to those who wait.
10-01-2015, 11:09 PM
After that Sunday evening, I decided to cool off on Mei for a while. James came back we resumed our work on his website. Mei still talked to me normally but was rather reserved when we were together now. I could tell she had a big bag of mixed feelings in her heart and didn't want me to get close. So I let her be. I didn't want to frighten her off permanently.
I knew that she had not rejected me totally and i still had a chance to get the dream fuck of my life. It would have to come later, though, at a time when she loosened up enough to let me in (pun fully intended).
Unsatisfied that I failed to get my hands on Mei, I continued to call SD on a regular basis. I had to get rid of all my pent-up horny feelings. I made it a point to let off my steam and fuck SD as hard as i could every time. Nothing could possibly make me more horny and sexually frustrated than having a gorgeous sexy MILF like Mei right in front of me but I couldn't lay my hands on her. The wait for Mei was intolerable and excruciating.
By now, SD and i were becoming more like friends rather than just client-FL. She also confided in me some aspects of her personal life. But like Mei, I could tell she was holding back a lot and had a lot of barriers erected (no pun intended). I could also sense she was hiding some dark secrets from me, but at that time, I had no idea what they were.
It was only much later that I found out the truth about her. But that's another story for another day.
In the meantime, the global economy including Singapore was facing a deep recession. Business everywhere was affected and every week I would hear of bankruptcies. Shops and malls grew emptier and the outlook was gloomy. Naturally, many FLs flooded the scene looking to earn a few desperate bucks to tide over the gloomy times. Cheongsters however became more reserved and tight-fisted. We too had been affected by the economic downturn.
Those who worked in the private sector or were self-employed/business owners 2001 to 2003 period will know what i am talking about. It was not uncommon to hear of friends and associates being laid off or having to borrow from loan sharks. A few of us lost heavily in the stock market. Some property agent and insurance agent friends of mine even turned to pimping. Later, I came to know that one gal in my circle had turned to escorting. I frequently wondered what it must have been like to try her!!!
When I was not busy fucking SD, I was in Geylang hanging around with a few fellow cheongsters. We moved amongst a couple of houses. We did not however call very often. It was not the time to go on a spending rampage. Sometimes, the OKTs got a little impatient with us. But we had already become friends with one another and they didn't really complain about us sitting around and not calling. After all, they couldn't afford to lose our friendship - not at a time like that, certainly.
Very often, a couple of us would plonk ourselves down on the couch at the brothel and sip tea until it was late enough to go home. We wondered when good times will roll around again.
The Geylang backlanes also started to heat up as more and more gals from China, Indonesia, Vietnam, etc, took to prostitution as a ticket out of the dire times. Sometimes a few buddies and I would spent a few hours in the evening roaming the backlanes.
"The zoo is open!" I would announce over the phone, to whoever wanted to join us that evening.
It was empty and meaningless, walking around to look at gals on display but hardly ever calling. But that was the only way we knew to pass our time. Then we would go for teh tarik, prawn mee soup, or chai tao kweh, or beef hor fun, or whatever tickled our taste buds. Then it was home to another lonely night in bed. Rinse and repeat.
Even in the backstreets of Geylang, there were sometimes happening stories of cheongsters falling in love with hookers and the dramatic turn of events that it took on their lives ...................
10-01-2015, 11:44 PM
Great write up bro..
11-01-2015, 01:17 AM
Great write up bro..
Thanks. I am aiming to be a writer one day, but more focussed on the romantic genre.
12-01-2015, 01:32 AM
Thank you for the sharing and reminiscing. It sure brings back a lot of old memories.
12-01-2015, 02:06 PM
I still remember to this day breaking up with my first girlfriend and being thrown into a state of frustration and depression.
The breakup was hard (hard as in difficult!), very emotional, very messy, lots of blame and accusations being thrown around, mentally exhausting, and also of course, sexually frustrating.
In a sense, the sexual frustration was not very unlike my frustration at failing to get my horny hands on Mei, but of course with my first gf, there were lots of raw, uncontrollable emotions involved too and it was painful, to say the least.
I had just finished A levels at that time, waiting to enlist in NS. The breakup couldn't possibly have come at a worse time because I had NS to deal with as well.
I didn't want to confide in my JC friends about what I was going through because of my pride. I didn't want to show them my emo side.
So instead I confided in my aunt.
She would give me long rides in her car and treat me to lunches and high teas as I told her my sob story. She was a fantastic aunt!
One day, my aunt was driving around Lavender area and she happened to drive past Petain Road.
I had no idea what was Petain, Desker, etc at that time. Out of the blue, she pointed to Petain Rd and told me that this was a red light district.
"Huh?" I exclaimed, confused. Here got red light district meh??
"yes", my aunt answered. She explained to me there were brothels inside and the men I saw walking up and down the alleyway were blokes trying to find a prostitute to have sex with.
"WHOA!" I said, thoroughly impressed by my aunt's knowledge of such matters!
Sensing my interest, my aunt said this was one of the cheaper brothel areas in Singapore, the other brothel areas being Geylang, Keong Saik, etc.
I wondered how my aunt knew about all these things!
At that time I was a bookworm and had no idea that actually such matters were well known.
Well, the conversation started to get my heart racing. Very soon, I found myself anxious to experience my first commercial fuck!
So one day, without my aunt's or anyone's knowledge, I went down myself to Petain Rd to have my first commercial screw.
12-01-2015, 03:14 PM
At Petain Rd, i was bewildered by the array of houses there. I could see the rooms with the gals inside but didn't really know to proceed.
The whole place was sleazy. A couple of houses were cleaner and looked brighter but the rest were soggy, dingy, and somewhat dirty.
At the end of the alley, I saw a couple of men peeing into the drain in the open. That area reeked of urine.
It was not a very uplifting place, to say the least. The whole environment was unhygienic, poorly maintained, and punctuated with the smell of either burning incense, or the smell of cooked food, or that of rainwater, or urine. A couple of gals wore heavy, pungent perfumes. Some of the houses smelt of talcum powder and awkward cologne smells. No pleasant smells there at all.
And no pleasant memories either.
But i was horny and frustrated and needed to let off steam and at the tender age of 18 just before NS enlistment, Petain was the only red-light district I knew of.
I asked a shopkeeper stationed at the road entrance how to proceed. The 70+, 80+ yo grandma patiently explained to me in mandarin that the gals inside cost $20 or $30. I just find who I like and go into her room, simple as that.
I am very sure that grandma is no longer around today. God bless her good soul. She guided me in my first commercial fuck.
$20 or $30 was affordable to me at that time, but I certainly couldn't afford any more than that as I was still living off my parents' allowance, having just finished JC. Only when I started NS and drew my NS allowance did I move up the scale to Thai $40-cat. Then at least i could say it was MINDEF that sponsored my fucks.
I started looking around, and soon spotted a younger-looking girl who looked okay (compared to the others). At petain road, "younger looking" means "late 20s/early 30-ish". Definitely no SYTs there. At least, not during those times.
I went into the room, said "Hi", and closed the door behind me.
The gal and I spoke in mandarin.
SHE: Thirty dollars.
ME: Okay, okay.
I took $30 out of my wallet and handed it to her. My heart was now pumping hot blood. At that age, my horny level was at near its peak and even that average looking babe looked good and fuckable. I was now desperate to start humping her. When you are young, you get excited very easily and very quickly, especially when it comes to sex.
I had a full blown massive erection even before my clothes or her clothes were off. For a teenage guy, the anticipation of sex alone sends you ripping into an uncontrollable frenzy.
It was show-time.
She stripped completely and I stripped everything off leaving behind just my underwear.
She then started to wash herself in the sink. I found myself staring at her nude body as if that was the first time I had seen a naked woman. The last time I saw a nude female body was with my ex gf, and that was several months back.
At that age, you don't care whether the nude female body belongs to your 18 yo gf or a 28 yo or even 38 yo prostitute. Any nude female body is absolute heaven to you. Especially for a horny guy like myself.
The girl dried herself up and then she saw that I still had my underwear on. She giggled. She must have thought I was some virgin.
She pulled down my underwear and led me to the sink to wash me as well. Then after drying me, we lay down on the bed and she started to fondle my dick and my testicles.
ME: I'm not too sure what we should do now.
SHE: Don't worry, just relax.
Damn! I sounded like a real virgin! Bloody hell, I think she must have had a field day telling her colleagues how she bonked a virgin guy!
I started to fondle with her vagina. I gently stroked her womanhood and caressed her pubic hair.
It was really awkward, my first commercial fuck.
Then I decided to just act as if she was my gf, and proceeded to have the same kind of kissing and foreplay as I would on a real girlfriend.
But she did not allow me much foreplay and kissing. After just a few moments of foreplay, she capped me asked me to penetrate her.
She hadn't even bothered to give me a bj.
I penetrated her missionary and started to fuck her. She did not allow me to french her. i tried to kiss her neck but she fidgeted and didn't appear too comfortable with it.
After a few minutes, I came.
The whole encounter was quite a let down. The sex act had brought back memories of the time I spent with my ex, but it was so quick and hurried that i still had a lot of steam and horniness bottled up inside me.
It was not a satisfying experience at all. It felt so different from being with a gf. It was too rushed and perfunctory.
I wondered if all commercial fucks were like that. My first foray had not gone well and I wondered if I should continue with this.
Little did I know that despite my first commercial screw having been a disappointment, a few short years later, I would become a seasoned cheongster with a wide variety of tastes and fetishes.
13-01-2015, 08:25 PM
My first commercial fuck left a bad taste in my mouth (and it was not because I went down on her CCB). It was hurried, mechanical, devoid of any service. I couldn't help comparing that encounter what I had experienced with my ex several months ago. I felt short-circuited, like I had done something unnatural.
But I was still bloody fucking horny and frustrated. There were also a lot of raw, pent-up emotions still inside me as a result of the after-math of my recent breakup. I was literally boiling inside with a curious mixture of rage and depression.
Hardly the right psychological frame of mind with which to begin my 2.5 years of full time NS.
After I enlisted, to my surprise things became better. Coping with being tekkaned left right centre by my superiors and adjusting to military life took my mind off my troubles. I can't say the same for some of my buddies, but army life kept my sanity intact by forcing me to focus on the present.
After several weeks, the constant physical exertion and the environment we were in six days a week (Saturdays mostly spent doing extra duty, confinement, etc) made my buddies and I super horny. All those who went through NS will know.
Those who had gfs will find them during the weekends.
Those of us less fortunate will find others ways to let off steam. A few of us were into clubbing. Others, despite their physical exhaustion, went for some beach activities to chill and also to oogle at chio bus in bikins and skimpy beach wear.
For a teenage guy in the military, even a 40+ yo bu in sexy beachwear can also be considered a "chio bu" and bring on a raging hard-on and the need to masturbate.
Yet others like myself realized we had enough pocket allowance for Geylang.
I started off with the Thai $40 scene. The Thai scene is dominated by budget cheongsters such as Malaysian employment pass/work permit holders, a smattering of blue collar local workers, and of course, by NS boys on a meager allowance.
I found the service in the Thai scene a lot better than my unfortunate PT experience. At least they bathe you properly in a decent shower room and give you a proper service even though the duration was only 20-25 minutes. I experienced my first bj and my first proper cat bath in the Thai scene. At that time for an 18/19 yo chap, those experiences were heavenly. They did not compensate for the special kind of intimacy I could experience with my ex, but at least, they left me sexually satisfied.
I started wishing I could earn more money so I could cheong more. That literally became the dictum of my life until today. Earn more to cheong more.
Later on, some friends told me about a couple of good fucks they had at PT. I was skeptical. To me that place was (and still is) a shithole. But they persuaded me to try. I sampled their recommendations and found that they were indeed quite a lot better than the first PT fuck I had. But still on the whole, I would say the Thais have better service. And I really didn't like to have to wash myself in that tiny sink. It seems disgusting and unhygienic. You need a proper bath before and after the sexxion, not some perfunctory splashing of soap and water in a common basin that every tom dick and harry uses.
So I stuck to Geylang.
There were days I had incredibly bad fucks too, of course. Gals who hurry you and snap at you if you want to use the full 25 minutes. Gals who give attitude, don't allow you to kiss them on the face, don't allow to suck nipples, etc. Gals who have bad breath and foul smelling saliva.
After a while, I decided to minimize the chance of getting a bad screw by sticking to a few tried and tested regulars.
They can't possibly be around in geylang today. That was many, many, many years ago.
15-01-2015, 07:08 PM
like the way you write.. pensive prose with a dab of dark humour..
keep it up..
15-01-2015, 10:18 PM
like the way you write.. pensive prose with a dab of dark humour..
keep it up..
Thanks, sis! I have read your stories too and love them!
one hand popcorn one hand coke
17-01-2015, 01:13 PM
like the way you write.. pensive prose with a dab of dark humour..
keep it up..
Love your style of writing Sis, am a loyal reader of your thread
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