View Full Version : Need new Ideas, Fetish, Fantasies

24-01-2015, 01:56 PM
Hey guys and gals,

Its my first post here and the main purpose of this post is to get more ideas, fetishes and fantasies from you all to enhance my sex life with my FB.

Me and my FB have been having a rather active sex life but it was getting rather dull. So I was hoping that you guys would provide me with any new ideas, fetishes or fantasy. She is open to anything and I mean ANYTHING (well almost anything, only no anal). So feel free to go wild with your comments here, we are willing to give anything a shot (no pun intended).

Just a gist of what we have done so far in bed and our fantasies:
1) in bed with the trinity of positions, all her favourite (doggy, missionary and cowgirl)
2) toilet sex which is fking awesome
3) fked her with a ballgag in her mouth
4) Cum in her mouth
5) Cum on her face
6) She would wear a collar with a leash and I would fk her
7) Handjob in the cinema

Yea so basically thats what we have done so far and we are trying to explore into maybe public sex, going commando together in public or some other fetish like costumes etc.

So hit me up with your ideas, fetishes and fantasies and I will give you guys a detailed writeup on our sexventure!

Pictures will not be possible but im hoping that i can post some in the furure, I'm sorry guys but I will try to be as precise in my writing as possible. One more thing I would like to add is that the stories here are all factual and I can vouch for that.

Let the creative (and horny) juices flow people!

24-01-2015, 05:16 PM
An unusual idea http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=504644 I find on hook up profile.

Here are more ideas to rock your mind:

A) Animal Sex

Question you will ask before committing:
1) What are the animal usually people have sex with?
2) Does most couple have animal sex?
3) What stuff can a gentleman do or get during animal sex?
4) What stuff can a lady do or get during animal sex?
5) What are the points to take note during animal sex?

B) Genital Piercing

Question you will ask before committing:
1) What are the pros & cons on sex for gentlemen to have genital piercing?
2) What are the pros & cons on sex for lady to have genital piercing?
3) Who does genital piercing locally or elsewhere?

C) Dominatrix (Female) Sex on Sorority Sissy (Male on Estrogen)

Dominatrix (female) refer to a lady playing the dominate role. Sorority Sissy (male) refers to gentlemen cross-dressing playing the submissive role. ‘On Estrogen’ refers to the male taking female hormones for a much famine behaviour.

Question you will ask before committing:
1) Any couples here have tried such BDSM?
2) What sort of BDSM action a lady can try on man?
3) Is man willing to be a submissive partner?
4) Is man willing to be penetrated by a lady using a strap-on?
5) Is man willing to cross-dress indoor or outdoor?
6) Is man willing to wear a cock-cage for long-term? Key will be kept by his partner.
7) Is lady willing to wear chastity-belt for long-term? Key will be kept by his partner.
8) Is man willing to take estrogen? Where to buy?
9) What are the effects on eg. voice, body appearance & sex drive for a man on estrogen? Is the impact great? How long will estrogen come into effect?
10) When men stop taking estrogen, will/ how long he body is back to normal?
11) Will a lady’s sex drive increases after taking male hormones?

C) 1Male 2Female or More Female

Question you will ask before committing:
1) Do guys like when their wife or gf allow than to bring in another or more female partners during sex?
2) Usually will a guy or the lady initiate this request?
3) Is it the guy or the lady will find additional female partners for the sex session?
4) When is the right time to tell the additional female partners to have BDSM, cross-dress, anal etc. during the session?
5) What are the points to take note when choosing additional female partners for the act in order not to stain a couple’s marriage or relationship?
6) What location should such action take place?
7) How will guys feel if this action is opposite now? Meaning 2 or more male & 1 female whereby one of the male is the husband or bf or the female. Any couple has tried this (yet still maintain a healthy relationship)? Any lady did abortion from such relationship?
8) Have anyone get their family or relative into the above act?

(To continue)

24-01-2015, 05:17 PM
E) Auntie/ Mature Female Cousin/ Mother Sex with Kid Nephew/ Male Cousin/ Son

Question you will ask before committing:
1) Have any lady who are auntie, cousin or mother ever try sex or sexual act with their kid (below 12 years old) nephew, male cousin or son or just a kid from elsewhere? Perhaps neighbour’s son?
2) If it’s a kid from elsewhere; where to find the prey?
3) Have any guys ever experience this & what’s the feeling? Does male kid report this?
4) The kid or the mature lady makes the advancers first?
5) How the mature lady does feels during the act?
6) Has any lady brought their husband or bf to watch or even film it?
7) What if it’s opposite now? Uncle/ mature male cousin/ father doing it on kid nice/ female cousin or daughter.
8) How do mature guy feel during such act? How the kid female feel during the act? Any kid female tells this later?
9) What above forbidden/ taboo sex such as daughter-in-law with father-in-law or son-in-law with mother-in-law or grand-daughter with grand-father or grand-son with grand-mother? Done any abortion?

F) Intersex operation.

Intersex means a person born with dual sex. For female to intersex, a penis will be transplant & fitted on to the existing urine hole. The scrotum will be above the exiting vagina but below the new penis. For male to intersex, a vagina will be transplant & fitted below the existing penis & scrotum.

Question you will ask before committing:
Who will be willing? If like this, the husband can give birth already.

G) Urine Hole Intercourse

I read a post on urine hole intercourse: [http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=12445242&postcount=52]

H) Bareback Sex

Question you will ask before committing:
What will be the duration for a person to feel comfortable doing bareback (raw, no condom) sex with his/ her partner?

The above are for pleasure reading only. Please don’t try.

25-01-2015, 12:26 AM
thanks for the reply wow.

Looking forward for more ideas!

PS. im meeting my FB this coming week!