View Full Version : Hong Kong girl at therapeutic facility named wavelength 610 nanometers

27-02-2006, 02:40 PM
Was at Brix last weekend.

What Orchard Towers is to Thai girls, Brix is to PRC.

Had already hooked up a all-nighter ($300), but on the way out, saw a pretty, long-haired girl. Her friends said she works at a therapeutic facility at Craig Road. No way, I thought - wow, new stocks.

Just went there this lunch. Indeed, she was there.

Her name is Yo Yo. Apparently from Hong Kong. 24 years old , but looks a few years older.

Very skinny, full (enhanced?) soft breasts; trimmed pubes; black, tight pussy - Naive service - she is just a party girl trying to make some money, so shouldn't be here for long.

Passive and accommodating lover; bbbj, but no cim. Came on her body.

Out of over 3,000 whores tried, she rates in the top 300, just for innocent Hong Kong girl in Singapore for $100.

Worth a squirt!

27-02-2006, 03:19 PM
can make yourself clear

27-02-2006, 04:55 PM
can make yourself clear

Hong Kong ( P ) Pronunciation Key (hngkng, -kng, hôngkông, -kông)

An administrative region of southeast China on the coast southeast of Guangzhou, including Hong Kong Island and adjacent areas. Hong Kong Island was occupied by the British during the Opium War (1839-1842) and ceded to them by the Treaty of Nanking (1842). Other portions of the colony were acquired in 1860 and in 1898 by a 99-year lease. A free port and important center of international commerce and banking for most of the 20th century, Hong Kong reverted to Chinese sovereignty in 1997. Victoria is the capital. Population: 6,061,000.

girl ( P ) Pronunciation Key (gûrl)
A female child.
An immature or inexperienced woman, especially a young woman.
A daughter: our youngest girl.
Informal. A grown woman: a night out with the girls.
A female who comes from or belongs to a particular place: a city girl.
Offensive. A female servant, such as a maid.
A female sweetheart: cadets escorting their girls to the ball.

at ( P ) Pronunciation Key (t; t when unstressed)

In or near the area occupied by; in or near the location of: at the market; at our destination.
In or near the position of: always at my side; at the center of the page.
To or toward the direction or location of, especially for a specific purpose: Questions came at us from all sides.
Present during; attending: at the dance.
Within the interval or span of: at the dinner hour; at a glance.
In the state or condition of: at peace with one's conscience.
In the activity or field of: skilled at playing chess; good at math.
To or using the rate, extent, or amount of; to the point of: at 30 cents a pound; at high speed; at 20 paces; at 350°F.
On, near, or by the time or age of: at three o'clock; at 72 years of age.
On account of; because of: rejoice at a victory.
By way of; through: exited at the rear gate.
In accord with; following: at my request.
Dependent upon: at the mercy of the court.
Occupied with: at work.

ther·a·peu·tic ( P ) Pronunciation Key (thr-pytk) also ther·a·peu·ti·cal (-t-kl)
Having or exhibiting healing powers: a therapeutic agent; therapeutic exercises.
Of or relating to therapeutics.

fa·cil·i·ty ( P ) Pronunciation Key (f-sl-t)
n. pl. fa·cil·i·ties
Ease in moving, acting, or doing; aptitude: “an extreme facility in acquiring new dialects” (W.H. Hudson).
Readiness to be persuaded; pliability.
Something that facilitates an action or process. Often used in the plural. See Synonyms at amenity.
Something created to serve a particular function: hospitals and other health care facilities.
facilities Informal. A restroom.

tr.v. named, nam·ing, names
To give a name to: named the child after both grandparents.
To mention, specify, or cite by name: named the primary colors.
To call by an epithet: named them all cowards.
To nominate for or appoint to a duty, an office, or an honor. See Synonyms at appoint.
To specify or fix: We need to name the time for our meeting.

wave·length ( P ) Pronunciation Key (wvlngkth, -lngth, -lnth)
n. Abbr. WL
The distance between one peak or crest of a wave of light, heat, or other energy and the next corresponding peak or crest.

nan·o·me·ter ( P ) Pronunciation Key (nn-mtr)
n. Abbr. nm
One billionth (10-9) of a meter.

On further calculation, it could be 600 nanometers.

27-02-2006, 06:11 PM
On further calculation, it could be 600 nanometers.

Actually, I would put it more at 590 nm, but then again at less than 2% difference, it's good enough. Nice post btw. ;)

27-02-2006, 06:24 PM
......Out of over 3,000 whores tried, she rates in the top 300, just for innocent Hong Kong girl in Singapore for $100....

Assuming (i may be wrong here) that you patronise a Working Lady once a week .... it'll amount to 52 shags per year.

20 years would have amassed alightly over 1000 ... hence, if my maths is correct, ... you've been indulging for 60 years???? :eek: :eek:

Hmmm .... *ponders*

28-02-2006, 01:20 AM
nan·o·me·ter ( P ) Pronunciation Key (nn-mtr)
n. Abbr. nm
One billionth (10-9) of a meter.

On further calculation, it could be 600 nanometers.

Appreciate your clarification (sense of humor).. whether it is 597 or 610.. i think it is clear enough.. Thanks for info..

With regards to your 3000 bonks.. it must be quite costly and you would have spend enough for a 5room HDB... enjoy

28-02-2006, 09:14 AM
With regards to your 3000 bonks.. it must be quite costly and you would have spend enough for a 5room HDB... enjoy

Yeah ... but a lot of bro had paid for a 5room HDB and I think they are not sure whether the are even getting 12 bonks a year!:p

28-02-2006, 10:29 AM
Assuming (i may be wrong here) that you patronise a Working Lady once a week .... it'll amount to 52 shags per year.
20 years would have amassed alightly over 1000 ... hence, if my maths is correct, ... you've been indulging for 60 years????
Hmmm .... *ponders*

That's why myluckyguy (easily over 5,000), nik1971 (same) and I stop posting here.

3,000 over 20 years is nothing. We were screwing three a day regularly.

Even today, iceman will arrange sessions where you can screw 4 in an afternoon.

In the mid 90s, the girls at Lido were amazing - you had to go every night (even at $500). Yet again, the quality at Geylang (at that time $200) was extraordinary. Not to mention, the luxury brothels in houses in KL (behind Wisma Inai, for brothers in their 30s).